I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1803 Familiar routines

"Before coming, we divined the good and bad luck of this trip. There is no danger." The old woman said.

The woman also calmed down and continued: "Moreover, we are only astral projections, and the source of divine power in our bodies is very small. Even if we are caught by Witch Harley, we will not suffer much loss."

"You are one of the most powerful gods of destiny in the multiverse. With your control over your own destiny, as long as you don't deliberately collude with Witch Harley, it will be difficult for her to follow you quietly." The girl stared at Amra. said.

Amla said: "I'm not as confident as you. Anyone can suspect that I secretly colluded with Witch Harley, but I know very well that she has never seen me at all.

Even if she really wanted to see me, I would refuse to meet her.

Since I haven't even met her, and she deliberately released false news that I had done her a big favor, she must have something up her sleeve.

We all know what she wants.

It is entirely possible to scare the snake away from the grass, lure the snake out of its hole, follow the clues and catch them all in one go.

Even if I didn't feel the warning from fate, even if there was no sense of crisis in my spiritual sense, I would guess based on rational inference that she had followed me here and was staring at us greedily, her sharp white teeth dripping with desire. of saliva.”

She spoke so eloquently that the three goddesses of destiny felt tense again and quietly shot around with the corner of their eyes.

At the same time, the mind merges with the law of destiny, sinking into the river of destiny to spy on the disasters in the thread of one's own destiny. Apart from mental tension and suspicion, there is no real sense of crisis.

"You really haven't met Witch Harley?" The old woman stared at Amra and confirmed again.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Amra looked calm, neither angry nor showing any grievance.

"If you have never met Witch Harley, and if 'you did her a big favor' is a smoke bomb she deliberately released, then what is her intention?" the woman asked.

Amla thought about it seriously and asked: "If I see her, I will also be willing to do her a big favor. What do you think she would like me to do?"

"Ask about the members, location and plans of the 'Destiny Self-Defense Alliance'." the girl said immediately.

The woman frowned and said: "As long as the Witch Harley has some self-awareness, she should understand that the God of Destiny in the multiverse, everyone hates her.

With her character, she would definitely expect the enemy to be lenient and include all the gods of destiny in the alliance.

Even if she missed a few, it wouldn't matter to her plan.

Therefore, she does not need to be a member of the Alliance.

At present, our plan is relatively simple. We just use our own laws of destiny to assist Lord Destiny at critical moments. Witch Harley may be able to guess it.

As for the location”

She glanced at Amra, "Every god of destiny is unpredictable and has a strong sense of crisis.

Even if we three sisters have the laws of destiny that are close to the level of God Kings, we still need the help of the "Book of Destiny" to lock the position of each God of Destiny. "

Amra is stronger than the ordinary gods of destiny, but not as good as the three sisters.

Naturally, we don’t know the locations of other gods of destiny.

However, the three goddesses of destiny can find Big Brother Destiny to go through the back door and watch "The Book of Destiny" indirectly. Amra also has a profound background. Perhaps she can use the "Voice of Heaven" or even greater power?

The three goddesses of fate are a little uncertain.

"Angel Amra, what do you think the 'big favor' that Witch Harley refers to?" the old woman asked.

"What does she need most now? What is the biggest fatal point of the Destiny Self-Defense Alliance?" Amla shook her head, "The answer may be in the above two questions. Maybe she is just trying to scare the snake, making us suspicious of each other, fearful and uneasy.

I am willing to continue to abide by my oath and serve the Destiny Self-Defense Alliance.

I also understand your worries. If you doubt me, you can assign me a safe and harmless task - stay in Silver City and not come out until the matter is over.

In this way, you can rest assured that I have not broken my oath. "

"Based on these words, we completely believe you, Amra, just wait for our news." The old woman said.

After parting with Amra, the three goddesses of destiny immediately released their astral projection state, and a ray of consciousness floated back to their true form hiding in Olympus.

"Do you think Amra secretly met with Witch Harley?" the girl asked.

"Why do you need to ask us? We three sisters are fused by law and have one soul. Aren't our thoughts your thoughts?" the woman said.

The old woman was silent for a moment and said: "For the moment, I believe that Amra is still on our side.

No special assignments for her, no telling her of our real plans.

From today until the end of this incident, we will no longer contact her.

As for Witch Harley, we can’t figure out her thoughts for the time being. The best way to deal with it is to remain unchanged in response to changes and continue to keep an eye on her to see what she will do next. "

In the next few days, Harley seemed to do nothing. She conscientiously fulfilled her mission as the commander-in-chief of the United States, re-selected ministers, filled the missing positions in government departments, and restored society to normal.

On the contrary, the "Destiny Self-Defense Alliance" gradually became chaotic.

"I heard that Amra and Witch Harley are secretly colluding to catch us all?"

"Your Excellency the three goddesses, Amra betrayed us, we are finished!"

"What should I do now? Amra will definitely bring Witch Harley to block the door of my house. Where should I hide? Can you give me some advice? Or, let me stay with you?"

"Your Excellency Goddess, I admit that I am very nervous and worried, but I swear, there is indeed a strong crisis in my spiritual sense. Witch Harley must be targeting me! The sense of crisis is so strong, Amra must have betrayed me, Damn it!"

Ever since he joined the "Destiny Self-Defense Alliance" and decided to become the enemy of the witch Harley, the gods of destiny, like the three goddesses of destiny, have always been watching Harley's every move.

And Harley was searching for Amra in the Silver City with great fanfare and actively spreading rumors. The news must not be hidden.

The other Destinies soon learned that "Amra had done Witch Harley a big favor."

And the stories became more and more outrageous, and later evolved into "Amra is actually an undercover agent installed by Witch Harley in the 'Destiny Self-Defense Alliance'. She currently has detailed information about all the gods of destiny, and even has more than 100 gods of destiny." They jointly captured God and drained him of his divine power alive. His screams were even heard by the demons passing through heaven."

They immediately contacted the three goddesses of destiny with fear and trepidation, expressing their worries and strong sense of crisis.

At first, the three gods of destiny tried their best to comfort them, but as more and more gods of destiny declared in horror that they were being targeted by the witch Harley, the crisis became so intense that it was difficult to meditate normally, and the three sisters also began to Get nervous.

"Your Excellency, the three goddesses, we have been friends for tens of millions of years. When you invited me to join the alliance, I didn't hesitate at all.

Now that Witch Harley is targeting me, you can't let it go!

My request is not high either. Before this incident is over, allow me to hide with you in the Garden of Destiny.

I know that the Garden of Destiny is a sacred place where the Lord of Destiny lives. Even the God of Destiny is not qualified to approach it.

But isn't it because we risk our lives and become enemies of the Witch Harley to protect our destiny?

Just this once, just avoid this disaster.

When the incident was over, I immediately left Destiny Garden.

And while I am staying in the Garden of Destiny, I swear to absolutely obey your command. I will not do anything that is not allowed by the Lord of Destiny. I will go all out and be loyal to whatever the Lord of Destiny requires. "

When a friend with whom the friendship lasted for tens of millions of years proposed to enter the Garden of Destiny, the three goddesses of destiny subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Harley can run to Sandman Morpheus's palace every now and then, but it doesn't mean that Sandman's palace is easy to enter. In fact, many creatures in the Dream Kingdom have not seen Morpheus once for tens of thousands of years; the three goddesses of destiny almost put Big Brother Destiny's " Treating "Garden of Destiny" as her own back garden does not mean that other gods of destiny can also enter the Garden of Destiny. In fact, Harley pretended to be Madam Xanadu to perform divination for the public, and worked hard for several months, disturbing the river of destiny. The purpose of the turbulent waves is just to lock the location of the Garden of Destiny.

Only by finding a location can you force your way in. Even if you force your way in, you may not be successful.

Few people have seen people from the Endless Family, and even fewer people can enter their respective fields. Whether it is the Sandman's Palace, the Garden of Destiny, or other realms of the Endless Family, one can enter only with their own invitation or permission.

Without an invitation, members of the Destiny Family will also be turned away.

An ordinary God of Destiny can only vaguely sense the existence of the Garden of Destiny by relying on his own understanding of the Law of Destiny; a powerful God of Destiny may be able to find the location of the Garden of Destiny, but cannot touch it and cannot even break into it.

The three goddesses of destiny can enter and leave the Garden of Destiny at will, first of all because they are powerful enough.

The three sisters alone are the gods of destiny at the main god level. When the three sisters merge into one, the three main god-level laws of destiny are superimposed into one, which is equivalent to the god of destiny.

Secondly, they are recognized by Big Brother Destiny, and this recognition is only for them.

Even Harley hesitates when bringing others into the Sandman's palace.

If the matter was not important, she would not rashly take people to find Morpheus.

If the three goddesses of destiny take people into the Garden of Destiny at will and make Big Brother Destiny unhappy, it is very likely that they themselves will lose the qualification to enter the Garden of Destiny.

The three goddesses did not rudely reject the friend they had known for tens of millions of years.

Because what he said made sense: the reason why he joined the alliance was to protect his destiny.

The three sisters first comforted their friend, and then immediately entered the Garden of Destiny to find Big Brother Destiny.

The girl said: "In order to protect their destiny, they are willing to make enemies of the most terrifying witch in the multiverse, Harley. We have an obligation to provide them with an absolutely safe environment.

There is no safer place in the multiverse than the Garden of Destiny. "

On this point, the three sisters have a strong say.

When they first planned for Harley, they had been hiding in the Garden of Destiny. No matter how stormy the waves were outside, they were calm and absolutely safe here.

The woman said: "We only need a narrow place to house them. We are responsible for managing them and ensuring that they do not affect you."

The old woman pondered: "Currently we have thought of three strategies to deal with Witch Harley.

First and foremost, when Witch Harley snatches the "Book of Destiny", all gods of destiny offer their own destiny laws and destiny powers, and dedicate them to you without reservation, allowing you to enter the strongest destiny. Dominate' state.

There is no doubt that if they can enter the Garden of Destiny, enter your realm and be close to Destiny itself, the effect will be far better than if they are scattered across the multiverse.

The second tactic is the regular curse of doom.

All the gods of destiny joined forces to curse the witch Harley, causing her to fall into a period of bad luck, with misfortunes and minor disasters leading to major disasters.

At this point, we have been working together to curse the Witch Harley for several months, but nothing seems to be working.

But if the God of Destiny can enter the Garden of Destiny and stand near the "Book of Destiny", the effect will be increased a hundred times.

The third tactic is to jointly perform the Great Seal of Destiny.

If she really has a trump card and is lucky enough to defeat you, we can work together to seal her in the Garden of Destiny so that she can never return to the material universe.

Or when we return to the material universe, it will be billions of years later.

At that time, the sea turned into a mulberry field, and the people and things she was familiar with disappeared. She must have been miserable.

It is far better for many Gods of Destiny to 'paste seals' on the outside of the Garden of Destiny through the gaps between dimensions, than to gather together and set the seal of fate from within the garden. "

Big Brother Destiny was silent for a moment and asked: "Have you ever thought about it, Destiny Garden will be the main battlefield between me and Witch Harley. If you stay in Destiny Garden, you are likely to become her target."

The three goddesses of fate all laughed.

The girl smiled easily and said: "This is your domain. If you want to attack us, we must first defeat you and deprive you of your authority.

Otherwise, Witch Harley can't even see us, even if we are standing opposite her. "

The young woman said: "If the battle is very fierce, it is fate that any one of us will encounter disaster. There is no one to blame."

The old woman said: "Even if the Garden of Destiny becomes a battlefield, it is far safer than any other place."


Harley went to Silver City again, this time really to find Amra, the Angel of Destiny.

It’s not the same as last time. I just ask people when I see them on the street.

She came in quietly. Except for Zaulie, none of the angels in Silver City knew that the "God of War in Heaven" was coming.

And she also met the real Amra.

"Amra, where are you? I'm going to find you. Don't refuse. At this time, you also want to see me and talk to me, right? Haha, now that we are in Silver City, you will definitely not be afraid of being alone with me. Meet."

Archangels don't need to eat and rest, they don't have a fixed residence, and Harley doesn't know where to find Amra. She spent 500 Heavenly Merit Points and asked the Voice of Heaven to help send a message to Amra.

Well, it's so cheap. With just 500 Heaven Merit Points, Amra can avoid it.

Asking an angel to find out Amra's location is too clumsy and inefficient. It's really just for others to see.

After receiving Harley's "Voice of Heaven Message", Amra probably struggled for a while before arriving at the central tower of the Golden Hall half an hour later.

If she hadn't hesitated, she would have arrived at the date within seconds.

"That's right, I didn't embarrass the Archangel. The one who came here is the real body, not just a projection." Seeing the expressionless Angel of Destiny with cold eyes, Harley smiled meaningfully.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. I don't want to talk nonsense with you." Amla said coldly.

"There are a total of 396 gods of destiny in the entire multiverse. Except for you, the other gods of destiny were brought into the Garden of Destiny by the three sisters of destiny. Did you know?" Harley asked with a smile.

A look of surprise appeared on Amla's face, and she said calmly: "So what?"

Harley chuckled and said, "Aren't you curious how I got the news?"

If she didn't have any curiosity in her heart, Amra wouldn't come here.

But Amra didn’t want to be manipulated by Harley according to her words.

She remained expressionless and didn't say a word.

Harley glanced at her and said proudly: "I was the one who indirectly sent them to the Garden of Destiny. You can barely count as my helper."

Amla finally couldn't maintain the indifference on her face and asked in surprise: "You want them to go to the Garden of Destiny?"

Harley nodded slightly, "You and I belong to the same camp, the same company, and work under the same 'boss', so naturally we should be allies.

No matter how many small conflicts we had before, they were nothing in the face of the big picture.

You are too confused to see through this, but I understand, and so do the three sisters.

Therefore, I only need to provoke them a little, and they will no longer trust you, and other gods of destiny will be on guard against you. "

Amla wanted to yell loudly: You are confused! You shameless bastard, you robbed me of my origin, and how dare you call it a small conflict? !

But when he shouted like this, his voice was loud, but his momentum was weak.

When she was thinking over the words in her mind, how to speak righteously and powerfully, Harley spoke again.

"Muddying the water is just the beginning. When those gods of destiny received the news and began to worry that you would betray them, I deliberately put pressure on them and sent waves of intense crises to their spiritual senses.

Hey, what about the God of Destiny who understands the law of destiny? Still being toyed with and applauded by me.

They couldn't tell where the crisis came from, they just thought you really helped me a lot, leaked their location to me, and even took the initiative to take me around to look for them.

Under the threat of death, they were restless and could only seek help from the three sisters.

As we all know, the reason why the three goddesses of destiny can survive until now after offending me is because of the Garden of Destiny.

Naturally, they would ask to hide with the three goddesses of destiny and all enter the Garden of Destiny. "

Harley looked at Amra and smiled proudly, "Everything is as I planned. Except for you, all the gods of destiny have hidden in the Garden of Destiny.

No doubt, it is easy to determine this.

You can divine their fate and you can verify it yourself.

Before entering the Garden of Destiny, although the God of Destiny can protect his destiny from prying eyes, he can still disturb them to some extent.

Now you use the crystal ball to divine them. The crystal ball is empty, not even a trace can be seen, just like the three goddesses of fate.

This is a symbol of destiny being protected by the ‘destiny field’. I am very familiar with it, and you must be familiar with it too. "

"How do you put pressure on them and cause them to have one crisis after another? They are all gods of fate and are used to sensing crises from the river of fate. I don't believe you can control fate." Amra looked doubtful.

"I'm not controlling destiny, I am your destiny!" Harley's words seemed arrogant, but her tone was very calm, "My will can determine the destiny of most people.

I want a mortal to become the richest man in the galaxy, and I can do it with just a thought.

Whoever I want to become the overlord of the universe, I can kill a few gods and demons at will, extract their origins and godhead and give them to him, and he will immediately become the overlord of the universe.

I want a certain god-king to die, and he will really die.

Even if I do nothing, have no emotions, and simply stand behind a supreme being, He will be restless, stressed, full of thoughts, sweaty, and frightened.

When I stare at a certain God of Destiny, when I silently recite his true name, when I fantasize about catching him and draining him of his essence and feel satisfied and intoxicated, then the river of destiny is truly touched, and a strong crisis passes through destiny. The silk thread was transmitted to the God of Destiny, causing his liver and gallbladder to burst.

Because I have the power to ensure that most of my fantasies will become reality.

It may not be possible to find all the Destinies in a short period of time, but as long as I am determined to do whatever it takes, it is not difficult to find one or two of them.

Since my fantasy is equivalent to future reality, the content of my fantasy is certainly equivalent to the destiny revelation of my fantasy target. "

"You just thought about it in your mind, and the river of destiny surged into turbulent waves. Did the God of Destiny receive a true premonition of crisis from the river of destiny?"

What Harley said was reasonable, and Amra was somewhat convinced in her heart, but emotionally she still found it ridiculous, thinking that Harley was bragging.

"If you don't believe it, we can try it on the spot."

Harley looked calm and looked at Amra calmly.

"Ah~~~" The next moment, Amra's hair stood on end, she screamed uncontrollably, and flapped her wings vigorously, trying to get away from Harley and this high tower.

"Don't be afraid, we are just doing an experiment."

Harley waved her hand, and an invisible defensive stance enveloped Amra, gently pulling her back.

"You-" Amra stared at Harley, the fear on her face had not completely dissipated, and was once again filled with complex emotions.

Harley smiled and said: "Did you just see a crisis revelation in the river of destiny - I suddenly turned against you and came to you like a teleport. You wanted to move but couldn't. I pinched your neck. Why? It's useless to struggle, even if other archangels come to help, they still can't stop me from draining your essence. Have you changed from a plump and cool female angel to a skinny angel skeleton?"

Amla lowered her eyes and said in frustration: "Why is this happening? Why did fate send me such a warning picture?"

Harley said proudly: "Because not only can I fantasize, but I also have enough power to make the scenes in my mind become reality immediately.

As long as Brother God is not at home, even if the king is nearby and watching us, there will be no time to stop me from killing you standing in front of me.

When I have an idea in my mind, the river of destiny changes immediately; when I make up my mind, it means that a certain destiny has become a foregone conclusion.

I am above all living beings, and I am the destiny of all living beings. The so-called God of Destiny is just the biggest 'ant' among all living beings. "

"I have always known that you are very strong, but I never imagined that the gap between us and you is so big. No wonder you dare to break into the field of destiny and snatch the "Book of Destiny"." Amra's tone was full of bitterness and Lost.

She was not sure whether Harley could succeed, but at least from now on, she would no longer treat Harley as a daydreaming lunatic or fool like before.

"Amra, don't belittle yourself. I am very strong, but no one can be omnipotent except Brother God. I have strong defense and can break into the Garden of Destiny and compete with destiny, but you can to a great extent determine the final outcome.

As long as you are willing to help me, I can 100% create a miracle; if you refuse, there is a certain chance that I will fail. "Harry's eyes were very sincere and her tone was very gentle.

Amla quickly regained her composure, with a touch of sarcasm on her lips, and said, "What can I help you with? Become your magic battery and provide you with the source of the God of Destiny?

Haven't you already used a trick to trick all the gods of destiny into entering the Garden of Destiny?

When you force your way in, you can have a feast. You can't grab any amount of divine power, so why do you need this bit of my origin? "

Harry's eyes flashed slightly and he said with a smile: "You are just too conceited. You mean so much to me that it's hard to describe in words, because I'm not sure what I will encounter in the Garden of Destiny.

But I am sure that with the help of you, the fourth god of destiny in the multiverse, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we will eventually overcome them easily. "

Amra shook his head and said: "I swore not to betray the Destiny Self-Defense Alliance, let alone collude with you secretly."

"It is indeed a good virtue to abide by one's oath, but they have abandoned you. Except for you, the other gods of destiny have hid in the Garden of Destiny. Are you just a piece of dough, resigned to the situation, and can be rubbed by others without feeling any anger or shame?" Harley said.

"I wish you success and hope they suffer a big loss, but an oath is an oath. If they don't trust me, I can't break the oath." Amla said.

Harley glanced at Amra from the corner of her eye and whispered: "I have a way, you can still help me without breaking your oath."

Amla sneered: "You mean to take me away by force? You can try it."

"You are joking, we are all archangels in heaven, how can I force you?" Harley smiled brightly and sincerely, and said: "In this case, you can think about it seriously for a few days.

After I have arranged the affairs of the main universe, I will officially enter the Garden of Destiny, which will take about a week.

During this period, you can come to Earth to find me at any time. If you are willing to help me, I would be very grateful. If you refuse in person, I will respect your choice. "

After saying that, she nodded to Amra, turned and left the central tower, and then flew straight out of Silver City.

"Majesty, is that you?" When Halli was gone, Amra turned around and asked softly.

Michael's figure turned from virtual to real and appeared behind Amra.

"You know I'm on the edge?"

"I paid attention to Witch Harley's eyes. Although her expression did not change, she quietly looked behind me many times. She was definitely not looking at me. In the entire Silver City, you are probably the only one who deserves her to be so careful." Amra said.

Michael sighed: "Harley Quinn is very weird. The Golden Palace is obviously my domain, but she can easily discover my existence."

After a pause, he added: "She's right. If she wants to take action against you, I can't stop her."

"She can forcibly kill people in your domain, and you are stronger than Destiny. Does that mean she can also forcibly kill all the gods of destiny in Destiny Garden?" Amra asked.

Michael shook his head, "I don't know, just because she can kill you in my domain doesn't mean anything.

Just like she is immune to all attacks from heaven and hell, but not immune to all miraculous powers. "

Amla was silent.

Michael looked at her for a while and asked, "Do you understand what she meant by her last words?"

Amra nodded lightly, "She wanted to take me away by force. If this wasn't Silver City, she might have already done it.

She asked me to find her, just to change the place to start.

She didn't expect me to break my oath for her.

When I find the Earth in person and refuse her face to face, she will take me down on the spot and say something like, "Forcing you means you have not broken your oath."

From the beginning, all she wanted was the source of my destiny.

The origin of the God of Destiny was indeed very helpful to her.

It’s just not sure whether she needs our origin to open the door to the Garden of Destiny, or to use it to enhance her trump card against fate. "

"You see clearly, what are you going to do?" Michael asked.

"I will definitely not help those gods of destiny who have regarded me as their enemy, nor will I take the initiative to leak today's conversation with Witch Harley.

This is the Golden Palace. As long as I don’t tell you, fate won’t know.


Amra looked hesitant and looked at the king with questioning eyes, "If Witch Harley ends up trapped in the Garden of Destiny and is sealed for hundreds or tens of millions of years, will it affect your cooperation?"

The Maharaja said calmly: "If you think you are willing to compromise and do something for me, it would be the greatest humiliation to me."

"I see."

Harley was a little disappointed. She thought she could reach a tacit understanding with Michael: as long as he didn't show up, or pretended not to know that she was talking to Amra, Harley would open her mouth on the spot, saying that her heart was moved but she didn't care about her oath. Amra, who "arrogantly refused", swallowed it in one gulp and quickly escaped from heaven.

After leaving the Gate of Heaven, she will break into the Gate of Destiny immediately.

Amra is just a "Power of Destiny Battery" for the time being. If after entering the Gate of Destiny, Harley finds that the Level 5 Destiny Defense Specialty is enough, Amra will follow her on a day trip.

Once she completes her mission and returns to the multiverse, she can also claim that she was just joking with Amra.

Do not believe?

——Look, isn’t she intact?

If the level 5 expertise is not enough, Amra will "self-sacrifice" to help Harley. When Harley succeeds, she will be rewarded tenfold. Amra will not only be able to return to full strength, but will also receive huge benefits.

After completing the task and leaving the Garden of Destiny and returning to heaven, Harley can still claim that she and Amra are secretly cooperating partners.

Do not believe?

——Didn’t you hear the rumors some time ago? All the angels in Silver City know that Amra has done me a big favor, and you see how strong she is now, even stronger than before.

It's a pity that Harley had great ideas, but Michael refused to reach a tacit understanding with her.

Even though she said a lot to Amra, both the king and Amra understood that she was powerful, wise, and her conspiracy was successful, and she would definitely dominate her destiny. Amra didn't react, and Michael still stood by Amra. Mulla did not leave.

If Hari had taken action forcefully at that time, the Maharaja would have stopped her and punished her.

"Sam, I need to tell you something."

After returning to Earth, Harley called Sam Lane to the Oval Office.

"Just in time, I also have something to ask you. You tell me first."

General Lane came quickly and urgently. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, as if he had encountered something big.

"Your matter is urgent? Shouldn't the earth be peaceful, with rivers and seas clearing and oceans flowing lately?" Harley asked curiously.

Hearing Harley's initiative to ask, Ryan was not polite, "After the collective disappearance incident, the dark elite threatened Luther to close the mother boxes of all the new human protoss, turning them into scrap metal.

But recently we have received news that some of the mother boxes of the new human race of gods have restored communication functions and have also received invitation messages from Apokolips. "

"You mean, the Dark Elite has not given up yet and wants to seduce the new human gods of the material universe to fall to Apokolips?" Harley sighed and said: "Those new human gods who own the Mother Box have lost their 'Earth Registration'. To become a real alien, I, the commander-in-chief of the United States, care about the life and death of aliens?

Moreover, the Dark Elite only provides the opportunity to fall, and they can choose to refuse and continue to be human.

If they are willing to degenerate, no one else can help them even if they want to! "

General Lane said seriously: "If this were the case, I wouldn't come to you in such a hurry.

I went straight to Justice League.

In fact, as early as a week ago, the Justice League discovered that some of the new human race of gods had received temptations from Apokolips, and arranged for Mr. Miracle to go to Apokolips to investigate.

It was not the dark elite who sent the invitation message to the new human race of gods, but the new human dark god who chose to stay on Apokolips.

Many of them are friends and even relatives. "

"So?" Harley still didn't quite understand what was worthy of her attention.

General Lane said solemnly: "After many days of Mister Miracle's investigation, he determined that the 'Temptation of Apokolips' is a scam.

They seduce the new human gods of the material world to join Apokolips, not to increase the strength of Apokolips or to disgust the Justice League and us.

After they deceived them into Apokolips, they tortured them crazily, squeezing divinity from their pain and blood - torturing fellow earthlings, breaking the moral bottom line, and allowing mankind's new dark god to fall even more completely and realize divinity.

In addition to torturing them, the new dark gods of mankind also forced them to call their relatives and friends in the material world, and used seductive lies to trick more new human gods and even pure humans into going to Apokolips.

Deceiving relatives and friends to come to Apokolips is also an act of depravity that destroys humanity, and may also lead to the realization of dark divinity.

Some of the deceived people are recognized by Apokolips and become new perpetrators. This cycle is endless and dark! "

"Hey, wait a minute, this routine sounds familiar." Harley said in surprise.

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