I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1802 Destiny Self-Defenders Alliance

The people who quietly contacted the God of Destiny to form the "Destiny Self-Defense Alliance" were the three goddesses of destiny.

Even ordinary extraordinary people will react spiritually and feel restless before a crisis comes, or when they are secretly plotted by a powerful enemy.

Destiny is more sensitive to crises.

On the eve of Harley forcibly using a crystal ball to peer into the three goddesses of destiny and seizing part of their origins to activate the destiny defense expertise, the "strings of destiny" of the three sisters were lightly touched, sensing an inexplicable fear and crisis, and knowing the crisis The source is the witch Harley.

So the three of them went to God King Zeus and reported to Zeus the secret dealings between Hades and the witch Harley. In fact, without the three of them reporting it, Zeus already knew what the old brother and the witch Harley were secretly doing.

After all, in the era of the Martial God King, all the gods saw Hades being captured by the Martial God King.

The old gods who were captured together later regained their freedom and spread the news that Witch Harley was conducting experiments on prisoners of war such as Hades and Susanoo Mikoto.

However, Zeus didn't care about Hades' behavior before.

As long as there are enough benefits, or due to some life-threatening helplessness, he is also willing to cooperate with the Witch Harley.

It wasn't until the three goddesses of destiny told Zeus about his sense of crisis that Zeus realized the seriousness of the problem - he couldn't lose the three goddesses, just like Liu Bei couldn't lose Zhuge Liang.

When Hades returned from the Ocean of Entropy in early February, he was stopped halfway by his big brother Zeus.

It's a pity that Hades and Harley's cooperation has nothing to do with the three goddesses of destiny.

Hades also didn't know the core secrets of the three goddesses of destiny.

If he could really betray them, he would have done so as early as the time of King Martial God. If selling bullshit could save his life, he would have sold it long ago.

Dignity, loyalty, etc., have never been the most important thing to the God-King.

Hades was very smart and did not stay in Hades for long. He ran away as soon as he separated from Zeus. No one knows where he is until now.

Even if he knew that he might go to find Harley at the end or beginning of the month, who would dare to block the door of Witch Harley?

The plan to use Hades to find out why the witch Harley threatened the three sisters failed. Shortly after God King Zeus expressed his helplessness in their crisis, Harley forcibly divined the three of them and seduced part of their consciousness into the crystal ball.

When Harley used the snatched power of destiny to officially activate her destiny defense expertise, the three goddesses of destiny seemed to see the physical Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads.

The strong sense of crisis turned into a physical steel needle, piercing their eyebrows hard, making them tremble with fear and scream.

"Destiny, do you feel it? Witch Harley is becoming the enemy of fate!"

The three goddesses of destiny left Olympus and rushed into the "realm of destiny". The old woman shouted loudly to Big Brother Destiny who was walking in the garden of destiny.

The old face covered with chicken skin was very twisted, like dried loofah pulp rolled into a ball.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged woman also screamed in fear: "Destiny, what did Witch Harley do? Why did it become a taboo of fate?"

"Destiny, you are destiny itself, you should also feel threatened, right?" The girl's voice was high-pitched and somewhat broken.

Big Brother Destiny is a tall and thin middle-aged white man. He is wearing a gray and white linen robe. His head is covered with a thick and wide hood. His eyes are tied with a two-finger-wide cloth belt. He holds a refrigerator under his arm. A book as big as a door.

The scene in the "Destiny Realm" is very simple, a spacious garden and a gorgeous castle next to the garden.

Big Brother Destiny was walking slowly in the garden with his head lowered as usual.

His pace is very slow, like an old man taking a walk to eat after a meal.

But he is destiny itself, and his steps, no matter how ordinary, represent the destiny of the multiverse flowing forward.

If the God of Destiny keeps staring at him, every time he steps down, he can see countless images appearing and disappearing quickly like a mirage.

"Harley Quinn's target is me, not you." Big Brother Destiny said calmly.

"It's fate, Witch Harley actually wants to deal with you?" The worry and fear on the girl's face disappeared instantly.

If she hadn't still had a bit of talent, she would have laughed out loud and shouted "That's great" by the way.

"Witch Harley is so bold that she dares to have evil thoughts about her destiny. Doesn't she know that she is in her destiny?" The middle-aged woman also breathed a sigh of relief, but her face was more shocked.

"But we feel a real threat, and we are also in crisis." The old woman was the calmest and reminded loudly.

"Harley Quinn is not trying to kill me. Her real goal is the "Book of Destiny" in my hand. She wants to take away the "Book of Destiny", find Morpheus's destiny chapter, and then modify Morpheus's upcoming... The fate of the final chapter.”

At this time, Harley hadn't even started to "explode" the God of Destiny, nor had she told Xanadu, Xiao Zha and other friends about her plan, but Big Brother Destiny had already understood her thoughts.

When her idea was born, even if she didn't say anything, he knew it immediately.

"Witch Harley, you are so bold!" the girl laughed.

"Witch Harley deserves death!"

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth, as if the "Book of Destiny" targeted by Harry was her lifeblood.

The old woman began to give advice to Big Brother Destiny, "Your Excellency Destiny, you can't just sit back and wait for death. The three sisters of Destiny are willing to help.

We can create a bigger and more inescapable tragic fate for her, just like the last "Fifth World Reboot".

Last time, just the three of us sisters put Witch Harley and the earth in danger many times. In fact, if Magic Mary hadn't made a mistake and accidentally teleported to the shadow universe, the earth had been destroyed by the doomsday virus. Witch Harley was also in pain and had no chance to start the era of the God of War. , there is a high chance of burping directly. "

At this point, the regret on the old woman's face had already filled the folds as deep as ravines.

She even stamped her old foot "coquettishly".

"But this time, with you personally taking action and us assisting, there will be no more accidents. Witch Harley is dead." The old woman looked at Big Brother Destiny expectantly.

Destiny shook his head and said: "I will not interfere in the affairs of the multiverse. This is the rule of the Endless Family."

"Your brothers and sisters have broken the rules countless times, such as Morpheus the Sandman and Lady Death. They have a close relationship with the Witch Harley." The girl said excitedly.

"Although the Endless Family is the embodiment of the core rules of the multiverse, you have your own will and emotions. You can also resist the constraints of 'origin' to a certain extent and 'adjust' the rules a little." The woman also said.

"You are not interfering in the internal affairs of the multiverse, you are protecting destiny from Witch Harley!" The old woman said solemnly: "Just now, Witch Harley pretended to be a novice fortune teller and forcibly peeked at the fate of the three of us.

Her behavior immediately alarms and offends us.

We came to the divination site, intending to teach the 'novice fortune teller' a lesson, but she took away the source of the divine power of projection consciousness.

Witch Harley is greedy and vicious, and it is common for her to steal other people's origins, but after taking away our origins this time, she suddenly gained a mysterious power that is difficult to describe in words.

That kind of power seems to be specifically resisting fate, a forbidden power against fate. "

If Harley were at the scene, she would be greatly shocked when she heard these words, and her regard for the three goddesses would rise to a new level.

As soon as she activated the destiny defense expertise and passively resisted the "verbal curse" of the three goddesses of destiny, the three goddesses noticed the existence of the expertise and determined the characteristics of the expertise against fate.

"If you leave Witch Harley alone, your destiny will be distorted and destroyed by her. Isn't it your responsibility to protect the normal operation of destiny?" the old woman asked loudly.

Big Brother Destiny was silent for a long time, then suddenly sighed and said helplessly: "If she leaves the Garden of Destiny and enters the material universe, I am no match for her.

If we don't find her directly, but just adjust her destiny with her current strength, we will inevitably greatly distort our destiny. As a result, we not only fail to protect the normal flow of destiny, but also seriously damage it. "

Everyone's destiny is in the river of destiny, rolling forward along the river.

The fate of ordinary people is like a grain of dust. You can change the direction of the sand by blowing your breath.

Extraordinary people can already recognize the existence of destiny. Their different strengths may be a cart, a bicycle, a high-speed electric vehicle, or a car.

Forcibly changing the direction of a moving car is definitely more difficult than changing the direction of a bicycle.

Likewise, the movement and impact of changing the direction of a car is greater than that of a bicycle.

The bicycle fell to the ground, at most bringing down the people behind it.

A car traveling at high speed on the road suddenly changes direction, causing a series of car accidents, killing and injuring an unknown number of people.

Harley's destiny is to be a space aircraft carrier flying at faster than light speed. With this size and kinetic energy, if it makes a big turn on the "Fate Channel", even the "Destiny Channel" will be blown up!

"Moreover, modifying her destiny and making her destiny biased will take a long time. We don't have much time left, or in other words, Morpheus doesn't have much time left." Big Brother Destiny said again.

Pressing one hand on the front of a bicycle can stop it within a few seconds; if the same force is applied to a space aircraft carrier traveling at super-light speed, it will not slow down to a stop for tens of thousands of years.

Last time, the three goddesses of destiny began to plot against Harley very early, but it was not until the final crisis a few years later that the curse of doom began to take effect.

Morpheus couldn't wait a few years, so naturally Harley wouldn't wait until a few years before taking action.

"We can only deal with Witch Harley through the 'Curse of Doom'. Looking across the multiverse, no one can defeat her head-on, not even Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor.

We are only proficient in the way of destiny and do not know how to fight, let alone the enemy of the Witch Harley. "The old woman said seriously.

"Witch Harley takes the initiative to challenge fate, and even 'Origin' will stand against her. If we oppose her, we are acting on behalf of heaven.

With destiny on our side, we don’t have to worry about fate twisting too much or taking too long. "The woman said.

"Isn't Witch Harley trying to snatch the "Book of Destiny"? To snatch the "Book of Destiny", you can only enter the realm of destiny.

Haha, this reminds me of Belial, the King of Lies, who threatened Morpheus in the Dream Kingdom in his early years. "The girl chuckled.

"Witch Harley is not stupid. She was also present when Morpheus casually captured Belial. She still dared to break into the Garden of Destiny, so she must have enough confidence.

Her confidence may be related to the 'forbidden power' she just mastered. "Brother Destiny pondered.

"What kind of power is that? It doesn't seem to be any kind of magic, nor does it involve any energy. It's more like a special talent or position." The girl asked.

The woman also asked: "She awakened the 'forbidden power' after seizing the origin of our consciousness. Does it have anything to do with our divine power?"

"You are destiny. Everything and everyone in the multiverse is in the Book of Destiny. Can you open the Book of Destiny to find the secret of the 'forbidden power'?" the old woman said.

"Of course all the secrets of Witch Harley can be found in the Book of Destiny."

Big Brother Destiny is very confident in his "Book of Destiny" and his tone is very sure.

"But as you said before, the Endless Family is the incarnation of rules, but it has its own thoughts and will. Once it has thoughts and self, it is no longer a pure incarnation of rules.

The stronger the self-awareness, the heavier the selfishness, and the deeper the gap with the rules.

Sometimes what I see in the Book of Destiny is not as detailed as yours.

Now if I cooperate with you to deal with the Witch Harley, I will lose my selfless stance, and I will not be able to see through her fate.

Her target is me and the "Book of Destiny" in my hand. I can't see my own destiny, let alone the fate of the "Book of Destiny" in the "Book of Destiny". "

A few years ago, Big Brother Destiny was reminded by the Three Goddess that he saw Harley's possible misfortune in "The Book of Destiny".

Then the three goddesses of fate manipulate the laws of fate, and the bad luck changes from "possible" to "inevitable", thus completing the fatal curse on Harley.

During the whole process, Big Brother Destiny was watching the three of them show off their skills without any interference. It was considered dereliction of duty at best - he was supposed to protect the River of Destiny from being disturbed, but he provided convenience for the three goddesses to watch "The Book of Destiny" directly. ", saw them changing Harley's fate and didn't stop them.

"No matter what, we can't sit still and wait for death. Lend us the Book of Destiny. At least we can cast a curse of bad luck on her like last time." The girl said.

"If we cast a curse of bad luck on her, we will also suffer the backlash of fate." The middle-aged woman hesitated.

The old woman said disapprovingly: "Even if we do nothing from now on, will Witch Harley let us go?"

Big Brother Destiny waved his hand and said: "You go, I will not lend you the "Book of Destiny", nor will I cooperate with you directly.

Doing nothing now and not violating the rules of the Endless Family is the best and most effective way to deal with Harley Quinn.

As long as she wants to get the "Book of Destiny", she will definitely enter the Garden of Destiny.

In my domain, I can control everything. If I have selfish motives and conspires with you to distort the fate of Witch Harley, I will be counterattacked by the rules and lose control of the Garden of Destiny. "

The three goddesses of destiny looked at each other and silently left the Garden of Destiny.

The three of them entered and exited the Garden of Destiny as easily as eating and drinking, and Harley struggled to toy with the "Gate of Destiny" just to successfully enter the Garden of Destiny without getting lost halfway.

"Actually, Destiny's plan is also very good. Anyway, Witch Harley's main target is him, not us, so we don't have to be too proactive." After leaving Destiny Garden, the girl said.

The woman shook her head and said: "If we do nothing, what do you think fate has to win? If even he fails, Witch Harley will gain more momentum, and won't it be easier to deal with us?"

"Of course we can't just sit back and wait for death, but there is no need to disturb destiny." The old woman mused: "Witch Harley's goal is the "Book of Destiny", and she will definitely take the initiative to enter the Garden of Destiny.

Although all fools understand that if the Witch Harley dares to enter the Garden of Destiny, she must have a trump card, so it is best to attack her in advance.

But if you attack her before she enters the Garden of Destiny, there are only two ways. One is to fight her face to face in the material universe.

Even fate would be beaten to death by her.

The other is the curse of doom, but the words of fate make sense. The curse of doom will seriously distort fate and take too long.

Therefore, we can only wait for her to enter the realm of destiny and rely on the power of destiny to deal with her.

Only when destiny does not violate the rules can it fully exert its power. "

"Then what are we going to do?" Both the girl and the woman looked at the old woman.

"Wait and watch! Wait for Witch Harley's next plan, watch carefully, and find her trump card and the secret of the 'forbidden power against destiny'.

Only by knowing the enemy and ourselves can we win every battle. What we have to do is to understand her as much as possible and try our best to prevent her from improving her strength when we encounter the opportunity. It is best to prevent her from creating a killer weapon. "The old woman said.

"How do we know her? Divination? How can we dare to divine her." The girl said.

The woman also said: "We don't even dare to get close to her or peep at her directly."

The old woman said: "We don't need to divine her directly, we can peep into the situation of the people who are connected with her. For example, we learned part of the contents of the Sutra of Thought through Hades last time.

In addition, we don’t need to do it ourselves, we can arrange for others to observe her and peek at her.

There is no need to peek into her privacy, just know her general situation.

We have the Olympus pantheon at our back, and there are as many spies as we need.

In the end, fate simply refuses to lend us the Book of Destiny.

We can go to the Garden of Destiny at any time and read the "Book of Destiny" with our eyes from a few steps away.

Even if you don't touch the "Book of Destiny" and just watch it from a distance, you can still get a glimpse of the details related to Witch Harley. "

"That makes sense."

The three goddesses of destiny had a plan and planned to take action immediately.

But in the next few days, Harley continued to forcefully divine their fates.

Even if they were at a high level and could protect their destiny from being spied upon by a newbie like Harley, they still couldn't withstand the continuous malicious harassment.

After several days of tossing, they were all a bit mentally weak, so naturally they couldn't find out any secrets from Harry.

During this period, Harley had no secret activities.

When Harley got the "List of Destinies of the Multiverse" and began to "explode" the Destinies, the three goddesses of destiny soon discovered the clues and guessed her purpose.

"Witch Harley first pretends to be a rookie fortune teller to harass the God of Destiny. When the God of Destiny casts his angry projection, she immediately seizes their original divine power. She seems to be going to take action against all the Gods of Destiny."

The girl stared at the "Book of Destiny" in Big Brother Destiny's arms a few steps away, with a faint silver glow in her eyes.

The law of destiny is like the strings of a harp, gently plucked by her, and the echo of the strings contains the mystery of the river of destiny.

After discovering that Harley had taken action against many gods of destiny, the three goddesses of destiny returned to the Garden of Destiny again as planned.

"It's not just harassment, but also fraud. Even if her identity is exposed, Witch Harley will trick them into lowering the projection, and then brutally plunder them. It's so shameless, so cruel, and so arrogant!" The woman was also reading "The Book of Destiny".

"After plundering the origin of the God of Destiny, what benefits can she get? Should we stop her? We can immediately notify all the Gods of Destiny and ask them to be careful not to be fooled by the Witch Harley." The old woman frowned.

"The Book of Destiny" is the legendary "River of Destiny". The book contains the fate of all living creatures and all the secrets of the universe.

The God of Destiny approaches the "Book of Destiny" and looks at the "Book of Destiny" with his eyes. Not only is it better to observe the flow of destiny, but he will also not suffer any counterattack from the person being observed.

For example, at this time, through a layer of "Book of Destiny", Harley no longer has the discomfort of being peered into her destiny, nor can she stop the three goddesses of destiny from "watching" her secrets.

If the three goddesses of destiny dare to do this outside the Garden of Destiny, they will definitely have their heads blown off by her.

In theory, Big Brother Destiny is supposed to stop the Three Destinies from cheating.

But once a person has self-awareness and emotions, it is difficult to be absolutely selfless.

"After plundering the origin of the God of Destiny, can her special taboo power be improved?" The old woman looked at Destiny.

Destiny Big Brother asked: "What do you think?"

"I don't know." The old woman looked hesitant, "She robbed a lot of sources, but my sense of crisis did not increase.

The sense of crisis in my heart has not increased, which means that her plundering the origin of the God of Destiny has nothing to do with the power of taboo.

But Witch Harley is cunning and cunning, and never does anything in vain.”

Big Brother Destiny was silent for a while and said: "Witch Harley snatched the origin of the God of Destiny, seemingly in order to enter the Garden of Destiny."

"It seems?" The three goddesses of destiny all looked at him with puzzled expressions, "You can't see through this fate, can you only guess?"

Brother Destiny said: "Like you, I didn't sense the crisis or uncertainty when Witch Harley robbed the origin of the God of Destiny.

I can’t directly watch the fate of Witch Harley.

The future is blurry and unclear. Even the past lacks detail and not much useful information can be gleaned.

In fact, a long time ago, her destiny was shrouded in a strange power, which seemed to be the power of God?

Now the forces blocking prying eyes are stronger.

But I can observe the people around her.

She directly confessed to Madam Xanadu, Zatanna, and Constantine that she needed a large amount of the origin of the God of Destiny to open the door to the 'Realm of Destiny'.

I'm not sure she told the truth. "

This is the power of the Fate Defense feat.

It targets all negative effects derived from the power of destiny, including but not limited to destiny perception.

There is no doubt that when facing Xanadu and the others, Harley told half a lie: the plundered origin of the God of Destiny has no direct relationship with opening the door to the realm of destiny; the trace amount of pure power of destiny separated from the origin has nothing to do with it. It can improve her defense expertise, which is her trump card for entering the realm of destiny and surviving.

By plundering more of the origins of the God of Destiny and gradually increasing the level of expertise, the threat to Big Brother Destiny and the Three Goddesses of Destiny will certainly be greater, and they should sense a stronger crisis.

But the Destiny Defense expertise is specifically aimed at the power of destiny, and also at the "Book of Destiny".

The higher the expertise level, the better the defense effect.

Whether it is Big Brother Destiny or the three goddesses of destiny, they all use the "Book of Destiny" to peek into the secret of destiny.

Their premonition of the crisis also comes from the reminders in the "Book of Destiny".

Now that even the "Book of Destiny" is "defended" by Specialty, they naturally have no sense and cannot peek into Harley's real secret.

If it weren't for the moment when the Destiny Defense Specialty was first activated, which triggered the rules of destiny in the DC multiverse, and if it wasn't for Harley's direct and outright hostility towards the "Book of Destiny", Big Brother Destiny and the Three Goddesses wouldn't even have the "weak sense of crisis" they have now. will not have.

The old woman mused: "We haven't sensed the intensification of the crisis, which means that the origin of the plundered God of Destiny has nothing to do with the 'Forbidden Power'.

Since it has nothing to do with the power of taboo, the origin of the God of Destiny will naturally be used for other purposes."

The woman continued: "It's easy for us to enter and exit the Garden of Destiny, but that doesn't mean that Witch Harley can be the same as us.

In fact, even the God of Destiny can only vaguely sense the location of the Destiny Garden, making it difficult to enter. "

The girl smiled and said: "The Garden of Destiny is above the Sandman Kingdom, located in the sixth dimension. Even people from the Endless Family cannot come in without being invited by Lord Destiny."

"So Witch Harley didn't lie. She collected the origin of the God of Destiny just to enter the Garden of Destiny?" Although Big Brother Destiny was asking, there was an expression of relief and surprise on his face.

"I don't know how to enter the Garden of Destiny relying solely on the origin of the God of Destiny, but I am sure that the initiative is in our hands." The old woman said.

"Inform all the gods of destiny so that they will no longer provide the source of Witch Harley?" the woman said.

"If Witch Harley can't even enter the Garden of Destiny, then she... uh, can't enter the Garden of Destiny. The most she can do is fail to snatch the Book of Destiny.

She will still continue to be cruel to us three sisters, and she will definitely take action against us when she finds the opportunity. "The girl's eyes flashed.

——So, it’s best to let Witch Harley in and let Big Brother Destiny take the lead.

It would be best to use the power of destiny to beat Witch Harley to death, then the three sisters would be completely safe.

The old woman stared at the fate and said: "I have an idea to let the Witch Harley continue to plunder the origin of the God of Destiny, but not let her get as much as she wishes."

The woman also stared closely at Big Brother Destiny, "Witch Harley is now disguised as Madam Xanadu, and next she will disguise herself as Zatanna and Constantine, turning all the wheels of destiny three times in a row.

We stood still and let her go through all the gods of fate first, offending all the gods of fate.

Then we contacted the God of Destiny who was murdered by her and targeted by her to form the "Destiny Self-Defense Alliance" so that she would not have the chance to turn to the God of Destiny for the second or third time. "

The girl nodded repeatedly, stared at Big Brother Destiny, and said with a smile: "Inform the gods of destiny now, they may be grateful to us.

But they were not harmed or threatened by Witch Harley. They were afraid of her and would only sit on the sidelines and not join the alliance.

All the gods of destiny in the multiverse, plus you, Lord Destiny, we combine to form a complete "destiny". Witch Harley will lose! "

Big Brother Destiny said calmly: "I said, I will not cooperate with you, nor will I interfere with your actions. What you think and do has nothing to do with me."

"Understood!" The three goddesses nodded at the same time.

Although Big Brother Destiny has repeatedly emphasized that he will not cooperate with them, and they also expressed their understanding, when contacting the God of Destiny, the three goddesses of Destiny still borrowed Big Brother Destiny's signature.

When facing the invited God of Destiny, the old woman said: "Actually, the real purpose of Witch Harley is not you, nor the other Gods of Destiny.

She wants to force her way into the Garden of Destiny and snatch the Book of Destiny.

So, do you understand how powerful the ‘Destiny Self-Defense Alliance’ is?

Witch Harley is indeed invincible and can be called the most untouchable character in the multiverse.

But this time the battlefield is the Garden of Destiny, and her opponent is a complete 'destiny'.

No one can fight fate in the Garden of Destiny.

Even for the Witch Harley, in the final analysis, fate has written her life with a pen. "

If the God of Destiny opposite does not agree immediately, the woman will remind: "You can refuse or hesitate, but don't forget, she has set her sights on you.

Everyone in the multiverse knows the character and style of Witch Harley, and you have experienced it yourself, right?

When all the other gods of destiny have formed an alliance with us, and you are alone and have no one to rely on, no brainless idiot can guess what Witch Harley will do.

She needs the origin of the God of Destiny, but she can’t find anyone else but you. She will definitely drain you dry. "

Most of the gods of destiny were frightened when they heard this, and they quickly nodded in agreement.

If the God of Destiny is taking chances and still hesitates, the girl will sneer and say: "For the stability and safety of the River of Destiny, and to protect the "Book of Destiny", our three sisters will join the 'Destiny Self-Defense Alliance' The list of gods of destiny is handed over to Lord Fate.

We will use the "Book of Destiny" to lock the location and movements of every non-alliance god of destiny to prevent them from secretly joining the Witch Harley.

It's not impossible. After all, He has refused to join the "Destiny Self-Defense Alliance" which is absolutely safe and absolutely just. What else can't he do?

In order to prove that they have not taken refuge in Witch Harley, we may randomly select several gods of destiny and reveal their locations to Witch Harley.

If Witch Harley doesn't kill them and seize their origin, it means that they and Witch Harley are in the same group. "

"What if Witch Harley kills them?"

There is only one god of destiny who has the opportunity to ask this question, the angel of destiny Amra.

Because she and Harley belong to the same heaven camp, Amra is the last god of destiny invited to join the alliance.

"Before you, no god of destiny asked this question. Because after I finished speaking, they all agreed." The girl said proudly.

"Actually, everyone understands that there are no neutral parties in this 'battle to defend destiny'.

Even if they don’t want to be our enemies, we cannot trust them or dare to trust them.

If their location is exposed and they are killed by Witch Harley, it is also the result of their own choices, and they deserve it! "The woman said coldly.

The old woman said in a gentle tone: "Angel Amra, I understand that your special status makes you cruel to Witch Harley, and you may feel embarrassed.

I can promise you that after joining the alliance, you don’t have to do anything, just stand on the sidelines and watch.

For you, we just need to make sure that you will not join forces with Witch Harley. "

"I join your 'Destiny Self-Defense Alliance', and I don't need any privileges. If there is an opportunity to bring misfortune to Witch Harley, I will not hesitate for a second." Amra said very simply.

"You don't care about the identity of Witch Harley, God of War in Heaven, and 'Sister of God'?" the three goddesses of destiny asked strangely.

Amra said calmly: “First of all, she robbed me of my origin, and I took revenge on her, which is completely in line with the Lord’s teachings of revenge.

Secondly, even if all the gods of destiny form a grand alliance, even if the alliance is backed by destiny, I am sure that Witch Harley will not be killed.

The best we can do is make her miserable and unlucky. It is completely impossible to kill her.

The God of Destiny has no ability to kill her, and members of the Endless Family cannot kill directly, especially the God King.

The most he can do is seal her away forever. "

"Haha, our power is not as weak as you think. Anyway, welcome to join the Destiny Self-Defense Alliance." The three goddesses of destiny did not take her words seriously, but they no longer doubted that her purpose was impure.

Now, after "Lady Xanadu" ends her public divination, Harley returns from heaven.

Beyond heaven in Limbo.

"Amra, have you met Witch Harley? What did you say?" The girl looked at Amra, the Angel of Destiny, with careful eyes.

"They are all saying that you did a big favor to Witch Harley. What kind of favor was it?" The woman's eyes were wary.

"Amra, we don't want to doubt you. After all, you swore an oath in the name of God, but Witch Harley has condensed the 'Gate of Destiny' and may force her way into the Garden of Destiny at any time.

The battle to defend our destiny is about to begin, and we have to be cautious. "The old woman sighed.

Amra said with a dull face: "I didn't see Witch Harley at all, and she didn't go to find me. The rumor that 'I did her a big favor' has been confirmed to come from the Silver City garrison, and it is Witch Harley's people Fake news released.”

The old woman hesitated and said: "Silver City is the domain of God, and even the Book of Destiny cannot peek into the city's secrets.

The golden hall in the center of Silver City is the absolute blind spot of the "Book of Destiny".

Therefore, I cannot judge how true or false your words are. "

"Theoretically, we are willing to believe you, but Witch Harley is too cunning, and she never does useless work." The woman said.

"If she deliberately told a lie full of loopholes, there must be a deeper conspiracy hidden in the lie." The girl said.

Amra said calmly: “If you doubt me, you should not contact me again, let alone come to me in such a hurry.

Maybe Witch Harley has been hiding at the gate of heaven.

When I leave heaven, I will quietly stay behind and come to you through me.

Most likely, she is looking at us with a smile. "

The girl and woman looked around with alert expressions.

The old woman forced a smile and said: "We are not stupid. We have divined good and bad luck before coming here."

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