"What is going on? A supernova broke out?" Madam Xanadu asked in surprise in the dimension of the stomach bag.

Harley will project what she sees into the stomach bag dimension so that Madam Xanadu and Zatanna can also see it.

When Harley teleported to the Komodo main galaxy and felt the endless light and heat, their vision was also filled with white light.

"This is the main galaxy of the Komodo Empire, Xanadu, do you remember?" Harley's expression was a little complicated.

"Komodo Empire" Mrs. Xanadu didn't think of which alien civilization the Komodo Empire was for a while. "In the past two months, a group of alien dignitaries have been looking for you every night. The names of civilizations are all kinds of weird, and the species of civilizations are also different. Characteristics, I can’t remember clearly.”

Harley said: "You can forget about other civilized empires, but you have also been here in the Komodo main galaxy."

"Ah, I remembered it." Madam Xanadu immediately realized when Harley reminded her, "That was before the VIP channel was opened, when the former dead ghost commander led a group of congressmen and alien dignitaries to force their way into my missing magic circle. , and got into a quarrel with the lottery crowd who were queuing up normally.

Among the group of alien dignitaries was the 'Uncle Komodo Emperor', who wanted to divine the ancestral artifact.

It was the first time you divined a major event related to the fate of the country for an alien dignitary. Your ability was limited and you couldn't figure it out, so you asked me to come out to help you. Then the two of us came to Komodo Prime, a place with advanced technology, prosperous culture, and wealthy people. A peaceful and beautiful planet——"

Xanadu suddenly raised his head, stared at the endless white light and exclaimed: "Omai Karma, it is finished, was it blown up?"

Harley didn't speak, her body flashed backwards quickly, gradually moving away from the Komodo main galaxy, but her eyes were still staring in the direction of the bright white light.

Suddenly, she had arrived at the outskirts of the star system and landed above thousands of space battleships.

Madam Xanadu asked in surprise: "Did they destroy Komodo Prime? Where is the Komodo fleet? The Prime Star is the core of an interstellar civilization. The defense system should be very strong, right?"

"Even the main galaxy has been destroyed, and the Komodo Empire fleet has long been finished." Harley sighed, a blue light flashed on her body, and she returned to Madam Xanadu's cabin as quietly as when she came.

Zatanna wondered: "Why are you back? We haven't investigated clearly yet. Who are the enemies? How many people are left in the Komodo Empire? Why did the war break out?"

"I have already seen the entire process of the destruction of the Komodo Empire from the timeline, and there is no need to investigate anymore." Harley said.

"During the last divination, didn't you say that the Komodo Empire was about to usher in its most prosperous and glorious era? Emperor Komodo would even rule the galaxy, conquering hundreds of millions of civilizations and hundreds of 'galaxies'?" asked the lady.

"Don't you also divine the future destiny of Komodo's prosperity?" Harley said.

"Yeah, why was it suddenly destroyed?"

Harley did not explain the reason for the change in fate. She only told the two people in the stomach dimension about the major events that had happened in the Komodo Empire in the past two months in detail.

"Oh, after all, it's fate's backlash! There is a price to peep into fate, and it's even more expensive to change fate." After hearing about the demise of Komodo civilization, Mrs. Xanadu felt relieved.

"This is the end of the public divination." Harry said.

"End?" Madam Xanadu was stunned and asked, "What do you mean, stop the online lottery, close the VIP channels for alien VIPs, and stop pretending to be me giving them divination?"

"Well, I was hesitant before. The changes in the Gate of Destiny have been minimal. Should I immediately end the divination and disrupt the River of Destiny and move on to the next plan?

Now the changes in Komodo have helped me make up my mind. " Harley said.

Zatanna thought thoughtfully, "The bigger the waves you create on the river of destiny, the clearer the 'Gate of Destiny' at the end of the waves will be.

On weekdays, when you divine for others, you only greatly distort the fate of a few people. Although there are many ordinary melon eaters, the changes in their fate are small and they cannot make big waves.

The Komodo Empire has hundreds of billions of people, and there will be hundreds of millions of civilizations that will be conquered by the Komodo Emperor in the future. The final territory will cover hundreds of river systems. Now the fate of prosperity is almost twisted 180 degrees, and Komodo is directly destroyed. .

The river of destiny may turn upside down."

"Harley, what's the status of your 'Gate of Destiny' now?" Madam Xanadu asked curiously.

"It's very clear and I will never get lost. As long as you give me enough power of destiny, I can step into the Garden of Destiny." Harley said.

"Because of the changes in the Komodo Empire, you have benefited greatly? Harley, you are eating human blood steamed buns. Your Gate of Destiny is made up of tens of billions or hundreds of billions of corpses. A true general can succeed with thousands of bones." , you will definitely suffer retribution in the future." Mrs. Xanadu said with emotion.

"I have a clear conscience!" Harley looked calm and her heart was unsettled, "From the beginning, I recorded a video and disclosed the side effects of divination to everyone.

In the process of divination, I also tried my best, even when faced with people I disliked and shameless requests, I was not sloppy at all and insisted on choosing the fate with the best outcome and the least side effects for them.

If there are any precautions, give them a thousand warnings so that they can keep them in mind. "

Mrs. Shangdu said: "No matter what you say or think, it can't change the fact that you opened the door of destiny with the help of the turbulent flow of fate.

From the beginning, your fundamental purpose was not to educate the people to understand divination and stop being superstitious about divination. In the final analysis, they died under your selfishness. "

Harley said: "If a butterfly in South America flaps its wings, it may cause a big storm in North America. The big storm will enter the city, causing tens of millions of dollars in damage and killing many people. This is the butterfly effect.

Your fart is louder than the flapping of a butterfly's wings.

According to the butterfly effect theory, it can also cause a bigger storm on another continent, killing more people.

So you shouldn't fart.

You can't even fart, and of course you can't do other bigger actions. Living is a crime, right? "

"The example you gave is completely wrong. The butterfly effect may exist, but the butterfly flapping its wings does not have the subjective thought of harming others.

But you know that disturbing destiny will have backlash, and you deliberately disturb the river of destiny. " Mrs. Shangdu said.

"Butterflies have no intelligence and don't know about the butterfly effect, but now you have heard of this theory and know that your fart is more powerful than a butterfly flapping its wings, but you still refuse to hold it in."

Mrs. Xanadu's face turned red and she shouted angrily: "It's just nonsense! How can a person not fart or move?

Even if a person knows about the butterfly effect, he will not think that his behavior will cause the death of others when farting or moving, let alone deliberately trigger a typhoon that destroys cities and kills people through farting. "

"According to your statement, activity is a basic human need. Even if the butterfly effect is caused by farting, you still have a clear conscience.

Stirring the river of destiny is also an important need of mine. Why can't I have a clear conscience?

You also said that even if you know the theory of the butterfly effect, no one intentionally farts to kill someone.

I know the theory of fate's backlash, but I don't intentionally murder others by giving them divination!

I wish no one would die, not only the dead can twist fate. "

Mrs. Xanadu waved her hands repeatedly and said helplessly: "Forget it, you are full of nonsense, I can't speak to you."

Harley said calmly: "It's not that you couldn't convince me, it's that you failed to kill my heart and make me feel evil, self-loathing, and self-doubt.

The reason why I can express my rebuttal with a sonorous voice is not because I have many theories and heresies, but because I have already had great enlightenment and my will is firm and unwavering.

At the beginning of public divination, I used various methods to emphasize the side effects and uncertainties of divination to everyone. Do you think I am talking nonsense?

From the moment I made the plan to disrupt the river of destiny, I knew that with such a big movement, someone would be unable to bear the backlash and end up miserable.

I know, but I still have to do it. I have never been a superhero who adheres to the concept of justice.

I have this realization.

They come to me for divination, and they know the risks of divination, so they should be aware of the backlash. "

"Okay, stop talking, I surrender!" Madam Xanadu really raised her hands.

"Of course I have to make it clear, otherwise how would you answer the reporter's question?" Harley said.

Mrs. Xanadu was a little confused, "What does it have to do with reporters?"

"You are the real Madam Xanadu. If Madam Xanadu ends the public divination, there will be a sensation in the world and there will be a lot of famous names. Shouldn't you explain the reason to them?" Harley said.

Mrs. Xanadu was angry, "Are you going too far? It's obvious that you lent me your identity and asked me to bear the infamy. If you don't repay me, you still want me to wipe your ass off?!"

"Harry, you can't be so shameless!" Zatanna couldn't stand it.

"I said I was doing it for the good of Xanadu, but you might not believe it. Just let me complete the last performance of 'Public Divination'." Harley sighed.

"What are you going to do? Don't do anything nonsense!" Madam Xanadu had a bad feeling.

Harley shut down the lottery system of the Puppy Video Network that night, and told the alien VIPs who had been waiting in the yard for a long time to go back and read tomorrow's news before deciding whether to do divination.

This move immediately caused an uproar across the universe.

Ordinary people who commented on the lottery every half hour were confused and anxious.

The alien people who entrusted their accounts to the "Interstellar Liver Company" were also alarmed.

Representatives of higher civilizations who were planning to use their backdoor quota hurried to Earth to inquire about the situation.

The next morning, the No. 1 Avenue in the World outside Xanadu’s hut was crowded with reporters and lottery players.

Harley did not open the door to let them in.

There were too many people to arrange, so she didn't plan to just bring Louise over for an exclusive interview this time.

Spending a sum of money, she rented the conference hall of the "Wayne Galaxy Hotel" as a venue for press conferences, and let hundreds of reporters in.

"Journalists, please be patient. Listen to my explanation of the situation first, and then the question and answer session."

When the reporters entered the venue, Harry did not give them a chance to ask questions. He pressed his hands down and asked the excited Galaxy journalists to sit down first, and then explained: "Do you still remember the fundamental purpose of my public divination for everyone?

Let everyone experience the cost and uncertainty of divination for themselves, so that they will no longer be superstitious about divination and no longer block the door of my house.

Just last night, I received a message that the Komodo Empire, 3.5 billion light-years away from the earth, was destroyed, and even the main galaxy was exploded by stellar weapons. "

Most of the famous reporters in the audience looked confused. They neither understood the Komodo Empire nor what the words "Mrs. Xanadu" meant.


"The 'Komodo Imperial City Defense Battle' started more than a month ago."

"Mrs. Xanadu, what exactly do you want to say? The collapse of the Komodo Empire indeed shocked the universe, but what does this have to do with you?"

“The organization that destroyed the Komodo Empire is called the ‘Anti-Komodo Galaxy Alliance’. This alliance was secretly established 100,000 years ago and directly declared war on the Komodo Empire 15,000 years ago.

In the past few thousand years, various conflicts between the two sides have never ceased."

There are also talented people who are well versed in the history of the Komodo War. They stood up and explained the reasons for the defeat of the Komodo Empire to "Madame Xanadu" on the spot.

Harry pressed his hands down again to silence them all, and then sighed: "The Thirteenth Uncle of the Komodo Empire once came to me for divination.

I don’t know if you remember that two months ago, the former commander-in-chief Zetas led a group of dignitaries to jump in and enter the Lishan Trail, causing a big disturbance. Then I announced the opening of VIP access. "

All Earth reporters nodded.

Some famous alien reporters who did not know the specific situation immediately took out their mobile phones to search for relevant news.

At that time, the commander-in-chief and a group of dignitaries were blocked from the door. A group of shakers in the courtyard were holding cell phones to take pictures and curse loudly.

Those videos can still be found, but the Commander-in-Chief and the others came prepared. They all wore thick hooded robes and masks on their faces. Except for the Commander-in-Chief's mask, which was taken off by General Lane, the identity of the alien VIPs was not revealed.

"Ah, I remember, Austin Zabibua, the Thirteenth Uncle of the Komodo Empire!" Louise, the famous cosmologist sitting in the front row, shouted, and looked at "Mrs. Xanadu" in shock. ", "You also asked me to follow the news of the Komodo Empire and said that something big will happen in the future. Does it mean the destruction of the empire?"

Harry was a little embarrassed and sighed: "According to my professional ethics, I should not reveal the secrets of the guests, especially the divination content.

However, the divination content of the 13th Komodo Emperor Uncle has been exposed and has been known to their enemies for a long time. It was even the reason for the demise of the Komodo Empire.

This case has very important warning significance, so... Alas, God bless Komodo, I hope the souls of the deceased can rest in peace, and the living can have good luck and escape from disaster. "

Everyone's full attention was attracted by these words.


"The ancestor of the Komodo royal family is a god. The natal artifact 'Golden Compass' he left behind not only has the power to crush stars, but can also purify the blood of the royal family."

"Ah, it turns out it's for the Golden Compass, but that's not surprising. Anyone who knows the Komodo Empire knows the legend of the Golden Compass, and also understands the royal family's persistence and obsession with the Golden Compass." The person who previously taught everyone about the history of the Komodo War Mingji shouted.

"Well, I left my body mentally and traveled to the Komodo Empire through astral projection. Through my unique qi-gazing technique, I was able to break the secret of the Komodo Empire's luck.

Not only did they find the Golden Compass, but they also discovered a true destiny - the young emperor of the Komodo Empire.

He will lead the Komodo Empire to glory and become the super overlord who rules hundreds of galaxies! "

"Brother Kepu" immediately shouted, "Mrs. Xanadu, anyone who knows the Komodo Empire knows that their little emperor Sachs is a rare and foolish emperor in ancient and modern times. He is not only extravagant, but also ignores government affairs and is extremely addicted to online games."

Harley said: "The Golden Compass is an artifact. After it is recognized, it can be integrated into the blood and resonate with the soul.

Three hundred thousand years ago, its owner died in an interstellar war. He was still wearing the 'Emperor Armor' before his death.

At that time, Komodo already had brainwave digitization technology, and the Emperor's armor was also loaded with this system, which allowed him to mentally enter the virtual world to simulate various types of battles.

Before the owner of the imperial armor died, he left his last words in the armor.

When the last ray of spirit dissipated in the 'Emperor's Armor' database, the Golden Compass also fell into it.

Later, the Imperial Armor was recovered by the Komodo royal family, China Unicom received the last words of the previous emperor, and the compass also flowed into the Internet.

The current Emperor Komodo is addicted to online games, which actually gave him the opportunity to resonate with the spirit of the Golden Compass.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Komodo Empire will fall into a crisis in a few years. He will encounter setbacks and tribulations during the crisis, and then gradually grow and mature, and happen to be recognized by the compass.

In the end, without others knowing, he secretly purified his bloodline, strengthened his strength, and became a blockbuster, sweeping the world. "

"Alas, if I hadn't divined for Austin, not only would the Komodo Empire not be destroyed, but it would have established an unprecedentedly prosperous dynasty." Harley shook her head and sighed.

"The Komodo Empire was destroyed because the contents of the divination were leaked? Regarding the ancestral treasure, the Komodo royal family wouldn't be so unreliable, right?" Louise asked in surprise.

“After completing the divination, Austin, the thirteenth emperor’s uncle, immediately asked the cosmic Didi driver to take him back to the Komodo Empire.

According to the divination content I gave, he entered a specific virtual scene, and after many attempts, he finally obtained the Golden Compass in advance.

Austin did not hide the compass. He was selfless and offered the compass to purify the blood of the young emperor and important officials of the royal family, and then "

Harry paused, but after all he did not reveal the details of Komodo’s destruction, “Then the news leaked, and the anti-Komodo alliance was horrified and decided to make a desperate move and strike first.

After obtaining the compass, the Komodo royal family's bloodline was purified, their realm soared, and they were proud and complacent. However, they accidentally stepped on the trap set by the enemy and lost most of their main force. In the end, the Komodo main system was destroyed and the royal family was wiped out. "

If we could tell all the contents of the timeline, including the love and hatred, undercover traitors, blood relations, struggles for power, life-and-death love, hatred between country and family. If we could talk about it for dozens of hours, we could film a movie more powerful than "Detective Conan". ” is a long series.

But "Mrs.

Going into too much detail will arouse suspicion.

"It's all my fault. The sins of the death of hundreds of billions of people in the Komodo Empire are all my fault. I know that divination is harmful and useless, and that peeking into fate and twisting it will cause backlash, but I still keep doing divination for you." Ha. Li's face was full of sadness and she frankly admitted her crime.

"Hey, Harley, you can't say that! The collapse of a great empire with a population of hundreds of billions is too heavy a responsibility for me to bear," Madam Xanadu exclaimed excitedly.

“Mrs. All die!" There were also celebrities from the universe crying out for her in the audience.

"No, you don't have to excuse me, I really have sinned a lot.

I understand better than anyone else that if you continue to disturb the river of fate, the backlash of fate will accumulate more and more heavily.

But for the sake of my reputation throughout the universe, I always take chances. Oh, I'm eating human blood steamed buns!

The reputation of "Xanadu Fairy with Boundless Magical Power" is made up of tens of billions or hundreds of billions of bones. A true general will have thousands of bones withered. I will definitely receive great retribution in the future.

Even though my original purpose was to educate people to understand divination and stop being superstitious about divination, I ended up getting lost in the public's praise.

Thousands of Komodo people have died due to my selfishness. My Taoist heart has been broken and I can no longer predict fortunes for others.

Goodbye everyone, starting from today, for everyone’s safety and for my own conscience, ‘Madam Xanadu’s Cottage’ will be closed indefinitely, and I will retire to the mountains and forests. "

Harley stood up, bowed to everyone with a sad face, ignored their reactions, and disappeared instantly.

"Harley, are you taking revenge on me?" Madam Xanadu gritted her teeth in the dimension of the stomach bag.

"You are not willing to host the press conference in person; I help you handle everything, and you say I am retaliating against you. Why are you so difficult to maintain?"

"Are you talking nonsense? When did I become complacent about the reputation of 'Xanadu Fairy, with boundless magical power'? It's completely nonsense that a general can achieve the goal of killing thousands of bones, and you are slandering me." Mrs. Xanadu said excitedly.

She is not accepting praise from the people of the universe at all, she is so drunk!

"What I said are my true feelings. They flattered me and I was very happy. I was even a little intoxicated and couldn't let go." Hallie licked her lips, with a faint aftertaste on her face, "Oh, from now on, , the grand scene of 'The Great Immortal of Xanadu, Famous in the Universe' is out of print!"

"What does your intoxication have to do with me?"

"You are the one who insists on letting me host the press conference. Since I am 'Mrs.

"Alas, things have already happened, and there is no point in arguing anymore." Xiao Zha said.

Harley opened her mouth, spat out the two women, and said, "I may forcefully enter the 'Gate of Destiny' at any time. If you follow me again, you will definitely encounter danger.

The collapse of the Komodo Empire this time was completely unexpected.

I sincerely divined for Uncle Austin, and I also warned him to be careful and not to reveal the secrets. The result... Alas, I am not afraid of strong enemies face to face or fist to fist, but the river of destiny is too deep and backfires on the evil sect. I can’t control it either, so you’d better not get involved. "

"Isn't it too late for you to say this now? We have been involved deeply enough." Zatanna said.

“You just offended the God of Destiny before, and the God of Destiny and ‘Big Brother Destiny’ are not at the same level at all.

Maybe he just thought about it in his mind and made a plan to deal with 'Big Brother Destiny', but the backlash came immediately. " Harley said.

Xiao Zha worriedly said: "What about you? Now that the 'Gate of Destiny' has been created, how will 'Destiny' react?"

Harley said calmly: "I can't hide my thoughts and actions from him. From the beginning, I had the consciousness to face him directly."

After leaving Xanadu's hut, Harley did not stay on Earth to wait for the news of "Mrs.

"Lao Zha, have you seen the Angel of Destiny Amra recently?"

"What are you looking for Him for?" Zaulie sat on a cylindrical stone stool, holding his mobile phone in both hands, his eyes seemed to be glued to the screen, and he didn't even look at Hallie when he spoke.

"I want to know about Amra's situation, and I will go to Silver City to find her later."

Harley took a few steps closer, took a glance, and her expression began to distort.

A netizen posted on the puppy forum and also @Paradise Zawulie: Teacher Zawulie, Mrs. Xanadu has retired to the mountains and forests and no longer does divination for people. What do you think?

Zaulie was concentrating on replying at this time: Thank you for the invitation! I am not surprised. Public divination cannot continue forever. Even if there is no collapse of the Komodo Empire, there will be other tragedies. This is inevitable. Twisting fate will inevitably suffer fate's backlash. Rather than placing your hopes on divination, it is better to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

"What are you doing?" Sensing Harley's approach, Zaulie quickly covered the screen with his hand, hid the phone at his waist, raised his head and stared at Harley warily.

Harley said with a smile: "I have been busy with divination in the past few months and haven't paid much attention to the news on the Internet. I didn't know that you had become the famous 'Teacher Zaulie'.

How about it, how does it feel to become a ‘peerless internet celebrity’? Have you seen Brother God recently? "

Zaulie's face was slightly red, and he said a little coyly: "I'm not a big internet celebrity. Aren't you asking Amra? She should still be in Silver City. Go find her quickly."

"You already have 30 million followers, and you're still not considered a big internet celebrity? Have you ever met Brother God, and He praised you for being very capable?"

"The Lord didn't praise me. He just watched for a while and then left. I was still worried." Zaulie sighed.

"He has approved your behavior. As long as you continue to gain followers and continue to promote God's teachings, He will praise you sooner or later." Hallie encouraged.

Zaulehey had an expectant smile on his face, but he was chasing people away, "Go and do your business."

"Has Amra quietly left Silver City in the past few months? Or, has anyone from outside come looking for her?" Harley whispered mentally.

The smile on Zaulie's face was replaced by vigilance, "What bad thoughts are you holding back?"

"What bad intentions can I have?" Harley looked innocent.

"Recently, there are rumors circulating in heaven, saying that you secretly attacked Amra and took away his massive source of power." Zaulie blamed: "You can just rob other gods and demons, Amra is the Silver City Archangel!

As a garrison in Silver City, you are supposed to protect the safety of the angels in Silver City, but now you actually take the initiative to murder your companions. What will the angels think of you? Do you still want to hang out in Silver City? "

"Amra said this herself?" Harley asked.

"I didn't hear her say that."

A playful smile appeared on Harley's face, "She didn't say anything, but the news spread. Who do you think spread the news? Was it some shameless archangel in heaven, or did the news spread to Silver City from outside?"

"I haven't heard Angel Amra say it, it doesn't mean she didn't tell others quietly, and the point is not how the news spread, but whether you did it or not, and why you can be so shameless."

"It doesn't matter whether I did it or not. If Amra cared about this, she would have shouted loudly everywhere and asked the voice of heaven to judge me. Since Amra herself doesn't care, why are you excited?" Harley He said with a relaxed expression.

Zaulie was speechless by her shamelessness.

"Tell me, has Amra left heaven recently?" Harley asked again.

"I won't tell you, just go away." Zaulie waved her hand to get out.

Harley sent a message: "This issue is related to my life and death."

Zaulie was surprised and confused, "What does your life and death have to do with Amra?"

"You just have to answer my questions, and then I'll go find Amra myself."

"A month ago, Amra left Silver City with a strange expression on her face. About three or four hours later, she came back with an expressionless face.

I had a feeling that He was being shouted out. "

Zaulie was very attentive, and while talking, he used mental projection to project what he saw into Harry's sea of ​​consciousness.

"How's it going? Can I help you?" She looked at Harry expectantly and worriedly.

Harry patted her shoulder and said with a smile, "You helped me a lot."

"Do you want to continue to help you monitor Amra?" Zaulie asked.

Harley shook her head, "Thank you, but no need, I already have the information I need."

After saying that, she flew towards the direction of Silver City.

"Hali, be careful." Zaulie shouted from behind.

"Do you know where Angel Amra is? I want to see her."

As soon as she entered Silver City, Harley grabbed an ordinary angel who looked at her strangely.

"Sorry, I don't know." He avoided looking directly into her eyes.

After Harley let him go, she continued to walk forward. After walking for a while, she grabbed an angel from the side and asked.

By the time she arrived at the gate of the Golden Hall, half of the angels in Silver City knew that she was looking for Angel Amra.

But after entering the golden hall, she did not continue to look for Amra. Instead, she used the holy power of heaven to build a high-backed armchair and sat lazily in the center of the hall, her eyes slightly closed, as if she was dozing off.

There were archangels passing by and looking at her with searching eyes. She seemed not to notice and continued to sleep.

About two hours later, she yawned, stretched, and left the golden hall with a satisfied smile.

She didn't stop in Silver City, she flew straight out of Silver City.

When she returned to Earth, Father Carlisle from the Silver City Guards received a message: Help me spread rumors in Silver City, saying that Amla has done me a big favor.

Father Carlisle was surprised and replied: Harley, what do you want to do? Now I don't have the ability to quietly create rumors about an archangel.

Harry said: There is no need to be silent, it is better to use clumsy methods.

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