I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1800 Gate of Destiny

A few months ago, London, England.

14-year-old Tim Hunter always thought he was a very ordinary British middle school student.

He looks very ordinary, with black hair, thick-rimmed glasses, a thin and short stature, and a skinny face covered with acne. If you put him in a crowd, you can't find him without looking carefully. He is very featureless and too mediocre.

Matching his mediocre appearance is his soft, autistic and taciturn character.

In addition, his performance has been hovering in the middle, and he can't improve even if he works hard, and he won't fall too far if he slacks off a little. His family is equally ordinary, his parents are ordinary employees, and his family is neither rich nor poor.

With his condition, if he wanted to have friends, he would just passively accept the other person's friendship, be the other person's little follower, or cuddle up with the same flirtatious people for warmth.

Unfortunately, not even one of his extroverted classmates took the initiative to socialize with him.

After school, he could only hold his skateboard and play alone in the alley.

"Hey, kid, come here and have a chat." That day, he was stopped at the entrance of the alley by a middle-aged man wearing a brown windbreaker and holding a cigarette in his mouth. He knew at a glance that he was not a good person.

For some unknown reason, Tim felt flustered and nervous, subconsciously picked up the skateboard, turned around and ran away.

"Well, my senses are very keen." The cigarette man was stunned for a moment and smiled with interest.

"Don't be nervous, we are not bad people." Tim hummed and ran out of the alley, and met another man in a trench coat on the overpass.

The man in the trench coat in front was wearing a brown trench coat, and the one in front of him was wearing a blue wide-brimmed hat and a dark blue trench coat.

"Don't come near me!" Tim became even more nervous, feeling an unexplainable fear of the man in his heart, so he changed direction and continued to run wildly.

"Tim, we just want to chat with you." Then Tim met the third man in a trench coat, a gray and black trench coat.

"Ah!" Tim was scared, shouted, turned around, and ran away.

"Boy, why are you running?"

In the end, he was slapped on the top of the head by a man in dark red sunglasses and a pure white windbreaker.

No matter how hard Tim struggled, he couldn't escape.

The next moment, the three men in trench coats he met before appeared on his left, right and behind him at the same time, their movements as light as ghosts.

He was caught in the middle by four monsters in trench coats, with nowhere to escape.

"You don't know me? I think I'm pretty famous. There's a hero forum on Puppy Video and my hero section." The man in the brown trench coat lowered his head and blew out a smoke ring to Tim, "I'm Constantine, John. Constantine, have you heard of it?”

"Constantine?" Tim shook his head slightly, with doubtful eyes: "Are you really a superhero? There are too many superheroes in the Hero Forum, more than two thousand in total in the world, and various hero organizations are emerging in endlessly. I just Pay attention to the top Zhenglian heroes."

Zha Kang pointed at himself with his thumb and said with a smile: "Yes, I am the leader of the Justice League Dark, a magic hero!

You must have sensed it, right?

The aura about me that makes your heart palpitate is the extraordinary power of the mage.

Your boy is indeed a genius. He is born with a strong spiritual sense and will subconsciously avoid people and scenes that exude extraordinary aura. "

Tim didn't quite understand what he meant by spiritual sense and aura, but when he heard "Justice League Dark", he stopped struggling, and his excited and nervous heart calmed down, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"I'm Phantom Stranger, nice to meet you." The middle-aged man in a dark blue trench coat introduced himself.

Tim saw a silvery glow in his eyes, which were shadowed by the brim of his hat.

"Hello, Tim, I am Sage Ochi." The man in the gray and black windbreaker took off his hood, with a very kind smile on his face.

Tim had the best impression of him and felt he was the most approachable.

"You can call me 'Mr. E'." The middle-aged man in dark red sunglasses and white trench coat said with a cold expression.

Tim stared at his dark red sunglasses, then quickly lowered his head, his heart pounding.

In a daze, he seemed to see an endless dark abyss behind the dark red sunglasses.

"You are all superheroes from the Justice League Dark? What are you doing to me? I'm just an ordinary middle school student, but you all seem to know me."

“Constantine belongs to the Justice League Dark, Mr. E is from the Holy See of Cold Flame, and Stranger and I are individual mages practicing alone.

We come to you because you have special talents and are destined for an extraordinary future.

We want to show you all the magical paths and ultimately guide you to the right one.

Of course, the premise is that you believe in magic and are willing to accept magic as the most important and important part of your life. "Sage Aoqi's tone and eyes were a little complicated, and there was some hesitation when he spoke.

"What kind of era is it now? Only fools don't believe in magic!" Tim was excited when he heard this, but then calmed down quickly and said hesitantly: "To be honest, I have always imagined that I can be like many superheroes. One day I awakened my S-class superpower, but I just wanted the superpower and didn't want to get into trouble.

You should all be big shots, and when you come to my door together, I feel like I have become a destined person, and huge trouble will soon come to me. "

"I just said this kid is very smart." Zha Kang pointed at him, turned his head and smiled at the three men in trench coats.

Sage Ochi looked at Tim and asked curiously: "Why do you think so?"

"Uncle Sage, this is the Internet age. Everything is available on the Internet. Moreover, the earth encounters crises from time to time, and in every crisis, destined people appear.

For example, the current collective ascension incident.

Discussions about Luther having the destiny of being the Dark Lord and humans receiving the destiny of the new gods are already in the public eye. "Tim said matter-of-factly.

Sage Aoqi had a strange expression and turned around to signal his companions with his eyes: What should we do now? This guy is too smart to be fooled!

Zha Kang pointed at Mr. E and said, "Have you ever heard of his name? Do you know the Lengyan Holy See?"

Tim nodded hesitantly, "I think I've seen it online, but I don't know the details."

"Tell me the information you know." Zha Kang said.

"The Holy See of Cold Flame seems to be the most powerful magic organization in the magic world."

"Then what? What camp do they belong to, good guys, bad guys, good or not?" Zha Kang asked with a smile.

Tim lowered his head and stopped talking.

Zha Kang chuckled and said, "Boy, the Lengyan Holy See has its sights on you. If we hadn't intervened, you would probably have been kidnapped to their headquarters by now.

Since we have formed a group with Mr. E, it means that we have recognized the Cold Flame Holy See.

Do you understand me?

Among the forces that are eyeing you, the Lengyan Holy See is already considered a ‘good guy’ that you can cooperate with. "

Tim's face turned pale and his eyes were filled with fear.

Mr. E said calmly: "All miracles have a price. A mage bears the price himself, but creates miracles for the benefit of others. He is not a good person, but a fool.

The Lengyan Holy See just doesn't want to be stupid, but that doesn't mean we are villains who do all kinds of evil.

On the contrary, those who deceive you into bearing the price and dedicating miracles to insignificant mortals are the real hypocrites. "

Stranger patted Tim on the shoulder and said softly: "Don't put too much pressure on us. We won't force you to do anything, and we won't tell you a destiny that cannot be violated.

We were able to find you because you are extremely talented and exude a very pure 'natural magic'.

Your future is infinitely bright and vast. There are countless paths to choose from, and each choice will have a different and significant impact on the world.

We simply serve as your bodyguards and mentors, protecting you from evil mages and showing you the paths to arcane, arcane, ancient arts, martial arts, and magic, as well as the results each path represents.

The final choice is entirely up to you. "

Tim swallowed and said, "Even the Galaxy Admiral back then didn't have four mages who took the initiative to be their mentors, right?

I have watched "Quinn". She couldn't even find the most ordinary magic tutor, and the first magic in her life was copied from a netizen. "

Zha Kang pointed at himself and said with a proud smile: "That netizen is me! Thanks to me lending her my magic book, she can achieve what she has today."

"It was said in "The Legend of Quinn" that the netizen was a big scammer and used fake magic to exorcise demons and almost killed her." Tim looked at Zha Kang and said.

Zha Kang was a little embarrassed, "Black magic is inherently risky. After all, most black magic comes from demons and fallen black mages. They are used to leaving backdoors in black magic to harm new novice mages.

One of the responsibilities of us mentors is to teach you about the pitfalls of black magic.

You see, as powerful as Harley was, she was almost killed by an ordinary exorcism spell without any teacher's guidance.

What are you still hesitating about? "

As expected, Tim did not dare to hesitate any longer and immediately bowed his head and became a disciple.

Now, months later, Gotham.

Tim said with excitement on his face: "The Stranger took me through time and through different planes. I have seen scenes of human warrior gods fighting the old gods in the era of the Martial God King.

I also visited the martial arts field where the martial gods practiced and saw how they cultivated from mortals to martial arts gods step by step."

Harley, who looked like Xanadu, exclaimed: "It's amazing, I've actually met the King of Martial God!"

"Well, Stranger is indeed very powerful, but we didn't see the Martial God King." Tim's face had more regrets than freckles, "Actually, I really want to see the Martial God King with my own eyes. Stranger warned me that in history It doesn't matter if you watch ordinary people in the long river. Once you observe a powerful main god or even a god king, you will immediately alert the other party and cause a terrible time backlash.

When I had the idea of ​​going to see the King of Martial God, I did have a huge sense of crisis.

Later, I walked forward along the river of time until I came to the era of King Arthur. I chatted face to face with King Arthur's knights without any backlash. "

Harry nodded and asked again: "What about after we finish touring the river of time?"

"The Stranger took me to visit heaven, hell, Apokolips, Creation Star, Dream Kingdom and other divine realms, and taught me the general situation of the multiverse.

Sage Aoqi taught me common sense about magic, such as giving yourself an ‘alias’ after entering the magic world. Because your real name has power, you cannot tell others your real name. He also taught me the ‘Nine-Nine God Name List’.”


Ms. Rose entered our school and became my class teacher. Tim said with excitement on his face.

Harry has to admit that he is a little envious of this "Harry Potter copycat".

Even the protagonist in a fantasy novel has to jump off a cliff to find adventure.

This guy Tim was sitting at home, and "Grandpa with the White Beard" took the initiative to deliver four of them to his door.

"What did Constantine and Mr. E teach you?" Harley asked.

"Constantine took me to various magic taverns and magic markets, taught me how to deal with all kinds of magic people, and helped me master the rules of survival in the magic circle.

Mr. E is a very knowledgeable battle mage. He taught me the combat skills of white magic, black magic, and heavenly magic. "

"So, Tim, tell me what path you finally chose." Harley asked, staring into his eyes.

"Ahem." The stranger next to him coughed twice, interrupted their conversation, and said: "Tim, you go to the study next door first. There are many manuscripts of ancient ancestors there. I want to talk to Mrs. Xanadu Let’s talk alone for a while.”

"Oh!" Tim was a little confused, but he didn't ask further.

When he left, Stranger immediately whispered: "Harry, it's time for Madam Xanadu to come out. We agreed before."

"It's not like I don't understand divination."

"What Tim needs is not divination, but enlightenment on the choice of path. He has not chosen a path yet, but you ask about the 'final path'. It is too amateurish and almost reveals the secret." Stranger said.

Harley opened her mouth and spit out Madam Xanadu, then she hid herself and stood on the edge.

Stranger said: "Your stealth skills are very good, but Tim's spiritual sense is very sharp, and any fluctuation of miraculous power cannot be hidden from him. Otherwise, you should go back to Quinn Manor first, and then come back after Mrs. Xanadu is finished." .”

"I didn't use magic at all," Harley said.

"I know that you are using Tears of Death and Wind of Nothingness. They are still within the scope of the power of miracles."

Madam Xanadu was surprised: "Even if he is a descendant of the ancestor of white magic, he shouldn't be so powerful, right?"

Stranger said: "Even if we let her stay at the scene and take a peek, what would she see? If she is really discovered by him, wouldn't it be possible for Harley to lose her face because of her identity?"

"I went next door. Even though his mental power is extremely sharp, he can detect the gaze of others observing him and the breath of life nearby. This is the Xanadu hut. There are a large group of alien dignitaries in the yard who want to use the back door. He should not Doubt anything."

As Harry spoke, he took one step forward and passed through the wall of the quiet room to the Xanadu bedroom next door.

Tim Hunter may be born with a keen spiritual sense, but Harley has a truly semi-transcendent level of mental power, and a mere wall cannot block her perception at all.

"It's already the end of March. You've been doing divination publicly for more than two months. When will you stop?" The wall couldn't stop Stranger's mental power. He communicated with her spiritually through a wall.

"It can end at any time." Harry glanced up subconsciously.

If a person's destiny is like a thread.

Every time a person's fate is changed, his fate line will start from the rewritten point and be connected to Harley.

She is the reason for changing her life!

The more targets of divination, the greater the distortion of the original destiny, and the more messy threads of destiny are wrapped around her body, and the beginning and end of all the threads of destiny are within the "Book of Destiny".

Theoretically, you can find Big Brother Destiny's domain by following the line of destiny, and then find the "Book of Destiny".

Ordinary people cannot see the thread of fate, and the "thread of fate" is just a metaphor for fate, not a real thread of fate.

Relying on the Level 5 Destiny Defense Specialty, Harley can sense the changes in destiny "around" her, and then use the direction of the changes in destiny to outline the direction of destiny like a thread.

The threads drawn by this perception are neither precise nor clear. Only if more threads are intertwined together and woven into a portal to the realm of destiny can we not go astray.

The so-called "portal" is also a metaphor, and its essence is Harley's inference of the location of the destiny field.

As Harley continues to divine for others, and as her divination results gradually distort the original destiny of the universe, in theory, the door of destiny will become clearer and clearer.

At the beginning, the Gate of Destiny did indeed appear from scratch, and it became clearer to the naked eye day by day.

But after a certain stage, like the performance of a diligent student, the improvement becomes very insignificant.

It is not difficult for a student with a 50-point score who never listens carefully to an excellent student who works hard to reach an 80-point score. As long as the method is correct, and you are diligent enough and answer more questions, you will improve rapidly almost every day.

But for a student with an average IQ who has worked hard to reach a score of 85, it will be very, very difficult to reach the "elite student" class with a score of 90 through hard work.

Especially in double-first-class prestigious universities, students in the same class are both talented and hard-working, and their grades are normally distributed. There are only a few places for 90+, so no matter how hard you work, it will be useless.

This is the case for Harley now.

The clarity of the Gate of Destiny has not yet reached the standard she expected. However, the potential of public divination seems to be exhausted. Just relying on efforts to divine divination for more people will not change much.

Stranger asked: "You can end it at any time, which means that the benefits to you of continuing to publicly divination are no longer obvious?"

"That's understandable."

After a moment of silence, Mo Ke said: "In that case, you should quickly make the next plan.

I don't know exactly what your plans are, but I'm sure you're running out of time.

The Destiny Alliance has almost taken shape.

You must know what their purpose is without me having to talk nonsense. "

"After forming an alliance, did they get together and plot to kill me? Do you know their locations? In fact, my next plan is to wait for them to form an alliance and get together."

There was no worry in Harley's tone, but instead there was uncontrollable excitement and anticipation.

The "Gate of Destiny" had opened, and although it was a bit vague and not up to the standard she expected, it seemed like it couldn't be improved any further. At this time, it is time to use the Destiny Defense expertise to forcefully break into the "Gate of Destiny" and take away the "Book of Destiny".

Finally, just like Sun Wukong changed the "Book of Life and Death", he modified the fate of Sandman Morpheus.

If her destiny defense expertise reached level 9, she would not hesitate at all and head straight towards the "Gate of Destiny".

However, her expertise is only level 5, which is 40% short of level 6.

Defense expertise starts from level 0. The first three levels 0, 1, and 2 are considered basic, the middle levels 3, 4, and 5 are considered intermediate, and 6, 7, and 8 are considered advanced. Level 9 is the limit of the multiverse, and level 10 is transcendent. It belongs to the level of the omnipotent universe.

From elementary to intermediate, and then from intermediate to advanced, the effect of each breakthrough expertise will undergo a qualitative change.

Morpheus, the Sandman, is about to die, and Harley has neither the time nor the ability to upgrade her expertise to level 9.

But she hopes that her expertise can break through level 6 and she can be more confident. After all, she is about to step into a completely unfamiliar field, and her opponent is the big brother of the Endless Family.

To upgrade the Destiny Defense Specialty, she could only attack the God of Destiny. The God of Destiny united to deal with her, which was the result she had expected and even expected when she "forcefully blasted" them one by one.

What excites her more than catching a God of Destiny is catching a group of Gods of Destiny.

The stranger could also guess what she was thinking, so he simply stopped her thoughts and said: "I don't know if they are together, and I don't know their locations.

You don't need to tell me your plans, I don't care and I can't help you. "

"Why can't you help me? If you can find out the news about the alliance between those bad boys, you can at least determine which gods of destiny have joined the alliance.

Even if you just tell me the names and lairs of those gods of destiny and let me keep an eye on them, it will be of great help - Eh! "

Harley's expression suddenly changed, her figure flashed, and she returned to the quiet room where Mrs. Xanadu was divining.

"Stranger, have you sensed it?" She stared at the tarot cards on the table, her eyes serious, but her expression gradually became strange.

"What did you sense? Why did you come here?" The stranger was startled by her fierce and sudden reaction. He quickly took two steps forward, stretched out his hand to grab her arm, and said seriously: "Now is the critical moment for divination. , don’t disturb them.”

When the Stranger was talking nonsense with Harley before, Tim Hunter also came to Mrs. Xanadu again.

Mrs. Xanadu said a few words of "chicken soup" to Tim about choices, and then took out tarot cards to help Tim divine the future path.

Both tarot cards and crystal balls can be used for divination, and the divination rules understood by Madam Xanadu are tarot cards.

She once defeated the second sister of death with tarot cards.

At this time, she took out tarot cards specifically for Tim, indicating that Mrs. Xanadu attaches great importance to today's divination.

As she opened the tarot cards one after another, Tim seemed possessed, staring straight at the cards, as if his soul was being sucked away by the tarot cards.

The Stranger also knows divination and tarot cards, and knows that both Mrs. Xanadu and Tim have reached a critical moment. Then without any warning, Harley suddenly jumped over and put her head in front of the tarot cards, her expression changing.

"The second sister's aura is very obvious, I can't sense it wrong." Harley still uses mental sound transmission, and also uses a defensive force field to wrap her mental power.

The stranger was stunned and asked in surprise: "Have you sensed the breath of 'death' in the world of Tarot cards?"

"There seems to be not only the second sister, but also Big Brother Destiny. But after I emerged from the invisible state and came to the quiet room, Big Brother Destiny immediately disappeared, like a rabbit who heard the sound of a shotgun." Harley said strangely.

The stranger was doubtful, pointed to the neatly arranged tarot cards on the table, and asked: "Do you know the world of tarot cards?"

Harry stared at the tarot cards, nodded and said: "I haven't reached that level myself, but I have heard it said.

She understood the 'Tarot Law of Destiny', and when she fully activated the 'Tarot Law' to divine for others, if the other person is a person of destiny and awakens the destiny, she has the opportunity to touch the river of destiny and create a real tower. The fantasy world of Tarot cards is also called the 'World of Tarot cards'.

Just like an ordinary grandmaster uses his own master's laws to create a low-end version of the Kingdom of God - the master space, a diviner uses the laws of destiny to build a copycat 'destiny field'.

Although the world of Tarot cards is illusory, the characters and events in it are not necessarily false.

It is a mirage world built on the river of destiny, where you can directly see the true destiny of the future with your naked eyes. "

"The world of Tarot cards is built on the river of destiny. It is impossible for outsiders to see the scenes inside and feel the mysterious atmosphere inside." Stranger said.

"Common sense doesn't work for me. What happened to me is contrary to common sense." Harley said proudly.

The Stranger couldn't refute, but he still had doubts about Harley's words, "Whether there is death and fate in the world of Tarot cards, we will know when Tim wakes up.

Don't talk or get close to them, just wait quietly for the Tarot world to disappear.

Wait for their consciousness to escape the river of destiny and return to their original bodies. "

"You don't need to remind me again and again, I am as knowledgeable about divination as you are now," said Harry.

"I'm never worried about you making mistakes out of ignorance. I'm just worried about you deliberately causing trouble and then pretending to be an unintentional mistake with an innocent face." The stranger said.

Harley's mouth twitched a few times and she said honestly: "You don't have to worry at all. I made it very clear. Brother Destiny probably noticed my arrival at the same time and ran away immediately.

If he was still in the world of tarot cards, I would have torn open the door of destiny, forced my way into the world of tarot cards, and captured the consciousness of Big Brother Destiny."

When she said this, her face was full of regret and unwillingness.

"Pa!" She clapped her hands hard and lamented loudly: "After all, I still don't have enough concentration. If only I could be calmer and not be so excited, I would quietly approach the table and jump into the world of Tarot cards -"

"Stop dreaming. The world of Tarot cards is on the river of destiny and belongs to the realm of destiny. No matter how careful you are, you can't hide it from Him."

After a pause, Stranger seemed to suddenly react, looking at Harry with a puzzled look on his face, and said: "You have the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard, and you dare to take the idea of ​​the Wuwu family?

Are you planning to use the consciousness of 'destiny' to squeeze out the power of destiny just like you did with the God of Destiny before? "

"Big Brother Destiny's soul must be rich in the power of destiny. One person can stand up to hundreds of gods of destiny." Harley was still sighing, showing no sign of repentance.

"You're crazy." Stranger shook his head repeatedly.

Harley said disapprovingly: "I even planned to break into the realm of destiny and snatch the "Book of Destiny" from his hands. What does it mean to seize his consciousness projection?"

"It's different. You took the "Book of Destiny" essentially to help another member of the Endless Family. Forget it, don't tell me about your 'great plan' again.

I'm not you. I can't bear the backlash of fate and don't want to be involved. "The stranger waved his hands, closed his mouth and stopped talking.

After waiting for nearly an hour, when the alien dignitaries waiting for the divination outside began to whisper, Tim Hunter seemed to wake up from a dream, whispered "Uh-huh", and blinked rapidly with his eyes that had been staring at the tarot cards. After a few moments, his mind gradually returned to consciousness.

It was not the first time for Mrs. Xanadu, who was sitting opposite him, to experience the "World of Tarot Cards". She only breathed a sigh of relief and made no additional expressions or movements.

"Ah, Admiral of the Galaxy?!" Seeing Harley next to him, Tim shouted and became confused again, "Am I still dreaming?"

"It's not a dream, everything you saw just now is all the possibilities of fate." Mrs. Shangdu said.

Harley also said: "I am friends with Stranger. I noticed his aura and was curious, so I came to investigate. Your name is Tim Hunter? What have you seen in the 'dream' before?"

Tim's face turned pale, he lowered his head, and said hesitantly: "It's all fake. I'm not a murderer."

"Have you seen the future where you become a murderer?" Harley asked strangely.

"That's not me, I don't want to be like that." He clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"Who did you kill?" Harley asked.

"I won't kill anyone, never!" He shook his head repeatedly.

Harley turned to Xanadu.

Mrs. Xanadu looked a little confused, "Ten years later, Tim will become the 'Magic Messenger' and the 'King of Light', dominating the entire magical world. No mage in the world dares to disobey, and he will kill all those who disobey.

Throughout the multiverse and countless planes, wherever he passed, there were corpses everywhere. "

"No, I'm not a murderer!" Tim screamed.

"Nonsense!" Harley said calmly: "As long as I suppress the multiverse, the so-called 'magic messenger' is just a 'magic battery'."

Mrs. Xanadu had a strange expression, as if she wanted to say something, but finally glanced at Tim and closed her mouth again.

"Tim, the future you see is only a possibility in the most extreme situation. It does not mean that that future will definitely happen." The stranger put his hand on Tim's shoulder and comforted him softly: "Remember me?" Is this the purpose of bringing you to see Madam Xanadu?

She is your last teacher.

She will directly show you the possibilities for the future and help you choose the right path.

You were confused before coming here, but now have you found the way forward? "

"Direction?" Tim looked still confused, "I don't know."

"You don't want to become a 'magic user' who kills countless people, do you?" Stranger asked.

Tim nodded vigorously and said firmly: "I will never become a murderous demon."

The stranger smiled, "Isn't this your path?"

"Tim, have you met Big Brother Destiny and Second Sister Death in the 'future'?" Harley described the general image of the two people.

Tim was surprised: "How do you know? I did meet a man holding a huge book in his hand, and a black-haired woman with gothic makeup. It should be the fate and death you mentioned."

The stranger glanced at Harry in surprise. It turned out that she wasn't bragging.

"What did they talk to you about?" Harley asked again.

Tim pondered and said: "The man holding the giant book looked at me strangely and said that my destiny was not in the "Book of Destiny" before, but now it suddenly appears again.

Just when I was about to ask about his fate, his expression changed, he seemed to have raised his head and glanced 'above', and disappeared quietly. "

"Your destiny didn't exist before, but now it suddenly exists." Harley frowned and thought for a moment, then turned to Mrs. Xanadu, "What do you mean?"

Mrs. Xanadu spread her hands and said helplessly: "As a fortune teller, I can indeed see the scenes in the 'Tarot Card World', but the people of the Endless Family are obviously not within the scope of the 'scenes'.

Tim and I were probably the ones they were observing.

In fact, I had only vaguely sensed the auras of those two people before, and had no chance to meet them face to face. "

"What did the second sister Death say to you?" Harley looked at Tim and asked.

"She didn't come to see me at all, she did..." Tim's clear eyes suddenly became hazy, "I can't say, I can't tell you."

Like talking in sleep.

"Ah!" He suddenly screamed, holding his head and shouting in fear: "Yes, I can't say it, I must not say it to anyone."

"You don't need to say anything, no one is forcing you." The stranger quickly held him in his arms and comforted him softly.

Harley raised her eyebrows, feeling surprised and uncertain.

"Harry, Xanadu, we have to leave. Goodbye." After comforting Tim, the Stranger didn't stay for a moment. He teleported and left the Xanadu hut with Tim.

Harley and Xanadu looked at each other, and Xanadu spoke first: "Let's go to the stomach bag dimension to talk."

Harley opened her mouth and swallowed her.

"Tim Hunter is a bit strange. There should be many secrets about him that we don't know. I have a hunch that our hope that he will obtain pure magic power and become a god in one step will be in vain." Xanadu said with a serious expression.

"Why is he suddenly 'unable to speak'?" Harley was more concerned about the affairs of the Endless Family.

Mrs. Xanadu mused: "Maybe his spiritual sense is too sharp. Halfway through his words, he instinctively sensed the 'crisis of fate's backlash'.

Whether it is a fortune teller or an ordinary person seeking divination, as long as he peeks into fate and interferes with its normal operation, he will be counterattacked by fate.

Some diviners have keen spiritual senses and can detect the crisis immediately after completing the divination; some people are stupid and ignorant, and even if the crisis comes, they will be ignorant and passively bear it.

All landscapes and events in the world of Tarot cards are the real content of the River of Destiny and are direct observations of destiny.

Telling the outside world what you see in the world of Tarot cards can naturally interfere with the normal operation of fate, just like divination, and then cause fate to backfire.

Tim Hunter is not a fortune teller, but he senses crisis better than I do. "

Harley's eyes flashed slightly, "Tim was scared to cry, which shows that there is a strong sense of crisis, and it also shows that there is a shocking secret hidden in what the second sister of Death said, and maybe it is related to me.

Tell me, who did the second sister Death want to meet, and what did she say to Tim? "

Mrs. Xanadu remained expressionless and silent.

"Why don't you speak?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Mrs. Xanadu said helplessly: "Even Tim Hunter, the son of destiny, was scared to tears. My shoulders are thinner than his, my fists are smaller than his, and I can't even bear it!"

"As long as I'm here, what are you afraid of?"

"But I really don't know!" Mrs. Xanadu shouted, then changed the subject and said: "Stop asking about Tim Hunter, you two have no intersection.

You'd better continue to call people in for divination, the guests outside are already impatient! "

Harley sighed, "I feel like the second sister is hinting at something to me, now -"

"Boom!" It was like a muffled thunder suddenly exploded above Harry's head.

Her consciousness was blurry for a moment, and then her eyes widened and she shouted in disbelief: "The Gate of Destiny is complete?! What happened?"

The door of destiny that had been hazy before suddenly became extremely clear, clearer than she expected.

Harley had a feeling that she could step into the realm of destiny in one step and never get lost.

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Xanadu didn't know why.

Harley took a few deep breaths, forced herself to calm down, and stared with her eyes at the "storm of destiny" that caused the Gate of Destiny to become clear. Understood."

With a flash of green light, she disappeared into the quiet room of Xanadu's hut.

In less than half a minute, she appeared in the Komodo main galaxy 3.5 billion light-years away.

She saw endless white light, and her body was flooded by endless white light and burning heat.

(ps: In the comics, Tim Hunter has a lot of cards. In addition to the Stranger and Sage Oki, who take the initiative to be the white-bearded grandfather, Madam Xanadu divines the future for him, and the Justice League Dark protects him. Magic Big names in the industry also took turns to appear and meet him. The second sister and Big Brother Destiny did go to meet him. He has already affected the operation of destiny. It is a pity that such an awesome character and setting did not sell well in the comics and did not enter the market. DC mainstream circle.)

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