Lina glanced at Luther's bulging cheeks and saw the black hairs around his mouth that were thicker than the hairs in his mouth. She closed her mouth and stopped arguing with her brother.

He said it's a duck neck, so it's a duck neck.

Forcibly exposing his words of respect will only embarrass him and make the situation more embarrassing.

Lina no longer thought about her brother chewing mice. Her eyes moved down from his mouth and only saw his neck. She stiffened slightly and was stunned again on the spot: compared to other places, the scars on the neck were much less, although There is still not an inch of complete skin, but dense lip marks can be clearly seen on it.

This is obviously a hickey!

Lina was screaming in her heart.

Luther was so miserable that he wanted to eat a mouse's head. Obviously, there would be no chance of any romantic encounters, and there would be no Apokolips beauties to throw themselves into his arms.

——Oh my God, Luther was violated by the tough new gods of Apokolips!

Lina’s eyes turned red again.

She held back tears and lowered her eyes, not letting her brother see her expression and not letting him realize that she had discovered his humiliation.

But the lowered gaze suddenly turned to Luther's lower body.

His lower body was also battered, and blood was gurgling on the stone floor under his butt.

"Luthor." She finally couldn't hold it any longer and started to cry.

Luther spit out two sharp, long and white "duck bones", lowered his head and looked at himself, and said in a hoarse voice: "The body is just a piece of skin that will eventually be abandoned, and the soul is the eternal core.

No matter how they tortured me from my previous life, they could not touch my pure and peaceful heart. "

"Previous life?" Lina raised her head, her tearful eyes full of confusion.

"Time is a river that keeps moving forward. When you stand in the past, the past becomes the present moment; when you stand in the future, the 'now' is the past, the previous life.

At least at the spiritual level, like Harley, I have reached the state of transcending the river of time. My thoughts exist at any point in time and no longer at any point in time. "

Luther raised his head slightly and looked up, as if he saw the avenue and truth beyond the river of time, and his scarred face began to shine.

Lina followed his gaze and saw only the dark red sky of Apokolips.

"I don't quite understand" she murmured.

"When my thoughts stand at the time when the main universe has been restarted again, and I have got rid of the dirty and corrupted body of the dark new god and restored the body of a pure-blooded human being," at this moment, it seems that the truth is not real, illusory, and misty. It's like a dream, just like my last life." When Luther spoke, his face also showed an ethereal and trance-like expression.

It was like he was in a dream that was confusing reality.

Lina understood that his method of self-comfort had entered a profound realm that mortals could not understand.

"What you mean is that when the next time the main universe encounters a crisis and is about to restart, you hope that Sister Harley will modify your timeline and allow you to undergo a major restart with the earth, and finally decide to return to human status with the others. Like the new Dark Gods, get rid of the body and identity changes brought about by collective ascension?" She translated his ravings into vernacular that mortals could understand.

"Well, you basically understand what I mean, but I don't want a big reboot. My memories, thoughts, and cognitions cannot be changed. I just need to change my body.

Just like reincarnation with memories, the previous life has become a cloud and smoke, and this life begins again. "Luther said.

Lina touched the necklace on her chest and asked: "When Sister Harley promoted 'Restart and Change Identity' before, you always dismissed it, saying that god-level civilization is the end point of the evolution of civilized planets, and that the new gods are human beings." The end point of evolution is always forward evolution. Who would be stupid enough to actively degenerate?

You also said that you have the destiny of the Dark Lord, representing the ultimate hope of the 'god-level human civilization'. Not only will you lead the collective ascension of the new human race of gods to create glory, but you will also come to the earth as a savior in the future to save those ignorant, There are no ordinary humans who ascend.

You also said-"

"It doesn't matter what I said in the past. What matters is what I say now!" Even though he was covered in bruises, one could see that Luther's cheeks were red.

"So, you really don't want to be the new god of darkness and have completely given up on your destiny as the dark monarch?" Lina shook the necklace on her chest and confirmed again.

"You did it on purpose, right?"

Luther was a little angry. He was already like this, and she was still talking about destiny. She was obviously mocking him!

He was like this, and she still ridiculed him, which was too much.

"I thought you would be pleading first, asking me to beg Sister Harley to rescue you; and then gritting your teeth to express your unwillingness to admit defeat, and continue to recruit troops to compete with the dark elite," Lina said.

"You've always been like this before." She added specifically after finishing speaking.

Luther's face became even redder, and blood even oozed from the wound.

But he couldn't refute loudly, because Lena was right about one thing at least: he hoped that she would ask Harley to help him get out of the miserable situation where life was worse than death.

"Harley has made it clear that she will not interfere in any affairs related to the new human race of gods. If I refuse to admit defeat and continue to recruit troops to fight the dark elite again, she will definitely refuse to save me.

I resolutely give up my identity and destiny as the New God of Darkness. Standing in the future, I will be a pure earthling. She does not need to break her oath to save the earthlings. "He explained helplessly.

He and Superman have been entangled from boyhood to now, more than twenty years ago, and they have never stopped.

This kind of indomitable and unyielding character will obviously not be really frightened by the torture of the dark elite.

In fact, he had never hated the Dark Elite as much as he did at this moment.

Whenever possible, he also wants to fulfill his destiny as the "Dark Lord" and make the dark elite shocked and regretful, but regrets that it is useless and miserable, just like he is now.

But he knew very well that as long as he had any relationship with the Dark New Gods, Harley would never help him.

"I understand. I will go to Sister Harley and ask her for help again, but I'm not sure she will agree. Even if she agrees, it may not be possible." Lina looked bitter, "Super Girl's parents are new people from Krypton." The leader of the Protoss, but the Dark Elite offered to release her parents during the initial negotiation seven days ago.

But you were specifically named by the Dark Elite.

They might let anyone go, except you and Zod. By the way, Zod has been completely killed. "

"As long as Harley is willing to vouch for me and guarantee that I will clear my identity as the New God of Darkness in the future reboot, if I break my oath and she kills me personally, the Dark Elite will agree," Luther said.

Lina looked at him steadily and asked softly: "Have you ever thought about a question, why do you ask Sister Harley for help repeatedly, and each time it becomes more and more excessive?

You do have some friendship, but do you ever value your friendship?

Have you spent time and energy to maintain and cultivate your friendship? "

"I" Luther was speechless.

After thinking about it, he said helplessly: "I also want to help her, but I have no chance! Everyone dreams, there are nightmares and sweet dreams. My best dream is that Harley is in crisis, and I roar proudly and fall from the sky. , the hero saves the beauty, she looks at me with admiration and thanks me——"

"Stop dreaming." Lina looked disgusted.

Luther nodded and sighed: "Even in dreams, such scenes rarely appear. As soon as they appear, I will realize that I am dreaming.

Alas, it is so unreal, ten or a hundred times more false than my dream of replacing Superman as the hope of mankind. "

Lina sighed: “Sacrificing one’s life to help each other in life-or-death situations is not the only way to cultivate friendship.

With your wisdom, you must understand this.

The key is that you didn't try your best to make friends with Sister Harley and try your best to repay her, so you felt that there was no chance.

I won't mention the fact that you secretly ran a secret society and dealt with many super villains to make her unhappy. Just talk about this collective ascension.

How clear her attitude is, everyone on the planet can see it, including you.

As long as you value your relationship with her and want to repay her for her help in the past years, you should stand on her side and help prevent the collective ascension.

As you were the ruler of Apokolips at that time, it was not easy to do this.

You didn't do it. Instead, you made various promises and benefits to everyone, encouraged everyone to ascend, and made it clear that you would compete with her.

When I say this, I don’t expect you to completely give up your position.

You can still be the master of Apokolips, but there is no need to cause trouble to the earth.

In particular, Sister Harley has made it clear that the 'collective ascension' is a bait deliberately thrown out by Darkseid that looks sweet but is actually extremely poisonous. If you are not afraid of death yourself, why take the risk with billions of people on earth? "

"I don't want to cause trouble to the earth. I sincerely believe that god-level civilization is the end point of the evolution of all civilizations. In the past, present, and future, isn't the direction of all human efforts to improve the level of civilization?

I see an opportunity and don’t let it go. What’s wrong with that? "Luthor shouted.

"Based on your words, even Witch Harley can't save you." Suddenly, a sarcastic sneer came from above the two of them.

The two siblings looked up and saw Oscar, the captain of the dark guard, standing by the fence on the second floor, looking down at the two people by the smelly ditch.

"Oh~~s~~ka!" Luther gritted his teeth, while fear and regret flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Oscar, do you want to convey my brother's words to the dark elite?" Lina was relatively calm.

"He is the dog of the dark elite. The reason why I am in the current situation is all because of him. He betrayed all our new human gods!" Luther said bitterly.

Not only was Oscar not angry, but he smiled proudly and said: "Of course, I am a loyal servant of His Majesty Steppenwolf, and I will tell him everything I hear and see.

Especially the rebellious words of the rebel leader Lex Luthor, even his tone and expression cannot be spared. "

"Me too." Lina said.

"What?" Oscar was a little confused.

Lina pointed to the pendant on her chest, "I have often gone to Heaven Mountain to visit my mother over the years. The more times I went, the Heaven Mountain mobile phone in my hand was naturally imbued with holy light and became a magic prop.

Even if it falls into Limbo, it will not decompose and will still be effective.

Before coming to Apokolips, I took off the camera of my phone and transformed it into a necklace.

All the conversations I had with Luther were recorded by it.

Before leaving, I will go with you to see your master Steppenwolf and give him the video to let him understand that although Luther is unwilling, he is determined to give up his identity as the New God of Darkness.

Since you have been monitoring our conversations, you can naturally testify for us. "

The proud smile on Oscar's face disappeared, he snorted coldly, took a few steps back, and left the sight of the Luther brothers and sisters.

"Your necklace really has a video recording function? Have you been prepared for it, and what you said before was also a deliberate inducement?" Luther asked in a low voice.

Lina looked at him calmly and said: "I will really go to Steppenwolf and transfer the video to him."

Luther's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he hesitated to speak several times.

Lina asked: "What happened to Oscar? According to you, he has something to do with this collective disappearance?"

"He is extremely shameless. He does not need the dark elite to use mind control. He is willing to be their lackey. He is a huge traitor."

Luther quickly detailed Oscar's betrayal of the human dark elite.

He became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally grabbed his sister's wrist and said angrily: "It doesn't matter even if you can't persuade Harley to save me, but you must remember that after returning to Earth, Oscar's crimes will be made public immediately, and he will A kneeling statue of Oscar will be built in Metropolis and in low-Earth orbit.

Let all people on earth and aliens now and in the future know that there have been such shameless adulterers in the world. "

"Go ahead and build a kneeling statue, I support you." Oscar stood at the railing again and sneered: "Human beings only care about virtues such as loyalty and justice.

For the new god of darkness, the kneeling statue of ‘rape’ is my immortal monument, and the curses and hatred of mortals are the nourishment for me to strengthen my divinity. "

"Why are you doing this?" Lina stared at him with confusion on her face, "You have a high position, you are the Secretary of Defense of the United States, you are also a high-level member of the Hope and Freedom Corps, and your family life is prosperous and smooth.

The United States and mankind have never done anything sorry to you. What are the benefits of betraying mankind and the New Protoss?

You are now just a guard captain on Apokolips, and your status is not as good as before. "

"You are too naive and too stupid." Oscar shook his head slightly, looked at Luther with contempt, and said, "What is collective ascension?

It’s about giving up human identity.

It is to break away from earth civilization.

Since you can lead us to betray Earth's civilization, why can't I betray you?

They have betrayed their own civilization and still talk about the justice of the human race. They are either deceiving themselves or others, or they are not clear-headed.

I am the former, using deception to temporarily retain my identity and interests in the United States.

Luther, you are completely out of your mind.

Admiral Galaxy is very clear-headed, sees us very clearly, and speaks very honestly.

When she emphasized many times that 'after ascension, everyone will settle down with their destiny', people with unclear ideas felt that they could still drag her into the water.

As a sane person like me, I already understand that without the direct intervention of the Galactic Admiral, the Luthor Corps is a joke.

There is only one final outcome to the civil war between the Dark New Gods of Apokolips. Long live His Majesty Darkseid! "

He shouted respectfully, and then said with a proud smile: "This is a very simple question. Go to the streets of America and ask any passerby, 'Luthor vs. Darkseid, who will win?'

Everyone has the same answer.

There is also a very simple question that all the new gods of humanity with online IQs can answer - even if we follow Luther to overthrow the Dark Elite and eventually kill Darkseid, what benefits will we get?

Darkseid’s god-king level godhead? The main godhead of the dark elite?

Haha, I can become the Secretary of Defense of the United States without any lack of ambition, but my success depends more on reason and brains. "

Oscar turned his gaze to Lina and said jokingly: "You ask me what benefits I can get. Comparing Luther and me now, the benefits are not obvious yet?

If I hadn't been smart and calm, and didn't refuse the olive branch extended by my kind grandmother, now I would be the same as your brother, becoming the 'wife' of millions of slaves in the slave camp. Even I tried several times, and your brother screamed so miserably. , he seems to be particularly afraid of pain, and will scream in pain when touched, hahahaha! "

"Shameless, beast!" Lina couldn't help but curse angrily.

Steppenwolf and DeSaad are right.

If they are really worried about the imprisoned high-level New Gods of mankind, their families should not visit them.

When they went there, their faces were full of anxiety and worry; when they returned to the War Square after the prison visit, their eyes were red and swollen, their faces were full of sadness and pain, and many of them were still crying softly.

"Wow, my Henry is so miserable. When I went there, there were eight new gods of darkness surrounding him. Others were confused and almost couldn't recognize me."

Next to Lina, Xiguatiao kept wiping his tears and howling loudly.

"Martian Manhunter, my Henry is not a high-ranking member of the Dark Elite." She still pulled Jon's cloak and yelled, "He has no profession in the United States and is not even an American. Now that he is married to me, he has become Feeney." Prince Special.”

"Sorry, Queen Grace, I don't know how they divide the 'highest level of the New Gods of Humanity'. You can ask Steppenwolf later, and I'll accompany you." Martian Manhunter was also confused. Henry Zetas was just a playboy. , how did he become the new dark god leader of mankind?

After arriving at the War Square, the Watermelon Man really started shouting at Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf said unceremoniously: "Isn't it because of you that he can become the new god leader of mankind?

You summoned the strongest superpowers in the Finite Empire to form the 'Henry Mercenary Group'. The total number of people exceeds 30,000, and the Grandmaster alone has 3,000!

His strength is unique among the entire human New God Legion. If he is not the leader, who is?

Could it be you? If you are willing to take his place, we have no objection at all. "

Queen Grace's expression was horrified, she shrunk from a long watermelon into a small and round "watermelon", her two thin arms were swinging, "No, it's not me, it's Henry, the leader of the 'Henry Mercenary Group' it's him!"

After leaving this sentence, she quickly disappeared without a trace.

Lina couldn't help shouting: "Steppenwolf, you can torture the prisoners, but why do you have to keep violating them? You are the dark elite. Are you so short of ways to humiliate people that you can only think of violating them?"

Steppenwolf said impatiently: "The only rule in Apokolips is that the strong are respected, and the strong can do whatever they want.

What your brother has experienced in the past and what he will experience in the future are all determined by the personal will of the strong men in the slave camp.

They violated him if they wanted to, and tortured him in other ways if they wanted.

I only care about truly strong men like Zod, but I don’t have the patience to keep staring at your trash brother. "

Lina wanted to say more, but the father of the deputy commander beside her wailed: "My daughter looks so iconic, you can violate her, why do you keep putting her on the fire to roast? She is almost burnt."

The wife of the second boss, Lincoln, also shouted: "Although my husband is a man, he has never done any physical work in his life, and he looks gentle and gentle.

You can let him do the camp skills in the slave camp. Don't force him to do hard labor all the time. He will be so tired that he vomits blood. "

"Although my father is old, he is the speaker of the United States and has such a noble status. Don't you have any impulse? Don't use torture on him. He is actually an old man."

Lina's expression gradually solidified, then slowly twisted, and she swallowed the words that crawled to her throat completely.

The next day, the Met.

After many days, Harley finally met Bateman and Superman.

"Harley, we hope you can pass a bill to allow the new dark gods of humanity who have returned from Apokolips to return to Earth. It is best if you come out in person to welcome them and call on the people to accept them."

Dachao was in good spirits, at least he didn't have the depression and frustration that General Lane mentioned earlier.

"How many people did you bring back in total?" Harley asked curiously.

“During the ‘Seven Days War’, we prevented the Dark Elite from invading the parallel universe 12 times, and saved an average of 500,000 people each time, for a total of 6 million people in the 12 times.

Yesterday we brought back a full 9 million people from Apokolips, adding up to 15 million people.

This is a huge group that needs to be treated seriously by you and us. "When Dachao spoke, there was even a bit of excitement in his tone.

Harley became more and more confused, "How many people disappeared in total during the forced summoning incident?"

Dachao's expression dimmed and he said bitterly: "Including Kryptonians, there are close to 120 million."

"That is to say, less than 13% have returned, and tens of millions of people are still voluntarily staying on Apokolips. They will inevitably invade the parallel universe again in the future, causing countless killings.

But I see that you look very satisfied, as if you have achieved great achievements and outstanding achievements. "

If they are really gloomy and depressed, and look like they have suffered a major blow and are heartbroken, Hallie will comfort them with gentle words and praise them for doing their best and achieving outstanding results.

But they didn't.

In their bodies and in their voices, there was a sense of satisfaction that they had finally achieved their goal after a lot of hard work.

Harley would use sarcastic words to help them neutralize their excitement.

"That's not what you calculated." Dinah said: "At the same time as the forced summoning, the dark elite began to clean up the new human gods who were summoned to Apokolips.

Especially the New Gods of Krypton, they have mother box mechas, but unlike humans who rely entirely on mother box mechas, they also have strong combat capabilities themselves.

The Dark Elite wants to clean them out before they can adapt to bloodline burning.

The New Gods of Krypton will resist, and a war breaks out between the two sides. The battlefield is in the War Square, and the square is filled with the forcibly summoned new gods of mankind.

Then more than 30 million people were affected by the war and died tragically on the spot.

If we hadn't arrived in time, all the 120 million human new gods who were forcibly summoned would have died that day. "

"After subtracting 30 million people, there are still 90 million left, but you only brought back 11 million. There is no reason to be happy and cheerful." Harley said.

"We are not in high spirits or in high spirits." Diana frowned.

"But you don't look depressed, sad, guilt-ridden, or self-blaming," Harley said.

Wonder Woman's expression was a little strange, "We really couldn't figure it out before, and we were a little depressed."

"Have you figured it out now?"

Diana glanced at Bateman, who was silent and expressionless, and said: "If we stand idly by like you, everyone will die.

The Dark Elite will still invade parallel universes, this is their nature.

Even if the dark elite brings with them some of the new dark gods of humanity who survived because of us in the future, it does not mean that we must also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

The reason is very simple. Compared to the power of the entire Apokolips, the tens of millions of human Dark New Gods are like a drop in the bucket and have no fundamental impact on the outcome of the invasion war.

But we actually saved 11 million people.

Even if we only save 1,100 people, it will be enough for us to be elated and in high spirits.

Now that 11 million people have been saved, what reason do we have to not have a clear conscience and clear thoughts? "

Harley nodded, "Well, I changed my thinking and immediately changed from a loser to a big winner. Not bad, not bad."

"You have time to be weird here, why not help those 11 million terrified and homeless 'new humans' return to their home planet as soon as possible." Dinah said.

Harley shook her head and said: "Don't be naive, I can't open the door for them."

"They gave up the dark elite's divinity and the temptation of divine status, and insisted not to harm the humans on earth in the parallel universe. Can't they prove their determination to return to humanity after losing their way?" Da Chao frowned.

Harley said: "It has nothing to do with determination. When I first became the 'Acting Grand Commander', I announced to the entire universe that only the Grand Commander, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Finance and the new human gods who have already obtained the 'Earth's household registration' can You can return to Earth and become an Earthling.

I can't keep my word.

What if the back door was opened for those 1,100 people and the ‘Universal Didi Drivers’ were all over the world with major literary stars?

After losing the Mother Box, their quality of life plummeted.

Those with savings are fine, but those without savings have become alien beggars and alien tramps. News broke two days ago that a top student at Harvard University in the United States had to work as a street boy on Lann Planet after losing his mother box.

They all want to return to the earth, but the earth cannot accept them casually. "

"Why can't we accept them? All of them together don't exceed 200 million, and it's not like the earth can't accommodate them." Diana said.

Harley said: "Because it's unfair, unfair to ordinary people who didn't choose to ascend collectively.

If the new gods of mankind succeed, they will gain the great power and immortal life of the gods, while ordinary people will gain nothing.

If the new human gods fail, they can still return to Earth at will and receive the same treatment as ordinary people.

Aren't you bullying ordinary people?

Next time you encounter a similar incident, if you were ordinary people, would you choose to ascend collectively?

The role of rules and laws is to protect those who abide by the law, not to give a green light to those who violate the law.

Only by strictly enforcing the rules will everyone respect them.

If the same thing happens in the future, the unruly person will learn to follow the rules.

If we really follow your ideas, no one will obey the rules in the end, and the damage will be even greater. "

When the other heroes were speechless, Bateman finally spoke and said: "If we encounter a big reboot next time, can 11 million people choose to be Earthlings?"

"That's fine."

"Then you publicly announce this matter to appease their hesitant hearts and give them a hope they can look forward to," Bateman said.

"Oh, I hope. I'm afraid you will be very disappointed in the end."

"Harry, many people want to see you these two days."

After the Zhenglian heroes left, Sam Lane came over again with a hesitant expression.

"I can't see you," Harley said firmly.

Ryan said strangely: "I didn't even say who wanted to see you."

"Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean I don't know, are you relatives of the Commander-in-Chief, Finance Minister, and Foreign Minister?"

"The Commander-in-Chief died that day and was shot in the head by Doctor Chaos." After a pause, Ryan nodded and said: "Yes, there are relatives of the Commander-in-Chief. Although the Commander-in-Chief is dead, Henry is still alive.

Previously, everyone had suspected that Queen Grace had ulterior motives for marrying Henry, or that she had been deceived by Lady Xanadu's divination.

Henry's relatives doubted that Henry was worth anything anymore.

As a result, Queen Grace personally went to Apokolips to visit Henry and mustered up the courage to question Steppenwolf.

This fully proves that the love between her and Henry is true love. In the past two days, many media have also praised their love as strong as ever.

In this way, Henry's relatives began to imagine that if Henry was fished out, he would still be the queen's husband, and they would also become noble Fenites. "

Harley sneered and said, "I'm already dreaming of becoming a Fenite. Why should I help them as an Earthling?"

"Luthor's sister Lena also wants to see you. Do you want to see her?" Ryan asked.

"Lina came to see you?"

“That’s not true, it’s just that the powerful relatives who came to me to establish relationships asked me whether Lina had been looking for you.

Since Luther can be taken care of by you, their family's sins are even smaller, shouldn't they?" Ryan shrugged and did not continue.

"It's better to find the Justice League than me. My attitude is so determined that even the aliens can see it. Are they idiots?" Harley said.

Lena never went to find "Harry, the Commander-in-Chief of the United States."

Because she quietly came to Quinn Villa the next night.

She was wearing a hooded gown and was dressed like a lottery picker on the road.

Harley's original incarnation was Mrs. Shandu, who was still doing divination for alien dignitaries. When he saw her coming, he still took a few minutes to meet her.

"Sister Harley, Luther wants you to help him, not to help him leave Apokolips, but to wait until the next big reboot to turn him back into a pure-blooded Earthling.

If he turns back to Earth, he no longer has the destiny of the new dark gods and poses no threat to the dark elite. Should they release him? "

Harley glanced at Lina, whose face was full of anxiety and expectation, and said, "Actually, I knew you would come to me."

Lina's fair face suddenly turned red, "I"

Harry waved his hand, "I have been learning the art of divination from Mrs. Du. Your visit was a result of divination."

Lina was still embarrassed.

When had Luther encountered a life crisis before, he didn't let her sister come over to help him?

Why do you need divination when a fool can guess the result?

"In addition to divining your arrival, I also divined Luther's future on a whim. Don't worry, he can turn misfortune into good fortune and turn disaster into good fortune without my help," Harley continued.

She wasn't fooling Lena.

As Lena thought, every time Luther faced a life-or-death crisis, he would shamelessly ask his sister to come to Quinn Manor for help. Harley didn't need divination to guess that Lena was about to come to visit again.

Because her body has been divining for others, the "Gate of Destiny" above her head has become clearer and clearer. When she thought of Lena and Luther, she actually had a whim and unconsciously glimpsed Luther's fate.

It wasn't that her divination skills had made a breakthrough, but that Luther's future changes in destiny were closely related to her, and her spiritual sense was touched.

"Being successful in disaster means benefiting from the disaster. Not only can Luther escape from Apokolips, but he can also benefit?" Lina's eyes were full of doubt and confusion.

"Your understanding is correct, and I am not wrong either. He is a good fortune in death. Don't ask for details. Believe me, he should be able to come back within two months.

If it is later than two months, it means that he is full of courage and has the will to endure hardships.

The later he comes back, the greater the benefits he will get, and he might eventually soar into the sky and renew his destiny. " Harley said with great interest.

Lina breathed a sigh of relief and became a little more curious, "Can you give me a hint?"

Harley said mysteriously: "Actually, your brother is not a mortal to begin with. He has an extremely powerful bloodline, but he refuses to recognize his own nature and has never accepted his true self.

Once he realizes who he is and accepts 100% who he is, he will unleash a shocking power. "

The corner of Lina's mouth twitched, "It sounds like the 'three-stage plot evolution' in Hollywood movies, where the protagonist is confused - encounters setbacks - and then awakens.

At the beginning, the protagonist is confused and has no purpose in life. Then the people around him fall into desperate situations, such as the death of 'Uncle Ben'. The protagonist begins to reminisce, then recognizes and accepts himself, and finally realizes his superego, bursts with power, and beats up the villain. , the movie ends. "

"Well, I really haven't thought about that. It seems that your brother really has the destiny to be the protagonist." Harley's expression also became a little weird.

"What talent does Lex have?" Lena asked again.

"It's been so many days and you still don't know the rules of divination? The secret must not be revealed!"

Lina stopped asking.

After a moment of silence, she sighed: "Actually, no matter what kind of torture Lex suffers, I think he deserves it.

But the new gods of darkness were too cunning. They continued to violate him and refused to give him food.

When I went to see him, he was actually chewing on a rat head.

In order not to worry me, they lied to me and said it was a duck neck.

Do you really think I’ve never eaten duck neck? The duck neck is not like that at all. "

Thinking of Luther's embarrassed and miserable look when she saw him again, she couldn't help but blush.

"Perhaps Luther is not lying. There are so many new human protoss on Apokolips, so it is not surprising that duck necks appear." Harley said calmly.

"I can see clearly, two big fangs, thick black hair, long whiskers, and eyes that are still open." Lina said excitedly.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like. As long as Luther thinks it tastes like duck neck, then it is duck neck, even if you take it for DNA testing, it will be useless," Harley said.

"I'm just worried that he will be violated and starved at the same time, and he will not be able to hold on and have a mental breakdown.

Do you know Kara’s parents?

When Kara went to pick up her mother, she saw hundreds of sloppy slaves lining up in the slave camp, waiting to violate her mother. The dark elites were all beasts, and her mother didn't sleep a wink for seven days and nights.

Her father watched everything happen as his hands were nailed to a cross with kryptonite.

In the end both of them went insane and went crazy. "

"Don't worry, your brother is extremely talented. Not only can he persevere, he even enjoys it." Harley said.

"Enjoy it." Lina's expression was distorted.

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