I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1807 Four Books of Magic

"The reason why the ancestor of white magic is the ancestor of white magic is not only because he spread the mysteries and secret techniques of white magic to human mages."

After a pause, Zha Kang said with a confident smile: "Actually, although I haven't seen the content of the "Book of Magic" yet, I don't think it has much value in itself.

Give me enough pure 'natural magic' without magic marks, and I can develop a complete white magic practice from scratch.

The key to white magic is natural magic!

While the ancestor of white magic spreads the practice of white magic to the earth's mages, it also provides everyone with an opportunity to no longer be exploited by magic bosses, to truly develop independently, and to choose the future according to their own will.

He split the world of White Magic Land, opening a rift between the White Magic Land and the Earth, allowing the natural magic of the White Magic Land world to enter the Earth and then be absorbed by Earth mages. "

"He provides pure natural magic to the white magicians of Earth. This is his greatest strength and the reason why all human mages regard him as a legend and hope."

"What does this have to do with the Amethyst World?" Princess Amaya asked doubtfully.

"Do you know the location of the crack in the world?" Zha Kang asked.

"Is it in the amethyst world? No, you just said that the ancestor of white magic opened the gap between the land of white magic and the earth. The crack should be on the earth." Amaya said.

Mrs. Xanadu said thoughtfully: "The crack is in the Celestial Empire, at the Nanda Peak of the Himalayas!"

Zha Kang said with a complex expression: "I even suspect that the geological changes in the Himalayas are directly related to the cracks in the world.

Because the ancestor of white magic tore a rift in the world, the continental plates collided, the sea turned into mulberry fields, and the mulberry fields rose high, eventually forming the present-day Himalayas.

Nanda Mountain near Mount Everest is the place where the ancestor of White Magic opened the cracks.

It has the richest energy in the world. According to the words of the Orientals, it is called the "vital energy of heaven and earth".

It is what we now call ‘natural magic’.

Therefore, Nanda Mountain has been a holy place for earthly practitioners since ancient times, and many gods and wizards were born there. "

Tim asked: "Now Nanda Mountain is still full of natural magic? Why don't you go there to practice, but instead pursue the land of white magic behind the "Book of Magic"?"

Mrs. Xanadu shook her head and said: "Other than the legendary magic goddess Hecate, who can provide unlimited natural magic power? The so-called land of white magic is just a 'piggy bank' left by Hecate back then.

The money in the jar will never increase, only decrease.

Millions of years have passed, and the magic power of Nanda Mountain has long been exhausted, and it can no longer provide sufficient natural magic power for the mage.

It's not that there is no natural magic power at all, it's just that it's too thin and the taste of magic power is too weak, turning it into an illusory 'vitality of heaven and earth'.

At present, only the gods and martial arts masters are left in Nanda Peak.

Spirits have long lifespans and can add up to a small amount.

Moreover, most of the spiritual wizards stationed at Nanda Peak are white magicians, so there is no other way out except to defend Nanda Peak.

Martial arts masters have less need for 'weather vitality', and can barely maintain what they need for the first and second transformation.

But for the mage, the natural magic power is too little, not even enough to break through the realm.

Human lifespan is limited, and as long as a mage is not a spiritual wizard, his lifespan is also limited.

You have stayed in Nanda Mountain for 100 years, and the "vital energy of heaven and earth" you have collected is not enough to be promoted to a formal mage. Then your life span will be exhausted, your life will disappear, and your life will be in vain.

It’s better to give up on the ‘way of white magic’ and become a black magician.

The magic power of hell has serious side effects, but it is strong enough and very, very, very easy to obtain.

Even if he pays the price in the end, he may take the initiative to become a demon before his death a thousand years later and change his profession to become a hell demon.

Most black magicians who take the initiative to demonize have a high status in hell, and basically have a title.

The future of a black magician is dangerous, but there is always a future.

Even the way forward for the White Mage is blocked. It's easy to see what the other mages will choose. "

Amethyst Princess Amaya raised her little hand and asked in a low voice: "Mrs. Xanadu, where is the Amethyst World? Why does the Amethyst World have natural magic power?"

"Uh, I don't know either." Madam Xanadu turned her questioning gaze to Zha Kang.

Zha Kang exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a smile: "Have you ever seen the lizard people in the 'Earth's Inner World'?"

"You mean Skadias?"

"Well, to make it easier to visualize, we generally call it the inner earth world."

Amaya said: "There are not only lizardmen in Skadias, but also many humans like us. I am still good friends with the war lord's wife Tara.

War Lord once came to the surface and worked as a superhero for a period of time. Do you know him? "

Constantine shook his head, "Justice League Dark and Zhenglian are not the same path, and I'm not very interested in superheroes either."

"The earth is a large world rich in energy, and many small worlds and alien dimensions were born around it.

For example, Wonder Woman's hometown, Paradise Island, is a small plane in another dimension.

The 'Earth's Inner World', as its name suggests, is a magical world connected to the center of the earth.

People from the Amethyst World often see people from the Inner Earth World, and people from the two worlds have frequent exchanges. The reason is very simple. The Amethyst World is also an affiliated magical dimension of the earth, and is a neighbor of the Inner Earth World.

If a strong man splits the sea, he may accidentally damage the paradise island in another dimension.

If a strong person splits the earth, it may affect the magic plane under the earth. "

Everyone suddenly realized.

"The 'World Crack' that spreads from the land of white magic to the earth is also connected to the Amethyst World. Part of the natural magic power went to the Amethyst World?" Amaya asked in surprise.

"I have a guess that the amethyst world can be created from scratch because the leaked natural magic power is integrated into a certain piece of magic amethyst deep in the earth.

Well, the amethyst in the earth absorbs natural magic and evolves into a world, the world of crystal.

Therefore, the origin of the amethyst world contains the ‘initial natural magic power’ that awakens Hunter’s bloodline.”

Zha Kang frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something more, but finally glanced at Hunter and closed his mouth.

"Why can the initial natural magic power activate Hunter's bloodline power?" Dead Man Boston asked puzzledly.

Mrs. Xanadu seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Hunter. She hesitated to speak, with the same expression and silence as Zha Kang.

Zha Kang stood up with a smile and said: "As long as we get the Book of Magic, all the secrets will be revealed. Now Hunter has completed a blood resuscitation, and Nick is waiting for us, so get ready to go!"

"You haven't said yet what the specific tactics are!" Frankenstein said.

"Hunter, come here and I'll teach you a new magic trick."

With a weird smile on his face, Zha Kang pulled Hunter to the next door and gave him careful instructions.

Nanda Mountain, 10:30 local time.

The mysterious house is like a ghost, appearing silently and suddenly on the snowy mountain col.

In front of the snow, there is a huge stone square, almost as big as two football fields side by side.

It was snowing in the sky, and the square was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

Around the square, you can see many buildings of different styles, but at this time, there is no one in the snow or in front of the buildings.

"Wow, there are so many houses outside. I didn't expect there to be such a bustling and lively place on the inaccessible Mount Everest." Tim stared at the endless majestic buildings outside the window and marveled.

Zha Kang glanced outside and said with a faint smile: "Don't you see? They are all temples. The gods are not troubled by longevity. Even if they can't collect much 'weather vitality' in a year, they can accumulate hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands." Millions of years can also allow them to obtain the qualifications for promotion.

The key is that it is safe and non-poisonous, and the harvest is guaranteed during droughts and floods. There is no need to fight with other mages, and there is no need to be afraid of the magic master coming to your door. You are simply a civil servant in the wizarding world, which is always comfortable.

And as you can see, the environment here is quiet and pleasant, which is considered a geomantic treasure for humans. "

"Dead Man" Boston flew to the window, pointed to the tall colonnaded building in the distance, and shouted happily: "Have you seen it? The most magnificent temple in the center of the building complex belongs to the goddess of death, Moro Kushna!

After many years, I saw it again. "

"Is she the goddess who gave you the power of death? Is she in the temple now? Do you want to go and see her? Are you considered one of his favored ones?" Frankenstein asked.

Boston hesitated for a moment and said: "The last time I went to the temple was thirty years ago. I was less than 10 years old at that time. At that time, only the monks serving Moro Kushna received us. I didn't even see the statue of the goddess.

Since then, I have never been here again, and I don’t understand why the goddess chose me. "

"Have you been here before you were ten years old?" Frankenstein asked in surprise: "I remember you were already in your thirties when you died."

The other mages also looked at Boston strangely.

Boston said with a complicated expression: "It was probably when I was in the third grade of elementary school. My parents were not at home that day, so I stayed in my room alone in a daze, thinking that it would be great if I had friends to play with me.

Then my body took off and floated out of the window, not like Superman flying at high altitudes and at high speeds, but a bit like Alice falling into the rabbit hole. The landscape in front of me was changing rapidly, and I felt like the world was spinning.

When my body is stable, I will come here.

I was still flying in the sky, surrounded by many children who looked as confused and surprised as me. They flew from all directions, and we flew together to the temple of the goddess Morakushna.

A row of bald monks were already waiting for us at the temple gate.

They were very kind and provided us with a variety of toys and snacks, and I had a great time. "

Zha Kang said in a weird tone: "You are so big-hearted. You can still play with peace of mind when you encounter such weird things and weird people that are very reasonable."

Faust said: “I was young at the time and thought I was dreaming.

In fact, for many years afterwards I felt that I had had a dream that was so impressive that it seemed as if it were real.

Even when I was 34 years old, I was shot and killed while performing aerial acrobatics and was blessed by the goddess to become a living 'dead person'. I still don't understand why I became a ghost.

Later, Louise produced the "Quinn" series, which suddenly unveiled the mystery of the supernatural world. More and more magicians directly disclosed their identities, and even participated in various TV programs and became the hosts of magic reality shows.

I gradually understood the common sense of magic and the existence of the goddess Moro Kushna, and then I was so blessed that I suddenly realized that I had not dreamed back then. "

Princess Amethyst asked curiously: "Why did Goddess Moro Kushna summon a group of children to go to her temple?

Because you feel lonely and He cares for you? But He never called you again. "

Zha Kang smiled and said: "Princess, have you seen "The Legend of Quinn"? Harley was also summoned by the gods when she was a child and was transported to the Eternal Castle.

There are many children like her.

Some were sent there by strangers, and more were summoned by Shazam Wizard himself using the missing person magic.

Moro Kushner most likely follows a similar routine, using searching magic to find children around the world who have talents and divine powers, and train them as God's favored ones from an early age. "

Frankenstein said strangely: "I can understand cultivating Thunder Shazam, but how to cultivate a 'dead man'?

What if Boston was not secretly shot and died of old age naturally? "

"Don't doubt the gods' searching magic. Children who can be summoned to the Temple of the Goddess of Death will definitely have a bad fate and will die before they grow old." Zha Kang said.

Everyone's expressions were distorted, and Boston felt very uncomfortable.

"John, Nick is here!" Suddenly, Mrs. Xanadu pointed out the window and shouted nervously.

Without her reminder, everyone saw hundreds of bald men wearing purple-red hooded robes and holding submachine guns surrounding them from all directions. The two leaders were none other than the troll Boris and Dark Thorn.

"Aren't they afraid of disturbing the nearby temples and the gods in the temples by being so grand?" Amaya asked in surprise.

Zha Kang spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and said: "The Nanda Peak we see now is just an illusion floating on the surface. The real Nanda Peak is further 'below'."

"Underground city?"

"No, similar to your Amethyst World, Nanda Peak is in a dimension that is difficult for mortals to touch. The Nanda Mountain in front of you was created by gods to fool Google Maps.

The temples and natural magic are real, but the divine realm of the gods is not here.

Even if we fight life and death here, it will not affect the fundamental interests of the gods.

Maybe they are moving a small bench right now and sitting on the edge waiting for the show to take place. "

Mrs. Xanadu frowned and said: "The Book of Magic is a treasure, Nick wants it, and the spiritual wizards who practice white magic want it even more.

Nick is so grandiose, isn't he afraid that the gods and wizards will be behind him and the fishermen will benefit? "

"Obviously, Nick is helpless. The Book of Magic must be hidden in a very wide place on Nanda Peak. It cannot be concealed. There is no point in moving quietly. It is better to form a powerful magic army to deter Xiao Xiao."

Zha Kang opened the door and walked out first.

"It's just you guys? Where's my good friend Nicky?"

Under the fierce gazes of all the AK men, he looked relaxed and walked forward as if no one else was around.

As he walked, he took out his lighter, tilted his head and lit a "Sika" cigarette for himself.

"Minions?" The flame troll standing in front of the AK mage group roared: "You are a defeated general, do you deserve to call us minions?"

Last night, the Dark Alliance was divided into two groups. Zha Kang and Zatanna led the teams to find Hunter's father and mother respectively.

The enemy that Zha Kang's team encountered was the flame troll Black Boris.

The Irish supervillain and Kang are old rivals.

It suffered a big loss when facing Zha Kang before. Finally, last night, Zha Kang fell short and failed to rescue Tim's father.

"I don't bother to talk to you." Zha Kang waved his hand and shouted to the back of the AK mage group: "Nicky, dear Nicky, your Johnny is here, don't be shy, we haven't seen each other for many years, don't you miss me? ?”

"Constantine, you are too arrogant!" The troll Boris roared, the giant ax raised four to five meters of flames, jumped up, and slashed at Zha Kang.

There was a hint of mockery at the corner of Zha Kang's mouth. He remained motionless and slowly put his left hand into his pocket and took out a delicate cage about the size of his thumb.

"Go!" He threw the cage towards the fire troll who had reached his head.

"Damn, what is this?!"

The small cage was very inconspicuous, but the troll flying in the air screamed, its body quickly shrank to the size of a thumb, and it was forcibly sucked into the bird cage.

"Hehe, you don't even recognize the 'Elven Cage' built by Merlin to tame the monsters. You, the legendary troll, are so ignorant." Zha Kang spread out his palm to catch the fallen cage.

At this time, the troll Boris has turned into a burning totem wood sculpture.

However, after losing its human form, it could still roar unwillingly: "Merlin's Elf Cage? I've heard of it, but wasn't it snatched away by the Americans and kept hidden in the Dark Room of the Sky Eye?"

"So?" Zha Kang looked puzzled, "It was just placed in the dark room, it didn't disappear."

Troll Boris' tone paused, and then he shouted even more excitedly: "Sure enough, as Faust said, the Black Room built in the name of protecting the common property of all mankind is essentially the private residence of the Witch Harley.

Others were so hungry and thirsty but couldn't even see a magical object, but the people around her took it and borrowed it whenever they wanted. It was so dark and shameless. "

"Everyone has it, focus on Constantine!"

The dark thorns turned into a giant tree man four meters high, shooting branches like sharp arrows at Zha Kang.

After receiving the order, the surrounding AK mages also raised their guns and opened fire.


The AK has been magically modified, and the bullets have also been enchanted. After flying out of the muzzle, they turn into grenade-sized shells with a sharp whistle that breaks the speed of sound. They look very scary.

Zha Kang held the Elf Cage in his left hand and a cigarette in his right hand. He smiled crookedly and said, "Hallelujah!"

"Buzz--" A dark black protective shield suddenly rose under his feet.

"Dong dong dong!" The bullet landed on the black protective cover and disappeared immediately, like a pebble falling into a calm lake from high altitude.

"Da da da da!" The AK magic group continued to output until all the bullets were fired.


Just when they were hesitating whether to change the magazine and continue firing, the black cylindrical protective shield around Zha Kang suddenly exploded without any warning, making a dull sound, like thunder on a dry day.

The next moment, countless "flame cannonballs" appeared out of thin air, also carrying a sharp whistling sound, with Zha Kang as the center, spreading in all directions.

The flame cannonballs seemed to be fired by a sharpshooter, each one accurately targeting an AK mage.

It was at this moment that the heroes of Justice League Dark saw the true power of enchanted bullets.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" The bullet landed on Master AK's waist, breaking his body into two pieces; it landed on his chest, opening a hole as big as a bowl; and it landed on his face, and his head was as big as a desert eagle. watermelon.

"Fake, what kind of witchcraft is this?!"

The dark thorn was also inserted into the body by the branch it shot out, turning into a big hedgehog.

How did he shoot out the branch, and the branch returned to him along the original trajectory at the same speed.

Fortunately, he is now in tree form and is not afraid of branches piercing his body.

"Bah!" Nick slapped his hands lightly and walked out of the secret room disguised as a temple behind the square. "John, you are so powerful. You can even use Harley's thorns and black vortex in a magical way."

"It's actually not as difficult as you think." A complex emotion flashed through Zha Kang's eyes, and he smiled casually: "Have you forgotten? In addition to the thick-skinned God King, she was directly promoted from the Archmage to the Divine Wizard last year. Thorn Black The vortex is also sublimated into law and accepted by the sea of ​​law."

Nick glanced at the blood-soaked square and said calmly: "You killed more than a hundred of my little brothers with just one move. I remember you are a superhero, right?"

Zha Kang nodded and said seriously: "The Justice League Dark also adheres to the concept of absolute justice and tries not to kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. They were all killed by bullets shot by themselves. They committed suicide."

"You can deceive yourself so shamelessly, but how are you going to explain to me? You killed my people, should I respond by immediately executing one of the three prisoners?" Nick sneered.

"On the contrary, I think you should release a hostage at this time to calm our panic." Zha Kang tilted his head to Tim behind him and raised his chin, "Did you see that the legendary successor of white magic has already Scared by your little brother.

If he hurts his parents again, a middle-aged boy of this age will easily get emotional, forget the overall situation, and go crazy.

You definitely don’t want to face the most powerful mage in the future, the ‘Magic User’, right? "

"I have three hostages. It was not Hunter who killed my little brother. He is not the person I want to take revenge on." Nick said coldly.

Zha Kang touched his nose and said strangely: "Hunter and his wife are not my parents. Although I care about their life and death, I don't care about the overall situation for them.

You understand, just because they couldn't control me, that's why they attacked Xiao Zha.

Now if Xiao Zha is killed as a punching bag, how do you think I will react? "

"Tim Hunter is in my hands now, wait until you get him before you get angry with me!" He smiled easily and confidently.

Baron Winston reminded: "Nick, I know you have special feelings for Constantine, but now the Book of Magic is in front of us, and I don't know how many people are staring at us. It's a big deal!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Nick became angry and yelled in a low voice.

"Nick, take down Tim Hunter first, there's no point in the war of words." Phoenix Faust said.

Nick frowned, but calmed down and listened to their persuasion.

"John, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, give Tim Hunter to me immediately."

Zha Kang didn't move, "Where are Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and Xiao Zha?"

"Give Tim Hunter to me, and when I get the Book of Magic, I will naturally let everyone go."

Zha Kang shook his head gently, "Don't be stupid, we are not the idiots in the movie who were manipulated by the villain at will. If we don't see the three of them, Tim himself will not be willing to follow you."

"I have the advantage now, and you have no right to bargain with me." Nick said coldly.

"You are wrong. Whoever has the descendant of white magic will have the advantage." Zha Kang said with a smile: "Even if the worst happens and you get angry and kill the Hunters and Xiao Zha, we really can't accept that. The result?

Kill them and you will lose your trump card completely. We can strike at will and beat you to death.

Are you willing to fall at the gate of the land of white magic, only one step away from the legendary endless natural magic?

The worst ending for Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and Xiao Zha is to be sent to hell by you.

With Harley's connections, it would take a little effort to fish them out, and then arrange for them to be idle in the Hell Guard House, or send them to the World of Martial Gods, where they would live a happier life than now. "

Nick sneered: "You want to bluff me? John, you are still a little naive. If I send Mrs. Hunter to hell immediately, what can you do?"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and an illusory soul floated in his palm.

The black light quickly outlined a miniature sacrificial circle around it.

"If you kill my mother, even if you still control my father, I will never cooperate with you again, I swear." Tim Hunter clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

"Boy, I don't believe your bullshit oath. Once you send your mother to hell, you will just kneel on the ground and break down and cry like a child. You are a child." Nick laughed.

Tim Hunter said nothing, his eyes gradually became bloodshot, and his expression was firm and full of hate.

"Nick, I believe it. This guy is not a simple person." Faust hurriedly advised: "There is no need to ruin a good situation just because of a dispute of temper."

A smile appeared on Zha Kang's face.

Nick wanted to give Faust a hard backhand slap.

If you go to a place where no one is around, he will really do it.

"Okay, you have to be sincere, right? Here you go!"

Nick tossed Mrs. Hunter's soul towards Zha Kang.

Zha Kang caught the soul and inspected it carefully before nodding to Tim and handing the soul to Madam Xanadu.

"Where is the treasure house of the Book of Magic? You take us there, and Tim takes out the Book of Magic in public. We hand over the book with one hand and the person with the other."

Nick tilted his head and winked at the house of secrets at the back.

The two AK mages walked out of it holding the shackled Zatanna.

"No, the rules are not like that." He raised a weird smile on his lips and shook his head: "I set the rules. Now, send Tim Hunter to me."

He pulled Zatanna in front of him, grabbed the back of her neck with his left hand, turned his right hand over, and there was a black iron knife with a serrated blade in his palm.

The serrated knife was placed on Xiao Zha's neck, and his eyes flashed with excitement, "This dagger was personally made by the Hell Demon King Neilong. Its function is relatively simple - to force the souls of those killed by it to be sacrificed to Neilong. .

Harley is awesome, but she is not the Satan of Hell, and she cannot let all the demons bow to her.

On the contrary, all the First Fallen hated her and were eager to find an opportunity to make her suffer.

The inner dragon among the First Fallen especially hates her. He will use the most cruel methods to torture Xiao Zha and let countless demons take turns to fuck her!

Even if Harley screams in hell, He will not give her the face to hand over Xiao Zha's soul.

The inner dragon also has the strength to ensure that Harley cannot find him.

How about it, John, do you dare to bet? "

Zha Kang frowned, "You showed your sincerity and released Mrs. Hunter. I will also show you my sincerity and let Hunter help you get the book of magic. Then you hand the person over to us on the spot. This is just plain and ordinary. Isn't it good for An'an that you have to kill people and punish your heart?"

"Stop talking nonsense and hand Hunter over to me immediately, otherwise I will send Xiao Zha to hell to be Neilong's sex slave!" Nick's attitude was firm and his eyes were cold.

"Nick, Fake Squid!" Xiao Zha struggled angrily and slammed the back of his head back like a hammer.

"Stab!" Nick's left hand grabbed the back of Xiao Zha's neck and suddenly fired out a series of silver-white magic arcs. Xiao Zha's eyes immediately twisted, his mouth twisted, his whole body twitched, and he no longer had the strength to struggle.

"Nick, I don't believe you dare to kill Xiao Zha." Zha Kang said confidently: "If you kill her, you will not only anger us, but you will also lose your trump card to blackmail me.

I promise you, you will never get your hands on the Book of Magic.

On the contrary, according to my plan, we hand over the book with one hand and the person with the other. You get the book and we rescue the person. If you have any grudges, we can report them next time we meet. "

The fallen mages around Nick nodded in agreement.

Faust persuaded in a low voice again: "Nick, what he said makes sense. Isn't it just for the Book of Magic that we have put so much effort into it? Now that the Book of Magic is at our fingertips, why bother -"

"Idiot, shut up! We are the ones to control him now, not him to control us!" Nick couldn't bear it anymore and shouted directly.

"But he is not under your control!" Faust wanted to persuade him again, but Nick had already raised his knife and dropped it.

"Ah!" Zatanna let out a shrill scream.

Nick's knife penetrated her lower abdomen, and blood flowed.

Everyone was shocked and the whole place was silent.

"On the count of three, if Tim Hunter is not brought over, I will cut her neck immediately. John, don't doubt my determination, just like I will never doubt your love for Zak.

You love her more than anything and are willing to give up everything for her, and she does the same to you. Wake up, John! "

Nick put the blood-stained dagger against Xiao Zha's white neck.


The cold dagger touched the skin slightly, leaving a faint red line, and tiny blood drops seeped out.

Zha Kang clenched his fists with a solemn expression.

"Two!" Nick's eyes were firm and there was a hint of hesitation in his tone.

The dagger pressed against the flesh, and a gash had been opened in Xiao Zha's neck.

A stream of blood flowed out and slid into her huge white breasts.

Zha Kang gritted his teeth and his expression was twisted.


"Nick, you win."

Zha Kang loosened his clenched fists sluggishly, as if his spine was being ripped away, and he suddenly collapsed.

He teleported to Tim, who had not yet recovered from the shock, grabbed his neck, teleported again, and came directly to Nick.

"Constantine, what are you doing?"

"John, are you crazy?"

The Dark Zhenglian hero reacted and shouted in anger.

"I'm sorry, I can't watch her die tragically in front of me."

Zha Kang was so distraught that he lowered his head and said to Tim who looked horrified.

"Good boy Johnny, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Nick still put the dagger against Xiao Zha's neck, with a proud and hearty laugh on his face, "Now, step back. Faust, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Hurry and catch that little bastard."

"Oh, okay!" Faust took a step forward, his skinny hands like chicken claws flashed with arcs of magic, and clamped tightly on Tim's neck and hands.

Zha Kang watched helplessly as he was being pulled away, and listened to him screaming for help, but he just stepped back step by step with a painful expression.

"Nick, you are so amazing, you really have a handle on Constantine."

Faust held Tim in his arms as if he himself were the Book of Magic.

Nick frowned, pushed Zha to the side of the AK mage, strode to Faust, took Tim back, and held it tightly in his hand.

Faust grabbed Tim's clothes tightly and didn't want to let go, but was frightened away by his cold and murderous eyes.

"Finally, you are in my hands!" Nick showed an extremely satisfied smile.

When looking at the dejected Zha Kang, he smiled even more proudly and happily, "Johnny, don't be discouraged. I taught you all your skills. There's no shame in losing to me."

Zha Kang seemed to be shocked, lowering his head and saying nothing.

"Nick, we have captured Tim Hunter, now it's time to go to the treasure trove and open the Book of Magic, right?" Baron Winter reminded tactfully.

Nick looked around and laughed loudly: "Treasure place? Isn't this where the Book of Magic is stored?"

"What, the Book of Magic is in the Nanda Mountain Square, in front of the public?" All the mages were shocked and confused.

"Of course not in public view." Nick grabbed Tim and retreated to the center of the square, smiling: "Actually, there is no treasure map at all. There is only a revealing spell in the map box."

As Nick recited the first spell in a low voice, the ground shook slightly, a hole opened in each of the four corners of the square, and four 20-meter-high ice crystal pillars slowly rose from the ground.

"Oh my God, it's the Book of Magic. We finally got the Book of Magic!" Faust and other fallen mages shouted in surprise.

In the center of the ice crystal pillar, an ancient book was sealed.

Four icicles, four books.

"Boy, now it's your turn, give me your 'Hunter's Blood'!"

Nick's expression was excited, his fingers were bent like claws, and he thrust hard into Tim's heart.


There was no blood splashing, only sawdust flying.

Nick was stunned.

Tim smiled strangely, his face was like cloth, and he tore it open from the middle, and an eggplant-red body emerged from Tim's skin. It was Xuan Lan from the Justice League Dark!

While breaking free from the restraint, she also walked around behind him. A cold light flashed in her palm, and a short sword had already pierced Nick's back.

"You" Nick's eyes widened and he slowly turned his head to look at Xuan Lan in the Justice League Dark team.

Two Xuanlan?

"Surprised?" The slump on Zha Kang's face was instantly replaced by a proud smile, "Nicky, have you forgotten that Tim is also a magician?

Oh, in your perception, he has lost his magic and become a complete Muggle.

It's a pity that he has destiny, and when he is stimulated by you, the magic power comes back.

This morning I helped him develop his bloodline and let him initially awaken the talent of the ancestor of white magic.

The gift of the ancestor of white magic is that his wishes come true and his words come true.

As long as he thinks about it in his mind, he can become Xuanlan. "

"Of course, this kind of trick can fool ordinary people, but it is difficult to fool you who are cautious and suspicious. So starting from last night, I have been deliberately led by your nose.

Only when I try my best and ultimately fail will you believe that I am at the end of my rope and confident that you can control me 100%. "

Zha Kang turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zha. The two AK mages beside her had been defeated by Xuan Lan.

Xanadu, Frankenstein and others also rushed over to protect her.

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