I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1796 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power

"I don't understand what you are worried about. You stayed up most of the night and came here to disturb others' dreams." In the Hall of Justice, Harley's expression was relatively calm, but there was obvious ridicule in her tone.

General Lane finally met Harley at Quinn Manor, and when a group of superheroes came later, he was taken to the more spacious Hall of Justice through a dimensional door by her.

She didn't use the clone to fool them, it was Harley now.

As for Lishan’s “Mrs.

"Don't you understand what happened tonight?" Dachao looked very anxious and his tone was very exciting.

Speaking of which, he was quite busy tonight. After getting off work from the Daily Planet, he hurried to the White House to discuss the affairs of the new human race of gods with Luther and the Grand Commander before he could go home.

After receiving Luther's three requests, he urgently went to Gotham to find "Mrs. Xanadu".

After "Mrs.

After struggling until the middle of the night, I could finally relax with my wife in my arms. Suddenly, I received a "red alert" from the Hall of Justice. I had to put on my briefs and Superman uniform and rush to the Hall of Justice.

Then he struggled for more than an hour to determine who among the "they" who disappeared. After determining that the case was too difficult for the heroes of Zhenglian to grasp, he also yelled, "Go find Admiral Galaxy."

“The Commander-in-Chief is missing, and many officials working in the White House, as well as the agents protecting the Commander-in-Chief, have also disappeared without a trace.

Some people saw them disappearing, their skin glowing red, as if their bodies were filled with magma, and there were even flames coming out of their seven orifices.

I have just been to Luther Space City, which was almost reduced to an empty city. Except for a group of shocked and bewildered mecha warriors, tens of millions of other people, including Luther and Zod, disappeared in public. "

"And Kandor City, my parents, and more than 80% of the citizens of Krypton are all gone!" Super Girl's eyes were so anxious that her eyes were red.

Not to spray thermonuclear rays, just to burst into tears and cry.

Wonder Woman said with a solemn expression: "Many of the 'White Vests' who gathered in Metropolis to demonstrate around the Daily Planet Building also disappeared, in the same way as the Grand Commander and others."

Harley asked: "Don't you find the obvious common characteristics among the disappeared people?"

"Are they all the new gods of mankind? It is indeed the dark elite who are causing trouble. Something must have happened to Apokolips that we don't know about." Oliver said solemnly.

"The mutation on Apokolips has nothing to do with us or ordinary people on Earth." Harley looked at Superman's cousins ​​specifically, "I understand that what you are concerned about is not the mutation on Apokolips, but the people involved in the mutation. Relatives and friends.

To be honest, you may find it callous, harsh and unpleasant.

But the fact is that everyone is responsible for their own choices.

The responsibility here is not a specific person forcing them to do something, but a rule that will inevitably happen. There must be a cause and a result.

When a new race of gods rises, it is destined to have an irreconcilable conflict with the existing ‘old and new race of gods’.

Just like a new dynasty must be built on the ruins of the old dynasty.

It is impossible for the two to coexist harmoniously.

If you have the consciousness to save the new gods of mankind, the only way is to become the new gods of mankind, be their leader, and lead them to kill all the old new gods, so that the new gods of mankind can achieve their wishes, comprehend divinity, condense godhead, and occupy the entire planet. Apokolips.

It’s impossible for you to be wise enough to protect yourself and still choose to be mortals, but also think that the new human gods are from the earth and are considered human beings. You want to protect them, and then you are entangled in the evil and dark divinity of the dark new gods, and you don’t want to be with them, or even want to Tell them the true way to gather the Divine.

Think about it carefully, is your behavior very awkward and contradictory?

Feeling depressed that you are very strong and want to help but have nowhere to start? "

"Sister Harley, maybe you are right, but I don't want to think about it now, and I don't have time to think about it. I just want to save my father and mother." Super Girl shouted.

"Suppose you succeed and rescue them this time, how will you deal with a similar situation next time, and the next time?

Or, they finally succeeded, overthrew the Dark Elite, and became the new Dark Elite themselves. Like the Dark Elite in the past, they were driven by the dark will of Apokolips or even without being driven. They could become the Dark Elite, and they already had dark and evil desires. Divinity will take the initiative to kill all living beings in the universe.

When that happens, how should you respond?

Become their enemy, join them, or squat by the side and cry with your face covered? "

Super Girl said excitedly: "My head is so anxious right now that my brain is almost boiling. How could I have thought of so many things?"

Harley was speechless.

"The Grand Commander and others have given up their identity as the new human race of gods. They don't even have the Mother Box. Why have they disappeared?" General Lane asked.

“What’s the use of saying that we’re giving up ‘humanity’s new status as a god’?” Harley glanced at him, “Don’t say you don’t know, they just don’t want to give up the safe environment of the earth and the power in their hands.

Have you noticed the recent performance of the commander-in-chief? Are you more greedy, more unscrupulous, and more shameless than in previous years, and have you almost lost empathy for ordinary people? "

General Lane thought thoughtfully, "Is this a side effect of choosing to ascend?"

Harley said: "It's not a side effect, it's a sign that he's getting closer to the real new god of darkness.

Fighting is not the only way to gather divinity.

If he can be re-elected and continue to cause unscrupulous harm to the United States for a few years, he might be able to become a god on his own. "

"Fortunately, fortunately." After saying a few words of rejoicing, Ryan looked worried again, "Can we still save the commander-in-chief?"

Now he doesn't want them to come back. Their return will bring disaster to the poor American people.

Harley shrugged, "It just depends on what you choose."

Diana said: "Many cosmic Didi drivers still stay in the material universe and have not disappeared. Do they still insist that they are human beings?"

Harley said: "Many people choose to leave the earth and continue to be the new gods of mankind, hoping to use the power of the Mother Box to improve their lives and achieve a class jump that is difficult to achieve in reality. Their identity as humans is greater than that of the new gods."

"So, the criterion for disappearance is recognition of the identity of the new human gods?" General Lane frowned: "Although many people disappeared tonight, more of the new human gods stayed."

When the collective ascended, more than 2 billion people on earth chose to join the New Gods. The people who have disappeared now may not account for 10% of the total number. I don't believe that the remaining people have sincerely given up their identity as the New Gods.

They couldn't give up the thousand-year lifespan of the New God Clan.

Moreover, many netizens on the Internet have publicly stated that if Luther can really complete the grand strategy of "Slave Camp Surrounding the Dark King's City" and become the God King of Apokolips again, they will surrender to him again and become his dark subjects.

Obviously, people like the Great Commander are the mainstream.

"The standard is related to the blood concentration of the new Gods, and the recognition of one's identity as a new God is the basis for officially becoming a new God. If you want to ask for details, you can go to them."

Harley looked around and asked, "Where are Big Barda and Scott? Have they disappeared?"

Mr. Miracle Scott is the biological son of Heavenly Father. When he was young, he was sent to Apokolips to be Darkseid's adopted son. After he grew up and realized divinity, he was theoretically regarded as the new dark god of Apokolips.

Although the New God of Darkness is the embodiment of evil and darkness, there are countless types of gods, many of which are not within the category of good and evil, such as Scott's "Lord God" and Metron's God of Knowledge.

Big Barda is the goddess of revenge under the command of the kind grandmother.

According to the identities and relatively kind-hearted personalities of Scott and Big Barda superheroes, if they seek refuge with the Heavenly Father, they will definitely be recognized by the origin of the Genesis Star and transform into a bright new race of gods.

However, Scott's relationship with his heavenly father is not as close as that with his adoptive father Darkseid.

When little Scott cried "I don't want to go to Apokolips" and "Daddy, save me", he was coldly "abandoned" by his biological father, Heavenly Father.

At least in Scott's mind, he always believed that his Heavenly Father had abandoned him.

Because everyone knows who Darkseid is and where Apokolips is. How could a normal father send his son there?

He did not get the treatment of the "Prince of Darkness".

As soon as he was brought to Apokolips, he was put in a cage, paraded through the streets, and then thrown into a slave camp.

Completely opposite to Orion who is also a proton and adopted son.

Orion is the first heir recognized by Heavenly Father, and the Prince of Light who is supported and loved by all the new gods of light.

But it is wrong to say that Darkseid abused Scott. Every new dark god on Apokolips was born in a slave camp.

Apokolips has only two classes, the Dark New God and the Slaves.

Thrown into a slave camp, growing wild and standing out, these are the rules of the new Protoss of Apokolips.

"Scott, Big Barda" Hearing Harley's question, the heroes subconsciously looked around.

"Every superhero receives a red alert, and they are no exception. However, they are quite different. They almost never go out on missions. Maybe as usual, they don't come when they receive the news." Dinah was unsure.

Dachao was keenly aware of something, and said with a worried expression: "Harley, do you want Mr. Miracle to go to Apokolips to inquire about information, or do they also?"

Harley nodded, "They should have disappeared too. You can go find Orion. He and Beka are also nominally co-heroes, aren't they?"

Darkseid's adopted son Scott and his wife Big Barda sincerely came to settle on Earth. At the same time, they are kind-hearted and willing to help the heroes and ordinary humans.

Every time he encountered a crisis related to the New Protoss, Scott did his part.

Heavenly Father's adopted son Orion and his wife Becca are more about maintaining contact with the earth. They are not bad, but they do not have the concept of justice of a true hero.

Every time they encounter a crisis, they are nowhere to be seen. Even if they are shaken by Zheng Lian, what comes is only a clone projection, not the real body.

"Sister Harley, and everyone, the focus now is not why they disappeared, but how to save them." Super Girl shouted with eagerness on her face.

"Your CPU isn't burned out. You can still think and grasp the key points." Harley smiled.

"Sister Harley, this is no time for joking. My parents, the millions of Kryptonians in Kandor City, tens of millions, or even over 100 million of the new human gods on Earth, are all living and dying at this time, and their lives are in danger!" Super Girl pinched. shouted with his fists raised.

Harley thought for a while and said: "I will never participate in this matter. I have made a public statement from the beginning, forget it, there is no point in emphasizing this.

If I intervene, the situation will only get worse, and more humans, new gods, and even ordinary humans will be involved.

They will all think - since the Galaxy Admiral has the whole story, and Darkseid, the strongest person on Apokolips, can't defeat her, why don't I strive for the position of a new god? There is no cost in failing anyway. "

A look of despair appeared on Supergirl's face. If Harley didn't take action, they wouldn't even be able to get to Apokolips.

Cyborg's mother box is no longer usable, and he is unable to face the encirclement and suppression of the dark elite after going to Apokolips.

Harley changed her subject and said: "However, even if it is not for the disappearance of the new human gods, just for you, I should not stand idly by."

Supergirl nodded repeatedly, her face glowing with hope again.

"You can use my name to be more powerful than a tiger. This is the limit of what I can do." Harley said.

Kara's expression froze, "Why are you pretending to be powerful?"

"I authorize you to use my name in any way to threaten, intimidate, or even flatter the dark elite, and you can also make any promises in my name," Harley said.

Kara’s beautiful face was tangled, “This seems to be a lot of power, and you seem to have made huge sacrifices, but is it useful?

And you are willing for us to use your name to flatter the dark elite, why not do it yourself? Isn't it easier for you to do it yourself? "

"Hey, didn't I explain it before? If I take action, it means that I am willing to cover up for the new god of mankind.

If you think about it carefully, why did only 2 billion people out of more than 7 billion people in the world choose to ascend when they collectively ascended?

Don’t the rest of the world want the lifespan and power of a god?

Are they all self-sacrificing cowards with no pursuits?

All choices are based on the pursuit of the best interests after weighing the pros and cons.

Your unwillingness to ascend is also driven by interests. In your hearts, the concept of justice is above all else.

More ordinary people are unwilling to ascend, simply because they are not optimistic about the future of ascending. Because I refused to ascend, I also ruthlessly announced that I would cut off my relationship with the ascended people and never have anything to do with them again.

The power of the gods and the immortal lifespan are of course good, but the prerequisite is to survive.

Later, Luther lost all his power, and 1.8 billion of the 2 billion ascended people chose to return to Earth, also for their own safety.

If I violate my oath now and make it clear that I will protect the disappeared new human gods, not only will they refuse to repent, but they will also intensify their efforts. Even the 1.8 billion new human gods who have not disappeared will be ready to make a move.

Then their New God bloodline gradually improved and its purity reached the standard of disappearing.

Even ordinary people will regret it greatly and imagine that maybe they can become gods by taking the last train? There is no price for failure anyway, the galaxy will protect us.

The Dark Elite can forcibly summon the new human race of gods once, and there will definitely be second, third, and countless times.

In the end, the entire earth sank in, never having peace, and hundreds of millions of people were killed or injured. "

Even though Super Girl's CPU was about to burn out, she could only remain silent after hearing this analysis.

"Using your name to pretend to be powerful doesn't count as giving the truth?" Dachao even began to worry that Harley's inference would become reality.

Harley smiled, "You also said that the fox is pretending to be the tiger's power, of course it is fake.

When the future universe director discusses the titular licensing with me, I will say with a smile - superheroes are just justice, not stiff-minded. They are very clever in deceiving the dark elite.

Then the audience suddenly realized and completely gave up on the idea of ​​ascending to godhood. After all, hundreds of millions of people fell to Apokolips and I didn’t react at all, which shows that I do what I say.

You should have rescued people by then. If they are still alive, if you really understand the power of a fox and a tiger. "

"I don't understand the power of a fox or a tiger." Super Girl said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you are not alone."

Kara bit her red lips and asked again: "Is it possible that the fake power of a fox and a tiger doesn't work, and the dark elite insists on killing everyone?"

Harley sighed: "If they are really determined, just accept your fate."

Kara certainly didn't want to accept her fate.

But Harley's reaction once again showed her firm attitude: she would never take action personally.

Before the "New Human Gods Restriction Act" was introduced, Orion often arranged for clones to come to Earth to maintain the friendship between the main heroes.

The "Restriction Act" itself did not restrict him, but after the introduction of the bill, it was prohibited to open sonic boom channels in the solar system.

Harley even teamed up with Naboo to adjust the laws of space within the solar system.

You cannot prevent the sonic boom channel from opening, but you can modify the spatial location of the sonic boom channel's foothold, and move the person who opened the sonic boom channel to the center of the black hole, or send him to a dangerous alien dimension.

In order to enter the earth, Orion must first open a sonic boom channel to reach the edge of the solar system; then use the mother box to contact the Justice League's watchtower; after obtaining permission, he can step on his star skateboard and "warp flight" at a speed that is a hundred times faster than the speed of light. to the vicinity of the earth; then enter the atmosphere at normal speed, and finally descend into the metropolis of the earth.

It only wastes a few minutes compared to landing directly on Earth.

But the process was rather cumbersome, and Orion found it troublesome, so the frequency of his visits to Earth decreased.

"Yes, this is all a conspiracy of the dark elite." Orion said with a serious expression.

Less than five minutes after Harley left, he physically arrived at the Hall of Justice.

"How did they do it?" Dachao asked.

Supergirl said eagerly: "Now is the time to ask this? Orion, is your mother box still usable? Take us to Apokolips quickly."

Orion nodded and said: "My Mother Box comes from Heavenly Father and is not the same system as the Dark New God Clan.

As long as a similar 'original burning' does not occur on the Genesis Star, my Mother Box will not be affected.

I'm willing to help you, but it's not the right time to go to Apokolips. "

He tapped his star skateboard.

"Buzz~~" A holographic projection appeared above the heads of the heroes.

"Is this Apokolips? It seems to be burning." Cyborg said in surprise.

"Well, this is Apokolips at this time, its core is activated, and the origin of darkness is boiling.

Even if the heavenly gods approach it, the strong source energy will pollute the divine body and distort the divinity, making it even more difficult for ordinary people to bear it. "Olian said.

"I'm not afraid, I want to save my parents." Kara said decisively.

Orion frowned and said: "Even if you are not afraid of death, we will all take risks with you. But we are not Harley. If we are eroded by the source of darkness, we may not even be able to stand firmly."

"There is no need to fight, just send a message to the dark elites to let them know that Harley is watching them. If they dare to act recklessly, she will definitely strike out with thunder and kill them all."

Kara, who usually blushed when she told a lie, now had a serious expression, firm eyes, and a sonorous tone, as if she was telling a truth.

Bateman glanced at her and said, "Send us to the outskirts of Apokolips first to talk to the dark elite."

"Even on the periphery, alas, I understand, let's leave the solar system first."

For safety reasons, Orion was still hesitant.

But seeing everyone's expressions, he knew that they had put life and death aside for a long time, and that the danger was not within the scope of their consideration at all. Moreover, Harley was watching from the side.

"Harley really wants to break her promise and interfere in the internal struggle of the new dark god clan?" He couldn't help but ask while flying into outer space.

"It's fake, we are just pretending to be powerful."

Bateman did not hide anything and told Harley's attitude and previous conversation in detail.

"Oh, that's it."

Orion breathed a subtle sigh of relief, and the solemnity and alertness deep in his eyes disappeared.

Bateman glanced at him lightly and sighed secretly in his heart: Even if his stance is against the Dark Gods, even if Luther has lost the god-king godhead, even if the new god of mankind is now ambushed and in danger, as long as Harley is still there, the sky will never be the same. The Father's God of Light will not relax its vigilance against the new God of Humanity.

"How far do you plan to go? To rescue everyone, or to rescue some important people? Don't say that you are pretending to be powerful. Even if Harley arrives at Apokolips in person, as long as she doesn't defeat them, they can't just say a word. Then give up the plan and all your previous efforts will be in vain." Orian said.

Kara said anxiously: "Of course we can't save just a few people. Isn't Sister Harley's name famous enough?"

Orion sighed: "Witch Harley's name is of course loud and clear, but if you think about it from her perspective, if Harley said a word today, they would let everyone go.

Will those who are released tomorrow and more new human gods continue their efforts and regain their strength?

Repeatedly and repeatedly, the new gods of mankind will eventually destroy the dark elite.

Since the end is always death, why should we be afraid of death?

The Dark Elite may be afraid of the Witch Harley, but to become the best among the New Gods, they certainly do not lack wisdom and determination. "

Kara immediately said: "There will be no more regrouping. After this catastrophe, everyone must give up their identity as the new God Clan and wait peacefully for the next restart."

Orion said with a strange expression: "Kara, you are a simple and good girl, but not everyone is like you, especially those who choose to become the new dark gods.

Without strong desire and will, they would not be able to become the new gods of darkness. "

"At the beginning, 2 billion humans chose to ascend collectively. Tonight, most of the Hope and Freedom Corps disappeared, but a small number remained.

Some of the cosmic Didi drivers who owned the Mother Box and did not join the Apokolips war disappeared, but most remained.

A small part of the new human gods who announced their return to the human camp after Luther lost his godhead, Darkseid returned, and Harley promulgated the "New Gods Restriction Act" also disappeared.

Do you know what the rules are? he asked looking at Kara.

Kara said: "Sister Harley said that the standard for disappearance is the blood concentration of the new dark gods."

"Well, as expected of Harley, who is not a New God but can see through the essence of the incident at a glance." Orion nodded and continued: "The more your thoughts, behavior, and personality conform to the standards of a Dark New God, the higher the blood concentration will be. , and finally the dark divinity was born from his blood.

So you get it?

It is still possible for those new human gods who remain in the material universe to repent.

The disappeared new human gods are already the standard dark gods.

As the saying goes, it is easy to change a country but hard to change its nature.

Human nature is even more difficult to change than mountains and rivers, and the divinity of the Dark Gods is certainly even more difficult to eliminate.

You rescued them all this time, and while they were happy, they were still thinking in their hearts - next time you will take action, and you can still rescue them after failure.

Even the new human gods who remain on Earth will forget their fear, give up their hesitation, and their bloodline concentration will gradually increase.

Next time there will be a ‘Final Arrival’, more new human gods will be forcibly summoned to Apokolips. "

The content and meaning of these words were very similar to what Harley had said before. Kara didn't know how to refute, and she felt even more anxious.

"We're here." The star skateboard under Orion stopped.

In a few words, they had left the scope of the solar system.

Next, you can directly open the sonic boom channel and enter the fifth world.

"Let's not rush to Apokolips." Orion looked around at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Kara, who looked anxious and hesitant. "You haven't even reached an agreement on the goal of this trip. You can't wait and face it in the dark later. Quarreling among elites, right?

Why not have a good discussion with this person about what exactly they want to achieve, and how to threaten the dark elite in order to achieve the goal.

Make a plan so that when the time comes, you can be confident and complete without letting the Dark Elite call your bluff. "

Bateman said: "I still have a few questions that I don't understand, but it would be a waste of time to explain them in detail. Orion, how about we enter Jon's mind space?"

Through spiritual communication within the spiritual space, the thoughts in the heart can be understood by the other party in an instant, which can save a lot of time.


"What is the plan for the final arrival?" Bateman asked.

"You must understand the concepts of magic mark and magic debt."

The heroes nodded slightly.

Orion said: "During the 'Second Crisis on Infinite Earths', the Anti-Monitor brutally murdered Harley Quinn in many parallel universes because he hated Harley.

After part of Harley Quinn shouts the 'Shazam Curse', she can gain the power of thick skin and transform into 'Super Harley'.

After Super Harley is killed by the Anti-Monitor, the divine power in her body will also dissipate.

No matter where the divine power dissipates, it will eventually gather deep in the 'Origin', waiting for the birth of the next Super Harley.

If it's Dinah, Diana, or Neptune... I just assume that if one of you dies in another world, no matter when or where you die, the thick-skinned divine power dissipated in your body will eventually return to Harley.

If Harley is an evil god, not only will the thick-skinned power return to her body at the same time, but also your experiences, memories and even souls.

This is the nature of power imprints and the way energy debt operates.

Now you regard Apokolips as a 'Planet Harley', the origin of darkness is the power of Thick-skin, and all the new dark gods, including Darkseid, are 'Super Harley' who have gained Thick-skin's power.

Do you understand tonight’s ‘mass disappearance’ incident? "

The heroes looked thoughtful.

Orion continued: "You earthlings often say that 'human beings are the masters of the earth, and protecting the earth's environment is equivalent to protecting humans themselves.'

This sentence is very conceited, and it is even more wrong when placed on Apokolips or Creation Star.

Apokolips does not belong to the New Gods of Darkness, but the New Gods of Darkness are all part of Apokolips.

The New God of Darkness is not considered 'Super Harley', but the thick-skinned power itself.

The moment humans choose to ascend collectively, they no longer belong to themselves.

No matter where they fled or where they hid, they would eventually return to Apokolips.

Tonight's forced summoning was like the awakening of Harley's sleeping will. She activated her thick-skin law and the authority of the God King, and forcibly summoned the thick-skin divine power in the multiverse, allowing them to return to their true form instantly.

The dark elite took advantage of Darkseid's absence to connect the minds of more than 1,500 dark gods and superimpose their wills, which to a certain extent represents the will of Apokolips.

Finally, the will of Apokolips activates the origin of darkness and draws all the new dark gods into Apokolips. "

"Baby Darkseid has returned too?" Diana suddenly asked.

Orion was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "Definitely not. Darkseid is the true incarnation of Apokolips' will. Only he can summon others. How can the Dark Elite be qualified to summon him?"

"Is this the 'Final Arrival Plan'? Why is it called 'Final Arrival'? 'Forced Summoning' or 'Original Awakening' seems more appropriate." Bateman asked.

Orion was a little hesitant. If he told the truth, it might expose the fact that Genesis has been secretly tracking the new gods of mankind.

After hesitating for a moment, he still said: "Forced summoning is just a means, not the plan of the dark elite.

The final plan is to use various means to seduce the new human gods to complete their bloodline purification, to allow all the new human gods who choose to ascend collectively to return to Apokolips in a forced summons, and then to completely exterminate the new human gods.

‘Ultimate’ means ‘final’ and ‘end’.

It means that after the arrival of the new human race of gods on Apokolips, the history of the new human race of gods has completely ended.

The goal of the Dark Elite is to kill all humans who choose to ascend collectively, whether they are Kryptonians, Earthlings, or aliens who want to take advantage of others.

Tonight is not the best time to launch the ‘Final Arrival Plan’. There are less than 100 million new human gods whose blood purity reaches the mandatory summoning standard, and their goal is to reach the total of more than 2 billion. "

The heroes looked shocked and could not speak for a long time.

"How could they be so ruthless?" Da Chao looked pale.

The dark elite are so vicious, can they still rescue those "disappeared" tonight?

Orion looked even more hesitant, and after a while he finally said bravely: "In the battle for racial survival, there is no absolute ruthlessness.

If the new human race of gods gains the upper hand, they will not let go of the dark elite either.

Only by killing all the dark elites can enough main godhead be freed up for new human gods to be promoted.

Just like the original 'Darkseid War', you killed tens of millions of ordinary new gods before tens of millions of new human beings were born.

If there were still hundreds of millions of Indians active in North America today, the United States would not exist. "

All the American superheroes felt uncomfortable, but they understood what he meant.

Bateman asked: "What other insidious methods did the dark elite use in private?"

"Let the new human race of gods create more wars and killings, such as slave camp wars.

On the one hand, it eliminates the new human gods with weak talents on the battlefield, and on the other hand, it provides opportunities for the new human gods to realize their divinity.

So far, millions of humans have been killed in battle by the New Gods, 90% of whom were ordinary mecha warriors.

If they had not died on the battlefield, most of them would have stayed in the material universe tonight and would not have disappeared. "

Diana looked ugly, "Aren't they afraid of raising enemies? Zod also controls the main god-level godhead. If a Kryptonian warrior realizes divinity, his strength will be ten times stronger."

Orion sighed: "After Zod was forcibly summoned to Apokolips, he was cut in half before Steppenwolf could survive three moves.

The other dark gods of Krypton, even together, cannot harm Steppenwolf.

Like a tiger among sheep, he slaughtered thousands of Kryptonian new gods without a single rival. "

"That shouldn't be the case. When Zod doesn't realize divinity, he can even fight Superman. And Superman beating Steppenwolf is like me beating my son. Steppenwolf shouldn't be able to beat Zod." Neptune said in confusion.

Orion glanced at Dachao and said: "First of all, most of the dark elites you encountered in the past were projections.

They encountered their true form during the Final Crisis, but by then Apokolips had exploded, and they were at the lowest point of their power, no different from the projections of the past.

Don't doubt it.

As far as I know, Steppenwolf's true form has destroyed the Justice League in a parallel universe more than once.

With one man and an ax, he wiped out the entire Justice League alive, without any helpers or cheating.

You think he's not very good just because Harley is present in every big battle.

But if you think about it carefully, when facing Harley, there are many supreme beings in the multiverse, who's performance would not stretch their hips? "

In the last sentence, there was a hint of helplessness and sourness in his tone.

During the final crisis, even if he mastered two equations, even if he became a hundred times more powerful, wouldn't he still be bullied by Harley at will?

He even took away most of the equation by force.

"Secondly, Zod is not in good condition tonight. He experienced bloodline burning for the first time. He was so burned that he was delirious and dizzy. However, Steppenwolf came prepared and was specifically guarding him.

It could have been a 50-50 draw, but in the end, the outcome was decided in a head-to-head encounter.

In the end, Superman is special.

I remember Harley mentioned a ‘seed explosion’ theory.

After Superman exploded, he was able to compete evenly with many god-kings. Does this prove that Zod also has god-king level strength? "

In the end, Orion concluded: "With the addition of the new godhead, the strength of Kryptonians has been greatly improved, but it is not as exaggerated as you think.

There are five major realms of magicians: apprentice, formal mage, archmage, master, and spiritual wizard.

Suppose the Kryptonians are the masters of the laws of power.

At this time, he comprehended the divinity of the new god and obtained the main god-level godhood, which was like mastering another law related to power.

From a realm point of view, he is still a grandmaster, and his realm has not changed. He has just changed from a master who masters one law to a more powerful master of two laws. "

Dachao frowned and said: "Why do you say that the Kryptonians are not greatly improved? I think their strength has increased a lot and they have completed a qualitative change."

"The roads are different." Bateman sighed: "The improvement of the great realm is like connecting another road of the same type at the end of one road, and a one-kilometer-long road becomes two kilometers.

The Kryptonian's own strength comes from genes. Harley once said that Kryptonian genes also have the shadow of four-dimensional divinity.

Superman, you were killed by Doomsday. It was the Kryptonian God who sent you to resurrect you using the Kryptonian Life Matrix. The power in Kryptonian genes comes from the Life Matrix, and the Life Matrix belongs to the Kryptonian God.

In other words, Kryptonians originally walked on the path of the Kryptonian god's 'life matrix'.

After becoming a new dark protoss, the new protoss godhead and power obtained are obviously not in the same path as the life matrix.

To understand divinity and condense the godhead is not to connect another higher life matrix path at the end of the life matrix path, but to build a parallel 'new path of the dark gods' beside the life matrix path.

The final state of the Dark New God of Krypton is determined by the longest of the two paths.

Therefore, someone as powerful as Zod is only in the realm of the Lord God. He is stronger than the ordinary Lord God, and far stronger than he was before, but he has not surpassed the great realm, has not broken through the Lord God, and promoted to the God King.

If he were replaced by Superman, he would probably become even weaker after condensing his divinity.

By following the path of the pure life matrix, Superman can explode and become stronger when he encounters a strong one. No matter what god or demon king he is, he can defeat them 50-50, and even defeat them in battle.

Once this purity is destroyed, Superman, the president of Earth 23, is a typical counterexample. "

Dachao fell silent.

Bateman looked at Orion and asked: "Besides creating a slave camp war, what else has the Dark Elite done?"

"You remember to look for Ha. Ahem, I mean to look for the cosmic Didi driver Ba Guan who Mrs. Xanadu divined, right?" Orion turned his head, his expression a little embarrassed.

Bateman glanced at him and understood that he already knew Madam Xanadu's true identity.

But it’s not surprising that behind Orion is Heavenly Father!

"Well, starting from Baguan, the road of 'falling into god' began to be widely spread among the new human race of gods. Is there any involvement of the dark elite in it?"

Orion nodded slightly, "'Falling into God' is their conspiracy!

If you have carefully understood that Bhagwan, you should know that he is impulsive, irritable, reckless and stupid.

After being sneered at by Madam Xanadu, he rolled up his sleeves on the spot, cursed and planned to take action, but was slapped by Madam Xanadu and flew several hundred meters away, directly from the window to the main road outside.

How could a person like this understand the idea of ​​"falling to become a god"?

It's DeSaad!

He infiltrated Baguan's thoughts and made him think he understood the subtext of Lady Xanadu's words.

No matter what Mrs. Xanadu said to Bakuan at that time, Desarde would let him have an idea and an epiphany.

His purpose of lurking in the main universe is to promote the way of "falling to become a god".

And Desaad did not act alone. At least a thousand dark elites lowered their projections, disguised their identities, and lurked within the new human race of gods.

However, the memory in Baguan's mind also frightened Disad.

Baguan was stupid and could not hear the 'opportunity to become a god' from Madam Xanadu's ridicule.

Desaad was very shrewd, and immediately understood that Madam Xanadu had understood the key to the inability of the new human gods to condense their divinity.

So after you went to see Madam Xanadu tonight, the Dark Elite chose to attack immediately.

They were afraid that Luther would get the 'opportunity to become a god'.

Luther is not Zod, he has the destiny of the Dark Lord. At least once, the dark elite did not dare to gamble. "

"What?" The heroes were shocked again, "Our search for Madam Xanadu was actually the trigger for the 'disappearance incident of the new human race of gods'?"

"What's strange about this? The new human race of gods has been infiltrated into a sieve by the dark elite. Every word you said in the White House conference room and every micro-expression are clear to the dark elite." Orion said.

"Why do you know so clearly?" Bateman squinted his eyes.

"I" Orion's expression froze, and then he smiled awkwardly and said: "To be honest, our bright New God Clan on the Genesis Star has been paying attention to this dark New God Clan civil war.

You know, no matter who wins, the ultimate winner will be our enemy. "

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