Luther, like the Grand Commander, almost at the same time felt that every inch of his body seemed to be burning with flames, as if the blood in his body was instantly replaced with hot magma.

It can even be seen with the naked eye that the body is emitting a dark red light.

Then the soul seemed to be tied up with a rope and pulled into the sky quickly.

Unlike the great commander who was at a loss and could only moan in pain, Luther had been the master of Apokolips and soon understood the reason: the "bloodline" of the new gods in his body was forcibly activated, and the origin of Apokolips was like a huge The magnet is attracting him to leave the low-dimensional material world and quickly ascend to the high-dimensional "fifth world", which is the mother star of the dark new god race, Apokolips!

Choosing to ascend collectively is not just about shouting "I want to ascend", and then Apokolips' will is like an electronic computer, entering his name into the roster of the "Dark New Gods" and that's it.

The first gift package that all new human gods who choose to ascend collectively will receive is the thousand-year life span of the gods.

Even if you do nothing and have no talent at all, you can at least live for a thousand more years.

For example, the Grand Commander Zetas was very old before his ascension. He would doze off unconsciously while sitting in his chair. His mind was in a state of confusion when giving speeches. He often remembered the wrong names, called the wrong people, and said strange things that he did not even understand. He also suffered from gastrointestinal problems. No, the food in the stomach is difficult to digest, and it even disappears in front of the alien VIPs.

Once he chooses to ascend collectively, his appearance does not change much, his hair is still gray, his face is chicken-skinned, his strength and speed have not improved much, but his energy has become very abundant, and his brain has returned to the flexibility and agility of his youth.

Just saying "I choose to ascend", why did such a big change happen?

The DNA of the three-dimensional material structure has not changed, but the genes have added a fourth dimension - the divine dimension.

Using scientific instruments on Earth to test the DNA chain of the Grand Commander, the results did not change much from the past. Not without any change, at least the DNA telomeres, which represent vitality and lifespan, have become longer.

But if we use scientific cloning technology to clone the commander-in-chief, it would have succeeded in the past, but it will definitely fail now. Just like Luthor has been studying Superman's genes for decades, but he only came up with an immature "Zabiro".

Kryptonian genetic technology has reached the threshold of the fourth dimension, and the new gods of mankind are already a real new race of gods.

This is also the reason why it is easier for the new protoss to comprehend divinity.

This genetic change at a higher dimensional level is also called bloodline sublimation, sublimating from a mortal to a new god's bloodline.

To put it bluntly, at the moment when they choose to ascend collectively, the new gods of mankind have become otherworldly and have undergone tremendous changes at the bloodline level.

The process of realizing divinity can be seen as a further purification of blood.

The closer one gets to comprehending divinity, the higher the "purity" of the New God's bloodline will be.

"What happened, who is it, who is forcibly activating me - Omaika, you too"

In Luther's Space City, Luther is still struggling hard. He is not a commander, knows nothing, and has no resistance. He is trying to stabilize his mind and use his own will to resist the attraction of the "Big Magnet" (the origin of Apokolips). .

His body was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a hazy space force, like a coat of frosted glass.

He struggled and shouted, and then he was horrified to find dense crowds of the same kind around him: all of them were new human gods who were screaming in pain and struggling instinctively. They were new human god warriors stationed in Luthor Space City.

He even saw Zod!

Zod is equivalent to the main god of the dark elite!

"Luthor, is that you Luther?"

Luther has some of the Dark Lord's insights and can struggle; Zod has great strength and can also struggle.

Luther saw Zod, and Zod caught a glimpse of Luther during the struggle.

"What happened? I was meditating in the bedroom. Why did my body burn and why did I fly out of the bedroom involuntarily? Rao, how did I get through the roof?"

Zod hasn't called "Rao" in a long time.

On the contrary, many Kryptonian warriors admired him and started shouting "Zod is on top" and "Zod protects me".

It’s no wonder that the Kryptonians are too realistic. Even Rao may not be able to defeat Zod at this time.

He can't even defeat their general, so he still has the nerve to call himself the "God of Krypton"?

Look at the God of other earthlings. He is as powerful as the witch Harley, but he is just an "archangel" created by Him.

"We are being forced to up-frequency. After up-frequency, the body is no longer in the same space as the low-frequency material universe. The surrounding scenery can still be seen, but it is like an illusory mirage."

Luther quickly explained and then shouted for help: "Zod, you are the main god, activate your main god's divinity to resist the original suction power, and then come over and help me immediately!"

"Who is forcibly upgrading our frequency? I feel like the origin of Apokolips is sucking me, and what it sucks is my godhead - ah!"

Before Zod could finish a sentence, he howled and quickly pulled up, disappearing in front of Luther in the blink of an eye.

Luther was stunned for a while.

Seeing the divine warriors who were constantly "ascending" around him, he suddenly realized: neither the activated godhead nor the divinity can resist the suction force from the origin of the Apocalypse Star. On the contrary, the stronger the divinity, the more powerful the god, and the higher the godhead position. The higher the level, the stronger the suction power and the harder it is to resist.

"Mother Box, Mother Box, take me out of here quickly!"

The Mother Box didn't respond to him for the first time.

"Mother Box, you speak-"

Luther yelled again before he discovered to his horror that his spiritual connection with the Mother Box had been cut off at some point.

"Fake, this is a conspiracy against our new race of gods. Who is it? Darkseid has quietly come back, or - ah!"

Before he could finish the thoughts in his mind, the heat in his body suddenly increased to a new level, and flames spurted out through his nostrils and mouth.

He could no longer stabilize his mind, became confused, and his body was out of control, soaring rapidly.

Scenes of the material universe flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern, followed by the fantastic lights and shadows in the interlayer of dimensions, and finally the "fire briquette" that he once yearned for so much, but now was so fearful and resistant to - Apokolips.

Apokolips is like a burning coal ball, its whole body is dark red, as if there is insufficient oxygen in the furnace and the combustion is incomplete.

At this time, the Apocalypse was extremely bright, as if the coal furnace was connected to a blower, and a large amount of air entered the furnace, allowing the briquettes to burn to their heart's content.

"Damn, it's really a conspiracy, not a natural disaster. Someone activated the origin of Apokolips and let it forcefully ignite our 'New God of Darkness Bloodline'. How did they do it?"

Seeing Apokolips erupting and burning, Luther was 100% sure that he and others were plotted against him.

Apokolips is not a star in the physical universe. It erupts from time to time in solar activities such as flares and sunspots.

Apokolips is so stable that it would be difficult for Darkseid to intentionally destabilize it.

Now that it was lit up like this, it was obviously not a natural disaster.

Since it is not a natural disaster, it must be a man-made disaster.

But Luther still couldn't understand the principle.

His time as the "Dark Lord" was still too short. As soon as he gathered Darkseid's core god kings and gods, he was attacked by Greer and instantly lost all power and authority. He had no chance to truly understand the origin of Apokolips. will.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like the next moment, Luther touched the earth again, breathed the air, and heard the sound again.

The "earth" is a little soft and a little hot.

Luther opened his eyes and was shocked but expected to see thousands of human new gods piled together.

As far as he could see, there were all the New God warriors lying on the ground moaning and howling. Not all of them were soldiers of the Hope and Freedom Corps. Luther also saw many "white vests", or the Cosmic Didi driver logo printed on the front of the breastplate. The new human race of gods.

Obviously the enemy is not just targeting the 20 million people of the Legion of Hope and Freedom.

All new human gods who choose to ascend collectively are their targets.

"Buzzing~~~" The sound of high-frequency vibrations kept coming from the air, and then the new human protoss whose bodies radiated red light appeared out of thin air, like building walls, appearing on the bodies of the lower-level human new protoss.

According to Luther's previous feelings and perspective, he was like a meteor, flying from the outer reaches of the solar system to the fifth world, and falling to the surface of Apokolips at high speed.

But what actually increased was just his frequency.

He moved from the commander's suite in Luther Space City to the war square of Apokolips in a higher dimension like a teleport.

Yes, they all landed in the war square.

Luther had already seen the familiar tower in the distance.

Back then, Darkseid, who had the Omega Effect in his hand, once stood on the large balcony at the top of the tower, overlooking the tens of millions of new gods and billions of demons in the war square below.

"Um~~~" Luther was looking at the "Parade Tower" in the distance with physical pain and mental torture. Suddenly, heavy pressure fell from above, and two newly teleported human dark new gods fell on him.

They were far less determined than he was.

They were howling miserably in pain, and their consciousness was still hazy and not clear.

"Get away!" Luthor's blood of the New God in his body was also burning, and he felt the pain of being put on the fire and being roasted like a suckling pig every second, but he still used his strong will to forcefully control his body and push away the falling pig. The two new human gods on the body struggled to climb out of the crowd.

Suddenly, an invisible and immaterial spiritual wave that could be sensed by his mental power swept across his body like a radar wave.

Luther shivered.

He has fought with dark elites for nearly a hundred times, and he is very familiar with their appearance, moves, and aura.

He had experienced the mental fluctuations he had just swept away countless times on the battlefield.

It belongs to Dr. Chaos, the psychic among the Dark Elite!

His body was stiff. Not only did he not dare to move any more, he even wished that he was being pressed down by a hundred layers of new human gods.

But in the next moment, the mental fluctuations that had swept over him returned again, with strong excitement and malice.

"Hahaha, Lex Luthor, I finally found you!"

"Doctor Chaos, it is indeed you!"

Knowing that he couldn't hide it or hide it, Luther stood up and glared angrily in the direction where the mental fluctuations came from.

"Hey, of course it's us. Are you surprised or surprised?"

Dr. Chaos put his hands behind his back and flew quickly from a distance.

His posture was as leisurely as walking in a garden, but there were forty or fifty new dark gods floating around him, groaning in pain and unable to move.

Luther knew these people, who either realized divinity or were leaders in the Legion.

They are all elites and powerful people.

He even saw the commander's body twitching like an electric worm!

"Mother Box, take me away, Mother Box, activate the 'Luthor Type 14 Armor' quickly." Luther shouted directly with his mouth.

There is no need to shout with the mouth on weekdays. The mother box is like their external organ. They can control it as easily as the brain controls their hands and feet. When their thoughts come up, they can react immediately.

Even though Luther shouted loudly at this time, the Mother Box still didn't respond.

"Stop screaming, don't talk about you humans who haven't adapted to the burning of blood. Even we who are the instigators can no longer use the Mother Box.

The intelligent AI of the Mother Box is essentially part of the original will of Apokolips.

That's why the Mother Box is so powerful and belongs exclusively to the New Protoss.

At this time, all the original will of Apokolips has returned to the core of the earth. The entire Apokolips is burning like us and has no time to care about you. "

Dr. Chaos stopped suddenly and hovered above Luther's head. He stretched out his right hand, which was as skinny as a chicken's claw. With a weak grasp, Luther flew into the air involuntarily and came to him.

"Without the Mother Box, I can still fly with the power of my mind, and my strength has not decreased at all. You, a mortal, are nothing but shit without the Mother Box."

Dr. Chaos placed his palm against Luther's face, and the powerful psychic power formed air ripples like dense water vapor between his palm and his face.

"Ahhhh~~" Luther's expression was distorted, his facial features were flying around, he was in extreme pain, and the corners of his eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth were all bleeding.

Visible to the naked eye, there was a meatball the size of a date bulging out on the back of his head.

"Chi, chi chi chi!" The meat bag split open, and a lump of blood and a little bit of milky white brain shot out from the inside.

That thing is composed of a ball the size of a glass bead and hundreds of thin and long transparent silk threads.

"I have to admit that you are a genius and a difficult opponent." Dr. Chaos looked at the thing suspended in front of him, dripping with blood and brain, with a complicated expression on his withered brown face, "Just like this This little thing actually blocked my god-level mind control ability.

I once controlled a star system, 15 planets, and hundreds of billions of creatures!

If I don't take it out, even if I capture you, I won't be able to read your thoughts, let alone control you with your mind.

What's even more amazing is that this thing is not a rare treasure.

You actually used mother box technology to mass-produce it. Every human hybrid has one, Fak! "

With a thought, Dr. Chaos' powerful mental power squeezed the "Data Soul Simulator" into pieces.

His psychic power is very powerful. If there are no psychics of the same level to block him, he can easily control humans around the world and make them act according to his will like puppets.

But no matter how strong the psychic power is, it can only control brain waves, but cannot control radio waves or data signal waves.

Brain waves and data signal waves, one is fantasy and the other is science, they belong to two completely different fields.

It just so happens that the earth has already had the technology to digitize the soul.

By simulating your own brain waves into data signals through a simulator, you can be immune to traditional types of mind control to a large extent.

So after catching Luther, Dr. Chaos, who used psychic powers as his main method, immediately took out the "simulator" from Luther's head.

"Ahhhh!" The "digital soul simulator" connected to the brain neurons was forcibly pulled out by the powerful power of thought. Luther was in agony and bleeding from all his orifices. His whole body was twitching due to electric shock, his mouth was screaming, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Listening to his screams and seeing his miserable appearance, Dr. Chaos showed an intoxicated expression of enjoyment.

But he didn't stop there to enjoy it.

He scanned the newly arrived human race of gods over and over again, selecting from them the new gods of true darkness who had awakened their divinity and condensed their godhood, as well as the big and small leaders of the "Luthor Army".

Every time he found a target, he would lift them up, and just like he did with Luther, he would first pull out the "digitized soul simulator" that blocked mind control from the back of his head, and then hang them behind his back like bacon.

In just a few minutes, there were already hundreds of people hanging around Dr. Chaos.

"Luthor, Luther, Luther."

Luther seemed to be sinking into a dark, deep, silent stone well.

He huddled at the bottom of the well, his body balled up, completely isolated from the outside world, and then one after another, vague and non-existent calls came from the mouth of the well above, getting louder and clearer, gradually awakening him from the pain of a lifeless heart. .

"Commander? What are you doing?"

Luther slowly opened his eyes, which were a little blurry, but he could barely see the person in front of him clearly.

The commander-in-chief had an anxious look on his face, pouting and leaning toward his mouth.

"Uh, are you awake? It seems that artificial respiration is still effective."

The commander's forehead was pressed against Luther's quickly extended palm. He could only smell the slightly bloody bad breath from Luther's mouth, and could no longer feel the softness of his lips.

"Where are we? Where are Doctor Chaos?" The New God's blood in Luther's body was still burning, his skin was still glowing red, and every part of his body felt burning pain.

However, he had begun to adapt to the condition of his body. He struggled to get up and found that he and the commander were locked in a two-meter-long cubic iron cage.

Thousands of similar iron cages were piled up, down, left and right. Some cages were filled with people, and some were still empty.

"Is Dr. Chaos that dark elite with gray-brown skin, bald head, and thin body, floating in mid-air?" The commander-in-chief has never participated in the battle of the New Gods of Humanity, and he does not fully understand the total number of dark elites, which exceeds 1,500.

"Yes, that's him."

"When I woke up, I found myself suspended next to him, surrounded by hundreds of people, including you. I wanted to move, but I was like a mosquito falling into the resin. I wanted to scream, my mouth was full of blood, and I couldn't open my mouth.

In the past three minutes or so, he's brought us all here, letting the new dark god outside lock us in a cage. "

The Commander-in-Chief touched the back of his head, which was numb from pain, and asked: "What happened? I was clearly sleeping in the White House, why did I suddenly come to Apokolips?

The 'mind shield' in my head seems to have been pulled out. What do they want to do? Where is my son Henry? "

At the last sentence, he screamed in despair.

Even if he didn't understand exactly what happened, he knew something was wrong.

Luther did not answer his question, looked around, and asked: "Have you seen Zod and the Kryptonian warriors? Even if they are forcibly pulled to Apokolips, they will not lose their fighting power."

"I haven't seen them. They don't seem to be in the same area as us."

"Can this forced summoning still distinguish between Kryptonians and Earthlings?" Luther asked doubtfully.

Previously, Dr. Chaos had to use psychic powers to find him among millions of people.

Apparently summons cannot differentiate between identities.

"What is a forced summons?" the commander asked in confusion.

"The Kryptonians are fighting the dark elite in the sky." A faint voice suddenly sounded above the iron cage of the two people. "The final arrival can only summon new human gods whose blood purity reaches a certain standard. It is impossible to distinguish between Kryptonians and Earthlings. It is impossible to screen out those with divine power and ordinary humans without divinity or divine power.

However, the Kryptonians are wary of the allies of the New Human Gods. Too many New Human Gods will suffer disaster in ground battles.

In fact, tens of millions of new human gods on Earth who could not adapt to the burning bloodline have died in the aftermath of the battle between Kryptonian warriors and dark elites. "

Luther looked up and could only see the oval chassis of the "aircraft". He could not see the people on it, and the other party's voice was also unfamiliar.

Just when he was confused, with a "swish", Dr. Chaos arrived at the opposite side of the "aircraft" at a speed exceeding 10 times the speed of sound.

And his surprised voice came even faster, "Metron? No, Metron is dead. You are the new God of Knowledge, the fourth generation God of Knowledge? Why are you here? What do you want to do?"

"The God of Knowledge?"

Luther suddenly realized that the oval "flying machine" above his head turned out to be the Mobius Chair.

Then he thought about the past when Bateman abandoned the Möbius Chair, but the Möbius Chair rejected him.

"Don't you dark elites know best why I came to Apokolips?" the Yondaime God of Knowledge said lightly.

Dr. Chaos was stunned for a moment, then his heart moved, and he said with a strange expression: "Were you also forcibly summoned by us?

Unexpectedly, the God of Knowledge of this generation would lean toward the dark camp.

Who are you and what's your name? I've never heard of you before. "

If it were Metron and Bateman, they would not have been forcibly summoned to Apokolips. They belonged to the camp of the bright new gods.

If it were a night owl, he would also be forcibly summoned.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The sound of sonic boom passed through the sky again, and three figures flew from three different directions, cooperating with Dr. Chaos to surround the fourth generation God of Knowledge.

"He should be an earthling. After the final crisis, earthlings are most favored by the new gods of the main god level. As long as they are new human gods, they must be killed."

Mad Harriet, the goddess of revenge behind the Möbius Chair, said with a grim look on her face.

Dr. Chaos and the other two dark elites had murderous intent in their eyes as they slowly approached the Mobius Chair.

"You can't do anything to me." The Yondaime God of Knowledge still spoke calmly.

The next moment, "Buzz!"

With a flash of white light, the Mobius Chair took him away from the circle of four people and came to the front of the iron cage.

The four dark elites were stunned, their expressions became extremely solemn, but they stopped moving.

Luther and the commander also saw his appearance clearly at this time. He had half-long blond hair, handsome facial features, and was in his early twenties. He looked very young, but his eyes were very deep. He must be quite young.

"Do you know him?" the commander asked.

Luther shook his head slightly, with a look of confusion on his face, "To be recognized by the Möbius Chair, at least you are a knowledgeable person, and you will not be unknown."

When the God of Knowledge heard what they said, he glanced at them, his voice still calm, "Yes, no matter in my previous life or in this life, I am not an unknown person.

We have met, Luther, and we have worked together in a previous life. "

"In your last life? Are you a reincarnated person? Harley's Hero Island has only been established a few years ago. Did you go to a different world where time flows at a different speed? That's not right. After reincarnation, you are no longer a human on Earth. Where did you get your destiny?" Lu Se asked in surprise.

The God of Knowledge said directly: "I am Yamo Zhuo, and in my previous life, I was Dr. Avio who was responsible for the Yamo Zhuo project.

From the first time I was infected with the Yamozo virus to the present, I have experienced countless evolutions, completed countless transformations, and finally had an independent will reborn, just like reincarnation. "

"Oh my God, it's you!" the commander exclaimed.

Not to mention the two Earthlings, the Dark Elite was also shocked, "I didn't expect that Amozo would not only evolve wisdom, but also be recognized by the Mobius Chair."

"Brother Amozo, save me. Your last life, Dr. Avio, and I are good friends!" Luther suddenly shouted excitedly: "I treated you to dinner, remember? Also, we will work together on research. Quantum gene digitization project, you have great admiration for me, and I praise you very much. We have an irreversible friendship and a deep friendship!"

Yamo Zhuo said indifferently: "I remember that you were very arrogant, you would sneer at me every time we met, and you would shamelessly steal my research results.

After being reported by me, how could you, ‘the smartest person in the universe’, steal my technology?”

Luther's expression was stiff and he murmured: "That was the last life. I promise, this life will be good to you."

The God of Knowledge said: "Don't be naive, I have not just opened up my spiritual wisdom, nor do I have 'friendship and love craving syndrome'.

I was able to obtain the Mobius Chair because I copied the wisdom of countless top wise men of higher civilizations.

Not only copying their quantum genes, but also collecting their memory brainwaves and stealing their knowledge.

When I got the Möbius Chair, I never stopped searching for knowledge and wisdom.

Without the ‘final arrival’ of the Dark Elite, I would still be traveling through the river of time. "

Luther looked gloomy and stopped talking.

"Dr. Avio, do you remember me? Although we don't know each other, I announced that you were a victim of the "Luther virus incident" and sent a $50,000 condolence payment to your family.

If you don’t believe it, you can go back to Earth and check the news. "The commander-in-chief had a flattering smile on his face, and his voice was so soft and sweet.

"Boom!" A huge figure descended from the sky. Its feet were like meteorites, smashing a huge crater on the ground. Gravels as big as a bowl were scattered like hail, and the dark elites were pushed back two steps by the air waves.


Bright silver scales covering the whole body, huge horns standing tall, a long and shriveled shoehorn face, and a sharp ax as big as a truck wheel in his right hand, the glistening ax blade still dripping with blood.

Astonishingly, he is the "uncle of Darkseid's Dark Dynasty", "Apocalypse God of War", and "Leader of the Dark Elite" Steppenwolf.

And his left hand was holding half of a bloody human torso.

"Fake, Zod" Luther's pupils shrank, and a look of despair gradually appeared on his face.

The torso held by Steppenwolf's hands belongs to General Zod.

The head was still on the neck, but there was no trace below the chest, and there were neat wounds.

The right arm was scarred but still intact, and the left hand was broken at the elbow.

Most of the organs were leaking out of the chest, and he looked very miserable.

"What are you still doing? Kill this new god of mankind!" Steppenwolf pointed his ax at Amozo and roared.

"He has the Mobius Chair, we probably can't stop him." Dr. Chaos said helplessly.

The God of Knowledge looked at Steppenwolf and said calmly: "Not only can you not stop me, you are not necessarily my opponent.

If you must take action against me, your great victory today may turn into an unbearable defeat.

If you don’t believe it, you can try it.

What I fear is not the trouble itself, but the time and energy wasted cleaning up the trouble. "

Steppenwolf's expression changed several times, and the ax handle in his hand tightened and relaxed for a while.

He didn't believe they couldn't defeat him, but if he used the Mobius Chair to kite them, their losses might not be small, and they might not be able to take him down in the end.

"Why did you come to Apokolips?" Steppenwolf compromised.

The God of Knowledge shook his head slightly, "I have no interest in your fight. If it weren't for your 'Final Arrival', I wouldn't have appeared on Apokolips.

When the 'Final Arrival' ends and the New God's bloodline in my body returns to calm, I will leave Apokolips as soon as possible. "

Steppenwolf took a deep look at him, then turned to the four dark elites and said: "Crazy Harriet, you stay here and keep an eye on Yamojo.

Dr. Chaos, you continue to search for the elite among the New Gods of mankind, and the rest follow me to clean up the New Gods of Krypton.

They are not used to the burning blood yet, and they cannot stand firmly, so they are the easiest to kill.

If the delay is too long, we may suffer considerable losses. "

After saying that, he squatted down, kicked his feet hard, and shot into the sky again like a fireball.

The other two dark elites followed him with the help of flying discs.

After they all left, the commander continued to shout: "Dr. Avio, at least save me and my son! After I became the commander, I immediately declared you a victim and gave your family $50,000. "

Ya Mo Zhuo looked at him expressionlessly, as if he was looking at a piece of shit, and didn't even bother to say a word in reply.

On the contrary, the goddess of revenge beside her was impatient by the noise and shouted: "Do you think we are dead people?

Now that you have had your 'mind shield' removed, all it takes is one thought from Dr. Chaos and your heads will explode like watermelons.

Not to mention Ya Mo Zhuo, the Witch Harley can't save you even if she comes in person. "

"That's not necessarily the case." Ya Mo Zhuo said lightly.

The commander was overjoyed, "Doctor, save me~~~"


The commander's head looked like a big watermelon hit at close range by an M500 revolver.

The juice that bursts out is in a mist state.

Crazy Harriet looked at Amojo with provocative eyes.

Yamo Zhuo shrugged, "Thank you, my ears are much quieter."

"Didn't you say you could save him?" Crazy Harriet was a little unhappy.

"There is an infinite distance between being able to save and wanting to save."

Crazy Harriet's chest was full of depression and her thoughts were very unreasonable.

Ever since seeing Zod's broken body, Luther has been feeling confused and dizzy.

At this moment, his face was splashed with the commander's blood and brains. He shuddered and regained consciousness.

"He is the commander-in-chief, but you killed him so easily?" he shouted excitedly.

"Otherwise?" Crazy Harriet looked at him teasingly.

"You specifically single out us, the new elites of humanity, for your own purpose, right?" Luther said.

"What do you think it will be for?" Crazy Harriet's smile became even weirder.

Luther had an ominous premonition in his heart, "Isn't it to control the entire new human race of gods? Or use us to blackmail the people of Earth, the Justice League, and my best friend Harley?"

"Hahaha, Luther, Luther, you are so cute and childish." The goddess of revenge reached into the cage and wiped Luther's face.

Ya Mo Zhuo sighed: "The dark elite hates the new human gods. The 'Final Arrival Plan' they formulated originally planned to kill all the new human gods in one fell swoop without sparing any one.

I have singled you out just to slowly torture you with the cruelest punishment to relieve the hatred in my heart.

The other ordinary human new gods are not worth mentioning and cannot even survive tonight.

Zetas was actually lucky when he was shot in the head.

At least he is luckier than you and his stupid son. You will live worse than death and be unable to seek death. "

Luther turned to look at Nemesis.

The smile on Crazy Harriet's face disappeared, and her eyes were sharp and dissatisfied.

"No, you can't do this." The human New God elite in a nearby cage howled excitedly.

"Like you, I am the new dark god of Apokolips. I have understood divinity and am willing to surrender to the dark elite. Long live Darkseid, all for Darkseid!"

"Although I have not understood divinity, I am the most powerful person in the United States. My influence is greater than that of the general. I can help you with things. If you want to invade the earth, I am willing to lead the way!"

"Yes, yes, we are willing to be a true new god of darkness. Long live the Dark Elite. The Dark Elite will surely sweep across the earth and beat the shit out of Witch Harley."

Crazy Harriet's expression changed, she grabbed the whip from the guard of the new dark god next to her, and slapped the "Leading Party" on their faces.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but but"""

Even if they screamed after being whipped, they did not dare to curse loudly. Instead, they forced a smile and praised the goddess of revenge who whipped them.

"Shut up!" Crazy Harriet yelled with a distorted face, and used the whip in her hand harder.

"Grandma, don't hit me. Long live grandma. Damn it. Grandma is more majestic than the Witch Harley!"

They thought their rainbow farts were not tasty enough, so not only did they not shut up, but they shouted even more urgently.

"Dr. Chaos, blow their heads off, head on now!"

Crazy Harriet yelled while making a killing move. The long whip wrapped around a human new god elite who screamed the most cheerfully. She pulled hard and the blood was like a fountain, drenching the whole body of the people nearby, making them all stunned and frightened. , I dare not say anything anymore.

"What are you crazy about?"

Dr. Chaos once again brought hundreds of "elites" and shouted angrily at the Nemesis.

"Didn't you hear? These bastards are harming us and want us dead." Crazy Harriet pointed at the "Leading Party" in the cage and shouted excitedly.

"Grandma, we don't have one!" They were extremely aggrieved.

Now they were asked to lick the dark elite grandpa's butthole, and they were all happy with it. They were afraid that they had no chance and no way to curry favor with them, so how could they be framed?

"You still dare to quibble?" Crazy Harriet got even angrier, "You carry Witch Harley in every word you say, and you beat her to pieces until she pisses her shit off and kneels down wailing, making her even more majestic than her."

Dr. Chaos's face changed, and he yelled sternly: "You are so courageous, even though you are locked in a cage, you still dare to plot against us!"

They were baffled and confused.

"We don't understand, we just praised you for being more than Witch Harley -"

"Shut up!"

"Bang!" The guy shot his head directly.

Doctor Chaos pointed at them and said angrily: "You know that not even the great Darkseid can defeat the Witch Harley, and even His Majesty and the Anti-Monitor team up, he can't help her.

Now you are telling lies with your eyes open, saying that we are better than Witch Harley, more powerful than her, and can beat the shit out of her, what are your intentions?

Do you want these words to reach the ears of Witch Harley, causing her to be filled with rage, have unhappy thoughts, and finally become unbearable and beat our dark elite to death? "

A kind of new human god "elite" in a cage is dumbfounded by this kind of brain circuit.

They just want to flatter them, flatter them, please them, and save their own lives!

"Hahaha, hahahaha!" A burst of crazy and sad laughter suddenly came from the cage.

Everyone turned to look, but it was Lincoln, the second leader of the United States.

“It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous, we are so ridiculous.” He beat the ground with tears streaming down his face and laughed wildly, “We tried every possible means, exhausted all means, and sacrificed everything to become the new gods, thinking that the new gods are the most noble.

But the king of the new gods is just a defeated general of the natives of the earth. He has been defeated more than once, and he has been defeated repeatedly.

The New God's ruling class didn't even dare brag about themselves by insulting her.

Even if others brag about it, they will feel trembling and terrified, hahaha.

What a big joke!

The earth we have always wanted to escape from, the mother civilization we have always looked down upon, and the human identity we have always wanted to escape from, are actually the most noble in the entire multiverse."

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