I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1794 They Disappeared

"Squeak~~~" The moment the door of Xanadu's hut opened, the aliens and Earth heroes who were talking in the yard immediately stopped talking and looked over.

"Why did it take so long? It took twice as long as I did."

The previous alien VIP who completed the divination stood up and asked.

The alien who came out of the room didn't answer his question, and he didn't know how to answer. He just looked at the Zhenglian hero and said, "Mrs. Xanadu asked you to go in first."

Then he looked around again, and before the other alien soothsayers could get excited, he explained first: "Madam Xanadu said that there is a first-come, first-served basis when using the back door, but using the back door cannot delay her normal life.

The superheroes of the Justice League are her friends, and they are not looking for her for divination. They must not wait in line like us. "

A group of alien dignitaries who were originally very excited and talkative were speechless.

Indeed, going through the back door is inherently "inferior" and cannot affect the normal life of the host's family.

"It's okay to let the Zhenglian heroes go in first, but will they take away Madam Xanadu and make our trip tonight in vain?" the sheep-faced man said worriedly.

"Probably not. Mrs. Xanadu said that we will continue to go in in the original order after the Zhenglian heroes leave. Since we can still go in, she probably won't leave."

"That's good."

The alien dignitaries immediately breathed a sigh of relief, their expressions became much more relaxed, and some even smiled.

The quiet room is not big, and fortunately there are not many Zhenglian heroes coming.

After entering the door, they saw two large cloth bags beside Mrs. Xanadu. She was untying one of them and looking through the magical objects inside with great interest.

"They gave this to you? Why don't you put it away and put it directly in the quiet room without taking up space? You have only completed two fortune-tellings now. When more than ten people put the bags in front of you, the quiet room will become more and more cramped." Louise said.

"Why do you think they each carry a big bag and fill it full, as big and heavy as possible?" Harley asked with a smile.

Louise was stunned for a while, and then she had a flash of inspiration and said in surprise: "You mean, you deliberately let them see the big pockets that others have given you, so that they will be embarrassed if their hands are empty or the pockets are not big enough?

When the news gets out, everyone doesn't want to be embarrassed, so they try to bring as many magical items as possible to see you?

The value of strange objects has nothing to do with quantity or size.

Just one precious artifact is worth a room full of ordinary rare objects. "

Harley sighed: "Don't think that the aliens have a high level of civilization and high moral quality.

At first, those so-called royal guests only gave me bank cards and not even the most common magic items. It was just free prostitution.

You are planning to have sex for nothing, what kind of precious artifact do you expect them to give you? I want to eat shit. "

"Didn't they say that the magical artifacts are going to be given to Admiral Galaxy as tolls for the VIP passage? They are not even afraid of Admiral Galaxy for free prostitution?" Louise said in surprise.

"A civilization has one chance. Divination is a one-time deal. Even if the Galaxy Admiral is displeased and closes the VIP channel, it will not affect the people in front of him." Harley said.

"Oh, I didn't expect the aliens to be so treacherous. I'm afraid the alien bank card you return may not be used for charity by them." Diana sighed.

"That's their cause and effect, I don't care, and you have no reason to worry about it."

Dachao said: “Mrs.

The ‘slave camp to defend the Dark King’s City’ grand strategy didn’t really work either.

According to Luther's original idea, as more and more slave camps were liberated, his divinity should become stronger and stronger, and he should realize more and more divinity.

Not to mention competing with Darkseid, at least it can absolutely crush ordinary dark elites.

But now he doesn't even have a godhead.

Although they have added more than 500,000 true dark new protoss who have understood divinity these days, this power cannot overwhelm the dark elite, let alone threaten Darkseid.

They don't know how many 1 million people will die next. "

"So? What do you want to do, and what can I do?" Harley asked.

Dachao said: "The last sentence you said awakened a cosmic Didi driver who was lottery number, and finally made him understand the method of 'falling into god'.

Luthor hopes that you can provide guidance to more of the new dark protoss of humanity.

It would be best to divine for him the chance of becoming a god.

What he meant was that if he and his people could become gods and increase in strength, millions of people would not die.

Of course, we are not coming to you to persuade you to help them.

We would like to ask, can you divine the crux of Hope and the Freedom Legion at this time? Is there any way to become a god through charity without harming others?

It would be beneficial to everyone if the method of becoming a god through compassion could be used instead of "falling into a god". "

Harley looked at him strangely and asked, "Do you know what the 'New God of Darkness' is?"

Da Chao pondered: "The New God of Darkness is the incarnation of evil and darkness in the multiverse, but the God of Darkness can be transformed into the God of Light.

If you can find a 'compassionate method of becoming a god' that can help humans give birth to new gods with light divinity, I think those who long to become gods will not care about light divinity or dark divinity.

As long as he can become a god, Luther will do his best to be a good person. "

Harry shook his head and said: "I cannot predict too grand matters, even the events in the material universe that will affect the future of advanced civilizations, let alone the fate of god-level civilizations.

Even for the most ordinary new human god, I cannot help him find the path to becoming a god through divination.

Especially what you mentioned about the ‘Compassion to God Method’, you can ignore the nature of the new gods and rewrite their divinity at will.

Even Darkseid was unable to resist his own divinity and priesthood, so he could only fake his death and escape. "

"Was it a coincidence that the new human god Baguan who murdered Stam before was just a curse? You were just scolding him at the time, without any hint or any problem with him?" Louise asked.

Harley shook her head again, "Not only can I point out the crux of the new gods of most humans who cannot understand divinity, but I can also point out the fatal flaws in Luther's strategy of 'slave camps surrounding the Dark King's City'.

And I am sure that as long as I say it, Luther will listen. He can gather at least the main god level godhead in a few days. He may not be able to sweep the dark elite in the future, and even be able to compete with the "substitute Darkseid". "

Diana was puzzled: "You said you couldn't predict the fate of the most common new human god, and you said you could make Luther's dream come true."

"She doesn't rely on divination." Bateman's voice was low and steady.

Harley smiled and nodded, "If you want to know whether it will rain tomorrow, in addition to divination, you can also look at the weather forecast and observe the celestial phenomena through experience.

In fact, if you can maintain absolute objectivity and calmness, you can, like me, see the problems of the Luther Army at a glance.

The core of deity is divinity.

The divinity of the new dark god is destined to be related to darkness, evil, depravity, cruelty, and killing, and conflicts with rules, responsibility, piety, kindness, compassion, friendliness, etc.

The cosmic Didi driver is still a driver.

Drivers are hardworking workers and screws of society who are bound by rules and regulations.

This profession is fundamentally contrary to the divinity of the Dark New God.

If you want to be the new god of darkness, choose careers such as interstellar pirates, black market thugs, and space killers. If you want to be the new god of light, you don’t have to be a galactic superhero. Become a space policeman, galactic urban management, and other law enforcers who maintain order. That’s it. "

“So the crux of the Legion of Hope and Freedom is very obvious, changing ‘hope and freedom’ to ‘killing and despair’, and changing from liberating slave camps to bloodbathing slave camps.

Every time you capture a slave camp, kill the Dark Elite first to gain control of the slave camp.

Then let go of your inner demons. If you want to be strong, go get strong. If you want to kill someone, if you want to kill someone in various heavy-tasting ways, just go ahead and kill him.

It doesn't have to be a massacre of the city, just give up the rules and disciplines and let all the new human beings and gods have complete fun.

I guarantee that in less than a month, tens of millions of humans and new gods will all appear again. "

Louise shivered, her pretty face turned pale, and her eyes were frightened.

The hero of Zhenglian was not trembling with fear, but his face was ugly and his expression was solemn.

Harley sighed: "Luthor is very smart. After losing the authority and power of the Dark God King, he keenly discovered his only chance to make a comeback - to surround the Dark King's city with slave camps.

In the days after Darkseid left, the will of the new dark gods of Apokolips could represent the original will of Apokolips to a certain extent.

If you are recognized by the original will of Apokolips, you will have the opportunity to be crowned king again.

It's a pity that he misunderstood the 'approval' of the Dark New Gods.

Recognition in the human world is a collection of positive emotions such as recognition, appreciation, and admiration.

Apokolips is the hell of the New Protoss. The "recognition" and "excellence" of hell are all in reverse.

Conquering all the slave camps and making the dark gods of Apokolips hate and fear them more than Darkseid is the real "recognition".

If Luther has enough energy, he can kill all living things on Apokolips.

No matter the slaves or the old dark gods, kill them all.

Then replace them with the new dark gods of humanity.

At that time, the will of the new dark god of humanity is the will of Apokolips. If the new god of darkness of humanity recognizes Luther's identity as the "Lord of Apokolips", Luther will definitely be able to condense the new god-king godhead. "

"Luthor is not short of courage, but he is still a human being and a stubborn person whose old habits die hard.

He spent the first half of his life questioning Superman, suspecting that Superman was hypocritical and defrauded the people's love and trust.

Wait until he confirms that Superman is indeed bright and has almost no moral flaws. Even if he never admits it.

He began to spend the rest of his life pursuing becoming 'Superman', or even surpassing 'Superman'.

Instead of learning from Superman's morality and light, he believed that he could bring light and hope to the people in his own way.

He still insists on evil, but he has very lofty ideals.

Even if he becomes the Dark Lord, he still strives to use his own power to take care of all the new human gods.

The dark elite secretly attacked the Dark King's City and slaughtered ordinary human beings, the New God.

Furious, he first hunted down the dark elites, and then set up a protective system to protect everyone.

The environment of Apokolips was harsh, so he used his wisdom and the power of the God King to extract the source of Apokolips and build "black iron buildings" that simulated the ecological environment of the earth.

Eventually he lost his destiny as the God King.

The origin of Apokolips would rather let the 'incomplete Darkseid' turn around than let Luther continue to be the God King of Darkness.

The Dark God King must be extremely evil regardless of his means or purpose.

Look at how Darkseid treats the Dark New Gods.

Has he built a house for them and created a comfortable and safe environment for them?

The first people detained in the slave camp were all his people!

He deliberately triggered the "Darkseid War", knowing that the "Battlefield Battlefield" was a desperate place with no return, and still took away all the dark gods.

Is it cruel enough to exterminate one's own clan?

Keeping the dark elite body is not out of pity.

He only left them behind to lay mines for future earthlings.

Look at Darkseid's performance during the final crisis. The Dark Elite fell like rain. When did he feel distressed?

Such ruthlessness shows the style of the Dark Lord! "

"The subsequent Hope and Freedom Legions are even more nonsense. If they are labeled as 'Hope' and 'Freedom', will the Dark Lord still be the Dark Lord?"

Diana looked ridiculous, "Luthor couldn't succeed because he wasn't bad enough."

"The evil is not pure enough. His evil does not exceed his obsession to defeat Superman and become the real hope and future of mankind."

Harley changed her subject and added: "But if we can give him a head start and make him understand how entangled he is now, maybe he can break through the shackles, crush his obsession, regain a new life, and eventually become a generation of the Dark Emperor."

"You must not let him know these words." Louise said hurriedly: "If he changes his strategy according to what you said, and no longer liberates the slave camp, but conquers and bloodbaths the slave camp, spreading fear and peace throughout Apokolips. If they die, billions of people will be harmed, and the new gods of mankind will fall completely."

"Isn't the purpose of you coming to me to divine the crux of Luther and humanity's new dark god?" Harley said.

Dinah said: "We want to know how to preserve more new human gods and turn them to the light. Now it seems a bit whimsical."

Bateman asked: "If Luther chooses to become the New God of Light, what will he and the Legion of Hope and Freedom do?"

Harry said: "In fact, it's not difficult. You can be more kind and kind than Heavenly Father, and more representative of light and justice. You have all done it.

All problems of the new Protoss can be attributed to ‘divinity’.

As long as they can be more in line with the divinity of the new god race than their predecessors, they will be recognized by the origin and get a godhead that matches their divinity. "

"Alas, if we expect Luther to be kind, bright and just, we might as well ignore them and let the new human race of gods fend for themselves." Oliver sighed.

"You really shouldn't wade into this muddy water. As I said before, the core of the new Protoss is divinity. Divinity is like your concept of justice, which cannot be distorted, changed, or obstructed." Harley said.

Dachao rubbed his cheeks vigorously with his palms several times until his face turned red, and he forced himself to regain his composure.

"Luthor made three requests. In addition to asking you to divine the future, he also wants us to release the guilty Didi driver of the universe.

When he became the Lord of Apokolips, he immediately established diplomatic relations with humans on Earth on behalf of the new Protoss of Apokolips.

The commander-in-chief agreed immediately without hesitation, and the people cheered and were very happy.

According to today's diplomatic laws, we should at least hand over the criminal to him.

The government wears the same pants as him, and now there are ready-made legal provisions. If we don't tell him anything and ignore him, he may continue to fight on this matter. "

Harley said: "Make his unreasonable demands public, let the public resentment boil over, shock the alien allies, and then force the gentlemen in Congress to immediately pass a new bill and directly execute those bastards."

"It seems that it is not in line with the rules to use the newly established bill to try past cases with more severity. I am not stubborn, but Luther and the New God of Mankind will not agree." Dachao said.

"So what if they don't agree? Do they still dare to attack the earth?"

Da Chao said: "They can migrate to the parallel universe, and maybe they will actually bloodbath the earth in the parallel universe."

"If you are so cautious, then don't do anything. Just agree to whatever they want."

"I just think that executing the criminal Didi driver of the universe is too irritating to the new gods of mankind and is unnecessary." Dachao explained.

Harry waved his hand and said: "You can go back to the Hall of Justice to discuss this matter yourself. I am just a fortune teller now, and the guests outside can't wait."

"How long do you plan to hold the fortune telling publicly?" Bateman asked.

"Why do you care about this?"

Bateman said: "At the beginning, you said that divination was open to the public so that everyone could personally experience the uncertainty and huge cost of peering into fate, and then regain their rationality and no longer be obsessed with divination.

The actual result is completely opposite to what you said.

It is true that some people encounter misfortune after divination, but those people are only a minority.

And the reasons for misfortunes are also varied, more like accidents than the backlash of fate.

More people have completely changed their lives because of divination, either making a fortune and living a comfortable and nourishing life; or marrying an alien aristocrat, becoming free from illness and disaster, and living happily.

Seeing this situation, the people became even more enthusiastic about divination, and even alien civilizations followed suit.

Not to mention the current earth, even the situation in the main universe has undergone tremendous changes because of your divination. "

Harley smiled proudly and said: "First of all, I would like to emphasize again that divination is highly uncertain and inaccurate, and the backlash is also severe.

Secondly, I am a very professional fortune teller.

Even if I want to warn people that more divination will bring uncertainty to their lives, I will still do my best to help them find a future path with the least backlash and the greatest benefits.

As it turns out, I'm doing pretty well so far.

In the end, my original purpose - to warn people not to indulge in divination - has not changed.

The time was too short, just a month or two, and the backlash effects didn't have time to show up. "

"How long do we have to wait?" Bateman asked.

"Well, maybe for another month or two, maybe sooner."

Harry looked up at the "sky". At the end of the rough and disorderly River of Destiny, a portal was already vaguely visible.

Every divination is a tampering and disturbance to the normal flow of fate, and every change will cause a small wave.

Harley is a person who changed her destiny, and the chaotic "waves" of fate have been surrounding her.

More and more divination, more and more fate rewriting. She is surrounded by dense "turbulent waves of fate".

No matter how high the waves are, they will eventually fall and calm down again.

The force that causes the waves to fall is gravity, and the direction in which the waves fall is the direction of gravity.

The power that calms the waves of destiny is "destiny", so the end of the "turbid waves of destiny" is the gateway to the "realm of destiny".

Now the portal is not clear enough to see the "Garden of Destiny" directly through the portal, so Harley doesn't dare to break in.

If she goes the wrong way, she will get lost in some unknown territory.

Harley doesn't think there is any unknown area in the DC multiverse that can completely kill her, but getting lost in it will waste too much time, and she doesn't have much time left.

If the portal is still not clear enough in the end, she can only take the risk.

There is still hope if you work hard, but there is no hope if you don’t work hard.

If her destiny defense expertise level is raised one level further, from level five to level six, her chances of success will be even higher.

A moment later, Quinn Manor.

"Don't leave yet!" Bateman stopped the people who were about to fly into the sky and said in a deep voice: "Every word Mrs. Shangdu said tonight must not be known to outsiders.

Especially what you're saying about Luther's syndrome.

Especially not allowing Luther and the New Gods of Mankind to hear. "

"You don't need to say it, we all understand." Oliver said, lying in Dinah's arms.

Well, when we came here, Oliver and Lois took the Batplane, and when we went back, Princess Chao held Louise and Princess Dinah held Oliver.

Oliver was more proactive than Louise, and put his hands around Dinah's neck, and the two of them were very close to each other.

"You understand, and Luther also understands, but you don't understand how Luther will use to squeeze information from your minds." Bateman said with a serious expression.

Dachao was shocked when he heard this, "You mean, Luther can guess from our expressions and performances that Madam Xanadu must have said something crucial to him, and then secretly attack us and steal our memories? "

Bateman nodded slightly, "I guess he has guessed that we will come to Gotham as soon as we leave the White House.

Maybe he has used satellites in the sky to track you flying in the sky.

Now he is not sure what Mrs. Xanadu said, but he should be able to find out the clues after he meets you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and after a few test sentences.

Then take action on one of us. "

He was confident that Luther couldn't see through his heart.

Dachao, Dinah, and Diana are honest people.

Especially Chao, Luther knows him too well.

Dinah, Diana, Oliver, and Chao all set their sights on Louise.

Louise swallowed, "Have I become Luther's target?"

Dinah said: "You are a public figure, easier to contact, have no superpowers, and easy to deal with. Instead of kidnapping you, kidnapping you is as difficult as kidnapping Superman.

All he needs is your memory and he can do it quietly. "

"Then what should I do?" Louise asked.

Bateman's eyes flashed, "You and Superman go home first. Later, I will ask Jon to go to your house quietly. You cooperate with him and let him put a false message in your minds.

You can't guard against thieves for a thousand days, but you can let thieves steal fake treasures to reassure them. "

Metropolis, presidential conference room.

At this time, Luther, Zod and a group of generals were still staying in the conference room to discuss specific tactics for attacking the next slave camp.

Although this group of generals came from the Pentagon and led the U.S. military, like the generals, they were all members of the dark new race of gods who had chosen to ascend collectively and now pretended to give up their identity as the new gods of mankind.

They have joined Luther's staff from the beginning, organizing and managing the "Mecha Legion" for Luther, and formulating specific tactics for him.

"Good news, Superman, Lois, Wonder Woman, Bateman, and Dark Phoenix have come out of Xanadu's cabin!" The commander looked down at his phone and suddenly said excitedly.

"This is not good news. Didn't the satellite directly take photos of them flying to Gotham?" the defense minister said disapprovingly.

"Hey, the satellite can only capture very blurry flight footage, but here I have a high-definition video of the changes in their expressions before and after entering Mrs. Xanadu's cabin.

Just like Luther said just now, the Zhenglian hero has an upright temperament, is not very good at lying, and is not very good at concealing his emotions. From the subtle changes in his expression, you can guess what Madam Xanadu said. "The commander-in-chief said proudly.

Luther suddenly raised his head, "Where's the high-definition video from? Come over and show it to me."

The leader did not hand over the phone, but stood up, connected a data cable to the projector in the conference room, and directly projected the video onto the 120-inch monitor.

"Oh my god, the picture is so clear, you can even see the micro-expressions in the corners of your eyes."

"Hey, I understand these aliens. This video must come from an alien dignitary who uses the VIP divination channel."

The commander-in-chief smiled proudly and said: "Yes, after the satellite captured the footage of them flying to Gotham, I immediately contacted an alien friend waiting outside the Xanadu cabin and asked him to help record this video."

"The Commander-in-Chief is so smart and reacts so quickly."

"It's no use just reacting quickly. You have to know people. Fortunately, the commander-in-chief has a wide range of friends and powerful methods."

Several Earth generals blew rainbow farts one after another.

Luthor and Zod were also a little surprised. Judging from the footage being played now, the alien who shot the video was very dedicated. The camera was pointed at the face of the main hero, perfectly recording all the changes in expressions.

Obviously, this was specifically requested by the commander-in-chief.

Since the VIP channel was opened, the commander-in-chief can no longer help aliens use the back door.

To the dignitaries from higher civilizations, the identity of the Grand Commander is nothing. They don't even bother to pay attention to him. Why not, the Grand Commander is not only the Grand Commander, but also the father-in-law of Queen Finite.

The two of them were deep in thought.

In fact, the video comes from the Watermelon Tiao Man of Fenite Empire.

He used the full-scene filming technology of alien technology to secretly take pictures, and even Superman didn't notice anything unusual.

Other alien dignitaries would not pay attention to the Commander-in-Chief. After Xigua Tiao came to Earth, he immediately visited the Commander-in-Chief. The Commander-in-Chief also knew that he would rush to Mrs. Xanadu’s cabin as soon as possible tonight.

"Hahaha, Mrs. Xanadu really did not disappoint us. Looking at Superman's face, he is so solemn that he is almost dripping with water. There is also Wonder Woman, who also has a serious expression and obvious worry in her eyes."

After comparing the different micro-expressions of the hero before and after entering the hut, everyone in the conference room laughed out loud with excitement.

None of them are stupid.

Now that we know that the superhero went to Mrs. Xanadu to inquire about the completely harmless "self-help" method of becoming a god, we naturally understand what the ugly expression of the hero means.

"If Mrs. Xanadu gives a harmless way to become a god, they will only be relaxed and happy, because a harmless way to become a god will dilute the influence of the idea of ​​"giving up humanity and embracing depravity" among the new gods of mankind.

If Mrs. Xanadu is unable to do anything and offers no method, they will just sigh, neither happy nor worried, just disappointed and lost.

But if Madam Xanadu comes up with a method of becoming a god that is more depraved and more efficient than 'falling into a god', they will be as worried as they are now, and they can't even hide the solemn look on their faces.

Look at Superman, he must be in his forties. He is usually a mature and steady person, but now he is so worried. The method of becoming a god that Mrs. Xanadu said must be extremely vicious and extremely efficient.

If it's just vicious but ineffective, we won't look at it at all.

We don't know how to use it, so he doesn't need to worry. "Luthor analyzed enthusiastically.

"That makes sense!" Everyone nodded repeatedly, gearing up and looking at him eagerly, "Luthor, it's up to you next. Who are you going to attack?"

Luther put his right elbow on the table, rested his chin on his palm, stared at the heroes on the screen for a moment, and said: "Dina and Wonder Woman are eliminated first.

They both have thick-skinned powers, and Harley's thick-skinned powers are so invincible that they can defend against almost anything. "

Everyone nodded again.

"Baitman is very smart and may have predicted our prediction." Luther pondered for a moment and said: "Louise seems to be the biggest weakness, but I'm afraid she is also the most tightly guarded.

Bateman might even have a trap around her. "

"Then give up Louise and take action against Bateman? He is also a mortal." Zod said.

Luther shook his head slightly, "'Brother's Eye' was invented by Bateman. His protection against psychic prying and brainwave stealing is not necessarily weaker than mine, and he is Harley's friend.

We can do whatever we want, but we must not involve Harley. "

"Which of them is not Harley's friend?" The commander was speechless.

"Hmph, friends can be far or near, and a friend's family is not the same as a friend." Luther said with a sinister smile.

"Family." Everyone's eyes flickered, and they vaguely understood something in their hearts.

"Luthor, we believe in you and leave everything to you." The defense minister smiled.

Everyone, including Zod, was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, Luther, we completely trust you, and we hope to get good news as soon as possible."

Luther sneered in his heart and looked cold, but he did not refuse.

At about 11:30 midnight, in a luxurious villa on the outskirts of the metropolis.

"Grandma, grandma master, grandma master."

The defense minister was lying on the bed in his pajamas, and the moonlight fell on his face through the window, looking so peaceful and quiet.

But he was just pretending to sleep!

He kept calling someone's name.

Finally, a hazy sight fell on him across dimensions.

A familiar feeling of being noticed and stared at arose in his heart.

Master Grandma responded to him!

"Master Grandma, Luther used a clever trick tonight to obtain a new method of ascending to godhood from Madam Xanadu through the Justice League."

Half an hour later, in a hidden corner of Apokolips.

Thousands of illusory shadows gathered together, quietly communicating with each other using the voice of the soul.

"Dessaad, why did you suddenly summon us here?" Kalibak, the eldest son of Darkseid, shouted loudly in the spiritual space.

"It's not me, it's kind grandma. She has important news to report to everyone." Disad said, pointing to the tall old woman beside him.

The kind grandma did not waste any time and said directly: "Luthor has been under great pressure recently. More than a million people have died in the New God of Humanity. Although he has captured two hundred slave camps and liberated billions of slaves, he still has not understood divinity.

He couldn't sit still, and Madam Xanadu was regarded by him as a life-saving straw.

Tonight, he convened the Justice League, used a clever strategy, and borrowed the help of the heroes of the Justice League to get a way to break through the bottleneck from Mrs. Xanadu.

Of course, he hasn't gotten the divination results from Madam Xanadu yet.

Waiting until tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, he will probably kidnap Superman's mother and son, and extort the "new method of becoming a god" from the famous Lois and Superman. "

"You just called us over for something as big as a trivial matter?" Kalibak didn't understand, was unhappy, and was impatient.

"If you think Madam Xanadu's divination is not worth mentioning, this is a trivial matter." Grandma Xiang did not argue with him.

Desard turned to the frowning "Uncle Guo" and said, "Steppenwolf, what do you think? Should we take this matter seriously and even start the 'Final Advent Plan' immediately?"

Mantis, the god of power, shouted: "It won't trigger the final arrival, will it? Even if Mrs. Xanadu is very powerful and can make Luther realize divinity, and even allow more new human gods to realize divinity and become the real new god of darkness, it will still threaten Not to us.

In fact, if Mrs. Xanadu's method is effective, it will be more beneficial to us. "

Desaad sighed: "Yes, we hope to eliminate all humans who choose to ascend collectively and completely eliminate hidden dangers.

Theoretically, the closer the connection between the new gods of mankind and Apokolips is, the more beneficial it will be to our ‘final advent plan’.

But Luther is no ordinary person, and he was destined to become the Dark Lord at least once.

When a blind prophet gave him the Omega Effect, who can be sure that Mrs. Xanadu is not the next 'blind prophet'?

Do we dare to bet?

Even if he wins the bet, he won't kill tens of millions more humans and the New Protoss, and he feels a little more evil in his heart.

If we lose the bet, we will not only lose a great situation, but we may also be beaten to death by Luther finding his true form. "

Steppenwolf gritted his teeth and said: "Activate the 'Final Arrival'! We can't bet, even if we win the bet, we will still lose."

"How can you lose if you win the bet?" Dr. Chaos asked doubtfully.

"We defeated Luther in a bet, killed all the new human gods, and did things extremely well. How will Witch Harley react?" Steppenwolf said.

"She has publicly stated her position many times. After ascending, they will not be involved with each other and will be fine." Dr. Chaos said in a low voice.

"Alas, Witch Harley has said many words, kept many, and broken even more and gained weight. Do you dare to bet?"

Dr. Chaos was silent.

"Let's start the final arrival. Anyway, none of the people we hate the most, including Luther and Zod, can escape. Even if tens of millions or even more are missed, they are just ordinary fish." Disad said. .

Ten minutes later, the White House.

"Henry, how was your day?"

The commander-in-chief was lying on the bed using the watchdog system and talking on the phone with his son who was billions of light years away.

Although the flow of traffic across the river system was expensive, Henry, who had married into the royal family, was not short of money.

"Grace and I went to the Helendale Ring. It was so beautiful there. We - ah~~"

Before Henry could finish his sentence, he let out a scream, and there was no more sound.

"Henry? Henry, how did you-ah!"

As soon as the commander sat up and shouted urgently, he felt a burning pain coming from every part of his body and every layer of skin.

As if in an instant, the blood in his body was replaced by the burning hot magma of Apokolips.

It wasn't an illusion, he really saw bright red flames underneath his skin.

Then the scene in front of him began to blur, as if a rope was tied around his soul, pulling him upward.

Two minutes later, General Lane, who was far away in Gotham, received a call from the White House.

"Quick, go and ask for General Galaxy. Everyone has disappeared. I saw it with my own eyes. It's so scary, woo woo woo."

Before she could finish a complete sentence, the woman on the other end of the phone started wailing in horror.

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