I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1793 Magical Reality

In the Batfighter heading to Gotham, Oliver in the co-pilot's seat said helplessly: "Even if you want to find Madam Xanadu, there's no need to be in such a hurry.

We had just left the White House and rushed to Gotham immediately. If Lutherzord and the others had known about it, they would have thought that we had been completely manipulated by them! "

"We are not forcing you to go. If you don't want to be picked on, you can go back to the Hall of Justice or Star City on your own," Dinah said.

Bateman piloted the Bat fighter, while Dinah, Diana, and Chao flew in the air, keeping pace with the stealth fighter.

Although Oliver is a warrior god who understands the laws of martial arts and has obtained Pluto's Dead Eye modified by Harley, like the new gods, he needs to use technological props to fly.

In fact, no god can fly without mastering the magic or laws associated with flight.

The gods of the DC multiverse are different from the "Eastern Immortals" and will not automatically master the skill of "eating clouds and riding mist" after becoming gods.

If you don't learn flying skills, you will never fly.

Oliver can learn it, in fact he has already learned it, but Harley asked him not to use any magic or magic that requires magic power until the magic debt crisis is over.

Also riding the Batplane with Oliver was Lois, sitting in the back.

The internal space of the Batfighter is not small, after all, the Bat family itself is not small either.

"No one can control us. We only do what we think we should do." Da Chao said.

"Luthor understands us, knows what things are sure to catch our eyes, what requests we can say no to with our mouths, but our bodies can't help but act immediately.

When he needs to do something but is unable to do it, he will use this to manipulate us. "Oliver sighed.

"If you keep thinking like this, then you are really under his control." Dinah said.

"You mean, as long as you pretend that you haven't been manipulated, it doesn't count as being manipulated?" Oliver said.

Dinah said: "What I mean is, don't follow his ideas. Our philosophy has planned a clear and fixed trajectory for us. Everyone can see it and know how and where we will go.

But our thoughts and actions are free, and we can solve problems in our own way.

The way we solve the problem may not meet Luther's expectations, because our fundamental purpose is different from his.

Even if by chance we do what He wants, there is no need to be disheartened.

There is never a road in this world that does not intersect with other roads. "

Dachao praised: "Dina is right, Luther just discovered the ideal trajectory of the Justice League that everyone can see clearly.

If this can be considered a trick, then all the victims who loudly call out to the heroes of Zhenglian in critical moments are playing a trick on us.

They all know the philosophy and work style of the Justice League. They know that we will not let evil go and will not give up helping those in need, so they call our names in times of crisis.

Isn't this natural trust the achievement and pride of the Justice League in adhering to its own ideals?

Luthor had always thought that we were hypocritical, that we only talked nice, but could not achieve true and absolute justice.

Now Luther is using our justice to take advantage of us, which just shows that he has been defeated by us and believes that we can achieve absolute justice.

Wouldn’t this be a bigger victory? "

"Well, after hearing what you said, I feel much better." Oliver nodded, with a genuine smile on his face.

Bateman glanced at him and said in a low voice: "When you are emotionally affected by Luther, you have already lost."

Oliver said: "If even a rotten person like Luther can't affect my emotions, then I'm not a human being, I'm just wood or stone."

Bateman was silent.

Lois asked curiously: "You mean Superman and Batman are wood and stone?"

Oliver pouted, "Don't put your husband's face on his face. Just because he has an epiphany now doesn't mean he has always been sane.

In fact, he was more excited than me at the time, but he controlled it well and didn't show it.

Bateman is truly as calm as water, calm and calm.

But I had this kind of spiritual realm of his tens of thousands of years ago.

Now my state of mind is closer to that of Harley, and I have returned to my original nature.

On the surface, there is no doubt that all kinds of big and small things can affect my emotions like ordinary people, but in reality, I am just appreciating the beauty of emotions.

No matter how my mood fluctuates, it does not affect my fighting status. "

Louise's eyes were suspicious, "I don't think you are in the same state of mind as Harley, but you are imitating Harley's pretense."

"Who is in a higher mood, Harley or Bateman?" Oliver asked.

Louise hesitated and said: "It's hard to say, because the level of spiritual realm has nothing to do with strength. Some god kings and demon kings are impulsive and violent, but they are not as stable and calm as Bateman."

"Harley has completed her final transformation into a nightmare demon, and it's still not easy for you to say. Forget it, just do whatever you want." Oliver gave up trying to convince her with reason, because she didn't understand the Tao and the spiritual realm at all. reason.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Louise was unhappy, "How can you say 'Let me think whatever I want' in the middle of the sentence?"

——You look down on me, don’t you?

Oliver said helplessly: "I originally thought that you, like me, naturally and without thinking thought that Harley was more powerful, and then I could continue to ask.

But you don’t even think that the spiritual realm of ‘Witch Harley’ is higher than that of Bateman, what else can I say? There's no way to talk about it. "

"Okay, assuming that Harry is in a higher mood, you can continue." Louise said.

Oliver touched his nose and asked with some waning interest: "Is Hallie as calm as Bateman, or does the smallest thing make her mood swing?

If you offend her even slightly, let her remember it in her heart. If she can retaliate on the spot, she will not delay it for a second; if she encounters even the smallest opportunity to show off, she will enjoy it and will never let it go."

Louise was thoughtful and somewhat understood what he meant.

Harley is in a high state of mind but still behaves like an ordinary person, which is the state of returning to nature that he mentioned before.

"But Harley has always been like this, and Bateman is not as calm as a mirror as you said. He often beats villains into the ICU.

It wasn't a mistake, he did it on purpose, not to mention there was no emotion in it. "

"Of course Halle has not always been the same, but she has grown up so fast that others cannot reach a state in their lifetime. She has reached the end in just over ten years.

When she was 13 years old, she was just an ordinary middle school student, and before she was 30, she had become a god king.

And her mood changes as she grows up, and you feel that she remains the same, just because you haven't had time to notice her change, and she has returned to her original nature. "

After sighing with emotion, Oliver continued: "Baitman has sent the villain to the ICU countless times, but he has never killed anyone, or even suffered an incurable disability.

As a reporter, you must know that many unpremeditated murder cases in society are actually accidental killings.

Bateman didn't even make a single mistake. Do you still think he had violent mood swings when he hit someone? "

Louise was stunned for a moment, and then asked in shock: "Could it be that he looked angry, but in fact he was still cold-hearted and emotionless when he beat the villain alive into the ICU, so he could accurately control the force and the degree of damage?

Damn it, what kind of perversion is this? "

She was too emotional and angry, punching the criminal into the ICU one after another, but she could still understand.

But there was clearly no disturbance in his heart, and he even accurately calculated the angle and strength of each punch. He still punched one after another, watching the criminal go from a healthy state to a completely broken body.

She shivered.

"Baitman is not a pervert. It is his philosophy of governing the world to intimidate criminals with fear." Tearman couldn't help but defend his old gay friend.

Louise wanted to say something, but she glanced at Bateman in the driver's seat in front of her and closed her mouth again.

"We're here." Bateman's expression and tone were very calm, as if their conversation had not affected him at all.

However, after hovering the fighter plane, he couldn't help but explain, "When I take off the bat suit, even if I just see Helena and hear her call 'Daddy,' I will be extremely satisfied and happy.

When I put on the uniform, I am no longer Bruce Wayne. I have to be responsible for the teammates around me and the entire city. I need to be absolutely rational, and then I will enter an absolutely ideal state. "

Louise was stunned and a little embarrassed at the same time.

His explanation was obviously in response to her yelling just now.

During the day, the heroes of Zhenglian can fall directly from the sky and land in Madam Xanadu's small courtyard.

After the lottery divination is over, "Mrs.

They first landed at Quinn Manor, halfway up Lishan Mountain. Then, under the leadership of Ivy, they took the back mountain path into the Lishan Forest and made a large circle to the entrance of the protective circle.

"Hey, you are Superman, Wonder Woman, Dark Phoenix, and who else?"

At a three-way intersection in Lishan Forest, the heroes of Zhenglian happened to encounter a group of strange-looking and strangely dressed aliens.

After all, there are only a few races in the universe that are exactly the same as American white people, and the more aliens are a bit weird in the eyes of earthlings.

For example, the leading alien at this time looks like the long watermelon strip in the emoji: the head, neck, and torso are indistinguishable, all the same thickness, round, smooth and soft.

Because the skin is dark brown, it looks very smooth. When you close your eyes and mouth, it looks a bit like an earthworm.

Like humans, it also has hands and feet, but its limbs are extremely slender.

The watermelon man in front of me is 1.5 meters tall and as thick as a bucket, but his arms are only as thick as an ordinary person's thumb, and his feet are as slender as a pencil.

Even though its limbs are so slender, like other aliens, it carries a huge package behind it.

"I am the famous Green Arrow, not 'that one'!" Oliver said dissatisfiedly when the watermelon man pointed at him.

"I just came to Earth a few days ago, and I only know a few of the top heroes." Xiguatiao looks a bit strange, but his voice is extremely clear and sweet, very pleasant to the ear.

"He is the Dead-Eyed Yi, who shook the Milky Way fifty thousand years ago." The sheep-faced alien behind the watermelon man reminded in a low voice.

Oliver immediately showed a proud look and turned his head to wink at Dinah and the others, "Look, this is the real expert."

Dinah ignored him, but looked at the watermelon man curiously, and asked: "Are you Queen Grace of the Finite Empire? Where is Henry, why didn't he come with you?"

"Why does every earthling ask the same stupid question? Queen Grace and I look nothing alike."

Although Xiguatiao Man looks like Xiguatiao, the expression on his face is extremely vivid, and his helplessness, boredom, and unhappiness are all clearly shown.

"You Fenites all look the same, let alone the Earth guys, we can't tell the difference either." The alien guys behind complained in a low voice.

"The difference is so obvious, how can you not tell the difference?" Watermelon Man pointed at his face, "Look at my face, my eyes, mouth and nose, do they look like Queen Grace? And I'm a man, a man ah!"

——They look alike everywhere. There seems to be no difference between men and women, even their voices are exactly the same.

The heroes of Zhenglian all complained in their hearts.

"Are you here to find Mrs. Xanadu and use the back door?" Louise poked her head out from behind and asked curiously.

"Are you Louise, the Earth's name? What do you want to do?" Seeing that it was her, all the aliens' expressions changed, and they quickly turned around, with their backs to her, and they stretched out their hands to cover their faces.

Some aliens complained in their native dialect: "I reminded everyone earlier that you must wear a mask and a roomy windbreaker just like the people on Earth, and you must not reveal your whereabouts.

You insist that those who use the back door are all your own, and everyone has a tacit understanding. Exposing others is equivalent to exposing yourself.

Now, when we meet the Galaxy Mingji, our identity will be revealed to the world! "

They wear alien language translators, and no matter which language they speak, they will eventually be translated into English.

"I'm not a reporter tonight, I didn't bring any interview equipment, and I have no purpose for the interview." Louise explained awkwardly.

"Why are you afraid of exposing your identity? You all know each other. If you want to hide it, you can only hide it from the people on earth. Even if the people on earth know who is using the back door, they won't do anything to you." Da Chao asked confused.

"It is precisely because we know each other that we travel together, and we are not afraid of revealing our identities to each other. But if others know our identities - we are not guarding against the people on the earth. The earth's civilization has no interest in our civilization. If we let our hostility If civilization knows this, it must be extremely vigilant, spy quietly, snipe and kill secretly, and even start an interstellar war in advance." The sheep-faced man said seriously.

"What content are you trying to predict that would cause the hostile civilization to react so violently?" Da Chao asked curiously.

Several aliens looked at each other, their eyes flickering, their expressions strange, but they didn't say anything.

"Let's go, it's getting late now."

Bateman touched Dachao and took the lead in striding towards another fork in the road ahead.

Dachao looked at the alien thoughtfully and walked quickly behind him.

When they left, the aliens breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"They should have come to Madam Xanadu in an emergency, and they didn't come to guard us at night." Xigua Tiao said.

"Well, although Lois Lane is famous, she doesn't deserve so many superheroes to protect her."

"Oh, no!" The sheep-faced man clapped his hands fiercely and shouted: "Even if you go through the back door at night, there will always be people who come first and come first. We are obviously in front and the Justice League is behind, but now they let them take the lead.

Most likely they are not here for divination.

But if the earth encounters any crisis, and Mrs. Xanadu is called upon to return to the Justice League Dark to defend the earth, wouldn’t we—"

"Hurry up, maybe we can catch up." The expressions of the remaining aliens changed slightly, and they stepped forward and rushed forward.

The aliens ran very fast and arrived at Mrs. Xanadu's courtyard almost at the same time as the Zhenglian heroes who were ahead.

Unfortunately, they still arrived late. There were already seven or eight aliens sitting in the yard.

There are aliens who look like Earthlings, but their clothing has obvious alien characteristics.

The Xiguatiao people from Fenite Empire did not shy away and shouted directly to the people in the yard: "It was only at 5:30 in the afternoon that Mrs. Shangdu closed the door. It is not even 10 o'clock yet, why are you here?

Doesn’t Mrs. Xanadu need to eat and sleep? "

"In order to grab the seat in the first row, we came here around two o'clock in the afternoon. We waited until now, about a quarter past eight, when Madam Xanadu opened the door and let us in." In the yard, a man with blue skin and clothes said the extraordinarily luxurious alien guest.

"What, the 'VIP channel' opens at two o'clock in the afternoon?" Xigua Tiaoren was shocked, "Didn't it mean that if Madam Xanadu's protective circle is not opened, the VIP channel will not appear?"

The ordinary people who commented on the lottery entered Madam Xanadu's cabin through the forest path, while the alien dignitaries who walked through the back door were waiting for Madam Xanadu to get off work. A gap opened in the forest near the Hudson River, which meant that the magic trees took the initiative to make way for both sides. Road, they can land on the Arkham Peninsula by boat from Jersey City on the opposite side.

If you have the conditions, you can also take an airship and land on the river bank from the sky.

"We arrived at the 'Main Universe Hotel' in Jersey City at two o'clock in the afternoon. We waited until Mrs. Xanadu closed the door, and immediately boarded the boat and entered the Lishan Forest. It was almost nine o'clock before Mrs. Xanadu let us in." Green-skinned Alien Noble said.

"Nine o'clock." Xigua Tiaoren glanced at everyone in the yard, his eyebrows frowning into "WM".

Seven of the eight people in the yard were like them, all carrying cloth bags half as tall as a person.

Of course, there are seats in the courtyard, so they don't need to carry their bags behind them all the time. They are now placed beside their seats.

There was only one person with a relaxed expression and nothing around him.

"It's almost ten o'clock. Madam Xanadu has just completed a divination?" Xiguatiao Man looked anxious. "How long will it take? Can it be our turn tonight?"

"How do you know you just completed a divination?" Louise asked curiously.

The watermelon man patted the backpack behind him and said, "Look at the backpack. The absence of a backpack means that the divination has been completed. The bulging backpack means that the divination has been completed, which means that Madam Xanadu has not been seen yet."

Louise suddenly realized, "There is a gift for Madam Xanadu in the bag? What is in your bag?"

Xiguatiao Man did not hesitate and said frankly: "They are all magical artifacts and magic books that our Fenite Empire has collected over the years, plus an Empire Gold Card worth 20 trillion Lann coins."

"I bought it, 20 trillion?!" Louise exclaimed.

The goat's face next to him revealed a look of disdain, "An empire as big as Finite only spent 20 trillion, and it's shameless."

Louise was shocked again, "20 trillion is not enough? How much do you want to give?"

The sheep-faced man raised a finger, his voice was very soft, but his expression was a little arrogant, "One billion trillion!"

"One billion. Trillion? One trillion equals one trillion? One billion trillion can buy the entire galaxy, right?" Louise was a little dizzy.

"It's a shame to pretend to be here. Our Wild Bear Federation has brought 10 empire crystal cards worth 10 trillion this time." The powerful man from the Wild Bear River system in the yard sneered.

"Be careful!" Dachao had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly stepped forward to help Louise, who was weak and almost fell down.

"Are you crazy?" Louise took a while to stand still, her face full of disbelief and incomprehension, "Each civilization has its own quota, and there is an internal bidding within the civilization. Why are the prices raised to such an exaggerated level?"

"Each civilization has a quota, and each quota represents a civilization. The federation that dominates the entire Wild Bear River System must have its own identity and reputation." The powerful man of the Wild Bear River System said proudly.

"Identity and appearance are worth 100 trillion?" Louise murmured.

Xiguatiao Man said disdainfully: "Don't listen to their bragging, the Wild Bear Federation is famous for being picky in the universe.

The year before last, our Queen visited their capital, and they were so shameless that they entertained Her Majesty the Queen with the 'Galaxy Hotpot' and even called it a national specialty.

In fact, they just want to save money, and stinginess is already engraved in their genes.

Don't think I'm being metaphorical.

They think stinginess is the best virtue in the world, just like the honesty and kindness of you earthlings.

Therefore, through genetic adjustment technology, the most stingy genes in the material universe were cultivated for each tribe.

The reason why I used 100 trillion to show off this time was because everyone knew that Mrs. Xanadu was kind-hearted and donated all the cash she received to the civilization where the fortune teller lived.

In other words, no matter how much we give her, she will donate to us later.

How to donate?

She was very busy and couldn't leave, so she asked us to go back with our bank card and help her donate.

Hehe, it’s just a bank card.

Even if the entire country cannot afford 10 trillion in cash, it can still create a 1,000 trillion bank card, and no one will cash it anyway. "

“Toronto, don’t slander us, we have plenty of money, one million trillion can be easily spent.

And we are not stingy at all. What we advocate is frugality, and frugality does not mean stinginess!

Last time, your queen herself requested special dishes, and she ate them very happily. "The representative of the Wild Bear River System said excitedly.

They, the Wild Bear Federation, can really come up with 1 million trillion in cash. In fact, they can come up with 10 times more.

Because they are very frugal, even if they become a high-level civilization, even if they rule the entire river system, they still work hard and simple, and are diligent and thrifty. They have been saving for millions of years, and it is abnormal to not be able to come up with 1 million trillions.

The watermelon man ignored him, only approached Louise, pointed at the Wild Bear Federation representative and said: "Look, everyone put the bag on the ground, only he held it tightly in his arms, for fear that someone would snatch it away. Similar.

Also, other people’s bags are too big to carry, but his bag is about the same size as a schoolbag, hehehe.”

Louise thought thoughtfully, the money in the bag was empty, and only magical items would be accepted by Mrs. Xanadu.

The smaller the package, the fewer magical items it contains.

"I carry 1 million trillion in my bag, so of course I am a little nervous. If I were like you and only had 20 trillion, I would be calmer and calmer than you.

And there is no direct relationship between the size of the package and its value.

Maybe the value of one rare item in my bag is worth ten of yours. "

Several aliens were still arguing there, but Ivy lost interest in continuing to listen. She whispered to Bateman and left the courtyard alone.

"Hey, who is she? Why did she enter Lishan Forest alone? Although Mrs. Xanadu opened a back door for us, the magic circle covering her hut has not been closed, so we can't just walk around!" Someone in the yard shouted in surprise. road.

Louise smiled and said: "She is the owner of Lishan Forest. All the plant spirits you have seen were cultivated by her."

"Ah, she is Admiral Galaxy. The stars are above. I didn't recognize Admiral Galaxy in person." Inside and outside the yard, there were several aliens holding their heads and howling miserably.

Louise wondered: "You should have seen the videos and photos of Admiral Galaxy, right? How does she look like Admiral Galaxy?"

"Uh, she's not the Galaxy Admiral?" An alien who looked like a raccoon looked embarrassed, "You Americans look very similar, so it's hard to tell them apart.

However, she does not have the temperament to dispel the darkness, light up the stars, overwhelm the order of the multiverse, and cannot be looked directly at by mortals. "

Louise had a lot of things to say in her heart. You raccoons look exactly the same. How are the Americans similar?

Moreover, dispelling the night, lighting up the stars, and suppressing the multiverse. What the hell is that?

"Why did you just say that she is the owner of Lishan Forest? Doesn't Lishan belong to Admiral Galaxy?" the raccoon man asked doubtfully.

"Admiral Galaxy also has two good sisters. They are both orphans. They met when they were young. Later, they grew up together and have been living together. The one just now was Ivy, the Demon Girl." Louise said.

"Oh, I remembered. They were also known as the 'Phantoms of Gotham' and the 'Three Sisters of Arkham' in their early years." Some aliens who had specifically learned about "Quinn" showed a look of surprise, "It is said that Admiral Galaxy likes to use black magic to sacrifice the souls of his enemies alive, while Moten Girl Ivy likes to chew the bodies of enemies alive with the Moten she cultivated.

After eating the body, it can also produce brightly colored and sweet-tasting fruits.

The Phantom of Gotham eats 'Devil Fruit' every day, and his physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people, and he remains youthful and energetic. "

Louise frowned and said, "Who did you listen to? Admiral Galaxy has actually only used black magic a few times. She deliberately released similar stories just to make others fear her.

In fact, after she became famous, no devil dared to respond to her.

Because she likes fishing for law enforcement, summoning demons through black magic to kill demons.

How can I cast black magic when no demon responds?

In addition, Ivy, the demon queen, did not feed her magical plants with living people.

She just buried the devil's body in the Lishan Forest so that the plants could absorb the miraculous magic power. "

"Isn't that what you said? I have read the entire set of "Quinn"." The alien said.

"Are you watching the fake "Quinn"?" Louise asked suspiciously.

She clearly explained the origin of the story "The Galactic Admiral likes to sacrifice the souls of his enemies" in "Quinn's Biography".

"The genuine paid program I watched cost me 300 US dollars!" said the alien.

Louise said: "Go back and watch it a few more times. If you don't understand, you can read the comments below the video."

"Isn't she one of the three Arkham sisters? There is another one? What's the 'legendary' story about her?" the sheep-faced man asked.

"The last one is called Selena, she..." The alien who bought "The Legend of Quinn" thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "She doesn't seem to have any special talent, but she is very beautiful, and her figure is extremely sexy, which makes people's hearts beat. Endless."

"Yes, yes, Selena's figure is too sexy and enchanting. I found that I have fallen in love with her." The green-skinned noble kept swallowing his saliva, and said excitedly with a green face: "If she is not married yet, she doesn't need to I asked Mrs. Xanadu to divine my marriage, and I am willing to marry her.

I will definitely be able to catch her.

Her current husband is just an ordinary earthling, with no money and looks, just ordinary. Alas, it is such a pity that such a beautiful woman married a mediocre mortal. "

"Bruce Wayne is still ordinary? Don't you know him?" Louise shouted.

"Hey, compared to you people on Earth, he may be outstanding, but since I came to Earth, and I admire and admire Miss Selina, he naturally has to compare with me.

The money I spent from one banquet was enough to buy the so-called ‘Wayne Empire’.

I am the third sexiest man in the Virgin River system and the eighth most handsome man. How does he compare?

And as we all know, our royal family of the Qingluan Empire has always been loyal to love, and they are often loyal to someone until they fall in love.

If I had come to Earth 15 years earlier, Ms. Selina would have become my wife unless she was blind. "The green-skinned alien's face showed confidence and pride, as well as regret and sigh.

Louise stared at him carefully.

To be honest, even though her skin is blue, her looks and figure are really excellent.

Even people on Earth can appreciate his beauty.

"Don't be impulsive, the alien guy is just talking nonsense." Dachao quietly comforted Bateman.

Bateman's face was expressionless, and his eyes when he looked at the green-skinned alien were calm.

"Actually, it's not just Miss Selena who is mismatched in marriage. Miss Louise is equally beautiful and talented. She is also a peerless beauty in the galaxy." The sheep-faced man looked at Louise with admiration.

"Uh, thank you for the compliment." Louise was a little surprised, but also a little happy.

"I'm not slandering your husband, but to be honest, Clark Kent is indeed too mediocre and not worthy of you in any aspect. If I met you earlier, he would definitely have no chance." The sheep-faced man sighed.

Louise's expression was a little strange.

But the words of the sheep-faced man were immediately agreed by many alien men, "Yes, Miss Louise may not be as charming and sexy as Miss Selena, but she is a representative of smart women, and her charm is not inferior to that of any socialite in the galaxy.

Your husband should at least be a galactic prince. Anyway, if I have the chance, I will definitely pursue you with all my strength. "

"Thank you, but I love my current husband very much and am very satisfied." Louise smiled.

"Don't be impulsive. Louise is indeed excellent, but she only loves you." Bateman quietly comforted Da Chao.

Da Chao's eyes were filled with anger and his expression was a little twisted.

The green-skinned alien sighed: "Earth's civilization level is very low, and there are actually many outstanding women. Unfortunately, they did not encounter a good era and did not have the opportunity to come into contact with better men outside the earth.

Miss Selina and Miss Louise are ordinary people, and among the superheroes there is also the dark phoenix Miss Dinah who shines in the galaxy——"

"Boy, do you have a problem with me too?"

Seeing that the alien turned his attention to his wife's long legs in fishnet stockings, Oliver directly stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and took off his blindfold at the same time, revealing his "dead eyes" that shone with scarlet light.

The green-skinned alien's body stiffened instantly, and a confused and frightened expression froze on his face. His soul escaped from his body and flew towards the evil eye from the God King of Death.

"Uh-huh." The next moment, his soul returned to his body again, but he couldn't help but scream in terror.

"You are so brave, you dare to tease other people's wives in front of 'Dead Eye Yi'." The sheep-faced man who just expressed his love for Louise in front of Da Chao sneered.

The green-skinned alien tremblingly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, raised his head to glance at Oliver, then quickly lowered his head and forced a smile: "Don't get me wrong, what I mean is that Dark Phoenix Dinah and Dead-Eye Yi are truly talented men and beautiful women. ,match made in heaven."

"They are just ordinary people, why should you?" Diana sighed.

"Tearman and Bateman didn't persuade me, so why should you?" Oliver said.

Diana glanced at Superman and Batman, who had calm expressions, feeling a little speechless and powerless.

"Dingling bell~~~" Suddenly, a rapid bell rang in the small courtyard, and then the owner of the bell whispered: "It's already 10 o'clock, and that guy Doakes hasn't come out yet."

"At 10 o'clock sharp? Can't we start lottery again?"

All the aliens who were waiting for the divination, or even those who had already completed the divination, took out a Paradise Mountain 15 Promax from their pockets in unison, stared at the screen attentively, and operated for about half a minute before they raised their heads at the same time and breathed a sigh of relief. .

The heroes were a little confused at first, but when they heard the word "lottery", they all became surprised.

They have seen similar scenes too many times at home, in offices, on the streets, in coffee shops, and at football games.

"Aren't you already qualified for divination? Why do you still draw numbers regularly?" Louise asked.

"Alas, a civilization only has one chance. Once is not enough. Even 10 times or 100 times are not enough." The sheep-faced man sighed.

"Even if the lottery is scheduled, there is no need to do it yourself." Louise said.

"How can I do it without doing it myself?"

Louise said: "You can find someone to replace your liver. If you go to Puppy Video and search for 'Liver Lottery', you can find tens of millions of different liver replacement owners.

48 times a day, only $5, and monthly subscription is even cheaper, $50 a month.

Give your number to the up owner of Liver, and he will reply to the lottery number for you every half hour.

If you win the lottery, according to custom, you have to reward the liver substitute with a large bonus. "

The eyes of the aliens lit up, "I didn't expect that you people on earth also have a liver replacement business. I never thought of it before."

"If we leave the earth, can they continue to help us draw numbers?" Another alien asked.

Louise nodded and said: "It should be possible. The price of the alien liver replacement is higher, about 100 US dollars a month, but this amount of money should be nothing to you.

You can pay a lawyer to prepare a liver substitute agreement, and you don’t have to worry about the liver substitute concealing it or stealing your account number. "

Xiguatiao Man shouted: "If 10 billion citizens of the Fenite Empire come to Earth to register puppy video accounts, and then hand over all the accounts to Earthlings for liver replacement.

Does this mean that 10 billion Fenit citizens participate in each lottery?

Queen Grace is here, can't we get a lot of numbers every time? "

"Can the server of the puppy video website withstand such a huge amount of information?" the sheep-faced man asked doubtfully.

"Hey, how can we stop Admiral Galaxy when we can do it easily?"

"That's right, puppy videos are her business."

Louise pondered: "You don't have to worry about server problems. Currently, Puppy Video Network has more than 1.8 trillion users and is still operating normally.

Civilizations such as Rann, Tamaran, and Kolu in the Milky Way all have at least one billion drones.

That’s why I said that you can find tens of millions of liver substitutes by just searching in the search bar.

However, the number of alien lottery numbers remains unchanged and can never exceed half of the total number, which is 24.

Raising too many numbers will only cause crazy involution among alien civilizations. "

"Then roll it. We Fenites are not afraid of rolling it the most." Xigua Tiaoren said excitedly.

The sheep-faced man said calmly: "Even if we spend money like crazy and get involved like crazy, I'm afraid the Earth's Liver Substitute won't be able to get involved.

Login to your account and filling in comments all require verification, which must be completed manually and cannot be completed with one click through the software. "

Watermelon Tiao Humanity said: "Earth liver substitutes don't need rolls. The more customers there are, the higher the price will be."

At this point, he was stunned, "Miss Louise said it's only 100 US dollars a month. It seems like it's not rolled up?"

"Alas, I have never been involved with alien robots." Louise sighed: "In the beginning, the price of liver replacement was low, and the overall volume of liver replacement services was small, of little value, and not eye-catching.

When the aliens started to roll up the number of accounts, the price of liver replacement immediately began to skyrocket, even rising to 10,000 US dollars per account per month.

As long as you have the hands and feet, it is not difficult at all for one person to maintain 10 accounts. With $100,000 a month, why do you need to work!

In those days, a wave of employee resignations and factory shutdowns swept the world.

We don’t even take the civil service exam anymore. How can we feel comfortable taking the civil service exam?

Then alien capital was attracted.

Humans will always be tired, but robots will never be tired.

As long as the robot is smart enough, it can also complete the relatively simple verification work of the puppy video network.

Alien capital uses robots to build tens of thousands of "space studios" in the solar system to brutally defeat human liver substitutes.

In the end, human liver substitutes were not completely eliminated, but the cost of liver replacement was reduced by robots.

If the fee is any lower, the robot will lose money. "

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