I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1792 Luther’s plan

Queen Grace of the Finite Empire did not deliberately approach Henry and then marry him for the royal family's plan to become a god.

If she really wanted to advance her family, she might as well hook up with the leader of Luther's mercenary group.

Their reputation was not prominent, and their status seemed not as prominent as that of the commander's son, but they had thousands or even tens of thousands of human New God warriors under their command, and they had the power to recruit troops from all over the universe, which was obviously more helpful to her.

However, Queen Grace was not uninterested in becoming a god after she fell in love with Henry.

In fact, there is no civilization in the material universe that is not interested in ascending to the divine realm.

"We have discussed that Henry and Grace will select a group of superpowers from the Finite Empire to form the 'Henry Mercenary Group'. Like other mercenary groups, they will join the Legion of Hope and Freedom," the commander said.

Joining the Legion of Hope and Freedom does not mean that you can become the new dark god, but there is only a slight chance.

"Then why do you act like it's none of your business?" Luther asked.

"Nothing is irrelevant to me. I care about the future of Hope and the Freedom Corps, but"

——It’s just that he has become the father-in-law of the queen of the Fenite Empire, and his son is also in the Fenite Empire. Hope and the Freedom Corps are no longer their only hope for a bright future. There is no need to spend too much effort and energy. What do you want? Just discuss it yourself, there's no need to care about his attitude, he doesn't have much of an attitude.

Thinking this in his heart, he thought quickly in his mind, paused for a moment, and continued: "It's just that I really have nothing to say about Madam Xanadu's divination, and I don't have any good memories."

He glanced at Da Chao, "Just like Superman said, Mrs. Xanadu humiliated me in public and rejected me coldly."

Dinah sneered and said: "You got carried away and jumped in line again in front of the public. You also laughed and shouted that Mrs. Xanadu should follow your Henry to eat well and drink hot food, and stop living in this poor and remote place on earth.

It would be strange if Mrs. Xanadu didn't drive you away.

You were ridiculed by the people on Earth near Lishan Forest, and you brought humiliation upon yourself.

As the commander-in-chief of the United States, you publicly mock the earth and its people. What's wrong with them scolding you? "

"The earth is indeed remote and backward. What I tell you is the truth and does not contain any emotions. If I have any emotions, it is a pity that Mrs. Xanadu cannot use all her talents on earth." The commander defended.

Dinah waved her hand at him, "You are hopeless, I don't even bother to talk to you."

"In the face of the absolute truth, you can't say anything more." The commander was still a little proud.

Luther glanced at him, and like Dinah, he also lost interest in talking to him.

"Giving up humanity and embracing depravity is not the only way to awaken divinity. Because divinity is diverse, even the new god of darkness is not just depraved and cruel.

If Mrs. Xanadu can provide a safer and more harmless method. For example, when I received the revelation from the blind prophet, I didn’t hurt anyone, and there was no need to cause bloody massacres in the material universe. I could communicate with the origin of Apokolips with my will alone. Get the Omega Effect.

Isn’t your only idea for coming to this meeting to capture the fallen cosmic Didi drivers and eliminate the fallen thoughts among the new gods of mankind?

It is almost impossible to force humans to give up an idea.

History has proven countless times that the more forced you are, the more deeply your thoughts will penetrate people's hearts.

It is easy and silent to replace the old ideas that you hate with one or more more advanced ideas.

If Mrs. Xanadu comes up with a 'self-help' way to become a god without harming others, I will spread them out and the crisis of the Didi driver in the universe will be eliminated immediately. "

Dachao frowned and turned his head to look at Bateman beside him.

He hated to admit it, but he was a little won over by Luthor.

Bateman looked expressionless and asked, "Besides helping you persuade Madam Xanadu, what other requests do you have?"

General Zod said: “Letting Mrs. Xanadu find the way to become gods for us is one of them.

Secondly, in the past month or so, you have arrested hundreds of suspects. Although the number is not large, because of your different identities, this incident has caused an uproar among the new gods of mankind.

In order to stabilize the morale of the military, we hope you will release them as soon as possible.

They are the new gods of mankind and have not committed any crime on Earth's territory. Legally speaking, you are not qualified to arrest them.

Finally, stop promoting the crimes of Didi drivers in the universe immediately.

If you want to do the best for everyone, you should try your best to repair the reputation of the new god of mankind and create a comfortable and peaceful cosmic environment for the new god of mankind. "

Louise, the famous reporter who had been recording the meeting in the corner, finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "General Zod, are you kidding me?

Releasing the cosmic Didi driver who murdered passengers is already ridiculous.

I never imagined that you could say 'for the good of everyone', you should stop warning people about the crimes of corrupt drivers, and you should also repair their reputations. Could it be that you, like the commander-in-chief, have suddenly lost your identity and status? After a huge change, have you lost your old normal human outlook? "

"Lois Lane, you dare to slander me?!" Datong took one step ahead and slammed the table, stood up suddenly, and shouted sternly at Louise, "You are just a reporter, you are not even qualified to speak on such an occasion. Get out of here."

Her husband is right next to her, why would Louise be afraid of him?

Well, even if her husband and father are not around, she still has the same attitude.

"Mr. Zetas, you are the president elected by the people, not the 'Emperor of the Earth Empire'. Not to mention this kind of unofficial ordinary meeting, even at the Galaxy Admiral's Heroes Conference, outsiders are not prohibited from entering. No one is prohibited from speaking. Are you more majestic and domineering than a galactic admiral?

Or do you think that since you are the father-in-law of the alien queen, all of us on earth will also become slaves of the alien queen? "Her voice was louder than that of the commander-in-chief, and her attitude was even more rude than that of the commander-in-chief.

"You, you--" The Commander-in-Chief's face turned red and pale, and his right hand pointing at her kept trembling, as if he was about to faint from anger.

"Am I right? You are having a meeting to decide the fate of all human beings. You are not discussing behind closed doors who to invite your son to get married and which hotel to go to.

Everyone on earth has the right to know the content of the talks and the right to express their own opinions. " Louise continued loudly.

"Reporter Louise, please stop talking." Dachao was a little embarrassed. He quickly waved his hand to calm down his wife, then turned to the leader and said: "Although she is not an official member of the meeting, she doesn't need anything to speak. qualifications.

Anyone who has any doubts can speak out.

Of course, whether you agree or not is another matter.

No one can force you to accept it, just like you can't force others to shut up. "

"Did she just simply speak? She was insulting me, saying that I got carried away and lost my normal human outlook." The commander said excitedly.

"You can refute her and tell her to get lost. Of course she is emotional." Dachao said.

"This is the White House, why can't I let her leave?"

Oliver said calmly: "This is why we usually hold meetings at the Sky Eye Club.

There, Admiral Galaxy is the boss, and his position is relatively neutral, and he will not chase others away in the middle. "

Dinah continued: "And after Henry married the Alien Queen, your words and deeds were indeed a little forgetful. Even the news media reported that you excessively worshiped foreign countries and your outlook on life was seriously distorted."

"You also said in public, 'What do we in the Fenite Empire do, so do you people on Earth?'" Diana added.

"It's indeed disgusting." The heroes nodded repeatedly.

Even among the government representatives opposite, there were several generals who showed approval.

Since his son married the alien queen, the commander was as excited as if his own genes had also turned into a noble Fenite.

"I had just returned from the Finite Empire and had just attended Henry's wedding. I drank too much and made a mistake. I corrected myself on the spot. Why do you keep holding on to me and slandering me for losing three human beings? Observe?" The commander-in-chief blushed, feeling aggrieved and angry.

Louise said in a strange tone: "As the saying goes, you tell the truth when you're drunk!"

"Stop talking, the focus of today's meeting is not the commander-in-chief, but the new human race of gods!" Da Chao emphasized, looked up at General Zod, and said: "Your request is too much.

The arrested drivers of Universe Didi all have solid evidence of their crimes.

Even if you are no longer a citizen of Earth, you still have to pay the price for committing a crime.

As long as we have the ability to arrest them, they must be held accountable for their crimes.

Stop promoting the crime of Didi drivers in the universe is also ridiculous.

I don't understand why you said this, unless you really lost your normal human outlook after condensing the dark godhead, as reporter Louise said.

That's not right. Even if you have incorrect views, your IQ is still there and you shouldn't say such obviously stupid things. "

Zod said calmly: "Why didn't Luther interrupt me and look at me with the same strange eyes as you?"

When the heroes heard this, they all looked startled and turned their heads to look at Luther with doubtful eyes.

Luther sighed: "The request made by General Zod has been discussed many times in the General Staff of the New God of Humanity.

Every word he said was carefully thought out.

We are not going to discuss whether the cosmic Didi driver who killed people outside the solar system violated the laws of the earth and whether he should be tried by the people on earth.

Just to remind you, do you remember that when I was still the Lord of Apokolips, I established formal diplomatic relations with the Earth for the first time?

Even if the driver of Universe Didi is really guilty, he should not be detained by you all the time.

According to the practice of interstellar diplomacy, it must be handed over to our ‘Apocalypse Government’ for trial.

The origin of Apokolips encourages the new dark gods to kill and sell goods, so they will be acquitted.

The entire process is completely compliant and legal.

Maybe you think it is unreasonable and your views are broken, but this is a common cultural difference in interstellar communication.

What you have to do is not to get excited and roar here, but to re-formulate a set of laws more suitable for interstellarization as soon as possible, so that no one can take advantage of the loopholes. "

All the heroes looked at each other, feeling a million dissatisfaction in their hearts, but they were speechless and didn't know how to refute.

Luther continued: "Let's talk about the news related to the sins of mankind's new gods.

General Zod is also right. Restore the reputation of the New God of Mankind and help us create a comfortable, peaceful and cosmic environment with a sense of belonging. It will be good for you, me, the New God of Mankind, ordinary people, and aliens. .

You think this statement is absurd and uninhibited because you have never truly recognized the fact that the new gods of mankind who have chosen to ascend collectively are already a god-level civilization.

Still don’t understand? "

Facing the confused eyes of the heroes, Luther's face showed a not too strong but obvious contempt, "Primitive civilization was limited to the continental plate.

Primary planetary civilization breaks the boundaries of the ocean, and the earth becomes a ‘village’.

Level 1 stellar civilization breaks through the distance between different planets in the star system and can utilize the resources of the entire galaxy.

After that, the boundaries between stars and river systems will be broken.

Being able to swim freely in the universe and spreading influence to any galaxy you want to reach is an advanced civilization.

So, what are the spatial boundaries that god-level civilization breaks? "

"Multiverse." Da Chao murmured softly, his face becoming a little ugly.

Luther nodded and said: "You make it difficult for the new human gods to live in the main universe. They can only leave the main universe and go to the parallel universe to toss.

Ordinary people traveling to parallel universes will cause damage to the origin wall due to changes in vibration frequency.

God-level civilization is rooted in the high-dimensional ‘fifth world’ and runs back and forth from the main universe to Apokolips. Only the frequency of the new gods increases or decreases, which will not cause harm to the origin wall of the main universe.

Similarly, when we go to other parallel universes, there are only changes in frequency up and down.

This talent actually requires our new God race not to be limited to a certain universe, but to look at infinite parallel universes.

It's just that the new human race of gods was born not long ago, and this instinct has not yet been awakened.

Well, no one has awakened before, but now a large number of cosmic Didi drivers have asked me to go to the parallel universe to build a "Luther Space City", or simply occupy the earth in another world as a general base. "

"Occupy?" The faces of the heroes changed drastically.

Luther smiled a little bitterly, "Although I really want to prevent this from happening, the fact is that after we kill the evil dragon, we occupy the dragon's lair and gradually become another evil dragon."

"Don't flatter yourself. We are the dragon-slaying warriors, and we have never changed. You are just villagers protected by the warriors, and you cannot represent all villagers.

At most you can be considered idlers and scoundrels found in every village. "Wonder Woman said contemptuously.

"You are so arrogant." The bitter smile on Luther's face disappeared, he looked at her and said calmly: "And your superiority is the reason why they choose to forge ahead and get rid of the ordinary.

Obviously we are all facing the evil dragon together, but you are just stronger and that’s why you stand at the front.

This does not mean that the villagers standing behind you and cheering for you are less courageous than you.

The villagers cheered for the warriors, helped the warriors, and provided food, drinks, and entertainment to keep the warriors well-fed and happy. In fact, they took as many risks as the warriors.

If the evil dragon overthrew the warrior, how could he spare the village and villagers behind the warrior?

Perhaps the dragon's perspective is fairer.

In the eyes of the evil dragon, there is no difference between villagers and warriors.

They just have different divisions of labor, they are all part of the whole that dares to go against it.

As a result, after defeating the evil dragon, the warrior not only grabbed a lot of spiritual wealth - praise and admiration - from the villagers, but also PUA them - the biggest difference between 'villagers' and 'warriors' has never been strength, but courage. They are villagers, not Warriors are because they lack the spiritual attributes to become warriors and the noble souls to become warriors.

The villagers are so ignorant that they really believed the warrior’s lies.

When a small group of villagers awakened themselves and discovered that the only difference between themselves and the warriors was strength, and when they decided to pursue power, they were blocked by the warriors and ridiculed as 'idlers' and 'rascals'. "

Diana wanted to retort loudly, but she clearly didn't mean it, he was talking nonsense.

But she did use warriors and villagers to compare superheroes and ordinary people just now, which is irrefutable at this time.

Bateman spoke for her, "As long as I want, I can over-interpret every word you say to mean what I want, but there is no point in doing so.

Everyone present is not an idiot. They all have their own persistence and ideas and will not be manipulated by simple words. "

Dachao also said: "At least the warriors will not harm the villagers. Now you, a group of self-proclaimed 'awakened villagers', are eating the flesh and blood of your own compatriots."

Luther shrugged, "Okay, let's get back to the point. If the new gods of mankind feel that you are unfriendly and can't survive in the main universe, they can choose to go to another world and continue to be a cosmic Didi driver, or simply occupy the land and become the king, which will be more free and comfortable. , how should you respond?"

"They are looking for death. The environment in the parallel universe will only be worse than that in the main universe!" Bateman's expression is still calm, and his tone is still low and hoarse. "The major civilized countries in the main universe understand the ins and outs of collective ascension, so they can accept the 'cosmic drip' Driver's presence.

There are also dark new gods in the parallel universe, and they have also been invaded by the dark new gods.

If they see anyone using the Mother Box, they will definitely regard them as the new dark god loyal to Darkseid. They will be extremely vigilant and even gather together to annihilate them.

And there is indeed a projection of Apokolips in the parallel universe.

Maybe the body of a certain dark elite is hiding there, and when it sees the new god of mankind, it will also attack boldly. "

"You are right, so I am discussing with you now to let you improve the public opinion environment of the new gods of mankind so that they can feel at ease and comfortable and not want to take risks in parallel universes," Luther said.

Da Chao said: "The only person who can change your reputation is you. You give up your humanity and commit bloody murders. Even if we don't care, alien civilizations are neither stupid nor lacking in superheroes.

They also captured many new human dark gods who committed crimes.

The news will still be broadcast, and the people of the universe will despise you even more.

If you give up the path of "falling to become a god" and prove that you are good people with practical actions, the people who have received the high-quality services of the Unisex Didi drivers will gradually change their views on you. "

Luther said: "So, there is no need to talk about it at all? Alas, the new human race of gods will eventually move to the parallel universe."

"Am I right?" Dachao frowned.

Bateman stared at Luther, but answered him: "You are right, but they can't do it.

All they want is for the Justice League to vouch for humanity's new gods with their own honor and credibility.

The new gods of mankind will continue to do evil as they should. If their evil deeds are discovered, let us help the bad guys to quibble.

In the end, even the Justice League became notorious. They slapped their butts and went on to harm the parallel universe.

None of the three demands they made were sincerely intended to solve the problem of humanity's new god from the root.

They just feel that the Justice League must put the overall situation first, and in order not to cause more casualties, they deserve to sacrifice everything to help them realize their ambition to become gods. "

"Shameless!" Diana cursed.

A smug smile appeared on Luther's lips, but then quickly disappeared, "If you must understand this way, I can't stop it.

But you can't deny that we did come up with solutions to the problem.

Unless you pay better attention, otherwise...haha, for the sake of the overall situation, in order to reduce more harm, isn't it right? "

"Shameless!" Several female heroes were scolding, while the male heroes had cold eyes and clenched fists with their hands.

Bateman and Dachao looked at each other, and they both stood up at the same time, saying: "That's it for today, let's go back."

After the heroes of Zhenglian and Mingji Louise left, Luther and others still sat in their chairs and did not move.

The defense chief took out the cigar box, stood up and handed out a cigar to each person, and Zod and Luther did not refuse.

After smoking in silence for a short while, the commander stood up and walked to the door, shouting: "Waller, Doctor Mist."

Waller and the black mage came over from the front living room.

"Please help me take a look, has the feng shui of the office changed?" the commander asked.

Doctor Mist said impatiently: "Didn't I tell you, I won't be angry at all.

If you can't even see 'Qi', how can you tell the difference between good and bad Qi, and how can you determine the changes in Feng Shui? "

"You didn't know how to be angry before, I know. But you are no longer what you used to be. A week ago, you led a group of mages to Lishan to exchange divination techniques with Madam Xanadu, and you just came back this afternoon.

You also said that you have obtained all the secrets of Madam Xanadu, and that she has been honest with you and has nothing to hide.

Are you lying? "The commander looked at the black voodoo magician suspiciously.

Dr. Mist's expression was visibly distorted, and became darker visibly. His lips kept moving, as if he wanted to open his mouth and yell something, but in the end his Adam's apple squirmed a few times, and the sincere words that had crawled into his throat were lost. Press it back into your heart.

"Speak, Mrs. Xanadu, has she told you her divination secret?" The commander-in-chief was confused and dissatisfied when he saw that he only changed his expression but did not speak.

"Yes, she didn't hide anything. She directly taught the secret of accurate divination to everyone present. She didn't hide any secrets." Dr. Mist said with a wooden face.

“Lady Xanadu” really has nothing to hide.

After everyone had arrived, she said frankly: "The reason why my divination is so accurate is because I am not Mrs. Xanadu at all."

Then she transformed into the witch Harley, ignored their horrified shouts, opened her mouth, and swallowed everyone into the stomach dimension.

Then regardless, he told them the secret of timeline divination.

Finally, she said with a friendly smile: "We agreed to exchange divination skills with each other. Now that I have handed over all my divination skills, you should repay me with the same honesty!"

She took out a blank idea and copied everyone's divination experience and skills.

Some people wanted to resist, while others yelled at her and called her shameless.

She smiled and said, "Let me show you the true shamelessness of 'Witch Harley'."

Whoever resists or scolds her, she will take away half of their magic power and plunder them completely.

If you resist or curse, half of it will be taken away.

If you scold her four times, the remaining magic power will be only one-sixteenth of its original value.

Even Mrs. Zhen Xanadu couldn't bear to see such a heinous method, and she covered her face with her hands in shame.

However, when the person concerned behaved well, knelt down and begged, and Mrs. Xanadu and Zatanna also persuaded them from the side, she returned the magic power to them before leaving.

"Since Madam Xanadu has nothing to hide, why don't you understand the art of looking at the Qi?" the commander continued to ask.

Dr. Mist didn't know how to explain it.

Apart from disguising her identity and plundering their divination ‘realm’, the fake Lady Xanadu and the real witch Harley is quite candid or even overly candid.

During the subsequent exchanges, she answered whatever they asked.

He asked about the chi technique, and she explained it in detail.

The qi gazing technique is fake.

Just like their previous understanding, the "Book of Destiny" hides all destiny, and does not leak it out to the fortune teller at all.

However, Witch Harley can indirectly "see" the "luck" of a family or a country through the "Great Resonance of Destiny".

According to her, the Great Resonance of Destiny is a "little" technique she invented when she was trying to divine the general trend of the country for alien dignitaries - combining the fate lines of ordinary people who make up a family or country to estimate the future trend.

She is not the God of Destiny and cannot see the exact line of fate, so she can only use the future timeline to replace the line of fate.

There are countless possibilities for the future, and there are countless timelines.

No one can be sure which one is correct. Even the Witch Harley only combines her divination experience to choose the timeline closest to the fate line.

The so-called "closest to the fate line" is just her own feeling, and the feeling may be wrong.

However, she is not afraid of making mistakes in a single timeline because she has collected too many samples.

A country, a planet, and billions of people. Even if half of the timelines are wrong, you can still barely see the general direction of the country's future.

The details are wrong, but the general direction is pretty accurate.

When discussing the "Great Resonance of Destiny", they also worked together to help her perfect the "Kui's Qi Watching Technique".

If she hadn't concealed her identity and taken advantage of their greed for accurate divination skills to forcibly seize their divination "realm", the divination experience exchange conference in the past week would have been quite enjoyable.

Witch Harley is very candid. No matter what enlightenment she has gained or what experience she has mastered, she has shared it with them. Everyone has opened their eyes and benefited a lot.

However, there is only one witch Harley in the world, and the "little tricks" she calls them are too difficult for them.

Don't talk about them, the God of Destiny may also learn it but not use it.

"Speak!" the commander urged.

Doctor Mist said helplessly: "Mrs. Xanadu does know how to read Qi, and she also taught me the 'Qi Watching Technique', but my ability is limited and I can't use it!"

"You are both grand masters, with the same realm and close power. Why can't you use it?" the commander asked doubtfully.

Dr. Mist asked: "Everyone knows that the football king Messi is good at passing people because his pace changes very quickly.

We are all human beings, with similar strength and similar physical fitness. Why can’t you do it?

Some people are just naturally gifted.

Even if everyone knows some techniques, they cannot use them smoothly. "

"You mean, even if you study hard, you still can't master Madam Xanadu's accurate prophecy skills?" The commander's face was suddenly filled with disappointment.

Waller on the side comforted him and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much about the feng shui of the White House.

As the saying goes, blessings come from disasters, and misfortunes come from blessings.

If you think about it from another perspective, your term of office will end at the end of the year. During this period, you will visit the Fenit Empire many times, and the 'evil energy' will not have many opportunities to threaten you.

But when Tesla comes back and encounters all kinds of misfortunes under the influence of "evil energy", wouldn't you be overjoyed and happy every day? "

"Who said my term would end at the end of the year?"

"Polls show that your approval rating has dropped to unprecedented levels, making you the most hated leader in history. Your chances of being re-elected are extremely slim," Waller said.

"Today's polls are not equal to the final number of votes." The leader said confidently.

Waller's pupils shrank, "This time you plan again - Commander, now that the earth has been completely interstellar, in order to avoid bad interstellar influences, it is really not suitable to cheat openly, and it cannot be done.

Tesla announced in a speech last month that it would invite people from Lane to help check tickets this time.

Obviously he was on guard. "

"What are you talking nonsense and imagining!" the commander scolded, and then said triumphantly: "I have the support of Queen Finite and Prince Henry. A little bit of 'petty profit' leaking out from their fingers is enough to make all the United States The rich and powerful flocked to him.

With their support, votes or issues?

Haha, let me tell you, I am bound to win re-election this time! "

Waller fell silent.

"However, I am not entirely worried about Feng Shui issues." The commander glanced at Doctor Mist and sighed: "I thought that Mist could inherit the mantle of Madam Xanadu and be qualified to be my son Henry's royal prophet, helping him solve problems. step up.

I didn't expect that his talent was so poor. He learned the skills but couldn't use them. He was completely unqualified to be a court mage in the Fenite Empire. "

Dr. Mist curled his lips with disdain, "I wouldn't be happy to trade your son's position as a prince for my current position. I'm just a court mage. I'm really not that low."

"What did you say?" the commander-in-chief was furious, "You are so ambitious and heartless that you want to take advantage of my son?!"

"Commander, you heard wrong. He is disdainful, not coveted." Waller said helplessly.

"He looks disdainful, but inside he is burning with envy and jealousy towards my son. I have seen too many similar people. He can fool you, but he can't fool me." The commander-in-chief said with certainty.

To a certain extent, he really wasn't lying.

Ever since Henry married the alien queen, many of his former powerful friends couldn't help but say bitter words when blessing him.

For example, on the surface, he tried to persuade her with good intentions, "Queen Grace looks like the long watermelon strips in the short video of 'Who knows my family?' Henry should think carefully about it," but there was unconcealable jealousy in his eyes.

"I also have the opportunity to divine. If I envy your son, why don't you let Madam Xanadu help me divine the alien noblewoman?" Dr. Mist said displeased.

"Hmph, what is your identity, and what is Henry's identity? Even if Mrs. Xanadu's noble daughter is to be married, she must be of the same family and status.

If you were to predict the marriage of a noble girl, you would at most be like ordinary people and find an ordinary noble girl from an ordinary civilized country. "The commander-in-chief said disdainfully.

In the past month or two, more than thirty men and women from Earth have become friends with alien nobles.

Henry's wife is indeed the most noble.

Even the original Princess Elena was only the first in line of succession.

Grace looks a little inhuman, but she is a real queen of the empire.

Seeing Dr. Mist's face full of dissatisfaction and wanting to say anything else, Waller grabbed his arm and persuaded: "Okay, you have nothing to do here, let's go!"

Dr. Mist glared at the commander and strode away.

"Hey, Misty, wait a minute!" The commander stopped him and said, "How many mages are participating in the divination skills exchange meeting?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Hey, you just answer whatever he asks you, why bother asking more?"

Waller has a headache. One is her right-hand man and black magic teacher, and the other is the commander-in-chief who can secretly despise but cannot openly offend. Every time they meet, conflicts arise due to improper words. It is not appropriate for her to help anyone, but she can't speak. It will make the situation get out of control.

Dr. Misty said: "When we left Madam Xanadu's cabin, we all swore a poisonous oath to Madam Xanadu not to disclose any information at the exchange meeting."

Even if they knew she was the fake Lady Xanadu and the real witch Harley, they couldn't reveal her identity.

Witch Harley is not afraid of the punishment for breaking her oath, they are.

Even without considering the backlash of the contract law, Witch Harley will come to them.

"I don't want to know the secret of accurate divination." The commander curled his lips and said: "I just want to know who among those mages has mastered Madam Xanadu's skills. I will reward him with the position of court mage."

"Don't think about it. None of the more than 50 masters who are good at divination has mastered that kind of skill." Dr. Mist waved his hand and planned to continue walking forward.

"Mist, are you jealous?" The commander sarcastically said, "I have no qualifications or ability, and I'm trying every possible means to prevent my friends from getting to the top. This is so magnanimous, no wonder you can't do it."

If Waller hadn't stepped forward to hold him back, Dr. Mist's fist would have landed on the commander's face.

——You are stupid. He is obviously irritating you. Ignoring him is the most powerful response to him.

She also secretly communicated to him.

Dr. Mist took a deep look at the old president and left without looking back.

Seeing him leave, the commander-in-chief showed a disappointed and displeased expression, "Waller, help me get the list of participants of the exchange meeting, can you do it?"

Waller frowned and said: "Henry is already the queen's husband, so how can he continue to rise so high? Do he want to replace the queen and become an alien king himself? This is impossible. Without the queen, Henry will immediately lose everything."

"Henry has the status of a royal husband, but he has no official position and does not have much real power in his hands." The commander-in-chief sighed.

If his son rises through the ranks and becomes a powerful minister, he can still be the regent even if the queen burps.

"Misty didn't lie, I understand him." Waller said.

"I also know him. He must be jealous of talents, and he especially likes to target me." The commander said.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

She decided to ask Dr. Mist to name a few alien mages that the commander could not contact.

Returning to the conference room, the commander saw Luther, Zod and several generals discussing the next tactics and strategies.

"Luthor, Zod, you don't seem worried at all? The Justice League didn't agree to any of the three requests you made. Are you ready to go to the parallel universe?" he asked doubtfully.

"If there was no threat from the Dark Elite, there would be no need to wait until now. I would have taken them to a more unrestrained parallel universe." Luther put out half of his cigar in the ashtray and sighed: "Unfortunately, now is really not a good time to go to the multiverse. , we are in the light, the dark elite is in the dark, it is too dangerous.

If they encounter an encirclement and suppression, they won't even have a chance to open the sonic boom channel and escape back to the main universe. "

The Sonic Boom Channel cannot travel directly across parallel universes, and must first pass through Apokolips as a transit station.

This is also the reason why the new gods travel through different universes without causing vibration frequency interference.

"But I'm really not too worried." He then smiled confidently, "No matter how clear-headed or tough-mouthed the Zhenglian heroes are, their softer hearts than anyone else will definitely prompt them to seriously consider our request.

Believe it or not, they didn't even go back to the Hall of Justice at this moment, or went back to the Hall of Justice for a little discussion. They didn't have time to go home and immediately went to Gotham. "

"Going to Gotham to find Harley?" A general's eyes lit up.

Luther frowned, "Harry doesn't know what he's been up to lately. He hasn't shown up for a long time, so they may not be able to find him.

It's not Harley's help we need anyway.

Harley's heart is made of iron and she won't change her mind to accommodate us. "

"They went to persuade Madam Xanadu? Haha, they were finally manipulated by us." The commander laughed.

"Going to Madam Xanadu does not necessarily mean persuading her to agree to help us with divination. They may ask about other ways for the new human race of gods to condense divinity. No matter what they ask, as long as they go to Lishan, the situation will be favorable to us." Luther's face Smiling proudly that everything is under control.

He guessed it right.

The heroes immediately went their separate ways after leaving the White House. Most of them disbanded and went back to their homes, while the rest went straight to Gotham.

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