"You know that the way to 'fall into godhood' is the work of the dark elite, and you already know the dark elite's 'final arrival plan'. Why didn't you remind us earlier?" Super Girl said excitedly.

"Remind you, what can you do? Or do you really understand your position?" Orion asked.

"After being reminded, we can at least warn humans about the new Protoss, and many fewer people will die." Super Girl said.

Orion asked: "Before the collective ascension, when Darkseid was still there, the Dark Gods died in internal fighting every day on Apokolips.

Thousands of people, do you care?

I understand that the new gods of humanity who chose to ascend collectively were once Earthlings.

But after they made their choice, they were no longer essentially different from all the new dark gods on Apokolips.

There are many demons in hell who are actually mages from the earth.

When the black magician is dying and transforming, he chooses to let evil thoughts occupy the soul, or before dying, he negotiates terms with a certain demon king and takes the initiative to become a demon.

Do you still care about their safety at all times? When human demons are in danger, you will do your best to help? "

Super Girl opened her mouth, not knowing how to argue.

“Even if you are confused and cannot see your own position clearly, don’t blame those who are clear-headed!

The New God of Light in Creation will always be the enemy of the New God of Darkness. Whether it is the dark elite under Darkseid or the new human Gods of Luther and Zod, there is no difference between them in our eyes. The internal strife between them, We were just observing and did not take the opportunity to attack both sides."

Orian paused, and his slightly excited expression softened, "Our position should not be to wait and see. Heavenly Father should dispatch all the new gods of light to weaken the power of the new dark gods of Apokolips as much as possible.

That is to say, take the opportunity to kill all the Luther Legion and kill all the Dark New God of Krypton.

Even the cosmic Didi driver who got the mother box did not let anyone go.

We should even take over the planet.

If Heavenly Father is merciful, he will spend some effort to screen the 1.8 billion ‘returnees’ through mind monitoring.

The dark elites like your commander-in-chief, generals, finance ministers, and deputy commanders who pretend to return to Earth should be singled out and killed.

If the Heavenly Father is harsh, all the 1.8 billion people who choose to ascend collectively will be wiped out, except for those who have entered the Creation Star and proven themselves to be a bright new god.

Chuangshixing didn’t do that, and you all understand the reason. "

Because I was worried about Harley's reaction.

All superheroes understand.

"Being neutral and waiting is the limit of what we can do. Our light divinity does not allow us to actively help the new dark gods on either side.

Again, there is no difference in essence between Darkseid’s new race of gods and humanity’s new race of gods, and there is no difference to us either. Orion sighed.

The heroes were silent, even Supergirl couldn't argue.

Orion glanced at the heroes with sharp eyes and said: "Actually, if you think about it carefully, is it the concept of absolute justice that drives you to work hard to rescue the new dark protoss of mankind, or is it your selfishness as humans?

What if the people who ascend collectively are not Earthlings, but Rann, or Tamarans.

Will you still actively participate and work hard to rescue us as you are now?

I guess you don't.

Your concept of justice does not allow you to take the initiative and kill them all.

At most, like us, the Protoss of Light, we keep a close eye on it, but due to our position, we won't help anyone. "

Many heroes were speechless. If it were the aliens who ascended collectively, they would most likely be too lazy to pay attention and just eat the melons.

Bateman said: "If even the compassion for human beings is gone, the more ambitious concept of justice will become a meaningless castle in the air."

Dachao also looked at Orion with firm eyes and said: "If a disaster happens in front of us, let alone the Lann people and the Tamaran people, even if the dark elite is in danger and calls for help, we will not sit idly by and ignore it.

Not taking the initiative to get involved in every case in the universe has nothing to do with your position.

It is purely because our abilities are limited and we are self-aware.

Forcibly doing something beyond your ability will not only fail to save others, but will also kill yourself. "

Orion nodded and did not argue with them. He just asked: "I have already said what needs to be said. Have you considered how many people you plan to save and how you will defraud the dark elite later?"

Bateman turned to his Superman cousins, "What do you think?"

Kara said: "I know there is little hope, but I want to save everyone."

"What about the method?" Bateman asked again.

"If they don't agree, I will fight them. I would rather die in battle than see so many people die in front of me." Kara said decisively, "Maybe my death can shock them and let them understand our determination. "

Bateman frowned slightly.

Orion reminded: "Kara, if the Dark Elite can be frightened by your determination, they will be doomed.

The current situation is not that the dark elite wants to invade a civilized planet.

They and the new dark god of humanity stand at opposite ends of the scale, and the weaker side is completely eliminated.

The pros and cons of invading a civilized planet can be weighed, and even Darkseid might retreat given the costs.

In the race elimination game, there is no way to retreat, and retreat means death.

What's more terrible than death? "

"I know, but this is all I can do. You don't have to be like me, and you don't have to worry about me.

When my parents gave birth to me, they specially prepared the genes of a Kryptonian warrior for me.

For a warrior, dying in battle for his parents is definitely the best and most glorious ending. "Kara also took the initiative to comfort the heroes.

Dachao frowned, looked at Bateman again, and asked expectantly: "What good ideas do you have?"

Bateman shook his head, "Just do it Kara's way."

"Fighting the Dark Elite?" Dachao asked in surprise.

——This is not like your style!

"Well, it's not just Kara, it's all of us. Please trust me, and follow my instructions when the time comes, and I will come forward to communicate with the dark elite.

Kara's idea seems reckless, but combined with the power of a fox and a tiger in the name of Harley, it will definitely work wonders. "

Having said that, Bateman felt very helpless.

He does have several relatively feasible ideas, but he is not so reckless as to fight against the Dark Elite.

However, no matter what method, it is impossible to save everyone.

Even if Harley comes in person, the dark elite will fight.

But Super Girl has made it clear that she must save everyone, even if she loses her life, she will not give up hope.

She just wants to sacrifice herself, and after her sacrifice and causing great trauma to the Dark Elite, they will negotiate with the Dark Elite.

The problem is, she has already sacrificed her life, and they are still talking about nonsense. No, there is no way they can just watch her sacrifice.

Bateman exited Jon's mental space and thought, "Crack, click, click!"

Liquid nanoparticles flowed out from various parts of the Bat suit, covering his body with a layer of textured black metal suit.

"The ultimate purpose of coming is to kill all the new human gods. The dark elite may have started bloody killings while forcibly summoning the new human gods. We must act quickly."

When his voice reached the ears of the heroes through the communication earbuds, it was no longer as deep and hoarse as before, but instead sounded a bit like the mechanical sound of Transformers.

Oliver whistled and asked, "What are the new features of this Bat suit? It looks very cool."

In recent years, major crises have occurred one after another, and the enemies are often very powerful.

Bateman wanted to go to the front line, but didn't want to be a burden to his teammates, so he could only work hard to develop the "Super Bat Suit."

Before Final Crisis, Oliver was an ordinary person, often going to the Batcave to "borrow" Bateman's super suit, and then going home to make a "Green Arrow Suit" with similar technology but different styles and styles.

In fact, even Aquaman has copied the Bat suit.

Because he can't fly, he needs to borrow a suit to help him fly and survive in outer space.

"There is no new technology. It's just that Harley gave me some N-metal that was imbued with thick-skinned divine power. The entire armor is forged from 'thick-skinned N-metal', and its defensive power should be very good." Bateman said.

It wasn't Harry who sent it to him at all.

After experiencing the grief of the final crisis when Bateman was burned to ashes by omega rays, Selina was worried that she would become a widow someday, so she begged Harley to prepare a life-saving charm for her husband.

Diana touched Bateman's breastplate and asked, "The thick-skinned N metal soaked in divine power feels very strong. Why don't I see you wearing it on weekdays?"

"The armor is very strong and has serious side effects. Whether it is the high-purity N metal or Harley's thick-skinned power, the energy level is very high and the infectivity is very strong.

I have my own martial arts path. If it is contaminated by those two powers, my martial arts will be useless. "Baitman said.


The sonic boom tunnel exploded in the "outer space" above the Dark King City of Apokolips, immediately attracting the attention of some powerful dark elites.

"Steppenwolf, I'm Orion, let's talk." Orion even took the initiative to mentally transmit messages below.


The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance were not kept waiting. Half a minute later, Steppenwolf, the "First Assistant Minister of the Dark Dynasty", stepped on the flying disc, crossed the "atmosphere" at high speed, and came to everyone.

"My God, Zod. He's not dead yet?!"

The moment he saw Steppenwolf, Da Chao was attracted by the half of his body held in his left hand.

Steppenwolf is tall and has big hands. He can easily grab General Zod's head like an NBA basketball hand grabs a football.

Zod was cut in half, and there was no trace below the waist, leaving only a bunch of dark red organs.

But he wasn't dead. Superman saw his eyes move.

After seeing the superheroes, Zod's dull eyes still reflected a glimmer of vitality.

"Of course he's not dead. How can a new god at the main god level die so easily?" Steppenwolf lifted up Zod's broken body and laughed heartily: "It's better to kill someone than to kill one's heart. We know him very well and know that he is a true A patriot who has a love for the Kryptonian community that transcends his own life and death.

So I wanted to keep him alive. I held up his head and let him watch with his own eyes how I slaughtered his people. He shed all his tears and shouted hoarsely, but he couldn't do anything.

Oh, that’s not right, now he can also lower the morale of the Kryptonian warriors, making them crazy, their will collapse, and they are more likely to be slaughtered by me like pigs and sheep, hahahaha! "

"Kill him, Kal-El, kill him, kill him" Zod hissed with blood and tears oozing from the corners of his eyes, staring at Chao.

"Oh, you can still scream. I thought that after witnessing the corpses of millions of Kryptonian warriors littering the fields, your will had collapsed and your heart was filled with despair."

Not only was Steppenwolf not angry, but he was even more excited. "Did Superman's light of hope wake you up? Very good. I was already numb, but now I hear your wailing again, and the ax in my hand is once again thirsty."

"Steppenwolf, I'm going to kill you!" Superman clenched his fists and almost couldn't help but rush over.

Supergirl couldn't bear it any longer. If Martian Manhunter hadn't caught her in time, she would have flown to Steppenwolf in the next moment.

"Don't be impulsive, think about why you are rushing here!" Orion said in a deep voice.

Bateman took a step forward and got out of the protection range of the Star Skateboard force field.

"Steppenwolf, you have no right to be arrogant in front of us. Today's conflict between the dark elite and the new human race of gods is just a continuation of last year's 'Darkseid War'.

The protagonist in Darkseid's war is not you, the Dark Elite, the New Gods of Mankind and the Justice League.

Darkseid is your boss, and Harley Quinn is the representative of Earth.

They are the key and core of the conflict.

The result is obvious, Darkseid died in battle, and the Dark New Gods were completely defeated.

Later, the baby Darkseid was spared a small life because of Harley's kindness.

The current dark elite is nothing more than a group of dying remnants.

You know better than anyone that as long as Harley has a little bit of will, exterminating you is no more difficult than cleaning up the cockroaches in the house. "

Steppenwolf looked angry and was about to say a few words, but Bateman didn't give him a chance and said coldly: "At this moment, you are the true body, and all the dark elites are the true body!"

Steppenwolf stiffened, his anger frozen on that shoehorned face.

Bateman still spoke very fast and continued: "Your 'Final Arrival Plan' is very vicious. All the dark new gods whose divine blood reaches a certain purity are forcibly summoned to Apokolips.

But this plan also has a fatal flaw.

As the dark elite, you also come to Apokolips in your own body.

Luther's mother box cannot be used. Your mother box does not have as high authority as him, and it is even less possible to open the sonic boom channel to escape.

I'm not sure how long the process of 'original burning' will last, but I believe that with Harley's strength, as long as she appears on Apokolips now, you will all be dead and no one can escape. "

Steppenwolf sneered: "What's the use of talking nonsense? If she comes, we may suffer some casualties; if she only exists in your imagination, 'suppose she appears now', it won't affect us at all. .”

"Indeed, she's not here now, I'm just threatening you with an assumption." Bateman nodded, his tone calmer, "The question is, do you dare to bet?

In other words, is it worth risking one's own life to kill all the new gods to express their evil anger? "

"No need to gamble!" A beam of rainbow light passed through the sky. Desard flew to Steppenwolf at an extremely fast speed and said confidently: "We know the Witch Harley. She may not be a loyal person who keeps her word. Human, but when it comes to the new human god, she will never take action.

First of all, her attitude has always been clear. The collective ascension is a carefully designed conspiracy by His Majesty Darkseid, and humans should not step into the trap.

The new human race of gods didn’t listen.

She analyzed the pros and cons many times, and even hinted that she would not help them find out if they were in danger, but they still didn't listen.

Now that they have received retribution, I even feel that she must be in a happy mood and have clear thoughts.

How could she hold back her nausea and forcefully stuff shit into her mouth?

She is not the kind of person who is willing to wrong herself for others.

In particular, I won’t make myself disgusted for the sake of someone who disgusts me. "

The heroes have complex expressions.

They weren't sure if Harley was enjoying herself at the moment, but she certainly wasn't going to put shit in her mouth.

Before coming to Apokolips, she also clearly refused, although the reasons given were high-sounding and irrefutable.

Disad continued: "Secondly, Witch Harley is very smart, and she understands the virtues of the new dark god of mankind better than anyone else.

Whenever she appears today, the rescued new dark gods of humanity are like flies, treating her like a rotten egg with a crack, clinging to her, and then continue to toss on Apokolips, with more new human gods joining in.

More people will die then. You can't see through it, but she won't be stupid.

Finally, we started the original burning of Apokolips, and we can naturally end it immediately.

Even if Harley really wanted to eat shit, we could escape from Apokolips quickly. "

As soon as he finished speaking, and before the proud smile on his face could bloom, Bateman said: "It is true that she rarely compromises herself to cater to others, but she doesn't like others to take advantage of her and walk around looking smug. publicity."

"I'm just telling the truth. I didn't try to show off, and I didn't even try to be complacent." Disad said quickly.

Bateman said calmly: "You have seen her assassination skills. If she comes to Apokolips, she will never be as arrogant and flamboyant as us.

Even if you finally discover her existence, how many percent of the Dark Elite will be left?

Oh, I was wrong.

For dark elite leaders like you and Steppenwolf, you shouldn't have to worry about this issue. "

Disad's face was ugly, and there was deep fear in his eyes.

"Why don't you care?" Steppenwolf asked puzzledly.

Bateman said: "Because just like you specifically targeted the leader among the new gods of mankind, if Harley comes to Apokolips to kill people, you and Desaad will definitely be among the top three on the 'first kill list'.

Everyone is dead, so we still need to care about how many percent of the dark elite can survive? "

Steppenwolf's heart trembled twice, but his expression became even more ferocious, and he shouted with a stern look on his face: "You want to scare me?"

Bateman ignored him at all, and just took an offensive stance facing the two dark elites, and shouted loudly: "Martian Manhunter, don't stop Supergirl.

The Dark Elite is unwilling to compromise at all, but the Justice League has no choice but to fight with them. "

"Steppenwolf, I'm going to kill you!"

Super Girl's eyes were red, excited, and she also sprayed thermonuclear rays as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

The other heroes were stunned for a moment. Remembering what Bateman had told them to believe in him and obey his instructions, they started to act immediately without hesitation.

"What the hell, what are you doing?"

Steppenwolf was stunned. He was hit directly on the chest and was shot away like a cannonball.

——Aren’t we negotiating now? You haven’t made any demands yet. How do you know that we are not willing to compromise at all?

He roared loudly in his mind.

Desarde was also confused.

Even if the Justice League didn't say anything, he could guess their purpose.

To be honest, he didn't want Justice League to happen.

He wanted to kill all the new human protoss as planned, and even refused to release those relatives or friends who were important to the heroes of the Zhenglian.

The closer the hero is to his relatives and friends, the more he has the desire to harm them.

But before he expressed his attitude with a cold face, why did the Zhenglian hero get excited first?

Is there a conspiracy?

"Ah, Bateman, what are you doing?" Orion was also confused. He was stunned for a moment and then shouted nervously: "Don't be impulsive. They seem to be only two people, but there are more than a thousand hidden around them. Where are the dark elites! They are all true entities, we are no match!"

As he yelled, stars lit up nearby.

Each dark elite is performing the most powerful magic, exuding a strong radiance of divine power, like a dazzling star.

Orion really felt the crisis of death.

"When has the Justice League ever been afraid of death?" Bateman replied calmly.

These words were like a bucket of ice water poured on Disad's head.

Yes, the superheroes of the Justice League are never afraid of death.

Regardless of the Justice League in the main universe or the heroes of the main alliance encountered in the parallel universe, everyone died generously, without exception.

But they can't die!

Even if you think about it with your buttocks, you know that Witch Harley must be paying attention to the negotiations between the two parties.

If the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance are beaten to death, will Witch Harley still be able to sit still?

Witch Harley will definitely not be able to kill all the dark elites, but as Bateman said, he and Steppenwolf and other leaders will not be able to escape.

"Stop it!" Disad shouted loudly while retreating quickly.

Not only shouting to the heroes of the main alliance, but also sending a message to all the dark elites: This is a conspiracy. Bateman wants to use the sacrifice of some heroes in exchange for Witch Harley to take action personally. He really wants to die with us!

The dark elites were startled and retracted the killing move they were about to unleash.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Justice League has bullied us, shouldn't we teach them a lesson?" Kalibak said angrily.

Desaad quickly explained through mental transmission: "We have discussed it before, right?

Before the heroes of Zhenglian came to Apokolips, they must have met Witch Harley, and Witch Harley would refuse to help. "

"With such a big thing happening to the earth, it's strange that they don't go to Witch Harley. Judging from their eagerness to fight us now, Witch Harley has obviously rejected them." The kind grandmother said.

A group of dark elites thought so too.

“They approached Witch Harley, who rejected them, but we don’t know what Witch Harley said and to what extent she refused.

Judging from their current performance, Witch Harley's refusal is definitely not firm.

If we kill a few Zhenglian heroes now, will Witch Harley become unbearable and slap her in the face? "Dissade said.

"Is it possible that the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance are just acting, and they are not desperately aware of it?" Some dark elites speculated.

"Fuck you, are they acting?" Steppenwolf yelled.

He has come into close combat with Superman and Supergirl.

The expressions of the two Kryptonians were twisted and full of hatred, and they were furiously attacking him.

Just looking at the crazy and demonic performance of their cousins, no dark elite can unconscionably say that they are acting.

Today, the heroes of Zhenglian are really going to fight them!

"Battman, Superman, everyone stop! Don't you just want to save the New God of mankind? We agree." Disad shouted.

"What did you say?" Superboy and Supergirl couldn't believe it.

Some people in the dark elite lost their temper and exclaimed, even if they want to negotiate, they cannot surrender directly!

The Justice League is not afraid of death, and they are also brave!

"We can let go of the new human gods on Apokolips, but there are three conditions." Desaad quickly said without giving other dark elites a chance to object: "First, we must ensure that they no longer threaten us in any way. .

If they still think about the grand strategy of "surrounding the Dark King's City with slave camps" after returning, or plotting to murder the dark elite, they should take the Godhead of the Lord God instead.

No matter what means we use to deal with them, you can no longer interfere.

If we are in danger, you have to help us deal with them. "

After saying that, he glanced at the superheroes.

Bateman nodded and said, "We agree on this one."

Desaad continued to look at the other heroes until all the heroes, including the two Kryptonian heroes, nodded, and then said: "You must swear an oath and write a contract, and let the Witch Harley be the mediator.

Just like in the past, Witch Harley signed a peace treaty with His Majesty and asked Metron to be the mediator. "

Darkseid's credibility is pretty good. Last time he and Harley agreed that "as long as the new God of Light on the Genesis Star is immortal, he will not take action on the Earth." Then he actually waited until the Genesis Star exploded before directly attacking the Earth. Earth starts.


"Second, we only release ordinary human new gods, and human new god leaders, such as Luther and Zod. Luther can live, but Zod must die.

The big leader who understands divinity and condenses his godhead must die, and other leaders cannot be released immediately.

Take Luther, for example. We have to lock him up for hundreds of years, make him suffer a lot, and completely wipe out his ambition to become a god. "

Seeing the anxious look on Super Girl's face, Desaad smiled slightly, and then said: "Of course, we can open a back door for some of the leaders of the new Protoss."

Super Girl looked at him with a slightly sarcastic look, feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time, but also a little relieved.

"What about the third one?" Bateman asked.

Disad smiled and said: "The third one is relatively simple. In half a month, you will come to Apokolips to take the person away, but you must follow the principle of voluntariness.

If there are new gods of mankind who are willing to serve the great Lord Darkseid, you cannot force them to give up their identity as the new gods of darkness. "

Bateman frowned.

"Why do you have to wait half a month? What do you want to do to them in this half month?" Dachao asked in surprise.

Disad said frankly: "There has been no torture or torture in the past half month, I just want to subdue them and let them be used by us.

In fact, Apokolips has never excluded aliens from joining the dark new family of gods.

We are targeting the new human race of gods just to protect ourselves.

The essence of this conflict is actually that the new gods of mankind invaded Apokolips, wanting to occupy our planet and seize our godhead.

Once we are sure that they have no chance of replacing us, we don't mind accepting them. "

"Article 3, we refuse." Bateman said solemnly.

Disad said coldly: "You have no right to refuse, we have the advantage now.

If you must refuse, call Witch Harley here. I will agree with whatever she says, but can you call her here?

If you call her over, you are holding a piece of shit called the 'New God of Human Darkness' in your hand, and forcefully stuffing shit into her mouth on the pretext that you are her friend. "

He looked at Bateman with a playful look.

Bateman looked gloomy.

Disad sneered: "It's useless even if you refuse, you can stuff shit into your friend's mouth, but you can't distort the nature of the new human race of gods.

Today you are preventing them from "advancing", but tomorrow they will run to Apokolips themselves and take the initiative to seek refuge with us. "

"A week, we'll pick them up in a week," Bateman said.

"Okay, I'll give you face, for a week." Disad looked indifferent.

"Dessade, who are you, and why did you sign the 'Apocalypse Three Articles' with the Justice League that would cost you your power and humiliate your country?"

As soon as Orion's sonic boom channel disappeared, Darkseid's son Kalibak flew to Desaad and roared loudly at him.

The fist bigger than Desaad's head tightly grasped his collar, and the thick bad breath poured into his mouth and nostrils like a hurricane.

"I have only one identity, His Majesty Darkseid's most loyal old servant!" Disad shouted.

Steppenwolf flew over, pulled his grandson away, and shouted: "The 'Three Articles of Apokolips' have been negotiated, and you didn't object at the time. What's the point of troubling DeSaad now?"

"I didn't agree at the time," Kalibak shouted.

Desaad straightened his collar and said calmly: "The 'Three Apocalypse Stars' are both our face and our lining.

The Justice League is going to fight us desperately, what else can we do besides compromise? "

The kind grandmother also said: "The heroes of Zhenhe Zhenglian are fighting tooth and nail, not to mention how many of us will die based on their strength.

Assuming that one of them is killed by us, how do you think the Witch Harley, who has been secretly paying attention to this place, will react? "

"I don't care how she reacts," Kalibak said firmly.

Desaad pointed to the material universe "below", "Use your body to go to Mount Li, and shout at the foot of the mountain, 'Witch Harley, I'm not afraid of you,' and I will recommend you to be the 'Acting Dark Lord.'

Before His Majesty returns, you will be the master of Apokolips. Do you dare? "

"Yes, we agree." Half of the dark elite nodded.

"I" Kalibak had an expression on his face that was eager to try, but his two feet seemed to have taken root, piercing into the earth and motionless.

Steppenwolf patted his grandson on the shoulder and sighed: "Witch Harley is both powerful and vicious. It's neither embarrassing nor shabby to admit that you can't offend her."

Desaad looked around and explained: "The 'Apocalypse Three' is a compromise on the surface, but in fact we make more.

For example, the first one, with the witch Harley as the mediator, we no longer have to worry about the new human race of gods replacing us.

So what if we kill all the new human gods on Apokolips?

There are still 1.9 billion new human beings with impure blood on the earth.

If they are secretly supported by Witch Harley, they will pose no less of a threat to us than Luther. "

The dark elites nodded slightly.

"The second rule is that only the ordinary New Protoss will be let go. We can still take it out on Luther and others."

The Dark Elite nodded again.

"The third one is a big trap. I want to make all the people on earth feel as miserable as chewing shit, but they won't have the chance to get mad at us." Disad said with a sinister smile.

"Baitman, you are too reckless. Before we had time to pretend to be powerful, or even ask for it, we directly fought against them. I have already reminded you that the dark elite is ambushing around. Didn't you hear it? If we really fight Get up, just one wave, we will suffer a lot of casualties." Orion complained.

The sonic boom channel was opened at the edge of the solar system. At this time, just like when he came out, he used the star skateboard to open a protective circle, put hundreds of superheroes inside, and flew towards the earth at warp speed.

"We are fighting against the Dark Elite just to show off our power. Otherwise, why would Desaad shout to stop in a panic, and the other Dark Elites would not dare to move?" Bateman's voice was very soft, and he seemed to be a little depressed.

Orion is not stupid either. He was stunned for a moment and then realized something, "You deliberately showed that the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance are not afraid of death and are willing to sacrifice. You hope that the dark elite will think of Harley's reaction after you die.

You are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of being beaten to death by Harley, so they dare not hurt you. Gao, this trick is invisible, but it is just right and hits the target. It is so clever! "

Bateman's face was expressionless, but he was smiling bitterly in his heart. How could he need to pretend to be so brave and fearless?

As long as Supergirl doesn't get what she wants, she will really fight.

When she goes to great lengths, others will follow suit.

If Desaad didn't respond, they would have really fought tooth and nail.

As for the fox pretending to be the tiger's power, he doesn't object to the fox pretending to be the tiger's power, but he would rather have some deeds and directly threaten the dark elite in Harley's name than pretending to use the death of himself and others to force Harley to take action like he is now.

Because if one of them dies, Harley will really take action.

This is not a case of pretending to be a bully, but as Desard said, relying on his status as a friend to stuff shit into Harley's mouth.

If it only concerns him, he would rather die than do this.

"Olian, if the Dark Elite plans to invade a parallel universe or a civilized planet on a large scale, will Heavenly Father know in time?" After a moment of silence, Bateman suddenly asked.

Orion's eyes flickered and he hesitated: "You know, I am actually Darkseid's biological son. Under Metron's arrangement, Scott and I became Heavenly Father and Darkseid respectively. Adopted son.

Since then, there has been no more fighting between Apokolips and Genesis, so..."

Before Batman could speak, he hurriedly added: "Before the peace contract was signed, the new dark god of Apokolips and the new light god of Creation Star were fighting every day, and war could happen at any moment.

We fight on Apokolips and Creation Star, and we will also go to the material universe and fight on civilized planets.

The reason Heavenly Father was willing to accept Metron’s offer was not a compromise with evil.

The laws of the material universe are too fragile to withstand the battle between the two new groups of gods.

Obviously we wanted to save a certain civilized planet that was invaded, but the result was just an ordinary head-on confrontation. For example, a dark elite and a light main god collided with each other's unique moves, and the stars exploded.

Even destroy the entire star system.

If Heavenly Father and Darkseid met, they could even blow up the universe.

In the previous Darkseid War, the Anti-Monitor deliberately chose the battlefield on Earth in the main universe, with the idea of ​​blowing up the main universe. "

"Oh, that's it." Bateman nodded first, then smiled bitterly: "I ask you this question, not to accuse Heavenly Father and the Creation New God Clan of inaction.

I wish our Heavenly Father could do us a small favor.

If he can detect the Dark New God's invasion of the material universe, ask him to keep an eye on Apokolips in the next seven days.

Once the Dark Elite plans to invade a civilized planet, let us know. "

Diana was horrified, "Are you worried that the dark elite will lead the group of captured new human gods to practice the way of 'corruption'?"

Bateman said softly: "This is inevitable, they will even deliberately induce the new gods of mankind to destroy the civilization of the alien earth.

If they really did that, there would be no turning back. "

"No wonder you firmly oppose Article 3. But even if we stop them this time, will there be a new human god who chooses to stay in seven days and continue to follow the dark elite to invade the alien earth?" Dachao asked worriedly.

"Within seven days, they can't help themselves. After seven days, they have a chance to choose. All we can do is help them get a chance to be good people, instead of forcing them to make a certain choice." Bateman sighed. road.

"Olian, can you?" He looked at Orian again.

Seeing the embarrassment on his face, Bateman smiled slightly, "I understand the 'absolute neutrality' stance of the New Gods of Genesis. This time we are not helping the New Gods of humanity.

The new human god who chooses to return to Earth after seven days will no longer be the new human god.

Helping them is equivalent to helping humanity and does not violate your position. "

"Okay, I agree on behalf of Heavenly Father." Orion was very straightforward after thinking about it.

"We've arrived on Earth. Are you going to find Harley or go back to the Hall of Justice? I really want to see Harley. I haven't seen her for a long time and I don't know what she is up to."

The star skateboard broke away from warp flight and stayed in low-Earth orbit.

Bateman lowered his eyes and said, "I'm a little tired tonight. You go to Lishan to find her. She should be waiting for you in the living room."

Da Chao's eyes flashed and he said: "It's already three o'clock in the morning. It's too late. Don't disturb her. Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning will be more suitable."

"What's wrong with you? You seem to be afraid of seeing her?" Orion asked strangely.

Bateman and Dachao looked at each other, understanding each other's intentions, and both showed bitter smiles.

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