I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1787 The Galaxy Magic Ball Comes to the Door

"Why have you been here for so long?" When the alien emperor came down from the second floor, he was greeted by a group of people who looked at him with doubts and some anxiety.

"How long?" The alien emperor uncle still felt that "Mrs. Xanadu" was too fast and efficient.

"Almost an hour and a half. Madam Xanadu usually does divination for people, and it usually doesn't take more than a quarter of an hour. If it's slower, it doesn't take more than half an hour." A council member said.

"Each diviner's situation is different, and an hour and a half is already happier than most diviners I've met."

The alien emperor's uncle is not a Muggle who has never dealt with extraordinary beings.

Before coming to see Mrs. Xanadu today, they had divined the Golden Compass countless times within the Komodo Empire. Each time they only burned incense and offered sacrifices, which took two or three days. The actual divination process often took more than half a day. There is no comparison with Madam Xanadu's efficiency.

Moreover, Mrs. Xanadu also traveled through the Komodo Empire with her consciousness through astral projection.

"If you can't wait any longer, you can go back to the metropolis first." He added.

"It's not that we can't wait, it's them," the commander said, pointing in the direction outside the door.

He was indeed impatient and wanted to return to the metropolis immediately.

He had just received the call and Henry finally woke up from his slumber.

But the ones who were more impatient than him were the shakers outside the house. They muttered quietly at first, but when their patience gradually ran out, the muttering turned into a noise.

After the clamor had no effect, it turned into a chorus of "Zetas, you jump in line, you cheat, you come out."

"They are calling you, just go out and explain a few words." The alien emperor uncle said.

"What can I say if I go out now? Even if I explain, will they be able to hear it?" The commander took out his mobile phone and shook it. "When they first started yelling, I had already logged into my personal social account and added the 'Alien VIP Channel' 'The new rules are explained again.

As a result, they took my explanation as conclusive evidence that we cheated, and scolded me even more fiercely. "

"What do you want me to do?" the alien emperor uncle asked.

"I'm just wondering why you've been gone for so long. If we end it quickly and let them in, we might be able to calm the public's anger." The commander said helplessly.

"It is absolutely impossible to end it early. We all know how rare the divination opportunity is. This is a rare opportunity. I just think Mrs. Xanadu is not careful enough. How can I urge her to end it early?" The alien emperor's uncle road.

"It makes sense." All those who had not yet divined nodded their heads.

"Let them scream. Madam Xanadu is not in a hurry. Why should we be in a hurry?" Waller said.

The alien emperor looked around and asked, "Should we leave on our own after the divination, or should we go together?"

He got the relevant information about the ancestor's treasure and was a little impatient, wanting to return to the Komodo Empire immediately.

"You dare to go out alone? Just wait, we don't have a few hours left. If you leave alone and are stopped by the angry people of the earth, and do something not so good, it will be too late to regret." The alien VIP advised.

The alien emperor glanced at Dr. Mist beside him and said, "This mage can open the portal."

Dr. Mist sat cross-legged, eyes slightly narrowed, dismissive of the hints of the alien VIP.

"Your Majesty the Master?" The alien emperor's uncle shouted again.

Waller touched Dr. Mist lightly.

"I also want to do divination, and I only serve the commander-in-chief." Dr. Mist said expressionlessly.

The commander immediately said: "I order you to meet the requirements of His Excellency Prince Austin."

"I only protect your safety, not be your dog." Dr. Mist said coldly.

The alien emperor uncle Austin said: "Send me away first, and then come back alone."

"Are you too stupid, or do you think I am stupid? If I can come back again after leaving, then I will bring a few more people with me when I come back. Will everyone have a quota?"

"You come back alone, don't bring anyone else, it should be fine."

"Should I? Why should I, a part-time worker, take the huge risk of losing the opportunity for divination for your trivial matter?" Dr. Mist sneered.

"How did you say that? A mere mage agent dares to—"

The Commander-in-Chief had just finished scolding him when he was interrupted by Dr. Mist's cold and malicious eyes.

The atmosphere in the living room became depressed and awkward, and no one spoke anymore.

It wasn't until 3:30 in the afternoon that all the alien guests and American congressmen completed the divination.

When this group of gentlemen is over, it will be the turn of Dr. Mist, Gypsy Wizard, Waller and others.

"I want to know the secret of the Book of Magic. Madam, can you predict the method of snatching the Book of Magic?" Dr. Mist asked.

"Your question is so childish. If the Book of Magic could be divined, I would have used it myself to break through the divine wizard. Why should I tell you?" Harley said angrily.

Dr. Mist was speechless.

"Then what can you tell me?" he asked.

"You are also a master. You must understand that divination has great limitations. You also understand what I can tell you." Harley said.

"I understood before, but now I don't understand." Dr. Mist sighed and asked, "Can you use the opportunity of divination to exchange for the secret that your divination skills suddenly became so powerful?"

"You and I are both masters. We can exchange divination experiences with each other. No additional conditions are required." Harley said.

Dr. Mist was surprised and delighted.

When it came to the secret of divination, he originally had no hope, but he didn't expect her to agree so easily.

But if you think about it carefully, it is common for mages to exchange experience and skills with each other. It seems not surprising that she agreed. Alas, the main reason is that she has been praised too highly recently. He is obviously at the same level as her, and subconsciously he has begun to I feel like she is unattainable.

"Should we start now, or make another appointment?" Dr. Mist's expression and tone became more natural.

"Let's wait another day, it's too late today." Harry glanced out the window, "It gets dark very fast in February, it's not even four o'clock now, and it's already sunset.

Those people outside must be furious, don't keep them waiting any longer. "

She created a new chat group and brought Dr. Mist in, "I have many mage friends who have doubts about my divination skills. I am happy to exchange their divination skills with them."

Before I became famous, if someone came to visit me, I would be very happy and I would definitely receive them warmly.

But you also understand the current situation. If you come one by one, I will repeat it over and over again, which will waste too much time. "

Dr. Mist heard Xuan Ge and understood the elegant meaning, and immediately took the initiative to ask Ying: "The news that the commander-in-chief led a group of people through the back door has spread all over the world.

And the extraordinary people in the magic world who are with me and the commander also know that I have come to see you.

When I leave, they will be curious and will definitely look for me for information.

I will send you a message in the chat group and tell you their identities. You decide who can join the group, and then we will find a time when you are not so busy to come and visit you. "

"You don't have to go to so much trouble. You can decide who can join the group. Alas, everyone is a fellow traveler on the road of magic. We should support and help each other. There is no need to set any restrictions.

In fact, you should know me. I have never rejected any mage in the past. " Harley said.

Mrs. Xanadu's reputation in the magic circle is indeed very good.

Harley had just come into contact with magic. When she entered the Forgotten Bar for the first time, she met Mrs. Xanadu openly explaining magic knowledge to magic apprentices.

No matter who the other party is, whether the talent is high or low, Mrs. Xanadu will not refuse anyone who comes, and she will answer all questions.

Then she added: "But since the theme of this exchange is divination, it's best to choose those mages who are proficient in divination. After I finish my work for a while, ordinary mages can come to me alone."

Dr. Mist nodded slightly, "Of course, only mages who are proficient in divination can understand your profound theories. Ordinary mages will turn their eyes blank when they come here, which is a waste of time."

In the stomach dimension, Mrs. Xanadu cursed loudly, "Harley, you are really nothing. You just use my identity to stir up troubles in the world and provoke countless causes and effects. Now you want to destroy the reputation and credibility I have accumulated over the past two thousand years. You can't be so shameless." ah!"

"I just made an appointment with friends in the magic circle to exchange divination experiences, why did I ruin your reputation?" Projection Harley said displeased.

"Hmph, if those magicians who are proficient in divination come to you, they will be eaten up by you, leaving nothing behind."

Mrs. Xanadu's tone gradually became excited, "It's okay for you to be evil and shameless, but you are carrying my identity now, and they came here because they trusted me.

After I was deceived by you and robbed of my divination experience and knowledge, my good reputation accumulated over thousands of years was completely destroyed. "

"You think too badly of me. I will exchange my experience with them at equal value. They will definitely come here with pleasure and leave satisfied. Afterwards, I feel more and more inscrutable about you, and I respect you more and trust you more." Harley said.

Mrs. Xanadu said disdainfully: "I know your background very well. Divination is completely based on cheating. How can you have any experience that makes them think it is unfathomable?"

"Hehe, the truth may not be the only thing that makes people feel enigmatic. Just wait and see if I can make them feel that 'Mrs. Xanadu is indeed enigmatic.'" Harley said with a confident smile.

Mrs. Xanadu was stunned, "You want to use deception to make them think that they have obtained the truth, and then they will be satisfied, and be inexplicably grateful to you, thinking that you are inscrutable?"

Zatanna on the side sighed: "Obviously, for Harley, it is easier to deceive them into being convinced than to convince the mages with true knowledge and insights."

"Don't think so wildly, I didn't say anything. It's all your guesses." Harley said.

After Doctor Mist comes Sam Lane.

He had no intention of going up to the second floor to find "Mrs. Xanadu" for divination, and he didn't come here just for divination.

"If Louise wants to interview you, just give her my fortune-telling opportunity." He pointed at Louise holding a voice recorder, smiling a little awkwardly.

"Didn't you just conduct an interview a few days ago?" Harley took out her mobile phone and started a 10-minute countdown, "I'm very busy, you only have ten minutes."

Louise looked around. The quiet room was 30 square meters and very spacious. It not only had windows but was also connected to a small balcony.

“The room is so soundproofed that you have no idea what’s going on outside.

The courtyard outside the hut was crowded with people who had won the lottery but failed to enter the living room.

They were so excited that they shouted in unison, calling your name, asking you to open the door for them and help them divine fortune; they scolded the commander-in-chief and the alien VIPs who walked in the back door, scolded them for jumping in line and cheating.

Their shouts and curses spread outside, arousing the anger of the people on the street.

Some people even want to storm the Lishan Forest, rush into your house, and catch the cheater and beat him up.

In order to quell public outrage, Zhenglian Heroes called me and asked me to come in to investigate the situation.

In fact, it is just for you to show up and say a few words to calm the people down. "

Harley said: "During the morning, didn't the Commander-in-Chief post the news about the 'VIP channel' on his social account? He also opened the window and explained it to the people outside in person?"

"Have you seen the commander's social account?" Louise asked.

Harley shook her head: "The congressman downstairs told me this when he came up to divine fortune. I'm so busy that I haven't even had lunch, so I don't have time to read his tweets online."

Louise said: "His account is full of curses and criticisms, scolding him for using power for personal gain, criticizing him for breaking rules and using his power to oppress others - well, people feel that he is using his power to oppress you and force you to perform divination for them.

The former commander-in-chief Tesla was still fanning the flames. Not only was he ridiculed by the commander-in-chief's tweets, but he also posted more than 120 comments related to the incident on multiple social networking sites, which aroused heightened emotions and resentment among netizens. Heavy.

Riots also broke out in many cities.

Some people just shouted slogans and marched, while others rushed into stores, smashed and looted.

Even several alien stores that had just entered the metropolis were faced with zero-dollar purchases. The alien store clerks had never seen such a battle before. Several of the teenage alien store clerks were so frightened that they cried.

Some of the free-buying gangsters armed with Molotov cocktails and guns stopped the sightseeing buses of alien tourists on the street and set the cars on fire.

If the Zhenglian heroes had not reacted quickly, some alien tourists might have been injured. "

"So exaggerated?" Harry was startled for a moment, then quickly added: "Forget it that the person outside the door was very emotional.

Zero-dollar purchases at alien stores, as well as all kinds of vandalism, smashing and looting, have absolutely nothing to do with me or this matter.

They have long wanted to buy for zero yuan, and sooner or later they will buy for zero yuan.

The 'backdoor divination' that has now become a hot topic is just an excuse for them to vent their emotions. "

“In any case, our country’s zero-dollar shopping behavior has greatly shocked alien merchants and alien media.

They never imagined that such a barbaric and chaotic atrocities would occur in a civilization that had entered interstellar civilization.

The key point is that people all over the world can do fortune-telling, but the only one who is experiencing turmoil is the United States. Other countries rushed to hold press conferences, saying that the actions of the Americans did not represent them at all, let alone the earth.

This time we Americans are in disgrace and disgrace. Louise said helplessly.

Harley sighed: "This is a social incident, and there is nothing I can do about it!

Even if I explain the 'VIP channel' to the people, they will still be chaotic. "

Louise said: "There are many reasons for the unrest. In the wave of interstellarization, the unfair and unbalanced distribution of benefits between different regions, different industries, and different social classes may be the fundamental reason.

But the unfair distribution of divination quotas is definitely a trigger. "

"Ordinary people draw numbers, and alien dignitaries bid at high prices. How can it be unfair?" Harley said.

"This is exactly why I came to you. If you explain your ideas and rules in detail, let the people know that there is no injustice. The unrest in society may be able to calm down quickly." Louise said.

Harry had no choice but to point his fingers and explain what he had said to the Commander-in-Chief and others in the morning, sentence by sentence.

"Look, an advanced civilization has tens of billions of people, and only one quota. On Earth, there are billions of people, and there are dozens of quotas every day. How is this unfair? Only the aliens should shout 'unfair' Woolen cloth."

Louise frowned and said, "If it doesn't affect the normal divination of the lottery players, maybe they won't be so excited."

"The commander-in-chief is here, and he is bringing with him alien guests. Should I drive them away?"

Louise hesitated and said: "You did your divination from morning to afternoon, and it was already dark. As far as I know, you used to do divination for ordinary people, and it took about ten minutes. Why did it take so much time for the powerful to come to divination?"

Part of the reason why people outside are so excited is that they think you are being more serious and unfair when it comes to fortune-telling for the powerful. "

Harry said: "I also want to send the commander out as soon as possible, one every ten minutes.

However, divination requires a lot of time and energy.

I must look at it carefully and analyze it carefully in order to find the "path to the future" that maximizes the realization of the soothsayer's dream.

People on Earth, including the Grand Commander, only divine personal destiny, and the fate line is relatively simple.

Those alien dignitaries represent the entire advanced civilization. Each divination project is very grand and can often affect the rise and fall of a civilized empire. Of course, it consumes more time and attention.

For example, Prince Austin of Komodo, for his one goal, it took me nearly two hours, but the Speaker only took eight minutes.

If you don’t believe it, you can go downstairs and interview them. "

"Well, Mrs. Xanadu didn't lie. It was indeed the alien dignitaries who consumed more time." General Lane saw it with his own eyes and had already been doubtful. Now he showed a look of surprise.

Louise realized something, "It turns out that divination has different goals and consumes different time and energy. If you think about it carefully, it makes sense!"

Then she asked curiously: "What grand projects are the alien dignitaries divining? Is it enough to affect the rise and fall of the alien empire?"

Harley glanced at her sideways and said calmly: "I dare to tell you state secrets involving advanced alien civilizations, but do you dare to listen?"

If someone else heard this, he would probably be stunned for a moment, regain his composure, and change the subject with a smile.

Louise, however, was still full of excitement and said without hesitation: "What is there to be afraid of? You tell me."

This time it was Harley's turn to be stunned for a moment.

Then she realized that this was a fierce man who even dared to report the news about Darkseid's bed. He was a mere advanced civilization, so he was just a ball!

"You dare to report, my professional ethics will not allow client information to be leaked." Harley shook her head.

"I'm not stupid. Of course I won't report it. I'm just curious."

Louise rolled her eyes and added: "I'm mainly curious about your limits, to see if you can still be able to 'determine life or death with one word' when facing the grand alien goals."

Harley knew that she was irritating herself with her words, but she still couldn't help the urge to show off, and sneered proudly: "You can just keep an eye on the news about the Komodo Empire, and it won't be long before the artifact 'The Golden Compass' is revealed. Big news about the birth.”

"The Komodo people asked you to divine the whereabouts of the Golden Compass? What kind of artifact is that that can affect the rise and fall of a highly civilized country?" Louise asked curiously.

Harley was about to wave her away when a rush of running sounds suddenly came from outside the quiet room, and then she heard the Speaker shouting: "Mrs. Xanadu, someone is looking for you! It's a representative sent by the Galaxy Magic Ball, for Star Mu’s business.”

Louise sighed: "Your accurate prediction of the winning numbers must have shocked them, and they couldn't sit still. I came to you this time, most likely because I hope to reach an agreement with you, so that you will no longer predict their homes for others. magic ball number."

Harley shook her head, stood up and said, "They must have this idea, but on the surface it is for other things."

The representative sent by the Galaxy Magic Ball Gambling Company is a Rann man with the same appearance as the white people on Earth.

He squeezed all the way from the No. 1 Avenue in the World to the door of Xanadu's hut, defeating the boss. At this time, he was sweating profusely, his hair was messy, his clothes were disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Hello, Mrs. Xanadu, I am the legal advisor of the Galaxy Magic Ball, Yesa Luke from Lann.

Before Mr. Stam was killed, he declared in front of his lawyers that he would give you 1% of the winnings in return for your free fortune-telling for him.

I came to you this time just to let you know about this matter, and I am willing to provide you with legal proof on any occasion.

Although Mr. Stam was murdered and the cash in his hand was robbed, we have determined the identity of the murderer, who is the "Cosmic Didi Driver" from Earth. I believe you will catch them sooner or later. "

"One percent of 1.5 trillion, more than 10 billion Rann coins! Stam is so generous." In the living room, a congressman exclaimed in a low voice.

"Do you think Mrs. Xanadu cares about tens of billions of ranns? As long as she is willing, the Galaxy Magic Ball is her cash machine." Some congressmen disagreed.

The man from Lan En in the Magic Ball Company could understand English, and his red face, which was originally sweating, turned a bit darker.

"Mr. Stam had a premonition that he might encounter misfortune, so he asked a lawyer to arrange a will in advance?" Louise asked in surprise.

Luke shook his head and said: "He was very excited at the time, with a smile on his face. He had no premonition of death at all."

Having said this, he paused, looked at Harley and asked: "When you were doing divination for him before, did you remind him to make a will in advance to guard against possible misfortunes?"

"A divination can only peek into one possible future, that is, the divination target is unique and accurate. His divination target is very clear, which is the winning number of the next issue of the Galaxy Magic Ball, not good or bad luck."

Harry turned his head and glanced at the Commander-in-Chief, "Just like the Commander-in-Chief's son Henry, he originally came to me for divination——"

"Ahem, Madam Xanadu, please keep it a secret for me!" the commander hurriedly interrupted her.

Harry said calmly: "You never have to doubt my professional ethics. What I want to say is that Henry's goal of asking me for divination at first was not good or bad luck. Once I was sure that he was in disaster and that he would not die soon, he gave up. The goal of divination is to predict death and calamity."

The commander breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Yes, it is indeed the case. A divination can only have one clear goal. The clearer and more detailed the goal, the better the effect."

After a pause, he hesitated and said: "When you divined Jack Knox, you gave him a warning of 'unknown purple hair'. Didn't Stam have any warning?"

"What is a purple-haired warning?" The aliens and congressmen's eyes lit up, and they all looked at Harley.

Harley said with a dull face: "I did not leak the prophecy information of Jack Knox."

Everyone shifted their targets and looked at the commander in unison.

"Well, I" The Commander-in-Chief was embarrassed and embarrassed, and finally pointed at Dr. Mist, "You ask him, he told me."

Dr. Mist's dark face became even darker, and he said coldly: "I am a magic agent of the Sky Eye Society. The Commander-in-Chief forced me to use black magic to summon the undead Jack who fell into hell, and to extract the divination information from its mouth."

"I bought it!"

The Earth Councilor was shouting, and even Lois Lane deliberately looked shocked.

The aliens were also shouting, calling their respective "Omaika" in alien language, looking at the commander with shock in their eyes.

The commander was angry, "Mi Wu, don't talk nonsense. When did I force you? You were full of excitement, gearing up, and eager to try. You are an evil black magician."

Dr. Mist sneered: "No matter how much you blame the blame, you can't deny that the summoning of the undead happened in the White House of the United States! I am just an agent. Without your order, can I summon the undead in the White House?"

Harley said seriously: "Commander, this is your fault. The White House is the place where the national destiny of the United States is condensed. If you engage in black magic and summon the undead inside, it will inevitably greatly damage the feng shui of the White House."

In the dimension of the stomach bag, Madam Xanadu tilted her head and sighed to Xiao Zha: "Harry is so shameless. He takes advantage of every opportunity and never misses any opportunity to throw away the blame."

Zatanna nodded repeatedly.

In the living room, General Lane suddenly thought of the many accidents that had happened in the White House recently, and he was shocked and asked: "What will happen if Feng Shui is destroyed?

Strange things often happen in the White House these days. No one is killed, but people are accidentally injured or sick one after another. "

"Alas, as powerful as Harley, she will also enter a special 'Black Magic Meditation Room' when she performs black magic, in order to avoid the unknown and misfortune from befalling Quinn Manor.

She's certainly not afraid, but ordinary people will be affected. "Mrs. Xanadu" sighed.

"Is that so?" The commander looked at Dr. Mist with panic eyes.

Dr. Mist frowned, "Black magic definitely represents the unknown. Feng shui is different from divination. It is an Eastern magic. I don't understand it very well.

But there is no meditation room in the White House, so you are impatient and eager to try, asking me to summon the undead in your office immediately. "

"Fake, you still dare to slander me." The commander was furious.

"No one is a fool. The fact that I, an agent, can summon the undead in the President's Office says it all." Dr. Mist pointed at the celebrities, congressmen and alien VIPs around him, "Look at their expressions and eyes, who among them will believe you?" What nonsense?"

The commander subconsciously raised his head and glanced over.

They immediately lowered their eyes, restrained their expressions, and forced an awkward smile that was not rude.

"Ahem, I believe that all of us here are our own people and will not leak this boring matter." The speaker smoothed things over.

"What is the purple-haired warning?" the alien emperor uncle asked.

The commander looked at Waller and Dr. Mist.

Dr. Mist had a sneer on his face and said nothing.

Waller sighed secretly and said expressionlessly: "What the alien thugs said is true. Madam Xanadu once warned Jack not to mess with the purple-haired noblewoman."

"As expected of Mrs. Xanadu, she is so amazing!" The joy on the face of the alien VIP was far greater than the surprise.

They had all seen the video of Jack exploding his anus and died, and they had also heard the words of the alien thugs.

Even now that they knew about the "Purple Hair Warning", they were even more surprised by Madam Xanadu's plan.

Since she is so strong, the divination she gave them must be accurate.

Luke, the representative of the Galaxy Magic Ball, asked in an urgent tone: "President Zetas, did you later order the black magician to summon Mr. Stam's undead? Is there a similar 'purple hair warning' in his prophecy?" "

The Commander-in-Chief said with a dark face: "I have never ordered any black magician to summon anyone's undead. I only received Jack Knox's uncles at that time, and it was they who joined forces with Dr. Mist to defile the White House."

Luke said helplessly: "Okay, assuming it was the black magicians who made their own decisions, have they ever summoned Mr. Stam's undead?"

"Ask the black magician." The commander said dullly.

Luke looked at Dr. Mist.

Dr. Mist's expression was cold and his eyes were cold.

Luke opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask directly.

Louise said: "Mr. Luke, you are just here to announce Stam's will. Why do you care about his prophecy?"

"Strictly speaking, it is not a will." Luke explained: "The Galaxy Magic Ball has opened lottery stations on many civilized planets, and the people who buy lottery tickets may come from any civilization in the universe.

The laws regarding lottery winnings are different in every civilized country.

Therefore, our company will provide professional lawyers to help customers solve tax problems.

At that time, Mr. Stam had already handed over 300 billion in taxes to the Rann Tax Department——"

"I bought it, and you paid 300 billion in taxes alone? It's too exaggerated, the Lann people are too greedy." The earth guys exclaimed.

Luke from Rann said displeased: "As far as I know, after you win the lottery on Earth, you also need to pay personal income tax, and the rate is no lower than ours."

"Kestam is not from Lann." A member of parliament said.

"So he paid 5% more tax." Luke said matter-of-factly.

Louise waved her hand and said: "The laws of different civilizations are also different, there is no need to argue. Mr. Luke, you continue."

"You should know that Stam has companions with him, and he cooperated with others to purchase lottery tickets." Luke asked.

"I know, it's the 'Universal Didi Driver' who murdered him." Louise said.

Luke shook his head and said: "There is only one new human dark god who cooperates with him, named Stephen Lucas, but there are three people who murdered Mr. Stam, at least three.

Of course, they are all people from your earth, and they are the ‘cosmic Didi drivers’. "

"You are wrong, they are actually Apokolips people, people from Apokolips who are descended from Earth." Louise corrected.

"Staim and Stephen had an agreement before buying the Magic Ball. If they won the prize, both parties would share the prize equally. After paying the Rann tax, Stam told Stephen that he must return to Earth, pay the Earth tax, and take the Give 1% to Mrs. Xanadu, and finally they can share the remaining money equally.

Stephen disagreed and demanded that the winnings be divided equally, and then Stam would take the remaining money back to Earth to pay taxes and give as much as he wanted to Madam Xanadu.

The two couldn't argue, so they approached our company's lawyer.

The lawyer agreed with Stam's words, because they had agreed before buying the lottery tickets that no matter how much they won, they would give 1% to repay Mrs. Shangdu. Stephen also agreed at the time and could not go back on it.

Of course, lawyers only give suggestions and have no enforcement power. "

Louise thought thoughtfully, "Stam did not make a formal will. The lawyer just happened to witness his will and can be a witness for the division of the estate."

"Yes, that's it." Luke said.

The Speaker sighed with emotion: "It is worthy of being a highly civilized gambling company. Just for a trivial matter that has nothing to do with you, it actually traveled thousands of light years to find the person involved in person in the first place. This professionalism is really admirable."

Several congressmen nodded repeatedly with admiration in their mouths.

Even Louise and General Lane showed admiration.

The alien VIP had a strange expression and hesitated to speak.

Finally, the alien emperor couldn't help but said: "Galaxy Magic Ball has never behaved like this before.

In fact they have a bad reputation.

If a winning customer dies unexpectedly before receiving the prize, they will never take the initiative to hand over the winnings to his relatives.

Even if relatives come to visit, they will find various reasons to refuse. If they cannot refuse, they will use complicated rules to find various reasons to deduct money. "

As he started, the other alien guests agreed.

"Yes, the Galaxy Magic Ball is similar to your Las Vegas casino in the United States. Don't think of them as good people.

"They just used an excuse to get close to Madam Xanadu. I dare say that they are now scared to death by Madam Xanadu's accurate prediction."

"I don't believe it. Stam doesn't have any relatives or friends. Why not go to them first instead of Mrs. .”

Louise was a little embarrassed and blamed herself. She just believed the lie about Galaxy Magic Ball's high professional quality.

Could it be that she is also a bit fond of foreigners subconsciously?

"Mr. Luke, you actually used the will to come to see Madam Xanadu? Don't lie, Madam Xanadu is right in front of you. If you have anything to say, you can tell her now." She said solemnly.

Luke's expression changed several times. He glanced at Harley first, hesitated for a moment and then turned to Dr. Mist and the Commander-in-Chief. He scratched the back of his head and a shy smile appeared on his face, "The reason why I pay attention to Mr. Stam's purple hair is Unknown 'warning, mainly because this matter is very important to our company.

If Mr. Stamm had been warned about something like "Purple Hair," we would have publicized it so much that it would frighten and stop anyone thinking of relying on divination to buy lottery tickets.

President Zetas, you must have summoned Mr. Stam’s soul and confirmed the existence of the ‘Ominous Warning’, right? "

Before the two of them could speak, he quickly added: "If you are willing to cooperate with our company in shooting a promotional video, Galaxy Magic Ball is willing to pay you a salary of no less than 500 billion Lann coins."

"Hiss~~" There was a sound of gasping in the living room.

The commander struggled for a moment, and lamented with regret on his face: "We have never summoned Stam's undead!"

Luke took a few steps forward, held his hand, winked at him, and said: "Just admit it, everyone already knows that you summoned the ghost of Jack Knox in the White House.

Multiple Stams don't change the nature of the scandal. "

"You think I don't want to admit it?" The commander glanced at Harry from the corner of his eye.

It really can’t be done!

"Mrs. Xanadu is right here. Who knows better than her if there is an 'unknown warning'?" he whispered.

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