I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1786 The Gear of Destiny

"Can you buy 'fate' with money? You are a magician. Even if you are not interested in money, what about magic props, magic materials, or even relics from other magicians or gods and demons?" asked the blue-faced alien with four arms.

Harry raised his eyebrows and said, "You Komodo people are so direct. You bribed me outright in public, which made me a little embarrassed."

The blue-faced alien turned his head to look at the Commander-in-Chief and said: "We Komodos are actually very reserved, but Commander-in-Chief Zetas said that Americans are very generous. Even if they bribe people through the back door, they are straightforward and unobtrusive. "

The commander-in-chief blushed and grunted: "Americans are very generous, but you have to look at the situation."

"what's the situation?"

"Looking at Mrs. Du's face and the reaction of everyone present, you see -" the commander raised his hand and pointed at the Internet celebrity mage with 20 million fans, "the gypsy wizard's eyes are contemptuous and his face is full of disdain. In this case , who has the nerve to accept your bribe?"

The gypsy wizard looked at Harley and hurriedly defended: "The contempt in my eyes and the disdain on my face are not directed at you, madam. I am despising aliens."

Seeing the expressions of the blue-faced Komodo and several nearby distinguished guests change, the Speaker reminded him in a low voice: "Dear guests, the Gypsy wizard looks like a South American from Earth, but he is actually from the other world of Limbo. The alien, his words and deeds, completely cannot represent the United States and the earth."

"Stop arguing!" Harley waved her hands impatiently, "If the identity of the 'destined person' can be purchased, what is fate?"

"Madam, please help us, please!" The speaker and members kneeling on the ground begged again.

"Oh, I hate to see this kind of scene the most." Harley stretched out her hand to touch her forehead, as if she couldn't bear to look directly, covering her eyes and half of her face with her palm.

"Okay, stop screaming, I'll give you a chance." She said helplessly.

The speaker and members immediately stopped howling, opened their mouths, and were stunned, unable to believe that the opportunity came so easily.

They haven't used their special skills yet, they haven't shed their noses and tears together, they haven't hugged her feet, and they haven't rubbed their noses and tears on her legs!

The people around him also had shocked expressions. They never expected that kneeling down and wailing could have such a good effect.

"Madam, what did you say?" the speaker asked tentatively with a trembling voice.

"I'll give you a chance to divine. Get up. We are all adults, and you all still have the dignity to do so. You kneel in front of me with no regard for your dignity. I -"

"Plop, plop, plop!"

Before Harry finished speaking, the Speaker and several members did not get up from the ground, and the sound of knees hitting the ground was heard again in the living room.

Not as neat as before, but with a continuous momentum.

Some of the alien VIPs were straightforward, some were hesitant, and after hesitating again and again, they gritted their teeth and knelt down.

"Pfft!" In the end, even the Gypsy wizard gritted his teeth, knelt on the ground hard, and howled: "Mrs. Xanadu, please have mercy, please give me a chance!"

By this time, everyone was kneeling except for the Grand Commander, Sam Lane, and the two agents of the Sky Eye Society.

The Speaker and MPs who originally planned to get up from the ground felt as if their knees were stuck on the floor with cement and they were determined not to move any more.

"William, what are you doing?" Dr. Mist whispered and shouted loudly.

"I have been stuck in the Archmage realm for a hundred years, and my life is about to end. I need to find an opportunity to break through as soon as possible.

Moreover, Mrs. Xanadu’s divination skills are incredibly powerful. As a mage, aren’t you curious?

Anyway, I am also a fortune teller. I am itching and thirsty for it.

Some people can say, "I will die if I hear the truth in the morning and die in the evening." But now they just kneel down and beg, which is nothing compared to death. "

At first, the gypsy wizard's tone was full of helplessness and embarrassment, but in the end he gradually became more eloquent, as if truth and reason were on his side.

"You are the Archmage, and Mrs. Xanadu is only the Grand Master. Do you want to lose your dignity as a mage?"

To be honest, Dr. Mist is also very itchy and wants to ask Mrs. Shangdu for her magical divination skills.

If possible, it would be better to experience it in person.

But he will never kneel down to anyone unless the other person is far stronger than him and plans to kill him.

"Dignity is precious, and seeking knowledge is even more valuable. If it's for the sake of life, both can be put aside first. When I leave Madam Xanadu's apartment, when I break through to the master realm, I have enough time and strong enough strength to regain my strength. Pick them up little by little," said the gypsy wizard.

Dr. Mist was speechless.

He turned his head to look at his immediate boss.

Very good, there was no expression on Wallerhei's face, and his eyes were calm with some indifference.

Not to mention excited and eager to try, she didn't even show any hesitation.

He felt somewhat comforted in his heart. If she knelt down, he would not kneel down, but he would be embarrassed.

"What are you doing? I have already agreed, why do you still kneel down?" Harley shouted in surprise.

"What?" Both those kneeling on the ground and those still standing proudly straightened were stunned.

The Gypsy wizard was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "You didn't just give the kneeling person a chance, but gave everyone a chance?"

"Aren't you in the same group?" Harley said.

After a pause, she sighed again: "I can't bear to see a good man lose his dignity and kneel down and cry in front of me. If I only give the kneeling Speaker and others a chance, will you kneel down and cry too when you see him? ?

Doesn't this go against my original intention of not wanting to see others kneeling down and crying?

Obviously I don't want others to be disrespectful in front of me, but in the end, you kneel down before I give you a divination. "

That makes sense!

They all felt that her words were too logical and reasonable, and they felt even more regretful.

The speaker who knelt down earlier regretted why he abandoned his dignity and knelt down without shame in the first wave? Wouldn't it be better to wait for others to kneel down and pick up what's already available?

The alien VIP and the gypsy wizard kneeling behind him also regretted why they were so impatient and so stupid that they didn't even understand what Lady Xanadu said.

Even the few people standing were not entirely happy.

Doctor Mist has a little surprise. Does he also have a chance?

The Commander-in-Chief felt sour in his heart. Before, he was the only one in the group who had a divination quota. Thinking of this, he felt a sense of superiority and ecstasy. Now everyone has a quota, and the way for them to get the quota is so simple. , so easily able to be on an equal footing with him, the quota in his hand has become somewhat devalued.

Waller has no needs, so he has no additional emotions or expressions.

"If the future commander-in-chief continues to lead people to find you through the back door, knowing that you don't want to see others begging miserably, and deliberately kneels down and howls, will you agree?" Ryan asked.

"Sam Lane, what do you mean?" The commander was stunned for a moment before reacting. Lane had already predicted his thoughts and wanted to cut off his retreat in advance!

Now that he knows Mrs. Xanadu's "fatal weakness", he will definitely continue to bring people to kneel down and beg her in the future.

Those who can be brought here must be either rich or noble. Everyone has connections and favors!

Now that Ryan has been revealed, what will Madam Xanadu think and do?

Harry looked troubled, "Can you swear that what happened here today will never be revealed to anyone?"

Everyone looked hesitant and their eyes flickered.

If you swear to ordinary people, they will definitely raise their hands without hesitation.

But Madam Xanadu might be able to make the oath come true.

"Even if everyone swears, the news that you used the back door for everyone will still get out." General Lane took out his mobile phone, pointed at the screen and said: "The news that the commander secretly led people to jump in the queue and planned to use the back door has been on the hot search list. First, even alien civilizations quoted related news.

Unless none of them succeed in divination today, the entire universe will know that the back door is possible. "

"General Lane, don't be alarmist or talk nonsense." Everyone was shocked and angry, almost shouting in unison.

Sam Lane didn't want to cause public outrage, and didn't even bother to get involved in the matter.

He is very willing to let him leave now. It is best not to trouble him again in the future and let him be the guide.

However, "Madam Xanadu" secretly sent a message to him and taught him to say this

If Madam Xanadu was really Madam Xanadu, he would still have a hesitant expression on his face and at least glance at and ask Madam Xanadu.

But he has already guessed the true identity of "Mrs. Xanadu".

Now there is almost no hesitation, and there is no change in his expression. She tells him what to say, and he says it immediately.

"I'm telling the truth, and don't be angry with me. The problems I can discover will sooner or later be discovered by Madam Xanadu.

In fact, as long as one of you walks out, you may not have to go out. Once we stay in the house for more than half an hour, people outside will be sure that Mrs. Xanadu has taken the back door for you. "

These words came to General Lane's own mind. He didn't want to fall into the situation that everyone was pointing out, and "Mrs. Xanadu" had no intention of speaking for him, so he could only work hard to save himself.

Harley just sat there, her expression changing constantly according to their words: she suddenly realized after being reminded, then frowned and thought about how to deal with it, and finally had a flash of inspiration and no longer frowned.

"In this case, we can only normalize and regulate 'going through the back door.'" She sighed.

"What does normalization mean? From now on, you can just go through the back door?" Everyone asked hurriedly.

Harry said: "Only a small number of powerful people or people with special status can use the back door.

There is no fixed quota for those who use the back door, but it cannot delay the divination of the normal lottery players.

In other words, from now on, those who use the back door will no longer be able to jump in line like you.

Even if you get a spot through the back door, you still have to wait for me to close down and wait for today's lottery to end. "

"How do you calculate the quota for the back door? How do you calculate the number?" asked an alien VIP.

"First of all, the people who use the back door are mainly aliens. After all, I can't tell everyone directly, 'I broke my promise to get fat, and I will use the back door for some people,' because I want to lose face!"

Harley emphasized first, and then continued: "I will publicize to the outside world that the previous lottery divination was specially prepared for people on earth. Now many alien VIPs have come to the earth and are also eager to get the opportunity of divination. For the sake of fairness and justice, I specially An 'alien VIP channel' has been set up."

"Alien netizens can also register for the puppy video forum and get a chance to win." The leader reminded.

Harley said: "I will lower the chances of winning the lottery for alien netizens to ensure that their total number does not exceed that of earthlings.

Since it is called 'Alien VIP', it naturally locks in the identity of the person who used the back door, and he must be rich and powerful.

But ordinary aliens also have needs, so we continue to keep their chance of lottery. "

"Besides being rich and powerful, what else do you want?" the alien VIP asked.

"The more money you have, the higher the chance of getting a place. In addition to money, precious magic artifacts, magic materials, magic books, and ancient relics are even better. If you can make my heart beat, I will definitely get a place.

And the number is not limited, the more the better, the more you give me, the more places I will give you. " Hallie said frankly and bluntly.

Looking at her fair and fair face without any blush, and her wide-open eyes full of frankness, everyone was in a daze for a moment.

Wasn't she the one who had previously accused Emperor Komodo of being too direct and causing her great embarrassment?

Well, thinking back carefully, she said she was embarrassed at that time, but actually there was no embarrassment at all on her face.


"I'm an American. Americans are straightforward and straightforward. Say whatever you want," Harley said.

"But the generosity of Americans depends on the situation. You were very embarrassed at the time." The expression on his face was very confused and serious, and he was not deliberately causing trouble.

Harry sighed: "When we first met, you didn't say a word and you directly wanted to bribe me with money. Of course I was embarrassed.

Now you are all kneeling down and wailing, having experienced even more embarrassing and embarrassing situations.

Compared to you, I have nothing to be embarrassed about. "

They were extremely embarrassed.

"And we are familiar with each other. We are already friends. If you have anything to say, you can speak frankly." The commander said with a smile.

The alien emperor hesitated for a while and asked: "How much money do I have to give you to get a place? If you give someone a fortune once, you can win 1.5 trillion Lann coins."

Harry waved his hand and said: "It's up to you, I don't ask for it. No matter how much money you give me, I won't take any of it, and the entire original amount will be returned to your civilization.

Well, how much money you give me, I will donate to your civilized charity fund.

If you are a higher civilization and there are no more poor people in the country, then donate it to your affiliated civilization, or in the name of your civilization, donate it to the Galaxy Poverty Alleviation and Disaster Relief Fund. "

With a look of pain in their eyes, as if all the money they were about to donate in the future belonged to them, the congressmen shouted one after another: "Mrs. Xanadu, you are so great and noble!"

The alien emperor hesitated again and again, but couldn't help but ask: "Will you donate the magic artifacts and magic materials, or will you use them yourself?"

As soon as he said this, everyone stared at him with reproachful eyes: He is so ignorant of current affairs! Mrs. Xanadu has already donated all her financial gains. Do you want her to work day and night but get nothing?

A person who can be the uncle of an alien emperor will definitely not be really uninterested.

Faced with everyone's reaction, he had something to say, "If Mrs. Xanadu herself needs magical objects, it will definitely be easier for the person who offers the magical objects to get a spot.

Everyone wants to get a spot in the alien passage, so they can only work hard to search for magical objects, and donating money is completely meaningless. "

Everyone was startled, with thoughtful expressions on their faces, and their gazes glaring at the alien uncle also quietly shifted to Harley.

Harry said: "I will not keep the magic items for my own use. They will all be given to Admiral Galaxy as compensation for the negative impact of the divination incident on Lishan.

You have all seen what is happening outside the house. The flowers, plants and trees along the forest path have been trampled and destroyed.

The road is crowded and noisy day and night, and Quinn Manor is right next to it.

In addition, the ‘VIP channel for alien dignitaries’ cannot go the same way as the lottery operator.

The forest trail cannot be walked, and cutting in line cannot happen again. We can only open a new path.

Those magical objects were barely compensation for disturbing the normal life of the Galaxy Admiral. I hope she can agree to find another way in the forest. "

"That makes sense. Admiral Galaxy should indeed be compensated." Everyone nodded in agreement, with no reluctance at all.

After buying off General Galaxy, you no longer have to worry about walking in the forest at night, fearing that your life will be in danger if you make a wrong step. You know, Lishan is recognized by the magic world as the first forbidden place in the multiverse!

When passing through someone else's territory, it's natural to leave some money to pay for the trip.

General Lane's expression was a little distorted, and he became more and more certain that the "Mrs. Xanadu" in front of him was a fake!

Harley has no shortage of magic items, but mosquitoes scratching the flesh on her legs is exactly her style.

"How do you specifically obtain a quota through donation? Just like in an auction, do you hold up a sign and bid directly?" The alien emperor asked again.

Harry shook his head and said: "No, I don't do divination for the purpose of making money, so I don't need to be so philistine.

I will assume in advance that each advanced civilization has a quota. If the candidates are from the same advanced civilization, they will compete with each other for a quota.

You can even secretly discuss who will participate in the competition to keep the bidding amount as low as possible. "

Even General Lane was shocked. Did she really not think about earning any benefits from divination?

"Do you allow this behavior of deliberately lowering prices?" The alien emperor said in disbelief.

"Well, the money doesn't fall into my pocket, why should I care? The reason why we came up with an auction model is just to convince everyone through fairness and justice.

Fairness and justice are not the goal; being convinced and having no complaints is the fundamental goal.

If your prestige is high enough and you don't engage in bidding, you can directly appoint a fortune teller. "

The alien VIP really admired her.

"Although there are less than five second-level advanced civilizations in the Milky Way, there are countless river systems and countless advanced civilizations in the entire universe. Can you predict it?" asked an alien VIP.

"The number of advanced civilizations is infinite, but the number of people who come to me for divination is limited. For example, this time, only a few of you came through the back door." Harley said.

"If word spreads, more people will come."

"In order, first come first, first come first, then wait in line." Harry said.

"So, an advanced civilization almost only has one chance?" The alien guys frowned.

There are countless civilizations in the universe, and it would take countless years to cycle through them all. It is impossible for Mrs. Xanadu to continue divination for hundreds of millions of years.

Harley sighed: "I do divination for everyone so that everyone will no longer be superstitious about divination!

I believe that as more and more people experience the uncertainty of divination and the possible backlash of fate, everyone will become scientific and rational again.

By then my little house will be deserted.

Lottery divination and bidding divination have all disappeared and become history. "

The alien emperor said in a deep voice: "With all due respect, that situation is almost impossible to happen.

Your divination skills dominate the world, and you possess the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. You can judge life and death with just one word, and you can change destiny with just one word.

The weakness of human nature is destined to always be deceived.

Your divination is not a pie in the sky. Even if there is a backlash, it will only be after you have gained huge benefits.

I believe that the client who encounters a backlash from fate will not regret asking you for divination, they will only regret that they were not careful enough. "

Harry waved his hand and said, "It's useless what I say now. You will understand after you experience it yourself."

——Humph, it is very difficult to change your destiny in a great direction, and the failure rate is very high; but if you deliberately make you gain nothing but be miserable and unlucky, it is easy and 100% successful.

When she achieves her goal and causes several big tragedies, she will definitely scare these people away from divination.

Harley is confident.

"Do you still have any questions? If you have no doubts, let's start the divination. Today is a special exception. You are allowed to jump in line. Next time, you can only use the VIP channel at night."

The commander said: "Can only higher civilizations get quotas? There are countless civilizations in the galaxy, and there are less than five that can be truly regarded as advanced civilizations, but we still have many friends who are not advanced civilizations!"

"If the civilization level is low, just two or three civilizations can make up one quota."

The divination was conducted in the quiet room on the second floor, and the chief was the first in line.

"If you want to ask about Henry, I don't know. Divination requires the person to be present. This is common sense." Before he spoke, Harley said first.

"Henry hasn't woken up yet, so I just want to ask if his death has passed." The commander said.

"As long as he is still lying in the hospital, it should be difficult for him to die accidentally. When he leaves the hospital, it will be when he recovers. Then you can bring him here, or let him come here by himself." Harley said.

"What about me?" The commander pointed at himself again, "Do I have a divination quota?"

"You have it," Harley said.

"Then you can predict for me the results of the election at the end of the year and see if I can be re-elected." The commander said anxiously.

Harley immediately said: "No."

The commander-in-chief was surprised and asked: "You didn't even touch the crystal ball, and you did divination?"

"Hey, where is the need for divination? Don't you know your public support rate?"

The commander's face changed several times and he whispered: "Popular support rate doesn't mean anything."

Harley said in surprise: "Public support determines the number of your respective votes. What else can't be explained?"

The commander-in-chief said in an unpredictable tone: "Last time, my support rate was not as good as Tesla's, but I got more votes than him."

Harley understood and said with a dull face: "In that case, what else do you want from me?"

“I want to be more on the safe side, what if I’m going to be re-elected?”

"I do not provide this service. I will not participate or interfere in matters involving American politics."

Seeing what he wanted to say, she said first: "Although I can't help you predict how to defeat your competitors, I can reveal to you the news that your old rival Apo Tesla will also use the VIP channel in the future.

He will also ask the same question as you, and I will not answer him either. "

"He is not an alien VIP and is not qualified to enter the VIP channel." The commander said with an ugly face.

"There is a quota for one earthling in the VIP channel every day. Otherwise, even you and Henry wouldn't be able to come to me. Or do you want to lottery?"

Of course the commander-in-chief didn’t want to draw numbers. If Tesla hadn’t been involved, he would have thought her rule was very good, very good!

"Tesla, a retired commander, can't be considered a powerful person, right?" he finally struggled.

"If you calculate carefully, how many outgoing commanders are still alive in the world today?" Harley reminded.

"This" the commander was stunned.

It’s not that I didn’t know, but I was shocked to find that there are only two outgoing commanders alive now.

One is the leader of the caravan who works as the "Stink Man" in Metropolis, and the other is his predecessor, Apollo Tesla.

In his early years, the caravan leader received the divine power of dollar bills as a gift from Harley - the power of copper odor, which can transform dollar bills into money odor that is unbearable for life. Most super villains would rather fight Superman than face him.

The remaining former commanders and deputy commanders, except for a few who died of natural old age, have all suffered misfortune in recent years.

Especially the "Luther Flu", which wiped out hundreds of American dignitaries in one fell swoop.

They did not end well after their death. As soon as they were reincarnated, their relatives in this life discovered that they were abnormal, and they were eventually sacrificed to blood.

After the commander-in-chief left sadly, the alien uncle got a second chance for divination.

"Our Komodo Empire has an inherited treasure."

The alien emperor's purpose was very clear, and without Harley asking, he took the initiative to use his watch to project a golden disk engraved with runes in front of Harley.

"The Komodo Empire is a bit like the Earth. They both follow the path of combining magic and technology. The first generation ancestor of the royal family is similar to the Galaxy Admiral. Maybe her strength is a little lower than her, but her significance to our civilization is the same as her role on the Earth. great."

Harley stared at the golden "plate", her eyes radiating a faint white light, and a ray of consciousness still sank into the river of time.

"It is the natal artifact of your ancestors. In addition to the powerful power that an artifact should have, it can also help you purify your blood and enhance your extraordinary talents. But it was lost in an interstellar war 300,000 years ago. Do you want me to find it?"

The alien emperor was shocked for a while, then he nodded respectfully and said, "Madam, you are so amazing. You can see through the reality of the 'Golden Compass' with just one glance, and you also understand the purpose of my visit."

Harley was a little embarrassed because she couldn't divine anything in the "Golden Compass".

The information just now was all seen from the alien emperor's uncle's timeline.

"Xanadu, don't sleep, come and help me take a look."

Her mental projection called out Madam Xanadu who was sleeping in the dimension of the stomach bag.

"Aren't you the 'Great Immortal' who can decide life and death with just one word?"

After understanding the specific situation, Mrs. Xanadu immediately laughed at her, but in the end she did not refuse.

"Alas, my level of divination is right there. The fate of ordinary people can be cheated through the timeline, and the flow of fate is relatively simple and easy to observe.

But the Golden Compass involves the national destiny of a higher civilization and has a huge impact.

My crystal ball was hazy, I couldn't see anything clearly, and I couldn't find the key timeline. "Harry said helplessly.

She could look at the alien emperor's uncle's timeline, but he had never touched the Golden Compass and had no clues about the future timeline.

"How's it going, ma'am?"

Half an hour had passed, and "Mrs.

The alien emperor uncle was not impatient, but just a little worried.

"You haven't finished it yet?" In the stomach bag dimension, Harley was also urging.

"It's too blurry to see clearly." Madam Xanadu's forehead was sweating, and her tone was weak.

"So you can't do it either." Harry's thoughts became clearer, he felt happy, and then he laughed happily.

Madam Xanadu glared at her, "With just a name, no one can predict its location, not even the God of Destiny! I need more information."

"The Golden Compass is related to the fate of your family. It has such great influence and wide-ranging implications. It is difficult to predict with just one name, not even the God of Destiny." In the quiet room, Harley sighed helplessly.

"Ah, what should we do?" The alien emperor's uncle was anxious.

"Don't panic, I will immediately use the technique of astral projection to leave my body and go to the Komodo Empire in person to meet your nephew, the Great Emperor." Harley said solemnly.

The alien uncle frowned and said: "Astral projection is too dangerous, the palace has a magic circle set up by a magic master.

Why not go to Komodo with me in person? We will receive you with the most solemn etiquette. "

"I don't have time. You wait at the door and don't let anyone disturb me. I'm just watching from a distance. There's no need to force my way into the palace." Harry pointed at the door.

After the alien emperor's uncle hesitated and left, Harley arrived at Komodo Prime in a swish.

In a teleport, she came to the side of the four-armed, blue-skinned Emperor Komodo.

The emperor is young, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, wearing a brainwave helmet, immersed in the Internet, playing Star Wars games with others.

"Hey, this guy." Harley spat out Mrs. Xanadu, pointed at the young emperor who was addicted to the game, and said with twinkling eyes: "He seems to have the halo of the protagonist. Am I wrong, or does he really have destiny?"

Mrs. Xanadu held the crystal ball in both hands, her eyes kept rolling white, and her body was twitching slightly.

After a while, her face became paler and her breath became weaker.

"It seems that he will be able to find the Golden Compass by himself in the future without our help."

"What did you see?" Harley asked.

"I saw a middle-aged man standing proudly, looking around, holding a golden compass surrounded by powerful magic power in his left hand. Countless people knelt down to him. He should be the little emperor decades later."

There was a sourness in Harry's tone that could not be concealed, "It's too detailed. Are you sure you're not dazzled?"

Xiandu caught a glimpse of the envy on her face, and the joy in her heart was like the Yellow River overflowing out of control.

Her face became less pale and her anger became stronger. "I can even predict cosmic crises. What does it mean to be a mere advanced civilization?"

Harley was very unhappy, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and swooped out of Teenager's playroom.

She did not leave immediately, but floated over the imperial capital, activating her Destiny Defense Specialty with all her strength. Her two eyes shot out a hundred-meter-long light silver light, and countless images flashed quickly in the light.

Mrs. Xanadu didn't know why at first. After staring at the hundred-meter light for a while, her expression suddenly changed and she shouted: "You are crazy. You actually pulled the timeline of the entire Komodo Empire into the material world."

"It's just the timeline of the Imperial Planet. The Komodo Empire is huge." Harley's face gradually showed excitement. "Hey, it turns out that the Golden Compass is on the Imperial Planet. The Young Emperor is indeed the protagonist. You can pick it up in online games. To the national artifact!"

"Did you find the golden compass?" Madam Xanadu asked in surprise: "Does anyone on the Imperial City know where the compass is?"

Harley shook her head and said: "People have their destiny, and countries also have their national destiny. Through your few words, I got a glimpse of the national destiny of the Komodo civilization, and then locked the position of the golden compass."

"Can you see the fate of a civilized country?" Mrs. Xanadu was full of doubts. "Even I can only indirectly predict the fate of the country through the fate of some key figures."

Harley said triumphantly: "You don't understand, I am a 'qi gazing technique'!"

"Qi-gazing" is naturally bragging.

The fate of all creatures in the DC universe is in the "Book of Destiny", and there is no way for fortune tellers to wait and see.

However, Harley did use the level 5 destiny defense expertise to indirectly figure out the direction of the national destiny of the Komodo civilization through the fluctuations in the fate of all living beings on the Imperial City.

The process was rough, and she briefly viewed the timeline of all beings on the Imperial Capital Star.

Even with her god-king-level brain, she was almost overwhelmed by the large amount of information.

"Of course, you also have credit. You captured the fate line of the 'Golden Compass' first, and then I could lock it." Harley patted Madam Xanadu on the shoulder and said with emotion: "I just realized that we are actually a golden pair. .”

Madam Xanadu was silent for a moment and asked: "What are you going to do? Telling Uncle Komodo the truth is tantamount to obeying fate and letting fate happen according to the predetermined trajectory.

But the purpose of your divination for others is to subvert fate and stir up the river of fate.

Depriving the Komodo people of the Golden Compass would be a subversion of fate.

To achieve this goal, you should find a timeline of when the Komodo people lost their ancestral treasures based on the information that has been divined. "

Harry was stunned and sighed: "Tell him the truth. He put down his dignity and knelt down to beg for divination. It's so bottomless to deliberately trap people."

"I thought you were eager to stir up the river of destiny and wouldn't miss this great opportunity."

Mrs. Xanadu's face looked much better, and the look she looked at Harley was gentler.

"There are still many opportunities. A large group of people are waiting for me in the living room and outside the door."

Harley's figure flashed back to the quiet room on the second floor of Mrs. Xanadu's cabin.

After the alien emperor came in, he asked impatiently: "Madam, is there any result?"

"Two news, one good news and one great news, which one do you want to hear first?" Harley asked with a smile.

"Well, you can do whatever you want." The alien emperor uncle's face was no longer happy, but he was even more worried.

"The good news is that I have found the whereabouts of the Golden Compass. The great news is that your nephew has a destiny. Even without my divination, he will get the Golden Compass within two years, and then work hard to become Como within 30 years. The greatest emperor in history."

"You, you're not joking?" The alien emperor's eyes widened with disbelief on his face, "Forget about the Golden Compass, but my nephew... he is a bit uneducated."

Several of his brothers also went to the Senate many times to ask the senators to depose their nephew as the emperor.

Because of his strong opposition, he barely managed to retain the throne of his half-brother's son.

Now he has taken it upon himself to come to Earth alone to find Madam Xanadu to divine the golden compass, in order to use the compass to help his nephew consolidate his rule.

But his greatest expectation for his nephew is to be the king of Shoucheng. If he does not lose the throne, he will thank his ancestors and Madam Xanadu.

"Hey, aren't you just addicted to online games? If you don't play games, you can't get the Golden Compass." Harley said.

The alien emperor was shocked again, "Is the compass in the virtual Internet?"

"You have two choices. First, don't ask anything and wait for the destined fate to happen; second, don't ask anything and don't interfere with your nephew's growth." Harley said.

"Well, I understand, just tell me."

Harley used spiritual communication to tell him how to obtain the ancestral artifact.

Ps: There is no plot about Emperor Komodo and the Golden Compass in the original comic. In the comic, Sandman Morpheus suffered a backlash from fate, okay.

This chapter of the original plot of the alien emperor uncle has a lot of content. It does not represent the beginning of Harley's divination, but the end of the divination story, ending with this event.

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