I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1788 From collective ascension to collective fall

"The shameless villain Zetas, the despicable and greedy Zetas, the Zetas who will never be re-elected, the Zetas who deserve to be in prison"

The reason why the Quiet Room is called "Quiet Room" is because it has been scientifically and magically soundproofed.

The living room on the first floor is not a quiet room. The windows are wide open and there is almost no sound insulation.

The leader and his entourage who entered the living room at eight o'clock in the morning had already made the lottery players anxious, restless, and angry. They wanted to rush in and beat the dignitaries to death for using the back door.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was setting in the west and the street lights were beginning to appear. They almost reached the limit of their patience. As a result, they entered Mingji Louise and Galaxy Magic Ball's legal representative one after another. Could it be that they were using the back door again?

They became more and more anxious and angry, but they still did not dare to attack Mrs. Xanadu's cabin. They could only increase their volume and curses, and shouted the name of the culprit.

In their opinion, the highest-ranking commander is the culprit!

It's not wrong for them to think so.

The status of the great commander is not as good as that of the alien dignitaries, but his words are more effective here on Earth.

Today was also his game.

In the quiet room on the second floor before, Harley knew that people were shouting outside, but she didn't hear or worry about it. Now, the sound waves like a tsunami came towards her one after another, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

"You all go, the divination is over and the interview is over. As for Stam's inheritance, when you catch the murderer and recover the winnings, go directly to my lawyer and don't bother me again." Harley waved her hand.

"Goodbye, madam!" Several alien dignitaries looked at each other and bowed before saying goodbye.

The commander-in-chief and several congressmen did not continue to argue.

Harry hadn't eaten yet, so he wouldn't prepare lunch for them. From the early hours of last night until now, they only found a plate of fruit in the living room. They were all sleepy, tired and hungry, and they couldn't hold on any longer.

Louise and Luke from the Magic Ball Company were still unfinished, but Harry was decisive. While speaking, he opened the door and walked to the corridor, ready to call for divination.

As soon as she went out, everyone fell silent and looked at her with eager eyes and excited expressions.

"Don't make any noise in front of my house from now on. Those who haven't won the number are not allowed to enter the front yard, not even the forest path. Those who have won the number will line up honestly after coming in, and don't make random noises.

This is Lishan Forest, and you all know the real owner of the forest.

I'm not afraid of noise, but don't disturb other people! "

"Madam, we don't want to yell, but the Zetas are shameless villains who use power for personal gain, use power to oppress others, and are despicable and nasty——"

The commander couldn't bear it anymore and walked out angrily, "That's nonsense——"

As soon as he interrupted the speaker outside, Harley immediately raised her hand to interrupt him and shouted: "Shut up!"

She looked at the people outside, "What's the point of just shouting? If you really want to protest and fight, go to the metropolis and the White House. If you can overthrow the American government and bring down the commander-in-chief, he will have no power. I'm sure I won't open the back door for him again.

But as long as he is still the most powerful person, he has the privilege of going through the back door.

Have you not seen enough similar injustices in society and haven’t you become accustomed to them?

I can only protest and shout. After shouting for so long, who has ever paid attention to you?

What real harm has been done to the people you cursed? "

"Mrs. Xanadu, you-"

Both the lottery crowd at the bottom of the steps and the privileged crowd on the steps were all dumbfounded and full of shock.

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Harley first pointed at the commander who raised his hand and pointed at her. "We didn't know each other before and had no friendship at all. I didn't use the back door for you because of your status as the commander. Could it be? Because you are handsome enough?"

The commander-in-chief was speechless. She was right. He felt that he was a bit handsome when he was young, but now that he is older, he would definitely not be able to charm the lady Xanadu, who is said to be a romantic woman. He has a little money, but money is important to Xanadu. Madam is useless.

She was willing to receive him and give him face and let him go through the back door just because he was the commander-in-chief of the United States.

"We have a three-way relationship. I have long regarded you as my best friend. We have established a deep friendship." He was still talking in his sleep.

Madam Xanadu was also shocked for a while at the dimension of the stomach bag, and then she shouted excitedly: "Harry, are you crazy?

Even if you want to go crazy and use your own identity to go crazy, why do you want to destroy my beautiful image of being friendly and friendly?

If you are so crazy today, how can I live in harmony with the powerful people in the future? "

Although she has lived for thousands of years, she does not have the "ethereal and unapproachable" temperament that an outsider should have. Instead, she is very keen on the feasting and feasting of mortals.

In order to get in touch with her, Harley even inquired about social events organized by Gotham's powerful people, deliberately creating opportunities for her to meet her at banquets.

"You have lived in vain for the past two thousand years. You don't even understand basic human relations." Projection Harry sarcastically said: "There is no real friendship within the circles of the powerful. You, an outlier, can be regarded as a true and approachable friend by them. That's weird.

As long as you can still show value to them, even if you curse every day, they will still greet you with a smile, and your attitude will be more cordial than facing a true friend.

Once you do them no good, even if you smile every day and are as friendly as an angel, they still won't give you a good look. No, they don't even bother to look at you, so how can they have a good look? "

"Humph, you are the one who doesn't understand the world!" Madam Xanadu retorted: "If you have a good character, even if others are just polite to you, they will respond with the same ease and kindness; if you are a monster, even if others need to please you , will also be cautious, making you feel like you are being treated as a monster and making you feel uncomfortable."

Projection Harley said: "I was just a little more frank and told a few truths, but why did I become a 'monster'? You see, they all praise me for being sincere and straightforward."

After being shocked for a short while in the front yard of Xanadu's hut, Mr. Speaker smiled and said to the shaker in the yard: "Mrs. Xanadu is straightforward and sincere, as you have seen with your own eyes. Even when facing powerful people, she will never lie.

That being the case, what reason do you have to question the ‘alien VIP channel’?

The rules are clearly stated. Our group today is just an exception. The alien VIPs walking behind the VIP channel will not affect your normal divination. Even today, have we deprived you of your divination qualification? It was only delayed for a few hours due to unexpected factors, so why were you so excited? "

The lottery crowd in the yard was quiet for a while, and someone said: "You powerful people have wasted too much time. It's already dark, and it's endless. In the middle, a cosmic name came in, and then another one said it was the legal representative of the Magic Ball. There are so many aliens coming one after another, how can we not worry?"

The Speaker pointed at Louise and said solemnly: "You also know that she is a reporter. She came to see Mrs. Xanadu because you are lawless, disturbing the peace of Lishan Forest, and preventing Admiral Galaxy and his family from having a good rest. Still smashing, burning and looting on the streets?

Even the alien shop was robbed, and the Justice League had no choice but to arrange for a reporter to come to Mrs. Xanadu for an exclusive interview to appease you. "

He pointed to Luke again, "He is the legal representative of the Galaxy Magic Ball Gambling Company, and he is not looking for Mrs. Xanadu for divination.

All of you are aware of the news of Mr. Stam's unexpected death.

Someone died but left a large inheritance, and Representative Luke came here specifically for this matter.

This is Madam Xanadu’s normal business. What qualifications do you have to criticize and criticize here?

Mrs. Xanadu is a respected master of divination. She is no one’s slave and she can also have her own normal life. "

The lottery players looked at each other for a while, and then someone shouted: "Don't deflect the conflict, what we care about is not reporter Louise and representative Luke, let alone Madam Xanadu's private life.

The target of our protest has always been clear, it is you shameless politicians!"

The Speaker took a step forward and shouted: "Didn't you just stop the reporter Louise and Representative Luke from entering?

He also said that one after another people are entering Mrs. Xanadu’s cabin. You have reason to worry and reason to protest. "

"Okay, this is a place for divination. If you want to quarrel, go to the Metropolis and the gate of the White House." Harley shouted, pointing to the door of the courtyard and said: "Those who have already divined, and those who have not received the number, please go out immediately. Those who get their number will line up to get in."

After leaving Mrs. Xanadu's hut, the alien VIPs took their leave one after another.

The Speaker and the members worked hard all day and night, and each went back to his home feeling tired.

The commander wanted to go to the hospital to visit his son immediately, but found that Luke, the representative of the Galaxy Magic Ball, was still there, looking at him helplessly.

"Representative Luke, do you have anything else?"

"Hey, Director Waller, Doctor Mist, please wait a moment!" Representative Luke did not immediately answer the commander's words, but hurriedly stopped the two agents who were about to return to the Sky Eye Club.

"Now that we have left Madam Xanadu's cabin, can you all honestly answer the previous question, have you summoned Stam's undead?"

"We don't need to answer your question, right?" Waller said lightly.

Luke smiled slightly and took out three "silver bricks" the size of mobile phones from his briefcase.

Although they are said to be slab tiles, they are actually very thin. Only three of them stacked together can be as thick as the latest model of Paradise Mountain 15.

It can be clearly seen that they are cast from silver-white metal, with simple lines of alien writing engraved on the surface.

"This is a sub-N metal currency issued by the Senagan Empire. According to the current exchange rate, it is about 12 million Rann coins.

Because it contains trace amounts of N metal, it is the top hard currency in the universe, similar to the value of gold on earth.

Of course, it is the gold before you enter the interstellar era. "

As he spoke, he smiled and put the three "metal plates" into the hands of the three commanders.

"It's genuine. It really reacts with N metal, but the amount is too small." Dr. Mist noticed it for a moment and said with a surprised expression.

Luke took the initiative to explain: "Not only is the content small, but it is also a defective product extracted from associated mines, which is not even as good as the metal promethium in your kingdom of Kandak on Earth.

So it's only worth 12 million ranns.

If it were pure N metal, it would be priceless in the market. It would cost less than 120 billion, and no one would sell it. "

Metal promethium is the "ninth divine gold" of the same level as N metal.

However, the purity of the promethium metal mined by the Kingdom of Khandak is low, and there is very little real metal promethium. All those circulating on the market are "secondary alloys", which are alloys of metals that are impregnated with the energy of the real Ninth Divine Gold.

"This is not good," the commander-in-chief squeezed the "Senagon Gold Coin" and wanted to put it into his pocket immediately, but he hesitated and had a fawning smile on his face.

"Hey, this is the consulting fee given to you by the Galaxy Magic Ball Company. Please believe me, I am a legal staff and have multiple lawyer certificates from advanced civilizations. This kind of behavior is completely legal and compliant in the Galaxy."

Luke grabbed the commander's hand holding Senagon's coins and took the initiative to stuff it into his coat pocket for him.

The smile on the commander's face became more friendly and kind, and his tone was as gentle as a lover's kiss, "To be honest, we have never summoned Stam's undead.

First of all, black magic has great limitations on summoning the undead.

They will only respond to their blood relatives or close friends.

Secondly, we have no incentive to summon Stam’s undead.

The purpose of summoning the undead of Jack Knox was to determine whether the alien thugs were lying and to determine whether Mrs. Xanadu was really "straightforward".

Knox has already confirmed for us the power of Madam Xanadu's divination ability, so there is no point in summoning Stam's undead.

Finally, Stam just died yesterday, so we went to Gotham last night and didn’t have time to summon him! "

"And the most important point." Dr. Mist stuffed the alien coins into his pocket with a natural look and said proactively: "Only the undead that have fallen into hell can be summoned using black magic.

If Stam went to heaven or disappeared in Limbo, no black magic would be of use.

If he does not believe in God, his soul will enter the kingdom of strange gods.

Only priests who believe in the alien god can summon his undead.

If we don’t know the name of the Ability God, we won’t even know where to find helpers. "

"Can you try it now?" Mark asked.

Doctor Mist glanced at him, "Isn't what I just explained clear enough?"

He just guessed that Mark might make a request to summon Stam's undead, so he explained the difficulties of summoning one by one.

Mark said: "Stam has no children, no father and no mother, but he has an ex-girlfriend. If the bonus is recovered, she can also get a part of the inheritance. Convince her, well, we can deceive her and say that we need Stam." Tam’s ghost came to confirm the will.”

Dr. Mist reached into his pocket, rubbed the Senagon coins carefully for a moment, and said, "Bring her here, and I will try it for you."

"No need." Waller still held the "consulting fee" but didn't put it in his pocket.

"You summoned Stam's undead because you just wanted to make sure that he had not received the 'Purple Hair Unknown' warning. I can tell you clearly, no." She said calmly.

Everyone was shocked, "How do you know? Madam Xanadu told you?"

Waller shook his head and said: "I have been with you all the time, and I didn't even go to Madam Xanadu alone for divination. How could she have the chance to tell me?

And she didn’t even tell you, why should she tell me?

That’s why I know.”

She hesitated for a moment, then lowered her eyes and said, "The situations of Stam and Knox are different.

Knox's divination project is 'How to marry an alien noblewoman'. If he chooses a purple-haired noblewoman, he will die before actually marrying Princess Elena, so there will be a warning of 'unknown purple hair'.

How did Stam win the jackpot in the divination project? There were no obstacles or warnings in his winning process.

When he died after winning the lottery, you will understand if you think about it carefully. There is no essential difference between being killed within a day after receiving the bonus after winning the lottery and being killed because of money 10 days, 100 days, or 10 years after receiving the bonus. "

"It makes sense." The commander nodded thoughtfully.

"This is just your guess." Luke said with a look of dismay.

It's not that he was unwilling to be unable to summon Stam's undead, it was simply that he was unwilling to have an "ominous warning".

Dr. Mist stared at Waller's black face for a moment and asked: "I remember that you planted many agents in the new dark gods of mankind. Did you get any news?"

"Oh" the commander suddenly realized that before the collective ascension, Waller led the suicide squad and super soldiers to sack the Dark King City of Apokolips. Later, many of her subordinates chose to ascend, and she must be behind them.

According to Waller's past habits, it is impossible to leave the new human gods alone.

Waller glanced at the "consulting fee" in her hand with a confused expression. She was not greedy for money, or had no high pursuit of material life, and was not short of connections. However, the 12 million Rann coins were already handed to her. Cash is a bit hard to refuse.

And can't refuse.

She could calmly refuse 12 million, but the commander-in-chief and Dr. Mist had already accepted the money. If she refused, she would become an outcast and a suspect.

But once he accepted the money, he couldn’t refuse Representative Luke’s questions.

“Yes, there are people of mine in ‘Universal Didi Driver’, and I even know who the murderer is and where he is fleeing to now.

Not only Madam Xanadu, but he himself also knew the content of Stam's prophecy.

He also told Doug, the cosmic Didi driver he worked with, without any reservations after winning the prize.

Madam Xanadu did not give him a 'purple hair warning', but she also reminded him that he must keep his mouth shut before winning the lottery, and not reveal any information related to divination no matter who he faced.

In order to prevent the prophecy from failing, Doug didn't force it at first, and even took the initiative to help him cover his identity and whereabouts.

When he really won the jackpot, Doug was ecstatic and began to have a strong interest in the content of the prophecy. Stam did not hide it and told him everything.

The content of the prophecy was very simple, so simple that Doug was a little disappointed and a little desperate. "

The three people opposite immediately became very interested in the content of the prophecy, "What did Mrs. Xanadu say? Why is she desperate?"

Waller glanced at them, "Do you think Mrs. Xanadu directly gave out the winning numbers?

I even thought, if I knew who asked Madam Xanadu to divine the number of the magic ball, I would keep an eye on him from now on, borrow his luck, and win the jackpot together? "

The commander was stunned for a moment and murmured: "The idea of ​​borrowing luck is very good, I haven't thought of it before."

Representative Luke's eyes flickered and he said, "Stop hiding it. What is the prophecy that Stam got?"

"Go to the milk tea shop at the south gate of Lann Planet Ocean University and order a cup of vanilla milk tea every morning. If you feel like it after drinking it, just go across the street and buy one." Waller said.

Several people were a little confused after hearing this.

"How do you feel?"

"Since I want to buy a lottery ticket, of course I feel like I am lucky today and may win," Waller said.

"Isn't it too mysterious?"

Waller sighed: "Stam was confused just like you, and then Mrs. Xanadu told him that the feeling may not be accurate and may be wrong, but don't worry too much, you won't win in one go, and don't be afraid if you fail.

Anyway, he received financial sponsorship from Didi drivers, and he had money and time. If he tried slowly, he would eventually win.

Stam himself told Doug that it was the first time he was worried about gains and losses. He was very nervous and felt like he didn’t know anything. It turned out to be a failure.

The second time, I no longer had the psychological pressure that I was bound to win. I calmed down and won the first prize instead. "

"Why can you win a lottery by drinking milk tea?" The commander was still confused.

Because Harley saw Stam drinking milk tea and winning the jackpot on the timeline.

Waller said: "Stam also wants to know, and asked me by the way when I planned to give Madam Xanadu 1% of the winnings in return.

I think there is no need for him to ask. Divination is inherently fantasy and everyone’s situation is different. Milk tea has nothing to do with winning the lottery. It is only effective for specific people at specific times.

This is why Doug despairs.

He knew that he could not repeat Stam's story in the future, and he could not even borrow luck.

What Stam got was not the exact number, and Madam Xanadu did not even stipulate that he bet on the Galaxy Magic Ball.

There are two lottery stations across the street from the Ocean University Milk Tea Shop. Each station offers hundreds of different spinach services. Stam bought two different lottery tickets based on his feelings.

It is already difficult to follow the bet, and even if the follow-up is successful, the ‘feeling’ of others is still unclear.

Maybe because someone followed the bet, the ‘feeling’ never felt right, and everyone was screwed together. "

If Dr. Mist had some realization, "Another point is that different fortune tellers will get different prophecies.

Mrs. Xanadu can even predict the winning numbers, so why can’t she predict that she will be followed?

She will definitely design a future for the soothsayer that cannot be followed, or where the follower loses heavily. "

Waller nodded and said: "Unless the fortune teller voluntarily shares the 'winning destiny', it is difficult to succeed by following the bet secretly."

The commander smiled and looked at Representative Luke, "Now you can rest assured that Madam Xanadu is not targeting the Galaxy Magic Ball. Even if the fortune teller wants to divine the lottery numbers, they will choose one from hundreds of spinach species in the Galaxy."

Representative Luke took out two more "Senagon coins" from his pocket and put them into Waller's hand, saying: "Thank you for this news. It is not as useful as the 'unknown warning', but it is still good news.

I want to buy it and promote it publicly, do you think that's okay? "

The commander immediately said: "The Sky Eye Society is not Waller's private property. She and her agents are government employees, and the information she received also belongs to the US government."

Luke hesitated: "You mean, I need to submit a purchase application to the US government?"

Waller said coolly: "What he means is that you have to give him two dollars too."

The commander-in-chief blushed slightly and waved his hands: "That's not what I meant. Well, what I mean is, isn't two yuan too little? The remuneration you paid for inviting me and Miwu to shoot a commercial before was as high as 100 million Lann." currency."

Waller was speechless.

Doctor Mist was full of disdain.

Representative Luke's expression was a little twisted.

As the legal representative of the Galaxy Magic Ball, he has dealt with many leaders of civilizations, but he is the first to be as greedy and shameless as the Grand Commander.

——The earth is indeed a strange planet. Admiral Galaxy, Madam Xanadu, and the Commander-in-Chief of the United States can exist at the same time. Is the former too great and needs the shamelessness and incompetence of the latter to balance it?

After thinking wildly for a while, he took out 8 Senagon coins from his briefcase, handed five to the commander, one to Waller, and two to Dr. Mist.

The Grand Commander has five pieces, Waller plus the two pieces he got before makes a total of three pieces, and Dr. Mist has two pieces.

"That's all I have."

In order to prove that he was not lying, he even opened the handbag and let them see for themselves.

"Ten yuan is almost 120 million rann coins, which is only a lot more than before. How about it?"

The commander-in-chief held the five-dollar coins in his hand tightly. His round eyes looked at the three coins in Waller's arms for a while, and then turned to look at the two coins in Dr. Mist's arms. There was obvious reluctance and hesitation on his face. .

"Actually, you don't have to give them so much, at most one piece is enough." He finally couldn't help it and muttered in a low voice.

Waller had a dull face and handed all three pieces in his hand to the Commander-in-Chief, "If you want it, go ahead."

The commander was stunned and stared at Waller's expressionless black face for a while. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the cold light flashing in Dr. Mist's eyes next to him. He shivered slightly and said with a smile: "I'm kidding, it's you. It’s yours, how can I take it?”

Then he turned to Representative Luke and said, "What are your plans next?"

"Go back and promote Stam's prophecy immediately."

The commander pondered: "I suggest you stay on Earth first, continue to find a successor for Stam, accept interviews from the media, and strictly urge the US government to arrest the 'Cosmic Didi Driver' who murdered American citizens.

Then I held a press conference and told everyone that the US government had been paying attention to this case and had solid clues. "

"I don't understand, what does this have to do with me?" Luke was a little confused.

“If I don’t hold a press conference, how are you going to get the details of Stam’s prophecy?

Could it be that if you tell everyone that you bought state secret information from me with money, wouldn’t I become a corrupt criminal? "

The commander winked at him and smiled: "At the press conference, I will disclose all the clues investigated by the government agents, including the identity and movements of the suspects, as well as the Stam prophecy that I heard 'accidentally'.

In that case, no one will think that I am deliberately leaking confidential information, and you will successfully get the information you want. "

Finally, he patted Luke on the shoulder and said, "I also helped you promote it."

Luke's expression was a little tangled, but he still nodded and expressed his willingness to abide by the rules of the earth's game.

The commander-in-chief originally planned to act vigorously and resolutely, go to the hospital to see his son, immediately return to the White House to hold a press conference, and get everything done that night.

But after learning from Waller the whereabouts of Doug and other murderers, he changed his mind.

"They are actually hiding in Luther Space City? So, as long as we are willing, we can really solve the case quickly this time?" His expression was changing, with uncontrollable excitement, greed, and entanglement and hesitation. .

After a long time, he pulled Waller alone into the office, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes, "Stahm converted all 120 million Rann coins into cash similar to Senagon coins. There is no mark and anyone can use it.

And, they're all being carried around by Doug now, right? "

"Do you want to cheat?" Just by looking at the commander raising his butt, Waller guessed what he wanted to do.

"This matter is making a big fuss, and people all over the world are paying attention. You have no chance." She said seriously.

"Since it is cash, it should be normal for part of it to be damaged or lost during interstellar battles, right? Waller, I won't treat you badly. We have one-nine points, and you have one-nine points." The commander said.

Waller wanted to use black magic to send him directly to hell.

"Commander, my immediate superior is General Galaxy, not you!" she said coldly.

The commander's expression froze, and then he shouted angrily: "I am the commander-in-chief of the United States, can't I give you orders?"

"The duty of the Sky Eye Society is only to protect your safety in superpower matters, not to be your personal thug, especially such a shady and dark job." Waller said.

The Commander-in-Chief stared at her for a while, then lowered his tone and said, "If you think it's too little, you can give me 28 cents. Don't think I got more. I have to be responsible for cleaning up, and I will definitely pay hush money to other insiders later." "

Waller said: "If you want money, why don't you just ask Madam Xanadu for divination?"

"Money is important, but there are many things in the world that are more important than money. Even I only have one chance of divination." The commander sighed.

Waller said calmly: "Doug is in Luther Space City. You have a good relationship with Luther and you can ask him to help you arrest the murderer. I will keep the secret for you, and the Sky Eye will not participate in this operation at all."

The commander-in-chief looked hesitant.

Waller added: "Luthor Space City is Luther's territory. No matter what you want to do, you can't hide it from him."

The commander frowned and thought for a moment, took out his cell phone and dialed Luther's number in front of Waller.

Luther is not on Earth, but his Mother Box can receive messages from Earth's space satellites.

"Luthor, have you seen Stam's news?"

After a few words of greeting, the commander directly stated the reason for the matter and his thoughts.

"Haha, not only can I not help you hack Doug's money, but I will not allow you to enter the space city at will to arrest my people." Luther said with a smile, his tone was very relaxed, but his attitude was completely beyond the commander's expectations.

"Why? He is just a 'Universal Didi driver' who committed a crime. What's the point of protecting him?" the commander exclaimed in surprise.

“First of all, even the most ordinary cosmic Didi driver is a member of the Dark New Gods and is my subordinate.

If they were elsewhere, even if they were beaten to death, I would not interfere if there was a reason.

But Luther Space City is the base camp of the ‘Hope and Freedom Mecha Legion’, and every cosmic Didi driver is a reserve mecha warrior.

Ask the generals in the Pentagon if their soldiers break the law abroad, will they hand them over directly? "

No need to ask the Pentagon, the commander-in-chief himself knows the answer.

Luther said solemnly: "Even if my people break the law, even if the matter becomes too big to handle, as long as others are in Luther Space City, I can only judge them."

Then he said in a complicated tone: "In addition, Doug has become a god, a true dark god, and mortals are no longer qualified to judge him."

"Are you saying that Doug has awakened his divinity? What a coincidence?" The commander was both surprised and doubtful.

In recent times, news about the birth of new human god warriors has been spreading back to the earth. Such news has become a hot topic no longer, but Doug immediately became a god as soon as he killed someone, which sounds like an excuse to escape trial.

Luther sighed: "It's not a coincidence, he finally found the way to become a god from the Dark Gods."

"The way to become a god? What is it?" The commander was shocked and excited.

He is also a dark new god.

As long as he is given a mother box, there will be no difference between him and those "cosmic Didi drivers".

If Doug can rely on the "Way to Godhood" to awaken to divinity, what about him and his son Henry?

Thinking of the beautiful scene of father and son awakening to their divinity and condensing their godhood, he was so excited that his voice began to tremble, "Luthor, can all the dark gods use his way to become a god?"

Luther smiled a little weirdly, "Be as brutal, cruel, bloody, murderous, and greedy as Darkseid. Completely give up on humanity and morality as a human being, and completely accept the assimilation of the dark power of Apokolips.

This is the way to become a god, the new dark god of mankind. It is at least very effective for Dao Ge and others. Do you want to learn it? "

"You're kidding." The commander muttered.

The smile on Luther's face faded and he asked: "Can you help me go through the back door and let Madam Xanadu do a divination for me?"

"Why did you suddenly say this?" The commander was startled and asked in confusion: "I remember that you dismissed divination before, and you were full of contempt for Madam Xanadu."

"I have never looked down on divination. Well, maybe when I was a standard Muggle in my early years, I regarded divination, prophecy, and magic as tricks of liars.

Today is different from the past. I have seen the real God of Destiny - the 'Blind Prophet', the God of Destiny from Apokolips.

He accurately predicted my process of becoming the Lord of Apokolips.

As long as I have brains, I will never regard prophecies and divination as boring tricks of charlatans.

I only look down on third-rate sorcerers like Lady Xanadu.

Well, I apologize to her. Even though she is far inferior to the blind prophet, she is not comparable to the ordinary fortune teller. "

Waller thoughtfully interjected: "Doug's becoming a god is related to Madam Xanadu?"

"Well, it's not him, it's his brother Baguan. Baguan was lucky and became the 18th person to win the number.

He didn't want money or an alien noblewoman wife, so he simply asked Madam Xanadu to divine the chance of becoming a god for him. "

Waller was a little unbelievable, "Then Mrs. Xanadu asked him to kill Stam?"

"No, strictly speaking, she didn't give him divination at all. After hearing Baguan's request, she just laughed at him - she had the ambition to ascend to become a dark god, but she didn't have the consciousness to become a dark god.

"There has always been a new god of darkness who kills people and sells goods, how can he be a Didi driver for others?" These were the exact words of Mrs. Xanadu.

When Baguan heard this, he suddenly became enlightened and became enlightened.

After leaving Mrs. Xanadu's hut, he killed 1,214 passengers who came to him to open the sonic boom channel. He finally realized the 'cruel' divinity on the afternoon of the next day and became a true dark god.

After he became a god, he immediately told several companions about his 'god-becoming experience', including his brother Doug.

Several others have not become gods even after killing them. Doug just committed a treacherous act and immediately ascended to enlightenment and realized divinity. "

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