I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 181 The makers of tradition will eventually become part of the tradition

Giuseppe was too eager and his voice was a little loud.

In the quiet conference room, most people heard it.

Harry's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Today is the day that Old Kamai and Maroni agreed to negotiate. It will be afternoon now."

She looked up at the clock on the wall and said, "A quarter past three, have you set off?"

“As we set off from the estate at 2:30 and were about to cross the bridge from Queens to Manhattan Island, two rockets were fired from the roadside.

BOSS's Bentley Marsson only dodged one and was blown over by another on the spot.

Then, dozens of gunmen jumped out of cars parked on both sides of the street and surrounded us and fired wildly.

It took three full minutes for them to retreat.

Sass's men suffered heavy casualties, and he himself was shot in the neck. He was being resuscitated, but he didn't know if he would survive.

Fortunately, the Bentley's bulletproof armor plate was strong enough. Kamai was not hit, but only suffered a broken head when the car rolled over.

But he is old and has lost too much blood.”

Harry said calmly: "Maroni did it?"

"I'm not sure, but the situation is critical now, and SARS' life and death are unknown. I hope you can bring a group of gunmen to the hospital to protect BOSS.

United Hospital, Ward 307! "Giuseppe said anxiously.

"Understood, I'll be there soon."

Harley closed the phone cover, but sat there without moving.

"Boss, I've long told you that the situation in Gotham is going very wrong recently. Look, the Romans are in decline!" Old Gibbs sighed.

Theresa said excitedly: "BOSS, I'm going to go down and gather the troops."

Old Gibbs opened his mouth, but hesitated, his face full of worry.

Harley hooked her hand towards Teresa, waited for her to come closer, and whispered a few instructions before letting her leave.

No one heard what she said, but saw Teresa's expression less excited and more confused when she left.

"BOSS, I'm afraid our people won't be able to reach the hospital safely. Even if they arrive, it may be a death trap." Old Gibbs said.

Levi adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice: "BOSS, we only hear one side of Giuseppe's words now.

Now that the Romans are being assassinated, everyone who survives could be a mole!

I suggest you stay put and strengthen the defenses of the fighting arena.

You and Victor are not the only members of the Falcone family. Maybe you can discuss this with them. "

Harley thought for a moment and said: "Your suggestions are all reasonable, but we can't do nothing.

Teresa has followed my instructions and arranged for two teams of 20 elite gunmen to rush to Gotham United Hospital.

The rest of us will go to the weapons room to get our equipment. Before the matter is settled, we must strengthen our vigilance and stick to the fighting field.

By the way, go put up a sign outside that the fighting arena will be closed for two days. "

Then, Harley stood up and walked out while ordering: "Gibbs and Levis come to the office with me.

Others led their respective teams and deployed defenses according to the plan made earlier.

Cell phones were confiscated and walkie-talkies were distributed.

Unplug the phone cord and have only external contact within my office.

No one is allowed to approach the building without my order, and our people are not allowed to go out.

Once you find someone leaving the floor where your team is stationed and entering your defense area, you can kill them immediately without asking for instructions.

Only I can cancel this order, do you understand? "


Arriving at the office on the third floor, Harley immediately said to Gibbs and Levis: "From now on, you two will stay here."

She quickly told them her plan, and regardless of the surprised and incomprehensible looks on their faces, she immediately took out her Nokia tablet phone.

He took out a new mobile phone of the same model from the desk drawer, turned on the Dell desktop computer, and connected both phones to the computer at the same time with a data cable.

Meeting Lao Kamai today was an accident.

But the software on the computer and even the mobile phone in the drawer made it obvious that she had been prepared.

Pulling off the network cable, Harley opened the window

The vines hanging down from the rooftop were still green. She stretched out her hand and pulled them a few times. When she saw that they could bear her own weight, she turned around and climbed up to the rooftop in twos and twos, like a nimble ape.

Levis and Old Gibbs looked at each other for a while, then came forward almost at the same time, closed the window, sat on the sofa, and continued to be silent.

Let's say that Harley came to the rooftop, immediately took off her underwear and sweater, put on armor and equipped weapons, and quickly said to Ivy: "You just stay in the glass attic, don't go down, except for me, no one can open the door and don't come out." .”

"So serious?" Ivy's face turned pale.

"Alas, if the Americans don't pay homage to Mr. Guan, all the younger brothers will have no loyalty!" Harley sighed.

Ivy looked confused.

"Old Camai's great-nephew Giuseppe is a traitor." Harry said directly.

"Why are you so sure?"

Ivy has now also received a "promotion and salary increase" and has become a minor leader of the "Quinn" family.

She also attended the previous meeting.

Well, old Gibbs is over seventy years old and doesn't know how many more years he can continue to work. Ivy is his successor and his disciple.

"Old Kamai had already entered the operating room, and he didn't call me until it was too late.

Gotham United Hospital is a public hospital with an average level of quality, not top-notch.

At least it was the first time in Lao Kamai’s life. "

It has already snowed twice in Gotham in late December, so wearing a women's long cloak over the armor does not seem cumbersome.

Micro missiles are put into the backpack, two Desert Eagles are inserted into the outer thighs, a tactical dagger and six grenades are hung on the waist, and there is an M16 on the shoulder.

"Do you have to go in person?" Ivy swallowed and asked worriedly.

"As a human being, you have to live happily. How can you be happy if you don't have clear thoughts?" Harley said with a smile.


Harry waved his hand and said, "No matter who the person behind the scenes is or what trump cards they have, they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs."

Ivy handed her a lotus seed and said, "With this, I can hear your voice and know if you are safe."

"All right."

Harry took the lotus seeds and stuffed them into his pocket, then ran quickly to the water tower.

Open the radiation-proof leaf and lead box and take out the glass bottle.

Harry gritted his teeth, lifted up the deck near the rear of the airship, and pressed the bottom of the bottle against the thick engine of the bucket.

"Aki, eat it!"

The spaceship has no consciousness, but with the artifact engine as its core, it is born with certain spirituality.

"Buzz buzz-"

The iron-green engine was running at top speed, and silver-blue electric arcs gradually appeared on the surface.

It was the same arc that burned the three witches' lemure repairman that day.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The three electric arcs were like tentacles, passing through the glass bottle and locking the blood diamond tightly.

Blood-red energy is drawn from the diamond, dyeing red, silver, and blue lightning.


Harry's spirit was shaken, and he vaguely heard an unwilling wailing.


The master of the heart, or the backhand of joy?

Harley swallowed, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Although I never thought about swallowing my heart, I

“Crack, click, click, click!”

Before she could be frightened, the spaceship seemed to be activated by the Autobots' energy blocks, and seemed to be transforming into Optimus Prime.

Deck, seats, bridge, glass windows and other parts "wake up" from the inside out.

It shook its body, stretched, and then opened its eyes, full of energy and ready to start a new day.

"Kaka!" The glass bottle shattered, the blood diamond disappeared, the arc retracted, and the spacecraft stopped shaking, but on the surface of the spacecraft, there was an extra layer of blood lines, like blood vessels, and it was as if the entire spacecraft had become a heart.

Harley checked it on the bridge and was disappointed to find that it did not give birth to wisdom.

She still needs to start it manually.

"Shadow mode, turn on!"

When Harley pressed the switch, the next moment, the spacecraft entered a gray and pale world, and the surrounding space lost color and vitality.

The water tower seemed not to exist. The spaceship passed through it like a shadow, and then pulled out a scarlet and blue-white tracer in the gray and white world.

In the blink of an eye, Harry saw a three-story flat-roofed building in front of him.

Gotham United Hospital is located in Queens, more than 20 kilometers away from the fighting arena on the dockside.

Not only is he fast, Aki also hides in the shadow realm.

Even if it is close at hand, people in the world cannot see it.

"Wow, that's so cool. From now on, I will be at my disposal in the world!" Harley cheered excitedly.

Soon the cheers turned to sneers.

In broad daylight, the hospital's terrain was complex and the distance was a bit far away. The infrared sight on the airship did not detect anything unusual.

But just on the roof of the hospital, facing the main entrance, there was a sniper lying in plain sight.

It can be guessed that there must be many people hiding in other invisible corners.

There is a killer organization formed by locals in Gotham.

It once wanted to join the Falcone family, but was rejected by the old Camai.

Because he has no shortage of killers, the killer organization is of no use to him, but it attracts too much hatred.

Maroney also has no shortage of killers, so he did not include the Gotham Killers League under his banner.

Like other small gangs in Gotham, the Killer Alliance has been living between the two major gangs.

There is no business conflict, and I live a carefree life.

The Gotham Killers League is also interesting. They bought the entire "a" page from the Gotham Yellow Pages printing company.

That is to say, if the name at the beginning of a in the phone book is 6, it is the phone number of the killer manager.

You can hire a killer by dialing the number in column "A" of the yellow pages, numbers 6, 16, 26, and 36.

The higher it is, the higher the killer level, the more kills, and the stronger the killer is.

Of course, hiring costs are also higher.

The forty-year-old Reagan is now the number one "No. 6" in the Yellow Pages.

He also has a reason to be the top player.

Without mentioning his brilliant record of killing hundreds of people before, let's just say that today, without him, Sasi would have led the gang of black girls to counterattack the group of gunmen who blocked the road.

It was him who defeated the gang of black girls by himself.

It was him who shot Sass through the left waist.

Now, the important task of ending Witch Harley has been placed in his hands again.

His heart is hot, his face is like an iceberg, his ears are as stable as a rock, and he listens to all directions.

Even the slightest movement of fallen leaves in the winter wind cannot escape his sharp eyes and fine perception.

No enemy has ever escaped from under his nose!

"Shh, don't shout!" Suddenly, a sweet girl's voice sounded above his head.

Reagan's hair stood on end, his muscles were tense, and his spine was like a giant dragon. He could not move at all. A leather boot stepped on his back, and he became a toad under the child's feet.

He wanted to roar, but a small gloved hand stretched out in front of him and did not cover his mouth. He just handed over a grenade. The grenade ring was strung on his index finger and could be pulled away at any time.

Gotham's number one killer was like a deflated rubber ball, slumped there, in a daze.

At this time, Harley squatted on him with a smile, pulled off the communication earbuds from his ears, gently threw them away, and whispered: "Where is old Kamai? Is he alive now or dead?"

"It's downstairs, room 309 (ps). The people above specifically asked me to stay alive."

Reagan's eyes dimmed and he said with a dull face: "Chief Luo is on his way here, and the Romans are his signature.

Only if the director kills the Romans himself will the new Gotham Emperor trust him and the GCPD. "

Harley was stunned and sighed: "Old Kamai has made the GCPD a tradition for half a century, and now he has to become part of the tradition. How ironic!"

(ps: If you are a careful reader, you will find that Giuseppe said that old Camai was in room 307. There is nothing wrong here, because the traitor lied.)

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