I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 180 The situation suddenly changes

In the open space of a cold storage room in Manhattan, seven bodies were placed side by side.

"It was Witch Halle who killed me, it was Witch Halle who killed me, yes"

"No matter how many times I see it, I still find it fascinating." Kitty said, rubbing his arm.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Demons are just aliens. It's not like you haven't seen squid rain before (ps)."

Not only did Ivy feel no fear or nausea, but she was also very interested, with obvious excitement shining in her eyes.

"Fortunately, this neon man went to hell normally."

Hearing Okada keep "playing the repeater", Harley breathed a sigh of relief.

The magic of using devil horns to communicate with hell is not of a high level in the Grimoire of Truth, and the ritual is very simple. There is no need for a real name to communicate with the great devil.

It is purely due to the special properties of devil horns. They were born in hell but remain in the world. They naturally have the property of connecting the yin and yang worlds.

Therefore, the success rate of this magic is relatively high, and there is no danger of being backlashed by the big devil.

But there is a basic condition for using it: the soul of the deceased must fall into "ordinary" hell.

Not only does it have to fall into hell, but it also has to be an ordinary hell, not a certain devil's exclusive "kingdom".

For example, a few owl claws last time.

I don't know what gods they worship. After death, the soul does not fall into hell at all, so the devil horns are naturally useless.

For another example, among the seven shadow warriors who died, there was a woman with a Central Asian appearance, Aigu, who was a priest of the Church of Blood. After her death, her soul returned to the Demon of the Three Palaces.

It stands to reason that the devil's horns can communicate with hell and her soul can be found.

The soul was indeed found, but the power of the Three Palaces blocked the world between Yin and Yang, making the magic of the devil horns completely ineffective.

Harley took out a silver coin and waved it under Okada's nose a few times, then said to the ghost: "How about I give you a Charon silver coin and tell me the secret of the Shadow Warrior Alliance?"

"Harry, give me the money, I want it!" Hanged Ghost Andy's dead fish eyes glowed.

"Shut up! Don't disturb me while I'm working." Harley scolded.

"Harry, you -" Looking at Harley who was suddenly talking to herself in a serious manner, the kitten shrank back, with worried and frightened eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay." Ivy patted her shoulder nonchalantly, "Harley is talking to the undead around her and is not crazy."

"Undead?" The kitten became even more frightened. Looking around, he felt that the air was getting colder and colder.

"No one can see it except her. The undead exist in the universe of her individual mind." Ivy said.

Mao Mao was confused, "What thinking universe?"

"You can think of it as a world that only belongs to Harley." Ivy said.

"Isn't it mental illness to be immersed in a world that only you can see?" the kitten muttered.

"I'm talking to a ghost, you two big guys, please be quiet!" Harley said angrily.

The kitten was stunned.

"Witch Harley kill me - hoohoo -" Okada stopped shouting and made a terrible sniffing sound with his nose.

"Give it to me, give it to me!"

Its voice was urgent and high-pitched, causing the three living people beside it to frown in disgust.

"Tell me the secret of Shadow Warrior." Harley said.

It was silent.

"You are now a dead person and have fallen into hell. Why should you continue to insist on the ridiculous belief that you belong to the living person?" Harley said.

It continues to be silent.

"Forget it, since you will die as a ghost hero, then I will replace you with someone else, such as this white man and woman. They are Westerners and pay more attention to self-salvation. They should-"

"You have to pay more!" Okada was convinced before Harley finished speaking.

"You are right. The devils in the United States have no moral principles and no faith. They only join the alliance for the bounty. They will definitely sell out the organization for profit.

In this case, of course I can't let them get what they want! "It said excitedly.

Mmp, the little devil is so hypocritical, he has become a ghost, and he is still pretending to be a big-headed ghost!

Harry felt contempt in his heart, but his face was expressionless. He took out another silver coin and shook it at the end of its nose, causing a more rapid inhalation sound.

"It's not enough, you have to add more money!" it shouted.

"Harry, why don't you change it to a white person?" Kitty frowned.

"They are just peripheral members. I am the Ninja Master's direct disciple. I have seen the miracle that happened in LS Road Pond with my own eyes!" it said excitedly.

"How much do you want?" Harley asked.

"One hundred, no, five hundred silver coins!"

Harley decisively pulled out the devil's horn and inserted it into the big back's mouth.

"Witch Halle killed me, Witch Halle killed me, yes"

Harley put the silver coin under its nostrils, but it still barked.

"What's going on?" Kitty asked confused.

"Maybe he committed too many sins during his lifetime and was tortured even more after his death. He was tortured to the point of losing his mind." Harley guessed.

Then she changed to a white woman.

"I'm 'Meiling', I'm here"

This time it worked.

Meiling told her story in detail and asked for only five silver coins.

After hearing what she said, the three women frowned and all looked back at Okada.

The person in charge is Tonghu, but Tonghu is also a beginner in martial arts - the ninja master searches for martial arts masters around the world. Tonghu and Siwashi come from the same sect, and are the apprentices of Japanese martial arts master Otomo.

Okada, who came from a wealthy Japanese family, was actually a direct disciple of the ninja master.

Except for Aigu, Tonghu and Okada, the rest of them had never seen the ninja master in person.

They come from all over the world and are famous local killers. They are recruited by Kagemusha and become peripheral members.

Because of the mission to assassinate Harley, a temporary group was formed to come to Gotham.

As for the core secrets such as the location of the Kagemusha headquarters and the power structure, they are not qualified to know.

"It was Witch Harley who killed me, it was Witch - uh, I remember!"

The voice of the repeater suddenly stopped, and the dead ghost Okada laughed wildly in hell: "Witch Harley, you still come to me! Hahaha, you have to add more money, keep adding, one thousand Charon silver coins!"

"I only have fifty, do you want it?" Harley said lightly.

"No, you have to pay more!"

"Okada, we don't have that much money. Be sensible and don't end up in a fight." Selina said.

"More money must be added! Fifty silver coins can only buy you five years of comfort from the punishment officer. I would be happy to exchange five years of comfort for the witch to be frustrated and achieve nothing!"

It was Witch Harley who killed me——"

"Harry, why don't you try your old trick again and let Bronze Tiger see this hellish scene and scare him into telling the secret." Selina suggested.

"I did have this idea before, but now..." Harley shook her head, "Knowing that he and Siwa come from the same family, I have to save face for Siwa, at least I can't kill him immediately.

If I don't silence him on the spot, he might reveal my secret of using devil horns to extract secrets from dead people. "

Giving Siwa face is just one aspect.

More importantly, Siwa represents the martial arts school.

She is not afraid of them, but she may demand something from them.

For example, she may invite several martial arts masters to teach her martial arts, or come to the fighting arena to be a martial arts instructor. In the future, she may even visit the martial arts holy land in person to find the secret to breaking the physical limits.

Ivy came close to Harley's ear and whispered: "Why don't you use money to bribe the punishment officer."

Harley nodded slightly, she thought so too.

Andy, the hanged ghost next to him, began to show off his presence again, "Do you know which level of hell he is in? There are so many executioners in hell, do you know which kid he is under?"

"You know?" Harley started "talking to herself" again.

"have no idea."

Harley ignored him.

After waving Kitten Ivy to step back, she took out the chalk and drew a simple five-pointed star formation on the open space.

Drag Okada's corpse into the magic circle and insert the devil's horns again.

Pale white and gray replaced the colors, mold stains appeared on the ground, and the surrounding buildings became visibly decayed.

"One success!"

Looking at the familiar shadow world environment around her, Harley touched her forehead and felt filled with emotion.

She was able to enter Limbo so easily (the Shadow Realm is the boundary between Hell and Limbo), thanks to Rachel using soul essence to improve her body.

"It was Witch Harley who killed me, it was Witch Harley"

The closer to hell, the more "detailed" the ghost Okada's voice becomes - he can distinguish dozens of complex emotions in the voice, such as pain, resentment, curses, etc.

"Hello, I'm 'Witch Harley', can anyone hear me on the other side?" Harley shouted towards the devil horn.

Her first communication with the judge (Chapter 85) was not through the devil horns?

No one responded.

"Hey, I have Charon!"

"Silver coins? Give it to me, give it to me!"

"Witch, give me the silver coins."

"It hurts, it hurts, someone come and save me."

"Hell is so uncomfortable and I regret so much. If God gives me another chance, I will definitely be a good person, woo woo woo."

In an instant, hundreds of ghost howls came from the opposite side, almost suppressing Okada's voice.

The light in the room became darker, and thin black frost flowers condensed in the air. Harry felt that his soul was being pulled by countless ghost hands, and was being pulled towards hell.


A thunderous shout shook Harry's mind and caused the wails of hundreds of ghosts to disappear instantly.

"Witch Harley, you are so audacious that you dare to disturb the undead to be tortured!"

A shadowy figure with horns on its forehead and a saw-tooth ax appeared above Okada. Only half of its body was exposed. Its head alone was two meters tall. The single eye between its eyebrows shone with dazzling fire.

"Cyclops, you are very courageous. Ten silver coins can save the soul from prison for one year. Aren't you afraid that I will report you to the two adults, Joy and Pain?" Harley said rudely.

The other party looked terrifying, and her aura was not as powerful as the giant Mary she saw earlier.

Probably just a demon viscount.

The giant was silent for a moment and said: "The Hell Judge never responds to the call of the dark wizard."

Harley sneered, "You know I can do it because I told them their real names."

The Cyclops' shadow disappeared, and the voice came from the other side of the devil's horn.

"You want the secret of this undead? I can help you, but you have to swear that you will never say anything bad about me to the judge, and you have to pay more. Fifty silver coins will definitely not be enough!"

Harley's expression was distorted. Hell is obviously a place of faith, but it is as corrupt as the human government!

In the end, she spent two hundred and fifty silver coins to buy a "memory ball" from the fire giant, a memory squeezed from Okada's soul.

The size of an apple, like a shrinking nebula.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Harley found the information she wanted from the complicated sea of ​​memories.

In addition to the secrets of the ninja master, there is also the entire process of Okada's training from an ordinary Japanese high school student to a shadow warrior.

“It’s money well spent!”

Harry shook his withered purse and gritted his teeth and said, "From today on, we can also try to train Shadow Warriors.

Starting today, we must work hard to make money to buy ancient coins! "

With a decision in her mind, Harley summoned her younger brothers the next afternoon to hold a "Quinn Family Executives Meeting" on the third floor of the fighting arena.

Halfway through the meeting, Harley's cell phone rang. It was from Giuseppe, Camai's grandnephew (cousin's grandson) and his security captain.

"Harry, we were ambushed. Mr. Falcone was seriously injured and is being sent to the emergency room. He doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Bring your people to Gotham United Hospital quickly!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Remember Squid Rain?

The squid rain appeared in the second chapter, which is the plot of "Watchmen". In 1985, the Pharaoh used giant octopuses to disguise aliens and wiped out 4 million people in New York.

Use extraterrestrial pressure to force all countries on Earth to cooperate sincerely and act unanimously to eliminate the risk of nuclear war.

In order to continue the story, from 1985 to the present, the Pharaoh has randomly sent small squids to the sky at intervals, pretending that aliens are still trying to enter the earth.

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