I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 182 Gotham Twelve Hours

"Besides you, how many snipers are there?" Harley lay on the blanket side by side with him, looking around for nearby sniper points.

Reagan immediately said: "There are at least five more, two on the second and third floors, and one on the top floor of the 17th floor of the Walmart building across the street.

The GCPD's helicopter was just a few streets away and could arrive within two minutes. I didn't know how many snipers were deployed on it. "

"Who do you belong to?" Harley asked again.

"I'm the killer at the Red Room."

"Yellow Pages Killer Alliance?" Harley smiled.

Of course she knew about the Yellow Pages and the Gotham Killer League, but...

"You have lived a good life, how dare you get involved in such a thing?"

"I will do whatever tasks are arranged by the superiors. I will pay for the work and not consider anything else. Even though I am Killer No. 6, I am not qualified to refuse the organization's arrangements." Reagan said sadly.

"Oh, No. 6, your name is Cady Reagan, codenamed 'Stinger', your senses are as thin as pinholes, your bullets are like needle points, they can pass through the smallest shooting space and hit the target. You have never missed. ." Harley suddenly realized.

"Sister Hallie is overly praised. Today, right now, won't I just fall into your hands in a daze?" Reagan said in a harsh voice.

"Don't be depressed—"

Harry suddenly stopped and listened carefully.

"Puff, puff, puff." There seemed to be a gentle tapping sound coming from the earplugs two meters away.

Harley crawled over, picked it up and handed it to Reagan.

Reagan smiled bitterly and tapped the broad bean-sized microphone twelve times rhythmically.

It's Morse code.

Throwing the headset aside again, she asked curiously: "Why are you so honest? Are you playing a trick?"

"I have seen the video you played on BBC TV, and I have also heard how you dealt with Ziravsky (Nikla's cousin, go to hell) in front of the Russians.

When facing you, it’s best to be honest, otherwise”

Reagan shook his head and said no more.

"You are very smart and will definitely survive." Harley comforted him and continued to ask: "Who is your employer? Who is involved in this scheme against old Kamai?"

"I don't have a definite answer, because from beginning to end, only the Mexican gunmen from the Latin American Gang and our people from the Red Room Bar were involved. Oh, and the GCPD is about to join."

To ordinary people in Gotham, the Latin American Gang and the Red Room are considered princes.

But in front of the huge Falcone family, they are just a group of "small retail investors".

"What are your guesses?" Harley asked.

"The current situation is not like Romani's handiwork. Either he has an ally around him and teaches him to do this, or he has been calculated.

But now, Romani has no other choice but to let go and strive to go further. "Regan said honestly.

"Oh, even you can see it."

Harley sighed, took away the pistol and dagger from Reagan's waist, and quietly stuffed a "fly" (a miniature reconnaissance aircraft that came with the owl glasses) into his pocket.

"You are very smart, keep your IQ online."

She picked up the headset and gave it back to him, put on her owl glasses, and walked a few meters away.

Looking at the sun in the sky, there were still more than two hours until dusk. Harry hesitated, wondering whether to throw out the fly in his hand.

Suddenly she caught a glimpse of the hanging ghost Andy beside her, and she suddenly thought: "How far can you leave me?"

"Well, I see what you mean."

Andy sank and quickly disappeared from the balcony.

Only three seconds passed before it floated up again and said, "I can get to the third floor, but I can't see room 309."

"Hey, Andy, you're not a complete loser!"

Under Reagan's strange gaze, Harley bent down and circled the rooftop three times.

Then, she walked to the stairs and took out her mobile phone to call Teresa.

"It's time to start."

"As commanded."

Even though Teresa was full of doubts, she still followed the plan and ordered the specially trained gunmen who came from the outskirts of Jersey City to stop her two vans, her troop carriers, by using large trucks stuck in the road and threatening them with RPGs.

In front of many passers-by on the street, 20 gunmen, including Theresa herself, were kidnapped.

Harley looked at the phone, sneered, and sat on the stairs, waiting for the first call to come.

A full half hour passed, and Reagan looked back at her several times with an inexplicable expression, his expression struggling. With the sharp eyes of an elite sniper, he caught a glimpse of Harley's indifferent expression, and then lay back down.

On the third floor of the "Dingling Ring" fighting arena, in Harley's office, Reeves and Old Gibbs suddenly raised their heads and looked at the phone with the screen on the desk that lit up - Harley's original phone.

The two were hesitating, "Hey, this is Harley Quinn."

The phone actually answered the call automatically, and BOSS's voice came out.

The two of them looked at the computer screen curiously, and at the same time felt relieved - BOSS's strange little software had worked.

"Harry, it's me, Cobot."

Penguin's excited voice came from the other end, "Something happened under Falco's cabinet. Did you know? The police officer I assigned to the police station called."

Cobot quickly recounted what happened to Old Kamai, and said sincerely: "The Falco Cabinet is my benefactor, and I owe everything I have today to his trust and help.

I have asked Butch to prepare 60 gunmen and set off immediately to rush to the United Hospital. Harley, what do you think? "

Well, after Fish escaped, her butler Butch followed Copot.

"My men have already set off, Gibbs. Is Theresa here?"

Old Gibbs was stunned for a moment before he remembered his lines and said, "I'll call and ask."

He actually took out his cell phone and dialed Teresa's number.

Of course there was no response.

"BOSS, there's an accident on Theresa's side." He said solemnly.

It's not a disguise this time.

He didn't know about Harley's plan to have Teresa hijack him herself.

"Damn it, find out immediately what happened!"

Harley seemed to be trying her best to suppress her anger and growled.

Old Gibbs didn't hesitate at all and immediately made several phone calls.

Finally, he got definite information from Sheriff Clayton, who led the Quinn family: Teresa and 20 other gunmen were hijacked by mysterious armed forces. After being put into a large truck, there were sounds of machine gun fire and wailing. , the smell of blood filled the streets.

"Teresa was shot shortly after leaving, which means Maroney must have arranged for someone to monitor me." Harley said angrily.

Cobot on the other end of the phone hesitated and said: "Since you also want to protect Camai, why not organize another group of gunmen and go to the hospital with me?"

Harley was silent for a long time and asked the "people on the side": "Levis, what do you think?"

Levis touched his nose and spoke his true words: "BOSS, tell the truth, don't be angry.

It was now obvious that the Romans were in their hands and the end was certain.

A new king replaces the old king, and the post-Falcone era is coming.

You are powerful as an individual, I don’t deny that.

But the United Hospital was clearly a trap, and the Romans were the bait to trap and kill his loyal ministers, laying a solid foundation for the new king's stable rule.

There is nothing you can do to save yourself.

Even if you rush into the hospital, even if the armor defense is strong, even if you won't die, can you save Kamai in the center of the trap?

If they can't beat you, they can at least kill him instantly.

Therefore, you must continue to participate in this matter. "

"Harry, he is a sycophant, and anyone who said this to you is a sycophant!" Cobot shouted excitedly on the other end of the phone, "Don't be fooled by him, Kamai is not only our BOSS, he also created He is our mentor and loving father, we must never give up on him!"

Harley sighed: "What is your plan? The Quinn family's 'executor' (Teresa) has fallen, and those 20 gunmen are the best in my hands."

"I" Cobot hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said decisively: "Take everyone to surround the hospital and make the people inside despair.

To survive, they would surrender and free Kamai. "

Harry also hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Cobot, are you the conspirator behind this? You tricked me into going to the hospital and threw myself into a trap, and the entire army was annihilated."

"What?" Cobot seemed to be jumping, and when he got excited, it turned into a goose cry that sounded like crying and laughing at the same time.

"Harry, I understand that you don't want to take risks for Kamai. But you can't turn the guilt and anger in your heart into slander against me!"

"Neither you nor I are fools. Maroni may have been involved in today's situation, but he is definitely not the mastermind. There is someone else behind the scenes, but it is definitely not me." Harley said lightly.

"It's not me either!" Cobot jumped across from him.

"So, now I tell you that I have fulfilled my obligation to Kamai and will not send anyone to the hospital again. What do you decide to do?" Harley said coldly.

"No matter what, I have to try."

The hesitation in Cobot's tone quickly turned into determination, and the emotional changes were very layered and real.

"Good luck."

Harley closed her cell phone at the corridor of the United Hospital, and the two cell phones connected to the computer in the fighting arena office immediately ended the call.

Levis and Gibbs looked at each other, both silent.

In the end, the old man couldn't help himself and whispered: "Do you think it's Cobot? It's not reasonable. His territory is in a mess, and the people who sell stolen goods are rebelling against him!

How can such a big thing be done if people's hearts are not united? "

"No matter who he is, he will be unlucky. Now the roles of hunter and prey have been reversed. It's a pity that the 'former hunter' who became the prey doesn't know it yet."

Levi's tone was affirmative and his expression became relaxed.

Iceberg Bar, meeting room on the second floor.

"Did Witch Harley lie?" Butch asked.

Cobot put down his cell phone and glanced through the glass window at the group of gunmen ready to go.

After thinking for a long time, he said: "She is very sincere."

"But you said before that she is the absolute confidant of the Romans and cannot be wooed." Butch asked doubtfully.

Cobot smiled strangely and said: "Am I not Kamai's confidant? When the old emperor was still in control of the kingdom, the ministers shouted long live and were loyal.

But now he is not even the emperor. We are only loyal to the emperor!

Because loyalty comes with a price.

We pay loyalty and we reap benefits from the Emperor.

Harley Quinn is a real ‘Gotham girl’ and made the normal choices that real Gotham people would make.

Oh, no, she was actually really nice to Kamai.

He never wanted to challenge his throne, and this time he also lost all his family's core weapons. "

"Who intercepted Teresa midway?" Butch asked in confusion.

Cobot smiled faintly, "I have already said that this game of chess is very messy, and the participants are definitely not just Maroni and I."

"Then, shall we go to the hospital next? Will we be followed by someone else?" Butch asked worriedly.

Cobot laughed and said: "Butch, when things have developed to this point, have I made any mistakes in my judgment?

Therefore, when I say, "The person who kills Kamai can be chosen by the big shots as the new king," you should keep it in mind and believe it completely. "

"Who is the big shot? Have you seen him?" Butch frowned.

"When I was an umbrella boy, I heard Fish accidentally mention that she heard it from old Camai.

They were like legends before, but now, I can feel their existence more and more. "

The Penguin stretched out his hand and shook it, his face full of intoxication and confidence, as if he had touched the supreme existence invisible to the naked eye.

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