I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1780 The Fear of the Heroines

"If you follow the preparations I said exactly, Henry will be able to escape this disaster ninety-nine times. But you must remember, don't tell him what I said, and don't ask why."

In order to get Henry, who was peeing and defecating, to get out of the house as soon as possible, Harry did not continue to delay or pretend to be incomprehensible. Through mental transmission, he directly explained the method to avoid Henry's death.

"You explained the methods of preventing death in such detail. Why don't you tell me the specific cause of Henry's death so that I can better prevent it?" When it comes to his son's life and death, the commander-in-chief cannot be too cautious.

"Since you have summoned the undead of Little Knox, you should understand that Princess Elena is not the 'Destined Girl' I predicted for him." There was no need to hide it this time, Harry said it directly.

She was moved in her heart and took out Madam Xanadu's mobile phone - borrowed from Madam Xanadu in the stomach dimension.

Turn on the camera mode of her phone and point the camera at herself and the leader who are talking.

"Madam, what are you doing?"

Before the commander could answer the previous question, he was confused by her sudden strange behavior.

"Well, I'm going to open for business next, and I don't know how many people will come to me for divination. Like you, they think that if I can accurately point out the '14th step', I must know all the details.

I have explained it more than once and I will repeat it to you again.

But I don't want to repeat this endlessly.

I might as well record a video and post it online to let everyone know that I am stronger than most first-class diviners, but I am not so mythical that I can directly control destiny. "Harry explained helplessly.

"Hey, you can't post it online. I can't be on camera." The commander quickly turned sideways to avoid the camera scanning his face directly. He also raised his big hands covered with age spots and moved forward to block the camera.

Ha Liqi said: "Don't everyone know that Henry is looking for marriage in Lann Cathedral?

No one is a fool. When they see the news about Henry in Lann, they will definitely guess that you came to me for divination. "

"They can guess, and I can deny it. I can give a hundred reasons right now. For example, Henry actually followed those second-generation powers.

For another example, Henry is indeed looking for marriage, but I have never looked for you. He is just imitating Little Knox.

But if there is a video, even if I have a hundred mouths, I can't explain it clearly. "The commander-in-chief said.

"Coming to see me is nothing shameful, why do you need to explain?" Harley said.

The Commander-in-Chief pouted at her, and kept glancing at the heroes and the Ryans on both sides, mainly the famous Louise, from the corner of his eyes.

"To put it bluntly, your expression is too abstract and I don't understand it." Harley said.

The commander breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly in the sea of ​​consciousness: "It is legitimate and reasonable for me to seek a good marriage for my son. I don't need to explain it to anyone, but those two million Lann coins are very difficult to explain!"

Then he added: "Of course, the two million rann coins came from a normal source. It was indeed the profit of Henry's gallery. There were even news reports that there was a painting of Henry hanging in the palace of Queen Blackfire of Tamaran. .

But the amount of two million rann coins is too large and will cause unnecessary criticism from the people. "

I didn’t expect Black Fire to be so low-key that she would hang Henry’s painting in the palace. Is she blind? Or did the commander-in-chief give too much?

Harley dissed the black fire lowbrow in her heart, and continued to mentally transmit: "Don't worry, when you leave, I will issue you an invoice for the payment of 200 US dollars.

It’s only two hundred dollars, and people don’t care even if they know it. "

"Can you still issue invoices here?"

"I never issued invoices before, but now the public and the media are focusing on me. If I continue to operate without issuing invoices, they will definitely accuse me of tax evasion," Harley said.

"Madam, you are so thoughtful!" Datong praised him first, and then said with a strange expression: "Two million Lann coins have turned into two hundred US dollars. If the tax bureau finds out, I'm afraid-"

"Don't worry, if you can't find it, my tax avoidance methods are no worse than yours." Harley comforted him.

"I'm not afraid of being found out. Well, I'm a little worried, but what I mean is, is this considered tax evasion?" the commander said meaningfully.

Harry said calmly: "Why, you don't think I should escape? Politicians and wealthy businessmen can escape, but why can't I, a great magic master? Is it possible that I am weaker than you?"

The commander was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "That's right, you are not an ordinary civilian."

The tax law has always only targeted ordinary people. Madam Xanadu is a commoner in status, but her power is not "commoner", so she can legally evade taxes with her magical means. Even if the US Taxation Bureau investigates carefully, nothing can be found.

As for her identity as the hero of Justice League Dark

She directly said that she wanted to evade taxes, and if he treats her as a lump-headed superhero, then he himself is a lump-headed superhero.

"I still don't want to be too ostentatious, why don't you change the guest to explain the '14th Step'." He added.

Harry said: "In that case, you can go, the next guest can come in after you leave."

The commander said: "You haven't explained why you were able to accurately reach the 14th step before, but this time it is vague and not fuzzy. It is still very detailed, but it conceals the cause of Henry's death."

"I will only explain it again. If you ask me to replace the next guest as promotional material, then you can go back and wait to watch the promotional video." Harley said.

The commander hesitated. The next guest's question may not cover all the questions in his mind, which are related to Henry's life and death.

"Can you hide my identity and mosaic my face?" he finally struggled.

Harley said impatiently: "You regard Superman, Wonder Woman, Dark Phoenix, and Lois as dead people? They all saw what happened when you came here to divine.

They don't care about your status as commander-in-chief.

Rather than letting them expose you, it is better for you to take the initiative and take the initiative to control the direction of public opinion. "

"Well, anyway, I'm not here to divine Henry's marriage this time. Even if it is exposed, the alien noblewoman will not take precautions in advance.

Well, I will publicize this to the outside world in the future. Henry has never divined his marriage. I only care about his health and come to you to divine good or bad luck.

From now on, Henry's encounter with an alien noblewoman will be a marriage destined by God, and there won't be any 'man-made chance encounter'. "

The commander-in-chief became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and the confusion on his face gradually turned into a proud smile.

Seeing that he agreed, Harley spoke directly again and carefully explained the contents of "Little Knox's Marriage Prophecy".

“At that time, I didn’t see any information related to Princess Elena in the crystal ball.

In other words, in my prediction, little Knox's destined girl is actually another alien lady. "

"Can such words be uploaded directly to the Internet?" The commander was surprised: "We have always claimed that the interstellar thugs are lying, and Princess Elena and Jack are true love."

Harry said: "Don't worry, I have been a fortune teller for thousands of years, and countless emperors and kings in human history have praised my professional ethics. I will not reveal the privacy of my guests directly or indirectly in any way.

At this time, you have already learned the details of the prophecy from Knox, so there is no need for me to avoid it.

The video of our conversation will be uploaded to my personal feed only after post-production editing and adjustments are completed. "

"Oh, it turns out that there is post-editing." The commander nodded and said: "If you can't predict accurately, why can the content of Little Knox's divination be accurate to the 14th level?

I have asked many masters who are proficient in divination.

They said that they could lock the location in the Gotham Cathedral, which was an exaggeration.

The location is as detailed as the steps in front of the church, like a miracle.

Down to the 14th level, it's absolutely impossible. Even if he saw the undead of Little Knox, Dr. Mist still shook his head and kept mumbling, 'How is this possible?' "

"I have previously explained to Superman and the others that the reason why we decided to open our doors and continue to provide divination for people who are destined to do so is because I want to let everyone understand through more examples and personal experience of fortune-telling that divination is not like the legend of Little Knox. 'In that way everything is possible.

Divination, like prophecy itself, is full of uncertainty.

Today I may just see the '14th Step', but tomorrow I may not even be able to see the huge church clearly. This has nothing to do with my state, and everything to do with how my true destiny develops.

If there is a possibility in fate that little Knox meets an alien lady on the 14th step, I can rely on my own ability to get inspiration from fate and see the key '14th step'.

If there is no possibility at all, no matter how good my condition is or how powerful my ability is, I will not see any revelation that goes against the destiny.

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it carefully.

Divination is the use of magic to leverage the laws of destiny and obtain revelation from the river of destiny.

Trying to reverse fate through divination is equivalent to getting inspiration from fate on how to 'explode' it.

If you were ‘destiny’, would you be so mean? "

The commander shook his head vigorously, "I will only severely punish those who try to 'rape' me, and I will not give them any enlightenment."

Harley smiled and said: "You finally understand, this is the backlash of fate! I don't tell you the cause of Henry's death, and I don't let you help him avoid death directly, in order to minimize the backlash of fate.

There are many possibilities in the future. If I directly tell the cause of Henry's death, it will be equivalent to turning the uncertain future into a certain destiny line, which is equivalent to destroying destiny.

Henry is not having a hard time either. He is bound to suffer a backlash from fate. Even if he avoids the death disaster I saw, he will fall into another death disaster after he thinks he is safe.

Kind of like the ‘Oedipus Effect’.

Once a prediction is spoken and known, it itself will seriously affect the predicted event.

Of course, Oedipus is not a classic case of fate backlash.

The 'oracle' that gave the prophecy was actually a curse, a curse placed on King Laius by the gods.

The example of Little Knox is more appropriate.

I didn't see Princess Elena at all during the divination.

I saw little Knox saving another alien lady without a headscarf on the 14th step.

The lovely Princess Lena also happened to fall down on the 14th step.

This is of course no coincidence. My prediction aroused the wrath of fate, and the backlash has already begun.

But this is not my fault.

In fact, I had predicted the backlash of fate. I did not see Princess Elena, but directly revealed the ominous feature to little Knox-a head of purple hair. "

"Madam, you are so powerful. You are the real master of divination! Predicting fate is not just a matter of predicting fate. You can even predict the reaction of fate. The key is so accurate. You are not only a master, you are a living immortal!" Commander-in-Chief The broad old face was filled with sincere respect.

"Harley is really powerful, a real master of lies! When other people lie, one lie often requires a hundred lies to make up for it. But she is good. The lie she told yesterday not only does not need to be patched, but can be used again to prove today's lies. Lies are true." In the dimension of the stomach bag, Madam Xanadu was also full of admiration.

"What she said was not all lies. The lies were mixed with her true knowledge of the prophecy, and her logic was self-consistent. This is the most terrifying thing. No wonder even the Supreme Being was fooled by her." Zha Kang also sighed with emotion.

Harry was very satisfied with the commander's reaction and continued: "So I warned little Knox over and over again not to mess with the noble lady with purple hair.

Even if Princess Elena appeared, it did not affect my prediction.

Little Knox later rescued the prophesied noblewoman in the same location. "

"Well, little Knox said she was an alien Grand Duchess, a fat widow." The commander said.

After seeing the resentful spirit of Little Knox, he had always had a doubt in his mind. Why did Princess Elena and the newly widowed Grand Duchess fall down on the 14th step at the same time? What a coincidence, right?

Now he finally understood that Princess Elena who fell first was actually a poison bait thrown by fate, and Madam Xanadu had predicted it in advance and gave a warning. That was too powerful!

Harley sighed: "Little Knox is still too young and too impatient. He couldn't control the greed in his heart, ignored my warning, and finally encountered misfortune. You can say that he was mocked by fate, that is, It’s a backlash.”

The commander-in-chief sighed with emotion: "Actually, I don't blame little Knox. With Princess Elena's peerless appearance, gentle character, and prominent net worth, which man can stand the test?

He was able to suppress the impulse in his heart, and after gaining favor with Princess Elena, he continued to wait by the stone steps for the non-purple-haired noblewoman, which was already better than most men. "

He was sure that if it were his son Henry, faced with Elena's stunning beauty and status as the eldest princess of the empire, all the purple-haired ominous warnings would have been forgotten long ago, and even Lady Xanadu would have been forgotten.

Even he himself would probably get lucky when faced with a fat widow and the eldest princess of the empire.

Louise asked curiously: "When you summoned Little Knox's resentful spirit, did it ever cry out 'regret', regretting that it didn't listen to Madam Du's purple-haired warning?

If he chooses the Grand Duchess, he will at least be alive now. The Grand Duchess's status is not low. She can lose weight even if she is fat. "

"He said he regretted it, but he didn't regret that he was too greedy." The commander glanced at Harry and said hesitantly: "He only regretted that he had too many scruples and did not take decisive action against his wife.

If I tie you, madam, to the Star Shark, you will definitely be able to help him avoid disaster. "

Diana snorted coldly: "If you die without repenting, no wonder you will go to hell."

Harley glanced at Henry, who was still sitting on the floor with his crotch still full of shit, and frowned: "Commander, you have no doubts now. Take Henry back. I have to meet the next guest."

The commander hurriedly said: "No, I still have doubts. In addition to avoiding death, Henry also hopes to marry an alien noblewoman.

You just answered Henry's question about death. After he avoids death, he will still marry a noble girl after all! "

Harley said calmly: "Let's wait until he avoids the disaster of death. Before resolving the disaster of death, he has no future at all. How can he predict his destiny without destiny?"

The commander hesitated and said hesitantly: "Do you still need to pay if you come here next time?"

"Whatever you want." Harley took out a pen and paper and wrote an invoice for him.

The commander finally stood up and went to help his son who was sitting in the urine.

"Sam, come and help me." The smell was too strong and the person was too heavy. He looked at General Lane.

Ryan regretted it. He was so indifferent that he didn't take a step earlier.

Now the commander directly called his name, and he couldn't refuse.

Seeing Ryan coming, the commander took a step back and sighed: "Oh, I'm too old and can't help him. Sam, please help me carry him to the courtyard outside. I'll call Waller." "

Ryan was disgusted by even touching Henry and asked him to carry him. If Zetas hadn't been the commander-in-chief, he would have snorted and walked away.

"Superman, come here and help."

Fortunately, my son-in-law is nearby.

Dachao walked up to Henry, pinched the back of his neck with his big hands, and lifted him up like a garbage bag.

"Hey, wait, Madam Xanadu, I have another question."

Henry twisted his body and suddenly shouted: "You just said that little Knox is destined to marry an alien noblewoman, so you can't take advantage of his marriage to an alien noblewoman.

Now that I'm dying, I don't even have my future destiny. Am I not destined to have a chance with an alien noblewoman?

Or will I have an extra destiny after I survive the calamity of death? "

"Mrs. Xanadu didn't say it was destined. What she said before was 'there needs to be a certain possibility in destiny'." The commander patted his son on the shoulder and comforted: "Divination cannot turn 'absolutely impossible' into 'definitely will happen' .

If you forcefully disobey destiny, you will suffer a strong backlash from fate.

Divination only increases the probability of "something that may happen". The higher the skill of the fortune teller, the greater the probability of improvement. "

"So that's it. I thought fate was a clear line, clearly written in black and white. There are no probabilities, only absolutes. That's why there are sayings like 'destiny is fixed' and destiny is difficult." Henry said.

"I thought so before." The commander turned his questioning gaze to Harley.

Harley was impatient, but still explained: "Destiny cannot be a clear line at all.

A large part of an individual's destiny is in his own hands and is full of unknowns and uncertainties.

For example, can you become an alien language translator in the future?

As long as you study foreign languages ​​seriously, even if you have little talent, if you practice hard for ten or twenty years, you can at least become a bad translator.

During this period, you can also decide to give up halfway and give up on this fate. "

“Of course, there is also ‘predetermined destiny’ in the river of destiny, but it should be noted that ‘destiny’ refers to the destiny arranged by God.

But how can ordinary people be qualified to enjoy the attention of ‘God’?

‘Destiny’ is the mark that distinguishes the ‘protagonist’ from ordinary people, and it is also a kind of bondage.

Every destined person has a heavy responsibility that cannot be escaped.

Ordinary people do not have their destiny arranged by "God". Most of their future destiny is in their own hands. Instead, they have greater plasticity and infinite possibilities. "

Looking at Henry, whose trousers were dripping with thick yellow-brown liquid, Harley's eyes flashed with disgust, "As long as you can survive, there are endless possibilities for the future.

This should include the possibility of meeting and falling in love with an alien noblewoman. "

The Commander-in-Chief thought thoughtfully, "Can I understand that as long as it is not prohibited by 'Destiny', everything is possible?

As long as 'God' does not pay attention to my son Henry and does not set a destiny for him not to marry an alien noblewoman, the fortune teller can see the possibility of him marrying an alien noblewoman in his destiny, and then make predictions to help him improve. Success rate? "

"It's roughly true, but most diviners simply can't see the possibility of 'Henry going to an alien noblewoman'. Have you ever asked Doctor Mist and the others to help Henry divine how to marry an alien noblewoman? ?" Harley asked.

The commander smiled awkwardly and said: "They refused directly."

He used his authority as commander-in-chief to find many people in private.

They made it clear that they could at most help Henry divine the general status of his future marriage.

They couldn't determine the specific status, whether the future wife would be a boy or a girl, poor or rich, an alien or an earthling.

They can see whatever is revealed to them.

It's impossible to say that the commander-in-chief wanted to know whether his daughter-in-law was poor or rich, but in the end they only saw a blurry scene of Henry being domestically abused by his daughter-in-law.

Their incompetence made the commander fully understand how powerful Mrs. Xanadu was who could customize an alien marriage for little Knox.

That's why he spent a lot of money and took out two million Rann coins.

"Why don't you leave yet?"

After the commander-in-chief left with his son, Harry turned his attention to Diana and Louise.

"I wanted to leave a long time ago. The room is full of stench, can't you smell it?" Diana said, covering her nose.

"I use magic to breathe internally. I don't need to absorb the outside air, and I can't smell the stench." Harley said.

Louise looked indifferent, "I'm not as pretentious as you. In order to get first-hand news information, I have been to all kinds of dirty places."

"What other news can you find from me now?" Harley said.

"A lot of news, for example, the Commander's two million Rann coins, for example, Henry's suicide, for example, the 'Xanadu Answers the Commander's Question' that you are about to release." Louise's eyes were shining, and her tone was full of excitement. , "You can give me this video, answer a few questions, and then I will make it into a special program, which is guaranteed to be better than what you uploaded to the Internet."

Harley pointed at the dirt on the floor and said, "Since you are so professional and are not afraid of hardship and danger for news materials, then help me clean the floor, and then I will meet your request."

Without saying a word, Louise rolled up her sleeves and found a mop and a wooden basin from outside. She moved quickly and swiftly without any expression of disgust or displeasure.

Dachao and General Lane wanted to help, but she refused.

While Louise was cleaning the living room floor, Harley was not idle either.

She took down the "Closed" sign and replaced it with a "Scan QR code to make an appointment" wooden sign.

Scan the QR code to enter the "Mrs. Xanadu" section of the Puppy Video Hero Forum.

Madame Xanadu has barely been on a mission, but she is indeed a superhero in the Justice League Dark.

Every superhero is registered in the Sky Eye Club, and any registered superhero may have a personal area in the Hero Forum.

The personal area is somewhat similar to "Somedu Post Bar".

However, the content is not a text-based post, but a video with a clear theme.

It's a bit like "Station B", with a comment area under the video.

Before the Little Knox incident broke out, the number of followers of Mrs.

Even now, many people know that she is very good at divination, but not many people pay attention to her section.

In the hero section, content is king. There is neither excellent nor frequently updated video content, nor does she interact with netizens often. The section has always been empty and cold.

Now Harley has uploaded a 5-second video using the account "Madame Xanadu".

There is only one shot in the video - a notice board filled with text.

The notice board details the activities and how to participate.

"Dip!" Seeing Harley hang up the sign, Dinah subconsciously scanned the QR code on the board with her mobile phone.

Then she entered the puppy video website and automatically opened the 5-second video "If you have the consciousness to pay the price of peeping on your fate, then go ahead."

"From today on, Mrs. Xanadu's residence is open for business again, focusing on exorcism and divination. If you need it, please complete the real-name authentication first, and then reply "I want divination" or "I want to exorcise" at the bottom of the video.

I have started the lottery program of Puppy Video Network.

The system will select a guest from the replies every half hour, 24 hours a day, and repeated posts will be invalid.

Within one month of receiving the notice, you can come to me at Mrs. Xanadu's apartment at No. 2 First Avenue in Gotham, Arkham Island, with your ID at any time.

The quota cannot be transferred to others in any way and is valid for one month. I can receive up to 58 guests per day and will not wait for overdue guests. "

Later there is an introduction to divination and exorcism, including the risks of peering into destiny and the limitations of divination.

Dinah hesitated for a while, couldn't help her curiosity, and was the first to reply to the video.

"I want to divine."

"Ding dong!" A message popped up.

The content is very simple, tell her directly that she has been selected.

Now she is the only one scanning the code, and the probability of being selected is 100%.

"What do you want to divine?" Harley came over and asked.

"I just had itchy hands and didn't want to do divination." Dinah said with a smile.

"Anyway, you've already got your quota. Don't waste it. Let Madam Xanadu try it for you." Diana instigated.

Dinah thought for a while and asked, "Can you predict anything?"

"Of course, there are no restrictions, but it has to be about you. You can't sell your spot to an alien guy and then come to me with the alien guy and say, 'I want to know how he can marry an Earth superheroine.' ." Harley said meaningfully.

"Hera, this is too scary!" Diana shouted, and the smile on her face was replaced by solemnity, "Xanadu, if aliens really came to you to ask this question, would you still do divination for them?"

"Of course, even if they ask me how to pry Superman away from Superman's wife, I will do my best and won't hide anything," Harley said.

"No, Mrs. Xanadu, you can't do this!" Louise shouted excitedly while carrying a bucket to wash the floor.

"It doesn't matter, just let her divination. My love for you is stronger than the Origin Wall." There were no outsiders at the scene. Dachao didn't have any scruples or cover-ups. He directly put his arm around his wife's shoulders and comforted her with a smile.

Seeing Louise reacting so fiercely, he was actually very happy and felt very sweet and pleased.

After hearing his promise of love, Louise felt sweet in her heart, her face was red, her eyes were watery. Even the force of mopping the floor was a little lighter.

"Tear Man, your words seem to be ominous. The Green Lantern Corps recently restored the system of one Lantern per sector. Isn't it because 3,600 Lanterns are repairing the Origin Wall that is on the verge of collapse? Or, are you? It implies that the love between you seems to be unbreakable, but actually it is rotten on the inside and is on the verge of collapse?" Harley complained unceremoniously.

Dinah also said: "The metaphor of Superman is indeed unlucky. Even Harley's mouth is tougher than the Origin Wall. She once chewed out countless big holes in the Origin Wall!"

She was talking about the past story of Harley extracting the power of Origin Judge and Papetua from the Origin Wall.

At that time, Harley left hundreds of holes in the Origin Wall.

Dachao hugged Louise tightly and gritted his teeth and said, "Let me change the metaphor. The love between Louise and I is as strong as Harley's front teeth!"

"'Love is stronger than teeth' doesn't sound good, but if it's Harley's front teeth, they are indeed stronger than anything else." General Lane nodded.

Harley's cheek muscles twitched slightly.


She has a greater sense of crisis than any other heroine.

Before Kandor City was unblocked, Supergirl always occupied the first place in the "Earthlings' Dream Lovers Ranking", and she, Wonder Woman, was often ranked second.

When Kandor City was unblocked, more equally young and beautiful "super girls" appeared in the public eye. Kara immediately fell out of the top three, and Wonder Woman became the first.

But if you look at the entire universe, even before Kandor City was unblocked, Wonder Woman was the most popular "Earth woman" among alien men.

Diana's identity is also nobler than any alien noblewoman, she is the daughter of the God King!

No matter how rich the human emperor is, can he compare with the divine king?

Zeus is also the first god-king in heaven.

Therefore, if there were no restrictions on the content of divination, Diana would be more dangerous than all female heroes.

"Yes, you have to have a bottom line when doing things, and my bottom line is fairness!" Harley also looked solemn, "Since the alien wife can be attacked by more than a hundred wretched men on Earth, why do women on Earth have privileges?"

"Hera, here are a hundred wretched alien men."

With Diana's strong and unyielding character, her face turned pale at this moment.

If she simulated in her mind for a few more seconds the scene where she was being courted by more than a hundred wretched alien men, but she couldn't refuse because of the prophecy, Diana's head would burst.

"Actually, you don't have to worry at all." Seeing that she was in a trance and pale, Harley softened her tone and comforted: "You also listened to the entire conversation between me and the commander just now. Divination is not to forcefully distort your will and destiny. It just improves some kind of possible success rate.

If there is a real possibility in your destiny that you will accept the advances of an alien man, it must mean that you are really moved.

Just like Elena, even though little Knox used tricks, when she was emotional, there was no falsehood at all, she was really moved.

If there are 100 men showing love to you, it means you have been touched 100 times and experienced the feeling of true love 100 times. How lucky and happy you must be! "

Diana said with a cold face: "Go and ask the current Elena, ask her if she is happy, or ask her if she wants to kill you with a knife."

Harry sighed faintly: "Everyone is eager to peek into their destiny in advance and take the initiative. Before I succeeded in divination, they expected me to be omnipotent; after I succeeded, they were extremely afraid of me and wanted to get rid of me quickly.

Alas, this is the price of peeking into the secrets of heaven. Not only is heaven jealous, but people are also jealous.

It is not tolerated in heaven and earth, nor in the human world.

Therefore, I can only be more fair and impartial, without any personal emotions, and regard myself as ‘God’.

The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. This is the highest spiritual state of a fortune-teller. "

"I'm really convinced by her. She's still pretending to be competitive at this time." Madam Xanadu couldn't bear the size of her stomach bag.

"In terms of shamelessness, all of us combined are not as good as her." Zha Kang said with emotion.

This time projection Harley has something to say.

"My mission in the second stage is to make the secrets of heaven chaotic, to make destiny boil, and to teach the "Book of Destiny" to burn.

Compared with ordinary people, the fate of superheroes has a greater weight in the "Book of Destiny". If their fate lines can be disrupted, it will be more effective against chaotic secrets and boiling fates.

On the other hand, if Diana really wanted to draw up a list of restricted fortune tellers, the goal of the second stage might never be achieved. "

"If you really disrupt the fate of Diana and Dinah, can you have a clear conscience in the face of such a price? Or is it fair to them to make them pay a huge price for your purpose?" Zha Kang said.

"Hey, I didn't specifically target their fate, I just used the fluctuations of the hero's fate line to leverage the "Book of Destiny". My goal has always been the "Book of Destiny".

Even if Earth's superheroes are coveted by aliens, they will at most be harassed or frightened like the old lady of Lann who was besieged by 100 Earth scumbags.

All miracles have a price, and in the process of divination, it is the diviner and the diviner who pay the price, not the person the diviner is about to harass.

For example, Princess Elena, in the "Little Knox Prophecy Incident", she suffered almost no real harm. She even gained a lot.

After getting my reminder, the negative impact was smaller and the only impact was that when the alien man approached, the Earth heroine tensed up and her eyes were alert. "

"Your reminder." Zatanna then remembered that it was indeed Harley who took the opportunity to tell everyone about the rules of divination and directly told everyone that the aliens might covet the earth just like the scumbag men on earth covet the alien ladies. Heroic men and women.

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