I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1779 The old immortal from Xanadu has boundless magic power

Sure enough, as Mrs. Xanadu had guessed, as soon as "Xanadu-faced Harley" finished speaking, everyone in the audience looked shocked.

"Mrs. Xanadu who died 30 billion people, are you kidding me?" Louise said suspiciously at first, "How can a mere Star Shark space cruiser have a greater impact than the ongoing battle on Apokolips, right?

Even though the 'New Gods of Mankind', including Kryptonian humans and Earth humans, once again lost ten thousand lives in the '101st Slave Camp Liberation War', Luther firmly declared that they were on their way to victory, and the final battle casualties would not be greater than World War II was bigger.

He was saying that the losses of the US military in World War II were not all the battle losses of the Allied forces. "

The number of American casualties in World War II was just over 400,000.

In other words, Luther felt that he did not need to sacrifice 400,000, so that the "Legion of Hope and Freedom" could complete the strategic mission of "defending the Dark King's City in the slave camp".

"Five-star General MacArthur also once said, 'Let the boys go home with the glory of victory for Christmas.'" Harley said with disdain.

"Do you think the war on Apokolips will be far more difficult than Luther expected? Is this the result of your own divination, or does it come from your trust in Harley's divination? Harley once said that they would encounter something ominous." Louise asked curiously.

"Harley and I are different. She is a thick-skinned god king and is not afraid of fate's backlash, but I dare not divine big events with grand content and wide impact." Harley shook her head.

Louise wanted to ask again, but General Lane, Superman, and Dinah spoke almost at the same time.

"Why can't we rescue the passengers in the spacecraft even after we determine the location of the Star Shark?"

"What do you mean when you say that 30 billion people died, causing the earth and the galaxy to be devastated?"

"Don't go too far. We are talking about the 'Star Shark Tragedy' now, not the Apokolips War."

Harley sighed: "The truth is too heavy, even for you. I mean General Lane and Reporter Louise. You two have too narrow shoulders and small hearts. I'm afraid you can't bear the pressure of the truth.

I originally only informed the Justice League and planned to tell Superman alone.

He is powerful and psychologically strong enough to overcome the fear and discomfort caused by the truth. "

"Harley is so good. When she said this, their desire for the truth must be even stronger." In the dimension of the stomach bag, Mrs. Xanadu had an expectant smile on her face, her eyes fixed on the picture projected in the air.

Zha Kang sarcastically said: "She said before that she was not interested in showing off to us, and even if she succeeded in showing off to us, there would be no sense of accomplishment.

Only a few minutes had passed and she slapped herself in the face on the spot.

Those mortals are definitely not as good as us, but she pretends to be ups and downs and enjoys them. "

Zatanna glanced at him from the corner of her eye, "Believe Harley's lies, it is better to believe that Luther can reduce the death toll in the Apokolips War to less than 400,000. To believe Luther, it is better to believe that MacArthur has gone home with victory for Christmas. You How big of a hole must one have in one’s head to take Harley’s words as truth?”

Zha Kang was choked, but was speechless.

"Don't whet our appetites, just tell us directly. No matter what the truth is, we can all bear it." In the living room, Diana spoke impatiently.

"Of course you can afford it, I mean General Lane and Reporter Louise." Harley looked at the Lane father and daughter, "You have to think carefully about whether you can bear the pain in your heart and not report the truth; whether you can bear it; Under pressure from the Pentagon and the White House, insist on not leaking the truth."

Louise, the famous reporter of the universe, did not follow her train of thought. Her expression was serious and her voice was sonorous and powerful, "I have my own professionalism and judgment, and I also believe in my judgment.

I will not promise not to expose the truth before I hear it.

I can judge for myself whether the public needs the truth about the Starshark incident, or whether the truth would be beneficial to the public.

You can exclude me from the audience listening to the truth because of my refusal, but I will pursue the truth myself. I believe in my own ability. As long as the truth exists, I will definitely find the truth. "

Harley wanted to curl her lips, and then said sarcastically: Are you looking for the truth at the bedside, or in the middle of the bed?

General Lane looked at his daughter's resolute and confident face, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to compromise, "Madam, I promise you, no matter what the truth is, after listening to it, I will pretend that I have never heard it and will not disclose it to anyone. secret."

Louise was dissatisfied.

As the saying goes, a heroic daughter has a heroic father. She has stated her position and adhered to her principles in this way. Why hasn't her father been touched at all? Where is the responsibility and pride of the American generals?

She only thought in her heart and did not ask directly, which would make her father embarrassed.

But General Lane knew his daughter so well that he could guess what she was thinking just by looking at her eyes and expression.

"No matter how much you look down on MacArthur, you cannot deny that he is one of the most capable generals in the history of the United States. He is at least ten times more reliable than the current commander-in-chief and defense minister.

But you still don’t believe that MacArthur can lead American soldiers home for Christmas. How can I believe that the White House and the Pentagon will not do bad things when they know the truth?

Madam Xanadu took the matter so solemnly and said that it might cause catastrophe on the earth and the galaxy, which shows that this matter is serious and can easily lead to bad things, right? "

This is not only explaining to his daughter, but Ryan also hopes that everyone will understand that although he is also a member of the government, he has his own thoughts and force fields and will not stand on the side of the US government without thinking.

"Well, since you say so," Xanadu-faced Harley sighed first, then said with a serious expression and a low voice: "The so-called interstellar thugs are basically the interstellar special forces sent by Princess Elena's father!"

"I bought it!"

Amidst the disbelieving exclamations of several people, Harley repeated the ins and outs of the Star Shark robbery.

"That's why I said that even if I tell you the detailed location, I can't save the people on the spacecraft. The 'Interstellar Thugs' are determined to complete the mission to the death. As soon as they find you approaching, they will immediately destroy the Star Shark cruiser.

It was a cruise ship transformed from a warship, with powerful defense, maneuverability and attack power.

The mastermind of the spacecraft has been controlled by the 'thugs' and can instantly detonate the huge ammunition depot in the ship's cabin.

Even if all members of the Justice League mobilized and managed to prevent the "interstellar thugs" from killing people and dying for their country, how big of a diplomatic dispute would this incident cause if it were exposed?

There are hundreds of alien nobles on the spaceship who came to attend Elena's engagement party. They come from different civilizations in different river systems, but everyone has a noble status.

Even including hundreds of royal family members with inheritance rights.

If there are just one or two of them, they may not be able to offend the powerful Ossad Empire, but once they determine that the civilizations behind all the victims are united and can overwhelm the Ossad Empire, they will definitely try to form an alliance to find Ossad together. The empire wants an explanation.

Even on Earth, Jack is always a citizen of the United States. His parents and brothers are all on the spaceship. He himself was 'slandered' and deceived into marrying Princess Elena. All the people in the universe saw that his valley burst and died. Don't the people on Earth? Empathy and anger?

If the ‘Victims Alliance’ comes here, will the Earth join?

Once an interstellar war among hundreds of civilizations begins, wouldn't it be easy to cause 30 billion casualties? "

"It's unbelievable, how could Elena's father be so cruel?" Louise murmured.

General Lane sighed: “If he wasn’t so ruthless, I would feel strange.

When I attended the wedding, I was wondering. Princess Elena is the first in line to succeed. Does the Emperor of the Empire not care that the future ruler of the Empire has alien blood?

Put yourself in someone else's shoes. In the 18th century, the Queen of England wanted to recruit an African to be the Prince of England. How could the British tolerate it?

They can't even bear the thought of their divorced daughter-in-law finding another man. "

"Even if the emperor doesn't agree to this marriage, can't he reject it sternly? Hundreds of alien nobles and royals on the spaceship will be killed at will. If the news is exposed, how much trouble will it cause?" Diana frowned.

General Lane shook his head and said: "Princess Elena has obviously taken the initiative and will not listen to the advice, otherwise the engagement ceremony will not be held on Earth.

She wanted to cook the rice before it was cooked!

Moreover, to the Galaxy Emperor who controls tens of thousands of galaxies and the life and death of trillions of people, what does a mere few thousand people mean?

Even now, there is almost open political murder on our planet.

In order to cover up their own scandals or criminal evidence, some big figures directly kill relevant people.

If converted into an interstellar empire with a population of one trillion, the long death list in the hands of the American big shots would become far larger than three thousand passengers.

To ordinary people, who among the people on the death list is not like a noble person from the galaxy or the royal family? "

Louise also came to her senses at this moment and added: "Didn't you hear what Madam Du said, the emperor is hiding in the back!

Even if the 'interstellar thugs' are arrested, the Imperial Major General will commit suicide out of fear of crime the moment they are caught.

Even if the real culprits behind the scenes were finally discovered, it was still the fourth prince and the eighth princess.

They bribed the imperial general to assassinate their eldest sister in order to compete for the position of 'Crown Prince'.

As long as the old emperor showed a shocked and sad expression, and put on a weak, unbearable, shaky and painful appearance, even the family members of the injured royal family would not have the heart to 'implicate' him.

If the old emperor was cruel enough, he would exile the fourth prince and the eighth princess to a poor planet in tears, or simply kill them.

Having killed his relatives due to righteousness and lost his son in old age, he has also become the victim of suffering. How can others 'criticize' him? "

In fact, the truth is more complicated than they think.

The fourth prince and eighth princess dared to take action against the eldest princess, so what confidence did the old emperor have that they would not target him?

Teach the eldest princess Elena a lesson, and then quietly tell him that the "interstellar thugs" belong to the fourth prince and the eighth princess. Then the old emperor can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and enter the movie-watching mode.

However, Harry had no interest in delving into this kind of palace scandal, nor was he willing to waste time analyzing it for them.

"I didn't expect that the royal family of the so-called high civilization is as dirty and dirty as the politicians of the low-civilized earth.

It’s really disappointing. I thought that the improvement of civilization level would lead to the sublimation of morality and humanity. "Dina said in a depressed mood.

Harley said: "The measure of civilization level is the level of science and technology.

An improvement in the level of civilization never equals an improvement in the moral quality of the people.

Just like going to school only lets you know etiquette, justice and integrity, knowing it does not mean you will be able to do it. "

"The symbol of civilization is not just technology, but also one of the core standards: thought and culture." Da Chao said.

Harley said disapprovingly: "Ideology and culture themselves have no absolute classification standards, so how can they be used to measure the level of civilization?

When you think a country is culturally strong, it is only because its own technology is very strong. Strong science and technology also makes the country's hard power, that is, its economic and military strength strong.

Take the United States for example. Does the United States have a shitty culture and ideas?

Even empty ideas such as freedom, equality and democracy were pulled out of the leftovers left by old European philosophers and thinkers.

But all countries in the world admire the United States and feel that the United States has advanced ideas and culture, which is why it can produce such powerful technology. "

"Well, you also said that only advanced ideas and culture can give birth to powerful technology." Da Chao said.

Harley shook her head and said: "I'm just saying you 'think', not what I think.

I feel that only the right soil can grow the most abundant crops.

There are countless planets in the universe, each with different environments and resources, and different races born.

What you think is an 'advanced' thought may lead to the destruction of another race.

The most extreme example, you ask the Rocky Zerg to give up plunder and absolute order, and instead learn human ethics, integrity, freedom, equality, and romantic love. The entire Rocky Zerg is only a female insect, so how can you be romantic?

They have no basis for love at all.

Once other bugs choose freedom and equality and no longer absolutely obey the orders of the mother bug, the entire group will immediately fall apart and will no longer be a threat to the "human civilization" of the universe.

But if you want to say that absolute order has created a powerful Zerg civilization that even the little blue people are afraid of, so 'absolute order' is a high-level idea that everyone should learn, then the 'gods' have something to say again.

Only the absolute self can give birth to divinity, which is the foundation of the divine race.

The civilization of the gods is advanced enough, right? Are you saying that 'absolute freedom of will' is high culture?

Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate culture and ideas in terms of "high or low".

On the contrary, the level of technology can be very clear.

With the same resources, if everyone fights, whoever wins will be superior.

Whoever has higher technology is a higher civilization. "

"You are not Mrs. Xanadu, you are Harley!" Dachao stared at her and said with certainty: "These words are completely Harley's tone and style. Mrs. Xanadu does not have this kind of insight."

"You look down on me?" Xanadu's Harry was angry, feigning anger.

"Tear Man is going too far. He actually looked down on me and said I was ignorant." Xanadu in the Stomach Dimension was really angry.

"I witnessed the rise and fall of King Arthur. I saw with my own eyes how the 'Scourge of God' attacked cities and made Europeans fearful. I served the great Emperor Kublai Khan. I saw Queen Mary's head buried in Revolution Square. Rolling on the stone slabs, I drank with George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln admired my peerless splendor.”

"It's not that exaggerated. I had never met Washington and Lincoln at all. I was still wandering in old Europe at that time, but I had heard about their deeds.

But like other Europeans, I don't look down on those two country bumpkins at all," Mrs. Xanadu said with an awkward smile.

Xanadu-faced Harley gave Da Chao a look full of contempt, "Don't use your shallow knowledge to predict my infinite wisdom. I've seen more dynasties rise and fall than you have in my lifetime."

"I feel more and more that you are Harley. Only Harley can be so mean." Dachao said.

"Hehehe, Tearman is really discerning." Madam Xanadu laughed cheerfully.

"Harry will never kick you out, but I will." Harley waved with a cold face, "I don't want to see you again, don't bother me again in the future!"

Louise secretly tugged on Da Chao's red cloak, took two steps forward, and said with a smile: "Madam, don't be angry. Superman is straightforward and has no ill intentions."

After speaking softly, she changed the subject and said: "The inside story about the 'Star Shark' is indeed shocking. I'm not sure whether I should report it or not."

Harley glanced at her, "You mean, it's possible for you to report it?"

"The people need the truth, and the murderer must also be punished!" Louise said sternly: "Today, because I was dissatisfied with my daughter's fiancé, I easily killed more than 3,000 people. If I have other thoughts tomorrow, how many people will die?

The reason why there is a saying that "when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses will be laid down, and blood will be shed for thousands of miles", it is just because when the emperor is angry, the common people like us will lie down on the ground, tremble and hold their necks to be slaughtered, no one objects or resists.

If the emperor is angry, everyone in the world will also be angry. No matter how angry the emperor is, he can only put the drawn sword back into the scabbard.

I dare not say that I can be a common man who makes the emperor sheath his sword, but I am willing to be one of the common men who force him to sheath his sword. "

"Well said!" Dachao's eyes showed a mixture of admiration and admiration.

Louise chuckled and continued: "Of course, I am not a stubborn person.

If I am not 100% sure of stopping the interstellar war, I will not act recklessly. "

"It's up to you. Anyway, all the sins and glory belong to you alone, and what happens after that has nothing to do with me." Harley said lightly.

"News reports need evidence. How do you know these secrets? Do you rely entirely on divination? Can divination produce such detailed information?" Louise asked.

"Divination combined with my experience and wisdom accumulated over thousands of years, finally deduced the complete truth." Harley said.

Louise looked suspicious, "If it was just an inference, you wouldn't say it so confidently and decisively, would you?"

"I tell you privately that there is no need to be modest and cautious. And as a top diviner, I believe that what I see is the truth.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I never thought of telling you this secret.

Ask Superman to come over and first explain why he didn't answer the phone before.

Secondly, I don’t want the main hero to act like a clown and continue to waste time and energy on the ‘Star Shark Incident’ in a serious manner. "

Harley turned her attention to the three giants of the Justice League, Wonder Woman, Dinah, and Superboy, and sighed: "Originally, the Justice League participated in many high-level crises and was quite famous in the main universe.

As a result, the old Emperor Ossad saw that he was just trying his best, so he let you run around like headless flies. While he was complacent, he also underestimated you and the earth a little, feeling that it was difficult for you to live up to your reputation. "

"Can even this kind of psychological activity be divined?" Even the most neurotic Diana became suspicious.

"Alas, you have all been poisoned by Harley's '14th Step'. Every detail you hear will be thought to be divination."

Harley shook her head slightly and said with emotion: "The pictures I saw in the divination were blurry, but I can't speak so vaguely that you can hear them in confusion!

As I said to Bruce and General Lane last time, with my ability, I can predict clear results many times. But to avoid getting into trouble, I won’t tell them the exact answer.

I would just use ambiguous words to make them feel inspired.

In fact, my prediction has no impact on their fate.

But when facing you, there is no need for me to be vague or vague.

I will express the results clearly and clearly in words you can understand.

For example, the mentality of Elena's father.

When I was divining the truth about the Star Shark Incident, I saw him smiling proudly, and I could sense his contempt for Zhenglian.

Then combined with today's reality - you are still working tirelessly day and night, cooperating with the joint investigation team composed of multiple advanced civilizations, searching for 'interstellar thugs' that do not exist in the universe - I surmise that Emperor Ossad is proud and The origin of contempt. "

"How do you know the conversation between me and Bruce, Selina, and Sam Lane that night?" Mrs. Zhenxantu asked in surprise.

"Since I want to imitate you, of course I will observe your timeline and understand what you have experienced in the past. This way, I will not expose my flaws when facing your acquaintances." Projection Harley said.

In the living room, General Lane showed a look of astonishment, turned to his daughter and son-in-law, and said, "Just one thing about Knox has caused great trouble to Mrs. Xanadu.

She has been doing divination for people in Gotham for nearly a hundred years, and she has performed divination countless times. If she had told the truth every time, it would have seriously affected the good or bad fortune of the person concerned, and fate would have backfired on her. Little Knox wanted her to eliminate the purple for herself. Unknown, she also plans to hire a superpower to kidnap her and finally kill her.

This is backlash, real and terrifying. "

The suspicion in Dachao's heart was still not eliminated, but he didn't want to dwell on the matter anymore and asked, "How do you plan to deal with those people outside? Do you need our help?"

"How can you help?"

Da Chao thought for a while and said: "We can stand up and advise everyone not to be too superstitious about divination. Divination cannot really change your destiny."

Louise shook her head and said: "It's useless. The Commander-in-Chief, the Ossad Empire, and experts from major TV stations are all promoting that 'interstellar thugs lie, prophecy is not that powerful, and Jack and Elena are true love'."

But look at the people outside the house, hundreds of them, blocking the road. "

Harley sighed: "I have figured it out and will open for business today."

"What, you want to open the door? What do you mean, you no longer refuse to divine fortune for those people?" Several people exclaimed.

Harry said: "As the saying goes, it's better to open up than to block. Instead of forcibly suppressing their expectations, it's better to let them experience the real prophecy for themselves.

Once they have personally experienced and felt it, and find that divination cannot change their lives, they will naturally regain their composure and return to their own lives. "

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to do as you wish." General Lane hesitated: "We understand that it was Harley who divined little Knox, not you, but others don't know.

These people who come to you for divination believe what the ‘interstellar thugs’ say.

If you follow the unspoken rules of fortune-tellers, deceive nine times out of ten, and say something ambiguous and specious, they will think that you are deliberately trying to fool people, and they will have a bigger problem with you.

Maybe powerful people do terrible things in anger. "

"Then I will follow Harley's lead and try to be as detailed as possible." Harley said.

"Didn't you say that you can't see a clear picture during divination like Harley?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"I also said that even Harley can't see a clear picture. I will emphasize this to them, and then use experience and wisdom to fill in the details, just like the psychological activities of Emperor Ossad." Harley said .

General Lane's expression was tangled, "You have indeed always insisted that Harley can't do it, but the case of little Knox is there."

"Hahaha!" Harley laughed, very proud and cheerful, which was in line with Mrs. Xanadu's identity.

"You are wrong. Harley has personally proven to me that she can indeed see clearly. She did not see Elena at all. In her prophecy, Jack married a fat alien widow."

"Have you met Harley, when?" Diana asked.

"This morning, in her manor, the Pope of Gotham Cathedral came to discuss with her the matter of Lann Cathedral. It was all my fault. It was entirely my fault."

Xanadu's shameless Harley ignored the real Xanadu's curses and frantically blamed "himself", "I tricked the son of the commander-in-chief and a group of second-generation powerful people to go to Lann Cathedral to repeat 'Little Knox's Lucky Affair' .

There were more than a hundred of them and they spent the whole day lounging around the church.

When he meets an alien noblewoman, he doesn't even care about her age. He immediately surrounds her and uses all kinds of methods to make her horny.

Even the old alien lady was not spared, scaring the old lady to tears. "

Louise was embarrassed and angry, and said: "I have heard about this news, and some people in the Lann media even insinuated that the temple has become a devil's cave and a nightmare place for alien ladies.

I made a comment in the column, saying that people like Henry are so shameless, making all the people on earth feel shameless.

As a result, the secretary of the commander-in-chief came to the newspaper office and accused me of destroying the bright future of the earth.

The commander-in-chief means that if his son marries an heir to the empire like Princess Elena, the entire earth will benefit. The current 'envy, jealousy and hatred' of the alien media people is just a small price to pay.

He even used the classic saying of the mages - all miracles have a price. "

"Mrs. Xanadu, madam, are you at home?"

It was said that Cao Cao had arrived, and suddenly the commander's shout came from outside the house.

"Why are the commanders here?" Diana was still a little surprised. "We came directly to the small courtyard from the teleportation gate. People outside the forest probably didn't see us."

"Hmph, the commander must have arranged for magicians to keep an eye on my small courtyard. After confirming that the magic circle had been cancelled, they rushed over immediately.

Not only him, but also his son Henry also took the "Cosmic Didi" and was urgently teleported back from the planet Lann. " Harley said.

She waved her sleeves gently, and the door opened automatically with a creak.

Without her asking, the commander-in-chief walked in with his silly son with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Sam, what are you doing here?" He was stunned for a while when he saw a few people in the room.

"I've always wanted to come and visit Mrs. Xanadu. I just found out that the small court formation was cancelled, so I came here." Only General Lane was willing to pay attention to him. The others either had cold faces or looked at her with scrutiny.

"Commander, what do you want from me?" Harley asked.

The commander-in-chief looked hesitant, his eyes kept looking at the heroes and Louise.


Then he turned to Harley and said excitedly: "Madam, don't worry, now we understand the rules of divination - pay first, then divination.

In order to show sincerity, my father brought a full two million Rann coins today. Please don't perfuse us like last time. "

"I bought it, two million Rann coins!" Louise exclaimed in a low voice.

Even though the U.S. government has specifically promoted the appreciation of the U.S. dollar in the past two years, the exchange rate between the rann and the U.S. dollar is still hovering around 1,000:1.

Twenty million Rann coins equals 2 billion U.S. dollars.

How did a commander who was not a chaebol come from so much money?

The Commander-in-Chief glared at his son and said with a natural smile: "My son is a well-known painter, and last year he held a painting exhibition on the planet Tamalan with the theme of 'My Presidential Dad'.

The Tamarans knew a lot about art, which allowed him to make a small fortune. "

"No Picasso painting is that valuable."

Louise knew she shouldn't demolish the commander-in-chief right now, but she just couldn't help it.

The commander-in-chief is simply insulting their intelligence!

The commander glanced at her, took out a small blue crystal card from his pocket, placed it on the table in front of Harry, and said with a smile: "Two million Rann coins converted into US dollars is indeed a lot.

But as the saying goes, Lan En makes money and Lan En spends money.

Henry rents an ordinary apartment in Tamaran for ten thousand ranns a month.

When selling paintings on an alien planet, of course you have to pay in alien currency.

The purchasing power of two million Rann coins on an alien planet is about the same as the purchasing power of two million U.S. dollars on Earth.

Henry only earned two to three million from selling dozens of paintings, which was really cheap. "

——It’s not like I’ve never seen your son’s dung paintings. How blind must the Tamarans be to appreciate his paintings?

Louise murmured in her heart, but she didn't say it outright after all.

Harry was not polite and put away the "alien check" directly and asked: "Is this still a fortune telling?"

"Of course, Henry needs a good wife who is well matched."

Then the commander added: "Although our earth is a lower civilization, its status and strength in the universe are not inferior to any higher civilization.

Therefore, I can be on an equal footing with the emperors and heads of state of any higher civilization.

I'm not bragging.

I have attended many galactic summits in the past two years. As long as I wear Harley's big head badge on my chest and give a small hint that "I can represent Harley", they will let me sit in the main seat and take photos. C position. "

In order to prove that he was really not lying, he also took out his mobile phone and opened the gallery without opening it. The desktop drawing was the C-position photo of him at the Galaxy Security Conference during the "Eclipse Lord Crisis" last year.

Harry nodded and said, "I understand. A good wife who can match Henry's will at least have a father who can stand next to the C position at the 'Universe Summit'."

The commander gave a thumbs up and praised: "Madam, you are worthy of being the 'number one fortune teller in the universe'."

Harley turned her right hand and took out a crystal ball directly from the dimension of her stomach bag. Her eyes were fixed on Henry, and a ray of consciousness entered Henry's timeline.

Covering the crystal ball with his hands, mumbling words, his eyes drifted into the river of destiny, and began to peek into Henry's fate.

The fate line is so short that there is only one dot left!

Harry was shocked. This Henry seemed to be a short-lived man. Well, he was over fifty years old, so he was not short-lived.

His next fate will be short, will his life be short?

On the timeline, Harley read "9999 Ways to Die for Henry Zetas" in a single thought.

"The Commander-in-Chief——"

"Hey, don't say it!" The commander quickly interrupted her, "The words of divination cannot be known to anyone other than the person involved. I already understand this common sense."

As he said this, he turned his head and looked at the people eating melon, with a look of disgust in his eyes like "Why are you still here?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm mentally transmitting the message." Harley said to Henry alone: ​​"I don't think you should think about marriage now, because your hall is dark, dark clouds are over your head, and your destiny line is about to come to an end."

"What do you mean? Madam, please explain clearly." Henry frowned first, and then said confidently: "I came prepared this time. I asked the fortune teller before I came. I know that you like to use ambiguous words. Escape cause and effect.

Giving you two million ranns instead of two million dollars is paying the price of karma.

So, stop being secretive. "

Harley said with a dull face: "Okay, it's my fault. What I just said was not straightforward enough - you are about to die. Do you understand this time?"

"What, am I going to die?" Henry shouted excitedly.

"What, Henry is going to die?" the commander jumped.

This time, Harry stopped transmitting messages and nodded: "He is about to die and has no chance to marry a wife."

"You said last time that he could find a match in Lann Cathedral, why is he going to die today?" the commander asked anxiously.

"For us last time, today was the future. Henry at that time could have our 'today'; for us now, the future is after today, and he may not be able to have 'tomorrow'." Harley said.

The commander's expression changed several times, and he shouted: "Who will kill Henry?"

"he himself."

"No, I will never commit suicide, I haven't married Elena yet," Henry cried.

He has been thinking about Jack's beautiful and noble fiancée.

"You don't have to believe it." Harley took out the alien bank card and put it on the table. "If you are still alive within a month, you can come back and take it away."

The commander looked at his bank card and said with a gloomy face: "Why did Henry commit suicide?"

Harry frowned and said, "Didn't you come prepared this time? Why have you forgotten the basic knowledge of divination?"

The commander was stunned and asked: "Can't I ask for details? But you can accurately predict the 14 steps, and even teach little Knox how to win the heart of Princess Elena."

"Commander, how do you know the 14th step?" General Lane asked in surprise.

The commander glanced back at him and said calmly: "Little Knox said it himself."

"Did you really summon the undead of Little Knox later?" General Lane looked complicated.

"His cousins ​​don't mind, so what are you excited about?"

Little Uncle Knox also didn't know the details of the divination and wanted to know if the "alien thugs" were lying.

If I'm not lying, his uncle also has a son.

So when the commander-in-chief came to the door with Waller and Dr. Mist, little Knox's uncle didn't hesitate at all, and the two parties hit it off immediately.

If he hadn't summoned the undead of Little Knox and learned from him that Madam Xanadu's divination was powerful enough to change fate, how could the Commander-in-Chief have paid for two million Lann coins?

Even if his son secretly received many kickbacks from the Queen of Tamaran for national construction projects, two million rann coins was still a huge amount of money.

Louise's heart moved and she asked: "What did little Knox say? Is there any information about the thugs?"

——Is it possible that before little Knox died, the "alien thug" quietly told him the truth about the robbery so that he would never die in peace?

Similar plots are often seen in movies and storybooks.

Louise was somewhat hopeful that if a breakthrough could be found from Little Knox, a series of special programs on "The Truth About the Star Shark Incident" that was destined to shock the entire universe would be launched immediately.

"Why are you asking this?" Her son was about to die, and the commander was impatient to answer her.

Louise rolled her eyes and pointed at Harry: "He must be filled with resentment and loudly cursed Madam Xanadu for refusing to change his fate, which led to his misfortune, right?"

The Commander-in-Chief was a little embarrassed and said, "The evil spirits from hell are spewing feces from their mouths. Madam, you don't have to worry about it."

After a pause, he explained: "He didn't scold him for long. We sacrificed two illegitimate children of the Knox family before summoning the resentful spirit of little Knox into the world. We won't listen to him all the time. Talk nonsense.”

"What, you actually sacrificed a living person?"

Dachao, Dinah, and Diana were all angry, with their eyes wide open and their fists clenched.

The commander hurriedly said: "It's not me, it's Little Knox's cousin Allen. He is a member of the Dark New Gods and is not subject to the laws of the earth."

"No wonder your son died. This is the curse placed on you by the sacrificed person!" Harley sighed.

Henry fell to the ground with a thud and wailed miserably: "Madam, help me!"

"Don't kneel down - uh" Harry just sighed in his mind: When this kid was about to die, his brain finally came to him and he knew to give up all his dignity and kneel down to beg her.

The next moment, the strong odor of urine and feces with a warm breath rushed towards my face.

Only then did Harry realize that Henry did not kneel down on his own initiative, but was so frightened that his legs became weak and he even became incontinent.

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