I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1778: Fake Shangdu comes out of the mountain again (please vote for me at the end of the mon

"Harley has already passed through 395 Destinies as John. Just this morning, the 395th Destiny ignored her harassment and kept ignoring her.

She persisted for more than two hours and finally had no choice but to accept the reality. Then she left the White House and came to you. "

In the stomach bag dimension, Zatanna explained to Mrs. Shandu.

"You mean, she didn't just happen to hear or find out on a whim that I was going to expose her background to Van Helsing, so she came here specially to continue throwing blame on me. What happened today is purely coincidental?" Xanadu looked suspicious.

Zatanna shrugged, "Perhaps she did sense that you were going to say bad things about her, so she gave up completely and continued to talk sweet words to deceive the third most powerful God of Destiny in the multiverse."

"I didn't say anything bad about her, I told the truth!" Madam Xanadu was a little angry, "As one of the parties involved, don't you know the inside story?"

"She did use your identity to divine fortune for little Knox, but those wretched men who went to the Lann Cathedral scared the alien ladies, noble men, and even the alien old ladies from entering the church to worship. You introduced them all!"

Seeing this, she turned pale and wanted to argue. Zatanna waved her hands and sighed: "I understand, the reason why you fooled them is because Harley noticed the flow of fate on a whim and let you out specifically to facilitate this. destiny."

Mrs. Xanadu nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's it. Everything was planned by her. Witch Harley is so cunning and cunning that she even deceives her friends."

"Yes, at most you have been deceived by her. The blame for the Lann Temple still belongs to you, not her. If it were her, she would never recommend all those scumbags to the Lann Temple. She His methods would not be so despicable." Zatanna said.

"But last time little Knox—"

"Last time, little Knox was going to Lann for a business trip. Harry took advantage of the situation and did not specifically target Lann Cathedral. What about you, those Quan Er who only know how to fight against each other and are only used to fighting against each other? Dai, you didn’t want to go abroad at all, so you just packed everyone into Lann Cathedral, and as a result, the reputation of the Cathedral was ruined.”

Mrs. Xanadu stared at Zatanna for a long time, then glanced sideways at the smiling and silent "Projection Harley", and said numbly: "Xiao Za, what benefits has Harley given you, why do you keep helping her? say?"

This time Harley finally spoke and said: "She is essentially speaking for you. Even in the stomach dimension, they can see the news about Little Knox and you.

Even the second generation Quan molested and harassed an alien noblewoman in the Lann Cathedral. Hundreds of people surrounded an old alien lady who was dressed dignified and beautiful, but was actually very old. They were so frightened that she fell to the ground and became incontinent. They also know about it.

Padre Ross sent messages to both Van Helsing and me using the Keeper Dog system.

He complained to me that you had ruined the reputation of the church.

Then Xiao Zha stood up for you and accused me of cheating you.

Now you think she is refuting you, but in fact she is just repeating what I said.

My words were well founded, she thought rationally and was convinced by me. "

"I'm not convinced, and I don't think you're completely justified. I just think you already think this way, and it's useless and meaningless no matter how hard you struggle.

How about I take the initiative to help her resolve her obsession and resentment. Zatanna said.

Mrs. Xanadu's expression changed several times, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "Since you turned on the watch dog to receive the message, why didn't you reply to my message?"

"I didn't reply to Priest Ross either," Harley said.

"Oh, it's useless to talk about this." Zha Kang threw away the cigarette butt drum and said: "Harley has completed the first round of fraud, and letting you out is to pave the way for the next 'second phase of action'.

Even if she replies to your message and asks you to come back the next day, you have just moved to another place, and your doorstep will still be crowded with people eager to rely on divination to change their fate. It will not have any impact on your reputation or situation. "

Zatanna also said: "Even if you stay at home, aren't you still closing the door and not seeing guests? What is the difference between entering the stomach bag dimension?

After you left, Harley's body never rested.

She wanted to complete the first round of fraud as soon as possible because she had a premonition that the news that she had blackmailed the God of Destiny had spread among the upper circles. "

"Obviously she is sorry for me, but when you say this, it seems that I have become an unreasonable person." Xanadu muttered in a low voice, then looked at Harley and asked, "The second stage is not about pretending to be me. Or Xiao Zha, will you continue to defraud the God of Destiny? Why do you want to come back for divination?"

Harry said: "Do you really think that those gods of destiny are crops in the field, and the amount of harvest is completely proportional to my diligence?

Even a goldfish has at least 7 seconds of memory. Is the God of Destiny worse than a fish?

Just being turned over once, then forgetting the pain, and then being deceived by the same routine for the second or third time? "

"Uh, didn't you change your identity?" Shangdu was stunned and said unhappily: "And this was originally your plan. Why do you think I'm stupid?"

"I'm just telling you - use your identities to deceive the God of Destiny. I didn't say that you only change your identity every time but not the deception. I don't understand you either. Your mind is too sensitive and you are not very smart."

This time Harley didn't understand her.

She directly dissed her for being stupid.

"Change the trick."

I thought about it over and over again, but I couldn't figure out how pretending to be her identity to give divination to ordinary people had anything to do with defrauding the God of Destiny.

"The first stage you are talking about is pretending to be Constantine and directly peeking into the fate of the God of Destiny. The second stage is pretending to be me and giving divination to people outside? What's the use of divination?" she asked doubtfully.

"I want fate to boil and the Book of Destiny to burn!" Harley chuckled.

Xanadu suddenly remembered her previous shouting: A mere little Knox can affect the whole body and change the fate of countless people in the universe. What if there are a million "little Knoxes"?

She understood that Harley felt that the current river of destiny was too calm and calm, and now she wanted to jump into the river to muddy the water and disrupt the stable flow of the river.

"Aren't you going to steal the power of destiny? What's the point of frantically destroying the established trajectory of destiny to you?"

Harry said: "Those gods of destiny are too shrewd and vigilant, and their methods of prophecy are better than mine.

In the few days after you left, out of nearly 100 gods of destiny, only six or seven were so angry that they lowered their clone projections. The efficiency was so low that I couldn't bear it. "

"Isn't this nothing? You are too picky. Behind you are the Gods of Destiny who are powerful and lucky. It is normal for you to be more easily aware of danger." Xanadu said.

Zha Kang sighed: "Harley doesn't want to be reasonable and normal, she only cares about her own goals and will do whatever it takes to achieve them.

In a short period of time, she could not see the possibility of raising her ability to the same level as the God of Destiny.

But once destiny becomes chaotic and no one can see clearly, even the God of Destiny's eyes are blank, like a blind man, and the laws of destiny are reduced to decoration.

It was equivalent to them being forcibly brought down to her level, and they all became blind and fluttered in the muddy water.

When it comes to fishing in troubled waters, who can compare to her? "

Kang only told part of the reason, Harley wanted more.

If she really lets fate boil and "Book of Destiny" freeze, will Destiny Big Brother get restless and come directly to her?

Her ultimate and most urgent goal is just to change Morpheus's cursed fate.

If Big Brother Destiny is intimidated by her ability and courage to flip the table and has no choice but to compromise with her, she has already activated the Destiny Defense Specialty and will definitely continue to hunt the God of Destiny in the future. At most, she will "accept the offer" and comply with all actions. The rules of "destiny" are no longer as unscrupulous as they are now.

"Did you already budget for everything today when you gave little Knox a fortune last year?" Xanadu looked at Harry with a shocked expression and asked.

"Although I really want to put on a big show in front of you and declare with pride that 'everything is in my plan,' it's a pity that there is no sense of accomplishment or meaning in bragging to you."

The three magic masters opposite were not happy.

They say they don’t want to pretend to compete, but in fact they are still pretending. They just change the direction and say that pretending to compete with them has no sense of accomplishment. This in itself is pretending to compete.

He also pretended to be invisible and invisible, so that they could not retort, but they felt extremely uncomfortable!

A look of joy appeared on Harry's face, and he continued: "I can only say that I was lucky. When I used your identity to divine fortune for them, my purpose was very simple, just to practice my skills through practice.

Of course I have also considered that a situation similar to that of Little Knox may affect the direction of fate.

But I feel like I don’t have that ability.

At that time, I thought the "Book of Destiny" was too powerful. I thought that the contents in the book were written in black and white, and it was difficult to change my destiny. The three people had rewritten my "black and white", but I was not an arrogant person. I felt that I, a novice, could compete with the three of them. Old splash goods comparison.

When I divined little Knox, the future I saw was that he would heed my warning, stay away from the purple-haired noblewoman, and eventually marry a fat alien widow.

I didn’t see the current reality at all, nor did I expect it.

At that time, I didn’t think much about it. Little Knox was just like the dozens of guests before and after him, just ordinary.

I also abide by the basic ethics of taking money to do things, try my best to fulfill their wishes, and never want to harm them. "

Everyone was a little surprised, "I thought that the tragic ending of Jack Knox's death due to the rupture of the tunnel and the short video being watched by the people of the universe was specially arranged by you. I also secretly lamented that you have such a strong taste."

Harry shook his head and said: "You think too highly of me, I didn't even see Princess Elena at that time.

The so-called 'Purple Hair Warning' is just a vague premonition similar to a spiritual sense of crisis.

I did not see the person involved, nor did I see the subsequent events.

And you look down on me too much, right? "

She glanced sideways at Xanadu and said displeasedly: "Am I like a vicious villain who took someone else's 4 million and deliberately tricked him into death?

Even if it's a lie, I still need a reason that makes my thoughts clear.

Little Knox and I have never met each other, and he was respectful and polite to me when we first met. Why do you want to harm him? "

"You can tell exactly which step you are on, why can't you see anyone?" Xanadu asked suspiciously.

"I unconsciously combined timeline peeping and divination together." Harley thought, "After seeing the blurry image in the crystal ball, I entered Little Knox's timeline.

There are countless possibilities for the future. I used the crystal ball to see blurry images paired with countless possibilities in the timeline.

It is similar to the ‘image search’ of search engines in reality.

Find the timeline that matches the blurred image, then read the information on the timeline and treat it as a prophecy.

Therefore, the prophecy is very detailed.

Not to mention which step of the stairs, even the flowers, plants and trees on the edge of the stairs can be seen clearly.

But I only entered the timeline of Little Knox, not the timeline of the alien noblewoman.

Even on the timeline, their information is still vague. "

Mrs. Xanadu turned to Zatanna and Constantine and said, "Look, as I expected, Harley cheated at that time. Her true divination level will never be able to twist fate."

Zatanna was a little confused, "Why are you telling us this? Who doesn't know that Harley is a beginner?"

"Well, I'm not telling you specifically, I just felt it."

Mrs. Xanadu is a little embarrassed. She should say this to Ryan and Bruce.

"Now netizens and the media are crazily praising Hallie, saying that she is the best prophecy god in the world. I explained to them, and they also scolded me and said that I was a charlatan."

"Isn't it the 'Mrs. "

"Is the 'Mrs. Xanadu' they call you or me? You don't know it yourself?" Xanadu said angrily.

Zatanna said disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's all about praising Xanadu, it's not about cyberbullying you.

If you feel that the compliments are too overwhelming and you feel shy, then don’t go online.

Anyway, in real life, you have little interaction with ordinary netizens. "

"Who said there is no cyber violence? It's even more terrifying than cyber violence. People from the Knox family want to kill me!"

Mrs. Xanadu became excited again after hearing this.

"Throughout the ages, people in power have had the same moral character. They are happy to predict their fate in advance and then control it, but they are also afraid of fortune-tellers who can peek into their own destiny. If they get involved with them, sooner or later they will end up miserable.

I have lived for thousands of years and have extremely rich experience, so I only give them some specious small profits and will not really interfere with their destiny. Harley broke the rules but let me bear the backlash. "

"You, a majestic magic master, have lived for thousands of years, how can you still be threatened by a mere mortal?" Harley said.

Xanadu sneered: "You can stand and talk without pain in your back. You are a thick-skinned god king. Even if the enemy ambush you with a nuclear bomb, they won't be able to hurt you even a hair."

I'm just a mortal mage. An ordinary pistol can blow my head off.

The Knox family has a big business, so hiring a group of superpowers to deal with me shouldn't be too easy. "

Zha Kang couldn't stand it, "Is this an exaggeration? With your vigilance, what kind of superpower can deal with you? It's not like you don't have long legs and can't run."

"No amount of exaggeration can deny the fact that my life safety was threatened."

After a pause, Xanadu added: "And I was indeed bullied online.

For the past few days, I have closed the door tightly and refused to see guests. People outside who were waiting impatiently treated me strangely in front of reporters.

Some people saw Princess Elena shedding tears for her dead fiancé, and said that I was inhumane and refused to help Jack Knox solve his troubles. "

"The Knox family or the White House of the United States. I'm not sure. It may be both. They even quietly leaked information to the outside world - after the Star Shark spacecraft was hijacked, General Lane and the Justice League came to my door and called me many times. , wanted me to help divine the location of the alien thugs, but I ignored Jack's life and death and watched thousands of hostages on the spacecraft being slaughtered. Therefore, I can be considered the main person responsible for the 'Star Shark disaster'."

Mrs. Xanadu grabbed "Projection Harley"'s arm and shouted: "You must tell them clearly! Not only ordinary people misunderstood me, but even the Zhenglian heroes thought I was ruthless and had some objections to me."

"Explain what? Didn't you reveal the secret to Bateman and Superman that I was the one who divined little Knox, not you? Sam Lane and Lois also knew about it," said Harley.

"Well, just because they know more, their opinions are greater." Mrs. Xanadu said with a bitter smile: "The Star Shark incident lasted for four or five days. Until yesterday, the Ossad Empire officially announced that all the hostages had been killed. The Star Shark spacecraft was also thrown into a black hole by interstellar thugs, and the investigation clues were completely interrupted.

If nothing else happens, this case will eventually become an unsolved case.

But on the morning of Little Knox's death, the commander-in-chief held a press conference and stated that the alien thugs' so-called "prophecy of marriage fraud" was a complete lie.

He also asked a magic master who was proficient in prophecy to speak on the spot to prove how ridiculous the lies of the alien thugs were.

There are also magicians in the Osaid Empire, who publicly declared at almost the same time that little Knox and the princess are true love, and there is no fraud.

The speeches of both parties were unanimously recognized by many experts.

Well, media outlets on Earth and off planets invite experts who specialize in divination to discuss the topic.

Experts said that "falling on the 14th step" is the biggest loophole, because the prediction can only see a vague picture and can never be so accurate and detailed. "

Having said this, God couldn't help but sigh, "Even if I go on TV, I will be just like them, denying the lies of the alien thugs with a firm look and a firm tone.

Therefore, the population base of ordinary people who have unrealistic illusions about me is actually not large, but the proportion is very low.

But the superhero knew the inside story and knew the alien thug wasn't lying.

Since prophecy can really be so powerful, I, who is at a higher level of divination than you, Harley, can at least divine the location of alien thugs, right?

I unplugged the phone line and refused to answer any calls or text messages, which delayed the best rescue time and caused thousands of passengers to die tragically in the black hole. "

"But I really can't predict the detailed coordinates of the alien spacecraft. I can't, and neither can you. I explained to them later, but they didn't really believe me and thought I was lying."

Mrs. Xanadu tugged on Harley's arm again and warned, "Go and explain to them that divination cannot predict the detailed location of the spacecraft. None of us can."

"But I can! On the day of Little Knox's wedding, when I released you, I already predicted that he would encounter misfortune, and that his family and the alien guests at the wedding would all die," said Harley.

Mrs. Xanadu's expression was frozen, "Did you see it on the timeline? Didn't you say you couldn't see it clearly?"

"As the saying goes, people are treated with admiration after three days of separation. In November last year, when I just started studying prophecies, how can I compare with me who had already captured the origins of dozens of gods of destiny less than half a year later?"

Harley looked proud and smiled confidently, "If they can find me, I can really find the location of the alien thugs.

In fact, not only the location, but also the ins and outs, cause and effect of the whole incident, I know very well. "

Xanadu was doubtful and asked: "Tell me, where is the spaceship and why did the robbers attack them?"

"Elena is the eldest princess, she is 35 years old this year. Well, the Ossad people also reach adulthood at 18 years old, but their average life expectancy is more than 150 years old. Calculating Elena is still young. Although she has a boyfriend when she was 15 years old, she currently has an illegitimate child. He’s almost an adult.”

"What? Elena has an illegitimate child?!" Xanadu was shocked.

"She is 35 years old and has been dating the opposite sex twenty years ago. Unexpected pregnancy and childbirth are normal, right?"

"But she looks very innocent." Mrs. Xanadu looked confused, "So, Xiaobai is actually Jack, and Elena is the real hunter?"

Harry shook his head and said: "Although Elena has never lacked a man, and although she has an illegitimate child, she is a simple and good girl, and she has always been relatively pure emotionally.

She gave true love to every man in her life, and it was true love every time. Although the love did not last long.

In his dealings with Jack, there was no consideration of interests whatsoever. "

"It's still true love."

"Don't underestimate Jack, that guy is very generous. He knows very well the importance of the first impression, and flying up the 14 steps to catch the princess is the first encounter, and the most impressive contact.

In order to save the princess in the most handsome, fearless and miserable posture, he secretly built the same style of stone steps and trained more than 3,000 times, until the skin and flesh on his back were worn away.

Every time he fell, he would record it on video. He would watch the video repeatedly and analyze improvements from all angles.

In the end, the panicked princess fell firmly into his broad and warm embrace. In order to show his piety, he specially wore a cross necklace. In order to prevent the necklace from touching the princess's delicate skin, he specially chose small hemp ropes and cork small ones. cross.

As the saying goes, when you are full and warm, you will think of silver.

Only when the princess is not harmed can she have enough leisure to observe the person next to her, and then she will have longing and erotic dreams.

If she had her head smashed and her eyes welled up in pain and she screamed, she would most likely feel resentful.

Unlike the princess who has a near miss, Jack must be miserable and handsome."

Harry thought for a while, but couldn't find the words to describe "perfectly handsome" in detail.

She moved in her heart and used mental projection to project a picture into the minds of the three of them.

"That's what it looks like. What do you think? Isn't it very tragic, but also very handsome? It's almost a plus version of Jack Dawson's final death and sinking to the bottom of the sea in "Titanic"."

Madam Xanadu looked at Jack's handsome face that was pale in pain but undistorted in the picture, his eyes that were mixed with perseverance and surprise as he hugged the princess tightly, and there were long blood stains on the stone steps, and the back of his head that was already wet with golden hair, he even It can ensure that your face is facing the direction of the sun, making your face look like it is glowing.

——At that moment, Princess Elena must have thought that she had met an angel!

Madam Xanadu was relieved, and Princess Elena was not wronged.

"He kept this position and slid all the way from the 14th step to the 42nd step. His posture remained unchanged, but his body was not stiff, making sure that the princess felt like she was lying on a flexible massage mattress.

The 12-character mantra I taught him—to be extremely flattering, to be shameless, and to be polite—was pushed to the limit by him.

Not to mention Princess Elena, even the people around the princess felt that this young man was neither humble nor arrogant, polite, gentle and gentlemanly, but his demeanor was just right. " Harley added.

"This guy is so good at it."

For the first time, Zha Kang felt that he was not as good as another man in pleasing women.

Harley put away the screen projection and continued the previous topic, saying: "Behind Elena, there are 13 younger brothers and 9 younger sisters, most of whom are adults, and they all want to be the final successor to the throne.

That group of alien thugs were not interstellar villains at all. They led the military of the Ossad Empire, and the person behind them who directly controlled them was the father of Elena's illegitimate son, a major general in the empire.

On the surface, he was bribed by the fourth prince and eighth princess, but he was actually the old emperor's man.

The Emperor of the Ossad Empire may tolerate an imperial princess marrying an ordinary earth man, but he will never allow an ordinary man from a lower civilization to have the opportunity to become the husband and father of the imperial emperor.

Well, if Elena becomes queen, the next emperor will definitely be her and Jack's child.

Illegitimate children cannot be brought to the fore anywhere.

So the Star Shark fell quickly.

Therefore, the Star Shark fell quickly and the situation was extremely critical, but the princess was able to escape by 'lucky'.

So Jack's valley broke and a short video was taken. It was the major general's own intention. The old emperor was not that boring.

The reason why the thugs pretended to specifically target Princess Elena was to deliberately embarrass her."

Harley smiled a little proudly and helplessly, "There is no way, my name is too famous and my power is too great. Even if I don't care about the life and death of Jack's family, the emperor of the great Starry Sky Empire must be cautious and dare not directly attack anyone. Citizens of Earth take action.”

"So the truth is like this." Mrs. Xanadu was only shocked for a short while before she regained her composure. "But it's not surprising. There are a lot of bad things in the emperor's family. This is true at all times and in all countries."

"Does Princess Elena know the truth about the robbery?" Zatanna asked.

It was also the first time that she and Constantine heard the details of the "Star Shark Incident". Before that, Harley had been busy defrauding the God of Destiny and was not in the mood to chat with them.

"I didn't know at first, but her father told her later. After all, whether the 'alien thug' lied or not, the thug himself must know very well." Harley said.

"This information should be what you saw from the timeline, right?" Xanadu said.

Harley shook her head, "I have gone my own way, integrating prophecy and timeline observation."

"You have walked your own path and leveled up? It's only been a few days." Xanadu asked in surprise.

Zha Kang said in a complicated tone: "Not two days after you left, Harley upgraded the natal curse to an exclusive curse and reached the level of 'Arch Mage' in divination."

Harley was not complacent, "I think all God-Kings can use timeline observation to assist divination like me, and their skills should be better than mine."

Even so, she did not belittle herself. She really felt that she was not as good as those god kings.

No matter how skilled and experienced they are, they are still not as powerful as her cheats.

The fifth-level destiny defense expertise allows her to perceive changes in destiny beyond that of some gods of destiny.

Those gods of destiny would be deceived by her into taking part of their origins, which meant that they were not as good as her.

"Okay, what needs to be explained has been explained clearly. Next, I will open the door for business. You can watch the show quietly and don't disturb me."

Mrs. Xanadu dismantled the defensive array of "Xanadu Hut" before entering the dimension of the stomach bag.

People outside did not notice the magic fluctuations before and did not dare to break in.

Harley projected nonsense with Xanadu and the others, while the main body used Xanadu's mobile phone to send a message to the Hall of Justice. At this time, the first batch of guests had already arrived.

"You are really determined to overturn the River of Destiny and make the "Book of Destiny" shut down. Crazy. Just saying it makes me feel like I am going crazy. Are you not afraid of the backlash of fate at all?" Madam Xanadu finally asked. .

Zatanna sighed: "You have known her for more than ten years. From the time when you were 13 years old when you took a gun and shot hundreds of GCPD officers on the street to now, when have you ever seen her afraid of anything?

Things that are enough to scare other people for their entire lives have eventually become fodder for her to show off.

She is a pervert and cannot be treated with common sense. "

Harley said: "Of course I will be afraid. I am afraid that because I am not working hard enough, crazy enough, or perverted enough, the last chance to save my friend will pass me by."

Xanadu, Zatanna, and Zha Kang all had complicated expressions, and the way they looked at her was also complicated.

They are also her friends. Today, in order to save Morpheus, she would rather offend all the gods of destiny, and even overturn the river of destiny without hesitation. If one day in the future, they encounter trouble

This is why they are willing to help her wholeheartedly.

The composition of the first batch of guests was relatively complex, including General Lane, who represented the White House and the Commander-in-Chief, several giants from the Justice League, and Louise, a well-informed galactic celebrity who came after hearing the news.

In fact, Harley only sent a text message to Chao, and she used Xanadu's mobile phone.

"I just informed Superman, why are you all here?" Harley asked.

The number of people was not that large, only Superman, Wonder Woman and Dinah were present, not even Bateman.

"Are you Mrs. Xanadu or Harley?" Dachao asked, staring at her.

Harry, who was so embarrassed, said angrily: "Harry has been as busy as a spinning top lately, how can he have time to talk nonsense with you?"

Indeed, they all know that Harley has been very busy recently and is pressed for time, as if she is chasing something or being chased by something.

But the Madam Xanadu in front of me, with her eyes and tone of voice, always felt like she was angry.

Dachao sniffed it with his nose, and found a faint scent of magic potion. Like Mrs. Xanadu, she must be a real person. Harley could only adjust the appearance, but could not change the genes, and naturally could not change the body odor.

Well, today Harley specially changed Xanadu's clothes and drank a large bottle of Xanadu's specialty "Elixir of Youth."

After receiving the blessing of "not meeting each other" from the second sister of Death, he will not die of old age naturally.

Just not aging anymore doesn't mean you can regain your youth.

In the "Black Death Crisis" a few years ago, Harley transferred her "second sister's blessing" to Selena. Selena was not yet 30 years old at the time, and has since maintained her "Annie" who is in her twenties. "Hathaway's Catwoman" appearance is almost at the peak of her appearance, which is very lucky.

Mrs. Xanadu was very unlucky. She only succeeded in winning the "blessing of immortality" at the last moment of her life when she was old and dying, so she had to constantly replenish the "elixir" to keep herself young.

"You sent me a message saying you had something to tell me. What was it?"

After observing carefully for a while and not finding any flaws, Da Chao could only give up temporarily.

Harley glanced at Louise, the famous memory of the universe, and said hesitantly: "What I want to say is very private and important——"

As expected of a famous reporter, he immediately heard the song and knew its elegant meaning. He immediately patted his chest and promised: "Madam, don't worry, although I am a reporter, I am also a friend worthy of your trust.

At this moment, my identity is your friend, not a reporter. In fact, even when I was a reporter, I had very professional ethics and would not reveal the secrets of the interviewees at will. "

Harley sighed, looked at Chao Chao and said, "I know you have been very critical of me recently. You are also whispering bad things about me behind my back, blaming me for not being able to divine the location of the Star Shark."

"No, madam, you misunderstood, we didn't say anything bad about you." Dachao's eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he moved his hands repeatedly, showing a guilty conscience of lying.

Dinah held her forehead and confessed helplessly: "Madam, you did misunderstand us. When we talked about the Star Shark tragedy, we only complained a little bit about you and didn't say anything bad about you."

Diana stared at "Xanadu" for a moment, and asked in a loud voice: "Did we make a mistake? Even if you can't accurately divine the coordinates of the Star Shark, you can at least provide a rough location.

More than 3,000 people are all dead. How dare you say that you have no responsibility? "

Dachao and Dinah reached out their hands at the same time and pulled her quietly, but Diana didn't respond.

Harley nodded and said: "You are right, I can indeed divine the location of the Star Shark, even to within 100,000 kilometers."

In outer space, where the unit of distance is light years, 100,000 kilometers is as close as "shoulder to shoulder."

"Mother Farke, what are you talking about?!"

Dachao, Diana, and Dinah were just dumbfounded, while Mrs. Xanadu, who was lying on the sunny beach "watching the live broadcast", jumped to her feet and cursed.

She had specifically told Harley to explain clearly just now, at least to eliminate the misunderstanding of her by the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance, and let them understand: it is impossible for a spacecraft traveling at super-light speed to be divined to its specific location.

"Don't worry, Harley must have something to say." Xiao Zha grabbed her briefs and persuaded her.

"The spaceship is moving, can you predict accurately?" Diana came back to her senses, with a look of doubt on her face.

She was not schizophrenic, and while blaming Xanadu for refusing to divine the location, she felt that Xanadu was unable to divine the location of the spaceship.

She is the God of War in the Olympian pantheon. She has lived for thousands of years and received a full education as a warrior and magician.

Even on Paradise Island, there are several Amazon female warriors who are very proficient in divination.

So she fully understands the limits of divination.

She blamed Xanadu not for not accurately locking the position of the spacecraft, but for Xanadu's refusal to listen to the call and his lack of intention or action to help.

"The so-called divination is to predict what will inevitably happen in the future. What does it matter if the spacecraft moves around? I can determine where it will appear at a certain moment in the future, not tell where it is at this moment." Harley said.

"Why were you unwilling to do divination at the time, and later claimed that a spaceship moving at the speed of light could not do divination, but today you confessed it?" Da Chao asked doubtfully.

——I’m not making any excuses. Regardless of whether there is faster-than-light flight or not, I can’t determine the specific coordinates because I don’t understand star maps at all. Even if I see a blurry pattern, I can’t tell which galaxy I’m in! Faster-than-light flight makes divination even more impossible!

Xanadu screamed in the stomach bag dimension.

"Because I've seen more."

Xanadu-faced Harry looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, sighing faintly: "Just because I don't do divination for you doesn't mean that I don't do divination in private.

In fact, before you came to me, when I first learned that the spacecraft had been hijacked and more than 3,000 passengers were in danger, I divined good or bad luck for them.

The disaster of the Star Shark cannot be avoided, even if you know its detailed location.

If you pursue them, more people will die. What are three thousand guests?

By then, it is possible that three million, 300 million, or even 30 billion people will die.

In order to avoid the destruction of the earth and the galaxy, I chose to endure your blame and the scorn of the ignorant, and endured it all silently. "

Mrs. Xanadu stopped barking and jumping.

She opened her mouth wide and murmured: "It turns out that this guy wants to show off again. However, she is showing off as me, and it feels so strong and enjoyable."

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