I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1781 The beginning of the mad rush

"Diana, you don't have to worry." Da Chao comforted: "There is an iron law in divination that no one can overturn - the more powerful, influential, and widely involved a target is, the harder it is for the truth of its fate to be glimpsed. If a fortune teller forces a fortune telling, the backlash will be even greater.

With your strength as the Olympian God of War and the blessing of God King Zeus, even the God of Destiny would not dare to take action against you easily.

Even the most powerful person who divines your future can only see a blurry picture.

No matter how strong Mrs. Xanadu's divination ability is, she can only compare with ordinary magic masters.

When she meets the God of Destiny, she will die.

Therefore, even if there is an alien male who admires you and wants to have close contact with you through divination, it is completely impossible. "

Diana glared at Harley and shouted, "Then she really is Madam Xanadu!"

The real Madam Xanadu certainly does not have the ability to peep into or even twist her destiny through divination.

But she is basically Harley wearing Xanadu skin!

It stands to reason that Harley's level of divination is not as good as Madam Xanadu's, but she often turns things that everyone thinks are impossible into reality. How can Diana not worry about her creating miracles on herself again?

"Uh, you too..." Dachao was a little surprised, "I thought you firmly believed that she was Mrs. Xanadu."

"In your mind, am I that stupid?"

Diana also feels that she is smarter than Chao.

"I'm not me, who am I?" Harley said.

"Mrs. Xanadu is not as bad as you. Even if we don't have frequent contact with each other, I am 100% sure that Mrs. Xanadu is very gentle and kind. She will never refuse our reasonable requests or even ask without our request. She will also not do that kind of substitution. Dirty things about heroines divined by aliens.”

Diana looked at Harry with a firm tone, but there was still some anger in her eyes.

"Hehehe, the appearance and breath can be imitated, but my gentle, kind, bright and pure heart cannot be faked by Witch Harley." In the stomach bag dimension, Madam Xanadu said with a proud smile.

"Whatever you think, the reality will not change because of what you think." Harley looked calm and did not argue. She just picked up the phone and said to the screen: "Wonder Woman Diana, my decision will not change because of Change by your words. I will not give privileges to people on earth, not even superheroes.

No matter earthlings or aliens, I will treat them equally and be absolutely fair and just. "

She spoke righteously, with an awe-inspiring look of justice on her face.

"What are you doing?"

Harry's words and actions made Diana feel strange.

"She's posing for a photo!" Louise, who was standing at the door with a mop pole, reacted first and shouted: "The camera on your phone is not turned off. The conversation you had with her just now was recorded.

Especially Wonder Woman, she made you look like, at least in her video, based on what you said before, you must be a privileged person who only allows earthlings to divine alien ladies and does not allow aliens to covet earthly women in any way. Image, maybe many viewers will accuse you of 'interstellar racism'. "

Diana's face turned green and red.

Dinah had a strange expression and used her sonic power to quietly say to Dachao: "Sure enough, she is not Mrs. Xanadu. She is the only one who can be so petty."

Harry said sternly: "Louise, your thoughts are too dark. I just recorded the facts truthfully, but you actually think of me in such a sinister way. Is it true that benevolence is in the eye of the beholder and evil is in the eye of the beholder?"

There was neither embarrassment nor anger on Louise's face, and she nodded calmly: "I often interview insidious politicians and plutocrats, and in order to deal with them, I must understand their thinking patterns.

They are evil, so I have to be more evil than them!

So I can see at a glance the purpose of what you just said to the camera. "

After speaking, without waiting for Harley to respond, Louise turned to Diana and comforted: "You don't have to worry, first of all, there is only one person in 'Mrs. Xanadu'.

According to the message she left on the Hero Forum, a divination quota is released every half hour, and only a maximum of 48 people can get a divination opportunity every day.

How many of the 48 people are aliens?

For example, in the Lann Cathedral, the scene of a hundred earthly dandies surrounding an alien noblewoman, ogling her, doing obscene gestures, and thinking she is suave, would not happen on Earth.

Even if there are alien men who admire you and want to get close to you through divination, it is impossible for every man to stare at you.

Secondly, when this video is uploaded to the Internet, let’s not talk about whether netizens will think you are racist. At least everyone will understand that you are disgusted with this kind of thing, and you will treat foreigners who come close to you in the following days. Star seekers are wary.

They will naturally retreat when faced with difficulties.

If you think about it this way, in fact, the advantages of uploading this video by 'Madame Xanadu' definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

It can remind all women on earth to be careful of alien suitors, and also make alien women wary of Henry’s second-generation earth-powerful and rich second-generation people, and ultimately greatly reduce incidents of ‘divination and marriage fraud’ like Little Knox’s. "

Speaking of this, Louise's heart moved and she looked at Harry with a strange look: Is this a coincidence, or did she do it on purpose?

If it was a coincidence, she was the one who first proposed that "alien men can divine female heroes". It couldn't be a coincidence every time, right?

Moreover, although Harley is very mean, she can only make fun of her friends at most, and will not really trick them into being surrounded by more than a hundred wretched alien men, while she stands on the side and laughs.

"Have you washed the floors?" Harley asked.

"It's just sewage in the first place, and it's easy to clean up." Louise glanced at Dinah, "Do you still want to do divination? If not, I will start an exclusive interview with Madam Xanadu."

Dinah rolled her eyes and said: "Mrs. Xanadu, can I use this divination opportunity in exchange for a 'restricted divination' quota?

I will use this divination opportunity, and you promise not to give aliens the chance to have an affair with Diana through divination in the future. "

Harley nodded and said: "It's a bit interesting to use the opportunity to peek into the secret to cover up a certain secret. It's fair, okay."

Diana was a little moved and persuaded: "Dina, you also need the quota of 'restricted divination'. You don't have to worry about me. I am the Olympus God of War. I am protected by the God King. Aliens have no chance to get close to me."

Dinah shook her head vigorously and said with a smile: "No, I am different from you. I think what Mrs. Xanadu said is very reasonable. If an alien man pursues me, I will feel very happy and have a sense of accomplishment.

Even if he got hints through divination and moved me with certain strategies, it must be that I was really moved and enjoyed an unusually wonderful feeling.

One man once, 100 men besieging me means that I will be moved 100 times. Hey, just think that I am vain. I wear fishnet stockings every day and dress up so sexy. I just hope to be more attractive to the opposite sex when I walk on the street. eyes?

It's much better to be appreciated than to be ignored or even disliked, isn't it? "

Everyone was stunned.

——Oliver is going green, Oliver is going green, Oliver is going green!

Diana shouted excitedly in her heart.

"You and Oliver are having relationship problems?" she whispered.

"No, we're fine."

"Then why are you..." Diana's expression was a little distorted. Could it be that Oliver had a special hobby and could also get pleasure from Dinah being pursued by other men?

"Because the relationship between me and Oliver cannot even be destroyed by fate. Even if there is a problem between us one day in the future, it will be our own problem, rather than being ruined by a man who pursues me or a woman who pursues him. ."

Dinah's tone was very calm, not filled with confidence, pride, or excited declarations.

She seemed to be saying something very commonplace.

Lois and Superman looked at Dinah for a moment, then turned their heads at the same time, just in time to catch each other's gaze, and they understood each other and smiled at each other.

They can completely understand what Dinah said.

Because the relationship between them has also reached the state of "no suspicion".

Superman is very good, and there are many women who admire him. Lois will be a little jealous at most when she finds out, but she won't worry that he will mess around behind her back.

The famous Lois is very dazzling, and there are many men who like her. Clark Kent will be jealous when he sees a man chatting with his wife at a banquet, but he will not worry that she will really fall into his tenderness and attentiveness.

However, they are still different from Dinah, who wears fishnet stockings, black leather briefs, a navel-baring pocket, and a short unbuttoned leather jacket every day. They will only regard the admiration of other members of the opposite sex for them as a burden and trouble, and will not be complacent and proud. Feel good.

"Louise, Louise?"

Harry shouted several times before Louise came back to her senses from the sweet gaze, "I'm right here, what are you calling me for?"

"I don't care about lunch here!" Harley said.

"Lunch?" Louise was stunned for a while before she realized that she was talking about how late it was.

"OK, let's get started. First of all, can you tell me about Henry? Why did he commit suicide? How to save him? What did you say to the commander?"

Then she added: "I understand the rules of divination. You cannot disclose the details of divination to outsiders. You can tell me what you can. I am just curious. After Henry beat him to death, he didn't want to die and still wanted to continue enjoying life. Character, why he committed suicide.”

"Of course he doesn't want to die, but people who don't want to die can also commit suicide. For example, an ordinary person with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan goes to the city to buy a house. For example, he drinks and eats barbecue every night, for example, he flies."

Louise thought thoughtfully, drinking and eating barbecue every night is not good for your health and is tantamount to chronic suicide. Henry is an addict!

"I understand everything else, but how can buying a house in the city be linked to suicide?" she asked doubtfully.

Dinah guessed: "Ordinary people with a monthly salary of 3,000 don't have much savings and no support from their parents. If they want to buy a house in the city, they can only buy a very small house. Mrs. Shangdu means that they live in a small house for a long time." Is it bad for your health?”

"Well, it's not as complicated as you think. What I mean is very simple. Ordinary people cannot rely on their parents and have to find a bank loan for thirty years.

In order to keep supply, I can only work hard to ensure that I will not be laid off, and then I will be involuntarily involved, work overtime, fatigue, and die suddenly. "

Dinah said with a dull face: "What you mean is much more complicated than I thought."

"As long as you pay more attention to the lives of ordinary people and don't think about grand events like saving humanity and saving the multiverse all day long, you will understand what I mean instantly." Harley said.

"We at least fight criminals on the streets every day. You live a more chic and refined life than anyone else. When did you pay attention to the lives of ordinary people?" Dinah said.

Harley shook her phone and said, "I often follow up on life and current affairs. You fight criminals in the city every day, and you see only crimes and not ordinary people's lives.

How many crimes can an average person encounter in their lifetime?

But the loans, car loans, education loans, child care loans, and cemetery loans that they have to face every day never get your attention. "

She also turned to Dachao, "Tearman, you are the most efficient in saving people and have saved the most people. You have helped so many people, but once did you help someone else pay off their mortgage?"

Louise took a step forward and said: "Don't watch the videos of those online hosts, they only focus on the dark side of life and society.

They can only accuse social injustice, complain about government incompetence, and even accuse superheroes from various contradictory angles.

Of course there is a dark side to society. The US government has more black spots, and superheroes are not perfect saints. But if you keep staring into the darkness, your life will be gloomy and full of resentment.

Even though the U.S. government has its merits, and there are so many beautiful things in life, do you think those kind of uploaders have ever praised society and the government?

It's all about traffic.

Not only the traffic from people on earth, they will also upload videos to the ‘Water Channel Network’, which is the pan-galactic video social networking site opened by the Lann people.

Aliens like to watch this type of video the most.

Only with extraterrestrial traffic can they make enough money.

In other words, in order to make enough money to offset the Internet fees for uploading videos, up owners must cater to the preferences of aliens. "

To prove that she was not lying, she finally added: "You may not have noticed, but I once wrote an editorial on this issue.

I conducted a very detailed investigation, including specific data and interviews with up owners.

One up owner even hinted to me that aliens secretly found him and paid him to make more videos that could easily arouse public resentment, and they must be posted on American social networking sites. "

"Because there are extraterrestrial forces deliberately adding fuel to the flames, so everything the up owners say are lies? Or, as long as those up owners shut up, the social problems they mentioned will be solved?" Harley said.

Louise said: "I just want you to stop watching the videos of those up-bloggers who are gaining traffic. If you really want to understand the real American society, Planet Daily is more professional and authoritative."

Harley said calmly: "I am not an angry young man who has just entered society. I have lived for thousands of years, and anyone's opinions and value output are of no use to me.

There is no difference between media professionals and amateurs. It is just a channel for me to obtain news. I have the ability to judge whether the news is true or false. "

"Okay, if you like to watch Up, just keep watching." Louise sighed helplessly and asked: "Did Henry commit suicide? Everyone on earth knows that he was an old drug addict for decades, why did he suddenly encounter this Death calamity?"

"While going to Lann to find a match, Henry harassed the alien lady in the Great Temple during the day, went to Lann nightclub to hang out, and fell in love with Lann's new Du Ping.

His legs were limp and paralyzed on the ground, and he was also incontinent. Not only was he afraid, but the main reason was that his body was broken. It was not glamorous on the outside, but decayed on the inside.

You see, he couldn't even stand up later and needed help from Superman.

Can a normal person be like that?

If he didn't come to me for divination, he would overdose on poison two nights later and completely burp. "

"So that's how it is." Everyone suddenly understood, and felt that it was natural that flying to death was indeed consistent with Henry's situation.

"Is it really okay to tell us the divination results directly? It seems that even the commander-in-chief doesn't know the cause of Henry's death." General Lane said worriedly.

“I didn’t tell the Commander-in-Chief because he couldn’t hide things, but Henry could easily deceive him.

If the commander knew the truth, he would force Henry to hand over the medicine when he returned home. Henry knew that he would die from high fever, so he would endure it for a few days.

But a few days or more than ten days later, the commander-in-chief felt that Henry's death was over. Henry felt that his health was okay again, so he quietly flew high again, and then died.

Now I only tell the commander how to save Henry, so that Henry can continue to fly and finally go to hell. The fear of death may help him live a few more years, at least enough time to find an alien wife. "

Diana looked dissatisfied, "You really want to help Henry find an alien noblewoman as a wife? The alien noblewoman has not offended you. Wouldn't you feel guilty if you cheated them like this?"

Dinah also said: "Although superheroes should save everyone, Henry's garbage is simply hopeless. I don't think his life will do any good to the world."

"I'm not targeting anyone. I'm a fortune teller and will never deliberately harm my guests." Harley said with a serious expression.

Of course Henry's death was not a pity, and she didn't care about the moral cultivation of the fortune teller.

Her purpose at this time is to make destiny boil through divination, not to use divination to punish good and evil and to uphold justice.

Henry's status in the Book of Destiny is certainly less than that of a superhero, but through her fortune-telling, his influence can become quite large, much like little Knox's.

Every named superhero is a protagonist and a destined person, but their combined impact on the world in their lifetime is not as good as the Little Knox incident.

Before meeting Harley, little Knox's total impact on the world in his entire life was not as great as a certain superhero crisis.

The huge change in Little Knox's weight in River of Destiny comes from Harley.

This change is a huge subversion of the "Book of Destiny", which is what Harley is pursuing.

Therefore, no matter how much she hated second-generation scumbags like Henry and Little Knox, she could not deny the fact that they were actually the most useful to her.

Ordinary people who have no destiny and power, even if they are blessed by her "destiny-changing prophecy", it is difficult for them to accomplish big things. Ordinary people can't even afford a ticket to leave the earth. If they don't leave the earth, how can they cause a sensation in the universe?

The superhero with a destiny is strong-willed and not at her mercy.

She didn't want to trouble her friends either.

Little Knox, Henry, and the like, suffered the backlash of fate, and died when they died. They were just used as waste. It was not a pity at all. If something happened to the heroes of the Zhenglian League, Harley would definitely not be happy.

"Especially when the customer paid a large sum of money. I don't care about money, but I can't lose my professional ethics. If I really lose my professional ethics, you will definitely look down on me." Harley added.

"You gave the commander a bill before. It seemed to be an invoice? But it said 200 US dollars." As soon as she mentioned money, Da Chao immediately thought of the invoice that the commander took away before leaving.

"Yes, what the commander-in-chief paid me was two hundred dollars." Harley said.

Louise's eyes widened, "We all saw it, it's two million Rann coins. Does it make sense for you to tell lies with your eyes open?"

"You only saw a bank card, and there is no evidence that there is more than 200 US dollars in the card." Harley said.

"Even if the commander really gave you two million rann coins, it wouldn't be big news, but now you actually issued him a fake invoice, this matter has become a hot news." Louise said.

"Then you go report it." Harley looked indifferent. "Others know that even the commander-in-chief has to pay two million rann coins. When they come to me for divination again, they will definitely do their best to make me a huge profit."

In the end, Louise still didn’t report the news about the $200 invoice.

First of all, she had no evidence to prove that Harley received two million.

Secondly, the time was not right. Everyone was discussing Mrs. Shandu’s divination and were not interested in the invoice incident. If we really sent out the news, most of it would be lost in the sea and quickly drowned in other news.

After the heroes of Zhenglian left, Hallie put up the sign saying it was open for business and scan the QR code for fortune telling.

When Louise returned to the Daily Planet building, the news that "Mrs. Xanadu has appeared" topped the hot search list.

Just five minutes later, "Mrs. Xanadu's new divination rules" replaced "Mrs. Xanadu has appeared" and became the new number one hot search.

Half an hour later, the personal tweet "I was chosen by Madam Xanadu" topped the trending list.

After Dinah, another guest who scanned the code to enter the "Mrs. Xanadu" area was selected and became the second person to be qualified for divination.

An hour later, "New Rules of Divination" returned to the top of the hot search list, while "What revelations did Mr. Stam, the first fortune teller, get" barely made it into the top ten.

That night, Louise used Harley's mobile phone video to create a special program - "Mrs. Number one on the search list.

After the show was broadcast, not only did the audience and netizens discuss it, many experts also immediately posted relevant comments on their social accounts.


She also hopes that everyone will stay sensible and stop being crazy about divination. Even the God of Destiny cannot create a destiny out of thin air. The price of peeking into destiny is extremely terrifying and unbearable for mortals. "

"I have long told everyone that the alien thugs are completely lying. Divination is certainly not superstitious, but making the eldest princess of a high-level civilized empire fall in love with you through divination is not 'magic' at all."

“Mrs. It’s simply impossible.”

Later, even the alien media broadcast the program "Madame Xanadu" on a large scale.

"Although Mrs. Xanadu abides by professional ethics and did not disclose the details of Jack Knox's divination even to the commander-in-chief of the United States, we can draw a definite conclusion from her speech - relying solely on divination, Jack There is absolutely no way to get the love of Princess Elena.

The alien thugs are indeed lying. They have tarnished the pure love between Jack and Princess Elena, and ignited everyone's desire to rely on divination to change their fate, get promoted and make a fortune, and marry an alien noblewoman. Now that the truth is revealed, fantasies have also been revealed. It’s time to be disillusioned! "

Both earth experts and alien experts are real mages who master magic and are good at divination. They agree with "Mrs. Xanadu"'s explanation of divination, and the words of "Mrs. God" are consistent with their previous conclusions.

The people gradually calmed down and began to rationally discuss the costs and limitations of divination.

The road outside Mrs. Xanadu's apartment suddenly became empty.

Having returned to their sanity, they no longer have the extravagant hope of relying on divination to become the second little Knox. It is useless to stay there all the time. They cannot enter the Xanadu hut without drawing the number.

If you want to draw your number, you can just do it at home.

By the next day, the news about "Mrs. Xanadu's Divination" was still on the hot search list, but it no longer dominated the list like yesterday.

The number of views of the "Divination Lottery" video in Mrs. Du's section on the Hero Forum has also dropped by 99% compared to yesterday.

Metropolis, Daily Planet Building.

"Louise, you haven't gone home yet?"

Perry, the black editor-in-chief, looked back at the general employee area and saw it was empty.

Not to mention Lois' husband Clark Kent, other employees have already gone off work.

He was also holding a bag in his left hand and a dark gray cashmere coat in his right hand, preparing to go downstairs to go home.

Without raising her head, Louise continued typing on the laptop screen and said, "There are still two cases that are not over yet. We may have to stay up all night tonight."

Perry was curious and couldn't help but put his bag and coat on the shelf at the door, walked into Louise's office, and sat across from her, "Is there any new hot news?"

"It's not new either."

"Is it still a special program about Madam Xanadu? Do you really plan to make it into a series?" Perry frowned, "Although the response to the last episode was good, what Madam Xanadu wanted to say has been said, and the popularity of the news has also dropped. "

"It's not a special feature on Madame Xanadu. Of course, I haven't given up on making it into a series."

Louise's right hand was still typing on the keyboard, but her left hand took out a Paradise Mountain tablet from the drawer, unlocked it with her fingerprint, and handed it to the editor opposite.

"Lady Xanadu's series can be put on hold for a while. I'm currently waiting for the big news on 'The Death of Henry Zetas', and by the way, I'm preparing material for 'Henry Zetas' Journey to Tamaran Fortune'."

"Is it Henry Zetas, the son of the Commander-in-Chief?" Perry asked while looking at the tablet screen. An electronic document had been opened on the screen, which was in the form of a press release. The title was "The Wail of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States—The Death of Henry." die".

The title was a bit alarming, and at least Perry was taken aback.

After reading a paragraph or two, he was even more surprised and very confused, "Henry Zetas died suddenly after taking LannXX type Du Ping, and the commander was extremely sad. When did this happen? Why didn't I receive any news? ?”

While speaking, he also took out his mobile phone and searched for "Henry Zetas, sudden death."

The results are not empty, there are thousands of news related to "Henry, Du Ping, sudden death".

But they are all old news from a long time ago, and the time span is very large. From 2000 to the end of 2022, for more than ten years, third-rate tabloids continued to spread fake news that Henry flew to death.

"This is Madam Xanadu's prophecy for Henry. I was present at the time and knew that he would die suddenly due to high spirits tonight." Louise explained.

"You just listened to Madam Xanadu's prophecy and wrote this news in advance?" Perry said with disbelief on his face, "Louise, do you have a fever and your head is confused?

You are a famous member of the Galaxy. Even if your brain is confused, you shouldn't be such an amateur! "

"I received the news that Henry has entered the ICU, and Madam Xanadu's prediction has come true, so I spent ten minutes writing this manuscript." Louise said.

"Oh, the prophecy has come true." Perry was stunned and sighed: "Mrs. Xanadu is so amazing!"

Then he asked doubtfully: "Then why don't you send the manuscript out?"

Louise said: "I still need some evidence, such as photos of Henry entering the emergency room and test sheets from the hospital. Jimmy and the intern reporter Gray are helping me do these things."

Heifei's sudden death is a scandal, and the commander-in-chief certainly doesn't want it to become known to everyone.

Henry was sent directly from the White House to Metropolitan St. Mary's Hospital in a very secretive process.

However, Louise had already targeted Henry.

She asked her husband to use super vision and super hearing to help her follow her, and then used the detailed information provided by Dachao to write this manuscript.

"What news is Henry's journey to Tamaran's fortune? Is it related to Lady Xanadu's prophecy?" Perry asked.

"It's related to Madam Xanadu, but it's not a prophecy. In order to divine for Henry, the Commander-in-Chief paid Madam Xanadu two million Lann coins——"

"I bought it, is it a Rann coin, not a beautiful knife?" Perry exclaimed.

“If it was American Knife, would I still need to do ‘Henry’s Journey to Tamaran Fortune’ show?”

Then Louise told everything about Henry holding a painting exhibition in Tamarin and earning millions of Rann coins, but Mrs. Xanadu issued an invoice for 200 US dollars to the commander-in-chief.

"You can't hit a real tiger just by focusing on a $200 invoice. The leader is using power for personal gain, sacrificing the interests of the United States, and exchanging benefits from alien governments. This is the core of the problem. I want to expose this matter." Louise Shen vocal channel.

"Do you suspect that the Tamarans purchased Henry's paintings not for art, but to provide bribes to the Grand Commander by legal means?" Perry asked.

Louise showed a look of disdain, "Have you never seen Henry's paintings? They are not as good as my son's paintings, and they have so much artistic value."

"But you have no evidence!" Perry said.

"I'm looking for it right now."

——Her husband got off work earlier than her, wasn’t he just busy with this matter?

"Do you have a direction?" Perry asked again.

"I suspect that the Commander-in-Chief secretly sold the forbidden technologies of the United States to the Queen of Tamaran, such as quantum soul technology, digital brainwave technology, and Limbo satellite technology. This is not a trivial matter." Louise said seriously.

"Don't worry, I and the newspaper society fully support you." Perry expressed his attitude first, and then said worriedly: "But you have to pay attention to your safety. It would be very scary for the general to jump over the wall in a hurry, and the Tamarin government certainly does not want this scandal. Being exposed.”

"I see."

After a moment of silence, Perry stood up and prepared to leave, "Just concentrate on studying Henry's bribery case. I think one episode of the Madame Xanadu series is enough, there is no need to make it a series.

Now that the popularity has subsided, even if you find new materials and create new programs, there probably won't be many viewers on the earth.

People on earth are not interested, let alone alien media. "

"No, the news about Mrs. Xanadu has just begun, and the heat is far from its peak." Louise said with certainty.

Perry wondered: "Are you so confident in Madam Xanadu? The people and the news media have indeed lost interest in her.

Just like the lottery every half hour.

At its peak yesterday, 1.5 billion people participated, but half an hour ago, only 5 million were left.

Five million is not a small amount, but compared with 1.5 billion, it is a cliff-like drop, falling into a vertical line. "

Louise smiled slightly. She had no confidence in Madam Xanadu, but she was very confident in Harley's ability to cause trouble.

Although "Mrs. Xanadu" has always emphasized that she is Mrs. Xanadu, and they also call her "Mrs. Xanadu", they all understand that she must be Harley.

They didn't know what she was up to, but they were sure she wasn't bored.

"The public and the media gradually lost interest in Madame Xanadu because after watching the 'Mrs.

Louise glanced at Perry and said, "I know they are all wrong. Mrs. Xanadu is unmatched. As long as she is still doing divination, she will create miraculous big news sooner or later."

Perry shook his head slightly, "Your trust in her is too blind. I don't think-"

"Ding dong!" A message suddenly popped up in Louise's Paradise Mountain notebook, and the prompt sounded loudly.

Louise clicked on the message and immediately shouted in shock: "Oh my God, in less than 48 hours, the richest man on earth has already been replaced!"

"What did you say?" Perry was confused.

"News about Stam, the first soothsayer. He won 1.5 trillion Rann coins and became the richest man on earth." Louise said.

Sorry, it's too late today. I'm not very satisfied with the last plot, so I wrote and deleted it and revised it for a long time.

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