I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1775 VIPs from Xanadu

Mrs. Xanadu did not leave the Galaxy Hotel easily.

Little Knox took her to meet his fiancée, Princess Elena.

He pulled the princess aside and said directly: "Actually, I wasn't just in the bathroom all the time. My father and I went to meet Madam Xanadu secretly.

Remember, I told you before that I was able to meet you thanks to Madam Xanadu. "

"Oh, you said that before you left the earth, you were confused and asked a magician to divine your marriage. She told you that as long as you keep a pious and sincere heart, God will let you meet." Princess Elena blushed and said no. Went down.

Jack looked at her affectionately and completed her words, "God will bless me to meet my right girl, Elena, it's you!"

The princess became even more shy.

Xanadu was smiling, with nothing strange on her face, as if she had really said those words.

Jack continued: "Mrs. Xanadu is a powerful master of magic and a close friend of Admiral Galaxy, and she is an old friend of our Knox family.

You have always wanted to meet Admiral Galaxy and hope to have the opportunity to listen to her lectures live. I just came to see Mrs. Xanadu just to inquire about Admiral Galaxy. "

Mrs. Xanadu took a deep look at little Knox. This guy was young and looked like a pretty boy with a weak head but a good skin. Unexpectedly, his scheming and methods were not inferior to those old guys.

——It seems that being able to hook up with the alien princess depends on more than just Harley's "mother's prophecy".

"If the princess stayed on Earth for a year and a half, it would not be difficult to meet Harley, and it would also be easy to listen to her live sermons.

She has been very busy recently, but she won't be busy for long. She will probably relax completely in the second half of the year. "

Before the purple-haired princess could ask excitedly, Xanadu took the initiative to tell the truth.

Harley had previously revealed to her that she didn't have much time, and Morpheus's matter wouldn't be delayed until the second half of the year.

When the Morpheus incident is over and there is no major crisis on the earth, Harley will have nothing to do and will definitely give public lectures again.

"What is Admiral Galaxy doing? Is it related to the New God of Apokolips?" Princess Elena asked curiously.

Xanadu shook his head and said: "I can only tell you that she is very busy, but I cannot reveal what she is doing now."

Elena was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I was rude."

Then she showed a look of regret and sighed: "It's a pity that Jack and I will leave the earth tonight and will not be able to return to the earth for at least a year."

Little Knox gently patted his fiancée on the shoulder and suggested in a low voice: "We can invite Madam Xanadu to be a guest in the Ossad Empire. She knows many stories about the Galaxy Admiral——"

Princess Elena immediately showed emotion, but before her fiancé could finish speaking, Madam Xanadu interrupted him neatly but politely, "Jack, thank you for your kindness.

I really want to see the scenery of the Ossad Empire.

It’s a pity that the ‘Human Dark New God War’ on Apokolips is not over yet.

You know, I'm still a superhero in Justice League Dark, and I can't leave Earth at this time. "

"Oh, what a pity."

Little Knox sighed with regret on his face, but his eyes flashed sharply.

Their family and Shang were old friends, so of course they knew that Shang was named Justice League Dark.

After the Dark Justice League was officially announced, they went to Xanadu's hut to inquire. Xanadu bluntly stated that she could only do divination and had no fighting ability. She only had a name in the Dark Justice League and did not go on missions on weekdays.

Now she was lying to his face.

Even though she knew he needed her prophecy to reverse his misfortune, she didn't care.

Since she doesn't care about his life or death at all, then

"Hey, I'm sorry, I wasted so much of your time. The guests over there are all anxious."

Mrs. Xanadu raised her chin towards the banquet hall and took the initiative to say goodbye to the two newcomers.

At this time, many people were looking towards them, many of them prominent alien dignitaries, and Jack could only send her away with a smile.

After being separated from little Knox again, Mrs. Xanadu resolutely refused the entanglement of old Knox and left the Galaxy Hotel without even drinking.

As soon as she got home, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Harley's number.

Unfortunately, the only message from the phone was "The number you dialed is not in the service area."

"Mrs. Xanadu, Madam Xanadu, are you at home?"

Just as Xanadu put down his cell phone, a familiar shout came from outside the house again.

"General Lane?"

Shandu looked out through the window, and sure enough it was Sam Lane who had been separated for less than an hour.

But he was not alone at the moment. He was accompanied by Zetas, the commander-in-chief with gray hair and bald head and a silly smile, and a middle-aged man with a blue complexion and yawning constantly.

The middle-aged man looked very much like the commander-in-chief, and Xanadu immediately thought of Zetas, who often appeared in various scandal reports.

——The two father and son came here together. Could it be related to the Knox father and son?

Shangdu has lived for thousands of years, and his realm and strength have not improved much. On the contrary, he is much weaker than when he was a forest fairy. However, he has a lot of experience and has encountered almost everything.

At this time, I had just met the commander-in-chief and his son, and I had a vague suspicion in my mind.

She hesitated for a while, then opened the door and welcomed the three men into the house.

After exchanging a few useless polite words, the Commander-in-Chief said directly: "Madam, I heard that little Knox's marriage with Princess Elena was all due to your careful guidance?"

Xanadu glanced at General Lane with a faint expression.

Sam Lane quickly explained: "I didn't say anything. In fact, I ate two alien snacks at the banquet and planned to leave, earlier than you.

The commander stopped me and asked me if I knew that little Knox came to you for divination.

I couldn't lie to the Commander-in-Chief, but I could only say, "Although I know, I can't elaborate." "

The commander also said: "It has nothing to do with General Lane, no one knows the details of your divination for little Knox.

But many people have heard that little Knox's ability to marry Princess Elena has something to do with you.

If an ordinary earthling suddenly wants to marry the most noble princess in the galaxy or the entire universe, everyone will be shocked, and then they will try their best to find the reason.

Little Knox is indeed young, promising, and good-looking.

But there are so many young, promising and good-looking people out there, why him?

Then this news came from within the Knox family. The news was very vague. It only said that you were involved. I don’t know how deeply you were involved, what specifically you said and did. "

He turned to look at Ryan, and then added: "Although Sam refused to disclose the details of the divination, it can be seen from his reaction that you played a very, very important role in it.

Even little Knox's supreme glory and achievements today are all due to you. "

At the end of the sentence, his old eyes gleamed and he looked at Xanadu longingly, his tone full of enthusiasm and excitement.

Little Zetas, who seemed to be addicted to smoking, was no longer dull and listless. His blue cheeks turned red, and his eyes with thick dark circles suddenly became brighter.

Madam Xanadu calmly glanced at the faces of the two fathers and sons, and said calmly: "Do you want your son to become the second 'alien prince-consort'?"

"Madam." Datong took the lead, his eyes flickering, and he hesitated awkwardly for a while before giving a thumbs up and praising: "As expected of you, madam, you can see through my inner anxiety at once.

My son is also considered a talented person, but he is nearly fifty and still unmarried.

I have been worried about his marriage, and I hope Madam can make it happen for us! "

"I remember you are married and have several children." Xanadu looked at little Zetas and said.

"After divorce, the children belong to the ex-wife."

Mrs. Xanadu's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "You divorced your ex-wife early without even seeing the shadow of the alien princess?"

"Why haven't you seen it? I can see Princess Elena clearly and clearly. She is too noble, too beautiful, and too charming." Henry Zetas's eyes shone, and his throat kept swallowing saliva as he spoke.

Old Zetas hurriedly patched up his son, "What Henry means is that his wife Monica was clamoring to divorce him some time ago. He is a family man and originally did not want his children to lose their father or mother.

As a result, within a few days, little Knox returned to Earth with Princess Elena, and even visited the White House. Henry fell in love at first sight, and Henry finally thought about it and decided to divorce Monica. "

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: "Your son is already 50 years old. At this age, don't bother. If you really want to find an alien wife, why not bring your grandson here."

"Oh, you still want to find a wife for my grandson? Madam, thank you so much. We will never forget your kindness to our family."

Zetas thanked him happily, and then added: "Although my son is over fifty years old, he chose to ascend that day. His appearance and body have not changed much. In fact, his life span has been extended to a thousand years. At 50 years old, he is still in his youth!"

I really want to kick this shameless old man out.

After all, she was an old goblin who had lived for thousands of years. She had seen too many similar things and dealt with them too many times. She quickly calmed down, took out a crystal ball from the cabinet, closed her eyes, and muttered something.

After a while, she stopped and said with a solemn expression: "The opportunity is in Lann. Henry goes to Lann Cathedral to read the "Commentary on the Bible of the God of War", which will attract the attention of the destined daughter.

Remember, morning prayer, noon prayer, and evening prayer cannot be missed once or for a whole day.

As long as you miss it once or stop for a day, all the 'opportunities' accumulated before will disappear, and you must start all over again.

Of course, Henry, you should also pay attention to self-cultivation during this period.

If there is any scandal or scandal, the alien lady will definitely not like you. "

——With Henry's virtue, it's strange that he can persevere. If he can't persevere and miss a beautiful marriage, it has nothing to do with her as a fortune teller.

"So simple? I feel like nothing has changed on me." Henry doubted.

"What changes do you want?" Xanadu asked curiously.

Henry touched his face, then reached down and grabbed his crotch, "I thought you would use magic to enchant my face to make me more attractive, like Ellie, the succubus in the Gotham Cathedral.

She is obviously dressed as a pure and stoic nun, and her expression is serious, pious and meticulous, but looking at her makes people feel angry and want to push her to the ground - "

"Pah!" The commander-in-chief slapped his son on the back of the head and yelled, "Are you drunk? You are talking nonsense here."

"I'm just giving an example to let Madam Xanadu understand what I mean." Henry said.

Xanadu said calmly: "I am a fortune teller and cannot help others increase their charm."

"You mean, Jack, that young pretty boy, won Elena's heart based on his true ability? Why should he?" Henry didn't believe it and was even more unconvinced.

Xanadu just watched him get excited and didn't say a word.

The commander patted his son on the shoulder and asked: "Madam, Jack Knox seems to be Princess Elena who he met at Lann Cathedral."

"so what?"

The commander frowned, "Is it too much of a coincidence? The universe is infinite, and Henry and Jack's 'right girls' happen to be in the same place?"

He suspected that he was just perfunctory.

"I will tell you the future scene I saw. Don't ask me why. Destiny is elusive and cannot be completely determined. Or you can find someone else. I am not the only wizard who knows divination in this world." Xanadu said.

General Lane interjected: "The extraterrestrial advanced civilization and the Galaxy Admiral have signed a 'faith contract', which means they believe in God and build the Heavenly Mountain Church. After death, the soul can enter the 'heroes' outside heaven like the 'American patriots'." island'.

Many alien royal families and nobles will go to the Paradise Mountain Church to worship.

Lann Cathedral is the most magnificent church in the galaxy. The building is a hundred times more magnificent than the Gotham Cathedral, so it is easy to meet the alien noblewoman there.

Just like Jack, you only saw that he married Princess Elena, but you didn’t know that he actually had several romantic encounters, and several alien princesses and dukes fell in love with him. He just chose the most noble Elena. That’s all. "

"There are actually many alien princesses who like Jack?" Henry's eyes turned red. "Have they never seen the world? They are just a pretty boy. They are not as attractive as me. What if I also went to Lann Cathedral?" ——”

He suddenly turned his head, looked at the commander and said excitedly: "Dad, I'm going to Rann soon. Please help me book a ticket to Rann quickly."

Not to mention the little Zetas, even the old Zetas was a little excited at the moment.

I thought that the alien noblewomen were noble and reserved, each like a flower on a high mountain. They could only care about the silver from a distance and not get close to blaspheme. Unexpectedly, they just didn't find the right method and didn't find the "lazy woman's nest".

"There are also many alien tourists in the Gotham Temple. Can we just stay in Gotham?" He looked at Xanadu and asked.

He knew his son well.

With him watching from the side, Henry would still cause a lot of bad things.

If Henry is allowed to go to Lann alone, the commander-in-chief has no confidence that he will act with restraint and caution.

If something happens on earth, he can still use his power as a commander and the connections he has established over the years to help cover it up.

If something happened in Lann, you would have to ask Harley for help, but Harley couldn't even see anyone recently, and she might not be able to help if she did.

"Commander, have you had any experience in divination before? The fortune teller can only tell you the vague picture he saw and cannot give you other suggestions.

Just like you asked me, can Henry stay in the Gotham Cathedral.

I didn’t see anything related to Gotham in the crystal ball. How do I answer your question? " Xanadu said.

General Lane noticed that she was already very impatient.

He gently touched the commander and said, "Sir, the divination is over. Let's go."

The commander-in-chief was very unhappy. He still wanted Madam Xanadu to answer his previous questions.

Because it was so important, Henry simply couldn't live outside alone.

It was really impossible. For the sake of the daughter-in-law of the princess of the alien empire, he could only accompany him to Lann in person. Now that Tesla is gaining momentum, he has constant scandals. He is likely to lose re-election, and then he will go to Lann with Henry. The "Bible" is recited in the church, maybe he can also grow old and rejuvenate. After all, he is also the new god of darkness, with a life span of a thousand years, and he is still young now!

After leaving Xanadu's hut, the commander couldn't help but complain: "Xanadu is so arrogant, is it specifically for me, or is she treating everyone like this just because she is a superhero?"

In the end, he still couldn't get an answer from Madam Xanadu about whether Rann Cathedral could be replaced by Gotham Cathedral.

"Mrs. Xanadu's attitude is good enough. Commander, didn't you notice? You didn't pay the bill at all." General Lane sighed.

"Pay what?"

It was indeed the first time that the commander-in-chief asked a wizard to divine the future.

Earlier, he was a staunch materialist and did not believe in the nonsense of charlatans.

When the power of miracles came into reality, he had never heard of anyone getting rich through divination, and he never thought about divination of good or bad luck.

This time, little Knox married the princess of an alien empire, which shocked him greatly, and he became interested in divination for the first time.

"You have to pay for a divination by a wizard. The last time Little Knox asked Mrs. Xanadu to predict his marriage, there was no result, so he signed a check for 4 million US dollars on the spot." General Lane said.

"Fake, it's too dark, four million, she just touched the crystal ball a few times, how can she have the nerve to speak?" the commander jumped to his feet and shouted.

"If I could marry an alien princess as noble and beautiful as Elena, 40 billion would be fine, not to mention 4 million. For an imperial princess, 40 billion U.S. dollars can't even buy a decent piece of jewelry. "Henry said disapprovingly.

The commander was stunned, then turned to ask General Lane: "Do other diviners also have this price?"

General Lane shook his head and said: "Unlike the Knox family, I don't often deal with fortune-tellers. I don't even know much about the common sense of fortune-telling."

Then he added: "Aren't there several magic masters in the Sky Eye Association and the Shadow Bureau? You can ask them about it."

It gets dark quickly in February.

It was only half past five in the afternoon, and it was already dark in the woods, and two yellow street lights were on in the small courtyard of Xanadu.

"Why are you even here?"

Looking at the two old friends at the door, their already numb faces showed expressions of surprise again.

"Who else has been here before?" Bruce glanced behind her, "Is there no one at home?"

“A lot of people came, one after another, and they haven’t stopped since the morning.

Just two minutes ago, the defense minister and his grandson left. "

Xanadu pressed his temples with a tired expression, "What do you want to drink, tea or coffee? From the looks of you, you should have just left the Galaxy Hotel and don't want to drink at the bar?"

"No, we don't want to drink anything. I just stopped by to see you and will go back to the manor directly from the back mountain later." Selina said.

"You must be here to hang out, but your husband won't waste time chatting."

Shangdu leaned on the sofa and looked at Bruce lazily, "Whatever you want to say, just be direct. Send you two away, and I will activate the protective circle. No one can come near my hut. No matter how loud you shout, I won't do it." If you can't hear it, you may lose your life if you dare to force your way in."

Bruce's eyes flashed, "You don't seem to activate the protective circle after nightfall in the past. Who are you trying to protect against this time? The Knox family, or the alien princess?"

Mrs. Xanadu's eyes widened and she asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

Thinking of Bateman's super investigative ability, she felt relieved again and asked, "What do you know?"

Selina didn't scream, but she sat up straight with a shocked expression.

"The Galaxy Hotel is the property of the Wayne family." Bruce said.

"Did you install bugs in every room?"

Mrs. Xanadu was surprised and asked: "You shouldn't do such an obviously illegal thing, right? Most of the people staying at the Galaxy Hotel are alien VIPs. If they find out, there will definitely be a big diplomatic turmoil."

Bruce shook his head slightly and said: "Of course there will be no bugs. I just arranged Dick, Damian, and Jason to join the waiter team and let them keep an eye on the alien princess and the prince-consort.

As a result, they accidentally overheard some confidential conversations related to you. "

"Why are you spying on Elena and Jack? Is there an ulterior conspiracy in their marriage that could endanger the earth?" Xanadu asked in confusion.

"To protect them, this is Gotham. Although super villains generally don't go to Arkham Island to operate, they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Bruce said helplessly: "The reason why I waited until the end of the banquet to leave was of course not to curry favor with those wealthy aliens.

I just hope they get out of the hotel and off this planet safe and sound. "

In addition to Dick and others who disguised themselves as waiters, the Justice League also clearly informed the Knox family and Princess Elena that the Justice League would arrange for heroes to join their security team.

The two parties work together, secretly and openly, to protect the safety of the alien princess.

"What did they say?" Xanadu asked.

"You are said to be ignorant of current affairs and ignorant of good deeds, and you resolutely refused such generous offers."

Xanadu nodded lightly, "In the afternoon, Old Knox came to see me a few more times and asked me to go to the Ossad Empire with them.

In order to convince me, he directly took out real estate certificates with a total value of more than 3 billion US dollars.

I was not interested in their building in downtown Manhattan, so I refused outright. "

Bruce said: "Little Knox wants to send superpowers to catch you. If it fails, I will kill you to prevent you from getting angry and exposing their secrets to the princess.

Old Knox was worried about Harley and advised his son to calm down, but young Knox said he would find an opportunity to trick you out of Lishan.

Moreover, he was already the great consort of the Ossad Empire, and even the Galaxy Admiral did not dare to take action against him. "

"Is he dreaming?" Selina sneered again and again, "No matter how powerful the Ossad Empire is, can it be as powerful as Darkseid, the Anti-Monitor, and the Black Death Emperor?

Harry didn't have any scruples when it came to attacking the Supreme Being, the God King, and the Demon King. A mere 'big consort' was not even as good as an ant in Harry's eyes. "

Xanadu waved his hand and said: "There is no need for Harley to take action. I have lived for thousands of years and met countless powerful overlords. I have never seen any scenes. How can I be plotted by them?"

Bruce asked: "You have lived for thousands of years and have seen various scenes and various powerful overlords. You are extremely experienced. How could you end up being plotted by ordinary powerful people?"

"Oh, it's not my fault. I'm taking the blame for Harley. This was her disaster. The Knox family can't hurt her, but the toad falls on the instep and doesn't bite anyone.

They were worse than toads and could make her sick for days.

With Harley's strength and realm, she was really disgusted, which can be considered a disaster. "

Mrs. Xanadu didn't hide anything, and told in detail the story of Harley disguising herself as her to give little Knox a divination.

"Normally, I don't predict too ambitious goals. I try not to touch on big events that involve too much cause and effect, such as the fate of a country, the rise and fall of a family, or ordinary events that have great influence and can greatly enhance my reputation. .

If little Knox asked me to divine for him how to marry an alien royal daughter while on a business trip to Rann.

I would directly ask him to change the divination target, for example, whether Lan can marry an alien woman while he is on a business trip.

How to marry and whether to marry are completely different.

How to marry almost changes the future; whether to marry is just a glimpse into the future.

I can only predict his future, not help him decide it.

Moreover, I only divine "alien women", and the "royal princess" of a higher civilization is too involved. "

“Also, I won’t go into too much detail about the divination results.

Neither let the other party know everything clearly and have no doubts, nor let the other party fully understand the mistake, which is the opposite.

It's best to let them vaguely understand, and rely entirely on their own abilities and opportunities before the incident occurs; when the incident is over, they suddenly realize that there is indeed a certain connection between reality and my prediction.

Although my predictions had almost no real impact on his reality, he would feel that the predictions helped him a lot. If he had not come to me for divination, he would have almost encountered misfortune or missed a great opportunity.

So, with awe and a red envelope worth millions of dollars, he came to me again and knelt down in front of me to express his gratitude. "

Selena said strangely: "This is not a prophecy, but a trick, right? You are a fortune teller in name, but you are actually a liar."

Madam Xanadu said disapprovingly: "For fortune telling, ten of them rely on deception and nine of them rely on deception."

"But you are capable, and your divination ability is very strong. You even understand the laws of fate, so you don't need to be deceived." Selina said.

"Incompetent charlatans rely on deception, and a 'real immortal' like me has to deceive even more. All miracles have a price, and the price of peeking into fate is even greater and weirder.

Everyone who comes to me for divination of good or bad luck hopes to gain benefits and receive benefits through divination.

If I try my best to fully satisfy their wishes, the price they will pay in the future will far exceed the benefits they get from peeking at their fate.

They were unlucky, and so was I.

In this case, it is better to give them a paradoxical result, so that they may gain enlightenment but gain nothing. It is not to give them nothing. A truly clever fortune teller will give them a spiritual comforter.

When you are in a good mood, full of confidence, and not confused, things will naturally go more smoothly. "

Bruce asked: "Can you, like Harry, change the fate of a princess from a high civilization with just a few words?

The steps she gave were detailed down to the level of the ladder.

Without Harley's 'strategy' and having little Knox repeat it a million times, it would have been impossible to meet Princess Elena and capture her heart. "

Xiandu was a little embarrassed and a little unconvinced, "She is not prophesying, she is cheating by peeking into little Knox's timeline with the authority of the God King."

If it were the Muggle Bateman more than ten years ago, he might still be fooled by this sentence.

Bruce is not a Muggle now.

"The past is set, but the future is ever-changing. If you simply peek at the timeline, you can only see the determined past. There are countless possibilities for the future, and there are countless dotted lines of time."

Xanadu insisted: "Harley herself said that she would unconsciously use the power of the God King to peek into the timeline when doing divination, so she could tell such a detailed picture of the future.

I feel that this behavior is no longer peeking into fate.

Harley is creating a future for the Imperial Princess and little Knox.

In normal divination, it is already amazing to be able to see one or two blurry pictures.

It's not normal for her to arrange other people's futures like she's playing a plot game. "

Bruce thought for a moment and asked, "Besides us and the Defense Minister and his son, who else have you seen today?"

“I can’t remember dozens of them, they are all prominent people on earth, and they all come with their sons or grandsons to divine ‘alien wives’.

Among them are the commander-in-chief and his stupid son."

Xanadu showed contempt, "Before, I was wondering why Henry Zetas suddenly divorced his wife.

It turns out that while I was away, that guy actually caused a ‘network disk incident’.

Videos of her having sex with her ex-stepmother, current mother-in-law, and alien technicians suddenly became a hot resource for people around the world to watch for free.

He's that kind of guy, even the women on earth can't look down on him, they want to divorce him, and he even dreams of getting married to an alien princess.

Do you really think the alien princess is blind and deaf?

Even if the alien princess is blind, her attendants will definitely investigate his information.

There is no need to investigate at all. That idiot has a lot of dirty information, which is just hanging on the Internet and can be downloaded for free. "

Bruce's heart moved, "You haven't been on earth these days? Where have you been? Harley is not at your house now, where is she?"

The "Network Disk Gate Incident" happened more than a week ago. It caused a sensation all over the world at the time. It has still not fallen into the top 100 of the hot search list, but Xanadu has just learned about it.

"I watched Harley practice while she was in her belly, and she was hiding under the White House to practice. This morning she had a premonition that she was going to suffer a backlash from fate, so she arranged for me to come over and top the tank." Xanadu said with resentment.

"Why did she go to the White House to practice? Do they know, Commander-in-Chief?"

Xanadu shook his head and said: "No one knows except you. She said that she did not want to harm innocent people. The White House is where the national destiny of the United States gathers, and it may be able to resist the curse that befell her.

These are all her own random thoughts and nonsense.

I have lived for thousands of years and have never seen the "National Destiny" in reality. Harry was probably poisoned by the novel. "

Bruce frowned and said, "Are you sure she is having random thoughts? If the fate of the United States is destroyed by her, it will not only harm innocent people, but billions of people on the entire earth will be affected."

Xanadu said with certainty: "Countries, like people, have a destiny, but destiny will not be exposed to the outside like the 'luck' in story books, so that the magicians can look at it casually.

Everyone's destiny is in the "Book of Destiny", which is sealed so tightly that even the God of Destiny cannot peek into it.

And what Harley is doing now is to plunder the ‘power of destiny’.

If the White House had condensed the entity's 'luck', and it had been eaten up and wiped clean by her long ago, how could it still be cursed and polluted in its turn? "

Selina looked at Bruce and said teasingly: "You have always been very smart, why did you make such a big mistake today? Isn't the national destiny of the United States Harley herself?

As long as she is still there, Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor cannot destroy the United States together. "

Bruce frowned, feeling something was wrong.

When Mrs. Xanadu said just now that Harry used the National Fortune of the United States to offset the curse, his sense of crisis jumped a few times. Although it was not too strong, he didn't feel very good now.

But Selena's words are very true. As long as nothing happens to Harley, even if the White House is bombed by aliens, even if the general is beheaded in public by alien terrorists, the American people will not lose confidence or panic, and the United States itself will not will be in crisis.

"Harry is plundering the 'Power of Destiny'? How and from whom?" Selena asked curiously.

"Harley has been crazy recently, and the things she does are very dangerous. If you don't want bad luck and misfortune, don't ask. I hid in the dimension of Harley's stomach to avoid disasters." Xanadu said seriously.

Selena nodded, directly skipped the topic, and said: "Today so many dignitaries and dignitaries came to you with their sons, does it mean that everyone knows that Jack's 'accidental encounter' with Princess Elena was actually a scam?

They all know it, but where is Princess Elena?

If she knew that her 'God-blessed love' was a joke, would she have broken off the engagement?

Then Jack shouted ‘Thirty years east of the river and thirty years west of the river’? Hahaha, it would be fun if that were the case. "

Xanadu shook his head and said: "Those people only know that little Knox marrying an alien princess is related to me, but they don't know that Harley designed the whole scheme.

Little Knox is also very smart. He has "confessed" to Elena a long time ago - the reason why he went to Lann to relax was not only for work needs, but also the main reason was to avoid the aristocratic marriage that the family was about to arrange for him. In his heart Worried, he came to me specifically to divine his marriage before leaving. I told him that if he serves God with a sincere heart, God will bless him and allow him to meet his 'right daughter'.

And in Little Knox's introduction, I am not an evil witch hiding in the forest and using toads as medicine inducers. I am a close friend of the holy and flawless God of War in heaven. "

"You didn't deny it?" Selina asked in confusion: "You clearly know that they have evil intentions and have murderous intentions towards you."

"Not only did I not deny it, I also cooperated with them in lying just right. There was no difference in my eyes or micro-expressions." Xanadu said with a smile.

"Why? Aren't you angry?"

Xanadu sighed: "I have lived for thousands of years, and I have seen too many people like Knox and his son.

I am not a stupid person. Of course I will be angry, but I will only be angry and will not be so excited that I lose my mind. "

"They can't hurt you. You don't have to suffer silently like in the past."

Selena thought she was doing everything to survive, and she was used to enduring humiliation and heavy burdens. She couldn't help but feel pity in her heart, and she screamed loudly and excitedly.

Xanadu said strangely: "I'm just saying that in the face of this kind of situation, although I am angry, I have always been sober and calm. When did I say that I have to endure it silently? I am the forest maiden Xianni Miao!"

"Uh, how can you be sober?" Selina was stunned.

"I have said before that all miracles have a price, and the price of peeking into fate is particularly high. Even Harley is no exception, and she has paid the price, but the price is that I have to bear that insidious and cunning bastard, and even my own people. pit."

Xanadu cursed unhappily, then smiled and asked, "Have you ever thought about the price Jack Knox will pay?"

"What price? He is now engaged to the princess and has become a winner in life that is envied by all men in the galaxy." Selina said.

"Hey, the princess's hair is purple."

Xanadu smiled happily and said, "No need to dirty my hands, God will accept him."

As soon as he finished speaking, General Lane's loud shout came from outside the house again, "Mrs. Xanadu, madam, are you at home? Something big has happened. Princess Elena's spaceship has been hijacked by an alien super villain!"

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