I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1776 Blowing up a pool of spring water

"General Lane, why is it you again?"

Xanadu couldn't even remember how many times he saw Sam Lane today.

In addition to initially coming to ask whether Harley was on Earth, and serving as a guide for the commander and his son, he also came to her cabin at least five times, each time as a guide for the earth's powerful people.

He is obviously the oldest and most capable general in the Pentagon, but today he behaved like a messenger running errands.

Help the Pentagon inquire and deliver news, guide the way for dignitaries, and introduce them to the common sense of divination.

There is no general's character at all.

"Madam, Princess Elena's spaceship had a big accident and was hijacked by a super criminal in the universe!" General Lane was so excited that he didn't notice Mrs. Xanadu's tone and just shouted anxiously.

After calling out, he noticed the Wayne couple sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking towards the door.

"Mr. Wayne, Mrs. Selina, you are also here." He was stunned for a moment, and he hurriedly shouted again: "Princess Elena's spaceship was hijacked by alien villains. They officially applied for assistance from the Justice League. I'm here. Superman has been notified on the way.”

"Didn't Princess Elena just leave? Even if there was an accident, why did you know about it so quickly?" Bruce only looked surprised and didn't seem too eager.

General Lane explained: "The message from Princess Elena, although her spaceship was hijacked, she escaped under the protection of the palace mage and supernatural warriors.

After escaping to a nearby civilized planet, she immediately sent a message to the Earth, which was two hundred light years away, and then I knew.

What we need to save now is not Princess Elena herself, but her fiancé, as well as the accompanying dignitaries and attendants. "

Selina saw that the old general was sweating profusely, his face was red, and he was still panting. He was obviously running over in a hurry, so she comforted her: "When the spaceship leaves the earth, it is no longer our responsibility. You don't have to be too anxious. We Just do your best.”

"Are you here to see Mrs. Xanadu?" Bruce asked doubtfully, "If something happens to Princess Elena, what are you doing to find her?"

"I" General Lane glanced at Xanadu, hesitant and hesitant.

"They already know the details of Harley's fortune telling for little Knox." Xanadu said.

Ryan came to him about Elena, which could only be related to divination.

"Hey, Princess Elena has purple hair. Harry made it clear at the beginning not to mess with purple-haired ladies, otherwise misfortunes will happen, but little Knox."

Sam Lane shook his head, looked at Xanadu and said, "Most of the direct relatives of the Knox family followed Jack on the spaceship bound for the Ossad Empire.

They were going to the Imperial City to attend the formal wedding of Jack and the princess, and get a title or two by the way.

It is said that after completing the engagement ceremony, Jack has automatically obtained the status of the 'Grand Duke of the New Earth Star'.

The New Earth planet has nothing to do with the Earth. It is just one of the hundreds of thousands of habitable stars within the territory of the Osaid Empire.

It may not be very wealthy. It used to have a number but no specific name. Now it has become the fiefdom of the emperor's consort.

After receiving the approval of the Imperial Council and the people and officially consummating the marriage, Jack will at least be named Prince of the Galaxy, and his immediate family members will also be able to ascend to heaven with the chickens and dogs, and receive several palace titles.

Therefore, almost all members of his family are mobilized. Even if there is no reward, they can still increase their knowledge and expand their connections.

But this does not mean that the Knox family has completely given up on the earth's industry.

For example, Jack Knox's cousin is still a congressman in Gotham. "

"That cousin asked you to come here to find me?" Xanadu frowned.

Bruce said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid it's not just his cousin. The Knox family is flourishing. More than half of the Knox family chose to ascend collectively and formed a small mercenary group."

General Lane said: "The liberation war of the 101st slave camp has ended. After confirming that Harley was on Earth this morning, Luther and General Zod immediately led 5 million human new gods into Apokolips.

The battle lasted two hours.

At this time, some human mercenary groups have returned to the material universe, including the Knox Family Corps.

They understand better than outsiders that Jack relied on Madam Xanadu's divination to marry the alien princess.

Now Jack has fallen into the enemy's hands, and they hope you can divine Jack's location and help the Justice League rescue Jack and the others. "

"How can you say that you are a genuine 'admiral'? Even if you were a pimp for those top dignitaries, how can the Knox family put pressure on you?"

She had long been dissatisfied with the Knox family, and now General Lane was pressuring her on behalf of the Knox family, asking her to help rescue Jack. Xanadu's mood and attitude were not good.

General Lane's face turned red and he looked embarrassed, "The reason why I brought those powerful people to see you many times is not because I wanted to curry favor with them.

Since the last time the Dark Elite ambush the Legion of Hope and Freedom, for the safety of tens of millions of human beings' new gods, and for the safety of Earth's civilization, I accepted the task arranged by the Pentagon to stay in Gotham and watch over Harley.

From now on, whenever I want to take action with the Freedom Corps, I will come to Harley in advance.

They will not take action until they are sure that Harley is on Earth.

We can also relax and don't have to worry about the dark elite hunting down the earth and causing destruction to all living beings.

Just like today, Hope and the Freedom Corps encountered the Dark Elite again, and once again suffered more than 10,000 casualties!

It is very important to determine Harley's status in advance, it is completely necessary! "

“Because I live in Gotham, in the ‘Iceberg Hotel’ on Arkham Island, those powerful people came to me for help.

Everyone who comes to me is either a friend of mine for many years or a colleague in the Pentagon. Like you, I don’t want to meet them, but there are always a lot of helplessness when people live in this world.

But I never wanted to curry favor with them.

I don’t need to curry favor with them, some people have lower positions than me.

The Knox family is even less likely to put any pressure on me.

The lovely Princess Lena is the daughter-in-law of the United States, and there are many VIPs on the spaceship.

I came to you anxiously for the honor and interests of the United States.

At this time, even the Justice League has been dispatched, and Superman was the first to rush to the scene of the accident. Are they also under pressure from the Knox family? "

His face was red, his neck was thick, and his voice became uncontrollably louder. He spoke quickly and longly, fully demonstrating his inner excitement.

Now it was Mrs. Xanadu's turn to be embarrassed.

"You should know that the person who divined little Knox was Harley, not Mrs. Xanadu, right?" Bruce looked at General Lane and asked, "Do you expect Harley to show up for such a trivial matter?"

Ryan frowned and said: "Isn't this a trivial matter? Although I don't like the Knox family, if they successfully marry with the Ossad Empire, it will also be of great benefit to the development of earth civilization.

Moreover, there were more than 3,000 passengers on the spaceship. In addition to attendants and bodyguards, there were also 200 to 300 royal members from multiple civilizations.

I swear, in the next few days, the headlines in every major media outlet in the galaxy will be about the hijacking of a spaceship.

Even the earth's media will rank the news of Elena's attack before the 'Second Apokolips War'. "

"Even if it only concerns the life and death of a civilian, it is a big deal for the Justice League. But in Harley's eyes, let alone hundreds of alien royals, even if the news of Brainiac comes, she will not I will care." Bruce said.

After Brainiac escaped from prison more than ten years ago, it was not that there was no news from him.

In the past few years, news about him has been coming from the distant "Galaxy" billions of light years away.

The contents of the news are similar. They all say that he once again robbed the cities of other civilizations and used stellar missiles to blow up stars in civilized galaxies, causing the destruction of entire civilized planets and the murder of billions of lives.

The Justice League is very concerned about the news about Brainiac, but unfortunately every time the news reaches the earth, it is already months or even years after the tragedy happened.

General Lane hesitated for a moment, then turned his attention to Madam Xanadu again, "Madam, you are a more powerful diviner than Harley. You can definitely divine the cosmic coordinates of the guests on the ship, right?

The message sent by Princess Elena clearly stated that after seizing control of the mothership, the interstellar robbers immediately jumped into the super-light space and acted very decisively.

Even if the most important Princess Elena was lost, they never thought of staying where they were and making amends.

Even if Superman rushed over, it would be difficult to find traces of the interstellar robbers. "

"Isn't there a mage around Princess Elena? Let them do divination. If they don't know divination, there are countless capable people on the earth, so there is no need to look for me.

I don't want to have anything to do with the Knox family anymore. Xanadu simply refused.

"Aren't you an old friend of the Knox family? I thought you had a very good relationship."

General Lane somewhat understood the reason for her previous bad attitude.

At the same time, he was very puzzled by the rapid change in her relationship with the Knox family.

Selena explained: "Didn't the princess have purple hair? The Knox family knew that purple hair would bring misfortune to Jack, so they wanted Madam Xanadu to help Jack change his luck. When Madam Xanadu refused, they killed her. Heart."

"So that's it." General Lane sighed and fell silent.

Selina asked: "Xanadu, was the hijacking of the spaceship this time the 'unknown fate' of Jack choosing the purple-haired lady, or was it a simple accident?"

"I don't know. I wasn't the one who divined for him at that time, and I haven't divined for him now." Xanadu said.

"Can you divine? Divinate his general situation and location." Bruce asked.

Xanadu scanned their faces, and each one was attentive and looking forward to it.

She said with a complex expression: "Before Jack relied on prophecy to marry the alien princess, few people came to me for divination except for old customers who already believed in occultism.

When you encounter difficulties, you will only rely on your own experience and wisdom, rather than relying on illusory prophecies to take shortcuts.

Nowadays, my family is full of people, and all the visitors hope to rely on divination to change their destiny; you also subconsciously believe that divination can solve all problems, and all difficult problems are not a problem in the face of divination.

Do you know what this means? "

"You all become part of the backlash of fate!"

Bruce was stunned, "Ordinary people are becoming more and more enthusiastic about divination and it has become a problem for you and Harley. Is this the backlash of your manipulation of little Knox's fate?"

Xanadu sighed softly: "It's not just the fortune tellers who have backlash, all the people who know the inside story are considered participants, and all participants have suffered backlash. Just like you now, you have begun to be superstitious about divination and no longer explore your own potential and wisdom."

Selena said disapprovingly: "This is at most a side effect of a special divination event. It was an accident. If you say it is a backlash of fate, then the backlash of fate is too cheap. Even the melon-eaters like us can enjoy it. .”

“Everything that has happened in the past, everything that is happening now, and everything that will happen in the future is in the Book of Destiny. Nothing is cheap or cheap, everything belongs to fate.

The so-called side effects and negative effects are a reaction of fate, a backlash. " Xanadu said calmly.

"Harry isn't just doing fortune-telling for little Knox, what's going on with the others?" Bruce asked.

"I was not there when Harley did her divination, so I don't know what she said. But they haven't come to me yet, which means there is no shocking situation like 'an ordinary man marries the most beautiful woman in the universe'."

Mrs. Xanadu glanced sideways at the clock on the wall and said: "It's already eight-thirty in the evening, it's getting late. If you are fine, go home and don't come to me again tomorrow.

After you leave, I will immediately activate the protective circle outside the courtyard.

If ordinary people dare to ignore the sign at the entrance and force their way into the woods along the path, not only will they not be able to find my cabin, but they may also lose their way and be unable to get out for days and nights. "

Regardless of whether little Knox can be rescued, her life will not be peaceful in the future.

Thinking of the various troubles she might face in the future, Madam Xanadu wished she could get back into Harry's belly right now.

Unfortunately, the next morning, she still couldn't call Harley.

There was no space door that suddenly appeared in front of her and took her back to the stomach bag dimension.

Without Harley's help, Mrs. Xanadu would not be able to sneak past the White House's defense system on her own.

There are several magic masters under the command of the great commander.

There are also gods like Uncle Sam who are loyal to the US government.

The magical defense system they built for the White House cannot be easily broken into by weak gods.

After General Lane left the Xanadu hut, he returned to the "Iceberg Hotel" where he was temporarily staying.

At around two o'clock in the morning, he was awakened by a call from the White House and rushed to the metropolis.

"Have you found the Star Shark spaceship?"

He saw the commander-in-chief in his study room who was wearing pajamas and looking equally tired.

"Starry Sky Sea Shark" is the name of Princess Elena's car.

"Nothing was found, and Superman didn't come back. But just now, news came from the Hero Island that two distinguished alien guests had their souls ascended to heaven. They revealed part of the cruel events that happened on the Star Shark."

The commander pressed his temples in distress and sighed: "The situation is very bad. I don't even know how to tell Princess Elena."

"How did you contact Hero Island? Who are the alien guests and what did they say?" General Lane asked in surprise.

The commander picked up the Paradise Mountain mobile phone on the table and said while operating it: "There are many superhero groups in the United States, such as the Freedom Fighters led by Uncle Sam and the American Legion founded by Captain Atom, all of whom are good friends of the U.S. government.

Even if the hero dies in battle and his soul goes to Heaven Mountain, he is still willing to serve the American government. "

He put the phone on the table again, pushed it to General Lane on the opposite side, and continued: "It just so happens that the hero on duty at Hero Island today is the 'First Generation Night Shadow' of the World Governance Regiment.

She has my mobile phone number and has added each other as a friend in the Guardian Dog system.

After seeing the alien soul and knowing that the situation was urgent, he immediately sent me a message. "

There was a long text message on the screen of Datong Ling's mobile phone.

General Lane read it roughly. There was a lot of content, but the amount of information was relatively small.

A lot of space is devoted to describing the detailed process of the interstellar robbers brutally torturing them, as well as the bone-breaking pain they felt.

They didn't even mention the identity of the robber or the location of the Star Shark spacecraft at this time.

Of the description of more than a thousand words, only the last paragraph is useful to Earthlings: before the two of them were tortured to death, they heard the robber say, "It's the Earthling's turn next."

Apparently, the earthling prince-consort is Jack Knox, and the interstellar robbers are going to torture him.

Seeing this, General Lane suddenly felt that the detailed description of torture in the previous thousand words was not invalid information. He had already simulated the scene in his mind of the pretty boy Jack being tortured to death by the above torture. How miserable!

"Yeying's message is not a special case. The first generation members of the American Legion are very loyal and have a friendly attitude towards the government.

Because the hero who led the American Legion at that time was Captain Atom, a true patriotic soldier.

He has been promoting patriotism within the ruling group, rather than the so-called 'absolute justice'.

Unfortunately, he died in the Battle of Green Lantern. After his death, Blue Beetle became the second-generation leader of the Legion.

Blue Beetle is completely different from Captain Atom. He is a scientist, a maverick billionaire with a very 'Justice League' personality and ideas.

Alas, the relationship between the American Legion and the government is no longer as close as it used to be. "

The commander lit a cigar and looked at General Lane across from him through the hazy smoke, "Jack Knox is being tortured. Maybe the next moment, it will be heard that his soul has passed away to heaven."

No one except Harley can save him at this time.

If you can see her, you can persuade her to 'summon' Captain Atom back in the next big reboot. "

General Lane put down his cell phone and said, "I don't know where Harley is. We'll talk about it after restarting Captain Atom. I'm afraid Jack Knox won't be able to wait."

"Mrs. Xanadu must know about Harley's situation, please call her." The commander said.

"Do you think Harley would care about such a small thing?" Sam Lane asked, staring into his eyes.

The commander sighed: "Whether she can save others or not is her business. Our responsibility is to do our best, at least let Princess Elena and the Knox family know that we have done our best.

Before you came in, I had received four groups of guests.

They all have one purpose, let us find a way to rescue the people on the Star Shark spaceship, whether it is driving the heroes of the Zhenglian to rescue people, or convincing the Galaxy Admiral

They just want results.

If it turns out perfect, they'll be extremely grateful to you. "

General Lane shrugged, looking indifferent, and said helplessly: "I don't need their gratitude, although I have tried my best.

Madam Xanadu and I were never close friends, in fact I had annoyed her enough to put me on her 'no visitor list'. "

The commander-in-chief sat up straight and looked a little nervous, "What happened between you two? Wasn't it good before? I still expect you to take me and Henry's children to visit her again tomorrow."

"Just because I brought too many people to disturb her and make her unhappy." General Lane said.

The commander was stunned for a moment, and his tone became more uneasy, "Besides me, who else did you take to Xanadu's hut? Why did you go to divination?"

The person who can help General Lane help connect people must be the top dignitaries in the United States.

Their information channels will not lose to him, and their ambitions and desires are even less likely to be smaller than his.

They went to see Mrs. Xanadu for divination, and they were probably looking for an alien princess wife!

——It’s over, Henry has met a strong competitor!

Sure enough, General Lane said: "They have the same purpose as you."

The commander's expression changed. "Will their sons and grandsons go to Lann Cathedral?"

"Some go, some don't."

"Bang!" The Commander-in-Chief slammed the table and gritted his teeth and said, "They are all daydreaming. How can there be so many unmarried princesses of the right age in this world, and they just happen to appear in the Lann Cathedral?"

"Well, that's what they thought too. Someone had already called the 'Cosmic Didi Driver' before dark and went to the Lann Star Cathedral through the sonic boom tunnel.

The Junjie who left early had a noble wife, while the Junjie who left late could only watch his companions marry their wives. "General Lane said.

"What?" The commander suddenly stood up and shouted: "How do they know that many people are going to Lann Cathedral? Did you tell them?"

General Lane shook his head, "Mrs. The eyes of believers.

After all, in the eyes of noble ladies from a higher civilization, the sons of presidents and rich men from a lower civilization are no different from ordinary civilians.

They only care about the first impression and their own feelings. "

"It makes sense." The commander was stunned, and then shouted excitedly: "How can Madam Xanadu confess? Why did she want to destroy my son's destined marriage? Is she angry that I didn't pay for the divination?

But I have already told you that when my son marries the princess of the empire, I will definitely give her a big red envelope. "

"It has nothing to do with money. In fact, most of the people who went to Mrs. Henry could go to Lann Cathedral, and so could their son. They both went, how could they not meet?

We are all acquaintances in the same circle, what should we say when we meet?

Taking this into consideration, Mrs. Xanadu simply confessed and prepared them mentally for meeting their companions.

Everyone competes fairly and will never maliciously destroy each other's beautiful marriage. "

"Although what you said makes sense, isn't divination a way of peering into destiny and knowing your destiny in advance? Since it is your destiny, how could it be snatched away by others?" The leader was confused.

"If this is a destined and unchangeable marriage, why would you go to a fortune teller? Wouldn't it be more comfortable to just sit at home and wait for your destined marriage to become a reality?" General Lane said.

"Alas, Mrs. Xanadu is not very reliable. I'd better change to a fortune teller."

The Commander-in-Chief shook his head, picked up his cell phone from the table again, and dialed the number of the Sky Eye Club, "Waller, it's me. I'm sorry to disturb your rest.

Princess Elena's spaceship was hijacked by alien bandits, did you know?

Well, come here, I'm looking for you for this case.

in addition"

"I don't have anything to do here. I have to go back to Gotham overnight." General Lane stood up and took the initiative to say goodbye.

The commander waved his hand and said: "Don't leave, at least wait until Superman comes back. Even Superman has no choice but to give up, only then can we truly try our best."

General Lane frowned and said: "You mean, we are pretending to have a meeting here so that others think we are trying to figure out a solution?"

"Well, the life and death of Ossad's great consort and hundreds of extraterrestrial guests are uncertain, and Princess Elena is in tears and can't sleep all night. Thinking of this, can you still sleep?

Without two thick dark circles and tired eyes full of bloodshot eyes, how would we attend the press conference tomorrow morning and face Princess Elena and hundreds of VIP family members who might be returning? "

General Lane was unable to refute.

The commander stood up, personally ground a cup of coffee for him, and said with a smile: "You have rich experience in divination, and you can also help me with my advice."

"I don't understand divination."

"At least he knows better than me."

The headquarters of the Sky Eye Society is in Metropolis. Before long, Amanda Waller brought a black mage to the White House.

After a few words of greeting, the commander directly asked with expectation: "Dr. Mist, you also know prophecy, right? How much better is divination than Madam Xanadu?"

"Commander, I am not a professional fortune teller, and my ability in prediction is far inferior to Madam Xanadu. In fact, I can't think of any magician who is better than her.

In fact, many gods who are not divination professionals are not as famous as her. "

Dr. Mist and Papa Midnight are a bit similar. They are both from Africa, both are voodoo sorcerers who have lived for hundreds of years, and they are both ruthless.

He is in a higher realm than Father Midnight, has already understood the exclusive rules, and is only "one step away from becoming a divine wizard".

In terms of strength, he is on the same level as Sage Ochi and Felix Faust, and is a true senior master.

However, the DC magic circle has never respected the elderly, and the old-timers often fall into the hands of the "first person of contemporary youth".

"Mrs. Xanadu is so powerful? I heard that she is just an ordinary magic master." The commander was a little surprised.

“Mrs. secret."

Dr. Mist is an expert and is very aware of Madam Xanadu's status in the circle.

The commander nodded thoughtfully and said: "My son Henry recently divorced Monica. After all, Monica is not his rightful daughter. Henry's wife will be an alien princess, just like Elena." Like a princess, she has a noble status and looks exactly like a white person on earth. Well, I'm not a racist. It doesn't matter if I look like a black or yellow person.

Can you divine how Henry will meet that beautiful and noble alien princess? "

Dr. Mist showed a black question mark face and said, "Commander, I don't quite understand what you mean. Divination can only peek into a corner of the future, and it's still a very blurry picture."

The commander frowned and said, "Have I not made it clear enough? My son Henry is going to marry an alien princess. Please help me divine what he should do to meet that princess."

"How are you sure that Mr. Henry Zetas's destined daughter must be a noble alien princess?" Dr. Mist asked.

"This is the result of Madam Xanadu's divination," the commander said.

"No, it's not." General Lane corrected: "This is the request of the commander-in-chief. He made this request, and then Mrs. Xanadu reversed the future process based on the results, and then gave suggestions."

Doctor Mist said categorically: "This is not a prophecy, it is a creation of destiny. Not to mention Madam Xanadu, even the God of Destiny cannot satisfy your request."

"But Mrs. Xanadu has already done it. Jack Knox can marry Princess Elena only because of her guidance." The commander said.

Dr. Mist somewhat understood, "Just because Madam Xanadu once divined Jack Knox, do you think that his ability to marry an alien princess was all because of Xanadu?

Commander, you are wrong!

Xanadu is at best an introduction, she cannot create a destiny out of thin air.

Jack would have met Princess Elena in Lann, and the two would have fallen in love. At most, there would have been some minor twists and turns. Madam Xanadu saw the revelation of fate in the divination, allowing Jack to avoid the minor twists and turns. "

"Is that so?" The commander was surprised.

——No, that’s not the case. Without the help of the prophecy, Jack would never have met Princess Elena!

General Lane shouted in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, nor did he speak. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and sat on the sofa to watch videos.

Dr. Mist was full of confidence and said: "If I guess correctly, even without Madam Xanadu's divination, Mr. Jack Knox will go to Lann Star, right?"

"It seems so. He is going to Lann on a business trip." The commander said.

Dr. Mist smiled, "Like I said, the marriage is destined. He is destined to go to Lann at a specific time, and then he is destined to meet and fall in love with Princess Elena.

Mrs. Xanadu is at most a matchmaker, she only reveals a corner of destiny, but does not create it.

Now you ask me how to let Henry marry an alien princess, but you ask me to create a destiny that should never happen. This is completely impossible.

No one can do that except God. "

——Alas, this guy is just a magic master after all, he doesn’t have enough realm!

General Lane felt an inexplicable sense of superiority in his heart.

“Mrs. "The commander-in-chief said.

After Dr. Mist frowned and thought for a moment, he said in a strange tone: "Commander, have you ever thought that Mrs. Xanadu is lying?"

"You mean she's lying to me?"

Dr. Mist shook his head slightly, "She probably had no intention of deceiving you. She was just unable to directly refuse your unreasonable request due to her status, so she gave an answer that Henry could never do."

"You say I'm rude?" The Commander-in-Chief was angry. "Just admit it honestly and slander Mrs. Xanadu and me because you are incompetent. It doesn't make you smart."

Dr. Mist's face was black and livid, his eyes were wide open, and his expression was distorted to a ferocious tone.

"Don't be impulsive, he is the commander-in-chief."

Waller's voice was like a cup of clear water, pouring on his heated brain, making him regain his senses instantly, and he swallowed back the curses that had come out of his throat.

"Your abilities are indeed not as good as Madam Xanadu's." Waller continued the mental transmission and said calmly: "Mrs.

You are so smart that you are telling the truth. "

After being resurrected as a corpse demon, she began to practice black magic.

No need to search around for cheats.

There are countless magic artifacts hidden in the Tianyan Society's treasure house, including hundreds of magic books.

After nearly a year of hard training, Waller has mastered a basic set of black magic and can communicate with people at close range.

The commander was also a little frightened by Dr. Mist's fierce expression. He stopped looking at him and turned to Waller: "There are still several magic masters in the Sky Eye Association. Call them all over."

"They don't understand divination, and the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society also needs people to be stationed," Waller said.

The commander thought for a while and then said: "Then call Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty. They have lived long enough and may be able to give me some good advice."

"They haven't lived as long as me." Dr. Mist couldn't help but complain.

The commander glared and said: "They are gods, why do you compare with them?"

"I don't need to compete with them, I just need to live longer than the United States.

One of them represents the freedom of the United States and is the embodiment of faith in the Statue of Liberty. The other represents the noble sentiments of the United States and is the embodiment of the patriotic spirit of the American people. They have not existed as long as the founding of the United States.

When I became a Grand Master, George Washington’s great-great-grandfather was not even born! "Dr. Mist said proudly.

"Get out!" The commander-in-chief suppressed his blush, pointed at the door and yelled.

Waller turned his head and said, "Misty, wait for me in the living room outside."

Doctor Mist also didn't want to face the commander's stupid old face again, so he turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Bang!" The door was thrown loudly by him.

"That's outrageous!" The commander-in-chief slapped the table hard and shouted, "Waller, you have always been cruel and harsh to your subordinates. Why is he so arrogant?"

——You two, Ni Gerou, are you not having an affair in private?

"I am sincere and frank with my subordinates, and they all respect and love me." Waller said seriously.

"Stop talking nonsense. Who doesn't know that you are putting bombs in their heads and using them as cannon fodder?"

"The Suicide Squad is different from the agents of the Sky Eye Society. Doctor Mist is an agent with a formal establishment and can receive social security. He is not a villain in prison." Waller said.

The commander-in-chief rolled his eyes and said, "Since he is a government employee, then his salary and pension will be deducted."

"Okay, I'll deduct his salary later." Waller accepted with a calm expression.

"Dong dong dong!" The door was knocked, and two heroes of faith came.

After saying a few words, the commander repeated the question to Dr. Mist.

"Impossible." Uncle Sam had the same reaction as Dr. Mist. "Mrs.

"Your divination skills are more powerful than Madam Xanadu's?" The commander didn't want to believe it at all.

If he believed Uncle Sam and Dr. Mist, his dream of a princess daughter-in-law would be completely over.

"I may be worse than her, but I have lived a long time, have seen a lot, and know a lot about prophecy." Uncle Sam said confidently.

The old commander couldn't help but show a trace of contempt on his face, "The United States has only been founded for more than two hundred years, and its history is not as long as the magic master's second child. How long do you live, can you survive until George Washington is born?"

Uncle Sam's face turned red and he shouted angrily: "Is this what you should say as the commander-in-chief of the United States?"

"Everyone, stop arguing, something big has happened!"

General Lane, who had been sitting on the sofa scrolling through his cell phone, suddenly changed his expression and jumped up excitedly.

"Jack Knox is dead. He died when the valley road burst. How tragic!"

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