I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1774 The backlash of leaking the secret

On February 1, 2024, the legions of Luther and Zod were ambushed by the Dark Elite on Apokolips. More than 30,000 people died and more than 2 million were injured.

On February 9th, almost a week had passed, and Hope and the Freedom Corps entered Apokolips again.

Before setting off this time, Sam Lane first went to the Xanadu hut.

As soon as Ryan's car entered Arkham Island, Harley in the White House underground fortress stopped "Destiny Strong X", moved her hands away from the surface of the crystal ball, stood up, stretched, yawned, and said: "Xanadu, there will be many distinguished guests visiting your home today. You go back first and come back tomorrow night."

It has been a week since Harley forced their destiny to be divined by the God of Destiny.

In this week, as Zha Kang, she raped 280 gods of destiny.

It sounds very monotonous, just forced divination one after another, but the process is very detailed and the content is very exciting. The three magic masters hiding in the stomach dimension watched it with gusto and were not bored at all.

Everyone knows that the Witch Harley is greedy and cunning, but few people understand the specific process of her deceiving and robbing others of their origins.

Now they'd seen it all, more than once.

During the viewing process, they also gained a lot of knowledge related to the God of Destiny.

Before this, they didn't know the gods of destiny at all, and they didn't even know their real names.

Now they roughly understand that their personalities, habits and weaknesses were all exposed when they were tortured by Harley.

For a magician, acquiring this kind of knowledge is a form of practice and growth in itself.

For example, if you master the character of a certain God of Destiny, you will be able to do what he likes in the future, and use the "Nine-Nine Gods' Table" to borrow his divine power to perform divination.

"What distinguished guest? How did you know?" Xanadu stood up from the sofa and asked doubtfully.

Their treatment in the stomach bag dimension is also very good.

On the beach with beautiful scenery and comfortable climate in "Noah's Ark Continent", you can lie lazily on the sofa, surrounded by all kinds of fine wine and food collected by Harry.

During the final crisis, Harley repeatedly called on the people of the earth to hide in "Noah's Ark" in advance. The people of the earth hesitated and procrastinated, but Aquaman was straightforward and immediately brought millions of Atlanteans in. Gastric pouch dimensions.

In order to accommodate those people under the sea, Harley, who had become the God King at that time, imitated Naboo's method of creating the "Continent of Order" and created an ocean on the edge of the continent.

Xanadu, Zha Kang and Zatanna are now wearing sun hats, bikinis, or plaid shirts and shorts, sunbathing on the beach of the "Sea of ​​Atlantis".

While enjoying the beach vacation life, they watched the divination screen projected into the air by Harley.

The little life was very pleasant, and Mrs. Xanadu was a little happy and reluctant to miss Shu.

"On a whim, I calculated with my fingers and found that today at least four groups of people have come to your house to look for me, and not all of them are looking for me, because I used to pretend to be you to do divination for others, and some of them were looking for you." Ha. Li said.

"Why didn't I see you pinching your fingers? And when did you learn the Eastern finger-pinching prophecy technique?" Xanadu asked suspiciously.

"It's just a metaphor. Now I don't need any props to be able to respond to ordinary events related to myself on a whim," said Harley.

"Is this the effect of absorbing the origins of the 64 gods of destiny again?" Zatanna asked.

"Well, the stronger the power of destiny, the clearer the 'Gate of Destiny' leading to the realm of destiny, and the more information can be perceived and it is easier."

Harley doesn't have any power of destiny in her body, and all of it is used to increase her expertise level.

At this time, her destiny defense expertise has been upgraded to level 5!

Whatever energy you absorb, you will be immune to all negative miraculous effects produced by the corresponding energy.

The unknown and ambiguity of fate is a "negative effect" from fate.

Curses and attacks from fate are the most obvious negative effects.

Therefore, after absorbing the power of destiny and turning on the defense expertise, Harley has two abilities related to destiny.

The first is to reduce the impact of the "fog of fate" and improve the perception of changes in fate.

This ability is the foundation of Harley's "snapshot".

The level 5 defense expertise seemed to have opened her "eyes in the sky", allowing her to vaguely see parts of the "River of Destiny".

Another ability is increased overall resistance to the negative effects of the Force of Destiny.

The expertise has been upgraded to level 5, and the resistance has been increased to 60%!

Harley relies on this ability to conceal the God of Destiny's perception of crisis and her destiny, thereby increasing the success rate of fraud.

She has taken action against nearly 300 gods of destiny, and has succeeded more than 60 times. The success rate exceeds 20%, which is already very high. After all, not every god of destiny is having bad luck like the three goddesses of destiny.

Not every God of Destiny is like Amra. Even if Harley's identity is exposed, she can still control the opponent with her words.

Those gods of destiny were tricked, and Harley's destiny defense expertise played a huge role.

"Using the power of destiny to condense the Gate of Destiny, what kind of technique is this? I am well-informed, but I have never heard of it." There was curiosity and doubt on Xanadu's face.

"Have you heard of my perfect nightmare demonization? Have you seen my scripture of thoughts before? You don't know anything, but they all really exist."

Harley opened her mouth, spat out Mrs.

"Who are they?"

Xanadu looked down at the bikini on his body and complained, "At least let me change."

"When you go back, you will naturally know who the distinguished guest is, and you will also be able to find clothes when you return home." Harley said.

Shangdu was a little hesitant, "From what you're saying, they all seem to be guests who come for divination? Is it necessary to go out of your way to see them? I don't receive guests every day, and not all guests can receive them."

"Those guests who don't need to be dealt with are not considered distinguished guests. Since I emphasize that distinguished guests are coming, it is naturally more important and something you will not refuse." Harley said.

"Since you are an honored guest, why don't you go back? It won't waste much time just by going, right?"

"To you they are distinguished guests, to me they only deserve to be received by you." Harley said.

Madam Xanadu was unhappy, "Am I lower than you?"

"I treat you as a friend and never think you are inferior, but it is true that you are inferior to me.

Nowadays, if any powerful person in the main universe, including aliens, is turned away by me, I don’t have to give any reason. They will smile shyly, put themselves in my shoes, and come up with ten thousand reasons for me. , which ultimately proves that I should not see them.

But if you shame someone, they will look ugly on the spot, clenching their teeth, clenching their fists, and when they turn around and encounter an opportunity, they will create an opportunity to give you a hard slap if there is no chance. He screamed in pain. "

Mrs. Xanadu was speechless.

"Let's go!" Harley waved her sleeves, and silently, a space door flashing with cyan light opened in front of Xanadu.

Through the space door, which is as clear as a lens, you can also see the Xanadu hut opposite.

This is the White House bunker, which has a defense and warning system specifically for extraordinary people.

Xanadu wouldn't have been able to get out if Harry hadn't opened the door himself.

"Remember, if anyone asks me where I am, just say that I am not available to see guests, don't say that I left your home." As Xanadu walked away, Harley finally reminded him.

After returning home in a gloomy mood, Xanadu sat in a chair for a while, dazed. Before he could change his clothes, the first guest had already arrived.

She quickly ran into the house and changed into a cheongsam.

"Are you Harley, or Lady Xanadu?" Sam Lane asked.

Xanadu gave him a complicated look. This guy was obviously not here for her. Why couldn't she turn him away?

"It's me, you're looking for Harley? She's not - she's busy right now, and it's not appropriate to come out to see you. If you have anything to say to me, I'll convey it to you later."

Halfway through his words, Xanadu suddenly remembered Harley's last words and changed his words temporarily.

"It's not a big deal. Luther and Zod are ready. As soon as they get the news, they will go to Apokolips again."

General Lane did not notice anything unusual.

He knew that Harley had been busy studying diviners recently, so it was normal for her to be inseparable at the moment.

"It's only been a few days and they are going to Apokolips again. Aren't they afraid of death?" Xanadu asked in surprise.

"Afraid of death, that's why they asked me to come here to inquire about Harley. As long as they are sure that Harley is still on Earth, they won't be afraid." Ryan said honestly.

"Harry has expressed his position countless times——"

Ryan waved his hand and said, "I know, and they know it too.

They entered Apokolips while Harley was on Earth, which was actually beneficial to everyone.

Not to mention that the new gods of mankind have received psychological comfort.

Ordinary people also hope that Harley can protect humanity from the threat of the Dark Elite when the worst happens. "

"That's right. If you choose to enter Apokolips while Harley is on Earth, humans on Earth will feel more at ease."

Xanadu was thoughtful. The last time the Luthor Army fell into the ambush of the Dark Elite, General Lane also came to see Harley. When he learned that Harley was not at home, his face turned pale.

She was also worried at the time, fearing that Luther would be defeated and the Dark Elite would risk their lives to fight their way to Earth.

Of course, she wasn't worried at all now.

Because Harley said before that even if she is in the ocean of entropy, the crisis sense can still be effective.

——Haley has absorbed so many sources of destiny recently, and may really be able to "make a whim" when the earth encounters a crisis.

Thought this in her heart, Mrs. Xanadu did not say any words of comfort.

"Harry is still on Earth, do you have anything else to do?"

General Lane asked: "What has Harley been busy with recently?"

"Same as before, studying divination——"

"Mrs. Xanadu, Mrs. Xanadu!"

A sudden loud shout from outside the house interrupted Xanadu's perfunctory words.

Xanadu frowned slightly, a little angry at the visitor's rude shouting.

"Since we have guests coming, I'll leave first."

Ryan was quite sensible and stopped asking about Harley's situation, and took the initiative to leave.

Xanadu nodded and accompanied him to the entrance of the hall.

"Mrs. Xanadu, I saw a car parked in front of your house and rushed over immediately. What a great coincidence. God bless you. You are at home today!"

The man outside the door is nearly 50 years old. He is a white man, well-dressed, and has a clean face. Although he is shouting and a little excited, he is not rude. When he comes to the door, he does not rush in, but just asks for help from the past. Just like the guests who were helping, they stood honestly under the corridor.

"Hello, General Lane."

When he saw Sam Lane coming out, he took off his hat, smiled and bowed, very slightly, respectfully but not condescendingly.

"Hello." Ryan didn't recognize the other party and just smiled in return.

"Mr. Knox, I'm not open today."

Madam Xanadu pointed to the "Suspension of Business" sign hanging at the entrance of the courtyard.

General Lane, who was originally walking out of the courtyard, felt a bit familiar after hearing "Knox", and his steps slowed down unconsciously.

"I know, I'm just looking for you today to thank you and invite you to attend the wedding between Quanzi and the eldest princess of the Ossad Empire." The old white man said, and became excited again, "Mrs. Xanadu, you are so amazing , Quanzi’s marriage is almost exactly the same as what you said, even the details are not missing, you are simply the goddess of fate!"

Mrs. Xanadu was a little confused, "I remember you have several sons. Which son wants to marry the Ossad Empire? Isn't it a small country on earth? Is your son going to marry an alien princess?"

"I'm sorry!" General Lane suddenly called out, turning back to look at the old white man with a look of surprise on his face, "At the end of November last year, did your son come to see Madam Xanadu for fortune telling? Said he could meet his destined noble lady at Lann Cathedral——"

"How do you know?" the old white man said in shock.

"I also came to see Mrs. Xanadu that day."

The old white man frowned and thought, and gradually showed a look of surprise, "I remembered that Jack told us after he came home that he met you just after leaving the meditation room."

"Sorry, I happened to be outside the door at that time and accidentally overheard Mrs. Xanadu's divination about Mr. Knox's marriage."

Ryan apologized first, and then asked with curiosity: "Is it really the same as divination? Your son went to Lann Planet and prayed at Lann Cathedral. He met a noble lady who also came to pray. The noble girl wore a veil. Just in time”

General Lane scratched the back of his head, looked back at Xanadu, whose expression had returned to his natural state, and asked: "At which step did you say that the noble lady would fall?"

"I don't remember. It's been so long that I almost forgot that little Knox came to see me." Xanadu took advantage of the situation to defend his previous gaffe and amnesia.

"I don't know. Jack didn't tell me the details of the divination. I remember that the divination content cannot be publicized to outsiders." The old white man frowned into two "M"s, and there seemed to be displeasure in his tone.

This is not the first time that the Knox family has come to Xanadu to divine the future, and the basic taboos are still clear.

Ryan was a little embarrassed and confused. He looked up and asked, "Can't the divination content be told to others?"

Harley didn't have any scruples at the time, and later said it again in front of him and Xanadu.

Mrs. Shangdu said: "Divination is basically a glimpse of destiny. If it is not allowed by God, the more people know about it, the greater the variables will be."

Then she added: "However, General Lane never thought of interfering with little Knox's marriage. Little Knox has already met a good match according to his destiny, and the prophecy has come true, so it doesn't matter.

Of course, I don't want you to make a big deal about this.

Just think that the fate between little Knox and Princess Ossade happened naturally.

I gain peace of mind and little Knox will have a lot less trouble in the future. "

"Yes, yes, that's how it should be!" The old white man nodded repeatedly and responded loudly.

The encounter between little Knox and the princess of the Ossad Empire was said to be fate, but in fact it was more like a conspiracy with ulterior motives.

They didn't meet by chance. Little Knox was waiting for the arrival of the noble girl in Lann Cathedral every day.

If the princess of the Ossad Empire knew that she was not meeting the "Mr. Right" but was being fished with a hook, she would be that stupid fish and her marriage might be ruined.

“Mrs. explain.

His son had actually been back for several days, and the engagement party had already been scheduled. Little Knox had been running to Shangdu's house every day in the past few days. Unfortunately, Shangdu was watching Harry defrauding the God of Destiny from the stomach dimension, so the house was empty.

Even on the day of the engagement party, the Knox family still arranged for people to guard the door of Xanadu's house, not the door of Xanadu's courtyard.

Xanadu Cabin is located inside the "Lishan Forest", on a winding path one or two hundred meters away from the road.

At the end of the trail, there are several parking spaces, and there are also cars in Xanadu, where you can often drive to the city center and wander around.

The Knox family was waiting there.

When General Lane also parked his car there, and the man had not returned for a long time, old Knox rushed over in person.

"Mr. Knox, we have been friends for decades, so there is no need to be so polite. If you want to thank me, you can give me a big red envelope, or ask your wife to give me some souvenirs."

When she has free time, Mrs. Xanadu will definitely put on gorgeous clothes, dress up beautifully, and go to watch the fun happily.

She has never been an outsider.

She has always enjoyed luxurious and luxurious upper-class social activities, and this has not changed since ancient times.

She just came back from the stomach dimension today, and she doesn't know who will come to visit next. Xanadu is not in the mood to attend the banquet at the moment.

"There will definitely be a big red envelope, and when Jack comes back from the wedding, he will definitely give away special alien products."

Old Knox glanced at Ryan beside him, quickly took a few steps forward, approached Xanadu and whispered: "There is a small problem with your divination, Jack wants to see you."

"Didn't you say that the divination was very accurate, even the details were correct? What went wrong?" Xanadu asked in confusion.

"I'm not sure either. Because of your warnings in the past, our family has always adhered to the principle of confidentiality. Even to me, Jack did not tell the details of the divination.

It was Jack who said to me that there was a small accident in the divination and I need your help to patch it up. I can't tell, so you'd better go there in person.

The Galaxy Hotel is right next to it. It's very close and won't waste much time. said old Knox with a pleading look on his face.

Shangdu took out his phone and checked the time, it was a quarter past ten in the morning.

"Both the princess and Jack are in the hotel now?"

"It's a great day for them to entertain guests at the hotel, of course."

Xanadu said: "I still have something to do. I can only stay in the hotel for half an hour at most."

"Half an hour." Old Knox hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Half an hour is enough. When you arrive at the hotel, I will immediately arrange for the two newcomers to meet you."

The conversation between Jack and Madam Xanadu must not be made public.

So Jack will have to avoid people for a while.

However, now is the time for the newlyweds to entertain distinguished guests. Jack's long absence will definitely arouse everyone's attention and confusion.

The best way is to wait until the banquet is over and the princess has gone back to her room to rest, and then arrange for Madam Xanadu and Jack to talk privately.

But it was clearly stated in the book that there was only half an hour, so Old Knox had no choice but to think of a way to adapt to the situation.

"General Ryan, Quanzi and the princess are engaged today. If you are free, come with us."

After taking care of Mrs. Xanadu, Old Knox saw Sam Lane still standing there. He frowned slightly, then showed a big smile and invited.

Ryan usually would not participate in such banquets, but he was very curious about Jack and the princess, and his work had been completed - after confirming that Harley was on Earth, he immediately sent a message to the Pentagon on his mobile phone.

Then he had nothing to do.

"Thank you, congratulations! The Ossad Empire is one of the most powerful advanced civilizations in the Fairy River System. Being able to marry the princess of the empire will not only have Jack a bright future and be destined to go down in history, but also other people on earth will feel honored and proud. You Nok The Si family has unlimited potential and unlimited future."

Ryan doesn't know how to flatter anyone, and his words are completely sincere and come from his feelings.

Old Knox looked very calm and was not too excited.

In fact, too many people have said similar things in recent days, and they are even more exaggerated than Ryan.

Old Knox himself had simulated countless times in his mind a bright future for his family to prosper, go out of the solar system, and become a wealthy family in the galaxy.

At this moment, faced with ordinary compliments in plain language, even if the tone and demeanor were sincere, he felt nothing at all.

"The commander-in-chief is also here."

Even though they had guessed that this engagement banquet would be a sensation, Ryan and Shangdu were still deeply shocked when they arrived at the scene.

The Grand Commander, the alien ambassador of Star Street, the famous name of the universe, Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne and his wife, "Lann's son-in-law" Adam Wizard and his wife, Lann's chief scientist.

There are seven to eight hundred members of the alien royal family whose names cannot even be named.

If the seats were arranged according to their status, neither Ryan nor Xian was qualified to enter the main hall on the third floor.

Pretty Jack and Princess Elena are on the third floor.

Only VIPs who are qualified to enter the third floor can be entertained by them personally.

"Shit, purple hair?!"

Ryan, who originally looked a little unnatural under the gaze of the alien nobles and royal family, lost his composure and cursed the moment he saw the princess.

Although the princess is a strange-looking alien, she is wearing an Earth-style white wedding dress and is standing arm in arm with Jack, so he will not admit her mistake.

The princess is very beautiful, and her appearance is not much different from that of white Americans, but she has thick purple locks that look like seaweed.

"Sorry, I was so rude. Elena's beauty and beautiful long purple hair are so stunning. I thought I saw a holy angel for a moment, so... I'm really sorry!"

Facing the strange looks from everyone that were either surprised or confused, General Lane explained awkwardly.

Louise, who was standing in the crowd, looked confused. She knew very well what kind of personality her father had. Why did he shout "shit" after seeing Princess Elena?

There must be a secret in this!

"General, thank you for your compliment."

Princess Elena had a sweet smile and a friendly attitude, and seemed not to be affected by Ryan's gaffe at all.

Jack, a fair-faced man with a slicked back hair, also looked calm and thanked the guests with a smile.

Only Princess Elena, who was holding his arm, noticed that her husband's body was a little stiff.

Jack Knox used "Shit Escape" to gain an opportunity to meet Madam Xanadu in private.

The young man was very anxious. He didn't exchange greetings when they first met. He immediately said worriedly: "Madam, you saw it, Princess Elena has purple hair!"

"Shut up!" Old Knox shouted, then turned to Madam Xanadu and begged: "Madam, can you first set up a magic barrier to prevent eavesdropping?"

“We communicate with our minds.”

Xanadu used magic to create a spiritual space in his sea of ​​consciousness, and both Knox and his son were pulled into it.

Little Knox glanced at the empty environment around him that looked like a starry sky in the universe. He had no time to be surprised and immediately asked anxiously: "Can we talk now?"

"Just tell me, you are in my mind now, and no one can hear our conversation."

"Elena has purple hair!" Little Knox said excitedly.

"I have clearly warned you several times not to mess with women with purple hair."

When he heard General Lane calling "purple hair", Xanadu didn't react for a while.

She was not the one who divined the fortune at that time, and she had no impression of little Knox.

After recalling for a moment, she remembered that Harley seemed to have warned little Knox not to touch the purple-haired woman.

"Yes, you said it, and I always remember it, but according to your prophecy, I waited on the 14th step of the Lann Cathedral. The first alien lady who came wearing a veil on her head was Elena. Ah!" cried Jack.

"Jack, please tell me the prophecy that the lady gave you in detail." Old Knox said.

"I will see an alien lady with a veil on her head in the Heavenly Mountain Cathedral in the capital of Rann. She will slip on the 14th step. I must immediately fly forward and use my body as a flesh pad. , I have to catch her even if my head is broken and bloody."

"It was exactly as Mrs. Xanadu predicted. After I arrived at Lann Star, I went to the Heavenly Mountain Cathedral to pray every day. Morning prayer, noon prayer, and evening prayer, three times a day, every time.

During this period, I saw many noble ladies wearing tulle on their heads.

But none of them slipped on the steps until I met Elena, but she had purple hair. "

Xanadu asked in confusion: "There is a noble lady whose face is covered with gauze in the Great Temple?"

"Didn't you predict it?" Jack asked doubtfully.

"I can only see what's relevant to you."

"Because the Galaxy Admiral has signed a contract with the leaders of advanced civilizations, as long as they believe in God, their souls can enter the reincarnation channel of the 'Hero Island' after death. Many royal families of alien civilizations believe in God.

Especially after the Galaxy Admiral gave his public lectures, more and more aliens believed in God. "

"Ordinary people who have never left the earth would never imagine how prosperous the Heavenly Mountain Cathedral on Lann Planet is." Jack said excitedly with a proud expression.

"To get to the point, why do all the noble ladies cover their faces with headscarves?" Mrs. Shangdu asked.

"Not everyone wears a headscarf. Some ladies are too noble and don't want to be seen by reporters or others. Some are imitating nuns. The nuns in the church wear black and white headscarves on their heads." Jack said.

Xanadu frowned and said, "The nun's headscarf doesn't cover her face."

"Alas, noble ladies are not nuns, they are just imitators. They pursue beauty and comfort more." Jack said.

"Time is running out, get to the point quickly." Old Knox reminded.

"Since you see she has purple hair, why are you still engaged to her? You have been dating for a while, and she won't force you to do so," Xanadu said.

Jack's eyes flickered and he said, "I love Elena."

Xanadu was moved in his heart and asked: "After you found out that Elena had purple hair, did you continue to stay in the Great Cathedral?

According to the prophecy, your destined girl is not Elena. You should understand this, right? "

"I still go to the Great Cathedral every day. One of the reasons why Elena likes me is that I am pious and simple enough."

——It turns out that there is no difference between an alien princess and an ordinary girl on earth. She is also blind in both eyes and mind.

Xanadu muttered in his heart and continued to ask: "After that, no noble lady with a headscarf fell down on the 14th step?"

"Yes, the Grand Duchess of the Kingdom of Nohan, Duke of Ram, I successfully rescued her, and she also has feelings for me. But she was married to a 40-year-old widow, and" Jack looked nervous, "Nohan The kingdom is just a little stronger than Earth, and can’t even be considered a middle-level civilization. Elena is the eldest princess of the empire and has the first line of succession to the throne.”

"Obviously, the noble lady in the prophecy is Duke Ram. You messed up."

——For a guy like you, being able to be with the widowed Grand Duke is already a blessing earned through eight lifetimes.

Xanadu groaned inwardly.

"What are the consequences of choosing the wrong person?" Knox Sr. asked.

It's not like she was the one who divined the fortune. How could she know? Maybe even Harry wasn't sure.

Xanadu said calmly: "You will encounter misfortune. Don't ask what misfortune is. What pictures you can see during the divination process are all random. I have told him what I saw, and I won't make blind guesses about what I haven't seen." .”

"The matter has reached this point. I can no longer look back, and I don't want to look back. Can you make a small patch to help me resolve my 'misfortune'? As long as Madam helps me get through this disaster, I will be rewarded in the future."

Jack's face showed determination that he must win, and he stared into Xanadu's eyes and said.

"I'm just a fortune teller. I can only help people predict good and bad luck. I can't change their fate against the will of heaven." Xanadu shook his head.

Jack said: "You are too humble. Your previous prediction has completely changed my destiny. Without your guidance, I would never have met a noble and beautiful princess like Elena.

Since you can accurately predict the position where Elena slipped, can you also predict when, where and what kind of 'misfortune' I will encounter, and how to avoid 'misfortune'? "

Xanadu's sense of crisis was gently touched, and a faint sense of crisis arose in his heart.

She took a deep look at Knox and his son and said, "Go to the Cabin in the Woods to find me tomorrow, and I will divine for you again."

"Not tomorrow. After the engagement banquet, I want to return to the Ossad Empire with Elena immediately." Jack said.

"So urgent?"

"It's not that we are in a hurry. Elena and I have been on Earth for a week. In order not to be disturbed, she did not disclose her identity. We did not hold an engagement ceremony until we decided to leave." Jack said.

Old Knox added: "We have been going to the 'Xanadu Hut' every day to look for you these days, but you are not at home."

"Whenever you are free, come to me in the hut in the forest. This is not the first time you have come to me for divination. You know very well that divination requires a quiet and undisturbed environment, as well as magic props such as incense and crystal balls." Xanadu road.

Old Knox worriedly asked: "Is it too late? The next time Jack returns to Earth, it will be at least a year later. He and Princess Elena will officially get married, and fly around the empire's more than 20,000 star systems. Oops, Osay The German Empire has such a huge territory, and they are all Jack’s subjects, so he has to accept their visit.”

"The princess's people are here." Xanadu said.

The next moment, the consciousness of Knox and his son returned to their own bodies, and then they heard the waiter shouting outside the door.

"Mr. Knox, Princess Elena asked me to come over and ask if you are okay?"

"I'm fine, I'll be right over." Jack called.

He turned his head and looked at Xanadu, "Madam, my parents and several of my brothers and sisters can leave the earth with me. In addition to these relatives, I can also bring about 20 servants. Of course, we have always respected You, I never thought of you as a servant.

Servant is just a name, I will always respect you as a guest.

Are you interested in joining this tour?

You can continue to provide me with kind words and comments along the way.

Perhaps I can arrange a position for you in the Oside Empire, or even give you a title. "

His tone was still gentle, but it gave people a faint sense of oppression.

Xanadu sighed in his heart: Throughout the ages, all those who are in power or those who think they are in power have the same moral character.

While sighing, she was still cursing in her mind, scolding Harry for pooping but asking her to wipe it.

"I'm not interested in the title. If you are afraid of death, you should come to me sooner."

Although looking for her is in vain, she has no way, maybe Harley can do something?

Xiadu ignored the suddenly ugly expressions of the two father and son, left these words, opened the door and walked out.

Jack Knox had a sinister expression on his face, and when he reached his hand to his waist, Old Knox held his shoulder.

The old white man shook his head slightly and whispered: "This is not our territory. There are many superpowers downstairs, and there are even superheroes secretly helping to maintain order."

There were too many dignitaries at today's engagement banquet. If something unexpected happened, this would be Gotham!

It is said that the clown made a promise and wanted to kiss the bride.

"Get her before I leave the earth!" Jack said coldly.

"I can't do it." Old Knox said helplessly: "Xanadu's hut is in Lishan, who dares to run wild in Lishan?"

The word "Lishan" made Jack calm down instantly.

Even his princess wife and her close ministers all looked in awe and lowered their tone when talking about "Admiral of the Galaxy". In fact, Princess Elena returned to Earth with him not mainly for the engagement party. Instead, he wanted to use the engagement party to meet Admiral Galaxy, and it would be best to get her blessing.

The priest who presided over the engagement ceremony for them today was Pope Van Helsing of the Heavenly Mountain Sect.

"If coercion fails, then let's use inducement. It doesn't matter how much it costs," Jack said.

"I try my best."

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