By the early morning of the next day, Harley's Fate Defense expertise had been upgraded to level 4!

During this period, she did not "rape" the fate of other gods of destiny again.

The "Blood Eyes of Destiny" dropped by the three goddesses of destiny allowed her to activate the Destiny Defense Specialty, which meant that she upgraded the specialization to level 0 and filled the level 1 jar more than half.

Although Amra, the Angel of Destiny, did not come in her true form, her realm and strength far exceeded that of the ordinary God of Destiny. Harley felt that she was just a bit inferior to the three goddesses of fate.

The projection she lowered caused Harley's expertise to increase by three levels. At this time, it was almost 50% of level 4, and the experience jar of level 5 was already half filled.

The reason why the process lasted until the next morning was because Amra finally chose to be a wise man and accepted Harley's "irresistible reason".

"Lending" the origin to Harley can at least keep this part of his soul consciousness and the origin of heaven descending into his body.

The power of destiny is very mysterious and cannot be extracted directly like magic power. Harley must first drain the source of Amra's body, completely digest and decompose her origin, and extract the power of destiny from it that can be absorbed by the expertise experience jar.

Amra is an archangel, and the source of his body is of course the power of heaven.

Maybe Amra cares about the heavenly origin that came into her body, but Harley really doesn't care about it.

The key is that she must protect her consciousness while digesting Amra's true nature.

First, pull her consciousness away from the origin bit by bit, and then drain the power of destiny from the origin, and then return the origin of heaven that has been digested by Harley to the consciousness that has become extremely weak.

The whole process is not complicated, but the delicate work is a waste of time.

If Amra was stubborn and would rather die than "lend" the source of destiny to Harley, it would be easy for Harley to drain her descending body dry within a few minutes.

"Look, I keep my word. If I borrow the source of destiny, I won't let go of your heavenly source." Harley said, looking at Amra who had re-formed.

Amra's already fair face looked even paler, and her original weakness could be directly seen from her appearance.

She just looked at Harry coldly without saying a word.

"I know you hate me very much. When you return to Silver City later, you will burst into tears and cry to all the angels about my injustice and unfaithfulness."

"Don't try to provoke me with words." Amra finally couldn't bear Halli's shamelessness.

He did such a bad thing to her, and she actually wanted to PUA her so that she wouldn't tell anyone about it.

"I can tell you right now, yes, I will tell the king the whole thing when I go back, and let all the angels know your evil true face."

She stiffened her neck and looked at Harry with a fearless and firm look.

Harry waved his hands with an indifferent expression and continued talking to himself, "I also know that you actually had a premonition of crisis and guessed that I was lying to you, but you respect the prince too much and are too loyal.

Are you willing to risk your life for the slightest possibility of dedicating yourself to the Maharaja? Well, although you are loyal, you are not stupid. You just risk a small part of your life. "

"What on earth do you want to say? No matter what you say, I will not listen, and I will not believe it if I hear it. I have been deceived by you once, and the same deception will not succeed on me twice!" The Angel of Destiny had no expression on his face. road.

"You must have noticed that there is some kind of mysterious tacit understanding between me and the Great Lord. Yes, I lied to you. I took the source of your destiny and it has nothing to do with the Great Lord.

But I'm not entirely lying.

I can help the Maharaja. If I am in good condition and in a good mood, it will be more beneficial to the Maharaja.

How can I feel good and be in good shape?

Just solve my woes.

The source of destiny is the antidote to my difficulties.

It is equivalent to saying that by lending me the source of destiny, you are making a contribution to the great king. "

"Shameless, so shameless. Even though I have looked down upon you, I still couldn't imagine that a person could be so shameless." Amra's face showed a strong emotion of shock and disgust.

Harley sighed: "I also feel that I am a little shameless, but I am even more helpless. If the situation is not controlled by others, why should I be shameless and honorless and do this to my colleagues in Silver City?

If the situation was not dictated by the situation, how could the Majesty, with his majesty and aloofness, agree to help me connect the dots and come to you personally to talk about ‘borrowing the source’?

If the Maharaja didn't really need my help, how could he be willing to do this for me? "

Amra looked stunned, her expression uncertain.

Harry continued: "Of course, the Maharaja and I are mutually beneficial, not that I am simply showing favor to Him.

But if I'm in a bad state, it will indeed affect the great king's great plan.

I am telling you this not to trick you into coming in person, lending me more of the source of my destiny, or asking you to understand and forgive me.

I just want to comfort you that you were not deceived and that you really made a sacrifice for the Maharaja to some extent.

Your sacrifice is glorious and great!

You are a pure angel who believes in the way of God. Don't let the resentment and unwillingness in your heart drag you down to hell. "

"Stop talking, I will never believe a word of yours again!" Amra said coldly.

"Okay, what needs to be said has been said. I will fulfill my promise now and let you go. Before leaving, can you tell me how you feel now after losing the source of your destiny?

After losing the origin of destiny at this time, can your clone still drive the law of destiny and continue to swim in the river of destiny?

The so-called River of Destiny should refer to the "Book of Destiny" in the hands of the eldest brother of the Endless Family. That book records the destiny of everyone in the multiverse. "

"I don't want to answer your question." Amra said calmly.

"Actually, I feel guilty and want to help you restore the lost origin of your destiny." Harley's expression was sincere, and there was a hint of guilt hidden in her eyes when she looked at the other person. "I am not the god of destiny, and I have not understood the laws related to destiny. , I don’t know where the ‘Power of Destiny’ comes from and how it exists, and I have nowhere to start if I want to help you.”

Amra sarcastically said: "Help me is a lie. You just want more of the source of destiny. You want to use me as a perpetual motion machine. First drain the power of destiny, and then restore me to the original state. This cycle repeats and feeds you infinitely." The power of destiny.”

"Oh, you think so badly of me."

Harley secretly muttered in her heart: How could this guy still be thinking so quickly when he was obviously seriously injured and mentally disturbed?

The expression on her face was both regretful and helpless. She took out a blank roll of parchment, wrote a few lines of words on it, handed it to Amra, and said: "This is where I borrow the source of my destiny from you." The IOU has magical effects and is recognized by the rules of the contract.”

"No need." Amla didn't even look at it, let alone reach out to take it.

"Just take it if I tell you to." Harley forced it into her arms, then opened her mouth and spat her out without waiting for her to react.

After Amra left, Mrs. Xanadu from the stomach dimension immediately mocked: "What are you talking to her about? What did you do, you don't know?"

Do you still expect that with a few sweet words, Amra will forget the sin you have inflicted on her? "

"Amra is the Archangel of Heaven after all, and she seems to have a good relationship with King Michael. Harley will still be hanging around in Heaven from now on, so she can't make the relationship too tense," Zatanna said.

Even the emperor said disapprovingly: "Hali deceived Amra in the name of the king and forcibly took away her origin. Do you still expect the angels in heaven to forgive her, tolerate her, and continue to live the same life as before?

Harley is finished!

She cut herself off from the angels in heaven, fearing that she would not even be able to serve as the 'God of War in Heaven' or the 'Guardian of Silver City'. "

"Hali shamelessly moved the king out in the end. Perhaps Amra was worried about the king's plans and chose to endure the humiliation and suffer this secret loss silently." Zatanna guessed.

Harley shook her head and said: "Don't think so wildly. The reason why I let Amra go, and even talked to her heart to heart, and said so many sincere and soft words, is because I may still need her in the near future.

Maybe she can do me a bigger favor than lending me the Source of Destiny today.

As for the reaction of the angels in heaven, I couldn't care less.

Can mere gossip and strange looks shake my semi-detached and powerful mind?

In fact, they have done many more dirty things than me. When facing them, I will not feel the slightest bit ashamed or uncomfortable. "

"That's right, if you don't have the invincible cheekiness, you can't repeatedly do the most shameless things in the world.

When you defrauded Amra before, the three of us were so embarrassed for you that we blushed and dug our toes on the ground, but you looked calm and composed. We are not as good as you, and everyone in the world is not as good as you. " Xanadu sighed.

"Foolish opinion." Harley shook her head slightly.

"Harley, what else can Amra do for you?" Zatanna asked curiously.

"It can't be said that the God of Destiny can peek into destiny. If I say it, they may know it immediately. Just wait, you will understand it soon." Harley looked mysterious, with a little pride in her cunning eyes.

Zha Kang lit a cigarette and said thoughtfully: "If you offend all the gods of destiny and make them hate you as much as Amra, Amra may really be used by you again."

Harley frowned and glanced at him, and said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, I never thought of taking advantage of Amra, I respect her, and I will definitely repay her favor in the future.

Well, this topic ends here, I will start the next round of divination immediately.

Tell me who I should choose as the second target. "

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "How do I know who to choose second? I don't know any God of Destiny, and I can't see through you. I don't understand how you extract the invisible, untouchable, and insensible power of destiny. , I don’t know how you can use the stolen power of destiny to improve yourself.

I know nothing about you guys, what advice can I give? "

Xanadu and Zatanna also looked curious, "Harley, you have also absorbed a lot of power of destiny, but you haven't even walked your own path, and your level as a diviner has not improved at all.

Where do you use the power of destiny? You are smart, cunning and decisive, so you are definitely not doing nothing in vain. "

"It's not that my realm hasn't improved, it's just that my path is quite different. You guys don't have enough realm to understand."

Harley said with an arrogant look: "I am the divine king, the strongest being in the multiverse. I have perfectly survived the demonization of nightmares, my soul is close to transcendence, and I have also pioneered the way of evolution of thinking life. With such a high-level buff, how can I still be with you? Do you want to practice divination step by step like a mortal?"

The three "low mortal" mages felt unhappy after hearing this, but they could not refute her words at all.

She is indeed the God King. She survived the nightmare demonization perfectly in public. She defeated many supremes. If not the strongest, she belongs to the strongest echelon. She also created the "Thinking Sutra" that all those who know about it are eager to yearn for. .With such a high realm, maybe you can really have a commanding position and create a method of cultivating destiny that ordinary mages cannot understand?

"Doesn't your cultivation method involve cultivating the law and not needing to understand the law?" Xanadu asked.

Harley sighed: "If my goal is to become the God of Destiny, of course I need to practice the law.

It is impossible to be a god without laws.

But my ultimate goal is not to become the God of Destiny.

Becoming the God of Destiny is only a means to an end, not the only means.

At first, I used thought assimilation to gain your divination experience, and then improve my own Taoism. I hoped to take the path of becoming the God of Destiny.

Unfortunately, several months have passed and I haven't even touched the edge of the law of destiny.

Seeing that I could no longer continue on the old path, I decided to change to a more efficient and dangerous method.

This is the current ‘stealing of the origin of destiny’.

No matter how much I steal the source of destiny, my level will not improve and I will not be able to become the God of Destiny, but I can achieve my ultimate goal through the source of destiny. "

These words were spoken sincerely, but the content behind them was a mixture of truth and falsehood.

From the beginning, she never thought of relying on her level of divination to save Morpheus.

That's impossible. Give her a million years and she won't be able to surpass the three goddesses of fate.

Even the three goddesses of destiny cannot modify the established destiny in the "Book of Destiny" at will. They can only guide destiny and make the uncertain and fuzzy destiny of the future tilt in their favor.

The only thing that can allow Harley to perform miracles in a short period of time is the Destiny Defense Specialty.

She practices divination herself and steals the origin of the God of Destiny, all for one purpose: to increase the level of her Destiny Defense expertise.

It is best to become the God of Destiny yourself, and feed the expertise experience jar with the source of your own destiny.

If one cannot become a god and the realm of divination improves, it will be easier to steal the origin of the God of Destiny.

As the expertise level increases, it is possible to reverse the destined trajectory of destiny.

"How are you going to use the power of destiny you stole?" Zha Kang asked.

"I will use them to open the door of destiny. Only by personally setting foot in the 'Field of Destiny' can I get the 'Book of Destiny' that represents the destiny of everyone in the multiverse." Harley said.

Zha Kang asked again: "Even if you open the door of destiny, why should you take it away from the owner of the Book of Destiny?"

"With the power of my martial arts god king, I will give him an irresistible reason to refuse." Harley said confidently.

"Remember Belial, the King of Lies, one of the three Satans in Hell?" Zha Kang sighed: "As one of the most powerful three demon kings in Hell, Belial's strength is beyond doubt.

But once he stepped into the realm of the Sand Demon, he couldn't even resist. He was instantly sealed in the glass ball and has not been able to be free to this day.

If you really plan to use force to commit evil in the realm of destiny, the outcome will not be better than Belial. "

"I was there when Belial was sealed into the crystal ball. Don't worry, I'm much smarter than Belial."

Harley stretched out her right hand and tapped Zha Kang's eyebrows with one finger.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that his body was frozen in place, unable to move at all.

"Uh~~" The moment his forehead was touched by a finger, a large amount of information was forced into his mind, all information about the 395 gods of destiny in the multiverse, and he couldn't help but moan softly.

"Now I want to choose the God of Destiny with the weakest strength and luck. Use your insight to help me see which of these Gods of Destiny is the weakest." Harley said.

Zha Kang is a bit like her. He started dealing with the God King and the Demon King when he was at a very low level.

Now he is still just a master of magic, but he offended (deceived) the three Satans of Hell at the same time, and he is still alive to this day. Even the angel king Gabriel on earth had his heart dug out by him, but he still survived.

His insight is useful to both the God King and the Demon King, and is somewhat effective to the God of Destiny.

"Isn't it the God of Destiny who chooses the highest realm?"

"Why should you choose the one with the highest level? You should choose the soft one." Zatanna said.

Xanadu said: "If she attacks the weak God of Destiny first and the news spreads, the high-level God of Destiny will be alert and won't be fooled again. The higher the level, the fatter the meat, the more regrettable it is to lose it." "

"Why didn't you say that the higher the realm, the more acute the perception, and the harder it is to succeed?" Zatanna said.

Xanadu sighed: "I thought so too at first, but none of the three highest-level goddesses of destiny and the angel of destiny, Amra, escaped, and they all fell into Harley's trap.

Witch Harley is cunning and insidious. Maybe Harley can use her sinisterness to make up for her lack of realm. "

"Stop guessing. It was just a coincidence that the three goddesses of destiny were chosen. Angel Amra had the best chance. Now I am asking Constantine to help select the god of destiny who is plagued by bad luck. This is also to increase the success rate as much as possible."

Although Amra is at a high level, her brain is very smart and rational, and she has very little information about herself. She is not even included in Tianzhi's list of Gods of Destiny.

But through the conversation with Michael, Harley discovered a fatal weakness in Amra: Michael!

Michael knew that Harley needed the Origin of Destiny to save people, and he also knew that she was in a hurry.

If you do her a big favor now, you will definitely owe her a huge favor.

In the future, Michael will still rely on Harley to project his thinking consciousness. Half of his wealth and life are in Harley's hands. He should be in great need of Harley's favor.

But He was determined not to go against Amra's own will for the sake of his own interests.

As the saying goes, those who love others will always be loved by others, and those who respect others will always be respected by others.

Through Michael's attitude towards Amra, Harley can guess that Amra must also respect Michael very much.

Later, Michael also said that Amla was prepared to go through trouble for Him, but it was He who emphasized that this matter had nothing to do with Him that she chose to refuse.

After identifying Amra's "weakness", Harley decided to choose her as the first target.

After taking down Amra and squeezing the source of destiny to upgrade the destiny defense expertise, it will be easier to deceive other gods of destiny.

Now the Fate Defense feat has been upgraded from level 0 to level 4: Improves perception of changes in fate, and increases overall resistance to negative effects brought about by the power of fate by 50%.

At level 0, the resistance was only 10%, but now the effect has been increased four times!

The God of Destiny's sense of the crisis of being deceived by her will become even more vague.

Some gods of fate who are having bad luck will not even feel a sense of crisis, just like the three goddesses of fate.

If the unlucky God of Destiny is successfully caught and sacrifices the Source of Destiny to make her expertise level higher, the probability of the God of Destiny falling into the trap will become greater in the future, even if they are not unlucky.

Thinking of this, Harley became a little excited. She turned her expectant eyes to Zha Kang and said: "The lower the realm of the God of Destiny, the weaker the luck, and the higher the chance of being captured by me. You can combine realm and luck. Come and consider it.”

Zha Kang frowned and said: "Only based on this basic information, I can't judge their realm and luck. If I can meet them in person and chat with them for a few words, it might be useful."

"When you try to bring in my identity, it's not me pretending to be you, it's you who wants to attack these gods of destiny. Thinking about it this way, you should have a sense of crisis, right?

Then just rank the sense of crisis that each God of Destiny brings to you. " Harley said.

"Your spiritual sense is also very powerful. Why don't you use your own sense of crisis to determine the status of the God of Destiny?" Zha Kang asked.

Harley said helplessly: "I am too powerful, they pose no threat to me, and their sense of crisis is zero. How can I compare and rank them?"

The corner of Zha Kang's mouth twitched, this was so realistic that she was able to fake it.

"I can give it a try, but don't have too high expectations of me. I can't guarantee the accuracy of the results."

"Just do your best." Harley said.

General Lane met Harley in Gotham yesterday afternoon and talked to Luthor the next morning.

As evening approached, he was about to report the results of the conversation to the commander-in-chief. As soon as he got out of the car, he discovered that there were special forces facing the enemy everywhere inside and outside the White House, and even a team of superpowers led by Amanda herself.

"What's going on? The White House has been invaded?"

He met the Commander-in-Chief and his family in the underground fortress, with Amanda Waller accompanying him.

"Well, the conference room on the third floor was broken into by a mysterious person, and it seems that a mysterious bomb was detonated." The commander's expression was serious, and there was obvious nervousness in his eyes.

Amanda Waller opened a video on her tablet and handed it to General Lane, explaining: "There are no fingerprints or footprints in the conference room, but there are obvious sharp punctures on the walls, floors and some tabletops."

The video was shot with an 8K camera and is very high-definition. Press pause to zoom in and you can clearly see what each hole looks like.

"What does this mean?" Ryan asked.

"Someone wants to kill us all!" the commander said excitedly: "We planned to hold a meeting in the conference room tonight to discuss the liberation war of Apokolips. The participants are all top officials of the United States. If the bomb explodes at that time, we will It’s over, and so is the United States.”

Ryan frowned and said, "There is no gunpowder or shrapnel residue at the scene."

"What age has it been? Even the police in some developed cities have switched to energy weapons imported from aliens. If the other party wants to attack us, they will definitely not be so low-key as to use antique bombs." Datong said.

"If advanced alien technology is used, why is it so unstable and even detonates in advance?" Ryan said.

"That's good luck for us, God bless Millikin, God bless us."

The commander-in-chief, who still has not given up his identity as a new god, crossed himself on his chest with a pious expression.

Lane turned to Waller, "Are there any suspects?"


Before Waller could speak, a scream suddenly came from the surveillance screen.

"Second Team, what's the problem on your side?" Waller asked with a walkie-talkie.

"Sergeant Teves was probably too nervous and accidentally touched the trigger. The Lann R13 rifle misfired and hit a soldier nearby. He missed his vital point. He should be able to save him."

"Oh, why are we so unlucky? We have already killed and injured four soldiers before the enemy has been found." The commander lamented.

Ryan asked in surprise: "There are three other soldiers whose rifles also misfired?"

"Everyone's situation is different. One person broke his leg while sliding down from a helicopter while holding on to the rappelling rope; one slipped while climbing the stairs and rolled down the stairs; one accidentally triggered the White House alarm system and was Laser cuts off necks, now there's a rifle that goes off

Alas, the experienced veterans have all joined the Luther Legion, and the quality of the newly recruited soldiers is too low.

How can these people keep me and my family safe? "The commander-in-chief said worriedly.

General Lane felt a sense of familiarity.

He had been plagued with bad luck the past few days, and he kept encountering all kinds of strange accidents.

However, the special forces were all newly recruited from various units, so they probably wouldn't have a chance to meet Harley.

And now Harley no longer invites curses on those around her.

He just met her yesterday, and so far, there have been no surprises——

"Mother Fake!"

General Lane was thinking wildly when he suddenly remembered the loud national curse in the safe house.

He turned around and saw little Zetas lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone. Henry Zetas, the son of the commander-in-chief.

"What are you yelling at?" the commander frowned.

Henry hesitated for a while, then groaned and said, "Just now, my account on LexLook was stolen."

LexLook is a video website created by Luther imitating the Puppy Video Network.

Puppy Video focuses on superhero-related videos, while LexLook’s main website relies on Luther Media to introduce many alien programs.

The organizer of "The Strongest Galaxy Trainee" the year before last was Luthor Media.

"Can't the account be retrieved if it is stolen?" Datong asked.

Henry's eyes flashed and he hesitated, "It may be a little late, the video has been uploaded to the Internet."

"What video?" the commander asked in confusion.

"Me, my little video." Henry shrank his neck and whispered.

The commander still didn't quite understand. He took out his mobile phone and logged into LexLook. Then he was stunned.

His son's name was on the hot headlines: Henry Zetas used public funds from an alien planet to engage in prostitution, and even had sex with his stepmother.

"Mother Fake!" The commander-in-chief smashed his cell phone on his son's head and cursed: "You idiot, isn't this kind of rotten thing glorious? It was made into a video and uploaded to the Internet?"

"It wasn't me, my account was stolen, and he stole the videos I had hidden in the cloud disk." Henry howled, covering his bloody head.

General Lane patted the commander's shoulder lightly and whispered: "Sir, Henry's affairs can be left to Waller——"

Waller immediately interrupted him and said seriously: "Sky Eye is only responsible for the safety of the country and its leaders. You should go to the FBI for this kind of bad thing."

"Then leave it to the FBI. The meeting on the 'Second Phase of Operation Apokolips' is about to begin."

The commander-in-chief covered his face with his hands, rubbed them vigorously, and lamented in a muffled voice: "What happened today? Unlucky things happened one after another."

Even though Waller repeatedly confirmed that there was no alien bomb in the conference room and it was absolutely safe, the commander-in-chief and the others still did not dare to hold a meeting in the conference room where Harley spent the night.

They took the elevator and came to the "Presidential Emergency Operations Center" 150 meters underground.

There are also meeting rooms in the bunker.

And in the empty room at the bottom of the bunker, Harley was peeping at the 25th God of Destiny, and was also receiving the curses of 24 Gods of Destiny at the same time.

Well, except for Amra, the next 24 gods of destiny, whether they were deceived or robbed of their origins, would eventually use their greatest power to impose the most vicious curse on her.

With Harley's expertise fully activated and her power added, nothing will happen to her. It's just that her place seems to have a tendency to surpass the Cheong Wa Dae.

I don’t know if the commander-in-chief who has the protection of the American National Games can withstand it after all 385 Gods of Destiny were “forcibly raped”.

Now the people around him, at least his son, can no longer bear it.

"Harley's attitude is very firm. She believes that Hope's battle with the Free Legion and the Dark Elite is a power game within the New God of Darkness. Humanity should not be involved, and she has no position or reason to help the New God of Humanity."

In the bunker conference room, General Lane roughly repeated the conversation he had with Harley yesterday afternoon.

"Her attitude has always been clear and has not changed. I didn't expect her to stand directly on our side." Luther looked calm, without any worry or anxiety in his tone. "From the beginning, my goal was just Justice League, the safety of millions of new gods of mankind will definitely affect the hearts of superheroes."

The commander nodded and said: "I received news that after the war between the Dark Elite and the Legion, all members of the Justice League and the Justice League Dark gathered together and were always ready to fight the Dark Elite."

Luther showed a proud smile, "If they move, Harley will definitely not be able to sit still. No matter what she says, it will be useless. At the critical moment when the world is overturned, she will definitely take action.

Even if she really didn't care about the life and death of the New God of Mankind, she would definitely not watch the heroes of Zhenglian die miserably one by one.

As long as she takes action, no matter how deeply involved she is, the dark elite will definitely flee.

She is the eternal nightmare in their hearts.

Their fear of her even exceeds the planet's civilization's fear of the 'apocalyptic disaster' caused by the new dark god. "

"Then we will continue to liberate the slave camps?" Zod asked.

Luther thought for a while and said: "The grand strategy of liberating the slave camps and surrounding the Dark King's City with slave camps remains unchanged. The tactics need to be adjusted. The casualties last time were a bit high."

He looked around the venue and asked: "Generals, what do you think of the 'Slave Camp No. 100 War' that happened a few days ago? Or have any suggestions? You are experts, please speak freely."

Commander Gore raised his hand first and said: "I heard that Harley Quinn was not on Earth when the war happened."

"How did you know this information? Who told you?" General Lane frowned.

"Is this important? Or is it more important why Harley Quinn left Earth?" Commander Gore said.

General Lane sighed: "Commander Gore, please forgive me, you are only a senior officer, not the supreme leader. There are many Kryptonians and Earthlings at the same level as you.

Even you know the news, will others, mainly the Dark Elite, also know it?

I tried my best to conceal this matter from the outside world, not because I wanted to hide it from you, but because I didn’t want the dark elite to find our loopholes. "

"I told him. In addition to him, Allura and Zoel, several leaders of Kandor City held a small meeting in private. I guarantee that only the three of them know about it," Zod said.

"A secret that two people know is no longer a secret. How many 'two people' are there now?" Ryan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Even if I didn't tell you, from your nervous reactions, the Dark Elite's spies on Earth wouldn't have guessed it?" Zod said.

The defense minister glanced at the somewhat absent-minded commander and asked: "General Lane, you have met Harley, what did she say?"

"She said she had very important things to do and couldn't stay on Earth every day," Ryan said.

The Defense Minister pondered: "The core of our tactics is Harley. If Harley is not on Earth, all our careful plans will be in vain.

No matter how you adjust your tactics next, you must first ensure one thing - before liberating the slave camp, make sure Harley is on Earth!

General Lane, I may have to trouble you in the future. You'd better stay in Gotham. Before every military operation, you should go to Quinn Villa first. "

Ryan's face looked a little ugly.

How could he, a three-star general, be like a messenger, only responsible for delivering news?

However, he did not refuse such an arrangement.

In order to ensure the safety of humanity's new god, it is indeed very important to confirm that Harley is in good condition.

In the entire U.S. government, he is the only one qualified to frequently enter and exit Quinn Manor. If it had been anyone else, even the commander-in-chief, he would have been despised by Harley and might have been turned away.

Thinking of this, he felt happy again and felt inexplicably satisfied.

"When will the next slave camp liberation war be scheduled?" he asked.

"Get ready for battle as soon as possible within a week. We didn't lose last time, we didn't lose on the battlefield, and our morale cannot be lost," Luther said.

Ryan looked at Zod, "You think so too? I heard that Kandor City is very lively these two days."

After the Battle of Slave Camp 100, Superman and Supergirl ran to Kandor City Square to give public speeches every day, loudly calling on the Kryptonians to withdraw from this conflict that was full of blood and death and had no end in sight.

Zod said calmly: "Kandor City is no problem at all. In fact, I plan to let the remaining 5 million Kryptonians enter Apokolips."

Ryan was shocked and said: "Are you crazy? If something unexpected happens——"

Zod waved his hand and said: "I don't want to bet the entire city of Kandor on the gambling table.

After entering Apokolips, 5 million Kryptonians only bathed in the earth's fire magma to allow their bodies to complete an evolution and improve their ability to survive in crises.

After that, they still have to return to the material universe and exist as the foundation for the revival of Kryptonian civilization. "

"Do you know that absorbing earth fire magma is equivalent to making them new deities? After becoming new gods, they cannot return to mortals unless they encounter another big restart." Ryan said seriously.

"I know, don't you 'Americans' who stay on Earth also retain the bodies of the New Gods? The New Gods have a long lifespan and great potential. What's wrong with that?" Zod said.

The leaders of the U.S. government nodded in agreement with their faces full of approval.

Ryan frowned and said: "All miracles have a price."

"Kandor City has paid the price, and Superman's restart of the Fifth World with the Miracle Machine is the price." Zod smiled.

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