I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1756 Meeting the Succubus Ellie Again

"Can the approval of the ordinary dark new god help you gain the authority of Apokolips? Who did you listen to?" The commander looked at Luther and asked in surprise.

"It's common sense in magic."

"If the recognition of ordinary new gods without power is useful, why doesn't Darkseid care about their curse at all? Even the Heavenly Father of the Genesis Star doesn't care about the savage new gods under the floating city." The defense chief said.

Luther said calmly: "Heavenly Father and Darkseid are already god kings, so why do they need the blessing of the will of the gods?

They possess 100% divine king authority, and they are equivalent to the will of the Creation Star and Apokolips Star.

You must recognize the current situation. I am not competing with Darkseid for the position of God King of Apokolips.

I don’t even have my godhead anymore, so what I’m planning at this time is just to awaken my divinity and create my own mecha god godhead, or the wisdom godhead of Apokolips?

In short, I just want a main god-level godhead, and the origin of Apokolips can help me. "

"That's right, you have to eat one meal at a time. You must first condense your divinity and obtain a new godhead. With the godhead, you can become a god again. Only then can you gain the power and eternal life of the gods. Then you can calmly consider competing with Darkseid." The second master said Lincoln nodded slightly, "Since you haven't given up on Apokolips' New God cause, why aren't you worried about Harley's attitude?

According to her, people like you who retain the Mother Box, do not give up your identity as a New God, and return to Apokolips from time to time to cause trouble should not enter the Earth to avoid bringing disaster to the human race on Earth.

Leaving the protection of the earth and facing the bloody revenge of the dark elite, can you withstand it? "

"I have decided to go to the slave camp to fight guerrillas. Do you think the dark elite can easily find me? Although I have lost my godhead, the 'God Queen Mother Box' I built as the master of Apokolips is still there, and its functions remain intact." Luther He patted his chest, and the metal armor made a "bang bang" sound when he patted it.

"It alone is enough to ensure that I can come and go freely behind enemy lines."

"Where are the other new human gods? Are you ignoring them?" the commander asked, pointing at himself and the other big guys present.

Luther frowned and said: "As the saying goes, one person can ascend to heaven if he can achieve enlightenment. When I was still the Lord of Apokolips and had the ability to support you, I would arrange high-level positions for you in the Dark King City.

But now that 'people' have not yet attained enlightenment, it is better for 'chickens and dogs' to stay calm. "

"Luthor, we are collaborators, not your dogs!" a military boss from the Pentagon said angrily.

"Yes, we have provided you with various policy conveniences and exempted you from a thousand years of imprisonment. You should return the same favor. This is a fair and just transaction, not a charity from you." The deputy commander also said.

Luther sneered: "When I was crowned King of Apokolips, who dared to let me serve my sentence? You just followed the trend and did what normal people should do. Don't take all the credit for yourself."

"You used to be the king of Apokolips, but now you have been deprived of your godhood." The defense chief said coldly, clenching his fists.

"Then you go to 'Star Street' and ask those high-level civilization ambassadors whether the trials against me in the past still count now."

Luthor was imprisoned mainly because he was accused of taking the initiative to spread the Formula virus on behalf of Darkseid during the Final Crisis.

In this case, both the victim and the prosecution were aliens.

Theoretically, when Luther becomes the king of Apokolips, it will be the alien guy who announces that the charges against him will be dropped.

If he has no power now and changes his mind and beats him up, he will have to be an alien to have power.

However, whether it was to allow him to return to Earth to face trial and serve his sentence, or later to completely erase his sentence when he became the Lord of Apokolips, the US government made great efforts.

"'Chicken and dog' is just a metaphor. Luther means no harm." The commander-in-chief smoothed things over with a smile, and gently patted the defense chief's arm, saying: "When Luther takes over the slave camp, he can gather his own strength. The God of Mecha will definitely not forget us, right, Luther?"

"Of course, the New Gods are a complete civilization composed of many individuals. I cannot handle it alone. Next, I need everyone's help. In the future, the New Gods of mankind will also have a place for you." Luther also showed a gentle smile. .

He couldn't guarantee whether the New Protoss would have a place for them in the future, but he would indeed need their help and support in the future.

"Since you don't care about Harley's new rules, what else do you need our help for?" the Speaker asked.

"There are too many places where you are needed." Luther counted on his hands: "First of all, the administrators among you can help me manage the slave camps that I have captured.

Any slave camp is larger than the United States. By then, all of you will be the ‘great commander’.

You don’t have to worry about being retaliated by the dark elite. Since you are the leader of the slave camp, you must have your own mother box and guards. If you encounter an enemy invasion, you can defend it if you can, and if you can’t, run to the main universe.

Secondly, the generals can help me train the undisciplined slaves into an army of command and control. You only need to command them, and you don't need to go into battle personally to charge into battle.

Finally, for tycoons who are good at managing companies, I will support you in establishing the Apocalypse military industry enterprise. I can package it all for you, such as demon-like production lines, magma energy factories, and even the production of mass-produced mechas.

You don’t need to spend much capital, you can just follow me and collect loot as start-up capital. "

The big guys communicated with each other with their eyes for a while, and the expressions on their faces were quite satisfied.

Although Luther is suspected of trying to take advantage of the pie, the key is that the cost they need to pay is extremely low, and even if they fail, they will not suffer much loss. But if it succeeds, it will be a huge profit.

"Just managing slave camps and running Apokolips Enterprises does not seem to be of much help in condensing divinity and reshaping divinity." The defense minister said.

"You don't have to do it, just stay on Earth and be a 'humanoid'." Luther said calmly.

The defense minister looked gloomy, clenched his fists and remained silent.

After the meeting was over and Luther left, he said angrily: "Luther has ulterior motives and has no sincerity.

He just wanted to use our power to achieve his own mecha godhood, and never thought about helping us gain divinity. "

The commander sighed: "Even the mecha godhead is just Luthor's own delusion. If you still want him to provide a method with a 100% chance of becoming a god, isn't it more delusional than delusion?

Just make do with it, Luther is just Luther, he is not Harley, and he cannot lead everyone to fly together.

Providing him with an opportunity is already the limit of his ability. Let us work hard for the rest. "

"Well, Harley is very capable and reassuring. If she were to lead the collective ascension, she would definitely be able to plan an absolutely safe path to becoming a god for each of us.

It's a pity that she is not on the same page as us on this matter. "Lincoln, the second boss, sighed sadly.

"She is already the God King, how could she trap herself in the shackles of the new god?" The deputy commander shook his head, looking disapproving.

“Even if we follow Luther’s ‘guerrilla tactics on Apokolips’ and ‘slave camp strategy of surrounding the Dark King’s City’, we still need the earth as our base camp.

At least when being chased by the Dark Elite, you can immediately open the sonic boom channel and hide on the earth.

At the very least, we cannot give up the power we have in our hands at this time.

You guys think, how are we going to deal with Harley's 'New Human God Restriction Act'? "The commander asked, looking around.

"We definitely can't stand up directly. We can't stand up, and no one can stand up." The deputy commander said immediately.

Everyone nodded.

As long as they think about going against Harley, their scalps will be numb and they will have no confidence.

"But we can't just sit back and fight without struggle. We have to strive for some benefits." Second Master Lincoln said.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. Admiral Galaxy has rarely interfered in politics, but once she opens her mouth, there is almost no room for compromise." Everyone looked embarrassed.

“For a long time, American law has been effective for everyone, but its effect on ordinary citizens is completely different from that on us.

If the 'New Human God Restriction Act' can be made the same as those legal provisions in the past, haha." Lincoln, the second boss, made a "you all understand" expression, smiled and stopped talking.

Although what he said was a bit unclear, everyone here was smart enough to understand it after thinking about it for a moment.

The United States claims that everyone is equal under the law, but there are too many ways for the rich and powerful to escape legal punishment by legal means.

Ultimately the law can only work on civilians.

If the "New Human Gods Restriction Act" can be the same as the previous legal provisions, leaving a small back door for the powerful, but only restricting ordinary human New Gods from remaining on the earth to develop freely, the advantages to them actually outweigh the disadvantages.

They all understood why Harley wanted to restrict the new human gods remaining on Earth.

According to Luther's method, even if they were just fighting guerrillas on Apokolips, the dark elite could not find him and his people, but they saw all the new dark gods of mankind hiding on the earth. How could they not carry out bloody and cruel revenge on the earth?

If the earth is really retaliated by the dark elite, it will definitely not be the Justice League and the Galactic Admiral who suffer.

They are strong and not afraid.

The unlucky ones can only be ordinary people without power. Although these bosses hold great power, they are also ordinary people without power.

Now Harley has proposed the "New Human Gods Restriction Act" to expel the troublesome human dark new gods from the earth, so that the dark elite will not keep staring at the earth.

If they could stay on Earth, wouldn't it be safer than before the "Act" was introduced?

The key is that the "bill" is passed and they can stay legally.

"What should we do?" The defense minister looked at the second master with a somewhat eager look, "If you can enjoy the comfort of humans on earth and have the future of the new dark god at the same time, of course it would be best."

"Let the bill be passed first. Once the bill is passed, Harley will see that her goal has been achieved and she will retire. Based on her habits, she will definitely be too lazy to participate in the subsequent implementation of the bill.

At that point, it’s time for me to show off my talents. "The second master said with a smile.

The Grand Commander thought thoughtfully, "As long as one of us can become the executor of the bill, there will be countless loopholes to exploit. Therefore, those of us have to pretend to give up the Mother Box and the pursuit of godhood."

"It's not a pretense." The Defense Minister also understood. "General, you have a term of office. You can be a human being on Earth for two years. When the term is over, you can announce your rejoining the new Protoss.

Or simply as a retired commander, Luther specially hired him as the 'honorary president' of a slave camp on Apokolips. "

"Wonderful, the revolving door is turning again!" Everyone applauded gently, with smiles on their faces.

"It's only been two years. This year is almost at the end. Including 2024, your term will only last for one year. Commander, you must work hard for another four years!" the deputy commander advised.

"Yes, Zetas, we need you. Both the humans on earth and the new gods of humanity need you!"

"Although you don't have the divine status of a new god, you have become a new god. Your life span has been extended ten times. You are truly strong and strong. You will have no problem working for another 40 years."

Seeing everyone trying to persuade him, the commander hesitated.

He is full of energy now and really wants to devote a few more years to the American people.

"According to Harley's definition of 'humanoid', even if I don't have the New Godhead and am willing to give up the Mother Box, I am still a 'humanoid' who only has the right to vote but is not qualified to stand for election." He was confused.

Lincoln, the second leader, immediately said: "It takes time to pass the bill, and it also takes time to formally implement it, and you have signed up to participate in the intra-party election and are one of the candidates for the next president.

Even if the bill is actually implemented, it cannot modify the ‘past’ facts.

In other words, the bill will not officially take effect until the next general election. "

"Is this possible?" The commander was a little happy, but also a little doubtful.

"As long as we work hard, it shouldn't be difficult to achieve this result. Even if we fail, there will be no loss." Lincoln said.

The commander suddenly remembered something and frowned: "When I chose to ascend, I publicly promised to give up the election next year and did not sign up to participate in the party election."

"What does it matter? You have made so many promises before, but you haven't kept them either?"

"You don't have to care about the public's reaction. You have our support anyway."

"Yes, our support is enough."

A few days later.

Gotham, on the road from Manhattan to Arkham Island.

A taxi moved very slowly behind the parade.

"I told you earlier that the 'No. 1 Avenue in the World' has been occupied by demonstrators these days, and cars cannot enter the island." The driver sighed and kept slapping the horn.

"Ellie, does it have to be today?" Zha Kang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked out the window at the crowded highway with a helpless expression. "Look at the crowd outside. They almost blocked the door of her house. These days She is probably in a bad mood today and has no interest in paying attention to your business."

"I don't have to come today. We've already dealt with that bastard for almost a week. If you were willing to take me to see her earlier, we wouldn't have to wait until now." The tall blond woman in the back seat of the car complained.

"It's useless to come earlier. She just returned to Earth two days ago." Zha Kang stuck his head out of the window and looked at it for a while, then turned to the woman next to him and said, "Get off the car. The road is too congested, so it's better to walk directly there."

"I do not mind."

The tall woman known as "Ellie" opened the car door next to her and walked onto the road first.

Zha Kang took out a green ticket from his pocket and gave it to the driver in front of him, and also left the car.

"Sir, Miss, looking at your majestic appearance and full of energy, you must be from the New Protoss, right?" The two of them had not walked a few steps when they were stopped by a little black guy in a floral shirt pushing a cart.

"Now the Penguin Mercenary Group is expanding, and the treatment for the members has never been better. As long as you join, you will be given a secondary mother box, an elite mecha, and a settlement fee of US$300,000 for free. You can pay immediately after signing the contract. "

He spoke sharply and moved quickly. As he spoke, he quickly took out two leaflets and stuffed them into their arms.

"Our Penguin Mercenary Group is supported by the military. After you join, we will immediately send you to the military base and receive three months of special training as regular mecha soldiers. We will never treat you as cannon fodder."

Zha Kang opened the flyer and asked with interest: "I heard that the gentlemen in Congress are discussing the 'New God Restriction Act'. The bill has the support of the Galaxy Admiral and will definitely be passed.

When the time comes, the New Gods who have Mother Boxes will not even be able to return to Earth. Your mercenary group even distributes Mother Boxes to people. Can you recruit people? "

"If the 'New God Restriction Act' hadn't been passed soon, would you have encountered a good thing distributing mother boxes for free on the street?" Xiao Hei in the floral shirt sighed: "Before the Milky Way Admiral returns to Earth, the lowest level of The first-grade mother box has been sold for US$30 million.

Even if it costs 30 million U.S. dollars, it has a price but no market. After all, if you take the mother box to an alien planet for a casual trip to make goods, you will earn more than 30 million star coins. "

"It makes sense." Zha Kang nodded, pointed at the flyer and asked, "The boss of the Penguin Mercenary Group is a Penguin, and he also chose to ascend?"

"Hey, our boss not only ascended, but also got a dark godhead. He has strength, background and is extremely rich. How about it? Do you want to join?" Xiao Hei asked.

"His godhead was not taken away?"

"Took it away, but he is the Penguin, Gotham's famous Penguin!" The admiration and respect on Xiao Hei's face was very sincere, without any pretense.

"I know Penguin. He is a famous super villain in Gotham. But the flyer said that after joining the Penguin mercenary group, he will go to Apokolips to liberate the slaves of Apokolips who are cruelly ruled by the dark elite, and bring freedom, equality, democracy and Bringing hope to the suffering people. Does this seem like something a super villain can do?" Zha Kang doubted.

"Have you not read the news? Lex Luthor has publicly vowed to liberate all the slave camps on Apokolips. Our Penguin mercenary group is similar to a military contractor and will follow Luthor. This kind of thing cannot be deceived.

In fact, the secondary mother boxes and elite mechas assigned to you were provided by Luther. "The little gangster said.

Zha Kang looked him up and down and asked: "Are you also a soldier of the Penguin Mercenary Group? Where is your mecha? The picture on the flyer is too blurry, why not summon your own mecha and show it to us."

Xiao Hei looked around and said hesitantly: "Wearing a mecha is too eye-catching, in case there is a conflict."

"Show us. You come out to recruit new soldiers and don't even show your clothes. How can we trust you?" the new human gods around him shouted.

"Okay, let me show you."

Xiao Hei's tone seemed helpless, but the expression on his face was a little eager to try.

He let go of the trolley, took two steps back, leaving enough space around him, and then shouted: "Saint Halle appears, 'Jenny,' come out!"

As if he was shouting a spell, as soon as his voice fell, a bronze-colored mother box immediately appeared on his chest.

"Crack, click, click!" With the mother box as the center, metal structures one after another quickly emerged out of thin air. Finally, Xiao Hei was covered in steel armor and turned into a five-meter-tall steel giant.

"Wow!" The parade crowd nearby immediately exclaimed in unison.

"How is it? Isn't it very impressive?"

Xiao Hei's voice came out from the speaker on the Iron Giant's chest, very loud.

It made a full circle, allowing everyone to see its majestic figure clearly.

"Hey, why is there a BMW logo 'BMW' on your butt?" an eagle-eyed audience member shouted in surprise.

Zha Kang said thoughtfully: "Your mecha is modified from a BMW? I sensed that there are four wheels hidden in your body, and black smoke is coming out from behind your back. It's a diesel engine running, right?"

Can you be like a car guy and turn into a BMW with a click? "

The Iron Giant first touched his butt drum and then his back, and said in a somewhat unnatural tone: "How can you tell? Forget about the diesel engine, but my wheels are wrapped tightly, and it is impossible to see from the outside. arrive."

"Ah, are they really Autobots?!" The crowd made another noise.

"No, I'm not an Autobot, I'm a Gundam Warrior." The Iron Giant waved his hands repeatedly and explained: "Mechas are forged from steel, and cars are also cast from steel. Since they are all made of steel, why can't cars be used directly as a tool for making mechas? Material?

It sounds incredible, but for Xinshen Technology, it’s that simple.

As long as the concept drawing and full set of parameters of the mecha provided by Lex Luthor are input into the mother box, the mother box can absorb electrical energy and turn a car into a mecha that can meet the combat needs of Apokolips.

Take a look! "

The Iron Giant stretched his hands forward and shouted, "Jenny, take out my Wayne Cannon for everyone to see!"

"Crack, click, click!"

The two pairs of mechanical arms quickly deformed, with the left arm turning into a six-barreled Vulcan cannon, and the right arm having an energy cannon as thick as a bowl.

There is also a prominent Wayne Group logo on the barrel, and even the model number is clearly written.

It is indeed a planetary energy weapon produced by Wayne Military Industrial Corporation.

"Wow, that's so cool!" a child exclaimed.

The Iron Giant was so proud that he spun around in circles so that everyone could see his weapons clearly.

"How did the giant cannon and the BMW come together?" Zha Kang asked curiously.

"The mother box is the foundation of Xinshen Technology. It is more powerful than the wishing machine. As long as you prepare the weapons in advance and put them together with the car, the mother box will automatically add weapon systems to the mecha based on the weapon type. It is very simple.

In the future, if more powerful weapons or mecha materials are encountered, they can be replaced at any time, and all they will consume is a mere few thousand kilowatt hours of electrical energy.

If you don't have electricity, you can switch to solar energy. Of course, the best thing is the magma energy of Apokolips. "

"Why use cars as materials?" asked a marcher.

"Kakakaka!" The Iron Giant quickly transformed and turned back into Xiao Hei in a plaid shirt.

"I also want better materials, such as alien spaceships, but I have no money. Just make do with them for now. When you become the new god of mechas, it will be easy to make money. You can even go to Apokolips to steal the new god's artifact and integrate it into the machine. First.

Although our starting point is low now, we have unlimited potential and can upgrade infinitely. "Xiao Hei waved his hands and shouted excitedly.

"Brother, beauty, do you want to join our Penguin Mercenary Group and embrace a better tomorrow?"

Seeing that Zha Kang wanted to say something else, the blonde Ellie said impatiently: "You are not the new human god at all, what are you talking about here?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Xiao Hei and the new human gods participating in the parade all stared at them with cold eyes.

Some people are even eager to try and take action.

"You are not a New God, why did you enter the parade of our New Gods? Are you a spy sent by Mhga?" Although they did not take action, they raised their chests one by one, surrounded Zha Kang and Ellie, and oppressed them in a small space.

"Well, we are outsiders and we are going to Arkham Island. We didn't know that there were demonstrators on this road today, so we got off the car halfway. Please give way, Admiral Galaxy is still waiting for us." Zha Kang smiled. road.

"You are so frustrated, you are not worthy of meeting the Galaxy Admiral? You are bragging and you don't remember to look in the mirror first." A black aunt spat disdainfully.

"If you don't believe it, you can send someone to follow us to see if we can enter Lishan."

Zha Kang took out his Zippo lighter with a relaxed expression and slowly lit a cigarette for himself.

The black aunt looked at him with wide eyes and did not dare to speak.

"Let's go." Ellie pulled Zha Kang's sleeve hard and took the lead to walk forward.

They made a way out of the way and just looked at them silently. Not to mention blocking them, they didn't even say anything unpleasant.

"The life of humanity's new god is also life!"

"Although we are a new race of gods, we all love the earth, love Saint Harry, love God, and love America."

“Saint Halle of Mercy, protect us from discrimination.”

The further they walked, the more uniformly the marchers shouted.

Almost everyone waved their flags vigorously and shouted at the top of their lungs. They were completely unlike the lazy guys fishing at the back of the team.

Zha Kang and Ellie only opened their eyes to see the strange things, neither followed the shouting nor deliberately caused trouble.

“Make humanbeings great again!”

"Make humanity great again, let humanity be glorious again, pure humans unite around Saint Harry, bathe in her holy light and listen to her sacred teachings."

Gradually, Zha Kang heard different voices and saw different demonstrators.

They competed with the New God of Mankind in the middle of the road. The riot police separated an open space of more than 30 meters and shouted slogans at each other.

The human demonstrators not only shouted, but also sang in unison at every turn, incorporated their slogans into the "Hymn to St. Harry", or added sentences from the "Hymn to St. Harry" into their slogans.

"Shit, we can't get in."

They squeezed and squeezed among the crowd, sweating all over, and finally reached the foot of Lishan Mountain, only to find that the stone steps going up the mountain were directly blocked by a high platform.

There was an old white man wearing a red hat and a black suit, standing on a high platform and giving an emotional speech.

Every word he said was bound to arouse huge cheers from the crowd below.

"Is that your commander-in-chief?" Ellie pointed to the high platform and asked doubtfully.

"The former commander-in-chief Tesla, the commander-in-chief of the Americans, I am British." Zha Kang said.

"Why is he blocking Harley's front door to give a speech? He's so brave." Ellie said in surprise.

Zha Kang raised his chin and sneered: "Listen, listen to what he is talking about. Nine and a half of the ten sentences are praising the glory and greatness of Saint Harry. He is not bold, but has a sharp mind and a sharp heart. many."

Ellie listened carefully for a moment. Although the main purpose of Tesla's speech was to oppose the new gods of mankind and safeguard the interests of pure mankind, he did boast in his words how great Saint Halle was and was the patron saint of human civilization; Saint Halle How to be glorious, deeply trusted and loved by God, walking on earth on behalf of God, and spreading biblical teachings for the Lord.

"Although it is flattery, he is also coercing the witch Harley to become the patron saint of mankind and not to listen to the 'excessive requests' of the new human god." Ellie said.

"To put it so tactfully, this guy is already smart enough." Zha Kang looked around, pointed at the "Gordon House" in the distance, and said, "Let's go up from there."

After struggling for more than half an hour, Zha Kang finally took Ellie into the Quinn Manor halfway up the mountain, and saw Harley sitting barefoot and cross-legged on the sofa, eating potato chips and watching TV.

"You actually watch American TV series at home?!" Zha Kang wiped the hot sweat from his forehead and said angrily: "If those marching people see you like this, the image of Saint Harry in their minds will definitely collapse to the point where even Zha Kang is Nothing left.”

"I have saved tens of thousands of parallel universes in a row. Now I am finally free. Let's take a rest - Hey, you are the succubus who had an affair with an angel. Your name is 'Ellie', right?"

Harley stared at Ellie for a while before remembering her identity, "Did you come to see me, or did you just come here to play with Constantine?"

"I'm looking for you, I want to save Terry's freedom!" Ellie said with firm eyes.

Harry smiled and said: "The Holy Sound Tower is not that easy to knock down."

(PS: Today is a bit slow, mainly the follow-up to the collective ascension. I really want to end it in one sentence, but it seems too careless to create such a big battle, start with the final crisis, and end it simply.

In the original comic, even if Luther loses his Omega effect, he really returns to Apokolips and plans to liberate the slave camp with a set of mechas. Then the story ends here, there is no follow-up plot, and the Justice League comics are completely over. What follows? It’s the new reboot.

Well, there is no follow-up after the original comic "Darkseid War". The plot of "Justice League" is directly restarted, without considering the consequences and impact of collective ascension, and there will be no impact after the restart.

I hesitated for a long time today, wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote. In the end, I wrote this. Tomorrow I will definitely end the chapter of "New God of Humanity". )

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