I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1755 The current situation of the earth

"Barry, how do you feel?" Black Iris looked at Barry with concern and asked.

"Iris, where are we and what are we doing?" Barry looked around, looking a little confused.

He and Iris were in an outdoor cafe on the street. He was wearing an ordinary casual jacket, and Iris was wearing an everyday dark blue skirt.

The two of them were sitting at a small round table. There were many people chatting and laughing nearby. Melodious music sounded in their ears, and the aroma of coffee, milk and cheesecake wafted in their noses.

The scenery on the street looked familiar to him. Could it be the Eiffel Tower in the distance?

What is happening now is a bit familiar. He and Iris seem to be traveling together?

But he kept recalling another thing in his mind: the Darkseid War!

"Apocalypse is gone. Is the war over?" He looked up at the sky. The sky was blue, dotted with white clouds like cotton candy. It was quiet and peaceful, without the atmosphere of a world-destroying war at all.

But the most active memory in his mind was the Darkseid War.

Greer summoned Anti-Monitor and Darkseid to the earth, and part of Apokolips was also pulled into the main universe. He and his Zhenglian companions were cleaning up demons in the Dark King City, and then

"Uh ah~" Barry groaned, covering his head, "There seems to be an extra memory in my mind. No, it's a missing memory. I came to universe 13147 and worked with Harley to save the world from the anti-surveillance invasion. Now that the battle has been over for many months, we have been traveling in this universe for these few months?”

"Although the memories of traveling around are beautiful, they are all fake. They are the new timeline edited by Harley for you. However, you and I, and even everything we experience and see now, are not illusions. We are in reality. middle.

In your memory and mine, we have been traveling in this world for more than two months and the sentient beings in the universe 13147 also 'remember' that two months have passed since the anti-surveillance crisis, but in fact the world has just experienced a major reset.

The true lifespan of this planet is less than an hour.

The reason why we stay here is to use the power of restart to cleanse you of the anti-life equation effect."

Black Iris spoke softly and explained in detail what had happened and the changes that had occurred on the earth in the past few months.

"So that's it." Barry frowned and rubbed his head, "I didn't expect that the world would change so much in just a few months. I didn't expect that Harley would use such a strange method to wake me up. I didn't expect that you would also--"

He was stunned and asked doubtfully: "You also participated in the reboot of the different world? Why?"

Iris' face was dark and slightly red, and he explained the side effects of "loss of destiny" again.

"Many of the various crises you encountered in Central City in the past were related to me. I also want to take the opportunity to rewrite my destiny and reduce the 'causal element' in myself.

Originally, I wanted my father to come too, but Harley refused. She said that my father is just a supporting character in The Flash Story, unlike you and me. Unlucky.

If the supporting roles are cut out, they may lose their place in the story. "

"Oh, you were fine, why take this risk." Barry grabbed her black hand, "The side effect of losing destiny is just Harley's guess. She may not know the real situation.

Just like the false memories in my mind, I think its harm is more terrifying and more real than the illusory decline of destiny. "

"What's wrong with those memories? Harley also specifically discussed it with me. What you remember is the beautiful life of you and me traveling around the world. It was the happiest time in my life. Do you feel it is very painful?" Iris? His black face became even darker.

"No, the memory of traveling with you is very beautiful, and it is also the happiest day in my life." Barry quickly expressed his position.

Then he sighed: "But it is fake after all, and it will affect my thinking, emotions and real memory."

Black Iris said seriously: "It just didn't happen in the material world. On the timeline, it actually happened once, which is a real reality.

Your and my experiences are not just beautiful stories written by Harley.

In fact, she only used one sentence to describe our experience - Barry and Iris traveled around the world and spent the most relaxing days of their lives.

Everyone has a different standard answer to what is the most relaxed and comfortable. The way we live our lives is our own standard answer.

It's equivalent to Harley only giving us a beautiful destiny, and it's us who really decide how to live our lives. "

"Why add this content? Although the story is very beautiful, the memories on the timeline are always a bit unreal." Barry asked.

"We have to integrate into this world and have intersections in this world. Otherwise, how can we restart together?"

Barry looked around, "Now that the reboot is complete, I'm almost back to my original state. Where's Harley? When will she come to pick us up?"

"She told us not to be anxious. Even if the world is completely restarted, we can continue to travel and treat it as a honeymoon. Maybe we can even get pregnant with a baby." Black Iris' face began to heat up again.

Barry laughed awkwardly and said: "I'm a little worried about my family. It's a bit unimaginable that human beings will ascend collectively.

Let's go back to the main universe first, make sure everyone is safe, and everyone sees that we are safe, and then we can travel with peace of mind. "

"Harley has left. She said that the remaining dozens of parallel universes will be completed in a few days. When she finishes her work, she will come back to take us home together." Black Iris said.

Barry moved his arms and stared at the fingers of his right hand.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz buzz—”

His fingers vibrated at a high frequency, which was unstable at first, but gradually the familiar feeling came back, and he once again mastered the power of the Speed ​​Force.

"I remember the vibration frequency of the main universe and can go back by myself. Harley can read the timeline, so there is no need to worry about her not knowing where we are going."

"All right."

Black Iris actually wanted to stay a few more days and live a "real two-person world" on this strange earth where no one knew them. Seeing that Barry had no intention of continuing the journey, she could only nod in dismay.

If there wasn't such a rare thing as collective ascension, Barry would be willing to rest in another world for a while.

But collective ascension involves billions of people and directly affects the development of human civilization. He really can't care less about it.

The process of returning to the main universe by changing the vibrational frequency is smooth.

He showed up directly in Paris with Iris - they were traveling to Paris on Earth 13147 at the time.

"The new god of mankind is no longer human, get out of Paris, get out of the earth!"

As soon as he landed, there were shouts one after another in his ears.

“America’s New Patriot Act doesn’t work for us!”

"There are two divisions between humans and gods, and we oppose the indirect enslavement of humans by the new gods."

"Oh my God, what a huge parade. Are they all opposing the return of the new human god to the earth?" Barry said in surprise.

"This has been going on for several months, not only in Paris, but also in many cities around the world. Our central city also holds demonstrations every day. There are people who oppose the return of the new gods of mankind to the earth, and there are also the new gods of mankind who oppose the prohibition of human beings from returning to the earth. It is a mess, and there is no Know when the peace of the past can be restored.”

Iris was very calm, but her tone was full of helplessness. She felt that the earth would not be as peaceful as before in a short time.

She lamented: "Now I completely believe that this is Darkseid's conspiracy. Just because of the collective ascension, millions of people on the earth have died, and society has developed deep and unbridgeable divisions.

Human civilization is truly at a crossroads.

No matter which direction you choose next, you will definitely pay a heavy price. "

Barry stared at the parade for a while and said seriously: "Iris, I have to go to the Justice League to find out what everyone thinks. I'll send you off first -"

"I'm with you. You've only been awake for less than an hour, so I'm worried." Black Iris said, holding his arm.

Barry held her and turned into a beam of lightning, crossing the continent and the Atlantic Ocean and arriving at the Metropolitan Hall of Justice.

"Oh my god, Barry, you are finally back to normal!"

"Barry, where did you come back from? Is Harley with you?"

Barry returns, adding a lot of laughter and levity to the somewhat dull atmosphere of the Hall of Justice.

It took Barry some time to talk to Iris about his awakening process and his return experience.

"It's really crazy to use the universe restart to clear the anti-life equation power in the body. This kind of therapy is really crazy. However, Harley has experience during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, so it's not too risky." Mr. Excellence was surprised and exclaimed, "Speaking of which Barry, you're lucky. At other times, a big reboot would be rare and rare."

"You didn't listen to what Iris said. Harley has prepared several plans for Barry, and rebooting is only one of the ways. Even if there is no big reboot, Harley will definitely be able to use other methods to save Barry." Da Chao said.

"That's true."

"Are you a pure earthling now, or are you a new god who has lost the god of death?" Bateman looked at Barry and asked.

"Why do you ask? Of course I am a pure Earthling." Barry asked doubtfully.

"But you have not experienced the spiritual transformation of giving up your godhead. Just like Luther, the godhead in his body was also sucked away by the power of Zansha, but he is still the new god of Apokolips." Bateman said.

Black Iris said: "Barry is different from you! At first, the Black Runner forcibly possessed him, and the Black Runner's thoughts dominated, and Barry was more like a carrier of 'death'.

Later, Barry was simply controlled by the anti-monitoring anti-life equation and lost his will.

From the beginning to the end, he never took the initiative to accept the 'Death Godhead' with his soul, nor did he integrate the Death Godhead.

It can be said that Barry never became a new god. "

"Is this what Harley said?" Dachao asked.

Black Iris nodded vigorously, "Seeing that each of you is difficult to separate from your godhead, I was very worried about Barry, but Harley told me that he is completely different from you.

Unless she restores Barry's consciousness first, allowing him to wake up and accept the Black Runner in him, he will never be the New God. "

"Is the division and divergence between the new human gods and pure humans so great now? Even the heroes of the Zhenglian League have to express their identities and positions?" Barry frowned.

"There is indeed a split, but Bateman only cares about you when he asks about your situation. It is too difficult to give up the godhood voluntarily." Dachao sighed.

"Barry, you go back and rest for a few days. The social environment of the earth has become very complicated now, and it may take you time to adapt. But don't worry, everything is not out of control." Bateman said solemnly.

"Still not out of control?" Barry was a little excited. "I ran from Paris to London, and from London to the metropolis. The streets of each city were filled with marchers.

Conflicts between pure humans and New God humans occur from time to time, and the police and the army are even involved, causing chaos. "

"Although it's chaotic, it's not out of control. When you get to know it more deeply, you'll understand that the turmoil caused by the collective ascension incident is slowly calming down," Bateman said.

"It's calming down? You mean it was more chaotic before?" Barry couldn't believe it, "Why are you so calm?"

"If we step forward, we will only make the situation worse." Wonder Woman sighed: "There is no doubt that Zhenglian has always been on the side of human civilization.

With the attitude of us and Harley, even if the new human god has not lost his godhood, he does not dare to go too far or leave any clues.

But if we appear on the streets, human demonstrators will think that they have our encouragement and support, and will use more violent methods to deal with the new gods of mankind, eventually triggering chaos that even heroes cannot control.

This kind of thing has happened before, and many people were killed and injured at that time. We cannot repeat the same mistake.

Don't think that we haven't done anything. We stay in the Hall of Justice to monitor the situation in the entire world. If something gets out of control, we will respond immediately.

Look at the Hall of Justice. There are so many heroes gathered here now. Why? "

Barry looked around and saw hundreds of superheroes, even heroes from other organizations.

Dachao patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "The situation now is indeed more clear than before, and the turmoil will subside sooner or later.

Before, the godheads of Luther and the new human dark god were still there. Even if the new human god without godhead returned to live on earth, he was a little arrogant and felt that sooner or later he would return to his true divine domain.

If they do not regard themselves as human beings, it will naturally be difficult for them to integrate into human civilization.

Now the dream of the Luther Dynasty is shattered. Although he is still promoting the idea of ​​mecha becoming a god, not many people are willing to believe in him.

More new human gods woke up from the dream of becoming gods and began to recognize the fact that they were still 'mortals on earth'. They began to take the initiative to ease their relationship with ordinary humans. If you compare the previous and recent speeches of the Great Commander, you can The change in their attitude was clearly noticed.

Therefore, the conflict between ordinary humans and the new human gods will continue in a short period of time, but the overall situation will not change. "

Black Iris thought, "Can we send those who are willing to return to human status to the parallel universe, and like Barry, do a reboot and turn them all into mortals?"

"Theoretically it seems possible." The heroes were a little excited.

"No!" Hal Jordan's tone was stern and urgent, "Did you forget the Origin Wall?

During the final crisis, there were only a few "deviants", but in order to reduce the impact on the Origin Wall, the monitors began to form groups to hunt down the time travellers.

Now that billions of people are traveling together, are they going to directly destroy the Origin Wall?

Let me tell you, although the fifth world restart has repaired the Origin Wall to a certain extent, the Origin Wall is still in a state of slow collapse as a whole.

Just the afternoon before yesterday, the relic sent an alert to Oa.

He told us that another section of the origin wall was experiencing natural cracking.

This is the fifth time he has warned us.

I have recently begun to consider restoring the earlier 'one sector, one lantern' system, mobilize all the extra 3600 lanterns to the origin wall, and use the power of will to repair the cracked origin wall.

Although building a wall is a drop in the bucket, we have to try hard.

According to the prophecy left by the little blue man, if the Origin Wall really collapses, the entire multiverse will be destroyed.

By then, except for powerful people like Harley and Darkseid, everyone else will die.

If all humans are gone, what’s the point of pure human beings and the new human gods? "

"Anti-surveillance has invaded countless parallel universes, and many node universes have been destroyed. No wonder the origin wall will crack." Wonder Woman sighed.

A week later, Harley completely completed the parallel universe restoration.

She quietly returned to Earth and stood near low-Earth orbit observing for several minutes.

In just three minutes, at least 200 detonation channels were opened around the world.

Some leave the material world and enter the Apokolips or Creation Star, while others enter the earth from alien planets.

She even saw a new human god transporting hundreds of alien visitors to low-Earth orbit using Mother Boxes.

It’s not about smuggling, it’s about being a “Didi driver” in the universe.

Now that there are even online ride-hailing services, there must be a lot of Lalamove.

"Kent, let Nab come out and I will discuss something with him."

Harley came to the Tower of Destiny and found the mushroom-headed Doctor Destiny.

"Is it to restrict the detonation channel?" Kent understood what she wanted to talk about when he saw her, and said in a helpless tone: "I have received your text message a long time ago, but even the God of Order cannot restrain the sonic explosion through the laws of space. The opening of the channel.

In addition to the eight divine realms of heaven, heaven, and dream dimensions, I am afraid that sonic boom channels cannot be banned in the entire multiverse.

It is too advanced, and its power and divine power levels are at the top level. Without exceeding it, it cannot be limited. "

Harley said: "If you can't restrict it directly, wouldn't you use techniques to restrict it indirectly? For example, whoever opens a sonic boom channel inside the solar system will be sent to the star.

It is not difficult for the God of Order system to detect and react immediately if it cannot prevent the opening of the sonic boom channel, right?

Those new human gods have lost their godhood and are reduced to driving cosmic online taxis to make money. Can they withstand the forced transmission of the God of Order? "

"Since they are so miserable that they use the mother box as an online ride-hailing service, why are you still tormenting them?" Kent said.

"Hmph, the Mother Box doesn't need energy? Where does the energy come from, and who pays the price?"

Now that humanity's new god is living in vain on Earth, he has obviously made preparations to "find Zheng Lian or the Galaxy Admiral to tell the truth if something goes wrong."

Doctor Fate's helmet lit up with a bright golden light, and Naboo, the God of Order, officially came online.

"You are so cruel. They have lost their godhood. You sent them directly to the surface of the star, didn't you let them die? Although they have changed their membership to the new God Clan, they still have an old relationship."

Harley said calmly: "You can't even understand the example? You can decide where to send it specifically according to the situation. For the first time, you should be tormented lightly. If you don't change after repeated admonitions, you deserve to be sent to a black hole or the surface of a star."

Nabu pondered for a moment and said: "It is indeed not difficult to do what you said, but it is very troublesome and a waste of time and power."

"When all the new human gods see the consequences of opening sonic boom channels indiscriminately, they will naturally not dare to break the rules again. They will not dare to violate the rules anymore. You are just acting as a deterrent. How much time and divine power can you waste?" Harley said disapprovingly. .

"Just being vigilant is time-consuming and laborious," Nabu said.

"The God of Order has the responsibility to protect human civilization in order to pursue its own affairs. Or do you think that the New Gods' behavior of treating the earth as their base camp and shelter will not cause disasters for the earth and will not affect the normal development of human civilization?"

Nabu sighed softly, "Why don't you say hello to Heavenly Father and collect them all? Wouldn't it be clean and tidy?"

"Heavenly Father certainly doesn't mind if the original competitors become his vassals, and he certainly won't have much patience with those powerless new human gods.

But if the new human gods in the future are unhappy, they will definitely blame me for being nosy today. Why should I look for trouble? "

Moreover, most of the new human gods are from the dark new gods, and they cannot change their evil ways.

"At least go to the TV station and make a public statement, telling them first when they will ban the transmission of sonic boom channels, and what the punishment will be if they violate the rules." Nabu said.

Harley thought for a while and said: "I warned them on Apokolips before. If I come forward to announce this again, I will act as if this matter has room for negotiation. Why don't you just yell and start the ban directly."

A moment later, Naboo's majestic and cold voice resounded across the earth, "I am Naboo, the God King of Order. From this time today, the opening of sonic boom channels in the solar system is prohibited. Anyone who violates the rules will be punished. Don't play with fire and burn yourself!"

Global uproar.

The pure humans ran around in joy, shouting "Long live Naboo"; the new human gods who had not been assigned to the Mother Box looked at each other in confusion; the new gods who planned to use the Mother Box to use the earth as a safe house all looked ugly and felt in their hearts I was depressed, but I was mentally prepared and did not react violently.

After doing all this, Harley returned to Earth.

Instead of going home, he went directly to the Metropolitan New Presidential Palace.

Although the new Presidential Palace was rebuilt on the site of the White House, it no longer looks like the old White House, and is more sci-fi in appearance.

Since there are extraterrestrial allies providing free money and efforts, the commander-in-chief must of course choose a new mansion that is most suitable for the interstellar era.

"Harley, we were discussing how to find you, but we didn't expect you to have a clear understanding and come here on your own. That's great!" Although the commander-in-chief Zetas was a little embarrassed after seeing Harley, he still tried his best to be very enthusiastic.

"I know you definitely want to see me, so I might as well come here myself without waiting for you to come looking for me." Harry looked around. There were only the Commander-in-Chief and the Finance Minister in the office, but the other big bosses were not there.

Seeing her gaze, the Finance Minister smiled and said, "Everyone wants to see you. Do you want to wait for a while for them to come?"

Harley said calmly: "I just want to talk to you about the new gods of mankind. In fact, I have expressed my attitude before, and now the situation has changed. According to my previous thoughts, since I chose to become a new god, I should leave the earth and fully integrate into it. God’s Realm, after all, you are not in God’s Realm, so how can you enrich the origin of God’s Realm, awaken your divinity, and master divine power?”

The Grand Commander nodded slightly, "You told us that it is not good for both parties if the New Gods and humans mix. Humans will be oppressed by the more powerful and longer-lived gods.

The new gods themselves will also have their divine power dry up and their divinity wither because they are far away from the origin of the divine realm.

It's just that the current situation does not allow the new gods of mankind to have other choices. If they don't return to Earth, their lives will be in danger, and their lives will be precarious. "

Harley said: "I have no objection to the return of the new human gods. The new human gods who have returned to Earth now have three mentalities. One is hesitant. Such people are probably the most numerous, but they are the most useless.

One type is those who have completely given up the idea of ​​becoming a new god. This type of person has no godhead, no Mother Box, and does not participate in the activities of the divine domain. They are almost like earthlings.

No matter whether such people can eventually become a part of the earth again, at least they will never bring much harm to the earth.

The other type of people is just the opposite. Even if they live on the earth, they still want to regain their divine power. They will use the mother box to plan everywhere and cause all kinds of troubles.

Personally, I actually admire such ambitious people more, but their efforts for their own power and authority will inevitably cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and enemies for the earth.

When they finally succeed and go away in style, the earth and human civilization will completely become their memories. "

"No, no," the commander-in-chief said with a smile, "even if they succeed, they will definitely be grateful to the earth and will wholeheartedly serve the earth."

Harry shook his head and said: "Of course this kind of thing can be preached to the outside world, but I know it will never become a fact.

Just like the earth is in crisis now, the old gods of Heaven will never feel the same way.

The old gods of the heavens were once beings on earth.

Even for myself, after a hundred years, the people and things I am familiar with have disappeared in the long river of time, and I may not have much nostalgia for human society.

In the end, humans can only rely on themselves. "

The commander-in-chief said with a sad face: "You mean to drive all the ambitious new human gods from the earth?"

"Why do you think they have to go back to Earth? With the Mother Box on them, they can go anywhere in the world," said Harley.

"The earth is the safest and most reassuring." The commander said.

——The Justice League can help solve small troubles. Even if a big problem is created, Admiral Galaxy will suppress all powerful enemies. We can guarantee absolute safety.

He thought in his mind, but didn't say it outright.

"Yes, they bring trouble to alien planets. The aliens will not pay attention to them, but will regard them as enemies that need to be guarded against. But do ordinary people on earth deserve to suffer for them?

The identity of the New God of Darkness determines that they will do anything and do bad things to regain their power.

If they don't kill people and swindle goods, the origin of Apokolips will not recognize them.

In the end, they succeeded. They gained strength and returned to Apokolips. The humans on earth did not benefit at all, but had to bear the consequences of their evil deeds. Is this fair? "

Facing Harley's clear and cold eyes, the commander-in-chief held back all the countless quibbling words in his heart and could not utter a single word.

"Harry, what do you mean?" the finance minister asked.

"Do not recognize dual citizenship and abolish the Patriot Act. How dare a group of new gods make human laws?"

The Commander-in-Chief was extremely embarrassed and began to feel helpless under Harley's direct gaze.

“Allowing new human gods without divinity, godhead, and mother boxes to regain their ‘humanoid’ identity.

Humanoid means similar to humans.

Humanoids can live on the earth permanently, just like ordinary citizens, but they only have the right to stand for election starting from the third generation.

Well, they have the right to vote and can elect others, but they cannot serve as candidates to become senior government officials. "

"Why three generations?" the finance minister asked curiously.

"Staying on Earth all year round, three generations have almost become Earthlings, and there will no longer be the long life of the New Gods."

In just a few decades of life, one can manage a country's network of relationships.

If the New God becomes a big shot in politics and lives for a thousand years, how can ordinary people still have fun?

The Commander's cheeks that were flushed with embarrassment suddenly turned pale, "You have to be so harsh on humanoids? Those motivated 'New Mother Box Gods'."

Harley immediately said seriously: "They are not even 'humanoid'! Although the 'New God of Humanity' has the word 'human' as a modifier, they are essentially a new race of gods.

The New Gods are analogous to alien civilizations. Aliens do not have the right to vote on Earth, cannot stand for elections, and cannot purchase assets as they wish on Earth.

Those powerful new human gods must be treated in accordance with the system for treating alien travelers.

According to this system, the new human gods who commit murder and arson outside and are guilty of numerous crimes are not even allowed to enter the earth. "

Harry glanced at the ugly-faced and silent commander-in-chief and finance minister, and said calmly: "What I just said is not yet a law.

I will submit it to Congress for public discussion by members of Congress. Commander, please inform me. "

Three hours later, it was still the new White House.

The location of the meeting was changed from the commander-in-chief's office to the large conference room next door.

".That's what she said. What should we do now?" The commander repeated the conversation in the afternoon and then looked around and asked.

Those attending the meeting were not all military and political bosses, there were also many chaebol giants.

Even Lex Luthor is there.

"Is there any room for relaxation?" the defense minister asked.

The Commander-in-Chief hesitated and said: "You also know her character. If she can say this, there is no chance of her changing her words.

However, she said she would submit her comments to Congress.

Most of the members of Congress are our people, maybe—"

"No chance! Don't you dare to listen to her, and you still want to be a member of parliament? You want nothing more than to eat." Luther suddenly interrupted the commander's words, and his words were very rude.

"She never interferes in politics, at least not explicitly," the finance minister said.

“Her words and stance, even if they are not made public, will eventually spread, and then voters will kill you, so why do you need to say it openly?

And in this situation, it is not certain whether the New God of Humanity can keep his seat in the parliament. "Luther said.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The government is still under our control." Lincoln, the second boss, consoled him.

Luther smiled contemptuously, "Why should I be pessimistic? I never expected to rely on her help to condense the godhead of the Mecha God King."

Now he was wearing a shiny, green metal armor.

It fits more snugly than all previous mechas, like a piece of clothing worn on the body.

His mecha used to be very tall, like a Gundam, but now the Luthor mecha is more like Iron Man's Mark suit.

"Then why don't you go to Apokolips? Do you want to secretly lead the resistance army to rebel against the dark elite?" the commander frowned.

"Of course I want to go, I will fulfill the blind prophet's prophecy to me - to bring hope to the suffering people of Apokolips." Luther's eyes are bright, his expression is high, and his voice is high, "I want to liberate the slave camp and become the billions of Apokolips slaves The co-owner, I will start from the slave camp, eventually surround the Dark King City, and return to the top!"

"Slave camp surrounding the Dark King's City?" The Defense Minister looked a little strange, "This strategy seems a bit familiar."

"Just be familiar with it. If someone has succeeded before, I will definitely succeed too."

Luther chuckled and said excitedly: "I actually thought highly of the dark elite before. There are only more than a thousand dead remnants of them, and tens of millions of dark protoss have long been slaughtered by Harley.

After defeating more than a thousand dark elites, even if I don't want to be the king of Apokolips, I can only be the king of Apokolips.

It can be difficult to deal with them, but it can also be very simple. The key is to grasp their vital points!

And their key point is the slave camp. "

"Expect slaves to overthrow the dark elite?" The bosses shook their heads slightly, "Even in modern society, people who lack weapons cannot overthrow an army with advanced weapons.

The dark elite is much stronger than the ordinary army, and it is more difficult for quantitative changes to bring about qualitative changes.

Admiral Galaxy is a typical example. It is useless no matter how many times people face her. "

Luther said: "You are wrong. In today's Apokolips, quantitative changes can easily lead to qualitative changes. As long as the vast majority of the new dark gods recognize me as the king, the origin of Apokolips must hand over authority to me. Authority is equal to power.

On the contrary, on earth, the will of the people does not represent the authority of the world and cannot bring direct divine power.

Each slave camp holds hundreds of millions of slaves, and each slave is a potential dark god, or a dark god who has not awakened to divinity.

Therefore, each slave camp represents the public opinion of hundreds of millions of dark gods. Their wishes converge on me. Can you imagine how powerful that power is? "

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