I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1754 The Scream of Black Iris

"Harry, Barry hasn't woken up yet," Black Iris reminded softly.

Harley nodded and stopped talking about Darkseid. "Greier, you continue. The Black Runner has left and can clean up the remaining equation power in the Flash."

As she spoke, she activated a full set of defensive expertise, first covering Barry's sea of ​​consciousness with semi-transcendent spiritual power, and then covering her own mental power with the defensive expertise.

This is both to protect Barry's soul and to prepare to monitor Greer's use of the Anti-Life Equation.

"I will use omega rays to shoot into the Flash's body." Greer looked at Harley and said.

"Well, you can use it."

Dachao can use thermonuclear rays to kill people and destroy cities. It can also use it to weld steel bars in load-bearing walls of buildings from a distance, and it can also cut malignant tumors in patients' bodies. The entire process does not require physical contact.

Although the Omega Effect has fatal properties, as long as the user does not want to kill, it can also cure diseases and save lives like Superman's thermonuclear rays.

In fact, if Darkseid chooses to be a good person and specifically use the Omega Effect to operate on patients, the effect will be better than Da Chao's thermonuclear rays.

No cancer cells can escape the pursuit of the Omega effect, let alone be able to withstand the destruction of the Omega effect.

"Buzz - sting!"

After getting Harley's permission, Greer no longer hesitated, her eyes glowed with liquid red light, and omega rays bombarded Barry's chest in a straight line.

Barry's entire body was burning with a layer of fire, and he was still shaking violently. The stench of burnt flesh spread in the air.

"Barry, how are you? Harley, Barry, he's burning!" Black Iris shouted worriedly.

"Everything is under my control. This is a normal phenomenon when using the Omega Effect." Harley said.

When Greer fired the omega rays at Barry, he did not use the power of the omega effect as a scalpel or a cancer cell burning agent.

Her ability to control the Anti-Life Equation relies on the Omega Effect.

The Omega Effect is the vehicle for the Anti-Life Equation.

The Omega Effect is equivalent to internal strength and mental skills, and the Anti-Life Equation is a unique trick.

To use the power of the Anti-Life Equation, Greer must be powered by omega rays.

"Uh-huh." As the Omega Effect fire on his body flickered, Barry, who had been as dumb as a puppet, finally began to react.

"Buzz--" At this moment, the omega rays in Greer's eyes suddenly converged and disappeared.

"This is all I can do." She panted a little, and there was obvious sweat on her forehead and face.

"But Barry hasn't woken up yet." Black Iris shouted to Barry: "Barry, Barry, can you hear my voice?"

Harley nodded to Greer, "That's enough. Go ahead and relieve Darkseid."

Barry's body became conscious, but the consciousness in his mind was still chaotic.

Greer only relies on the Omega Effect to instinctively drive the Anti-Life Equation, and her technology and experience are far inferior to Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor.

But it was the Anti-Monitor, not Greer, who controlled Barry with the Anti-Life Equation.

If the anti-life equation is a unique skill.

Greer has average talent and has just obtained the secret book.

The anti-supervisor who injured Barry with this unique skill is the creator of the unique skill. It is normal that she cannot completely cure Barry.

"Iris, don't worry. Barry has recovered 60% now, and I'm fully confident about the remaining 40%."

Harley comforted Black Iris again, then opened her mouth and put Barry into the stomach bag dimension again.

"Do you want to go in immediately, or go back to Earth with them later?"

After receiving her assurance, Black Iris felt much more at ease. Hearing this, he glanced in the direction of Darkseid and said, "I will return to the stomach bag dimension later. I will not leave Barry until he wakes up."

Like Louise, she is also a reporter and a famous reporter in Central City.

Can the godhood and divine power absorbed by Darkseid be returned to Luthor and the new dark god of humanity?

Is Harley's guess about Darkseid's plan correct?

The answer was about to be revealed, and she was very curious and didn't want to leave right away.


Under everyone's nervous gaze for a moment, Greer shot Darkseid's omega rays to cancel the effect of the anti-life equation, and at the same time shouted a spell to cancel Zanza's state.


The scarlet omega rays fell on Darkseid, like lighting a fuse, detonating a hydrogen bomb on the spot.

The intense, scorching light was like a red-hot iron pressing on everyone's eyes. It was as powerful as the heroes of Zhenglian. Many people groaned and shed tears in pain.

"Ahhhhh~~~" The new human dark god screamed in agony and fell down in large pieces.

In addition to the scorching and intense light, there was also a shock wave like a nuclear explosion, and broken stones as big as a human head on the ground were also flying in all directions like bullets.

If Harley hadn't reacted in time and opened the defensive gold film immediately, forming a 300-meter-high hollow column outside the center of the explosion, directing the power of the shock wave to the sky, who knows how many of the new human gods who lost their power at the scene would have survived. .

"The power has not returned, nor has the godhood returned." Luther covered his eyes and huddled behind Harley, shouting unwillingly: "Greier, you must be the one who is doing this. You have not really released Xansha Darkseid at all. strength!"

It was obviously not Greer who was up to something. Anyone with eyes would know it at this time.

The reason why Darkseid exploded on the spot like a nuclear bomb was because too much of the New God's power leaked out of his body the moment he released Zangsa's state.

Darkseid absorbed too much divine power, and all that power was released in an instant, causing a divine shock wave like a nuclear explosion.

The dazzling and scorching light is also due to the concentration and energy level of the divine power being too high.

Real ordinary people may not feel the abnormality, but the new god of darkness is very familiar and sensitive to the fluctuations of the new god's power.

Luther didn't believe it, simply because he was unwilling to accept the reality that divine power would rather disperse naturally than return to his body.

But at this moment, everyone was focusing on the center of the "explosion", and no one cared about his screams.

"Darkseid actually turned back into a baby."

Darkseid was originally standing on the war square. Now due to the big explosion, the floor tiles and crust of the square have been blown through. A layer of bubbling magma has spread in the big pit. Baby Darkseid has gray skin and red eyes. Floating in the lava pool, his eyes were wide open and his little mouth was still chirping.

"Whoosh!" Without hesitation, Greer quickly jumped into the pit and fished out the baby.

"How?" Harry said with a weird smile: "Is it the same as what I guessed before? The godhead has been integrated into his soul and can never return to the 'original owner'."

Baby Darkseid has the same gray skin as Greer, and the same eyes that look like boiling magma. His original eyes were normal naked eyes, but this state only shows that the Omega effect still remains in his body.

This is a reality visible to the naked eye.

"I didn't sense any other godhead in his body," Greer said.

"That's because he is still young. A baby is like a blank sheet of paper, without personality or characteristics, and naturally cannot resonate with the Godhead. When he has a mature will and his personality gradually matures, the Godhead hidden deep in the soul will awaken." Harley said.

Divinity can be simply understood as the personality of gods. Where do babies get their personality?

Without mature thoughts, self-awareness and control, even putting the godhead on him cannot activate it.

"He was also a baby before, but he absorbed too much divine power and his body expanded. Why wasn't his godhead asleep at that time?" Greer asked again.

Harley stared at the baby Darkseid in her arms, a little eager to give it a try, "How about you lend him to me for research? The power of Zanza in him is the biggest bug and doubt."

She was 100% sure that the power of Zazam had nothing to do with Shazam Wizard.

Back then, if Shazam the Wizard could use other people's powers to be so overbearing, he would have conquered all the invincibles in the world.

Until now, Harley has not seen the limit of Zansha's power.

Greer shook his head. Not only did he not hand the child over, but he hugged him tighter, "Now he still has the power of Zansha."

Wonder Woman harnessed lightning and flew to a few people, saying: "Dakseid was not able to exert the full power of his godhead when he fought me just now.

The immature mind does affect the strength of divine power.

However, I can't see that there are other gods in his body now. "

"This is called a magical thing hiding from itself. It's only normal that ordinary people can't see it."

Harley frowned and glanced at her, "You are clearly miserable."

Wonder Woman's body seemed to have been shot with thousands of bullets from a machine gun, and every bullet hole was slashed three or four times with a bone-chopping knife. Even "bloody and bloody" is not enough to describe her misery.

But each of her wounds was healing quickly, faster than normal people, but they were not healed visibly.

Therefore, some wounds are covered with pink new flesh, and some wounds are only slightly closed, and the internal bones and internal organs are still visible, which is very permeable.

"I was hit countless times by Darkseid's Omega rays just now." Wonder Woman looked down at her body and said indifferently: "Don't worry, it's just a flesh wound. Don't worry about it, it will heal on its own." Can be cured.”

"If you take care of it, stop early, sit on the edge to replenish food and water, and have a good rest. It's calm now." Harley said.

After being hit by Darkseid's omega rays, Diana did not stop to repair herself. Even if Harley came, she was still active on the front line of saving humanity's new god.

She is not Harley and cannot store energy through the stomach pouch dimension.

If you want to rely on the food defense specialty in Thick-skin Power to recover from injuries, eat more and rest more, and the effect will be more obvious.

"We can't stop. The rescue work hasn't been completed yet!" Diana scanned the surrounding new human gods and said: "There is no way for divine power and divine personality to return, so we still have to find a way to resettle these people."

"I want to take Darkseid out of here." Greer looked at Harley and said.

Harley pondered: "Now that he has been reborn and you plan to transform him into a good person, the name 'Darkseid' is no longer appropriate."

Darkseid actually means dark side.

Looking at the baby's gray-white skin, she thought, "Why don't we call him 'Stone'? It sounds very simple and honest. I hope he will be more honest and less cunning in the future."

"Stone." Greer frowned and thought for a moment, neither agreeing nor objecting, and said again: "I'm leaving."

"Let's go, remember, if you encounter something unusual on the stone, don't make your own decisions, don't be afraid of trouble, come to the earth to find me immediately." Harley warned again.

Greer was still noncommittal, and with the "stone" in his arms, he flashed and disappeared on Apokolips.

Several people stood there in a daze for a while, before Da Chao said with an incomprehensible expression: "I didn't expect you to let them go directly."

"What do you want to do with them? Kill them, imprison them?"

Da Chao shook his head, "I think you will be more harsh, kill or put them in the stomach bag and keep them in captivity in the dimensional world."

Harley rolled her eyes, "Is there something wrong with me if I put someone who carries the entire set of the Dark Lord's godhead on my body?

The New Gods are stinky shit, and I don’t want to touch a hair related to the New Gods right now. "

Not to mention that Stone was just a baby at this time, even if he had a complete soul of Darkseid and had grown up, she had no idea of ​​killing him.

With her and Darkseid's current state, if they could trap each other in the shackles of the "New God Lord" for the rest of their lives, it would be the greatest punishment for him.

The new godhead who is peerless honey to ordinary people is just poison to them.

Harley glanced at the desperate and wailing new human gods in the square, frowned and asked, "Are you planning to bring them back to Earth?"

Dachao also looked around and sighed: "What else can we do besides bringing them back to Earth? We can't just let them fend for themselves here, right?

Without the protection of 'King Luther', the dark elite will soon counterattack the royal city.

The best outcome of staying on Apokolips is just to become the "forgotten". "

"This is really a catastrophe!" Wonder Woman lamented: "The Darkseid war is so dangerous, with two supreme beings, countless gods, billions of demons, and not a single person on earth died.

The war is clearly over, we have won a great victory, and our collective ascension seems to have become a spoils of war.

As a result, it lasted for several months, with millions of people killed and injured inexplicably. Taking into account the economic losses caused by past and future social unrest, it was equivalent to experiencing another final crisis. "

Harley shook her head and said: "Darkseid's war is Darkseid's victory. We are just passive defense, trying to reduce losses as much as possible, and collective ascension is not a trophy.

Even if it is, it is a Trojan horse outside Troy. "

"Alas, what is helpless is that you have clearly warned us in advance that this is Darkseid's conspiracy, and Darkseid's Trojan is still moved into the city." The spiritually connected Martian Manhunter sighed.

Black Iris said: "Harley, you should be more active. If you speak loudly on TV, the effect will definitely be ten or a hundred times better than now.

I always remember what you said when you were the ‘Mayor’ in Gotham, with great power comes great responsibility.

You are the most powerful, the clearest-minded, and the most influential. You should bear more responsibilities.

I know that you are already shouldering a heavy responsibility to repair the parallel universe.

But it doesn’t take much energy to promote your thoughts. Arranging a mental projection is enough. "

"I, a god-king with a long life and unparalleled divine power, appealed to everyone in the media to give up my divine power and eternal life. How many people do you think will listen?" Harley disagreed.

"Even if Bateman got the Mobius Chair, he still screamed in the media; Superman got the Godhead of Power, but he didn't shy away from suspicion." Black Iris said.

"So they failed miserably and were scolded by netizens for their double standards." Harley said sarcastically.

"Although they are scolded, it affects some people to some extent. Not everyone is scolding them." Black Iris said.

"Have you ever thought about how if the Luther Dynasty becomes a great success and has been powerful for hundreds of millions of years, those people who were affected and who never scolded them will regret it for the rest of their lives, and how they will hate the hero who misled them for the rest of their lives?" Harley road.

"Isn't that what you said? Darkseid will never let Luther, a lowly villain, take advantage of him."

Before Harry could speak, Luther, who was sitting on the ground not far away in despair, jumped up and cursed: "Even if I lose my divinity and power, it's not something you, Nigelou, can humiliate!"

"Even if you have divine power and divinity, I still look down on you." Black Iris retorted unceremoniously.

Harley didn't want to talk to them anymore, nor did she want to hear them tearing up each other, and said, "The Apokolips matter is completely over. I'm going back to Wantianyi to repair the parallel universe. Iris, let's go."

"Hey, there are a lot of unresolved problems, why are you leaving?" Dachao and Luther said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, and Luther said first: "Harry, I know your attitude towards collective ascension.

But you also emphasized that the new gods of mankind still retain friendship with humans on earth.

You cannot allow these new human gods who have lost their power to be slaughtered by the dark elite at will! "

"Isn't the Justice League going to transfer you back to Earth? Stop thinking about it and just go back honestly." Harley looked around at the new human Shinto who looked at her eagerly.

"After returning to Earth, will we still be the New Gods of Darkness, or will we turn back into humans?" someone asked.

"Theoretically, they are still the new gods of darkness, just like Big Barda and Mr. Miracle. They are also from Apokolips and now live like Earthlings on Earth."

After a moment of pause, Harley quickly added: "But this is not absolute. If there is a restart in the future, you may have the opportunity to become human beings on Earth again."

The eyes of the new dark gods immediately lit up like stars.

"Can we regain our divine power and divinity in the reboot? We want divine power and divinity!"

Du Ping finds it difficult to quit because the short-term happiness caused by dopamine secretion during high-flying is remembered by the body forever.

Divine power and extraordinary power make people feel more happy than high flying, and they are also more difficult to quit.

Not to mention these ordinary people whose minds tend to be dark and evil, even superheroes, such as the magical Mary in the final crisis, are also addicted to divine power, like a supernatural addict?

Harley said coldly: "No! The restart I'm talking about is a small restart of the main universe. The restart of the New Gods has been completed, which is the restart of the fifth world that has just passed less than a year ago. It will not be restarted again for at least hundreds of millions of years.

Even if the fifth world is restarted, the Forgotten without divine power will still be the Forgotten, and the Dark Elite will still be the Dark Elite. "

The faces of the new god of darkness suddenly turned pale as everyone looked forward to him.

"Don't be discouraged!" Luther was not affected. After he completely stopped thinking about it, he was in better spirits than before.

He straightened his back, waved his hand to appease the new god of mankind, and then turned to Harley and said: "The Luther Dynasty is not over yet, and the era of the new god of mankind will not end here.

Harley, I swear to you, one day I will return as king. "

"Oh, what's your plan? Continue to study the 'Xantha Voice-stealing Curse', find the small stone, and steal his voice and divinity?" Harley laughed.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Luther's eyes, he really had that thought.

However, there was an angry expression on his face, and he said loudly: "You underestimate me too much. I will realize my own divinity and create a new God King Godhead that is exclusive to me and no one can take it away! Don't think I'm talking about that. Big words.”

He looked back at the towering "Luther Palace" and said in a complex tone: "Today's experience made me understand one thing, only your own path truly belongs to you.

The power of others, or the power given by God, is not reliable.

I have the smartest brain in the multiverse. The mecha I designed can compete with gods. Maybe I can become the mecha emperor of Apokolips?

Even if my mecha can really become a god like the Mobius Chair, it is not my path, my path is my wisdom.

The mecha can be destroyed and taken away, but my wisdom will always belong to me. "

"Well, that's right. From this, I realize that you may not be able to become the 'Apocalypse Mecha Emperor' in the future." Harley nodded, her eyes a little surprised.

Not only did Luther not fall into despair, he actually came to his senses completely, which really surprised her and made her a little bit impressed.

Hearing her approval, he was like a fully charged electric donkey, radiant and energetic again.

"Harley, we need your help, not to help us regain our power or to clean up the incoming dark elite.

We need a period of peace.

I want to personally build a super-god mecha that integrates the mother box for each new god of darkness.

In the material universe, this idea is almost impossible to become a reality, but Apokolips has unlimited energy and resources, and the Mother Box is nearly omnipotent.

Even the most ordinary mecha, once integrated into the mother box, the mecha will be as flexible as the arms of the New God Warrior, and the mecha can even integrate into the body and become a part of the body. "

The more Luther spoke, the more normal his thoughts became, and his tone became more and more excited.

“The new Mecha God can transform from an ordinary person into a Mecha Berserker at any time.

With the sonic boom tunnel of the Mother Box, the new mecha god travels across the multiverse and can still lead billions of demonoids to invade the material planet.

As long as I'm given enough time, I can design a super-god mecha that can compete with the Dark Elite.

I will definitely establish a mecha dynasty in this divine realm!

I want to use practical actions to conquer the origin of Apokolips and let it create the godhead of the 'Mecha God King' for me alone. "

"Mecha God King, Mecha Dynasty!"

"For King Luther!"

After hearing this, the new gods of darkness once again rekindled their hopes of becoming gods, and each of them was even more excited than Luther.

The face of the Zhenglian hero was not very good, "Luthor, we will never become your accomplices in invading the material planet, and the earth will not become the base camp of the demons of Apokolips."

Luther frowned slightly, "I promise you, I will not invade any world before establishing the Mecha Dynasty and re-crowned as the Lord of Apokolips."

"Your promise is useless. As long as you use the resources and energy of Apokolips, you must plunder the material planet. This is the divinity of the new god of Apokolips." Diana said coldly.

Luther glanced at Harley, his heart moved, and he smiled: "The new god of darkness cannot directly transform back into an earthling, but he can abandon darkness and turn to light, change his evil ways, join the Genesis Star and become a member of the light god clan.

I am willing to lead all human beings, the Dark Gods, to ascend to the Creation Star.

From now on, my mission is to fight against the dark protoss of Apokolips, and I will no longer be driven by the origin of the new gods to invade the material planet. "

"This" all the heroes were stunned, a little at a loss.

They turned their questioning eyes to Harley.

Harley shook her head and said: "The transformation of the New God's camp cannot be decided in one sentence. Luther, you can try, but the connection between the Earth's human race and the New God must be severed, and the connection cannot be severed.

Except for pure mortal New Gods, any new Mecha God who carries a Mother Box, possesses divine power, or fuses mechas cannot live permanently on Earth.

People on Earth have no right to object to returning to the main universe, but the main universe is so big, so there is no need for you to come to the solar system. "

Luther said: "The New Patriots Act stipulates——"

Harley interrupted him: "Human beings can make laws according to their own will, but the universe has basic laws of the universe.

In a few days, I will join forces with Naboo to modify the laws of space and time near the Earth to prohibit any sonic boom channels that appear directly in the inner solar system.

Whether it is leaving the solar system or entering the solar system from the outside world. "

"Is this the basic law of the universe? Or is it your own rule?" Luther asked excitedly.

"Is there any difference? I can modify the basic laws of the universe. My rules are the basic laws of the universe." Harley said calmly.

Luther opened his mouth and wanted to say something else. Harley felt that she had made it clear and didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore. She nodded to Chao and the others and disappeared to Apokolips with the black girl Iris.

"Iris, regarding Barry, I have two best treatment plans."

After leaving Apokolips, Harley returned to Wantianyi again and found Wu Tan, who had been waiting for a long time. While restarting the parallel universe, she discussed saving Barry with Black Iris in the stomach bag dimension.

In fact, Harley has discussed this with her many times in the past few days.

Black Iris may not understand all the principles, but Harley will definitely make her understand the advantages and risks of each option.

"I'm also familiar with equations."

This sentence is a bit modest.

Harley, who has completed "I am me" with the equation, is more than a little familiar with the equation of life.

Darkseid's current experience is not necessarily better than hers.

"I can use my own thinking to simulate the fake life equation and the anti-life equation, and then help Barry recover as before."

Black Iris was surprised: "You can also simulate equations using your mind?"


The equation is composed of emotional elements connected in series.

The key to simulating equations is simulating the emotional element, which is difficult and difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

But Harley has been studying the relationship between emotional elements and emotional hallucinations for a long time, and has rich experience.

Now she can use the emotional phantom to simply simulate the emotional elements, and then connect the "fake emotional elements" composed of these thoughts together to become the "fake life equation."

"My spiritual realm is very high. You should also know that I have perfectly survived the nightmare demonization, and I have also integrated 108 pairs of positive and negative phantoms.

Therefore, using my thoughts to forge fake equations can be regarded as the top in the industry.

Well, I am currently the only one in the equation falsification industry. Other than me, no one else has that ability. "

When Harley said this, she had a smug smile on her face and was very proud.

Across from him, Black Iris smiled a little reluctantly.

Black Iris believes that Harley's spiritual realm is very high and the quality of her thinking is among the best in the universe, but throughout the ages, no fake equations have ever been made.

Even if it was Harley herself, it was her first time to try it. It would be better if she tried it with someone else, but Barry was her husband and there was no room for any mistakes.

"What about the second method?" she asked dryly.

Harley's face was expressionless, neither disappointed nor displeased. She still smiled and said: "I am restarting the parallel universe now, so I can put Barry in it and recreate it.

I will leave a mark on Barry's soul in advance, and look for Mr. Meng to ask for Barry's "Book of Sleep" to ensure that the recreated Barry is almost exactly the same as the original. "

"It sounds good"

How evil!

"Is there anything safer?" Black Iris asked: "When I didn't meet Greer before, you once said that you could send your thoughts into Barry's mind and send all the alien energy, including the residual consciousness of the anti-monitor, All the remnants of the Anti-Life Equation were 'eaten up' to help Barry regain consciousness, so why not use it now?"

"The above two methods are the best and have the smallest side effects. For example, swallowing with thoughts may swallow part of Barry's thinking. After all, the anti-monitoring residual consciousness and the anti-life equation effect do not exist alone.

They merged with Barry's consciousness, almost becoming one.

Just like surgery to cut a tumor, it is impossible to cut the cancer cells directly, right? "

Black Iris nodded hesitantly, and then asked: "How sure are the fake equations and restarting, and what are the side effects?"

“Because the operation can be repeated, the success rate is almost 100%, in terms of side effects.”

Harley mused: "The fake equation is simulated by my semi-detached thinking, which may have a certain degree of 'infection' effect on Barry's own thinking.

Similar to how high-level energy impregnates low-level life, causing low-level life to directionally distort toward high-energy states. "

What is false is always false, and false equations cannot help Barry complete the complete "I am me" argument.

The semi-detached thinking that imitates the fake equation will also affect Barry's own thinking. This is the price of miracles.

"Rebuilding it would not have any side effects. After all, I have already succeeded once during the Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot. My experience and state of mind at that time were far less than they are now."

Black Iris said: "But now is not the restart of the main universe, but the restart of the parallel universe."

Harley nodded lightly, "Yes, you have grasped the key point. The resumption of the parallel universe may change Barry's destiny."

"It's just destiny?" Black Iris' eyes widened, the surprise in his eyes was greater than the suspicion.

Harley smiled and said: "I understand what you are worried about. Do you think you have been reborn in another world and become a person from another world, and you are the same person as the original Barry?"

Haha, if I can't think of a solution to such a simple problem, how can I say it is one of the best methods? "

"Well, I'm just worried that Barry will get confused with his counterpart Barry from another world." Black Iris nodded repeatedly.

Harley said weirdly: "Actually, my method is very simple. In the 'timeline story', I write 'In a certain month of a certain year, Barry Allen, the Flash of the main universe, came to this world.' I won't tell you what Barry went through. Simply locking his identity away makes it completely impossible to have any involvement with Barry from another world.

And the fact is that Barry from the main universe came to the parallel universe. "

"Is this still possible?"

Harley reminded her: "The old Flash Jay in the main universe now has a similar story, isn't it? Do you see how many times he has been restarted, and what changes have he made?"

"That's right, Jay hasn't changed since he came to the main universe. Instead, his hometown Earth 2 has restarted, and there's a new Jay. It's not Jay but the universe!"

There are living examples here, more than one, and Black Iris is completely relieved.

"Harry, choose this one!" she said excitedly.

Harley said slowly: "Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say. After Jay participated in the Great Reset in the main universe, his destiny was closely related to the main universe.

If Barry is restarted in a parallel universe, he will remain the same person, just like Jay.

But after returning to the main universe, destiny will inevitably change. "

"How did it change?" A worried look appeared on Black Iris's face again.

"If the story that happened in the central city of the main universe was made into a TV series called "The Flash", Barry Allen would definitely be the protagonist, and no speedster could compete with him.

When Barry restarts in the parallel universe, the "protagonist's destiny" in the main universe will most likely be reduced. " Harley said.

"Every time Barry encounters danger, he narrowly escapes with a narrow escape. If the protagonist's destiny is reduced, will he die without a chance to survive?" Iris's face turned pale.

"It's not that kind of protagonist's fate, but his role is reduced. In the past, every time something happened in Central City, he was the protagonist and the person involved. In the future, the protagonist may become someone else."

Black Iris's expression suddenly became very strange, "You mean, like the semi-retired old Jay, there are no super villains bothering him every day, and there are no various dangerous crimes that come to him.

From then on, it was difficult for Barry to make headlines, and his limelight was gradually stolen by another speedster."

Harley nodded repeatedly, "Iris, you finally got it. That's it. Isn't it scary? So, I still suggest you-"

Black Iris suddenly rushed over, grabbed her hand, and said excitedly: "Harley, let me reinvent myself in another world! No, it's not just me. Can I go back to the main universe and bring my father with me?" Called?"

"Uh, you don't want to be the protagonist anymore?" Harley asked in surprise.

Black Iris almost shed tears, "I've had enough of the crises that happen every now and then.

I don’t know how many years ago I first agreed to marry Barry, but bad things happened one after another, either to me, to Barry, or to our friends and family. Until now, it’s been 2023 Years ago, but I didn't even give birth to a boy and a girl for Barry.

I don't want to be a protagonist at all now, no, not now, I never liked it.

I just want to keep my little home safe and peaceful, without any more accidents or accidents. "

"alright, I got it."

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