I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1757 Poor Gabriel

The story is actually not complicated, and is even simple enough to be a bit cliche.

Ellie is a beautiful succubus in hell, and Terry is a pure low-level angel in Silver City.

The two sides who were supposed to be eternal enemies had a bad relationship and gave birth to a forbidden son.

After the incident, the Forbidden Son was taken away by Gabriel, the angel king on earth.

The Angel of Heaven plans to clean up the portal and use the holy fire to burn Terry to ashes. Ellie is also wanted by many forces including the Judge of Hell, the Succubus Queen, and Satan of Hell.

Well, if Ellie simply seduces the angel and falls, not only will she not be punished, but the Demon King of Hell will reward her and grant her strength and honor.

In fact, this is also the reason why the succubus Ellie took the initiative to contact the angel Terry.

She originally only planned to seduce an angel into lust and show her power and charm to the demons in hell, but the pure beauty of the angel Terry completely made her fall.

Hell will reward demons who tempt the divine and fall, and it will also punish demons who are attracted by the divine and "will themselves fall".

In the eyes of hell demons, all yearning for and practicing beauty is depravity.

When a succubus offers true love to an angel, it is the greatest fall.

So not only will heaven punish Terry, but the judge of hell will also punish the succubus Ellie.

As for the forbidden son they gave birth to.

In the DC universe, it is not uncommon for angels and demons, or angels and humans, humans and demons, or aliens to combine with each other.

There are so many "hybrids" born from taboo unions that they even form a huge group.

One of the responsibilities of Gabriel, the angel king on earth, is to manage "bastards" to prevent their existence from being known to human believers and affecting the reputation of heaven; and to prohibit "bastards" from taking advantage of their status to integrate into human society and interfere with the normal process of human civilization. .

In order to save their lives, Ellie and Terry find Zha Kang before the punishment comes.

In the magic circle, Zha Kang is known as a wild man. He gives heaven a middle finger and spits at Satan. He is dissatisfied with heaven and disdains hell. He will never betray them out of fear of offending heaven and hell.

Zha Kang is indeed willing to help them, and watch Heaven and Hell lose face at the same time.

But his abilities are limited. He can use magic circles to block the pursuit of hell, but he cannot intercept the divine punishment of heaven.

So, he found the "God of War in Heaven" who had great connections in heaven and was feared by the demons in hell.

Harley built a clock tower in the Cathedral of Paradise Mountain in Gotham. The angel Terry who committed a crime was imprisoned in the tower. Although he lost his freedom and was separated from his lover and children, his life was saved.

"It takes great determination and perseverance to open the door of the Holy Sound Tower. Are you sure you can do it?" Harley looked at the succubus Ellie and asked.

"I have enough determination and perseverance!" Ellie glanced sideways at Zha Kang, and after getting his hint, she extended her hand to Harley with a solemn expression.

The next moment, her palm suddenly shone with holy light, emitting a large amount of golden divine brilliance.

"This is my determination and awareness!"

Her voice came from behind the golden holy light, with some pride and pride.

Harry took a closer look and said in surprise: "Is this an angel's heart? Shit, this aura can't be wrong. It belongs to the top archangel, is it the heart of the Angel King Gabriel?"

Ellie smiled and nodded solemnly, "Yes, this is the angel heart I took out from Gabriel's chest. How about it, can it prove my great determination and perseverance?"

Harley took the angel's heart, which was wet in her hand and still dripping with golden divine blood.

"With your strength, how did you manage to dig out Gabriel's heart?"

"My strength is not weak." Ellie looked a little proud.

Zha Kang reminded with a smile: "Ellie is a succubus. Charming people is her talent and a display of her strength."

"You mean, Ellie successfully seduced Gabriel with her beauty?" Harley said in disbelief.

Ellie said proudly: “I have never relied solely on looks and figure.

Every succubus is a master of psychology at understanding a man's mind, and I am the master of masters.

No matter what species, as long as they are men, as long as I see their faces, even if their faces are expressionless and their eyes are dull, I can instantly peek into their hearts, and then use language arts and body language to make them wary.

From body to soul, they are all captured by me.

Even the King of Angels is no exception.

Before he met me, he was the King of Angels. When he was seduced by me, when he lay in bed with me and fell into lust, he was no longer the King of Angels.

God's favor left him, and he was just an ordinary angel.

As she spoke, she raised her right hand, and her slender green-white fingers turned into demon claws with nails as sharp as daggers and skin covered with tiny scales.

Harry rubbed his forehead, with confusion on his face, "Why would he be tempted by you? He is a majestic angel king on earth, and he is not lewd. How could he make such a mistake?"

"I am the most powerful succubus, and I have enough perseverance and determination!" The corners of succubus Ellie's lips raised a proud smile.

"Do you have any misunderstandings about great perseverance and great determination?" Harley asked.

Succubus Ellie shook her head and said: "You don't understand what I have paid for. If you knew, you would definitely praise me for my great determination and perseverance."

Harley followed her words and asked, "What did you do?"

“I allowed John Constantine to transform me deeply into my soul.”

The succubus Ellie looked at Zha Kang and sighed: "It is said that only Judas in history can implant runes (ps) in the soul. Constantine did it to me twice."

She raised two fingers, with a complex expression of sadness and pride on her beautiful face, "The first time was when Terry was just imprisoned in the Holy Sound Tower, and I needed to avoid the pursuit of the Hell Judge and the Succubus Queen.

He carved the runes of concealment into my soul.

The magic surgery lasted three days and two nights. My body was cut into several pieces alive by him. The pain was so painful that I almost died completely. The blood that flowed out soaked two Simmons mattresses.

But the effect is very good, I have been living on earth, and no demon has found me.

The second time was even scarier."

The succubus Ellie seemed to recall some terrible memory, and her body shivered slightly.

She pointed to her face and said: "Gabriel has seen me before, but it is impossible for me to see him with his current appearance.

With his strength and eyesight, my succubus identity cannot fool him.

If he knew my true identity, he would only burn me to ashes with a flaming sword. He would not even look at me twice, let alone go to bed with me.

During the second soul surgery, Constantine added sacred runes to the core of my soul.

I am a succubus, and there are runes in my soul that exude holy light.

But I have to pretend to be a pure, kind and simple human girl.

Gabriel would only attack pure human girls.

Of course, as the most talented succubus in hell, I also have my own tricks.

When facing him, no matter what expression I have, my eyes are always full of kindness, truth and purity. When my lips are filled with a smile of joy, the joy full of life is also infected by the ordinary park scenery around me, and the sunshine becomes brighter. .

All the elements of joy that God can send out through a human girl were doubled in me.”

"Can you attract the King of Angels just like this?"

Harley believed that the angel's heart belonged to the King of Angels, but she still felt that Gabriel was too cheap.

Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring from his mouth and said slowly: "Meeting the right person at the right time is fate. When fate comes, even the God King cannot control it.

And don’t be fooled by Gabriel’s stoic appearance. The complex emotions in his heart are beyond your imagination. This is not even the first time he has violated the precepts. "

"Gabriel can create destiny for mortals through the timeline, and will he be affected by 'fate'?"

Harley was sure that Zha Kang must be hiding some key information.

She glanced at the succubus Ellie. Her expression and eyes were normal and she didn't hide any secrets.

There is a high probability that Ellie herself was kept in the dark by Zha Kang.

Sensing Harley's gaze, the succubus Ellie asked again: "Now that you have seen my determination and perseverance, should you let Terry go?"

Harley said angrily: "You make it sound like I'm asking you to kill Gabriel to show your determination and perseverance."

If Ellie's words were spread, everyone would think that she, "Witch Harley", was the mastermind behind Gabriel's heart being ripped out.

It doesn’t even require a particularly clear message.

As long as it was confirmed that the two of them had brought Gabriel's angel heart to her home, the suspicion on her body would no longer be cleansed.

Zha Kang probably brought Ellie here for the same purpose.

Whether or not Terry could be released was completely unimportant to him.

Put the blame on her head first, lest heaven impose divine punishment on him, and saving his life is the most important thing.

"Did I hint anything to you when I erected the Holy Sound Tower?" Harley asked.

The succubus Ellie frowned and turned to look at Zha Kang again.

Zha Kang was still sitting there smoking, not responding to her questioning gaze.

"Isn't Gabriel your enemy? Now that you see his heart being ripped out by a little succubus of mine, are you unhappy and unhappy?" Ellie asked.

"One thing comes to another. I think it's true that Gabriel is unhappy. Now that I see him being unlucky, I feel really happy.

But my test of you and Terry is not to help me teach anyone a lesson.

You don't need to do anything for me.

Your love is permitted as long as either of you proves that it originates from true love approved by God and not from depraved lust.

If you can still get salvation from true love, give up the devil's three views and evil deeds, and convert to Christ from the heart. As long as you go to the Holy Sound Tower, you don't have to do anything, and it will automatically open the sealed door for you. "

Zha Kang pointed at Ellie and said: "She has been living in London in the past few years, living as an ordinary person.

The succubus' depravity and sinister nature completely disappeared from her.

If she hadn't completely changed and become as 'clean' as a pure human believer, no matter how advanced my rune skills were, I wouldn't be able to change her image and aura enough to deceive the Angel King Gabriel.

By placing Gabriel's Angel Heart before you now, I am not offering a tribute to please you.

It's just evidence that Ellie has changed her mind and transformed from a demon into a real human being. "

Harley squinted her eyes and looked at Ellie up and down. The breath of hell on her body was so faint that it almost disappeared, but this did not mean that she had converted to God now.

Zha Kang's hidden rune played a big role.

Succubus Ellie's hellish magic is hidden instead of transformed into divine power.

"You should know where the Holy Sound Tower is. If you want to save the fallen angel Terry, you can push the stone door of the tower yourself. As long as you can push the door open, you can take Terry away at any time.

If Terry has enough determination, wisdom and perseverance, he can also open the door from the inside and come out on his own. "

The succubus Ellie looked at Zha Kang hesitantly.

If she had the confidence to directly open the door of the Holy Sound Tower, she would not have waited until now.

She does have a grudge against Gabriel. Gabriel took away her and Terry's son and has not gotten it back yet.

But she followed Zha Kang's arrangement and disguised herself as a human woman to plot against Gabriel. The main reason was Zha Kang who hinted to her that as long as she brought Gabriel's heart to Harley, she would definitely be able to see Terry.

Zha Kang coughed lightly and said: "Ellie, you have to have confidence in yourself. I wasn't bragging for you just now. As long as you can deceive Gabriel's love, it proves that you have been reborn and cast off the demon body." , to achieve the pure body of the Holy Spirit.”

"What if I can't push open the door of the Holy Sound Tower?" Ellie said stiffly, feeling vaguely that she had been deceived by Zha Kang.

"You haven't tried it yet, how do you know you can't push it open?" Zha Kang stood up, walked to her side, and said: "Now that Harley has agreed to let you push the door, we will go to the Gotham Cathedral right away. I will accompany you. you go."

As he said this, he pulled Ellie out.

Harley glanced at the angel heart in her hand and said, "Ellie, wait a moment, Constantine, come here!"

She couldn't help but pulled Zha Kang to the small study in the back, closed the soundproof door, threw Gabriel's Heart into his arms, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me what's going on?"

"Gabriel offended you, but he didn't die. We didn't kill him. We just took out his heart, made him lose his strength, and made him lose face." Zha Kang said with a smile.

"There are so many people who have offended me. Are you going to dig into their hearts one by one?" Harley sneered.

Zha Kang rubbed his messy greasy hair and sighed: "He has humiliated me before, and I also want to see him suffer misfortune."

He stretched out his right hand, golden magic light flashed, and he held a dagger two fingers wide and more than one meter long in his hand.

"This is your waist-cutting sword. When I borrowed it, I told you that there are two powerful enemies who are causing trouble for me. One of them is Gabriel, and the other is Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies.

You must have noticed that Gabriel left Manhattan a few years ago and returned to London.

Not sure if he is trying to avoid you or simply wants to change his life.

Anyway, I bump into him quite a bit in London.

With our personalities, it’s strange that we can talk to each other well when we meet.

You must be aware of how unyielding that hypocrite is. He may treat me as blasphemous garbage at any moment and clean him out. "

Zha Kang put the waist-cutting sword on the desk, lit a cigarette for himself, and said with twinkling eyes: "If this is the case, he and I may continue to be in a stalemate. Today he plotted against me once, and I will embarrass him tomorrow.

But during the Lord Eclipse crisis a few months ago, that guy was so stimulated by my words that he actually had doubts about his Lord. "

A bad smile appeared on his unkempt stubble face, "Not only did he doubt the old God, but he also began to doubt himself. He was reflecting on the meaning of being the king of angels on earth.

As I said before, this is not the first time he has ‘fallen’.

Gabriel once wore a wreath of roses and brought wisdom to the Babylonians; he once gave the Sumerians water of life; he once spread his wings to protect the death warriors of ancient Egypt. These are the Lord's commands.

Haha, Harley, you would never have guessed that that bastard was stronger than the carpenter’s wife in Nazareth (ps). "

"Nazarene" is usually replaced by Jesus, and his father is a carpenter, and the carpenter's wife

"You are looking for death, how dare you talk such nonsense!"

Harry was as curious as a cat in his heart, but his face was as cold as ice and he scolded sternly.

"I'm not talking nonsense. The first generation of the Holy Son is his seed. Do you still remember the 'Advent of the Holy Son' led by the Holy Advent Crusade?"

Zha Kang said in a complex tone: "The scene when Tongue of Fire and Zedd were combined to give birth to the prophesied Holy Son was just a reappearance of yesterday. The first-generation Holy Son was also born through the same method."

"Where did you hear these blasphemies?" Harry frowned.

"Gabriel said it himself. Just two days after the Eclipse Lord crisis ended, I met him at the Cambridge Club, drinking alone.

At that time, I was very angry with him, openly and implicitly mocking the old god for using archangels like Stranger and Angry Spirit to practice evil arts.

He was stimulated and excited, and he followed my words and said a lot."

Zha Kang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "After listening to what he said, I realized that like Stranger, he also obeyed the old God's orders and did many shameful things.

Alas, I don’t know if he ever gave anything to ‘Saint Chris’ during the Eclipse incident. "

He began to gnash his teeth, "Originally I was a little sympathetic to him, but he turned around and wanted to kill me.

A friend of mine was caught by his men and had his face chopped up.

Of course I refused to lead him to death, so I took advantage of his self-doubt and devised a tailor-made "honey trap" for him.

The human woman Ellie pretends to be is not only blond, sweet-looking, and a top student at Cambridge University. These traditional and lovable characteristics are also particularly considerate and considerate.

Gabriel, who was depressed and confused, couldn't control himself when he saw her. After getting acquainted with her, he took the initiative to tell her about the conflict between himself and his 'father'.

Hahaha, he is just like a human man, hoping to relieve his depression in a close woman.

That bastard not only doubted himself, but also began to doubt God. He had probably lost God's favor, so he lost the vigilance of the God King. "

Harley shook her head and said, "I don't know if he has lost God's favor, but what you and Ellie poached is not the real angel's heart."

Zha Kang was startled and looked around with the Angel Heart, "Is it fake? It doesn't look like it."

"It's not fake. The fake one is Gabriel himself. What you met is not his true form." Harley said.

"It was only Gabriel's clone that Ellie stole her heart from? Isn't that impossible? Who would use a clone to have sex with his girlfriend? I can guarantee that Gabriel had no doubts about Ellie at that time, and he even took the initiative to tell her about it." It's my father's business." Zha Kang said with certainty.

"The heart is the source of energy for angels. Generally speaking, about 80% of an angel's power is stored in the heart.

The sacred power contained in the angel heart in your hand is probably about the same as that of an ordinary demon king, but far less than that of an angel king. " Harley said.

Zha Kang held the angel's heart and murmured: "If it was just Gabriel's clone that had the heart taken away, why didn't his true body come to take revenge on me and Ellie?

Nearly ten days have passed since Ellie took out his heart.

Ellie wanted to come to you for a long time, but you were not in the main universe at that time. "

"Is it possible that he can't do it at all?" Zha Kang's eyes lit up, "His true body cannot be free and he can only move around in the human world as a clone?"

"Shit, I remembered!" He suddenly yelled and said excitedly: "Harry, do you still remember, when the 'Witch Hunting Squadron' came to Quinn Manor to surround you, but you trapped them all into the Origin Wall? superior.

In addition to the people from the Witch Hunting Squadron, there were also many God Kings and Demon Kings watching the meal, most of them were clones, including Gabriel. Could it be that the person who was tricked into the wall of origin was not his clone, but his true body?

No wonder, as the king of angels on earth, he has no sense of existence despite the constant crises on earth in recent years.

He only had one clone left to maintain his basic dignity, and was completely unable to show the majesty of the Angel King. "

Harley said with a strange expression: "You can go to the Origin Wall and ask. If he is his true form, he should still be able to speak now."

"If he is really trapped in the origin wall, no matter who asks, he will pretend to be dead. It is embarrassing enough to have his heart ripped out by Ellie and me, but it is even more shameful to be tricked into the origin wall just to watch the fun."

After leaving Quinn Manor, Kang and Ellie turned around and went to the Gotham Cathedral.

Knowing Ellie's intention, Pope Van Helsing called Harley to confirm before taking her to the Tower of Holy Sound.

There were many people watching. The story of the Holy Sound Tower was once made into a series of programs by Louise, the famous star of the Galaxy, and it was very famous. Now that I saw the protagonist in the legendary story, he looked very charming. Of course, everyone was very touched. interest.

Not only priests, nuns and believers who happened to come to worship, but also Barbara, Rachel, Starfire and others at the Teen Titans headquarters in Jersey City, after receiving a call from Zha Kang's niece Gemma, they first Time is transferred.

"Gemma, do you think the succubus Ellie can knock down the Holy Sound Tower and rescue the angel lover in the tower?" Seeing Ellie step by step towards the stone door of the tower, Barbara clenched her fists nervously.

"Since my uncle brought her here in person, he should be very confident. Look at my uncle." Gemma pointed at Zha Kang who was carelessly holding a cigarette in his mouth. "He is so confident and relaxed. It seems that he is sure of everything."

"How will the Holy Sound Tower collapse? Will it tilt from the foundation, or break in the middle? The angels inside will definitely not be injured, but the crowd around..." Dick looked around, frowned and said, "Around. There are too many people and they are standing too close together. If a stone falls into the crowd——"

Gemma said disapprovingly: "We have so many heroes and there are many holy priests in the church. How can we let stones fly around?"

Rachel exclaimed: "Look, Ellie has arrived at the stone door. Ah, she has already put her hand up without any hesitation!"

"Boom!" There were muffled sounds in the ground under the stone tower. The stone tower itself did not move at all, and the stone door on the first floor only shook slightly a few times and was not pushed open.

"Ah~~" Ellie gritted her teeth, pressed her shoulders against the stone door, and almost pressed her face against the door. She kicked her legs hard, and the stone door stopped even shaking.

"Alas!" There were sighs of regret from the surrounding crowd.

"Ellie, don't be anxious!" Zha Kang was still holding a cigarette in his mouth, with a relaxed expression and a confident tone, and shouted: "If we can't push him away, we will continue to work hard. You love Terry, love is the doctrine preached by God, if you can accept Terry, you can truly Falling in love with him shows that you can also accept God's teachings.

Why don't you stay in the Gotham Cathedral and learn the way of God from Pope Van Helsing and Saint Harry.

As long as you master the way of God, it will be easy to open the stone door. "

Ellie turned her head and glared at him, said nothing, and continued to use force against Shimen.

Fan Helsing took a few steps forward and advised: "It doesn't take much force to push the stone door. It can't be pushed open now, and it won't be pushed open no matter how hard you try."

"I heard Terry's voice. He sensed my arrival and called my name loudly inside."

Ellie's eyes were slightly red and her voice was slightly choked. Coupled with her pretty face and slim figure, people around her suddenly felt pity in their hearts.

"Ellie really loves Angel Terry!"

"It's been several years, and she still loves him so much. She fought against the stone door desperately for him. Can this not be true love?"

"Since it is true love, why can't they have lovers and get married eventually?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. No matter how true they are in love, one is a devil and the other is an angel. How can they be together casually?"

"What's wrong with demons? Demons are also beings in the eight divine realms. They are essentially the same as the new dark gods of Apokolips. I think Ellie is much better than those new dark gods."

In just a short time, the succubus Ellie's reputation was so good that she almost became the white lady in Leifeng Tower.

Although she is not the one imprisoned in the tower, everyone's love, sympathy and recognition for her are no less than Bai Suzhen in Leifeng Tower.

Since the succubus Ellie is Bai Suzhen, Harley, who suppresses the angel Terry, has a tendency to "fahai".

If she hadn't been so famous and most of the people present were Christians, I don't know what unpleasant words she would have said at this moment.

Even today, when the whole nation is hotly discussing the "New God Restriction Act," the news that the succubus Ellie crashed into the Holy Sound Tower has still been the focus of discussion among people on earth and aliens for many days in a row.

Four days later, on October 8, when Congress officially announced the passage of the "New God Restriction Act," there were actually hundreds of marchers standing in the Capitol Square, holding up banners "Please let the Holy Sound Tower collapse" and shouting " Long live true love, free Terry."

On October 9, a total of 23 million human New Gods holding Mother Boxes left the solar system.

More than 99% of them did not leave the main universe, but went to alien planets, accepted employment from alien commercial companies, and used sonic boom channels to help transport goods or tourists.

In addition to serving as "cosmic drivers", the remaining mother box holders have basically joined various "Apocalypse companies".

Just like the Penguin Mercenary Group.

After they left the solar system, they did not leave any clear contact information.

Some are hiding in a remote galaxy in the main universe, and some simply leave the main universe.

Basically, they hide their headquarters from outsiders.

They are about to follow Luther into Apokolips to fight guerrillas and liberate the slave camps. Regardless of success or failure, they will be brutally retaliated by the dark elite, and of course they dare not disclose their location.

At this time, the new human gods who stayed on the earth all swore to give up their identity as new gods. They had neither godhood nor mother boxes. Apart from longer lifespans, they were basically no different from ordinary people.

When encountering a reboot, Harley will change them into normal humans whether they want it or not.

The New God Restriction Act has become a foregone conclusion, and the powerful new human gods have also left. The parades have gradually become sparse. Even if there are arguments, the two sides mostly quarrel online. Human society has gradually returned to its former peace.

(PS: In DC comics, the setting of magic moves is very rough, and there is often no foreshadowing. When it is necessary to achieve a certain magical effect, a kind of magic is directly created on the spot. In order to show that the move is awesome, the author will say "This is Jesus (Judas) used it.”

For example, the runes in the soul of the succubus Ellie.

ps: The plots of the Advent of the Son, the Crusaders, and the Virgin Zed appear in Constantine's personal special issue. The comics do imply that Gabriel did the same thing-Gabriel recalled that he had listened to God. Order, strengthened the carpenter's wife in Nazareth.

Also in Zha Kang's personal comics, Gabriel's heart was stolen by him and Ellie in conspiracy.

The archangel in heaven and the demon king in hell both suffered great losses at the hands of Zha Kang. )

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