I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1751 Deep love between mother and daughter

The baby was chubby and had no obvious appearance. The only thing that surprised Luther was that his skin was a strange gray-white color, very similar to Greer.

"Is this your son? When was he born?" he asked in surprise.

The proud smile on Greer's face suddenly turned stiff, and she shouted angrily: "Idiot! You still claim to be the new Dark Lord, but you can't even sense the aura of the previous generation of Dark Lords?"

"The Dark Lord of the previous generation." Luther stared at the baby's chubby cheeks and innocent eyes and said in disbelief: "He is Darkseid? How is this possible?!"

He shouted that it was impossible, but the Omega effect in his body had clearly told him: yes, he was its last owner.

The Omega effect, which had always been as docile as a part of his body, was still ready to take action, as if he was leaving his body and was unstable.

"Even if you take away Darkseid's soul, even if you reincarnate his soul, he will become a different person after rebirth, and it is impossible for him to still have the destiny of the Dark Lord." Luther still didn't want to believe it.

He knew the final outcome of the Darkseid War. Darkseid died at the hands of the Black Runner, and Harley was killed by the rebels. However, Greer and her daughter successfully escaped, taking away the Anti-Life Equation and Darkseid. The soul of virtue.

Maybe Greer can use special techniques to reincarnate Darkseid's soul, but after entering the realm of death, not to mention all the destiny of the previous life will disappear, at least not like it is now. Just seeing baby Darkseid, he The various dark gods in the body feel like they have met their biological father and want to throw themselves into his arms.

For example, after the supervisor Wu Tan was reincarnated in Universe 51, he lived for decades and was just an ordinary person.

He waited until all the other monitors died before he received his destiny as a monitor.

"Haha, who said Darkseid was reincarnated through normal channels? Have you forgotten the monitor Marnou?" Greer said with a smile.

After speaking, without waiting for Luther's reaction, she held up the baby Darkseid and shouted: "Zantha!"

"Boom!" Silver-blue lightning thicker than a water tank fell from the sky and landed on Luther's head. Then it was refracted, taking away the scarlet Omega effect and various godhead energies from Luther's body, and entered baby Darkseid. in vivo.

"Ahhh!" Luthor felt the pain of scraping away bones and marrow, and let out a blood-curdling howl as he knelt on the ground. Dark red lines of cracked rock began to appear on baby Darkseid's body, and his body also expanded rapidly.

By the time "Zanza"'s thunder was extinguished, he had returned to his original Darkseid size from a little baby.

However, his expression was still as confused as before, and it seemed that Darkseid's memory and emotions had not been restored.

"King Luthor!"

What happened on the palace balcony can be seen by the new dark god in the war square below.

They wanted to rush over to rescue King Luther, but Darkseid, who exuded a supreme aura, daunted them and hesitated.

"Luthor is dead, Darkseid is resurrected, return to Earth quickly and inform the Justice League and the Galactic Admiral." There was also a new human god with a flexible mind. He shouted, opened the sonic boom channel, and disappeared in the war square instantly.

"BOOM, BOOM!" The next moment, sonic booms erupted in the square one after another, and space doors like gray and white lines were opened. The new gods of mankind either shouted loudly, or remained silent, but they all roared and rushed towards the door quickly. Drill inside.

Greer frowned and pointed at the War Square. Darkseid, like a puppet, jumped out of the balcony obediently and came to the sky above the new dark god of mankind.

"Zansha!" Greer yelled.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Continuous silver-blue lightning fell from the sky and landed on the new human dark gods, taking away their divinity, power and godhead, and followed the lightning to converge into Darkseid's body again.

From a distance, it seems as if a black hole has appeared in the sky, sucking all the energy and lightning into it.

"Ah ah, no, don't, my power, my godhead, come back!"

Millions of human beings, the Dark New God, like Luther before him, howled miserably in the pain of picking off bones and scraping flesh, but there was no room for struggle and resistance.

Zansha's lightning was like a sharp razor, penetrating deep into their muscles and souls, scraping off all the power belonging to the new gods and bringing it to Darkseid in mid-air.

"He, he is not Darkseid, he is little Alexander Luther!" On the balcony of the Dark Palace, Luther shouted in fear, his face turned pale, and he gasped for breath.

"Just like Marnou occupied little Alexander Luthor's body during Crisis on Infinite Earths, Darkseid's soul also took over little Alexander Luthor's body at this time." Now he finally understood.

Greer looked away from Darkseid and chuckled: "I only know now that it's already too late."

"Why can little Alexander Luther also use the power of Zansa that takes away the power of others? Can Zansa's power be inherited? This is unscientific." Luther said unwillingly.

He vaguely understood why he suddenly lost the power of Zansha, and little Alexander Luther was born!

Greer shrugged, "To be honest, I don't know why the little pressured Luther could inherit his father's power.

I just happened to see his mother holding him and shouting 'Zansha' to absorb the power of the New God, and then I had the idea to snatch him away and let Darkseid resurrect him.

At first, I was worried that little Luther, who was just a mortal, would not be able to withstand the power of the Supreme God King.

Later I realized that my worries were completely unnecessary. He was almost the perfect body to seize the body.

Not only can he perfectly occupy his soul like a reincarnation, but his body is also strong enough to withstand any supreme power. "

Luther looked ugly. He thought of what Harley had said to him in the early years: Little Alexander Luther's physique was extremely special. Even she could not sense the essence of the monitor Marnou in the core of his soul. His body is even more special and can even contain the power of the Creator.

Most gods dare not touch the antimatter energy and the creative power of the Monitor because their energy levels are too high.

Just like the little black bean, it will assimilate the wizards and demons close to it into pure hellish magic.

But little Alexander Luther was able to withstand the Watcher's creative power without any side effects.

Even Harley couldn't do it before turning on the defense feat.

"Even if little Alexander Luther inherited his father's power, how could the mere power of Zanza take away the Dark Lord's godhead?" Luther's face was full of unwillingness and resentment.

Greer chuckled: "Because he is no longer Alexander Luthor Jr. now, he is Darkseid!

Darkseid has the destiny of the Dark Lord, and he also inherited little Luthor's own gift of the power of Zanza. Alas, I don't know what the power of Zanza is, so I just think it is a kind of power that can be passed down from father to son. Talent. "

Luthor shouted: "It was Superman who used the miracle machine to complete the restart of the fifth world. The destiny of the new king of the gods belongs to the people of Earth.

This is also the reason why after Darkseid died, his main godhead went to the people on Earth.

The current destiny is for the new gods of the earth to replace the old New Gods. Even Darkseid can only take advantage of the situation and go with the flow, planning to use the shackles of the New Gods to harm Harley and the Justice League. "

Greer was startled, and then said in deep thought: "Is this what the Witch Harley said? It makes sense. The Dark Godhead went to find the Earthlings, and it might really be the reason why the fifth world was restarted by the Earthlings.

I didn’t understand this deeper reason before, so I just came to you based on my feeling.”

She waved to Darkseid in mid-air, and Darkseid flashed and returned to the palace balcony again.

"Look at him, he looks like Darkseid and is essentially Darkseid, but he is actually a pure Earthling from the main universe." She said with a weird smile.

"Nonsense, how could he-" Just as Luther yelled excitedly, his eyes suddenly widened, his mouth opened wide, and he was stunned on the spot.

It is true that Darkseid is not from Earth, but there is a big difference between Darkseid at this time and the previous God-King of Apokolips: He was reborn in Alexander Luthor Jr.!

Little Alexander Luther was supposed to be a hybrid from Earth 3, but he was born in Metropolis on Earth in the main universe.

Even the Kryptonians who activated the Miracle Machine are recognized as Earthlings. Little Luther, who was born on Earth, is of course also an Earthling in the main universe.

Darkseid's soul was reborn in him, and he automatically received the destiny of the people on Earth in the main universe.

"It was obviously you and the Anti-Monitor who launched the Darkseid war. Your purpose was to kill him. Why did you resurrect him?"

Looking at Darkseid, whose aura had returned to its peak state, Luther was filled with despair and confusion.

"Killing Darkseid simply would be too cheap for him, and the person who killed him directly was the Anti-Monitor. I had no chance to do it. Now that I have the ability, I will naturally make him more painful and humiliating."

Greer's eyes were filled with blood-red Omega energy. She looked at Darkseid with a smile and said, "Now I use the Anti-Life Equation to control him. He is more well-behaved than a slave. He will do whatever I ask him to do. How wonderful. ah!"

"You underestimate Darkseid too much. He is the ancestor of the Anti-Life Equation. One day you will burn yourself with fire and suffer retribution." Luther cursed bitterly.

"Now you can only bark like a defeated dog."

Greer winked at Darkseid, who walked up to Luther like a robot, grabbed his big bald head like a football with his huge hands, and threw it out of the balcony like trash.

Feeling the whistling wind in his ears, Luther closed his eyes in despair.


Suddenly there was a flash of red light, and he felt that his body was wrapped in a flexible force field and stopped falling.

This feeling is somewhat familiar.

"Tear Man" opened his eyes and saw the familiar tough Chinese face, and Luther had mixed feelings in his heart.

Once again he was saved by him.

Hal Jordan, who was next to Da Chao, smiled and said: "Luthor, you are so low, I gave you the Godhead of Light just a few minutes ago, and you stood on the balcony of the Dark Palace in high spirits, calling the Unified Apokolips Star, sweeping across the Dark Elite.

How long has it been since?

I didn't even have time to explain your situation to Chao and the others before I returned to the Justice League. You have completely declined and completely lost your omega effect? Even the skin has changed back. "

When he lost his omega effect, Luther also lost his gray-black skin that looked like cracked rock, returning to his original white appearance.

"Greier, what do you want to do?"

Dachao carried Luthor and flew to the balcony of the palace, looked at Darkseid solemnly, and then turned his attention to Darkseid's daughter.

"What can I do? Just have some fun." Greer said with a smile.

"Don't get too close to her. Darkseid has taken over the body of little Alexander Luther. Like his father, he can use the power of Zanza to take away the power of others." Luther reminded quickly.

"The power of Zansha is so strong that it can take away your godhead and power? You are the Dark Lord." Hal asked in surprise.

"The situation is very complicated, and I can't tell for a while. Trust me, don't get too close to her, or..." Luthor turned his head and glanced behind him. At this time, all members of the Justice League had gathered.

"Wonder Woman, the Wonder Family, you have the power of Thick Skin, you may be able to resist Zanza's power, you stay in front." Luthor suggested.

Wonder Woman flashed and stood in front of Superhero, staring sharply at Greer with a smile on her face, and asked: "When the only hero uses the power of Zansha to snatch away other people's power, he also loses his life force." Taken away, how can you still be alive and well?"

"Isn't it obvious? The only hero is a joke. He is ruthless and has no no-kill principle at all. He won't even spare the lives of Speedmaster and others." Luther sneered.

"You mean that Zanza's power can be controlled, and Greer showed mercy to you?" Wonder Woman asked doubtfully.

"The power of Zanza belongs to little Alexander Luther. Greer just hugged him and shouted 'Zanza', which may not be precise enough." Luther was not sure and could only rely on guessing.

"Just holding the baby and shouting 'Zansha' can activate the power of Zansha? This is unreasonable. Both us and Black Adam have to shout it ourselves. It's useless even if others hug us and shout." Billy was surprised. road.

"Don't ask me, I only know what happened, not why it happened."

After a pause, Luther continued: "Even Greer didn't know the reason. She only killed the Super Queen and snatched away the baby when she saw the Super Queen holding her son and shouting 'Zansha' to seize the power of the new god of mankind." Alexander Luther.”

Da Chao lowered his head and glanced at the new human god who was paralyzed on the ground in the square, groaning in pain, and sighed: "Greier, you have obtained the power you want. The Dark King City and Apokolips belong to you, let go of those new human gods." God.

In any case, they are all earthlings like you, and they have no power to stop you now. "

"Superman, you are so naive." A sarcastic sneer appeared on Greer's face, "Now that I am the Queen of Apokolips, what attitude do you think the Queen of Apokolips should use to face the Justice League, which represents justice?"

"This evil Amazon has no sense of identity as a human race on Earth." Luther gritted his teeth.

Greer pointed forward and shouted: "Zansha!"

"Boom!" The silver-blue lightning fell on Darkseid, but it did not release his Zansha state. The thunderbolt as thick as a water tank forked into dozens of lightning bolts as thick as a bowl, and each shot towards the heroes of Zhenglian. Shoot away.

"Don't even think about it!" Diana and the Magic Family opened their arms and took the initiative to face the lightning. Chao and others had been warned by Luther and dodged behind in time.

"Stab la la, boom boom boom!"

Diana and the six members of the Miraculous Family were all submerged by blue and white lightning, but did not lose their supernatural powers.

"It really blocked it!" Billy said in surprise.

The faint smile on Greer's face disappeared, and she yelled unwillingly: "Zansha's power is obviously a singularity curse and a bug in the laws of the multiverse. How can it be blocked by the thick-skinned divine power?"

Hal turned his head and glanced at Da Chao, and said strangely: "Do you feel that the Zansha lightning shot by Darkseid does not seem to threaten us."

Dachao nodded slightly, "My crisis sense has not been triggered, but don't be careless. The power of Zansha has even sucked up the power of the Dark Lord Luther."

Wonder Woman's body flashed with a light golden halo, her thick-skinned power was stimulated to the limit, her body was surrounded by lightning, and she took the initiative to fly towards Darkseid, shouting: "Billy, you and I stop Darkseid head-on. Miraculous Mary, the five of you stay on the sidelines and don’t let Darkseid get close to the others.”

"Whoosh whoosh!" The six brothers and sisters of the magical family followed closely behind.

"Stab~~" Darkseid's eyes flashed red, and "Z"-shaped omega rays shot out. While they were still in the air, they split into seven beams and shot at Wonder Woman and six Shazams respectively. .

"You can't avoid the Omega effect. Use the strongest part of your body to block it." Wonder Woman has rich combat experience and will not retreat but advance. She actively uses her protective silver bracelet to meet the Omega rays directed at her.

"Boom!" She was like an ordinary person hit by a mortar, her body rolled and fell backwards.

But instead there was a look of surprise on her face, and she shouted excitedly: "This Darkseid has not yet reached its peak, and the power of the Omega Effect is less than one-third of the previous Darkseid."

"Ah, it hurts!"

Unlike her relief and surprise, except for Billy and Mary, the other four Shazams screamed again and again.

There are also large burnt marks on the parts of their bodies used to block the Omega effect.

"Freddy, are you okay?" Billy asked with concern.

Freddy could only inhale because of the pain, "Thick-skinned power can only work within the body, and we still have to bear the damage on the surface of the body ourselves."

"This is the Omega effect of mortality. It's lucky to have only a few flesh injuries." Magical Mary spoke while punching and kicking Darkseid.

After she and Diana stabilized their bodies, they immediately regrouped and rushed towards Darkseid again.

Unfortunately, neither Mary's fists nor Diana's Vulcan sword could cause fatal injuries to Darkseid.

Even if the output is directed at his head, it will only make his upper body shake slightly, while his lower body is as stable as an old tree.

And every time Darkseid strikes back, as long as it hits the target, it's like hitting a golf ball, knocking the two women several hundred meters away.

"Darkseid's body is a little stiff and his reaction is a little slow." Magical Mary received two punches, but was pleasantly surprised.

"Greier should have used an ancient Amazon taboo ritual to reincarnate and resurrect the soul of the deceased in the designated host. It is a true reincarnation, without the memories and thoughts of the previous life.

In other words, Darkseid is just a baby now, his mind is as blank as a baby's, and he relies entirely on physical instincts to fight.

Therefore, his movements are stiff and he lacks evil will in his omega rays. "Wonder Woman said with a complicated expression.

"Why do you Amazons have such evil rituals? What is this ritual used for?" Billy asked in shock.

Wonder Woman was silent for a moment and said: "The Amazons believe in the gods of Olympus, including Hades.

The Amazon tribe is full of female warriors, and it is very likely that there will be lovers with the same surname. They don't want to lose their partner forever, so they studied the taboo ritual of borrowing Hades's death power. "

Billy murmured in his heart that it was too evil to use his lover's soul to occupy the body of a newborn baby in order to resurrect his lover.

"Diana, Billy, don't let Darkseid enter the war square!" Dachao shouted in the distance.

During Darkseid's time, the Dark Lord's palace faced the Battle Square.

Darkseid often stood on the balcony of the palace tower, overlooking the billions of demons and millions of dark new gods in the square.

He waved his hand, and the army of demonoids and the new dark god immediately opened the sonic boom channel and descended directly from the war square into the locked material universe.

Luthor became queen and did not significantly renovate Darkseid's palace.

He also enjoyed the pleasure of standing on the balcony of a high tower and commanding an army of millions.

But now the new dark gods of humanity in the war square have lost their divine power and godhood. Even if Darkseid did not target them, the aftermath of the battle left everyone in the square with heavy casualties and wailing everywhere.

"Darkseid is not under our control. We can only try our best to stop him and cannot take him away from the war square." Wonder Woman was helpless.

Although Darkseid was mentally retarded and had no combat experience at this time, his physical strength had not weakened much.

When the gods are in their own divine domain, they can exert 150% of their power. As the Lord of Apokolips, Darkseid is also in the best condition for his age at this time.

They used the Omega rays to fight him in close combat. They could beat him up and down, but they couldn't cause fatal injuries to him, nor could they attract his hatred and lead him to other places.

Darkseid is now Greer's puppet and is controlled by her.

Greer is currently being attacked by Superboy, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Dinah, Oliver and other heroes.

If the Magic Family and Diana hadn't stopped him, she would have controlled Darkseid to return to her. How could she have allowed him to stay away from the battlefield?

"So you care so much about the lives of those ants." Greer raised an evil smile on his lips.

Being besieged by a group of heroes, even with her Omega Effect and Anti-Life Equation, she was still unable to withstand it.

At this time, her single ponytail had been spread out, and large and small wounds could be seen on the exposed skin. The Amazon female warrior's standard leather armor also had several cuts.

If it weren't for the fact that Oliver was the only one to kill her, and the other heroes habitually avoided her vital parts, she would still have to vomit out several mouthfuls of blood even if she wasn't lying on the ground.

"Then let the fireworks bloom more brilliantly!"

With Greer's loud shout, Darkseid gave up his entanglement with Wonder Woman and the Wonder Family. He raised his head and his eyes lit up with a red light. The light was so bright that even his face was blocked by the bloody light.

"Stab!" The omega effect in Darkseid's eyes suddenly exploded, splitting into millions of tiny "Z"-shaped omega rays.

From a distance, it looks like a huge bloody firework blooming above Darkseid's head.

"No!" Diana was frightened and angry, and jumped up. Regardless, she used her body to block the blooming bloody fireworks.

"Buzz--" In just an instant, the protective golden film on her body was torn to pieces.

In addition to its mortality characteristics, the Omega Effect can be converted into energy attacks and physical attacks at the user's will, and the ratio of energy attacks to physical attacks can also be adjusted at will.

When facing enemies with thick-skinned divine powers, Darkseid instinctively converts the Omega Effect into pure physical attacks.

A beam of Omega rays has reached the extreme output of the multiverse. Wonder Woman blocked the hole of the gun with her body and blocked thousands of Omega rays. Not to mention her as a favored one, even Harley herself could not withstand it.

After the golden film broke, the thick-skinned power in her body still protected her from the fatal nature of the Omega Effect, but her body was riddled with holes, her skin and flesh were charred, and the bones inside could be seen through the wounds.

It's like an ordinary person being hit in the face with a Gatling gun and fired with 5,000 bullets.

Very miserable.

But even though she was so miserable, she still couldn't block all the omega rays.

They jumped back and forth in the war square, leaving limbs flying and dead bodies everywhere in their path.

Omega rays will not stop killing until their energy is exhausted.

In addition to the new human gods who have lost their godhood in the war square, the residential buildings near the palace are also targets of omega rays.

Covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers and hundreds of stories high, a black iron building would immediately turn into a shoddy project when encountering omega rays, like a crispy pancake broken in two.

"Greier, what are you doing!" Dachao's eyes were splitting, and he showed no mercy. He teleported to Greer and smashed his iron fist at the daughter of Darkseid like lightning.

Greer raised the short-handled scythe and struggled to block Dachao's fist while resisting Martian Manhunter's mental interference. He still smiled and said: "Shouldn't you save people at this time? Wait for one more second. Hundreds or even thousands more people may die."

Dachao's movements stagnated, and he subconsciously glanced back. The new gods of humanity in the war square were either dead or alive. There was no room for salvation, but those ecological park buildings were collapsing.

His super hearing had heard that there were thousands of people crying and howling inside.

"Superman, don't follow her ideas, and don't think about killing people anymore. Today we must kill her." Oliver shot a fatal arrow into Greer's back. "Killing this crazy woman is the solution to the crisis. The only way."

"You are merciless every time, but you can kill me?"

Greer smiled sarcastically, a red light flashed in her eyes, and a beam of omega rays shot out, following a "Z"-shaped path, going around behind her, arriving first and behind, to meet Oliver's arrow.

Without Greer's deliberate control, the Omega rays have the characteristic of hitting the target. As long as they want to hit the target, the Omega rays will continue to track before the energy is exhausted.


Even the magic arrows made from special sacred trees and blessed by Oliver's divine power were turned into ashes by the lethal properties of omega rays.

This wasn't Oliver's first arrow, nor was it the first time Greer blocked his arrow.

Except for the first few arrows that Greer didn't expect to use the Omega effect to block, his arrows never touched her body again.

"Darkseid, kill all the new human gods!" Seeing Da Chao hesitate to move, Greer shouted directly.

"Greier, that's enough!"

When the heroes were in a dilemma, a loud shout came from above Greer's head.

Silently, a dark gap opened in the space. Myrina was like a paper figure that had traveled from the two-dimensional world. Her body was almost thicknessless, and she floated out of the gap in a strange shape.

Only after she completely entered Apokolips did her body return to its normal three-dimensional state.

"Greier, stop, you have gone too far and have lost your original direction." Milina persuaded with a painful expression.

Greer's eyes were red and he roared angrily: "Mother, what nonsense are you talking about? How can I stop now?

Killing Darkseid and destroying the Dark Gods is your lifelong dream, and it is also the reason why I was born.

Darkseid is dead, but the New God of Darkness has risen again, and my mission is not yet complete.

You have trained me for thousands of years, just for today?

I have become your most powerful weapon as you wished. How can you say that I have lost my way? "

"You are not a weapon. You are my daughter. I have spent my whole life training you. I just want to educate you into a good person."

Oliver sneered: "A good person? Don't be joking. There is a thousand miles between your daughter and a good person."

"Oliver, you are so mean." Dinah glared at him.

"Do you still expect Myrina to persuade her to turn back? Don't be ridiculous. I can feel that the murderous aura in her body has not only not extinguished, but has inflated." Oliver stared at Greer and said in a faint voice: "Maybe this killing The intention is not just for us."

Dinah glanced at Milina and murmured: "No way, she is her mother."

"My daughter is a good person. I taught her how to control the darkness in her heart. Now she has become like this because she was affected by Darkseid's evil godhead and her thoughts were distorted." Mirina said excitedly.

The heroes were stunned for a moment, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Gods cannot violate their own divinity, especially the new gods. Greer is also a new god now, and he still has the evil godhead.

"Mother, you talk so much nonsense!" Greer couldn't suppress the murderous intention in his chest and burst out.

She raised the sickle in her hand and struck her mother fiercely.

"Dang!" Milina raised her left arm and blocked her daughter's attack with a small buckler.

She also took the opportunity to shout to Da Chao and others: "If you go to save the people in the Steel Building, you'd better open the sonic boom channel and take them back to Earth immediately."

"Mirina, you are no match for her, and she will not show mercy to you." Da Chao hesitated.

Myrina stared into Greer's eyes and shouted: "Greier is my daughter, I firmly believe this."

It is strange to say that when they were face to face, if Greer shot out the omega rays, Myrina would be almost unable to dodge, but not only did she not have energy to shoot out, but she closed her eyes.

"You go rescue people, leave this place to me." Suddenly, a familiar voice came to everyone's ears, and a green light flashed, and Harley had arrived beside Greer.

"Harley, you're finally back!" Da Chao, Hal and other heroes were overjoyed. Without any hesitation, they immediately flew towards the rumbling and collapsing building.

"Don't hurt her, Greer is not like this."

Before Harry could take action, Myrina begged her first.

"So what about Witch Harley, I'm not afraid of you!"

Greer waved the scythe in his hand, like a tornado, quickly rushing towards Harley.

Harley did not dodge, and instantly entered the true Martial God King state. She took a step forward with her right foot, and her right hand seemed to move slowly, but she just hit Greer's throat with the knife.

Almost at the same time, Greer's scythe struck the top of her head, not even breaking the hairpin holding her hair. A layer of transparent gold film tightly wrapped the scythe's blade, making it difficult for it to penetrate even an inch.

But Harley's prepared knife landed firmly on her throat.

"Uh ah~~" Greer screamed, flew several dozen meters upside down, and hit the wall of the dark palace hard.

"Greier!" Milina exclaimed, as if she had forgotten her daughter's murderous intention towards her just now, and hurriedly ran over to check on her injuries.

Harley frowned slightly, but still wrapped Greer's body tightly with a layer of gold film, so that she could not easily attack her mother.

Even if she is already level 140 at this time, the effect of the golden film is only the extreme value allowed by the multiverse, 120 points of defense.

With Greer gaining the strength of the Anti-Life Equation and the Evil Godhead at this time, he would definitely be able to tear the golden film apart by struggling hard, but there would be a process to tearing the golden film apart.

If she really wanted to kill her mother, Milina would always have time to react.

Harley thought that Greer would go crazy and kill anyone on sight, but after Myrina rushed over and hugged her, her struggle was not as fierce as before.

"Harley Quinn, please let Greer go. Everything is my fault. I led her to this path of no return. I am not a competent mother." Mirina begged.

Harley sighed: "She is going crazy now and is clinging to the earth. Even if I let you go now, your daughter will turn around and massacre the new gods of mankind, which will then lead to Zhenglian's intervention. Everything will be back to where it started. , will you beg me to let her go again then?"

"The current Greer is not the real Greer, she is a good child, I know her, I swear!"

Myrina hugged Greer's head, with a cry in her voice, "Greier, please speak, you will not kill the human gods anymore, tell Harley Quinn, and we will swear to her together, similar to today's It will never happen again, let’s start a new life somewhere where no one knows us.”

With a thought, Harry untied the golden film that clung to Greer's face, giving her a chance to speak.

Greer closed her eyes tightly, her expression twisted in a ferocious manner, as if she was trying her best to endure something.

"Mother, go away. This is a war between me and Witch Harley. Don't interfere. I haven't lost yet!"

She took a hard blow to the throat, but she could still speak, but her voice was a little hoarse.

"No, your war never existed. I'm sorry for dragging you, a completely innocent person, into my war.

Now you still have a chance to stop and be a good person. I know that you are not bad in nature, and I also hope that you will be a good person. Just listen to me again, for the last time, please Greer. "Mirina's eyes were moist, and her face was full of regret and self-blame.

"Mother, I... I can't be a good person, that's not who I am." Greer tilted his head hard, facing Myrina without using his eyes, and said in a difficult voice: "Go quickly, get away from me, let me and the witch Harley fights for three hundred rounds.”

Harley nodded secretly in her heart. Even though she could no longer suppress the murderous intention in her heart, Greer still did not take action against Myrina.

"Myrina, let's go. She's right. She can never be a good person. That's not her. Every godhead will choose the person whose nature and divinity are the best. The evil godhead chose her, which already explains everything. .

In the past, in front of you, she might have suppressed her evil nature in order to make you happy, but now it is completely impossible for her to violate her divinity. "

Milina shook her head vigorously, tears sliding down her cheeks, "No, even if I die, I will not give up on her. She is my daughter!"

"Divinity cannot be violated, even if you die, it will be of no use." Harley said lightly.

"Death" Myrina was stunned, the confusion and pain in her eyes were swept away, leaving only full of love, "Greier, since you are evil, then you should be evil.

Regardless of justice or evil, you are my daughter and I will accept everything about you without reservation. "


Milina put her chin on the top of her head and said softly: "You let me go because you couldn't control the murderous intention in your heart. You wanted to open your eyes and destroy everything in front of you, right?

It doesn't matter, you open your eyes and release all your anger and murderous intent on me. "

Harley looked shocked and hesitated for a moment. She stood still and didn't move.

Greer shouted "no" repeatedly, and Myrina slowly knelt down and gently touched her daughter's cheek with her hands.

Greer's cheek muscles were beating gently, and she closed her eyes very hard, exposing gray and black meridians around her eye sockets.

"In order to build the most powerful weapon, I got pregnant with you, but after you were born, the moment you cried in my arms, you were just my daughter and everything to me. I'm sorry, Greer."

She gently opened Greer's tightly closed eyelids, and the scarlet light shot forward like a flood that broke through a dam, carrying endless murderous intent and evil.

"Boom!" Myrina's head was like a watermelon hit by a baseball bat.

"No~~~" Greer wailed sadly, and the sound of howling echoed through the sky.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" A dark red light flashed between her eyebrows, and a piece of crystal-clear godhead that looked like glass separated from her soul and slowly floated out from her forehead.

It's the evil godhead!

I went to bed at five o'clock last night, and the quilt was soaked with sweat until midnight. My hands and feet were sore, and my whole body felt uncomfortable. I woke up in a daze from time to time. The medicine I had taken before seemed to be completely ineffective. Finally, I felt thirsty in my throat. I got up and drank half a bottle of water. I was ready to continue sweating in bed. However, I had an idea and took another tablet of aminophenol. I fell asleep and slept until dawn. My brain was not as good as before. It hurts, so weird. Alas, everyone must pay attention to protecting themselves. Only after getting sick do you realize how important and precious your previous health is.

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