I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1750 The oriole is behind

"You, you actually gave up the godhead of knowledge?!" Luther looked at the Mobius Chair in disbelief.

At this time, Bateman's butt drum had left the chair, and his feet were standing on the footrests of the Möbius Chair. He turned back and looked at the Möbius Chair, and all the entanglements and struggles on his face faded away. Relaxed and smiling slightly.

"It's really hard to give it up, these days thanks to the chair's omniscient power over ordinary people, Gotham's crime rate has dropped to 0 like never before.

The super villains were still hiding in the house and whispering. I already knew it and teleported to them and arrested them. "

After leaving the Möbius Chair, Bateman was no longer the cold and emotionless God of Knowledge. He had many emotions in his heart and couldn't help but confide in the person in front of him.

Not only was he explaining to them, he was also reviewing his own mental journey and understanding his own heart more clearly.

"Using the Möbius Chair to maintain law and order is so convenient and efficient. I no longer have to work as hard to find clues as I did in the past. I can see the causes and consequences of any case at a glance.

It was like it was actually happening in front of me.

My greatest ideal in life is to change Gotham and purify it from a corrupt city into a happy city with simple folk customs.

So was the original motivation to put on the Batman uniform.

After sitting on the Möbius Chair, I almost thought my dream had come true. "

"You have indeed realized your dream. Gotham's crime rate has been reduced to zero." Luther said.

Bateman shook his head and said: "No, ordinary people dare not commit crimes again and cannot commit crimes again, but I became the biggest criminal in Gotham and committed heinous crimes.

I rule Gotham.

Sitting on the Möbius chair, I am no longer Bateman.

I became a god and suppressed the people in the body of a god. This was the behavior I hated most and could not tolerate in the past.

The Möbius Chair made me the person I hate the most. "

"Pedantic, stupid!"

Luther was very excited. Bateman's words revealed the scars hidden in his heart: Like Bateman, he once vowed to prove to the world that humans do not need gods. The real hope of mankind is him, who is also a mortal. .

"No matter how great an ideal is, it needs strength to support it. Without strength to ensure that the ideal becomes a reality, the ideal is just a fantasy and a daydream." He was scolding Bateman for his fallacies and trying to convince himself.

“Sinestro once ruled Koruga with the power of the Lantern Ring, and Koruga’s economy and heavy industry developed rapidly. Even now, the people of Koruga are still relying on the legacy of the ‘Sinestro era of poisonous weed rule’.

But instead of approving his behavior, we condemned him.

When Hal overthrew his poisonous rule, everyone smiled in victory and applauded him vigorously.

Once Harley became the godfather of Gotham, Gotham ushered in the "Queen's Economic Miracle", and its GDP tripled in just a few years!

In the American metropolis of the 21st century, how terrifying it is to have GDP triple!

Not only has the economy grown rapidly, but the crime rate has also dropped rapidly at the same rate, making Gotham the safest city in the United States.

Alas, there are still economists and middle-class people who miss that ‘golden age’.

But I wasn't satisfied with Gotham at that time.

I targeted 'Emperor Harley' of Gotham, attacked her party members, and persuaded her to give up this invisible poisonous rule.

In the end, she chose to lie down completely. Except for the crisis of annihilation, she would never interfere with the normal development of Gotham. "

Bateman looked at Luther with a complicated expression, "Do you know why we oppose Sinestro and 'Underground Emperor Harley' who have brought great development to the country and city?"

Luther pursed his lips and said nothing.

Although he thinks that the people and heroes who oppose Sinestro and Harley are fools, if he lived in Gotham under the rule of Koruga or Harley, he would definitely feel very uncomfortable, and he might very well become the leader of the resistance. figure.

He is not against strongman rule, but that strongman must be him, and no one else is worthy of ruling him.

"Superheroes are not gods or rulers of cities," Bateman laments.

We are the torch that guides the way forward for the people, and we are the forerunners who set our example and set an example for everyone.

We hope to make the world a better place through our own efforts, but a beautiful world cannot be created by heroes alone.

It is the result of the joint efforts of all human beings.

I wanted to cleanse Gotham of its depravity and make it homely and hopeful, and the Möbius Chair couldn't help.

It only reduces the crime rate, and the people's customs are not simple.

Facing the 'God of Knowledge', the citizens only had fear in their hearts and never showed a smile filled with hope and happiness. "

"Whether it's Gotham or Coruga, they are not symbols. They are made up of human beings. Making the city better is essentially to make the individual people who make up the whole strive for self-improvement and live a better life."

"Since you have this awareness, why didn't you leave the Mobius Chair earlier?" Luther glanced sideways at Thunder Shazam, who was no longer the New God. "Your giving up the godhead of knowledge seems to have something to do with Billy. Could it be that Do you still need him to set an example and help you make up your mind?"

Bateman also looked at Billy and said: "What I need is not an example, but an opportunity.

I have been against collective ascension from the beginning.

Before the debate on collective ascension began, I already understood the huge restrictions that ‘Origin’ had on the new Protoss.

Everything has a price.

Compared with the benefits of a small number of people gaining godhood and divine power, the cost of destroying the entire human civilization is too high and not worth it.

Even getting the Möbius Chair didn't change my belief.

Rationally I know I should give up the Möbius Chair, but divinity is hard to disobey.

I am not a saint and cannot restrain my desire for knowledge.

After sitting on the Möbius Chair, I was receiving knowledge and information from the entire world every minute. It felt so wonderful.

As a near-omniscient god of knowledge, I understand what the new gods have to do to give up their godhead—to recognize their own hearts and allow the difference between their nature and the divinity of their godhead.

When divinity no longer aligns with my nature, the godhead will loosen and fall off.

For example, what I want is not omniscience and omnipotence, not Gotham’s 0 crime rate, but Gotham and the world becoming better with the joint efforts of the people.

My true heart conflicts with the omniscient divinity of the Godhead of Knowledge, and I have the hope of giving up the Godhead.

But things in this world have always been easier said than done. The more I understand, the harder it is for me to stay true to my true intentions.

The omniscience of the Mobius Chair is too tempting, and it is far more difficult for the God of Knowledge to give up his divinity than other gods.

Then I took a trick."

Bateman looked at Billy and smiled strangely, "The Mobius Chair is really powerful. It can know all the information that has not been deliberately hidden by the supreme power, including your thoughts and feelings in the process of giving up the control of the godhead. "

"Ah!" Billy exclaimed: "You mean that the process of me recognizing my true heart and my insights were all received by you through the Mobius Chair.

And then you use my insights to understand your own true nature, thereby severing yourself from the godhead of knowledge? Can it still be like this? "

Bateman jumped off the footrest of the Mobius Chair, came to Thunder Shazam, patted his shoulder, and said with emotion: "We can form the Justice League and become teammates because we have the same goals. share a common philosophy of absolute justice.

Your understanding of justice and the way of heroism is of course useful to me.

Moreover, I have already arrived at the door of realizing my true heart, and I am just one step away from doing so.

Your insights won't change my philosophy, it just gives me a push. "

Miraculous Mary thought thoughtfully, "No wonder you have been persuading Billy to fully understand his true nature without any hesitation. Billy wanted to hand over the commanding godhood to Luther on Apokolips, but you also blocked him.

You want him to get into his groove. "

"As long as there is even a trace of hesitation, Billy himself will not be able to give up his commanding godhead." Bateman said.

Fat Harvey didn't understand what true nature or divinity was, so he just pointed at the Möbius chair, with expectation hidden in his narrowed eyes, "Does anyone who sits on it immediately become the God of Knowledge?"

"Damn fat man, you're daydreaming!" Luther shouted, and slapped the ruling godhead, which was like a glass crystal, between his eyebrows. The godhead was like water dripping on a sponge, immediately sinking into his forehead and blending with his soul.

He did not adapt to the new power of the ruling godhead. He moved quickly and jumped up to the pedal of the Mobius Chair.

"There is no one in the world who is more suitable for the godhead of the God of Knowledge than me. Now it has finally returned to its original owner."

Luther touched the back of the large metal chair excitedly, and the smile on his face could not be concealed, "Destiny has returned, destiny has finally returned - oops!"

He turned around and faced everyone with a proud expression. He sat down on the chair. Luther wanted to sit on the chair, but instead sat on the air. The Mobius Chair under him flickered a few times and suddenly disappeared.

"Plop!" The majestic Lord of Tianqi Star was also caught off guard. His buttocks landed firmly on the ground, making a small pit in the muddy ground.

"Baitman, what are you doing?" Luther was stunned for a moment, then jumped up angrily, pointed at Batman and threatened: "Stop playing tricks. I am completely different now from a few minutes ago. I have The ruling godhead has truly become the God King of Apokolips."

As he spoke, scarlet omega energy appeared in his eyes like surging magma.

"Luthor, don't mess around!" The Magic Family put on a defensive posture and stood in front of Bateman.

Freddy also turned his head and complained to Thunder Shazam: "Maybe you shouldn't choose him as the successor to the Dominion Godhead. Luther's evil nature is hard to change and he will never become a good person. Now he gets what he wants. , not even pretending."

Billy said helplessly: "Besides Luther, who else can I choose? We have visited Apokolips and Creation Star. Only Luther has the ability to absorb the dominating godhead and protect the new gods of mankind."

After the godhead is cut off, it must be sent out as soon as possible, because each of Darkseid's godheads is a load-bearing pillar in the multiverse, and the sea of ​​laws needs a new god to support it.

Fat Harvey opened his mouth and wanted to say: What do you think of me? My ability is not as good as Luther's, but I am absolutely obedient. I am Saint Harley's most loyal old dog. When I was the director of Gotham, I obeyed her words. If I can become the ruling god king, I will still be very obedient.

If Harley were there, he would definitely say these things from his heart.

Bateman was very calm and said in a deep voice: "Luthor, use your smartest brain to think carefully. I have left the Möbius Chair, how can I still control it?"

"If you really gave up the Mobius Chair, why did it suddenly disappear?" Luther was still very excited, but suppressed it and did not explode.

"Obviously, it didn't choose you." Bateman said calmly.

Luther shook his head repeatedly and shouted: "Impossible. I have the smartest brain in the multiverse. I am extremely thirsty for knowledge. I am in perfect harmony with the divinity of the God of Knowledge."

Bateman said calmly: "Maybe you are very smart and are suitable for the Mobius Chair, but now you are the Lord of Apokolips and have clear attributes of good and evil.

Metron, the God of Knowledge, is also the God of Balance. The new God of Knowledge does not necessarily have to understand the law of balance, but at least he cannot have too extreme a position. "

Luther also explained this before why the Mobius Chair chose Bateman instead of himself.

At this time, Bateman repeated his words, and Luther could not refute.

"The new God of Knowledge will appear sooner or later, and I want to see who he will be."

After leaving this sentence, he opened the sonic boom channel and planned to leave the Creation Star settlement.

"Luthor, don't forget your promise. Even if you become the King of Darkness, you must still take good care of the new human race of gods on the Genesis Star." Billy shouted.

"I am not a black monarch. I am the king of gods like Yuga Khan. As long as they are humans from the earth, regardless of the light or dark gods, they are my people. This is also my true hope as a human being. destiny." Luther said proudly.

"Buzz!" The sonic boom channel flashed a few times and disappeared into the Genesis Star with Luther.

After he left, Fat Harvey cried bitterly: "What are you thinking in your heads? Who doesn't know what kind of person Luther is? It's better to count on me than to count on him to protect the new god of mankind."

Bateman shook his head and said, "If you had destiny, Darkseid's dark godhead would have found you long ago.

Without destiny, just like Luther faced with the Mobius Chair just now, he couldn't use it even if he got the godhead. "

"Have you discussed it with Saint Harley when you handed over your godhead to Luther? What's her attitude? You can't really let Luther unify the two gods of light and darkness and become the king of gods, right?" Fat Harvey asked .

"Harley's attitude is very clear. She will not interfere with anyone's choice. All humans can choose freely. Once you make a choice, you must be willing to bear the corresponding price." Bateman stared at the fat man's twinkling eyes. , said sincerely: "You are no longer people on Earth, and the dignified New Gods cannot rely on human relief forever."

Fat Harvey was speechless.

A moment later, the Metropolitan Hall of Justice.

"Actually, I have wanted to persuade you for a long time. You sitting on the Mobius Chair make me feel strange and a little scared. I am afraid of losing you.

You didn’t even know that you and the cold-faced Metron were almost cut from the same mold at that time.

If I hadn't known that you were you, I would have thought that Metron's soul had taken over your body. "

After listening to Billy and Bateman's story, Wonder Woman emotionally gave him a big hug.

"Welcome back, my friend Bruce!" Her eyes flashed with relief and she looked very happy.

Bateman was also very moved and excited. He hugged Wonder Woman and patted her back gently, saying warmly: "I'm sorry for making everyone worried."

Dachao also hugged him and said solemnly: "Although the power of the godhead has not changed me obviously, I can feel that I am rapidly transforming into the new god.

If I don't give it up now, I may lose the chance of getting rid of it altogether. "

"You have decided to give up the Godhead of Power?" Bateman was not surprised by his choice. The heroes of the Zhenglian League all chose to stay on Earth as humans. Even the few who obtained the Dark Godhead did not go to Apokolips or Genesis. Take office.

Dachao smiled confidently: "You can leave the Mobius Chair, why can't I let go of the Godhead of Power? In fact, apart from unlimited energy, it doesn't improve my strength much."

Bateman nodded and asked, "Who do you plan to give your power to?"

The smile on Dachao's face faded and he said helplessly: "Who else can I give to besides Luther? Even if he is as evil as Darkseid, at least he will protect the new god of mankind.

If the dark elites join forces to capture King Luther's city and the ecological building is destroyed, who knows how many people will die. "

Magical Mary said excitedly: "Luthor is already preparing his weapons and preparing to invade the material universe.

Give him the power of Godhead and make him even more powerful, and he may easily destroy a civilized planet.

When the planet is drained of its original energy, life becomes extinct, and hundreds of millions of people are killed or injured, it will be our fault. "

"Alas, this is the reason why we must give up the dark godhead. The will of origin cannot be resisted by individuals." Billy said bitterly.

"Should we just comfort ourselves with the will of the origin and sit back and watch Luther become the second Darkseid?" Miraculous Mary said unwillingly.

"Of course we can't sit idly by." Bateman looked at her and said solemnly: "The new dark gods under Luther's command are mainly based on the new gods of humans on earth, and it is easy to plant one or two spies in them.

Knowing which parallel universe Luthor is about to invade, we can join forces with the Incarnation of Justice to defeat Luthor's dark army. "

Miraculous Mary was startled and said: "Since we want to stop him from invading the parallel universe halfway, why do we need to give him the power of Godhead and let him greatly increase his strength?"

Dachao nodded and said: "It makes sense! After separating the power godhead, I threw it directly in Limbo Prison and let it choose its master again."

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly and said: "I have a feeling that even if I deliberately avoid Luther, the Godhead of Power will still find him.

As we hand over the dark godheads one by one, Darkseid's destiny gradually converges on Luther.

We were originally his competitors. When we gave up our godhood and gave up becoming the second Dark Lord, we could only choose Luther as our origin. "

"Alas, let's do everything we can to obey fate." Bateman sighed.

Dachao's conjecture was quickly verified.

The process of him giving up the Godhead of Power was easier than Bateman giving up the Mobius Chair.

Although strength is an attribute of Superman, his more prominent label is "hope."

Realizing this, it took only two days for Dachao to separate the power godhead from the soul.

Not long after, Luther's maniacal laughter on Apokolips resounded through the sky, "The destiny is indeed mine. I am the new Lord of Apokolips. I have surpassed Darkseid. Both the dark and light gods have surrendered to me. I am the God King." King of!"

"Buzz!" The space door made of green light energy opened above the Luther Palace, and Hal Jordan walked out with a smirk on his face, "I'm here to help you become the true Lord of Light and Darkness."

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on his forehead, and the bright godhead like golden glass was obediently separated from the depths of his soul.

Without any hesitation, he threw the Godhead of Light at Luther like trash.

Luther subconsciously took over the godhead.

Feeling the light divinity inside, he widened his eyes, looked at Hal in disbelief, and shouted, "Why did you give up the light divinity so easily?"

In the past few days, the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance have been cutting off the new gods one after another. It is not surprising that Hal gave up the godhead of light, but the ease he showed still shocked Luther.

To give up the Godhead, one must recognize the original heart and find the difference between the depth of the original heart and the divinity of the Godhead.

The difference between divinity and nature makes the Godhead unstable and eventually falls away from the soul.

This test is not about mental strength and willpower, but about spiritual realm.

Hal Jordan completed the division of the godhead between words and laughter. How high should his spiritual realm be?

"What you should be concerned about now is not how I cut off the light godhead, but how to integrate it as the Lord of Apokolips, or transform it into a dark godhead."

Hal left this sentence, opened the space door again and left Apokolips.

Luther was left alone holding the light godhead, his expression uncertain.

At first, he was very happy to see the heroes of the Zhenglian giving up the dark godhood one by one.

Without competitors, the destiny belongs to him alone.

But now the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance have abandoned the new god's godhead like worn shoes, and no one retains the godhead. He feels very uncomfortable in his heart, as if he is much inferior to them.

"Congratulations to King Luther for obtaining the Godhead of Power!"

"Congratulations to King Luther for obtaining the Godhead of Light!"

"For King Luther."

Just when Luther was in trouble, the new dark gods of humanity in the war square in front of the palace were delighted and cheered in unison.

"What am I thinking about? Now I am the only support for the new god of mankind. Supreme glory has been bestowed upon me. Who dares to say that I am inferior?" Luther shook his head, held up the Godhead of Light, and shouted: "I want to unify Apocalypse. The Dark Gods have swept away the remaining members of Darkseid, now, give me your power!"

"Sweep the dark elite, unify Apokolips, for King Luther!" Millions of new human dark gods shouted excitedly.

Overlooking the excited new dark god in the square, Luther silently controlled the godhead.

The dark divinity of the human dark god clan is like a pillar of smoke, rising from the top of the dark god clan's head, converging on the Lord of Apokolips, and being condensed by him on the light godhead.

Like golden glass, the light godhead was quickly dyed black, transforming from the light godhead into the dark godhead.

After completing the transformation, the godhead that was struggling to fly away just now actively integrated into Luther's body.

"Okay, very good!" He laughed excitedly.

At this moment, Darkseid has almost all of his core power.

"Today I will completely unify Apokolips! Dark Gods, listen to my orders and follow me to sweep the slave camps outside the city!"

Slave camps are small kingdoms of the dark elite. Most slave camps are still outside the rule of King Luthor.

"Buzz!" Just as Luther was about to activate the Mother Box and open a passage to the nearest slave camp, a gap suddenly opened in the void above the palace.

An Amazon female warrior with a baby in her arms jumped down from the gap in space and landed on the balcony of the Dark Palace, face to face with Luther.

"Are you——Darkseid's daughter, Greer?" Luther was surprised at first, and then smiled easily: "I was still looking for the evil godhead, but I didn't expect you to come to my door."

He has now obtained the dominating godhead and can easily sense the evil godhead in Greer.

"Do you think I'm an idiot for putting fat in your mouth?" Greer said sarcastically: "Or, use your so-called smartest brain in the multiverse to think about it carefully, why did I choose this time to come to you? "

She looked Luther up and down and said, "You are such a big piece of fat! You have obtained Darkseid's main godhead, which saves me a lot of effort."

"You want to steal my godhead? Why do you want to?"

Luther sneered, his eyes boiling with omega energy, and he was about to shoot out in the next second.

"Just him!" Greer smiled weirdly and lifted the blanket off the swaddle, revealing the baby's true face.

There are only 6,000 words today. Sorry, I have a cold. I don’t know if it’s a common cold or a sheep fever. My head feels dizzy, as if it’s stuffed with cotton. When I’m typing, I feel like my soul is in a dream. The person typing on the keyboard is The other person was in a trance, dizzy, and too uncomfortable. I felt like a sheep. A common cold is not that serious. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I planned to take a day off, but I was lying in bed with sweat soaking the sheets. I couldn’t sleep. I could only get up and stare at the computer screen. , I coded a few thousand words in a daze, and it felt like it was written by another person.

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