I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1749: Give up (please vote for me at the end of the month, thank you)

Mortals can lie, disguise or hide their true nature.

If the gods lie, they may suffer backlash from their faith.

For example, if a god says he likes to eat sweet beans, and believers believe it, their faith will distort him into liking sweet things.

It is even more difficult for gods to violate their divinity.

There are two main categories of gods in the DC multiverse, the new gods and the old gods.

The difference between the new gods and the old gods is not limited to the need for faith, there is also a fundamental difference between them.

The core laws of the old gods are basically understood by themselves, and they create their own exclusive laws from scratch. After becoming a god, slowly study the basic laws of the multiverse and try to control the power of creation.

The core laws of the New Gods come from God. In fact, they are not entirely God-given.

In the beginning, there were no new gods or old gods.

When the planet was formed, the first batch of beings could easily grasp the power of laws, and they were called gods.

The divine power controlled by these gods comes from the origin of the planet.

Planets are part of the universe, and it can also be said that the power they bring comes from the "origin."

Later, the goddess of magic Hecate came to the material universe with the "magic power of miracles" and shared the new power of "magic power" with the gods. For the first time, there was a distinction between the gods.

After some gods obtained magic power, they discovered that magic power can have a wonderful chemical reaction with the faith of all living beings, generating a more powerful and miraculous "divine power of faith."

When there is only the "power of origin", the gods have no power, and it is difficult to touch the "origin" itself.

Relying on the "divine power of faith", they easily gain the authority of the Creator.

To put it more bluntly, it was difficult for the gods in the past to create the world on their own. After obtaining magic power and integrating it into the divine power of faith, the gods could easily control the power to create the world, and the god king could even create a complete universe.

The other gods did not receive magic power, and they still used the "original power".

Use gods who believe in divine power to establish a divine system, create a kingdom of gods, ascend the whole family to a higher dimension, and merge the kingdoms of gods together to form a "heaven realm".

Compared with the gods who still use the "original power", they are already very trendy and can be called "new gods".

Seeing the "new gods" creating the heaven, the "old gods" also gathered together to keep warm. They did not create the world. They were like rubbing mud, fusing many stars and planets together, and kneading out the material universe. A huge "mud ball", a planet-shaped "old star".

Yuga Khan and Darkseid are the natives of the old planet. They killed the "old gods" and seized their "original power", but they have no laws.

After the death of the "old gods", the "godhead" containing laws and divinity was nationalized and returned to the "origin".

"Godhead" has become a state-owned asset, and "original power" is a state-owned asset.

When the "Origin" remodels the "godheads of the old gods", stamps them with "state assets" symbols, and distributes them to Yuga Khan, Darkseid and other rebels of the old star, new gods will be born.

Comparing the new gods with the old gods, it is not about whether they are new or not.

If we really want to talk about new trends, it must be the group of god-kings like Zeus. They have at least created a new power system.

The "new gods" like Darkseid and Heavenly Father are essentially still relying on the "old gods" and are even older than the old gods.

"The biggest difference between the new gods and the old gods is not that the new gods were born after the old gods. Although this is also true, the essential difference between the two is the 'ultimate ownership' of laws and divine power."

Luther, the King of Apokolips, was filled with emotion, "Even though Harley was very candid before and explained more than once why she wanted to vomit out all the Darkseid godhead in her belly, I always felt that she was faking it.

Now that I have truly become the King of the New Gods, I understand firsthand how valuable her words are.

At least the laws of the old gods were understood by themselves, and their divinity was their own nature.

The old gods are also unable to violate their own divinity, but this inability to violate is more like a determined mortal unwilling to violate his own heart.

The divine power and divinity of the new god come from the "origin". The divinity inherent in the divinity is like a set of molds made of steel. People are stuffed into the mold, the fat ones are trimmed off, and the thin ones are filled with fillers.

My own thoughts and personality are not important, they are completely distorted and deformed in the direction of divinity.

I want to turn Apokolips into a second United States, one that is equal, free, democratic, prosperous, peace-loving, and charitable. However, the dark divinity of the Apokolips monarch forces me to abandon the light and go into darkness. "

The God of Knowledge said calmly: "Don't sound so innocent. The new god's power and divine personality are indeed given by God, but why did the divine personality choose you and not others?

If you weren't in line with the divinity of the Dark Lord, would you be recognized by the Omega Effect?

You were selected by the Omega Effect, which just proves that your nature is as dark and evil as Darkseid. "

"What qualifications do you have to criticize me? Look at yourself." Luther pointed at the chest of the God of Knowledge and sneered: "The Bateman uniform, which is the symbol of the superhero, is the same as Metron, which has been condensed by the new god's power. Covered by clothes.

You have even given up on your own heroic ideals, you have completely surrendered to the divinity of the God of Knowledge, and you are still talking shamelessly and telling lies. How shameless are you? "

Freeman couldn't help but feel aggrieved for Bateman: "Even after becoming the God of Knowledge, Bateman still did not give up his heroic ideals.

Now he still works as a superhero in Gotham, fighting evil and saving civilians.

Except for the excessive work efficiency, there is almost no difference from the past.

Like Superman and Green Lantern, he used his own heroic ideas to defeat the divinity of the New Gods. "

"Boy, you are too naive." Luther said disdainfully: "The God of Power does not have the divinity of good and evil, and the God of Knowledge is also neutral, and even has the divinity of maintaining order and balance.

In the daily life of superheroes, Bateman and Superman have not had the opportunity to face the test of conflict between divinity and heroic mission, so they seem to be normal.

Same with Hal Jordan.

He did not defeat divinity. Light and darkness are inherently yin and yang, two sides of the same body.

He can transform the dark godhead into the light godhead, which can only prove one thing."

Luther raised his index finger, glanced at the surprised Shazam family, and said solemnly: "Hal Jordan is darker than Darkseid!

He knows the darkness, is familiar with it.

He once fell into the lowest level of darkness and has mastered the essence of dark divinity.

So we can go one step further and transform darkness into light.

This is probably why the Dark Godhead chose him.

But he is still a new god, and no new god can violate his divinity.

This is the law, and even Harley can't resist it.

If Superman, Bateman, Hal Jordan and the like can suppress and distort divinity according to their own will, Harley can only do better than them.

But what did Harley do?

Even though she was drooling with greed, she did not dare to touch Darkseid's dark godhead.

She'd rather give them to the Dark Elite.

Do you think she has special feelings for the Dark Elite?

She hated them so much that if she had the chance to crush them to death, she wouldn't hesitate in the slightest.

But she put what they regarded as treasures at their lips.

When Harley saw that the Godhead of Power had been obtained by Superman, she didn't show any joy. She was happy for her friend. She yelled "shit" on the spot. "

When Harley saw Superman, the God of Power, she did look ugly, but she didn't lose her composure and didn't call him "shit", but "Fuck".

The general meaning is similar. She was not happy to see Da Chao being selected by the god of power.

Freddy Freeman was stunned and turned his head to look at Bateman on the Mobius Chair.

He was expressionless and silent, like a cold sculpture.

Luther also turned his attention to Bateman, with a loud voice, as if pronouncing a sentence, "Billy, one day, you will find that he has become the God of Knowledge, and the God of Knowledge is not Bateman.

If you continue to hold the Dominion Godhead, you will no longer be you.

Now you are an upright, pure and good boy.

You can give up the power and authority you have just to make the new god of mankind live a better life.

But when you truly merge with the ruling godhead, no matter how upright and selfless you were before, the godhead will distort your nature and turn you into another Bateman.

On the surface, you are still you and can still do the work of a superhero, but you cannot give up your godhead at all, nor can you violate the divinity that wants to rule the gods. "

"I don't mind if you rule Apokolips. It doesn't matter if you become the head of a secret society and continue to oppose Zhenglian.

But you will invade the material universe with your dominating godhead, killing hundreds of millions of people and destroying countless planets. "Billy said excitedly.

Luther said softly: "Don't think of me as a person, think of me as a tornado, a hurricane that causes tsunamis, and the movement of continental plates that cause earthquakes.

Tsunamis and earthquakes always bring death and destruction, that's their nature.

They themselves did not want to target humans, nor did they want to kill people or destroy cities.

Moreover, nature cannot exist without wind and ground movements, as they are part of the natural cycle. "

"But you are not hurricanes and earthquakes. Hurricanes and earthquakes don't have their own will. You do!" Billy said.

"So what if I have self-will? Can I replace the will of the Origin with my own thoughts?" Luther also became excited.

He pointed to the residential area next to him, "Look at those buildings, which are hundreds of stories high and cover an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters. Thousands of people live in them. Have you ever thought about building a building of this scale? How much material and energy will be consumed?

How much material and energy is consumed every minute to maintain the operation of the ecosystem in the building and meet the living and spiritual needs of every new human god?

All miracles have a price.

All energy and materials consumed come from Apokolips.

Apokolips has its own will, and you will get back as much as you ask from it.

If I don't go to the material universe to plunder resources, the magma on the surface will dry up, and the residential building will lose energy and become a huge iron coffin.

If I don't kill people, the new gods of humanity will lose their destiny as the new gods of darkness, and their power will become weaker and weaker.

The lost destiny will eventually be obtained by the dark elite who are willing to kill and set fire, and their power becomes stronger and stronger.

In the end, the number of people killed and the planets destroyed did not decrease. The new gods of mankind who lost their destiny will be eliminated by the natural laws of Apokolips. The outcome of being eliminated is that all the new gods of mankind will die and the new gods of mankind will become extinct!

When we choose to ascend collectively and become the new dark race of gods, we have become ‘tsunamis and earthquakes’ with thoughts and emotions. "

He shouted with excitement as he moved towards Billy step by step, "This is our divinity and mission. 'Origin' requires us to become tsunamis and earthquakes. No new god can disobey.

The multiverse also needs earthquakes and tsunamis to complete some energy cycle that I can feel but cannot understand. "

After saying the last sentence, Billy was already cornered by him, with his back leaning against the wall.

"Just say it properly. Why is Super Ego spitting on his face?"

Billy pushed him away and wiped his cheek hard.

"Billy, I just want you to understand that I am the dark king who is most suitable to control the godhead.

I am more aware and responsible than all of you Zhenglian heroes who have obtained the dark godhead.

You don't even want to admit that you have become different from humans, and I can see that. "Luther said solemnly.

Billy glanced at the God of Knowledge, with a hesitant look on his face, "I——"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the God of Knowledge interrupted him, "Don't make a decision in a hurry. Now you just see the living conditions of the new human god on Apokolips. According to the original plan, you have to go to Creation Star."

Luther said angrily: "Baitman, what are your intentions in repeatedly preventing Billy from making correct decisions?

Are you not satisfied with being the God of Knowledge, and are you still ambitious and want to seize the dominating godhead? "

"You can go to the Genesis Star with us. After observing the state of the New God of Light, Billy can make a decision without hesitation."

"He is holding Darkseid's ruling godhead to see what the Light Gods are doing? Do you still hope that a talented person will emerge from the Light Gods who can inherit Darkseid's ruling godhead and unify light and darkness? Two races?" Luther sneered.

The God of Knowledge ignored him, only turned his gaze to Billy, and said calmly: "When Harley handed over the power of the God of War to you, she asked you to follow your own heart without any force, but you still have hesitation in your heart. "

"How do you know? Sister Harley told you?" Billy asked in surprise.

"I am the God of Knowledge. As long as there are no secrets that are deliberately concealed, they are not secrets to me."

The God of Knowledge looked at him and continued: "Do you understand what she means? Why does she want you to follow your heart?"

"Sister Harley respects my personal will and doesn't want me to be coerced or forced," Billy said.

"This is just one aspect, there is a deeper reason." The God of Knowledge glanced at Luther from the corner of his eye, "It is very difficult to be selected by the godhead to become a new god, and the probability is very low.

It is also extremely difficult to give up the godhead.

The godhood of the new god comes from heaven, and the reward of 'origin' is equal to destiny.

So far, except for Harley, I have never seen anyone who can go against destiny.

In fact, if you think about it for a moment, you will understand that if it was easy to give up the dark godhead, Harley would not rush to send each dark elite to the godhead on the battlefield of the 'Fighting World'.

She could absorb them first, wait until the Anti-Monitor and Greer in the stomach bag dimension were dealt with, and then easily separate them.

She didn't even touch them. She would rather let the dark elite and anti-monitor go than spit them out on the spot.

Why? "

If Billy had some enlightenment, "Giving up your godhood requires the strongest will? When she asked me to follow my heart, did she already guess that I would not want to rule the gods?"

For the first time, the tone of the God of Knowledge was no longer as calm as water, and there were complex emotions in his voice, "Even Luther can tell from her few expressions that she does not want us to get the dark godhead.

But it has been almost two months since the Darkseid War ended, and she has never taken the initiative to persuade anyone to give up the dark godhead.

She didn’t persuade Superman, she didn’t persuade Hal Jordan, she didn’t persuade me, and of course she didn’t hint anything to you. "

"Since she doesn't want you to become the new gods, why doesn't she persuade you?" Magical Mary asked doubtfully.

The God of Knowledge said: "Because she knows very well that persuasion is of no use, don't persuade, even if she threatens a new dark god with her life, it is impossible for him to be separated from the dark godhead.

Gods cannot violate their own divinity.

The new gods are particularly harsh and will not tolerate any disobedience.

And being able to be chosen by any godhead means that the person concerned is in perfect harmony with it in terms of divinity.

As Luther said before, I was chosen by the Mobius Chair, the Power Godhead chose Superman, and the Dark Godhead found Hal, just because our own personalities are most consistent with the divinity represented by the Godhead.

Therefore, to give up the Godhead is to abandon divinity and go against one's own will.

It is no less difficult than violating one's own divinity as a new god.

Any advice or threats are useless. Only by recognizing yourself from the soul level, and then determined to change yourself, so that the divinity of the Godhead is separated from you. You are no longer the person who is most in line with the Godhead, and the Godhead can leave. "

Everyone looked surprised, even Luther.

"The fact that you can say such things should be due to the chair under your butt." Luther's scarlet eyes hid deep jealousy, but the expression on his face was full of disdain, "I did say just now that being raped The person chosen by the Godhead must perfectly fit the divinity of the Godhead, but the Mobius Chair does not choose you because you are the most suitable.

The most suitable person should be me, I am the smartest person in the world.

It's a pity that I already have a master, and I have been chosen by the Omega Effect, which is more powerful and closer to my origin.

The Lord of Apokolips must not be a 'neutral god of balance'.

My identity has changed, and the Möbius Chair has no choice but to choose the next-level existence, which is you. "

"If thinking this way makes you feel better, I don't mind at all." The God of Knowledge said lightly.

"What makes me feel better? What I said is the truth." Luther said angrily.

The God of Knowledge ignored him and only looked at Billy Bassent.

"Let's go to the Genesis Star." Billy nodded.

Luther hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm with you."

The natural environment of Genesis Star is much better than that of Apokolips Star.

The wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, the trees are shady, the flowers and plants are prosperous, the soil is fertile, the terrain is flat, spring is present all year round, and the mountains and rivers are interdependent.

"Comparing the Creation Star and the Apokolips Star, if not the gap between Heaven and Hell, it is at least the gap between Earth and Hell." Magical Mary said with emotion.

The God of Knowledge said lightly: "You are wrong. The environment of the Creation Star seems to be the same as that of the Earth, but the two are fundamentally different.

This is the realm of gods. There are no natural disasters such as storms, tsunamis, and earthquakes, and there will be no natural infectious diseases. If you live in such an environment for a long time, your physical fitness will slowly improve to the level of the new gods. "

Billy Bassent looked around the settlement of the New Gods of Humanity and sighed: "Although there are no natural disasters, there are man-made disasters. In the past, we didn't know that there were many non-'Light God Clan' tribes on the Creation Star."

The environment of Genesis Star is far more favorable than that of Apokolips, but human settlements are as desolate as primitive camps.

Hundreds of tents are sparsely placed in the half-person-high stone wall.

There was all kinds of filth outside the tent, including human feces, mineral water bottles, plastic bags and other domestic garbage.

The people living in the camp were all unkempt and their clothes were dirty.

But they were in good spirits.

Those who can't endure it should return to Earth as soon as possible. Those who are willing to endure it are the true gods with godhead.

"It's not that I didn't know. The situation of the Genesis Star was introduced on TV before, but we were too excited at the time and didn't pay attention." Harvey Bullock, holding a rifle, said.

It's Fat Harvey, Gordon's former colleague and current GCPD chief.

When he was on Earth, he was already in a high position and wealthy.

He owns a property worth over 100 million on Arkham Island, is the police chief of Gotham, and is an old acquaintance of Harley. He goes to Quinn Manor to give gifts during the holidays, and at least he can get in.

Being able to enter the gate is already beyond the vast majority of people, and even those who want to visit Quinn Manor have no way to get in.

It stands to reason that if you are doing so well, you shouldn't have trouble thinking about starting a business again.

But not only did he get along well, he was also lucky. He actually got a godhead and became a true new god.

Like all human protoss who obtained godhead, he chose to ascend.

And because he once served as the police chief, now he also belongs to the leadership in the human New God camp, and is the captain of the "New God Militia".

He was overjoyed to see Bateman and others coming to visit and received them personally.

Freddy also said: “The ‘Goddess of Love, Beka’, who was crowned as the God-King on Earth during the Final Crisis, is the daughter of Heavenly Father’s sworn enemy.

Galaxy legend Louise has produced a series of special topics on 'God King Beka', which is discussed in it.

Beka's status in the Light God Clan is a bit similar to that of Orion. They are both protons sent by the enemies of Heavenly Father.

To be the enemy of Heavenly Father, one can imagine how strong his strength and followers are.

There are many tribes similar to Beka's father's tribe on the Creation Star. "

The God of Knowledge said lightly: "This is not surprising. The Genesis Star and the Apokolips Star were split from the 'Old God Star'. The Old God Planet is larger than the current Apocalypse Star Creation Star.

It is inhabited by countless old gods, each with human servants to serve them.

Billions of humans on the Old God Planet are divided into many tribes and ethnic groups, just like humans on Earth there are many races and countries.

However, in Apokolips, the weak are the strongest, and those who have not awakened their divinity are slaves, and there is no such thing as ethnic groups or tribes.

The Heavenly Father of the Genesis Star was kind and allowed each tribe to retain their own customs and culture, and also allowed them to develop freely on the Genesis Star.

As a result, tribal forces like countries were formed on the Genesis Star.

As long as those tribal forces grow stronger, they will try to overthrow the rule of Heavenly Father and become the king of the Creation Star themselves.

The current settlement of the New God of Mankind is located at the junction of three medium-sized tribal forces.

The Creation Star has its own original will and will not deliberately send humans on earth who have just joined the Light God Clan into other people's spheres of influence.

But that's all. The rest requires human beings to work hard, strive for self-improvement, and develop themselves. "

Billy asked: "Harvey, do you have a mother box? Maybe you should change places, even if the land is poorer, as long as you stay away from the New God tribe, your safety will be guaranteed, and you will not be plundered by them again. Right, those who have been Have you rescued all the humans you robbed? How can the majestic Guangming Clan do such a thing?"

Miraculous Mary said disapprovingly: "Heavenly Father is the God King of Light, but they still rebel against Heavenly Father. Compared with rebellion, what is robbing mankind's new god?"

Luther sneered: "The new god of darkness and the new god of light are just different names. There is no difference in essence."

"At least they won't invade the physical universe." Freddy said.

"It is not the new god of darkness that invades the material universe, but the will of Origin. We are just its weapons." Luther said.

Harvey didn't understand what they were talking about, and after they stopped, he explained to Billy: "The mother box will not fall from the sky, it requires the highest technology of the New Gods and a complex and huge production line.

It is even more necessary for the God King to personally control the origin forging of the Genesis Star.

Now we are short of food and weapons, and we don’t even have the strength to protect ourselves. How can we go out to save others?

Moreover, we are not familiar with the place, and we still don’t know who is attacking us. "

"Not even enough food?" Billy frowned and looked at the garbage outside the tent, "The weapons and food now are all brought from the earth during the ascension?"

Harvey nodded and sighed: "Things from the material world cannot be brought into Limbo and the Divine Realm, unless they are impregnated with magic power in advance and turned into magic items.

When we first ascended, the clothes we wore and the supplies we carried completed the ‘divine transformation’ together with our bodies.

Now that the ascension is over, there is no way to naturally ‘transform into a divine realm’.

Even if Bateman comes to visit us from time to time, opens the sonic boom channel for us, and sends the injured New God of Mankind back to the Earth, there is no way to transport food and weapons from the Earth to the Genesis Star.

Earth's ordinary weapons have no effect on the Genesis Star.

I am now a new god and can punch a tank with one punch.

Fists are more effective than any human firearm.

The Creation Star is very rich, and even if you don't cultivate grain fields, you can still survive by gathering fruits, fishing and hunting.

The key is to have top-level combat power that can compete with other divine tribes. "

He turned to the God of Knowledge and begged for the Nth time: "Baitman, please be our God King, we are missing a leader here."

Bateman said calmly: "I will not be the leader of anyone, no matter humans or the new gods of humans. The God of Knowledge is not suitable to be the god king of the new gods."

"Then you call Superman or Green Lantern Hal Jordan." Harvey said.

The God of Knowledge shook his head, "I asked for you, but they all refused."

Harvey's desperate eyes swept around the crowd, and finally landed on Magic Mary's face, his eyes bright, "Magic Mary, you have been the beloved concubine of Apokolips, why not——"

"Don't even think about it!" Magic Mary interrupted him with a scream before he could finish his words, "Don't mention 'Apocalypse Beloved' in front of me again, and don't fantasize about who I will marry, it's absolutely impossible! "

"Then what should we do?" Harvey pointed at the flag above the gate of the wall and wailed: "Now there are more than 6,000 people in the camp relying on it to save their lives, but it is always just a flag. It is not even a flag, just a Galactic Admiral poster.

How long can one poster scare those bastards? "

The little black girl looked up at the poster tied to a wooden pole like a flag, and said in surprise: "I thought there were admirers of Admiral Galaxy among you, but I didn't expect to use it to scare the tribal gods who harassed you.

Isn't it a poster? Could it be that after ascending to the divine realm, it had special abilities and became an artifact? "

“It is still a poster, but it represents a special meaning. Well, it is an ordinary poster without any special meaning, but we can give it a special meaning.

As long as there are tribal gods approaching our settlements, the first thing we have to do is not to take up arms and attack the outside world in unison, but to open our mouths and sing the 'Song of Saint Harry'. "

As Fat Harvey spoke, he sang at the top of his voice, "Saint Halle protects us. We want to praise Saint Halle. Her love makes us as close as a family. We pray for each other and love each other, and our hearts are filled with joy." "

"Stop singing, it's awful." Luther said in disgust.

Fat Harvey sneered and stopped talking, and said: "The scene is not right now and the emotions are not in place. When we face the desperate situation of life and death, we will definitely sing loudly in the sky, full of emotion and tears."

"Even if you brag in your songs and say that Harley is protecting you, Witch Harley's reputation is loud enough. It's a fluke to scare someone once. How can it be effective again and again?" Luther asked scornfully.

"Hey, Luther, you are still shallow." Fat Harvey showed a proud look on his face, "What the tribal gods are afraid of is not our threat.

We are Earthlings, don’t they know the relationship between Earthlings and Saint Halle?

Why do we need flags and songs?

When we sing, we call upon Saint Harry with a devout heart.

St. Harry is not St. Peter in stone and wood.

As long as our hearts are sincere enough, we can really summon Holy Hari to come.

This is what the New God Tribe is afraid of! "

Seeing the doubt on Luther's face, Harvey's fat face was serious and he said solemnly: "My niece Barbara Gordon is the pastor of St. Harry and often communicates with St. Harry in prayer."

"I don't doubt that Harley can hear the pious prayers, I just think she won't pay attention to you." Luther said.

"Why do you say that Saint Harry won't pay attention to us?" Before Fat Harvey said anything, the new human god in the camp became angry. "When we sang hymns in unison, Saint Harry's portrait was still on. Lights up with a faint white light.

She responded to us, and the group of alien gods were so frightened that they howled like ghosts, ran like wolves, and fled in confusion. "

Luther looked up at the poster flag, and it was indeed reflecting light.

The sun falls on it, and the reflected light makes it difficult to see the image above.

"The poster is made of plastic and is highly reflective. Is it reflected sunlight or moonlight?" he said.

The God of Knowledge calmly said: "It is the power of faith! At the time of life and death, all living beings have a lot of faith in her belief and expectation. Too much faith power gathered on her poster, and finally formed the brilliance of faith.

Just like in the Tiantangshan Church, the face of the statue of King Wushen will light up when worshiped by believers. "

Luther's face was full of contempt, "The New God Tribe is a bunch of ignorant cowards who can't even distinguish the light of faith."

"Do you think the new gods don't understand this basic common sense?" The God of Knowledge said lightly: "They know very well that once the power of faith is strong enough to form brilliance, the gods can hear the voices of believers.

Everyone in the multiverse knows that Witch Harley is narrow-minded and cruel. How dare they take a gamble?

Even if they win the bet and slaughter these thousands of people in their settlement, what will they get?

If Harley Quinn is really angry, their entire tribe will have to be wiped out. If it were you, would you run away? "

Harvey gave a thumbs up and praised: "As expected of Bateman, he is so knowledgeable!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Luther from the corner of his eye, with some hidden contempt.

Luther sneered and said, "Look at how proud you are, the majestic god clan actually worships gods.

Not only did he worship God, he also worshiped an ordinary poster as a holy relic that could contain the power of faith.

The new god of mankind has been completely disgraced by you. "

"How is your face important? And who doesn't know your story Luther? Every time you are imprisoned, you always ask your sister to beg Saint Harry. You are more shameless than us." Fat Harvey mocked rudely. road.

Luther was surprised and ashamed, "You, you are talking nonsense!"

——How does this damn fat man know?

His sister would definitely not tell outsiders, Harry didn't even bother to say such things.

He was very confused.

"I'm the Commissioner of Gotham! There are GCPD patrols on the avenue in front of Quinn Manor. I know exactly who has visited Saint Harley at the manor." Fat Harvey said proudly.

Luther forced himself to calm down and said, "My sister Lena is Harley's friend. It's normal to visit each other."

"Yes, your sister often goes to Quinn Manor, but she is always relaxed and happy, with a smile on her face. She was only full of sorrow and shame when she asked for a favor for you, and you happened to be in prison at that time."

Fat Harvey pointed at his eyes and said with a smile: "I have been staring at Quinn Manor for more than ten years. I have seen too many people with different purposes. I can never make a mistake. You still want to pretend-"

"Stab~~" Luther's eyes lit up red and he shot omega rays at the fat man opposite.

"Luthor, stop!" Billy noticed early on that he was not in the right mood. He flashed and stood in front of Harvey as if teleporting.


The omega rays blew him hundreds of meters away, turned him somersaults dozens of times in the sky, and finally fell heavily to the ground, creating a large crater two meters deep.

"Luthor, what do you want to do?"

The magical family's figures flickered, their divine power surged, and lightning thorns fell down, surrounding Luther.

"I'm fine, don't be impulsive!"

Before Luther could react, Billy struggled to get out of the mud puddle.

"Billy, are you injured?" Several Shazams asked with concern.

"It's like being punched dozens of times by Superman." Shazam Billy rubbed his chest, his face a little pale, "But Sister Harley's magical power is very effective, and she is completely immune to the fatal effects of the Omega Effect."

"Farke, are you really going to kill me!" Harvey's fat face turned pale, "I just told the truth, but do you want to kill me in public?"

"The majesty of the God King cannot be blasphemed!" Luther said coldly.

Fat Harvey's expression changed several times, and he suddenly turned to the God of Knowledge, howling: "I can't stay on the Genesis Star any longer, Bateman, help me open the sonic boom channel, I want to go back to Gotham, and I want to find Saint Harley." , I give her gifts every holiday.”

"Harvey, you can't leave. You are our leader. What will we do if you leave!" the new human god in the camp advised.

"Harvey, don't be afraid." Billy also shouted, then faced Luther and said: "As long as you promise not to murder Harvey again, and provide the most basic support for the human protoss of Creation Star in the following days, If you take shelter, I will give you the governing godhead.”

Luther was a little surprised, "You decided so quickly, are you really sure?"

"Very sure." Billy closed his eyes, and small blue-white arcs of electricity danced on his body.

"Buzz buzz" a golden light lit up between his eyebrows and made the sound of vibrating cicada wings.

This process lasted for a full half hour.

Finally, a palm-sized piece of "golden glass" came out from between his eyebrows and slowly floated towards Luther.

"It's the dominating godhead, and you actually did it." Luther looked complicated.

On the chair of Mobius, the God of Knowledge stared at the ruling godhead, the silver divine light in his eyes jumping uncertainly, his hands on the back of the chair trembling slightly, and his expression gradually became ferocious and distorted.

"Huh!" With a long gasp, he pressed the armrest with difficulty and stood up from the Mobius Chair.

"Luthor, you want all the knowledge of the multiverse? Take it." He was breathing heavily, with sweat on his forehead, but his tone was unprecedentedly relaxed.

(ps: In fact, in the original comics, Billy did not get rid of the New God's godhead. There are only two people who can really give up the godhead by their own will, Hal Jordan and Bateman.

Hal Jordan was the most awesome. He had just completed the Inner Demon Tribulation and obtained the Godhead of Light. He didn't even waste a second, and immediately threw away the Godhead with a smile on his face and a graceful movement.

Bateman is a bit of a disgrace. In the comics, he couldn't shake off the temptation of omniscience and omnipotence for a long time.

He was also gradually influenced by the chair, and was twisted into a cold and heartless person like Metron.

But he is stronger than other gods of knowledge, at least he gave up the chair.

Bateman is the only one who can voluntarily give up the Mobius Chair.

Well, except for anti-monitoring, but anti-monitoring occupied the chair for countless billions of years before I got tired of it and gave it up. )

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