I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1752 Harley is really dead this time

"Harley, what happened? Oh my God, Myrina is dead. She was killed by Greer——"

Greer's miserable howl attracted the attention of many heroes, and some with sharp eyes had already seen half of the corpse lying in front of Greer.

"Grell is controlled by the evil godhead - it doesn't count as control, she is as evil as Darkseid in nature, but she is not purely evil.

In short, she cannot control her desire to kill and destroy, and cannot violate her divinity, which is evil.

In order to help her get rid of the evil godhead, Milina..."

In the mental space of Martian Manhunter, Harley said while replaying the scene just now.

"Myrina did it! After venting all her murderous and evil thoughts on her mother, Greer was in agony. She had strong doubts and resistance to her own evil nature, and eventually became estranged from the evil godhead. As you can see, She gave up her godhead and flew away to nowhere." Harley said with emotion.

"You should have noticed Myrina's thoughts a long time ago, right? Why didn't you stop her?" Diana murmured.

"Preventing a mother from loving and redeeming her daughter in her own way?" Harley asked.

"Apart from this extreme method, is there no other way to go?" Da Chao said.

Harry sneered: "It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. How can the new god's divinity be so easily divided?"

Dachao hesitated and said: "It took me two days to separate the Godhead of Power. Hal almost had a thought, and the Godhead separated automatically. Billy has also seen the living conditions of the new human gods on Apokolips and Creation Star, and knows that they are the most powerful. Make a decision after what you need.

Bateman is a little more difficult because the allure of the Möbius Chair is too great. "

"Are you and Greer the same? You know the disadvantages of becoming a New God, and you don't want to be bound by the New God's shackles forever. Subconsciously, you have conflicts with the New God's divinity.

Greer naturally accepted the fact that she had half the blood of Darkseid, and had no qualms about becoming a new god. She had no consciousness of separating the evil godhead at all.

How is it possible that you ask a person who is unwilling to give up to give up something that is difficult to give up? "

Anyway, Harley herself didn't know how to help Greer. In fact, before her mother was killed by the evil godhead, Greer had no intention of giving up her godhead. No one could help her in that situation.

"Have you collected Myrina's soul?" Diana asked.

"Her soul has gone to the place where the Amazon female warrior should go. There is no need for me to do anything extra."

Harry did have the idea of ​​​​giving Milina a reincarnation seal, but she "saw" Milina's old friends came to greet her. They smiled and embraced her enthusiastically. Milina turned back. Seeing Greer finally give up the evil godhead, an unprecedented relaxed and satisfied smile bloomed on his face

Under such circumstances, if another reincarnation seal forcefully pulls Milina back, wouldn't it be like burning the harp and boiling the crane, which would bring great disgrace to the scenery?

"How do you know that Myrina's soul went to the place where the Amazon female warrior should go? Did she tell you?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"You can see with your own eyes that I am the true God of Death who has received the blessing of 'Death'." Harley said.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the identity of the God of Death given to her by her second sister.

The "God of Death" can only see Myrina's soul and see her step into the realm of death, but cannot see the world of death behind the dead soul.

The real reason is very simple. Hades, the king of Hades, is being transformed on the experimental table in her belly.

The final destination of the Amazons was created by Hades himself.

With just a little bit of his authority, Harley could see the scene in the Land of the Dead.

"Now that Myrina has exchanged her life for Greer to return to herself, what are you going to do with her?" Diana hesitated.

"Let's end this battle first."

Harley walked up to Greer, and now the golden film covering her body had been removed. After Greer could move freely, she knelt beside her mother's corpse and howled at the top of her lungs.

"Tell Darkseid to stop," Harley whispered.

She continued to howl, but Darkseid, who was still entangled with the Magic Family in the distance, stood still.

"Your mother is dead. A person can die as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain.

The key is not the purpose for which she died, but whether the purpose for which she died was achieved.

If her death allowed her wish to be fulfilled, then she would have died peacefully and with value.

If her death does not contribute to her wishes, then her death will be as light as a feather and worthless.

You must know your mother's wish. Whether her death is worthwhile or not is entirely your choice. "

Greer's howling gradually subsided, but she remained kneeling on the ground, silent.

Harley didn't say anything, just stood there and watched the heroes of Zhenglian saving people.

The new human gods in the war square do not need to spend too much energy to save them. As long as they are given the opportunity to enter the sonic boom channel, they can leave on their own. Before, there were people helping each other to enter the sonic boom channel. Now seeing Harley coming, He also managed to take down Darkseid and Greer instantly, but those guys didn't want to leave.

The heroes of Zhenglian urged them to enter the sonic boom tunnel, but they refused, so they stayed on the war square, staring at Halle with wide eyes and longing eyes, pretending not to notice them.

The trouble is the new mortal gods in Eco Park Mansion.

Mortal New Gods cannot adapt to the harsh natural environment of Apokolips. Luther specially simulates an ecological environment similar to that of Earth in a steel building. Every three floors are an integral space and share an ecosystem.

In other words, there will be a complex isolation zone between every three floors.

When the energy is sufficient, it is very convenient to start the elevator with the isolation belt.

Now that the building is broken, it is obvious that it can no longer receive support from magma energy.

This means that starting from the break point, the upper half of the building loses energy supply, the ecosystem cannot be maintained, and the elevator cannot start.

If the heroes of Zhenglian want to go in and save people, they must cut through the wall made of special alloy.

It had to be drilled through not just once, but almost every third floor.

In order to increase the tower's defense, Luthor deliberately used the most powerful mass-produced alloy on Apokolips when building them.

It also encountered the Omega Effect. If it were another dark new god, the magic would not leave even a mark on the surface of the building.

"Harry, you are finally here!"

Harley did not go to see the new dark god who had lost his godhead, nor did he go out to save people, but there was a new human god who had lost his godhead and came to find him.

With a trace of embarrassment on his face, Luther walked over hesitantly and asked in a low voice: "Now that the overall situation has been decided, is it time to restore everything to how it was before?"

While talking, he glanced at Greer who was kneeling on the ground in a daze from the corner of his eye.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"I'm afraid it's hard to do what you want. If I get Darkseid's dark godhead, Darkseid will definitely be so happy that he can't even see his teeth."

Harry said directly with his mouth, and glanced at Greer from the corner of his eye, and said meaningfully: "He himself is bound by the godhead and divinity of the Dark Lord, and it is difficult to gain freedom. If his enemies can repeat his behavior, Make the same mistakes and he will be happy.

And I am his biggest enemy who wants revenge the most.

In addition to me, the Justice League is also considered his enemy.

If I stay rational and don't seek any benefit from the Dark Lord, Godhead will also find the Justice League.

Just dragging the Justice League into the water, destroying their ideas of justice, and causing me and the human civilization they protect to fall apart. Although he is not very happy, he will smile and nod gently.

But if the Justice League and I refuse to wade into this muddy water and resolutely resist the temptation of the dark godhead's power, most of Darkseid's plans to destroy the earth will be shattered.

You don't like Darkseid, and Darkseid doesn't like you, Lex Luthor.

If you were Darkseid, would you be happy to see a villain you use and despise steal everything from you, completely replace yourself, and still be complacent? "

Luther was stunned, and then shouted unwillingly: "So what if he doesn't want to? Everyone is dead, what else can be done?"

Harley sighed: "There are many types of smart people in the world, and some are good at memorizing. If an 8-year-old child can recite dozens of famous prose pieces, everyone will praise him for being smart.

Some children master several languages ​​in their teens, and adults praise them as geniuses.

There is a person who is knowledgeable and talented. He can solve any small problems in life or work by himself. Others praise him for being smart.

Some people are good at drawing inferences from one example and have made outstanding achievements in scientific and technological innovation, and no one is dissatisfied.

Some people take one step and see three steps. Even if they look dull on the outside, as long as they get a chance to perform, they can shock everyone.

It seems that no one has ever labeled Darkseid as "smart", but in fact, he is smart in all aspects, especially good at seeing three steps after one step, and he can see ten steps away.

You have always thought of yourself as the smartest person in the universe, but in at least one thing, you are far inferior to Darkseid. "

"Which point?" Luther's expression was unwilling and his voice was muffled.

"Erudition! You must understand how much advantage information gap can bring in competition. During the billions of years that Darkseid has been alive, although he has been killing and invading other people's worlds, he has never stopped learning and researching.

Billions of years have passed, and he has mastered many mysteries of the universe that even the Creator does not know.

His understanding of the multiverse is completely different from that of ordinary gods.

Take this collective ascension as an example. During the final crisis, he had already predicted this outcome - if he wins, naturally everything belongs to him, and if he loses, we won't have a good time.

But at that time, except him, who would have thought that victory would come at a huge price?

Of course, my arsenic is his honey.

You and those who choose to ascend may not feel that collective ascension is the price of restarting the Fifth World.

But standing at Darkseid's height, power, authority, etc. are already clouds at his feet.

He held his head high and looked only at the omnipotent universe.

In terms of his realm, the crown of the New God King is like a prison.

Those who can be recognized as enemies by him are also considered by him to be only one level lower than himself. Even if they can't be discovered now, sooner or later they will feel that the New Godhead is a prisoner.

Therefore, his plan to voluntarily die and promote the collective ascension of mankind can become a conspiracy against the people of Earth. "

Luther said excitedly: "You mean, I'm not even worthy of being Darkseid's enemy? For a low-level person like me, the crown of the King of the New Gods is not a prison, but a great blessing. .

He is not even willing to give this kind of "blessing" to people who are too low to deserve his hatred? "

"Darkseid is not targeting you. No matter who finally gathers his dark godhead, as long as that person is not me or a hero of the Zhenglian Alliance, the final outcome will be similar to now." Harley comforted him.

Luther was not comforted, and became even more excited, "I'm not even qualified to be targeted by him? The blind prophet clearly said that I am the destined Lord of Apokolips!

Countless major events and crises tell us that almost no one can disobey his destiny.

Even you cannot defy all destiny, such as the era of the God of War.

This is what you said yourself. "

Harley said quietly: "Have you ever considered a paradox? If the blind prophet is so powerful, he can even predict the birth of the Lord of Apokolips without missing a beat.

So it should be easier to predict one's own life and death crisis, right?

Did he predict that you would kill him?

If the blind prophet cannot even predict his own life or death, why do you say that the Lord of Apokolips must be your destiny? "

Luther was stunned, his expression became a little confused, and he murmured: "The blind prophet cannot make mistakes. He has predicted countless times before, without any mistakes.

His prediction for me was also absolutely correct.

I am the only destined person among the billions of people on Earth and countless people from Apokolips who has absorbed the Omega effect and is still alive.

But why couldn't he predict that I would kill him? "

He held his head and thought for a while but couldn't figure it out, "Maybe the blind prophet has lived enough and is not afraid of death. Maybe after I obtained the Omega Effect, he can no longer predict my behavior. I don't know the reason.

But I know that he is a true prophet, and his prediction for me has come true. I have the destiny of being the Lord of Apokolips!

It can't be wrong. "

Harry said strangely: "I don't know what the situation of the blind prophet is, but I can tell you a story. In ancient times, there was a martial artist named 'Overlord'. He found a prophet to help predict his imperial hegemony.

After the prophet used a crystal ball to observe the future, he gave him a comment, saying, "Golden scales are just like things in a pond. When a storm happens -"

"The Ancient Overlord, isn't it just a Chinese comic? I've read it."

She knew that Luther knew Chinese, and the prophet's comments were directly spoken in Chinese, but before she could finish speaking, Luther interrupted her.

"Uh, have you read the Tianchao comics?"

Since she became rich, Luther has liked to imitate her. Whatever her Paradise Mountain Technology Company studies, he has followed suit with the same type of Lex electronic products.

She moved the production factory to the Chinese mainland, and he followed suit and even spoke standard Mandarin in front of the Chinese media to please Chinese customers.

But she didn't expect Luther to read Chinese comics.

"It's not important why I read Tianchao comics. What's important is that you can't fool me with the plot of the comics!" Luther shouted.

"I don't need to fool you. What's the benefit of fooling you to me? It's just that your current situation is very similar to Xiongba, so I used him as an example.

In fact, you are even worse off than Xiongba. At least he knows all the prophecies. The blind prophet probably hid half of the prophecies and did not tell you.

You became the Lord of the Apocalypse Star just to comply with the saying "When you meet the prophet, you will turn into a dragon". I didn't have time to say the second half of the sentence "You will swim in shallow water in the stormy times", but it still came true.

As for why the blind prophet had no time to say anything, you know the reason better than anyone.

Of course, it’s possible that I’m overthinking it. The blind prophet can only see a limited future, but not the future. "

"I don't believe that my destiny will be so short-lived." Luther was very unwilling and shook his head repeatedly, "It's too short-lived. I have just become the new Dark Lord, and I have never spread my fame to the multiverse, and I have not even unified the Apokolips. , the large slave camps outside the royal city are still not liberated.

The blind prophet said that I would bring "hope" to everyone and help them live a good life. "

Harley shrugged, "It's useless for you to yell at me. Your prophecy has nothing to do with me, and I didn't take away your divine power."

Luther turned to Greer with sharp eyes, "Darkseid is still in Zanza state. As long as the state is released, all the power taken away from him can be returned."

Regarding the topic just now about whether Luther's loss of dark godhead was Darkseid's deliberate plan, Harley not only targeted Luther, but actually mainly wanted to warn Greer.

Not only did she not avoid Greer, but she spoke very loudly and in a meaningful tone. When Greer heard it, she had already recovered from the grief of losing her mother.

After hearing Luther's words and meeting his eyes, she slowly stood up and said, "If you want it, then take it."

Luther looked ecstatic.

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "Greier, don't force it, your mother gave you her own life to buy you a chance at a new life.

Neither I nor the Justice League will make things difficult for you. You can continue to stay in the Dark King's City with this complete Darkseid. "

"Harley, what are you talking about? It's fine if you don't help threaten her to hand over her power, but now she takes the initiative to hand over her power, and you're still trying to stop her?" Luther's eyes were so anxious that his eyes were red.

Although Superman was busy rescuing people, he kept turning on his super hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation. At this moment, he couldn't help but ask through Martian Manhunter's spiritual connection: "Just now, Diana asked you what to do with Greer, what are you doing?" If you say you don’t know, why should you just let her go now?”

He definitely doesn't want to kill Greer.

Not to mention that her mother had already exchanged her life for the evil godhead to be separated from her body. Even if she still retained the evil godhead, he did not want to solve the problem through killing.

But Greer has slaughtered many new human gods, and now he is not happy to let her leave freely.

"Preliminary statistics show that more than one million of the new human gods died in the War Square alone!" He said solemnly.

Harley said: "Diana asked me just now, I just said wait a moment, wait until I find out her current state, if she is still crazy and killing, I don't care about the deep love between mother and daughter, I will just slap her and send her to see her Her mother."

Dachao's mouth twitched.

"Since she behaved well, her murderous intention against me and you has completely dissipated, and her decision to give up her power came completely from her heart and was not forced at all, then why do we still want to kill her?"

"Between killing her and letting her go completely, there are countless possibilities. At least choose a method that can not only appease the resentment of the deceased, but also maintain justice and justice." Dachao said tactfully.

"You mean to arrest Greer and send him to the Galactic Court for a grand trial? Don't talk nonsense. Without an extremely humble heart, how can you accept the trial of a weak person as a strong person?

Obviously, Greer is proud and arrogant, which has nothing to do with humility.

A person like her can become a devil or a god in just one thought.

To make her suppress the evil and darkness of her nature, she can only rely on love and emotion. Punishment and judgment can only have the opposite effect.

When she becomes possessed again and kills everyone on sight, and after killing countless people, who do you plan to let to be the second Myrina?

Even if there is a second Myrina, will you still judge me when the time comes? "

"But..." Dachao couldn't refute her words, but he always felt that it was too cold to ignore the death and injury of millions of people.

He even felt that they were not qualified to decide whether Greer should stand trial.

Only the victim can decide whether to forgive her.

Harley reminded: "You have to understand one thing, this is Apokolips, not the Earth!

Even now, Luther and those humans who have lost their dark godhead are still the new dark gods.

They are no longer human.

The struggle between them and Greer is the internal struggle of the Dark New Gods and has nothing to do with earth civilization.

Apart from providing necessary humanitarian relief, you have no reason or position to interfere in the internal affairs of other 'civilizations'.

Think about it from another angle, if you are allowed to complete what you think is an absolutely fair trial now, but one day in the future, a powerful man rises up among these new dark gods, and he seeks revenge from Greer, will you punish him? ? "

Dachao was speechless.

"They have all lost their divine power and godhead, or are they the Dark Gods?" Martian Manhunter asked in surprise.

"Does it mean that those with superpowers who have been absorbed by the power of Zansha are no longer human beings on Earth?" Harley asked.

"Uh, this" Martian Manhunter didn't know what to say.

Since they are still the Dark Gods, according to everyone's agreement before ascension: only memories and old feelings will remain, and they will be strangers in the world from now on.

Now there is really no reason for the Justice League to interfere in the conflict between Greer and the Luthors.

They shouldn't even come to Apokolips, even if there are rivers of blood and corpses everywhere on Apokolips.

The spiritual transmission on their side happened very quickly, and outsiders didn't know it. Luther was still excited. Not only was he excited, but a group of new dark gods who had lost their godhood and power were also excited.

"Admiral Galaxy, help us, that is our divine power and godhead."

"Admiral Galaxy, don't favor this crazy Amazon woman!"

Others sang "Hymn to St. Harry". There was no sacredness or etherealness in the singing, only sadness and resentment.

One person started, and soon a chorus formed.

Harley was unmoved, not even the slightest ripple in her heart.

"I have decided." Greer said.

She looked at Darkseid and said with a complicated expression: "My mother gave me a second chance at the cost of her own life, and I am also willing to give my father Darkseid a second chance.

Now he only looks the same, but he is still essentially a baby, and babies represent endless possibilities.

I'm going to raise him like my mother did for me.

I know there is too much evil in his heart, just like there is evil in my heart but my mother has always taught me to suppress the evil, I swear, I will also teach him to be a good person.

Giving up those dark godheads makes it easier to teach him to be a good person. "

Even with Harry's strength, hearing this, the muscles in his cheeks were slightly twisted in shock.

"Are you sure this is your idea?"

Wasn't the hint she just hinted enough?

Everything happening now is the result of Darkseid's secret manipulation, including her taking away the Super Queen's son, including her resurrecting him in little Alexander Luther, and then taking him with him to take away Luther's divine power. and godhead.

"I'm sure." Greer said solemnly: "If you want to be a good person, you must at least learn to love others. Apart from my mother, only Darkseid has the deepest connection with me in this world.

I've been taught how to kill him for thousands of years.

For thousands of years, I thought about him every moment and wanted to kill him.

If I can still love someone, it can only be him, my father, the child I personally brought into this world. "

Not only did the expression on Harley's face not return to normal, but it became even more distorted.

——Is there something wrong in your mind? How big of a pit and what kind of weird shape would it have to be for such a weird brain circuit to be born?

"Now that you've made a decision, go ahead and do it." It took her some effort to calm down.

Although he thought she was weird, Harley didn't object.

She said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said. If Greer still chose this way, she could only respect her right to choose her own destiny.

"Wait a minute!" Before Greer could take action, Harry's heart moved and he stopped her again.

Greer looked confused.

All the joy on Luther's faces turned into anxiety and worry.

They were afraid that Harley would regret it.

Harley asked: "Why do you draw out other people's divine power every time you shout 'Zansha' instead of lifting Darkseid's Zansha state?"

This question took everyone by surprise.

Greer was stunned for a moment, then said: "It's just based on feeling, and the Super Queen used Little Alexander Luther in this way before."

"Don't you feel confused and ask about the reason for the super queen? Or maybe the super queen doesn't know?" Harley continued to ask.

"Harley, you don't care what the reason is, as long as it can be used, there is no need to delve too deeply into it. Even if it needs to be studied, it can be done after Greer releases Darkseid's Zanza state." Luther said urgently.

Harley was too lazy to pay him any attention, not even glancing at him from the corner of her eye.

"I didn't give the Super Queen a chance to speak," Greer said slowly as he recalled, "You must have known about my and my mother's assassination concealment skills. At that time, I was hiding in the gap between dimensions and saw the Super Queen looking up to the sky and laughing wildly. They clamored that 'Amazon's ancient dark prophecy has finally come true', 'I gave birth to the Dark King with the strongest man in the world'.

I listened for a while and didn't understand what she was talking about, but I was shocked when I saw her repeatedly chanting, absorbing a piece of the power of the new dark god every time she shouted. I was shocked and had other thoughts at the same time.

I'm going to take that baby away.

But I'm not a fool, and I won't reveal my identity and give her the opportunity to hold up the baby and shout 'Zansha' to me. I sneak attack her from behind and use omega rays to burn her into a skeleton.

The baby was held high on her head without any harm. "

"It's a prophecy again, or a dark prophecy from the Amazons." Harley was shocked and confused.

"Impossible, how could the Amazons of Universe 3 predict the birth of the Dark Lord?" Luther was excited.

If the prophecy of the Amazons in Universe 3 is true, it means that it is destiny for Darkseid to absorb his power and godhead.

Since it was destiny, he could not get his power back.

Harley thought deeply: "Although they made a prophecy, 'Dark King' should be just a general title, and does not specifically refer to the Dark Lord of Apokolips.

At least the Amazons and the Super Queen didn't originally know that.

The person who became the King of Darkness was not the son of the Super Queen, her son was just a carrier. "

Even if the Super Queen is a villain of the Crime Syndicate and has no maternal love for her son, what is the point of her going through all the trouble to give birth to a "Darkseid II"?

Could it be that she expected Darkseid to call her "mother"?

If Darkseid retains consciousness, he will definitely burn the Super Queen to ashes with an omega ray.

Super Queen would never do this kind of pure sacrifice with no gain.

She did it only because she interpreted the prophecy incorrectly.

"Whether the Amazons know who the 'Dark King' is or not, they are absolutely incapable of making such a great prophecy." Luther said.

"The Super Queen is alone, and when she is most proud, does she need to lie?"

Any prophet may have a glimpse into the future.

Telling the fragments of the future you see according to your own understanding is a prophecy.

The stronger the prophet's ability, the more complete the fragments he sees, the closer the prediction is to reality, and the more complete the details.

On the contrary, the prophet's ability is average. Even if he is lucky enough to see a fragment of the future that is relevant to him, the prediction may be completely different from what he expected because it is too incomplete and too vague.

Just like the Amazons in Universe 3, if they knew that the ending would be like this, they would definitely not try their best to make the prophecy come true.

Harry suspected that it was fate that they made such a vague prophecy.

Without this Amazonian dark prophecy, there would have been no "Zansa Little Luther" born.

"Greier, please do me a favor first." Harley opened her mouth and released the black Barry who had been hiding in the stomach dimension for many days, along with his wife Black Iris.

After the Darkseid War ended, Black Iris came looking for her husband as usual.

Harley couldn't solve Barry's problem for the time being, so he simply asked her to enter the stomach bag dimension to take care of him.

There's nothing to take care of.

After merging with the Black Runner, Barry has become the God of Death among the New Gods. He does not need to eat, drink or sleep.

If Harley hadn't used the field to suppress him, he would have escaped from her belly.

"First take away the death godhead from his body, and then remove the anti-life equation power from his body." Harley said to Greer.

If Barry was awake, she would simply leave him alone and let him choose his own future path like several Zhenglian New Gods.

But Barry was not only possessed by the Death Runner, but also controlled by the anti-surveillance king's anti-life equation, and even lost his self-awareness.

"Harley, don't you already have several countermeasures? She-" Black Iris took Harley's arm and looked at Greer worriedly.

Harley patted her shoulder and whispered: "Don't worry, I'll be watching from the side."

Greer had a strange expression on his face, "I didn't expect Witch Harley to ask for help."

"Then you are ignorant. I have to look for help all the time."

Before today, Harley didn't expect to encounter the current drama, so she had naturally prepared other methods to rescue Barry, but she had never tried those methods before, and they were definitely not as safe as the methods she had already tried.

"What if after I release Darkseid's state, the divine power and divine power absorbed by him return to the original path?" Greer asked.

"I believe your father will not let that happen." Harley said.

Luther wanted to retort.

"Darkseid can't control everything. He can't control me at all!" Greer's voice was sonorous and powerful.

"You can try it."

"Zansha!" Greer shouted at Darkseid.

Just like before, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and fell on Barry, pulling the Death Runner from him. But the Death Runner did not merge into Darkseid's body.

And it's still talking.

"Daughter of Darkseid, although I am not a real life, I still have my own consciousness. Only the speedster can be my carrier, not Darkseid!"

The black runner is an image of a skier who rides on skis and uses a short-handled sickle as a ski pole. His appearance is dark, like an illusory shadow, which is difficult for ordinary people to see with the naked eye.

"Go away, you are no longer needed here."

Greer's eyes flashed red, and the power of the Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation were activated at the same time.

She doesn't have to hold Darkseid high and shout "Zansha" all the time, because she already controls Darkseid with the Anti-Life Equation, and Darkseid is a part of her.

Her shouting was equivalent to his shouting.

"No, I can't leave. I am death. When death comes, it will definitely take away at least one life. This is the rule.

Daughter of Darkseid, my control is now in your hands, you choose who to kill. "Death Runner said.

Greer frowned, "There are many people in the square, you——"

"don't want!"

Dachao and Martian Manhunter have been monitoring the conversation here, and have been sharing what they hear and see with others through spiritual connections.

Hearing Greer speak, several heroes immediately shouted.

"You can let him go outside the city to kill demons or dark elites." Oliver shouted.

Harley smiled and nodded her chest, saying: "Don't go to so much trouble, let it take away my life.

Don’t worry, I will undo God’s descent to earth, let him touch me, and complete the ceremony completely. "

"I don't want to kill you now." Greer said.

"This is the reason why you are still alive. Now I will help you strengthen your determination not to provoke me."

Greer suddenly felt that her smile was so annoying.

"You have all heard it. Although I have never heard such a request in my life, she said the words and no one forced her." She shouted to the surroundings, no longer polite, and stretched out her hand towards Harley, "Black Runner, kill Harley Quinn.”

The order was given, and before anyone else could react, the black runner had already penetrated Harley's chest and ripped out her soul.

There are those with strong dynamic perspectives, such as Dachao and Greer, and you can also see Harley in her soul state, with a curious face, looking left and right.

Then suddenly, the black runner and her disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Harry? Can you hear me?" Black Iris shook her face worriedly.

Harley's eyes were open and her face was expressionless.

"It's over. Harley is really dead. She can't even breathe." Black Iris became anxious.

"She's not dead." Greer looked solemn.


"Look at the defensive gold film on your body." Greer said.

The environment of Apokolips is too harsh for ordinary people to bear. Even Luther, the former master of Apokolips, must rely on the Mother Box for body protection. If Black Iris stood directly on the land of Apokolips, he might not be able to hold on for even five minutes. live.

When Harley vomited her out of the stomach bag dimension, she put on a cover that fit tightly around her body.

"This doesn't mean anything. If no external force destroys it, my defensive shield can stay in place forever." Harley suddenly said.

"Harry, you are indeed not dead!" Black Iris said in surprise.

"No, I am dead. My soul has entered the realm of death. Now I am dead but not stiff. Only my instincts control my body." Harley said.

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