I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1743 The New SHAZAM Six Gods

“People’s hearts are like a tide, it’s hard to stop.”

Louise glanced back and forth on the faces of the God of Knowledge and the Lord of Apokolips, and sighed: "The God of Knowledge supports giving up the temptation to become a god in one step, and living peacefully as usual.

The God of Apokolips believes that God will be blamed for not taking what he wants. No matter what Darkseid thinks, the power and future of the New God are real.

Both sides have their supporters.

At present, people on earth are divided into three factions, 99% of the new human gods, and more than 2 billion ordinary people hope to ascend collectively.

Nearly 70% of these people hope to join the Genesis Star and become a member of the bright new god clan.

The remaining 30% are divided into at least two factions. One faction insists on promoting the American system of freedom, democracy, and equality in Apokolips. The other faction feels that they should recognize the objective reality that they have become "the incarnation of darkness and evil." The cruel Apokolips system must be improved and cannot be completely denied. "

"Nearly 500 million ordinary people support the God of Knowledge. They feel that now that the earth's civilization is gradually becoming interstellar, and God's holy light is blessing the earth, everyone's life is getting sweeter day by day. There is no need to go to the divine realm to gain an uncertain future."

"More people are waiting for you. Even if the God of Knowledge clearly explains the social system and living conditions of Apokolips and Creation Star, they are still undecided."

Harley frowned and said, "I made it very clear before I left that I would not interfere with anyone's choices or make suggestions to them, but I will not become a new god myself.

The problem is, my situation is far from universal.

A billionaire would not risk his life for a million dollars. I can beat most of the kings of gods and demons to death, so how can I risk my freedom for the sake of being a mere god king or demon king?

But I am the only billionaire with such confidence, and I don’t have any reference. If you follow me, you might as well make your own choice, at least you won’t regret it after encountering setbacks. "

"I know, I also told the audience that you are very frank and direct, and the people can understand it, but they still hope that you can analyze the pros and cons of joining the new Protoss from the perspective of ordinary people." Louise road.

Harley hesitated for a moment, and then gave her own analysis: "There is no doubt that for ordinary people who are not bound by faith, being able to become a new god will definitely have far more advantages than disadvantages."

Luther laughed loudly and said: "Listen, everyone, this is called heroes seeing the same thing! Becoming a god, at least you have the power to protect yourself, and you will no longer be bullied by people who are not as capable as you.

Infinite lifespan can also experience a more colorful life.

In just a few decades, human beings can see the end at a glance. Many people have become too old and feeble before they even have time to live for themselves, and they have no energy and thoughts to regret.

Even if the god regrets, before he regrets, he must have experienced a wonderful life that is unimaginable for ordinary people. "

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "This is just a profit-seeking choice stemming from life instinct, and it is not a heroic choice.

If you get the godhead, you can rationally question your heart, understand what you really want, and finally make the decision to give up the godhead, you will be a true hero and a great hero. "

The smile on Luther's face disappeared, and he pointed at Bruce on the Mobius chair and said, "Are you talking about him? Harley, you must have made a mistake this time. Bateman encourages others to give up their godhead, and he himself has absolutely no The plan to get off the Möbius Chair.”

Everyone looked at the God of Knowledge with different expressions.

Bateman, as the God of Knowledge, talked about the disadvantages of becoming a god and encouraged everyone not to ascend collectively, but he himself always sat on the Mobius Chair.

This is a hot topic discussed by the news and people in recent years, and it is also the reason why his supporters are far less than Luther.

Among the 500 million people on earth who support him, they are all ordinary people without supernatural powers. Most of them have made obvious "hateful" remarks on the Internet and in real life.

At this time, "rich" does not represent wealth, but divine power.

According to the new gods of mankind who support collective ascension, they are a group of psychologically twisted people who are jealous of what others have and are annoyed that they don't have it.

Therefore, even ordinary people and new gods of mankind who had doubts about collective ascension did not side with Bateman. Instead, they were waiting for the galactic admiral who had promised not to give any advice.

Harley did not comment or ask about the God of Knowledge, but continued to give her own analysis, "But for ordinary people, it is a fantasy and almost impossible to awaken divinity and gain divine power after becoming a new protoss. .”

"Why is it impossible? During the days when you left, Bateman still obtained the main god-level godhead. The more than a hundred dark godheads scattered by Darkseid have not yet found their owners." The commander's voice was a little anxious.

"Has anyone obtained the ordinary dark godhead again in recent days?" Harley asked.

The commander hesitated and said: "Maybe there is, but it was not discovered by the news media."

Harry sighed: "It is an exaggeration to have tens of millions of gods in one pantheon. Except for the New Gods, there is no pantheon of millions of gods. Powerful gods like Olympus and Asgard only have one hundred thousand." All the gods.”

Her Martial God system is based on the entire human race and has been developed for tens of thousands of years. There are only a few thousand true Martial Gods, and the number of demigods does not exceed 50,000.

This has been developed to its limit and its potential has almost been exhausted.

There is no room for new gods to be promoted in the thick-skinned martial arts.

“The laws of the multiverse are limited. As new gods with divine status, their number cannot exceed the number of basic laws of the universe. One carrot and one pit.

There are now tens of millions of new human gods, and the ordinary pit slots are almost full. "

Cameron Lincoln, the second master, asked: "Don't you mean that as long as you have divinity, you can receive the blessing of divine power and be promoted to a new god? Divinity is the crystallization of wisdom and skills, which can be accumulated through hard training."

He also glanced at Luthor, which was Luthor's propaganda slogan.

Equality of opportunity, absolute fairness, all sentient beings practicing cultivation, everyone is like a dragon.

"No matter who is born with divinity, as the Lord of Apokolips, I will guide the origin of Apokolips into his body and make him a new god." Luther said with certainty.

Harley nodded, "That's okay, but you can cultivate divinity, so why do you have to become a new god?

In the New Protoss, ordinary people awaken their divinity through practice, and the laws similar to those understood by human magic masters are accepted by the sea of ​​laws. The two are about the same difficulty, and they can all become gods. "

"Uh, this" Luther was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "But the new god has a worry-free lifespan, and has a greater chance of becoming a god."

"Honestly, the chance is not greater. I was a trainer on the Creation Star, and I also taught mortal warriors during the Martial God King Era. Mortal warriors have a greater chance of being promoted to Martial God.

Of course, I am not saying that ordinary people have more advantages in cultivation.

At the beginning of the Martial God King Era, when Martial Gods were still rare, the chance of becoming a god was higher.

Later, the Martial God system became more and more perfect, and it was often rare to see a new Martial God for thousands of years.

In addition to personal efforts, destiny is also very important. Seven points depends on hard work, and three points are destined.

In a mature system that begins to involute, class transitions become extremely difficult.

This law also applies to the spiritual world. "

Luther said excitedly: "Now is the start-up period. If we don't work hard now, it will be even harder to join the New God Clan when the New God System of mankind matures and becomes involution."

Dachao frowned and said: "We are not discussing the difficulty of becoming a god in different periods, but what is the probability that after choosing to ascend to become a new god at this time, you will be able to fulfill your wish and become a true new god, and what is the probability that your enthusiasm will be wasted."

"All miracles have a price, and now is the time when the price is the lowest." Luther said.

"The debate is over, what are you still arguing about?" Harley glanced around everyone's faces and said: "I personally suggest that those who are willing to ascend can ascend, and those who are not willing to ascend continue to live on the earth. What should I do? , you are free to do so.

I will provide protection for those who want to leave, ensuring that they are not prevented from doing so by force.

I will also protect the interests of those who stay on earth and continue to be mortals. The new gods who decide to leave cannot cause any damage to the earth or society.

When the 'collective ascension' event ends, Earth humans and the new human race of gods will become two different groups.

The divine realm and the earth are separated by a dimension, and it is difficult for the two to contact each other, but we can bless each other before we part, and wish each other a bright future.

If there is a big crisis on the multiverse level in the future, we can also cooperate. "

"Harley, don't say it so sadly. As the Lord of Apokolips, I can now announce on behalf of the new Protoss of Apokolips that Apokolips and Earth will establish normal diplomatic relations, send ambassadors to each other, and build embassies.

When the earth is in crisis again, I will descend from the sky at the critical moment to turn the tide and save the world. "Luther said enthusiastically.

"You can keep talking to the commander about this, I don't care about it." Harley said.

The commander-in-chief blushed slightly and said with a sneer: "Luthor invited me to be the mayor of 'Luthor City'. Luthor City was the former Darkside City of Darkseid. It is the most elite area of ​​Apokolips and is larger than the United States." , my name is Mayor, and I am essentially the same as the President of the New Gods, so I will join the New Gods.

But don’t worry, Harley, I will fulfill my responsibilities on Earth and will not leave Earth until my term ends next year. "

Harley glanced at the second boss.

Lincoln rubbed his hands and said with twinkling eyes: "King Luther City needs a mayor and a foreign minister."

Before Harry could look over, the Defense Minister took the initiative and said, "Originally I refused, but Luther said sincerely that the new human god in King Luther's City is also a human being. After all, I am serving humanity, so..."

Harley waved her hand, "Forget it, after you leave, a new leadership team will appear."

"When does the Great Migration begin?" Luther asked.

"We can start now and end the 'collective ascension' as soon as possible. The earth can escape the gravity of Apokolips as soon as possible, and the world can return to normal as soon as possible." Harley said.

The God of Knowledge said: "It's best to wait a few more days, for humans to digest the news of 'human race is divided into two points', and for the vast majority of those who are hesitant to complete their final thinking."

"Then the ascension will officially start in two days. Those who are ready will ascend first. The ascension will last for a week and they can think about it slowly." Harley said.

"Can we let some people ascend first, wait a few months to see how their lives are going, and then make a decision for the rest?" Louise asked.

She has decided to stay on Earth with Clark, and this sentence is asked for the "silent majority".

Harley frowned and said, "Didn't I make it clear before? It is the opportunity of ascension that chooses humans, not humans who create opportunities through hard work.

If you don't seize the opportunity now, the opportunity will completely disappear.

I'm not even a New God, let alone help you seize the opportunity. "

"Well, you said it, and I remember it, but you didn't say you don't need to make a decision so early. You can wait three to five months." Louise said.

The God of Knowledge said calmly: "You only have one chance. You can wait three to five months before making a choice. You cannot make a choice and wait three to five months before making a second choice."

Harry sighed: "Forget it, you don't have to wait two days. Let's ascend now. It starts right away. It must be finished within one day."

Everyone's expressions changed.

"Is it too urgent?"

"I misunderstood, the choice itself is also a test." Harley looked annoyed and said: "But before, I still regarded the humans who decided to become the new gods as ordinary people.

In fact, when they choose to become new gods, they are no longer ordinary people.

If they still have no opinion, are hesitant, and are still waiting for other people's suggestions, they are destined to achieve nothing in practice and will never realize the divine nature.

Now that I think about it, there shouldn't even be a debate conference.

Cultivation is an extremely personal and difficult path. Only those with a firm will and the ability to endure eternal loneliness can go on it.

If you are hesitant, don’t take this path. "

Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

"Luthor, you start first, take your people and leave the earth." Harley said.

Luther was stunned, "Leave using a sonic boom tunnel, or some other special ritual?"

"There is no need for a ceremony. Just think in your mind, 'I want to become a new god, and I have decided to give up my identity as an Earthling.'" Harley said.

"So simple?" Luther and the people around him looked suspicious. "Not to mention shouting in their hearts, there are also people who shout directly on the street these days, 'God, give me the dark godhead, I will become a new god.' No matter how many there are, they still remain on Earth.”

"It's different now." Harley said.

"What did you do?" Dachao asked.

"No need for me to do anything. After obtaining the dark godhead, the new human god should have immediately ascended to Apokolips. It was the will of the earth that blocked the connection between the new human god and Apokolips. The earth assumed that pulling force.

So Earth was pulled out of the main universe and almost became a satellite of Apokolips.

Now as long as the will of the earth is released, all new human gods who are unwilling to give up their godhead will be abandoned immediately. "

Harley sighed: "This time it is true that humans abandoned the earth in order to become new gods, but as far as the earth is concerned, it doesn't mind at all and there is no loss at all.

So what if all humanity leaves? We modern humans have never been the only life on earth. "

Odin, Zeus, Izanagi, Shiva, Atum and other god-kings from the mainstream pantheon of heaven were all once beings on earth.

In the age of the gods, they were the rulers of the earth. Later, they left the earth and went to Limbo to create the divine domain. This only ended an era and did not mean the disappearance of earth civilization.

If all humans give up on the earth today and choose to become new gods, they will just repeat the mistakes of the past.

When it comes to influence, it would be better if the gods left.

After all, all gods master at least one law. Each god is equivalent to a load-bearing wall or a pillar. Their existence makes the laws of the earth extremely powerful and profound in origin, comparable to the realm of gods on earth.

"The will of the earth refers to the goddess Gaia, have you informed her?" Louise asked.

Harley shook her head, "There is no need to inform. Everything that happens on the earth is known to the pan-consciousness of the earth."

"Buzz~~" After the words fell, the bodies of the new human gods around Luther emitted a faint divine glow and slowly left the ground. There was still a look of surprise on their faces. Their bodies had become illusory and disappeared quickly like phantoms. .

"Ah, is this ascension?"

The people in the Hall of Justice were still surprised, but the city outside was already in an uproar.

The new human gods on the earth, the mortals who were determined to go to the divine domain to become new gods, all floated off the ground and disappeared in mid-air in front of everyone.

"Why did they leave? Did they always think in their hearts, 'I want to be a new god'?" Luther, the Lord of Apokolips, remained where he was, motionless, with doubts on his face.

Harley said: "Gaia is an ancient god born on the earth, and it is not entirely the will of the earth.

The thoughts of all life are added together to form a pan-consciousness collection, which is the will of the earth.

Since it is a collection of human thoughts, the will of the earth naturally knows who has begun to reject the identity of earth people and yearns to ascend to the divine realm and become a new god.

What really needs to be called out are those who are hesitant and even the will of the earth cannot tell whether they really want to leave. "

Louise said immediately: "I want to return to Daily Planet immediately to report this urgent news to the people."

"You can take your time in one day, there's no need to rush." ​​Harley said.

"Harley, forget about the dark new gods, but the bright new gods that have ascended to the Genesis Star haven't found a settlement yet. Where will they go?" Dachao asked worriedly.

Harley shrugged, "Theoretically, you, Hal Jordan, and Bateman should go to the Genesis Star to be their leaders. I'm not a member of the New Protoss. I only have the friendship with them from the same race in the past, and there is no direct relationship with them. .”

The "Old and New Gods" on the Creation Star immediately noticed the changes on the earth.

"Heavenly Father, the surveillance system has discovered that a large number of humans have entered the Genesis Star."

The Prince of the Creation Star stepped on a star skateboard and rushed to the "Guangming Palace" in a hurry. On the balcony on the top floor of the tower, he saw his Heavenly Father looking into the distance.

The earth has become the satellite of Apokolips, and Apokolips and Creation Star are in Gemini motion again. Standing on the earth and looking up into the sky, you can see Apokolips.

Using an astronomical telescope, you can also see the Creation Star by changing the direction and looking across from the Apokolips Star.

With the strength of Heavenly Father, standing on the balcony can naturally see the earth in the distance.

"I saw the brilliance of the new gods shining on them, like rising stars, entering the scope of the creation star."

Heavenly Father put his hands behind his back, and a look of memory flashed in his eyes, "It's exactly the same as when we were there."

Orion hesitated and said: "People in the city are worried. They are worried that the Light Gods will be replaced by the people on earth."

Heavenly Father smiled, his voice was calm and his tone was affirmative, and he said: "The best outcome for the New God of Earth is to be assimilated by us, and it is absolutely impossible to replace us."

Orion wondered: "Why? Now they seem to have received the destiny. Darkseid's death was a conspiracy. He gave the New God's destiny to the people of Earth."

The look of reminiscence once again appeared on the Heavenly Father’s face with the thick beard of the Chinese character “Justice”, “Mortals elect a king, the king comes after him, and the people of his country come before him, and the power of the king comes from the people of his country.

Gods are exactly the opposite. Only when there is a god king can a god system be created, and then the god system can develop into a civilization.

It would be difficult for a pantheon without a king to survive.

The greatest competitiveness of a god clan is its god king.

The divine king is the foundation of the divine civilization. Only when the divine king is strong can the civilization be strong.

Who is the new god king of mankind now? They don't even have a god-king. "

Orion thought thoughtfully, "Harry came to see you before. At the banquet, she swore in public that she was loyal to God and would never become the King of the New Gods. She should be able to keep her word, right?"

"I believe Hallie." Heavenly Father looked firm, without any hesitation or doubt.

It's not because of Harley's credibility. Witch Harley has no credibility at all in the extraordinary circle.

What he believed in was Harley's strength.

There is no need for the strong to deceive the weak.

Heavenly Father doesn't want to admit it, but he really can't suppress the gods in heaven by himself like Harley.

If he were to challenge the entire heavenly realm of gods, he would definitely be beaten to death. Without the siege of the gods, he wouldn't even be sure of Zeus.

He and Zeus are both members of the Universe Essence Society and have been teammates for hundreds of millions of years. They both know each other's depth.

"Superman is the God of Power, Hal Jordan is the God of Light, and Bateman becomes the God of Knowledge. Although they have never publicly supported collective ascension, if the new gods of mankind encounter danger on the Genesis Star, with their His character is likely to help, and if he helps, he will naturally become the God King." Orion said.

Heavenly Father smiled confidently: "I actually hope they will join the Genesis Star family."

The entire earth, except for Harley, is a country chicken and a dog, and is not looked down upon by him.

Seeing that he was so confident, Orion completely let go of his worries, his expression became relaxed, and he asked: "On the Creation Star, there are not only our bright new gods, but also many gods and tribes.

The new human gods have just arrived and are not familiar with the new environment. They may offend those divine tribes. Should we help them? "

Heavenly Father shook his head and said, "Unless they ask to come to you, don't interfere with any of their actions."

Earth, Tower of Destiny.

Doctor Destiny looked up at Apokolips, which was gradually blurring in the sky, and said, "The earth is moving away from Apokolips."

Harley nodded slightly, "When all the new human gods who have gained godhood leave, the earth will eventually return to the main universe."

"You really don't care about them ascending and leaving? Those who can obtain the dark godhead must have extraordinary talents." Dr. Destiny said.

"It's going to rain and my mother is going to get married. Do I care if it's useful? Although collective ascension is a conspiracy created by Darkseid, it is actually a conspiracy. Conspiracies in the world are often difficult to crack." Harley sighed. road.

Doctor Destiny said: "Although it is a conspiracy, what he is planning is you, the Justice League.

He wants you to be carried into the divine realm, and eventually fall into the shackles of the new gods and be unable to extricate yourself.

If he fails to achieve this goal, his conspiracy will lose its meaning and even turn into a good deed that benefits mankind, and will definitely be laughed at by everyone.

With Darkseid's sophistication, he will not tolerate the consequences of various plans that ultimately make him laughable. "

Harley smiled and said: "If he can still be resurrected, I will definitely ridicule him a lot next time I see him."

"Even if you are not swayed by public opinion and do not choose to become the king of the new gods, if those new gods of mankind that have ascended encounter major disasters, suffer heavy casualties, or eventually become enemies of the earth, Darkseid can still be proud of it. , but you can't laugh at him." Doctor Fate said meaningfully.

"I'm not a hero, and I don't care whether those people live or die. When you make a choice, you have to be willing to take risks.

As long as I don't care, Darkseid can't be complacent.

He is a dignified Darkseid. If he is really complacent about the tragic fate of millions of human new gods, I will laugh at him as a coward. " Harley said.

"It seems that you have already made up your mind to face the worst outcome." Dr. Fate sighed.

Harley looked around and frowned: "Didn't you say that old Shazam is anxious to see me? I've been here for a while, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"He is no longer in the Tower of Destiny. I have sent him a message and he should be on his way back now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shadow floated in from the window, "Harry, you're here!"

"I've been waiting for you for almost half an hour." Harley said calmly.

"You only waited for me for half an hour, and I have been waiting for you for more than half a month." Old Shazam was very excited, with an obvious look of joy on his face.

"What's up?"

"Good thing, great thing!" Old Shazam was even more happy and grinned directly, with a sense of pride in his tone that he was about to give Harley a big favor.

"I'm very busy. The world is soaring outside, don't you see?" Harley said.

"Haha, I saw it. What I want to tell you is related to this matter. Did you know that Billy Bassant also got a god-king-level dark godhead?" Old Shazam said excitedly.

Harry really didn't know about this.

Not only did she not know, but the heroes of Zhenglian didn't seem to get the news either.

It's possible that Shazam Sr. has been hiding this message.

"What godhead? What does it have to do with me?" Harley asked.

"It is Darkseid's ruling godhead. Whoever gets it will be the true God King of Darkness!"

The God King is the core of a pantheon and has absolute authority over other gods in the pantheon.

This authority includes, but is not limited to, borrowing the divine power and the power of laws from the gods, and even directly plagiarizing the gods' understanding of the laws.

Just like the director of the institute stealing the research results of master's students.

Plagiarizing a student's paper as the first author is neither ethical nor legal.

It is natural and natural for the God King to steal the God's law and understanding.

The pantheon of the old gods was built up little by little by the God King, who could easily borrow the power and laws of the gods of the same pantheon.

For example, Harley's "True Martial God King State".

There is no need to greet the martial gods of the Kingdom of God at all. She can borrow their power anytime, anywhere and as she pleases, so that her body can reach the standards of ordinary god kings.

But the new god’s godhead comes from heaven.

To put it bluntly, Xinshen is a state-owned enterprise, and the boss of the company cannot take or request the company's property unless he gets permission from "above" and gets the "command arrow".

The permission and command arrows from "above" are the governing godhead.

With this godhead, the Dark Lord can control the divine power and law of the entire new god race just like the old god king.

If Darkseid is dissatisfied with someone, he can even use the commanding godhead to deprive the dark elite of their godhead and demote him to a "mortal god" - leaving only the divinity he has understood, without divine power and godhead.

"Those dark elites are really useless. They can't even bite the fat meat they put in their mouths." Harley cursed.

The Dominion Godhead, Power Godhead, Omega Effect, and Dark Lord Godhead are Darkseid's strongest Godheads. Harley had no selfish intentions and gave them all to the dark elite in the stomach dimension. Of course, she also Some tricks were done to allow those dark elites to avoid the godhead that was most suitable for them.

For example, Desaad is good at strategizing and is Darkseid's prime minister and general manager. He is most suitable to control the godhead, but Harley deliberately sent him to the power godhead.

The dark elite Mantis is extremely powerful, thick-skinned, and courageous, but Harley deliberately throws her dominating godhead to him.

"Even if you don't like the ruling godhead, you can't deny that it can bring you many benefits." The old wizard smiled.

Harley was surprised: "You plan to let Billy and Luther compete for the position of the 'Dark Lord', and then use Billy to steal the knowledge of the new dark god's laws?"

The old wizard nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Not only me, you can also get a share of the pie! The death of Darkseid caused the collapse of the multiverse. At that time, the sea of ​​laws was in chaos, and the connection between Billy and the six gods was directly severed.

There is an ‘H’ in your real name, so you can form ‘SHAZAM’ with five other gods and become Billy’s new divine power giver.

According to Shazam's Law, the 'SHAZAM Six Gods' can gain Billy's Law insights without any side effects.

Billy now possesses the governing godhead. Through him, we can indirectly gain insights into the laws of all the new dark gods. "

Harley asked: "Have you ever gone to see Zeus? Can't the six broken gods be reconnected?"

She had heard of Billy Bassant's performance in "Darkseid War".

After Darkseid died, the divine power in his body immediately fell into chaos, and he was almost forcibly taken away by the "Six Gods of SHAZAM".

Finally, he shouted "SHAZAM" several times in a row before he was released from the Shazam state and got rid of the "SHAZAM Six Gods".

"Maybe, maybe not, but the contract is indeed invalid. As long as He doesn't come to me, I will never take the initiative to find Him."

Seeing the confusion on Harley's face, Old Shazam's smile faded and he explained: "I have an agreement with Zeus. When he cannot maintain the supply of divine power to 'Thunder Shazam', I can suspend my debt to him.

Well, I lent ‘Thunder Shazam’ to Zeus to repay the debt.

I stole his divine power and understood the Law of Thunder, and then he discovered it. Alas, on the surface, Billy Bassant was the magic warrior I chose and he was my man, but in fact, I was just working for Zeus. "

Harley was a little moved, but also a little hesitant, and asked, "Where is Billy now?"

"Billy has been staying in the Eternal Castle these days. The Eternal Castle has isolated him from the call of Apokolips, but now that the ascension has begun, he must be crowned as the Dark Lord as soon as possible."

"Have you asked him what he thinks? Maybe like other heroes of the Zhenglian League, he doesn't want to go to Apokolips to become the new dark god." Harley said.

"He is a good and obedient boy. You don't have to worry about his objections at all." Old Shazam is very confident.

Billy was the best he had spent thousands of years selecting.

When Billy first became Shazam, he and Zeus also used special techniques to cut off some of his negative emotions (PS), so that he lost the ability to become the second "Black Adam who deceives his teachers and destroys his ancestors, rebellious and reckless" .

Old Shazam dares to say that even Superman is not as emotionally stable as Thunder Shazam.

Any hero in the main alliance can become evil, except Thunder Shazam.

The fantasy person is cut off, and there is no negative emotion that gives birth to an evil character.

"Harley, now the understanding of the laws of the entire Dark God Clan is in front of us! This kind of benefit is rare to encounter once in a lifetime." Seeing Harley's tangled expression, old Shazam shouted excitedly.

"Who are the six gods of SHAZAM?" Harley asked.

"You are H, A is Annabelle, S is Slvaa, the second A is Aite, M——"

"Wait a minute!" Harley interrupted him and frowned: "I've never heard of Annabelle, Shiva, or Aite. Who are they?"

"Annabelle is one of the most famous God-Kings. You haven't heard of it?" Old Shazam's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Is it famous? I've never heard of it." Harley thought carefully, "All the powerful god-kings in the heaven have fought against me. Could it be that Annabell, like the Fairy Queen Titania, doesn't live in the heaven? But to control a powerful magical plane alone?"

"No, He is in heaven. Harley, you are still too young and lack experience." Old Shazam shook his head and said.

Harley looked at Dr. Fate beside her, "Kent, do you know him?"

Dr. Destiny hesitated and said: "Is it Her Majesty Annabelle of the Thirty-nine Kingdoms?"

Old Shazam's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands, and shouted: "I have said that Annabelle is very famous and powerful. Even though she acts low-key, she is famous all over the world and is highly respected by magicians."

Harley was a little frightened. She really thought that she was ignorant, so she quickly activated the authority of the God King and searched for the breath of His Law in the Sea of ​​Laws based on her real name "Annabelle".

At the same time, she also entered a ray of consciousness into the mother river of time, searching for information about "Annabelle, the God King of the Thirty-nine Kingdoms".

She didn't encounter any obstacles. She easily found information about the Sanjiu Kingdom and Annabelle, and then found out that his laws were the same as those of old Shazam. He couldn't even reach the main god, and he barely broke through the level 100 true god.

"Annabelle is the god of life and reincarnation believed by the Siberian Kryak people? Nicknamed 'Little Grandma'?" Harry said with a wooden face.

No wonder she tried so hard to recall the scene of the battle with the God King of Heaven, but she still couldn't remember who Annabell was.

This kind of thing can't even get close to the battlefield. No, "Little Grandma" didn't even participate in the battle against her, because he was too unknown, and Harley didn't have the chance to go against him.

The gods who hate Harley are the gods whose fate was twisted by her in the big reboot.

Harley didn't know the names of many of the gods whose fates had been twisted, but she at least knew their pantheon and place of origin.

Harley knew Siberia, but she didn't know Kryak. She had no image of this region in her mind, and subconsciously ignored the gods here.

As long as they have no deep connection with the pantheon known to Harley, they will probably not be affected by the restart.

Such an unknown and weak god was actually selected by old Shazam as one of the "Six Gods of SHAZAM"?

"Annabelle's realm is indeed not high, but he is indeed the King of Gods. He is also in charge of the laws of life and reincarnation. He is already considered a top god." Old Shazan said.

Harley frowned, using herself as a reference, Annabell was a minion. But old Shazam himself is also a lowlife. To him, Annabelle, who masters the law of reincarnation, is indeed very powerful.

"Who are the other two? Simply put, don't use exaggerated modifiers. If they are not god-kings in the realm, don't emphasize their status as 'god-kings'."

The leader of a divine system is called a "god king", but he may not necessarily have the realm of a supreme god king.

"Siva is a shadow elemental being from the Shadow Realm. He possesses very powerful energy. Many gods, old and new, are no match for him."

Seeing the disapproval on Harley's face, Old Shazam wanted to brag a few more words, but after thinking about it carefully for a while, he couldn't think of Shiva's famous achievements, so he could only replace it with another one, saying: "Aite is a An athlete, well, a sports goddess, with an excellent physique and unparalleled endurance."

Harley's expression became increasingly ugly.

Old Shazam also knew that the sports goddess had nothing to brag about, so he could only hang his head and continue to introduce the last two gods, "SHAZAM, the six gods, already have SHAA, and the remaining M stands for——"

"This kind of rubbish needs no introduction." Harley lost her patience, "Just tell me the detailed plan."

Old Shazam's face turned red and he hummed, "M stands for me."

(ps: I don’t know if you have forgotten the plot of Billy being cut off from his emotions. Not long after he became Shazam, he changed from an honest and precocious child to the bastard in the "Shazam" movie. .

The Secret Eyes agent asked Harley if she wanted to help him deal with the aftermath. Harley denied it and neither hid his identity nor wiped his butt. In the end, Billy was arrested by the police for robbing a bank. His identity was exposed and he entered the police station. , this behavior forcibly interrupted the transformation of Billy by old Shazam and Zeus. )

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