I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1742 The New God of Knowledge

The Möbius Chair is a supreme artifact created by Möbius, one of the three creators. Its two most basic functions are to collect information that already exists in the universe and to travel through the mother river of time.

Anyone who sits on the Möbius Chair immediately becomes the most knowledgeable person in the universe.

Even if a mortal sits on the Möbius Chair, he can immediately understand the mystery of time. He can travel back and forth on the timeline and be more powerful and free than the "linear people" who are time beings.

Linear people cannot rewrite history at will, but the Möbius Chair can modify the past and adjust the future at will while maintaining the balance of all things.

If you can adjust the direction of the future, you can naturally predict the future from the timeline.

Facing an ordinary person, the owner of the Möbius Chair can see through his life almost instantly.

Facing a dynasty of ordinary people, or even the entire human civilization, the God of Knowledge can see through its entire process from rise to decline in an instant.

But this kind of prophecy has a major premise: it cannot involve gods, especially the most powerful ones.

Even gods can protect their own timelines and hide their own destiny.

If outsiders peeked in forcefully, they would be alarmed.

Perhaps the God of Knowledge is so powerful that ordinary gods are unable to fight back.

But in the face of a supreme blow, the Mobius Chair could not protect its owner.

When Night Owl teamed up with the Anti-Surveillance King to bombard the earth with fission cannons, they had "divined" themselves many times in advance.

He travels back and forth in his own timeline, looking for any possibility of failure.

But the appearance of Heavenly Father was completely beyond his expectation.

He was blinded.

When analyzing possible dangers in the river of time, he never noticed the crisis coming from the Father.

The fact is that Heavenly Father is the one who poses the greatest threat to him, because Metron is the New God of the Creation Star, and his status is equivalent to Heavenly Father’s prime minister.

And he completely inherited Metron's godhood, and without even realizing it, Night Owl became the new god of the Creation Star.

Since he is the new god of the Creation Star, he is naturally checked and balanced by the God King and Heavenly Father.

Being chased by Heavenly Father in the river of time is the biggest crisis Ye Xiao has ever encountered in his life.

It's even more dangerous than the last time the Crime Syndicate entered the main universe from Universe 3 and was immediately targeted by Harley.

Last time, he considered that opening the world passage would make too much noise, which might attract the attention of powerful people, so he took precautions in advance: it was only the mortal body that was killed, not the divine body of "Night Owl, the God of Knowledge."

"I almost died this time"

Even though he had cut off the Godhead of the New God of the Creation Star, finally got rid of the divine connection with the Heavenly Father, and was still in the corner of the river of time for several more days, Ye Xiao still had lingering fears.

"I'm afraid I have to give up my revenge. I'm really unwilling!"

Night Owl's hands on the armrests of the Mobius Chair gradually tightened, and the expression on his face continued to change, "But now the grudge between me and Witch Harley is no longer just Ah Fu's grudge.

When I failed repeatedly, Witch Harley didn't even appear in person. I felt unwilling, my thoughts were not smooth, and my heart was depressed.

And even if I stop now and avoid the main universe from now on, when the crisis is over and Witch Harley is free, will she hunt me down?

She is a friend of the monitor Wu Tan. The two of them are now working together to deal with the demon prison. Wu Tan can immediately detect the presence of a demon prison in any universe within Wantianyi.

The monitor satellite in the super-time stream can monitor the entire Ten Thousand Heavenly Sphere, and it is almost impossible for me to return to the material universe."

"Mobius Chair, tell me all the information about Witch Harley."

The Mobius Chair is a supreme artifact, but there is no artificial intelligence to communicate with its owner.

The person who sits on the chair has his or her own will as the "weapon spirit" of the artifact.

The chair is the godhead of the God of Knowledge, and the chair and the God of Knowledge become one and merge into one.

As long as Ye Xiao has a thought, the information he wants will immediately flow into his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, when he wanted to understand Harley thoroughly, all the information about Harley from her birth to the present that had not been deliberately hidden by her flowed into his mind and was read by him in an instant.

After becoming the God of Knowledge, not only did he have a "universal library" for all those who seek knowledge, but his own thinking ability has also reached the pinnacle of the multiverse. Even the most powerful super brain can't calculate as fast as him.

Well, it’s just thinking activity and making the brain smarter.

Knowledge is information. A smart brain only processes information faster, but wisdom consists of experience and judgment.

In other words, knowledge can only be considered a part of wisdom, and cannot be equated with wisdom.

"Witch Harley's transformation from ordinary to extraordinary started with that cross. The cross represents the power of God." Night Owl's expression changed several times, and he finally shook his head regretfully, "God is truly omniscient and omnipotent, and His power can only be His own. It is a gift that cannot be coveted by outsiders.”

"Hey, Dr. Manhattan's Witch Harley relies on God to come down to earth and steal almost all the power of 'Black Manhattan'.

Dr. Manhattan is the 'Creator' from the Great Almighty Universe, the Supreme Being of the Supreme Being. Perhaps he already has the ability to transcend, but is just trapped in this world, and the power of Manhattan becomes part of the origin of the multiverse. "

"Dr. Manhattan is so powerful that the multiverse has started a complete reboot for him from bottom to top. Witch Harley can get all the origins of 'Black Manhattan'. This is the fundamental reason why she is different and can eventually become the God King! "The eyes of the God of Knowledge shone brightly, and he vaguely saw the dawn of defeating the enemy.

Again, knowledge is not equal to wisdom.

Of course, "Batman", who has the smartest brain in DC, is not lacking in wisdom, but the information he received is incomplete.

The Möbius Chair is very powerful, but it can only obtain two kinds of information related to Harley: one is the true timeline that Harley cannot or has no interest in covering up.

For example, Harley dropped out of school when she was 13 and had a shootout with hundreds of GCPD officers on Bali Street in Gotham, killing and wounding dozens of GCPD officers.

This is something she can't hide even if she hides her timeline.

Another example is that Harley pretended to join the Knights, analyzed Black Manhattan's view of love, and as a "book person" snatched the origin of Manhattan from the "author" Black Manhattan.

In this matter, except for Harley, all the parties involved were either dead or did not know all the inside information.

But Harley doesn't mind others knowing about it, and even hopes that everyone will think that her supreme characteristics come from the origin of Manhattan. When she deliberately covered up the timeline, she completely omitted this part of the information in the mother river of time, creating the illusion that she was unable to hide the secret.

This isn't fake news, it's just incomplete.

She did receive a large amount of Manhattan power, which was enough to give birth to a nearly supreme powerful being, but she converted them into expertise levels.

If she doesn't increase the level of Manhattan's power, she won't be able to face Dr. Manhattan's pursuit afterward.

This is crucial information that not even Dr. Manhattan knows, and no one except Harley knows it.

After covering up this information, anyone who understands the power of Manhattan Power will feel that Harley is able to achieve what she is today largely because she stole a large amount of Manhattan Power back then.

"After Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Manhattan Power has become one of the origins of the multiverse.

It's no longer exclusive to Doctor Manhattan.

Even Captain Atom found and absorbed part of the power of Manhattan in the quantum space, so he could become an 'Emperor' who was famous in the blood domain and could fight against 52 monitors."

"Well, judging from the final result, the 'Emperor' is actually the chess piece of Monitor Marnou. It was the Monitor who found the quantum space where the power of Manhattan exists."

"Since Monitor Marnou can find the quantum space where the power of Manhattan is located, my Möbius Chair should also be able to find it." While Ye Xiao's heart was burning, he also felt a little hesitant.

Regardless of whether he can kill the Witch Harley after obtaining the power of Manhattan, at least his strength will be greatly improved.

Even ascending to such a high level that you no longer have to fear the Father. Facing the witch Harley, she also has the power to protect herself.

But the Power of Manhattan is not an ownerless power, it belongs to Dr. Manhattan!

If we find an energy dimension containing the power of Manhattan, will it alarm Dr. Manhattan?

Night Owl was entangled for a long time until the Darkseid War broke out.

After noticing the outbreak of the Darkseid War and Harley leaving the solar system with the two Supremes in her belly, Night Owl had an impulse in his heart: Should he add insult to injury and take advantage of the situation?

Although Witch Harley has left the earth, all members of Zhenglian are here. He just leaves the game. Can he win?

As he weighed the strength of the two sides, the majestic and righteous voice of the Heavenly Father spread throughout the material universe.

Ye Xiao had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​taking advantage of others' danger.

"If I hadn't hesitated before, I would have obtained the power of Manhattan long ago. It doesn't need to be too much, and it doesn't need to be too pure. Even if I just absorb the quantum energy contaminated with the power of Manhattan like the emperor, I don't have to be afraid of the Heavenly Father and the power of Manhattan at this time. Justice League."

The unwillingness and humiliation in his heart made him ready to take action again.

Finally, one day, Night Owl made up his mind to find the location of the Power of Manhattan first.

With the help of the Möbius Chair, his will quickly scans the various dimensions of the multiverse.

The whole process is a bit like a keyword search.

His keyword is "quantum energy - Manhattan power", and Manhattan power has quantum properties.

The search scope is the entire multiverse, all dimensional spaces and energy spaces.

Search engines are Möbius chairs that collect information from every dimension throughout the multiverse.

Half an hour later, Nite Owl's eyes shone with excitement, "I found it, I found where Dr. Manhattan is - no!"

Suddenly, his expression changed suddenly, and he shouted in horror: "Dr. Manhattan, you misunderstood, I am just the god of knowledge who explores the unknown, and I did not steal from you——"


A blue electric arc as long as a chopstick and as thin as a human hair appeared out of thin air, slowly flying towards the Night Owl. The Night Owl watched helplessly as it flew towards it, seemingly unable to react in time.

"BOOOM!" The God of Knowledge on the Mobius Chair exploded like fireworks.

After losing its owner, the Möbius Chair, which looks like a boss chair, flashed a few times and disappeared in the mother river of time.

the same day.

Main universe, Earth, Batcave, 2:30 in the morning.

Ah Fu placed a steaming bowl of wolfberry and white fungus soup on the main brain's console and reminded him in a low voice: "Master, it's time for you to rest. Tomorrow morning you will have to participate in the 'Debate Conference on whether to ascend collectively'."

"It's still early before the debate begins, and I have enough time."

Bateman didn't look back, still staring at the video wall with bright eyes and a serious expression.

Ah Fu sighed and raised his head to look at the screen.

The huge 300-inch screen is divided into eight small pieces. The upper left corner is a satellite image of Gotham. If a crime occurs, it will be displayed as a red dot on it and alert the Bat Family patrolling Gotham.

The ones on duty tonight are Damian and Jason.

The lower left corner is a security map of the entire earth, and the information is connected to the watchtower.

If a crime that can be defined as a "crisis" occurs, it will be immediately displayed on the screen and an alarm will sound.

There were six small screens left, on which were the death analysis and confession video of the criminal syndicate Natanza.

The three small screens below are the death report of Atomic Girl Rhonda, who also died tonight.

Like Natanza, Atomic Girl died cleanly, without any doubts, but full of coincidences.

Natanza's magic failed, and she suddenly suffered a backlash from her magic while the battle was in full swing. Although she died an aggrieved death, Zatanna, Evil God and other magic experts thought it was normal.

No mage can guarantee that every spell he casts will be 100% successful.

Especially in battle, when the spirit is highly tense, the magic power is consumed too much, the mind is unstable, and the control is reduced, it is easy to fail to cast a spell.

Atomic Girl Rhonda had already escaped to a different world, but was very unlucky and encountered an anti-supervisory invasion again.

Just like the period of Universe 3, the universe is surrounded by antimatter energy, and Atomic Girl cannot break out of the tide of antimatter energy through the quantum dimension.

Even though the anti-matter energy tidal wave is just the most common trick used by the Anti-Monitor King, and it never seems to bother Harley, there are not many people in the world who can physically pass through the anti-matter tidal wave.

Even supreme beings like God Kings and Demon Kings may not be able to find their way when trapped in antimatter energy, and are gradually infiltrated, dissolved, and completely digested by Creator-level energy.

Not being able to escape is unfortunate, but meeting Harley to save the universe is both unfortunate and lucky.

Harley went and she saved her life, but she herself was discovered by Harley and arrested on the spot.

Rhonda was already desperate at that time, and instead of hiding in the quantum space, she got drunk in a nightclub in the metropolis as an ordinary person.

She broke the jar and was extremely drunk. Several body pickers were already staring at her with leering eyes.

With a flash of green light, Harley came to her and caught her without much effort.

If Halle was alone, she would crush Rhonda to death on the spot.

But at that time, she formed a team with the Incarnation of Justice, and there was old Jay by her side, so she couldn't be ruthless.

Rhonda survived, but was trapped in the stomach bag dimension.

Once back on Earth, Harley handed Rhonda over to the Justice League.

Rhonda confessed honestly and admitted all her crimes, including inserting kryptonite fragments into Superman's eye-motor nerve, causing his thermonuclear rays to go out of control and burning Dr. Light to death - the famous journalist Louise even wrote this in the special issue This piece of news brings an end to the "Superman Murder Case".

After Atomic Girl Rhonda was imprisoned, she was immediately selected into the Suicide Squad by Amanda Waller.

After joining the Suicide Squad, Rhonda got her "Atomic Belt" and became Atom Girl again.

It's just that her belt has been specially modified, and the highest authority belongs to Waller.

Waller also installed a special nanobomb in her brain to ensure that Atom Girl would never have an accident.

Then Atomic Girl encountered an accident: when she was dismantling the demon-like aircraft production line on Apokolips last night, her belt suddenly failed and her body shrunk to the size of an ant. Her teammates accidentally trampled her to death.

At this time, on the screen, there was a scene of Rhonda being trampled to death: like a mosquito full of blood, being slapped on the big white wall.

There is also a death report alongside the image.

The two Atoms personally checked her atomic power belt and came to the same conclusion: the physical constants of Apokolips are different from those of the main universe, and a certain capacitive element was overloaded and burned out.

"Sir, what do you suspect? Their deaths are indeed a coincidence, and even more so on the same day, but the criminal syndicate has become a thing of the past. There is no benefit in killing them. Who will kill them?"

Ah Fu watched for a while, still not understanding what the master was suspecting.

Bateman picked up the wolfberry and white fungus soup on the side and took a sip, and said: "Their deaths are coincidental, but also normal, and there are no signs of murder.

But when I first heard the news of their deaths, I had a vague feeling in my heart that was difficult to explain.

How can I put it? Their death is not a coincidence, nor is their death the end.

I'll go see the super queen tomorrow morning. "

Ah Fu asked in surprise: "Do you suspect that the Super Queen is the next victim? Who can kill people by 'coincidence' so silently?"

Bateman sighed: “It’s hard for mortals to understand and finds it incredible, but in the extraordinary realm, this phenomenon is very common.

For example, curse.

For example, destiny manipulation.

I went to the Super Queen not only to remind her to pay attention to safety and be more prepared, but also to ask her for information about Night Owl. "

"Do you suspect that Night Owl is killing people and silencing them?"

A cold sweat broke out on Ah Fu's spine. He looked around and felt that there was a pair of sneaky eyes hidden in the dark bat cave, looking at them with malice.

"Is there any way to restrain the Möbius Chair? Otherwise, you can stay at Quinn Manor these days."

"Harry isn't at home, so what's the point of going to Quinn Manor?" Bateman said.

Ah Fu swallowed and said, "We have to inform Miss Harley quickly that Night Owl is targeting us."

Now he finally understood why his master cared so much about the unexpected deaths of two Crime Syndicate villains.

Their deaths may not be regrettable, but their coincidental deaths represent the horror that is about to befall them.

"It's just a guess. The possibility is still very low. Don't be too nervous." Bateman said.

"No matter how low the chance is, I will regret it if it happens." Ah Fu said in a somewhat excited tone.

Bateman shook his head and said: "I will discuss this matter with the heroes of Zhenglian tomorrow. Forget it about Harley. She is currently repairing the damaged parallel universe. No one knows where she is."

"I don't believe that Ms. Halle is so attentive and cautious that she would not leave her contact information before leaving." Ah Fu said.

Harley did leave her contact information, and it was very simple: stand on the roof of the Hall of Justice and shout "Wu-Tam", or write "SOS" in the courtyard of Quinn Manor. The monitor satellite will pay attention to the information on Earth 0 and receive it. Wu Tan, who heard the news, could naturally remind Hallie immediately.

But Bateman feels that the time has not yet come.

Although he suspected Ye Xiao, he felt that the possibility was very small.

Nite Owl is really capable of killing people, and he really intends to kill people, so he directly attacks the people around Harley. What's the point of killing Natanza and Rhonda other than to scare people away?

"I know what's going on. You should go back to your room and sleep first," Bateman said.

"Then do you still want to attend the debate tomorrow? You have to meet the Super Queen and discuss the accidental death of the Crime Syndicate with the heroes of the Alliance. You must be very busy."

At this point, Ah Fu couldn't help but sigh, "It's said in the news and on the Internet that the reason why you don't support collective ascension is because you didn't get the dark godhead.

In human society, you are one of the richest people and the 'Prince of Gotham'.

If you ascend collectively, you will definitely be at the bottom under the new social system, so you use high-sounding reasons to oppose the ascension.

Of course I know that you have no selfish motives, sir, but you do have no godhead.

Saying that the New God of Darkness is not good even though he has no godhead, no matter how good the reasons are, will always make those who support ascension ridicule them as saying, "If you can't eat the grapes, you will say sour grapes."

In my opinion, you might as well withdraw from the debate and use the free time to take a good rest. "

“When I decided to stand up against collective ascension as Bruce Wayne, I already had the awareness to face the current situation.

Tomorrow at six o'clock, I will go to the Hall of Justice for a meeting. I will meet the Super Queen at seven thirty. The debate will start at nine thirty. I will be back on time. "Baitman said calmly.

Ah Fu had no choice but to leave the Batcave with the empty bowl.

His arrival and departure did not affect Bateman.

Bruce was still staring at the screen intently, quickly reading through documents and reports one after another.

Until 5:30 in the morning, he lay on a high-backed chair, closed his eyes, and fell into the deepest sleep.

A quarter of an hour later, at 5:45, without an alarm clock to wake him up, he opened his eyes naturally. The bloodshot eyes and fatigue were gone, and he was full of energy again.

After rubbing his hands on his face for half a minute, he regained consciousness completely, stood up from the chair, and was about to start the Batfighter and set off to Metropolis immediately.

"Eh!" Just as he walked towards the underground apron, he vaguely felt that the furnishings in the Batcave were a bit uncoordinated.

Looking around, he immediately found an incongruous place: on the left corner near the stone wall, there were many

Got a high-backed chair.

The chair's back is facing him, but it can still be seen that its style is very strange, like the driver's seat of a spaceship. It is very wide, with simple lines and a sense of technology.

It seems to be magnetically levitated, there are no chair legs under the seat cushion, it is suspended in mid-air.

"It smells like blood." After taking a few steps toward the high-backed chair, Bateman's pupils contracted and he became tense.

When I walked to the chair, I saw scarlet blood stains everywhere on the back, armrests, and seat cushions of the chair.

"What kind of chair is this and why is it here? Did 'Robin' move it in?"

Bateman reached out and wiped a drop of blood on the armrest. It was very fresh, as if the person had just died, and there was even a touch of warmth.

He quickly opened his universal belt, took out a stapler-sized DNA detector, and put the blood into it.

"Ding, genetic analysis shows that the probability of this person being Bruce Wayne is as high as 99.999%!" The mastermind in the watch received the information from the detector and made a mechanical sound that stunned Batman.

"My blood? My last night"

He lowered his head and looked at his whole body. There were no wounds on his body, nor did he feel like he had lost a lot of blood.

He didn't sleepwalk.

"It's not me. Why are there such high genetic similarities to mine——"

Bateman's eyes fell from the blood to the strange chair, and a flash of lightning flashed through his mind. A thought suddenly jumped out, "Night Owl, is this Nite Owl's Mobius Chair?!"

He had seen Metron, and naturally he had seen the chair under Metron's butt more than once, but now it looked different from what he had seen before.

But he had a feeling that this was the truth.

Bateman's expression changed several times, and finally he took a few steps back and asked the chair: "You are an artifact, so you should be able to understand me. Are you the Mobius Chair? What's wrong with Night Owl?"

The chair didn't speak, but moved closer to him silently.

"You want me to sit on it?" Looking at the chair that had come to his side, Bateman had some realization in his mind.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he took out a tissue and wiped the blood stains on the edge of the seat cushion, then farted half of it on it.


The next moment, the chair lit up with white light, and Bateman's whole body also glowed. The God of Knowledge automatically merged into his soul, and the blood stains on the chair were wiped away.

Bateman's bat uniform was also replaced by the same "God of Knowledge Suit" as Metron: a dark blue tights covering the upper body, lower body and head, with only the face exposed and multiple white ones on the chest. Pattern made of circles.

"Since Marnov can find the quantum space where Manhattan's power is located, the Möbius Chair should also be able to do it. No, Doctor Manhattan, you misunderstood, I am just exploring the unknown God of Knowledge, and I don't want to steal your power. — BOOOM!”

Pictures and sounds quickly flashed through the mind of the New God of Knowledge. He saw Ye Xiao's unwillingness and hatred, saw him hesitating, saw him making up his mind, and saw him searching within the scope of the multiverse. The energy dimension of the Manhattan Force saw him explode into a bloody flower.

"Omag, father, is it you? What's wrong with you?"

An exclamation woke Bruce up from the huge flow of information.

"Damian" Bruce opened his shining silver eyes and was about to say, "I'm fine. Why did you come to me? There's nothing wrong with Gotham."

The next moment, a waterfall of information appeared in his head again: Gotham's previous state, current situation, possible crimes that may occur next, the entire process of Damian's patrol in Gotham last night, and the reason why he came to him. , what are you going to do next? There is so much information that your head will explode.

But Bruce's head didn't even heat up.

He sorted through all the information easily.

"Don't play games. You stayed up all night last night and went to catch up on your sleep after breakfast."

"What?" Damian looked confused.

"Are you planning to go back to your room and play "Legend of the King of Martial Gods"? Do you plan to push the newly opened map to 100%, open all the treasure chests, and get all the redemption points? There will be a new character 'Dead-Eye Yi' in the next version. Are you going to draw full health? Your character has full health, your weapon is full of essence, and you are already a kryptonian, why do you still need liver?"

Damian's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he stammered: "You, how do you know?"

"I am the God of Knowledge, I know everything." Bruce said calmly.

Damian looked at his "high-tech gaming chair" again and asked, "Is this the Mobius chair? It's different from the pictures I saw on the information."

"It is an artifact that can change freely with its owner. A 4-meter-tall anti-monitor can sit on it, and a one-meter-tall dwarf will fit perfectly when sitting on it." Bruce said as the chair changed shape and size.

Even the gaming chairs in shopping malls can be adjusted in style and height, so it’s not surprising that a dignified artifact has this function.

However, Damian still looked at the person on the chair suspiciously, "You can't be Ye Xiao! Ye Xiao is my father's peer and looks exactly like my father."

The more he talked, the more he felt that he had guessed the truth. He immediately took a few steps back and assumed a defensive posture, with a katana in his right hand and a ninja throwing star in his left hand.

"Night Owl is dead. The Godhead of the God of Knowledge chose me, and the Godhead is this chair." Bruce said.

Damian held the long knife in his hand and said in confusion: "Why did he die? Although you feel like my father to me, your aura has changed a lot. It's a bit strange to me, a bit..."

Seeing Bruce, the God of Knowledge, he felt a little scared.

"If I were Night Owl, would I still care if you play games with your liver and damage your health?"

"Well, that's true." Damian was stunned, then put away his weapon angrily, "I still don't understand, why did Ye Xiao suddenly die and you suddenly became the God of Knowledge? When I left last night, you were still the God of Knowledge. normal."

"You came to the Batcave to urge me to go to the Hall of Justice for a meeting. You just received a message from Dinah, right?" Although it was a question, Bruce sounded very sure.

Damian was surprised: "You guessed it right again, the chair told you? Didn't you make an appointment with them for a meeting at six o'clock? It's almost six-thirty now."

"I'm going now, and you can come with me."

"Buzz!" With a flash of white light, the two of them arrived hundreds of kilometers away and appeared directly in the conference room of the Hall of Justice.

"Don't be surprised, I will explain it to you carefully. I brought Damian here because he is full of questions and can't even play the game anymore. He is anxious to understand the situation."

Before the heroes could speak, Bruce finished his sentence.

Half a month after Bruce became the God of Knowledge, Harley finally returned to the main universe.

She didn't come back on her own initiative. The heroes of Zhenglian finally couldn't help it. They stood on the roof and shouted "Wu Tan" and summoned her back.

At this moment, the Hall of Justice was crowded with people, including heroes from the Zhenglian Alliance, military and political bosses headed by the Grand Commander, Galaxy and Alien Names, representatives of the Dark New God, and representatives of the Human Faction.

There was a flash of blue light, and Harley's figure appeared at the gate of Zhenglian.

Looking at the crowded crowd and the eyes staring straight at them, she was so surprised that she was stunned for a while.

"What are you doing? Doctor Fate, are you here too?"

Kent smiled bitterly and said: "I heard that you were coming back, so the person I wanted to find you was not me, but the wizard Shazam, and I came to help him pass the message."

What he came over this time was not his true body.

His body is still a deformed mushroom head, and what appears in front of everyone now is just a disguised projection.

"What is he looking for me for?" Harley asked curiously.

Dr. Destiny raised his chin towards everyone, "You settle their matters first, and we can talk slowly later."

"Harley, you are not the real body either." Bruce said, sitting in the Mobius chair.

Harley looked him up and down and asked in surprise: "Where's the Night Owl?"

She would not be like Damian, who thought she had recognized the wrong person, nor would she recognize the wrong Moebius chair, even though its style had changed.

Luther has always claimed that he is the smartest man in the universe, but in the setting of "Detective Comics" on the original Earth, Bateman's IQ was as good as his for a while.

When it comes to wisdom, Luther is obviously not as good as Bateman.

Bateman's overall rating is higher, so it's not surprising that the God of Knowledge chose him.

Harley was just curious as to where the previous owner of the chair had gone.

"Dead, he coveted Dr. Manhattan's power, and was shattered by quantum energy. The existence field attack is the existence field attack you often use, but Dr. Manhattan is much stronger than you. There is only a ray of energy that is so weak that it is difficult to detect. He defeated the God of Knowledge."

After hearing Bateman explain the detailed process of Nite Owl's death, Harley couldn't help sighing, "With Nite Owl's wisdom and the Möbius Chair, he ended up in such a ridiculous way. Alas, what an unpredictable fate." , things are unpredictable."

"Not only is Night Owl dead, but the few remaining criminal syndicates also died violent deaths." Bruce said.

Harley was shocked again, "The Super Queen is also dead?"

She turned to the crowd opposite the main heroes. Luther, the Lord of Apokolips, was in an obvious C position, surrounded by more than twenty powerful new dark gods.

"It's not me! I will never hide my murderous intention towards that woman, and I am indeed looking for opportunities, but this time it is really not my fault.

That's fine, I don't have to be hated by the heroes of justice. "Luthor crossed his arms, with regret and gloating on his face.

"Who killed the Super Queen?" Harley looked at the God of Knowledge.

Bruce looked around and said, "There are too many people here, so it's not convenient to talk. We'll talk in detail later.

We call you back, partly because of the strange demise of the Criminal Syndicate, and partly because the ‘Conference on whether to collectively ascend’ has ended.

It's time for a result. "

"Is it over so soon? In fact, you don't have to rush. It's not too slow to discuss major issues related to the future destiny of mankind for three to five months." Harley said.

Louise stood up, looked at Bruce with a complicated expression and said, "According to the original situation, it may be difficult to get a clear result in three to five months.

But with the birth of the God of Knowledge, the God of Knowledge personally joined the debate, and the progress of the discussion immediately accelerated more than ten times.

The God of Knowledge is nearly omniscient. He knows everything about the living conditions and social systems of the New Gods of Apokolips and Creation Star. His explanations are deeper and more detailed than yours.

He can also predict the futures of the new gods of darkness and the new gods of light after humans ascend.

It was directly displayed in front of everyone in the form of a fantasy projection. It was so direct and vivid that even Luther couldn't fault it.

In order to enhance his persuasiveness, he also predicted the future of many doubters. He was better than the strongest prophets. "

Luther glanced at Bruce with fear and said, "I am the Lord of Apokolips, and the God of Knowledge has no ability to predict my future.

In fact, he doesn't predict, he just analyzes the greatest possibility of the future by observing the timeline.

The stronger the strength, the greater the uncertainty of this analysis.

Prophecy is almost entirely useless when faced with gods. "

"Now that the debate is over, what's the outcome? Ascension, or giving up ascension?" Harley asked.

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