I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1741 Destiny is over

The inference of Darkseid's conspiracy comes from the analysis of his character and existing information.

Even Harley and Watcher Wu Tan are not 100% sure that their speculations are correct, let alone guess his subsequent plans.

After analyzing this, the two of them had nothing to say.

After answering more than a dozen questions from Louise, Harley took Wu Tan and left the main universe.

She didn't want to continue to be watched by Wu Tan like a thief, so she should take out the anti-supervisory power in her belly and use it up as soon as possible, and end the matter as soon as possible.

Now her Power of Creation defense expertise has been upgraded to 95% of level 8, and is still just shy of reaching level 9.

The power of creation can only come from the monitor, so she has to continue to take advantage of the opportunity to repair the parallel universe and use the positive matter energy that Tan Mo converted from Wu Tan.

She provided Wu Tan with the snatched anti-monitoring source, and Wu Tan converted the anti-monitoring source into a positive material source, and then gave the positive material source to Harley, who took a certain percentage from it to improve her expertise, and used the rest to Fix parallel universes.

"Most of the life on earth in the universe has been killed. Even if you rebuild the universe, you won't be able to show yourself to others." Wu Tan said.

He was reluctant to let Harley repair the universe, not that he felt that Harley violated the authority of his creator.

Her efficiency is limited and she cannot convert 100% of energy.

Initially given 100 pieces of power to her, she could only produce the effect of 99 pieces of power. The whereabouts of the lost energy are still unknown, and she doesn’t know when it will be recovered. Under normal circumstances, energy will only transfer, not disappear, as long as it remains The magic power of the mark will reach the owner sooner or later.

"Although the earthly creatures in those universes are dying, when I restart the universe, I will continue the timeline and resurrect all of them. They will still know my merits and praise the name of 'Harley, God of War in Heaven'." Harley said .

The universe harmed by the Anti-Monitor King can be divided into four levels according to the degree of injury: Level 1, mild trauma. Not long after the Anti-Monitor King entered the universe, he was beaten to death by Harley or the Incarnation of Justice, and it was too late to shake the foundation of the universe. This kind of universe only needs to kill the clone of the anti-monitoring king, and does not even need to subsidize the origin of creation.

Level 2, moderate trauma, the foundation of the universe is unstable and needs to be repaired with the power of creation.

Level 3, severe trauma. Because the earth is the energy and material center of the universe, every time the anti-surveillance king invades the parallel universe, he will regard the earth as his only target.

In some worlds, the universe still exists, but the earth has been destroyed.

Without the Earth, the universe is slowly destroying itself.

This type of universe needs a soft restart, that is, putting new wine in old bottles. You only need to restart the timeline without replacing the entire universe.

Like editing videos, finding the point before the destruction of the earth on the timeline of the entire universe, cutting out the "bad videos" later, and Harley re-editing a new story.

For example, Harley, the God of War, descends into the universe, defeats the rebels, and saves the world.

Or, cut out the existence of anti-monitoring and let the world forget this anti-matter crisis.

If it were Wu Tan, he would choose this method of "getting rid of his clothes and hiding his merits and fame deeply".

After the new timeline is edited, it is put into the "old universe" to complete a time restart.

At level 4, the entire universe has been swallowed up by the anti-monitoring king, and only one phantom is left, which is forcibly maintained at the original vibration frequency by the monitor Wu Tan to ensure that universes at the next frequency will not collide with each other.

This type of universe has the largest number.

Despite Harley's extremely high efficiency, she saves a parallel universe in an average of three minutes at her peak, but her anti-monitoring ability can take on thousands of forms, devouring hundreds or thousands of universes every three minutes on average. Even if she is blocked once or twice, her efficiency will be reduced. not much.

Those universes that were completely swallowed by him did not leave even a meteorite, and could only undergo a "big reset": calling the sixth dimension, asking the caster to use a sledgehammer to knock a "cosmic egg" on the chopping board, and release it Go to Wan Tian Yi, then write a new timeline to integrate into the egg of the universe, use the power of creation to catalyze the egg of the universe, and let it complete the evolution of tens of billions of years in an instant.

You can also use the original timeline.

Although the river of time disappears, the information in the river of time will always be preserved in the "hyper-time flow". The disappearing river of time will leave a dotted line of information in its original location.

Copy the content on the information dotted line and integrate it into the egg of the universe as a new timeline, which is almost equivalent to the rebirth of the dead universe.

In fact, the vast majority of universes follow their original timelines in the "Great Reset."

For example, in Universe 3, even if it is restarted several times, the main plot of the story remains unchanged: Lois is the wife of Alexander Luther, and the two will give birth to a son, Alexander Luther Jr.

Among the four types of damaged universes, there is no need to adjust the timeline, which means that all life in the universe is not dead. After the arrival of "Savior War Goddess Harley", she will naturally shine in front of others as the savior.

In a universe that needs to adjust its timeline, she writes the timeline herself, becomes a screenwriter, a director, and an actor. She adds crazy extra drama to herself, which makes it easier for her to shine brightly in the new timeline and be more awesome than Jesus.

"However, every time you repair the universe, you will cause a lot of waste. So far, the power of creation you have wasted is enough to create 100 universes." Wu Tan sounded a little excited.

The power of creation that Harley stole was enough to upgrade the feat by 95% from level six to level eight. It was an energy so huge that it could even make Lucifer Morningstar shiver.

The total energy of solar energy, magnetic energy, life, faith, etc. in a universe is almost infinite, enough to raise thousands of expertise from zero to nine.

The reason why Wu Tan said that the energy absorbed by Harley can create 100 universes is because creating parallel universes is a crazy leveraging process. One creation power can leverage millions of powers.

It doesn't take much energy for the forger to strike the hammer to forge the cosmic egg.

The monitor catalyzes the cosmic egg into a mature universe, which does not require much energy.

But a mature universe contains infinite energy.

What Wu Tan said was "enough to create 100 universes" is just the loss of repairing the timeline and restarting the universe.

"If the world didn't have me, how many thousands of universes would have been completely destroyed by this crisis? Maybe the entire multiverse would have to be restarted. My contribution is so great."

Harley opened her arms and made a gesture of embracing the world.

"The energy lost in the process of saving the world is so small." She raised her right hand in front of Wu Tan, with her index finger and thumb almost touching, leaving only a small gap.

"What else do you have to complain about? Besides, as my technology becomes more and more mature, the energy consumption is getting lower and lower. It used to be 1%, but now it's almost 0.05%. It will only be lower in the future, and eventually it will disappear completely. Energy consumption.”

Harley denies that energy consumption is due to her own imperfect creation power.

As a novice God-King, her proficiency in the business of creation is far inferior to that of the Creator, so there is energy loss.

As she continues to repair parallel universes, her creation skills gradually improve, and her energy consumption will naturally decrease.

She drew a curve chart in her mind of "number of universes repaired - energy consumption ratio", and based entirely on the curve chart, she determined the power of creation stolen each time.

"Moreover, the energy has only been transferred to unknown areas and has not disappeared. Why are you excited?"

When Harley said this, her eyes were bright, her voice was loud, and she was confident and without any guilt.

She wasn't lying. The energy would only be transferred. It was just transferred into her body and became the foundation for her defensive expertise. It was not lost out of thin air.

"I have never stopped looking for them these days. I have searched everywhere for Wan Tianyi, but I can't find the lost energy." Wu Tan said helplessly.

More than once he suspected that Harley had stolen the energy.

As a creator, even if Harley hides the power of creation in her blood, she can't escape his eyes.

He was 100% sure that there was no creative power in her body.

Harley said: "The energy lost must become part of the Wan Tian Yi.

You will naturally be able to get them back when the next multiverse reboot occurs.

We are not short of that energy now. I have drained the counter-supervisor. In addition to the energy snatched from Wan Tianyi, there is also his own origin. I am afraid there will be some leftover in the end! "

Assume that Anti-Monitor himself has 10 points of energy and robbed 100 points from Wantianyi. Harley stole 8 points in the process of repairing the universe, and finally had 102 points of energy left, which is 2 points more than the 100 points stolen.

Of course, there will never be too much energy. After Anti-Monitor drains all the energy, it means that the anti-matter universe loses 10 points of energy.

In just two days, Harley's Power of Creation defense expertise reached level nine, and she no longer had to steal the Power of Creation, but she still did not return to the main universe.

Repeated practice is always the best way to improve your skills.

Repairing the parallel universe and restarting the single universe is the best way to practice the power of creation.

In peacetime, it would be difficult to encounter a chance to repair the parallel universe in hundreds of millions of years.

There are now thousands of universes waiting to be repaired or even rebooted. The opportunity is so rare that Harley doesn't want to miss it.

"Hey, Harley, you didn't lose any energy in repairing the universe this time!"

Wu Tan noticed the abnormality immediately and acted extremely excited.

He had no doubts.

Harley gradually reduced the energy consumption according to the "number of repaired universes - energy consumption ratio" curve. At this time, it dropped to 0, which was completely within expectations.

"I told you before, I am a genius and I will soon be able to master the skills to repair the universe." Harley was in high spirits and very happy.

Her expertise has been upgraded, and her understanding of the basic laws of the universe has also improved.

The power of creation has at least doubled compared to before.

Now that Wan Tianyi has not been completely repaired, she still has a chance to grow.

Wu Tan thought for a while and said: "Since you have achieved zero loss in repairing the universe, let's start the big restart."

"Start now? There are still many soft restarts that have not been completed." Harley was a little surprised.

The damage suffered by the universe is divided into four levels from low to high. The number of disabled universes at levels 1 and 2 is relatively small and has been repaired.

Harley has been mainly repairing the universe with level 3 damage these days, which is the restart of the timeline.

There are no universes left in the universes with level 4 disabilities, which require a major restart and are the most technically difficult. Harley originally planned to save them until the end, because the further she goes, the more skilled she will become.

Wu Tan said: "Wantianyi is a whole, and the parallel universe is equivalent to a part on the 'Wantianyi machine'. The lack of any 'part' may cause the entire machine to malfunction.

Even if I fill their positions with ghosts of the same vibration frequency, I still cannot avoid the damage caused by a large number of parallel universe vacancies to Wan Tian Yi, especially since several node universes have also been destroyed. "

If possible, he is actually willing to help Harley in the "Darkseid War", such as helping her strengthen the stomach bag dimension so that Anti-Monitor and Darkseid cannot easily destroy the basic laws in the stomach bag dimension.

He also has the responsibility to help Harley. After all, Harley committed the crime of rebelling to death just to protect Wan Tianyi. Wan Tianyi is his domain and even more his responsibility.

He didn't help because all his power was used to maintain the phantom of the universe and he had no energy to do anything else.

The anti-surveillance king clearly has no intention of provoking a second crisis on infinite earths. He only seeks energy and improves his strength by devouring the universe, but he still attacks the node universe many times.

It's not that he doesn't understand the significance of Node Universe to Wan Tianyi, on the contrary, he knows that he did it on purpose.

Because the node universe is so important, Monitor Wu Tan will definitely consume a lot of sources to maintain an illusory universe with the same frequency.

Wu Tan used his power to maintain the phantom universe, so naturally he was unable to stop the anti-monitor king from plundering Wan Tianyi.

For Wu Tan himself, he instead hopes to prioritize repairing the universe that needs a major reboot.

After completing a parallel universe reboot, he can undo a phantom universe, which will make him feel much more relaxed.

"Which universe should be repaired first? The node universe is more important. Should it be placed at the front or at the end?" Harley asked.

If it is placed in the front, it can be repaired earlier; if it is placed in the back, she has better skills and can repair it better.

Wu Tan pondered: "It is true that your control of the basic laws is not as good as that of the old God King, but in recent years, the four most important restarts of the multiverse - Crisis on Infinite Earths, the sole universe restart, Zero Hour Crisis, the time mother river restart, and the new The multiverse is restarted, and the Final Crisis fifth world is restarted.

You took the lead in completing the first three times. You have a very special power.

This kind of power allows you to control the power of creation to repair parallel universes with twice the result with half the effort. If there is no energy loss, it would be almost perfect. "

Anyway, Wu Tan didn't see any difference between the universe that Harley repaired and the universe that he personally repaired.

Parallel universes are equivalent to screws in the Wantianyi machine, and repairing a parallel universe is equivalent to repairing a part.

It stands to reason that the repaired parts will have a running-in period with the surrounding parts, but the universes repaired by Harley can be perfectly integrated into the Ten Thousand Sky Instruments, running extremely smoothly and without any need for running-in.

Even he can't do this.

After all, the current Wan Tian Yi, every parallel universe in the Wan Tian Yi, and even the mother river of time were created by Harley.

"First try to find a disappearing node universe. I think you can do it." Wu Tan said.

Harley's heart moved, "Universe 3 is the Node Universe, and it was also destroyed by the Anti-Monitor. Let's try it out. It is a world full of evil people. If something goes wrong, we will not be able to survive and change for the better."

Wu Tan nodded, and with an idea, he took Harley to Universe Earth 3.

The entire universe has been swallowed up by the Anti-Monitor King. At this time, the earth, together with the stars in the sky, are illusory shadows, just like a real illusion.

"Same as before, use the creation power I gave you to communicate with the energy core of the earth." Wu Tan said.

Repairing the universe is not like repairing furniture using the "instant noodle repair technique", where matter is filled in wherever it is broken.

The Earth is the core of energy and matter in the universe.

As long as the will communicates with the energy core of the earth, the power of creation can be transmitted to all parts of the universe, and the damaged areas will naturally be restored to their original state.

Under normal circumstances, even Harley has difficulty accessing the earth's energy core.

It is essentially the center of the universe, but at this time the earth is located at the center of the universe. The two centers coincide, and the core of the earth is also the center of the universe.

Before the earth became the center of the universe, the planet Maltus and Oa both assumed the responsibility of being the "center of energy and mass of the universe."

In the main universe, the only way to enter the antimatter universe is in Oa. The dimensional space hidden in the core of Oa and connected to the planet Kovad was the original "center of the universe".

After the "center of the universe" was transferred, a dimensional hole was left in its place.

Only the Creator can open the "Central Dimension Space". At this time, Wu Tan gave the Creator's authority to Harley.

Harley wondered: "Shouldn't I weave the timeline first and then summon the cosmic egg? Now that the universe and the earth are nothing but shadows, what's the point of communicating with the energy core?"

"You'll understand after you try it." Wu Tan didn't explain much.

Harley didn't ask any questions and immediately did what he said, and then she really understood.

At this time, the universe is an illusory shadow, and the "central space" is also an illusory existence. However, after the consciousness enters it, it is actually connected to the sixth dimension.

She also received a message from the sixth dimension: As long as she is willing, a cosmic egg will fall from the dimensional channel immediately.

"Can I speak to the Forger of the Sixth Dimension?" Harley asked.

"You are now connected to the sixth dimension through the 'central space', which is derived from a creation mechanism and is not the creator's response to you.

Maybe he was resting now. He had been busy all day, hammering one hammer after another, continuously building tens of thousands of cosmic eggs.

Those cosmic eggs are like bullets in a magazine, already loaded.

When you pull the trigger once, a cosmic egg will be shot from the sixth dimension. "Wu Tan said.

Harley's mouth twitched, "This explanation is really vivid."

As soon as her heart moved, a "goose egg" shining with colorful light "fell down".

Landing from the sixth dimension to the fifth-dimensional Wan Tian Yi, it seemed to outsiders that he suddenly appeared in front of Harley.

"I once picked up a cosmic egg in Wonderland. It seemed to be petrified. It was far less crystal clear than this one. Even a blind person could see how extraordinary it was." She stared at it with a look of obsession on her face.

"Your mouth is drooling. Do you want to eat it?" Wu Tan asked in surprise.

Harry subconsciously reached out to wipe his mouth quickly, and sure enough he felt a trace of wetness, "It's not saliva. I was so moved when I saw such a beautiful thing. I couldn't help but get wet at the corners of my eyes. Well, I do want to eat it."

Halfway through the lie, she felt it was too clumsy and could not continue.

"But I'm not doing it for myself. The reason why my stomach bag dimension can bear the impact of two supreme beings is because I once ate a cosmic egg. If I eat a few more, my stomach wall may not be able to evolve into a true origin. wall."

The origin wall is forged by the power of connection. There is no connection power in the cosmic egg. No matter how many cosmic eggs you eat, you cannot make the stomach wall become a true origin wall. At most, it can make the dimensional laws more complete and solid.

But her food defense expertise may break through level eight and reach level nine where "nothing in the multiverse cannot be swallowed".

"You can't eat it!" Wu Tan shouted seriously, "One carrot and one pit. If you eat this cosmic egg, Earth 3 will not be able to restart."

Harley looked suspicious, "If every carrot has a hole, why do the rebels eat the big carrot and then there is another small carrot filling the hole? Could it be that the rebels can eat it, but I can't?"

"You and Anti-Monitor have different identities. Anti-Monitor is a multiverse-level crisis, and the crisis force caused by it made 'Origin' react. You are now using my authority and my power, and your identity is equivalent to the Creator. The Creator is guarding and stealing. Will be severely punished by 'Origin'."

"I'm not afraid of punishment." Harley said.

"I'm afraid that Origin will punish me."

Wu Tan was really afraid that she would open her mouth and suffocated the Cosmic Egg. He slowed down his tone and said earnestly: "You already know the origin of the Cosmic Egg. It belongs to the caster.

One carrot and one pit are the rules he set.

Even I have to abide by his rules.

Even if I withstand the punishment of 'Origin', there will be no new cosmic eggs to fill the vacancy, and Universe 3 still cannot be restarted. "

"Where did the cosmic egg in Wonderland come from before? I heard from Fairy Queen Titania that although the cosmic egg is very precious, it is not unique." Harley said.

Wu Tan sighed: "Only Mobius has antimatter energy, only I have the power of creation, and only the Forger can forge the cosmic egg.

For Titania, the origin of antimatter, the power of creation, and the egg of the universe are all 'gods of creation', equally precious and of equal value.

You are rare about the cosmic egg now, just because you have seen too much antimatter origin and used too much power of creation.

Even if the power of creation belongs to me, part of the power of creation will become energy consumption when you repair the universe and go somewhere.

Maybe the caster, like me, accidentally lost a few cosmic eggs. "

Harley said excitedly: "You mean, if I see the Forger, I can swallow the cosmic egg like the power of creation? Treat the cosmic egg as an egg, a fried egg every day?"

——Is that what I really mean?

Wu Tan was a little bit off guard.

"Don't think nonsense. The Forger has always been in the sixth dimension and has never been to other places. You can't see him. Even if you see him outside the sixth dimension, he can't carry countless eggs of the universe with him. ."

With the Cosmic Egg, the next big reboot will be much easier. Harley can easily reboot Universe 3 perfectly.

"Why must the Crime Syndicate be born in Universe 3? I don't think it's possible to adapt the timeline."

Harley and Wu Tan stood side by side on the rooftop of the Planet Daily Building in the "Sin City" (Metropolis) of the new Earth 3.

On the street not far away, smoke and dust filled the sky, fires shot into the sky, and loud noises shook the sky. The "only hero" Lex Luthor fought against the Speedmaster for the first time.

They are all real, living people.

"You have rewritten the timeline. The current Speedmaster is still tall and thick, with a body of steel, but his personality has become a sissy, and he claims to have 72 genders.

The super queen is still Lois Lane, her gender remains unchanged, but she likes to eat her own boogers."

Recalling the scene of the beautiful, sexy and voluptuous super queen, holding a submission noose in her left hand, reaching into her nostril with her right hand to pick out the boogers and stuffing them into her mouth, Wu Tan felt a sense of psychological discomfort.

"Nite Owl wears non-breathable boots every day, which makes his feet rotten. Beriberi has not yet been cured. After squatting in a corner for no more than 3 minutes, his feet become hot and itchy, and he can't help but want to take them off. The smell of the boots digging into the feet even made the clown faint.

The clown is even worse. He has always had hemorrhoids on his buttocks. He walks crookedly and may burst the hemorrhoids when he runs. He is bleeding profusely because he likes spicy food the most. He was born with anorexia and cannot eat without chili peppers.

Johnny Quick is still the Flash, but he doesn't like running on his feet, he stands on his hands and bangs his head on the ground."

His expression was twisted and he couldn't speak any more.

The main plot and main characters of Universe 3 have not changed, but all the small details have changed.

Either he has a physical defect, he has a very weird personality or hobbies, or he is very unlucky. All kinds of bad luck have never stopped since he was young.

"This is not a rewrite, at most it is a 'fan story' of the original timeline. There is a force hindering my adaptation."

Harley is still not satisfied. Creation is restricted, and many pornographic ideas have not been able to "pass the review."

"Even if you write a timeline, you must abide by cause and effect, and the content must be logical. And there is fate above cause and effect. It is destiny, and of course you cannot change it casually." Wu Tan said.

"Destiny." Harry's heart moved and asked: "Now that the new Night Owl and Super Queen appear, what will happen to the old Night Owl and Super Queen? Will their destiny be replaced?"

Wu Tan shook his head and said: "Even the 'monitor' cannot peek into the fate of all living beings. Destiny is beyond my domain."

If the "Creator" could control destiny, Marnou and Mobius would not become pawns of fate and end up miserable.

The main universe, Earth.

The day after Harley left, Louise's exclusive interview with her was broadcast to the entire universe during the prime time slot at 7 p.m.

Well, not only people on Earth are watching the show, but aliens are also broadcasting it.

In the next few days, various TV stations began to invite experts who were familiar with the New Protoss and Apokolips to explain Harley's talk on the show point by point.

After the public had a basic understanding of the new Protoss, the discussion meeting on "whether to ascend collectively" officially began.

Ascension is related to the vital interests of everyone on earth. The topic is very hot, everyone is arguing fiercely, and everyone has their own ideas.

On the TV station, the debaters were discussing; in the party square, the marchers were divided into several teams and argued with each other.

On the Internet, in family gatherings, in the workplace, and among neighbors, discussions are everywhere about whether humans can ascend, how to ascend, what kind of social system should be established after ascension, and how to live without ascending.

Ten days after Harley left Earth, Universe 3 restarted perfectly.

Harley left the main universe for 10 and a half days, and the Hall of Justice received a message related to the Criminal Syndicate.

"Hi, Afu, I can't contact Bateman. What's going on?"

Black Bolt, who was on duty at the Hall of Justice, contacted the "Butler Man" of Wayne Manor.

"Hello, Mr. Pierce!" Afu greeted politely before explaining: "I haven't been a Batman recently. He participated in the debate on 'Will Humanity Ascend Collectively' on Gotham TV as Bruce Wayne? Assembly, I am currently debating with others on the live broadcast, and I don’t have my mobile phone with me.”

"Gotham TV also has a debate on 'Will mankind ascend collectively?'" Black Bolt asked in surprise.

"Doesn't it exist in your city? Oh, sorry, yes, we also have this program in Gotham. There are too many debaters, and the GBS (Daily Planet TV) program cannot accommodate it."

Halfway through his words, Ah Fu remembered that Black Bolt's city was just a small town.

The town is called "Suicide Ghetto".

Just by looking at the name, you can tell how poor and chaotic the place is, and it is impossible to have its own TV station.

"In fact, many TV stations have debate programs." Afu added: "'Galaxy Admiral' personally promised in the interview that everyone has the right to express their opinions on whether to ascend, and their rights are protected by her. So everyone is very excited.

Master Bruce also said that if you can talk, you can't fight.

It is better to decide the future through discussion than to use force.

Originally, tens of millions of new human gods suddenly appeared on the earth, and the old social order was on the verge of collapse. Now, although everyone is having heated discussions, their emotions have stabilized. "

"Yeah, that makes sense." Black Bolt nodded and asked, "As Bruce, you can't get a debater spot on the GBS program?"

"GBS has sent him an invitation, but he hopes to convince Gotham people first."

After a pause, Afu asked again: "Mr. Pierce, what's the matter with you?"

"It's not a big deal. I just forgot about the bar owner Afu. Do you know the orangutan detective Bobo?"

Afu nodded and said: "I know, Miss Zatanna once took him to the Batcave to visit the master. What happened to Bobo?"

"He himself is fine, he is carrying Zatanna's head"

"What?" Afu interrupted him out of control and exclaimed: "Miss Zatanna was killed?!"

"Uh, sorry, I made a mistake. She is a peer of 'Zatanna', but her name is 'Natanza'. Just like your peer 'Outsider', she comes from Earth 3."

Hearing the name "outsider", Ah Fu's expression became a little unnatural.

"Oh, it's Natanza from the Crime Syndicate. She's dead? Who killed her?"

"An evil god from another dimension. Some time ago, Harley posted a "fatwa" in the Oblivion Bar. Did you know?

Harley made a promise that if she caught any syndicate, she would be guaranteed 2.5 kilograms of N metal.

If it's a big shot, like Night Owl in the 'Big Seven', it can be increased tenfold!

Now the evil god brought Natanza's head to the Forgotten Bar, and had already obtained the guaranteed 2.5 kilograms of N metal, but he believed that Natanza was a top magic master and very powerful, so there was definitely more than one guaranteed price.

Bobo also agreed to give him more, but he could only add one kilogram at most. However, the evil god opened his mouth and wanted five kilograms. The two sides had too many differences, so Bobo could only come and ask Harley.

Harley was not in the main universe, so I called Bateman to ask. "

"Is the evil god in a hurry? Miss Harley went to repair the parallel universe, but she will come back sooner or later. Let him take 2.5 kilograms of N metal back first, and we can talk slowly when she comes back." Ah Fu said.

"N metal is too precious. The news of Natanza's death has spread. The evil god is afraid of being killed by others to steal the treasure. He plans to run away immediately after receiving the bounty and find a remote place to hide for thousands of years." Black Bolt said.

"It seems really urgent to hide for thousands of years." Ah Fu murmured.

He raised his right wrist, glanced at his watch, estimated the time in his mind, and said: "I'm going to leave now and go to the TV station to find the master immediately. I'll be there in about half an hour.

I'll say hello to the director then, and I should be able to get him to leave early.

Can Lord Evil God wait for half an hour? "

"Wait a minute, let me ask Bobo."

It took Black Bolt a while before he said, "Hurry up, the evil god is in a hurry."

"Master, Master Damian." After hanging up the phone, Ah Fu immediately called from the living room.

"What's going on?" Damian's voice came from the bedroom on the second floor.

"The Justice League has something urgent to do. I need to go see him immediately. If you are free, you can help fly the Batplane."

Ah Fu can also fly a plane himself, but he has to go down to see Bruce later. After all, it is better to ask the young master for help in automatic piloting.

Nowadays, there are tens of millions of new human gods on the earth, and there are thousands more in Gotham. Who knows if they will just see the invisible fighter plane floating in the sky?

The Batplane was very fast, and five minutes after hanging up the phone, it was above the TV station.

It was already a quarter of an hour after Ah Fu got off the fighter plane and walked into the building to find the director.

"How can you be sure that the head belongs to Natanza? Why didn't the evil god leave him alive? Harley's wanted poster made it very clear - it's best to live.

If Natanza is arrested, she will only go to jail, not die.

It would definitely be easier to make her surrender than to kill her directly. "Bruce frowned.

Ah Fu understood that the master’s occupational disease of doubting everything had struck again.

"Detective Orangutan is an expert and should have identified it."

Bruce thought for a while and contacted Zatanna on his mobile phone. "Za, are you convenient now? Natanza from the Crime Syndicate is dead."

Five minutes later, Bateman, Black Bolt, Zatanna, and gorilla detective Bobo came to the Oblivion Bar together.

In the lounge in the backyard of the bar, they saw the mysterious evil god wrapped in a black robe.

"You can add another 5 kilograms, but you have to answer a few questions for me."

Bateman was very straightforward and immediately agreed to Cthulhu's highest offer after meeting.

The evil god stood up in excitement, "Can you make the decision?"

Bobo pulled Bateman's cloak and said urgently: "It's 5 kilograms of N metal, not 5 kilograms of gold."

"Don't worry, Harley is very generous. She won't mind if it's just 5 kilograms." Bateman said.

Bobo frowned and said, "Harry is just being generous to his friends."

"A thousand dollars buys horse bones. After today, her reputation for generosity will surely spread throughout the magic world." Bateman said calmly.

The Evil God nodded repeatedly, "When I finish my retreat, I will definitely praise 'Witch Harley, so bold and generous' to everyone I meet."

Black Bolt asked: "When will you end your retreat?"

The evil god said: "When I make the N metal into a divine weapon, it can no longer be taken away by others. Soon, it will only take five thousand years."

"Five thousand years" Even Bateman couldn't help but contort his expression.

"Give it to Him, Bobo, you can also help Harley promote it." Bateman said.

With the N metal in hand, the evil god became even more eager, "If there's any problem, hurry up."

"Why did you kill Natanza? It would be easier to verify if she was alive."

"I didn't want to kill her either, but the situation at that time was alas. I'll show you that memory."

The evil god made a seal, and a beam of purple light shot out from the center of his eyebrows. The purple light spread into a 50-inch screen, showing the entire process of meeting and killing Natanza.

Zatanna said with a strange expression: "The irony magic was counterattacked, the magic shield was not used, and it was a bit useless to die."

"I didn't expect such an accident. If I wanted to stop, I would have no time to react." Evil God said.

"Beep beep!" Bateman's bat watch suddenly rang.

"Can Forgotten Bar still receive news from the outside world?" Bobo asked curiously.

"It's from the Watch Dog System." After just glancing at his watch, Bateman's expression changed slightly, "Atomic Girl died, and she died in an accident."

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