I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1744 The Fusion of Six Gods

Although Harley keeps calling "Old Shazam" and "Shazam the Wizard", in fact, Shazam the Wizard himself is not called "Shazam".

SHAZAM comes from a law. It was originally the name of a bug in the law of the universe. After the bug was discovered and patched by Shazam Wizard, the bug disappeared. The name of the patch was also called SHAZAM. This patch became the exclusive law of Shazam Wizard. He ascended to heaven in one step and became a god.

So he called himself Shazam, hiding his real name.

Even Harley, who has been friends with him for many years, doesn't know what Shazam the Wizard's real name is.

"What's your real name?" Harley asked.

Old Shazam hesitated for a while and then said: "I can tell you, but you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone else."

"Don't Zeus know your real name?"

"Zeus knows, but he promised me that he would not reveal my real name to the public." Old Shazam glanced sideways at Dr. Destiny beside him, "I have been dating the God King of Naboo for millions of years, and even he They don’t even know my real name.”

"Well, in today's information age, hiding your real name is outdated. It's better to find ways to adapt to the new era where your real name is known to everyone, like me." Harley pointed at herself, "I specially developed a 'real name guard' Magic, even if others know my real name and diligently cultivate the 'Nine-Nine Divine Name List', they still can't borrow my divine power, and they can't borrow any divine power unless they get my approval."

Similar to the Taoist god-seeking sect, there is a group of mages in the DC magic world who specialize in how to borrow the power of gods.

When Taoists invite gods, they usually invite their ancestors or ancestors. Even if they are not the ancestors or ancestors, they will worship the other person first and worship the other person as the ancestor or ancestor.

For example, the famous Guan Erye.

Guan Gong was not a Taoist master, he did not create a sect, and his descendants did not create a sect. However, many small and unpopular sects enshrined him and worshiped him as their ancestor.

The DC magic world also has teacher inheritance and power division, and you can borrow the power of your teacher or immediate boss, such as Harley's little brother, the Holy Magician Carlisle.

Through years of prayer and steadfast faith, he gained the favor of Michael, the giant in heaven.

During the Little Black Bean Crisis, Michael responded to Carlisle's request.

But Carlisle is just a special case. The vast majority of wizards in the DC magic world have no spiritual masters at all, and it is difficult to find a big force to rely on.

They can only study their preferences, personalities, and weaknesses based on the known true names of the gods, please them, worship them, and finally successfully borrow their power to perform divine magic.

There are powerful mages who do not want to please the gods, or the gods are not compatible with them, and they cannot please them by all means, so they use the gods' weaknesses to forcibly borrow their divine power.

There are many ways to exploit the weaknesses of gods. There are no fixed routines and rules, and it is entirely up to the mage's own performance.

For example, if a god is afraid of spicy food, the mage can try to use specially cultivated devil peppers as casting materials.

The act of violating the will of the gods and forcibly borrowing divine power is unimaginable in the Taoist sect. It is absolutely treacherous, but it is the norm in the DC magic circle. They have also developed a huge school.

The "Nine-Nine God List" is the supreme book of the DC magic world's god-seeking sect. It not only contains the true names of the gods, but also a complete set of biographies and character analysis of the gods corresponding to each true name. It is very complicated and as detailed as possible.

Even if Harley was not called "Harley" in her previous life, her real name in this life is still "Harley Quinn", which is recognized by the origin of the multiverse and does not allow her to quibble.

The name "Harley Quinn" is known to almost everyone, including aliens and people from other worlds.

Theoretically, after your true name is revealed and your god becomes a god whose laws are recognized by "Origin", you will already be listed in the "Nine-Nine Gods List".

Magicians who specialize in the "Nine-Nine God's List" can try to borrow her thick-skinned power.

Harley's name is indeed on the "Nine-Nine God List", and "how to borrow Harley Quinn's thick-skinned power" is also the most popular topic within the sect.

But except for Zha Kang and Harley's own God's Favorite and Priest, no one else has successfully borrowed her power.

It's not that Harley said that in order to adapt to the information age, she specially studied the protection magic against the leakage of her real name.

No need.

No matter how "Nine-Nine Gods' Famous Watch" has no routines or rules, no matter how talented the professional mage is and how wild his thoughts are, "Nine-Nine Gods' Famous Watch" is a kind of magic after all.

Harley is immune to any magic, and the wizards' magic is ineffective, it's that simple.

"What is the magic that protects the real name that has been revealed?" Old Shazam asked curiously.

He is an old bastard in the magic world, and of course he knows that thick-skinned magic cannot be borrowed by mages. He has even analyzed various possibilities with other mages.

"My method is only useful for me, and I tell you that you can't learn it either. But since I can create my own 'True Name Protection Spell', you can naturally do it too. There's no need to worry about your real name being revealed," said Harley.

Old Shazam struggled for a moment and whispered: "My real name is Mamaragan."

"Mama Laguna." Harley thought for a while, but she didn't remember this person in the history of the earth, so her consciousness sank into the mother river of time again.

"Are you an Australian Aboriginal god?"

"My people are not aborigines, they are aborigines, the real masters of Australia!" Mamalagang said excitedly.

Most ordinary people who don't know history probably don't know that there were Aboriginal people in Australia.

Australia is not a small country, and there are many tribes scattered across this huge land. Mamalagang is the "Thunder God King" of one of these tribes.

Although their tribe is small, their mythology is still at the level of creation.

Mamalagang, the protagonist in the mythical story, is not only the King of Gods, but also the Creator of the World. He is similar to the "little grandmother" Annabelle.

Harley felt disgusted that these people were not worthy of being ranked among the "Six Gods of SHAZAM" with her, but it was hard for her to ridicule Mamalagang in person.

"Lao Ma, you have never joined the 'Six Gods Fusion' before. What is the purpose of this time?"

Among the six gods of SHAZAM before, M is Mercury.

"Didn't I want to join before? But I had no chance!" Lao Ma said helplessly, with a bitter expression.

Everyone knows that becoming the ‘Six Gods of SHAZAM’ has huge benefits, but there is almost no price to pay. He is not stupid, how could he not want to join?

"You have seen my Shazam contract and signed it. How many names are there on the contract? Don't you remember?

They are all waiting in line to become one of the ‘Six Gods of SHAZAM’. "

Not only is he eager to become one of the "Six Gods", but all the gods whose real names match the "SHAZAM" contract want to lend their divine power to "Thunder Shazam".

"Shazam's Law, Shazam's Contract, and Thunder Shazam are all yours, and there are still six spots, and you can't get any of them?" Harley felt a little sorry for this old guy.

"Isn't this strange? In mortal society, people who build houses don't have houses, those who build cars can't afford to drive luxury cars, and those who make screws in factories can't afford a mobile phone in Tianshan Mountain?" Lao Ma said.

Harley frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Ma, I don't dislike you, but the strength of Thunder Shazam is determined by the 'SHAZAM Six Gods' who lent him his power.

I am definitely very strong, but I am good at defense, physically weak, and my divine power is not very aggressive.

To put it bluntly, I need others to take care of myself, and I can’t take care of you! "

If Thunder Shazam's strength is rubbish, he can't defeat Luther, the Lord of Apokolips, and he can't suppress the more than a thousand dark elites who are still alive, even if Billy gets the dominating godhead, it will be useless.

If you are not as powerful as a human being and can be beaten to death with one punch, no matter how high your authority is, it will be meaningless.

In a mortal dynasty, the strength of the human king does not need to be superior to that of his ministers. He can control generals who are more powerful than himself by relying on legal rules and systems.

In the kingdom of gods, hard power is the basis of dominance.

"Harry, I know that our strength is far inferior to yours, but how many gods are stronger than you and as strong as you in the world?

In fact, our current session is much better than the last one.

The last 'SHAZAM Six Gods' were Solomon's Wisdom (S), Hercules' Strength (H), Atlas' Endurance (A), Achilles' Skill and Defense (A), and Mercury speed (M).

Among these five gods, they are either demigods through the back door. They are demigods when they are alive, and they can become gods after death.

Either he is a second-generation god who is born with success.

They are not as good as the spiritual wizards who practice normally and understand the laws with their own talents and hard work.

Even though they have noble blood, we still have you. You are responsible for crushing their god-king blood, and we crush them in terms of skills and law understanding. "

"Have you forgotten Zeus?" Harley said.

The divine power of Zeus is the "Z" in SHAZAM, and he is the reason why Thunderbolt Shazam is called the "Magic Superman".

Without Zeus, with just the above five pieces of garbage, Thunder Shazam probably wouldn't even be able to beat Martian Manhunter.

Lao Ma smiled slightly and said proudly: "Even Zeus, the first god king, will be crushed by our teammates."

"Oh, who does the last 'Z' stand for?" Harley asked curiously.

"Zonuz!" Lao Ma said in a deep voice: "He also has a name, the first generation of the new god king 'Evil Yuga Khan', he is the father of Darkseid and Heavenly Father, the true The King of Gods.”

"It turned out to be him." Harley frowned slightly. Yuga Khan suddenly jumped out at this time. Is it a coincidence?

"Didn't Yuga Khan hang himself on the Origin Wall? Now he's down?" Dr. Destiny asked in surprise.

"He did not completely leave the Origin Wall, but Darkseid's death caused the collapse of the multiverse and awakened him from the Origin Wall. What left the Origin Wall was just a will."

A look of fear and awe appeared on Lao Ma's face, "Throughout the ages, how many powerful gods and demons have been stuck to the wall of origin, their bodies turned into rocks, and their souls sunk forever.

Yuga Khan has been hanging on the wall of origin for hundreds of millions of years. Not only has his soul not been silent, but he can also willfully break away from the wall of origin. It is simply unbelievable. "

Dr. Fate glanced at Harley, who was frowning in thought beside him, and said strangely: "Twenty years ago, it was truly unprecedented to be able to wake up from the wall of origin after hundreds of millions of years, and to have the will to break away from the wall and enter the main universe. It was indeed unprecedented, and it was shocking enough." The entire multiverse.

But now Harley has been up against the wall so many times that she even helped John Constantine get off the wall.”

Zha Kang was able to get down from the wall thanks to Papetua, the mother of creation, but he did not dare to publicize the name "Papetua", so he lied and said that Harley helped him break out of the wall of origin.

Harley can indeed do it, but she has never helped anyone escape from the Origin Wall.

In her plan, the first person she rescued from the wall must be her teacher, the goddess Asal.

"Well, Harley is a bug. It's not fair to anyone to compare with her." Lao Ma looked at Harley and said excitedly: "How about it? Are our 'SHAZAM Six Gods' the strongest this year?"

"Did you take the initiative to find Yuga Khan, or did he come to find you?" Harley asked.

"The Eternal Castle noticed that he had woken up. At the same time that the Eternal Castle sensed his will, he also found that he was discovered by the Eternal Castle, and then his will locked on the owner of the Eternal Castle. At this time, the owner of the Eternal Castle was Bi Leigh Bassent.”

"Although none of the power of the Six Gods in his body belongs to me, I still regard him as my true successor."

After emphasizing this sentence first, Lao Ma continued: "Yuga Khan discovered that Billy had obtained the commanding godhead, and his body happened to be empty, and he was in a window period without divine power, so he wanted to occupy his body in another way. Break free from the walls of origin and be free.

The Eternal Castle noticed his abnormality and immediately informed me. I hurriedly left the Tower of Destiny and returned to the Eternal Castle to help Billy suppress the will of Yuga Khan in his body. To this day, when I heard that you were back, I hurried again Come here. "

He looked out the window and said, "Harry, you already know the general situation. If you have any questions, let's go to the Eternal Castle to talk.

Now there is only one Stone of Eternity, and the contract between SHAZAM and the Six Gods has not been signed. I am a little worried.

Although Yuga Khan was persuaded by me and was willing to give Billy a chance and give himself a chance, he is the King of Evil Gods and may not keep his word. If he takes advantage of my departure to attack Billy."

"Take it away."

Harley came to the Tower of Destiny to find old Shazam. Now that she is waiting for someone, of course she has to leave with him.

The Fortress of Eternity is built on the Stone of Eternity, which is a large stone made up of half of the Stone of Heaven and half of the Stone of Hell.

What matters is not the material of the Fortress, but its location, at the center of the multiverse!

Harry has been to the Eternal Castle several times. Each time, he walked through a long corridor. On the side of the corridor were seven stone sculptures (the seven sealed demons of sin). At the end of the corridor, there was a room of about 200 square meters. A circular stone hall with seven stone chairs.

In fact, the Eternal Castle is equivalent to an independent Kingdom of God, with a very large area. The corridors and stone halls combined are less than one millionth of the total area.

For example, at this time, Harley followed the old wizard out of a light door and came to a huge gray space with countless doors suspended in it.

Just the door, no doorframe or wall.

Harry looked back and saw that the light door he had just walked out of had been closed, leaving only a tawny peach wood door. The style of the wooden door was very old and full of age, and there were magic words "Tower of Destiny" on the door.

When she entered the Eternal Castle from the outside, she had to go back to Gotham and go to the Gotham subway station.

In her early years, when her strength was still low, she drew a rune door on the stone wall of the Manhattan subway station tunnel. That door connected to the Eternal Castle and has been in use to this day.

Now she still has to go through that door and cannot teleport directly to the Eternal Castle.

It's not that she can't lock the spatial location of the Eternal Castle.

The Eternal Castle is similar to the Tower of Destiny. It is a man-made "mage tower" with an owner and a complete defense mechanism. You can teleport, others can reject it, you can hide your traces, and you can set up mazes.

The rune door in the subway station is a passage with the owner's permission. Only the person who drew it can open it, and only the person approved by the owner of the Eternal Castle can draw it.

A runegate is like a key.

Sometimes Harry would suddenly enter the Eternal Castle through the door, which would startle the old wizard.

If you don't go through the rune gate and forcefully teleport from other directions, let alone enter quietly, you may be accidentally killed due to lack of strength or bad luck, because the defense mechanism of the Eternal Castle will definitely be activated during the forced entry.

If Harley is allowed to go to the Eternal Fortress by herself, she must first leave the Tower of Destiny, then teleport to the stone wall of the Gotham subway station tunnel, and then open the door to enter the Eternal Fortress.

Now that the old wizard is by her side, there is no need to be so cumbersome. He directly draws a light door inside the Tower of Destiny with his hand, steps in, and directly comes to the core of the Eternal Castle.

"Is the Eternal Castle connected to all heavens and all realms, so that it can be teleported anywhere?"

There are countless doors in the dim space, including wooden doors, stone doors, iron doors, bronze doors, all kinds of doors, countless styles, and each door is marked with a transfer point, Harry I saw the Heaven Realm, the Apocalypse Star, the Creation Star, Heaven, Hell. There was even a brand new stone door with the words "Martial Arts Divine Kingdom" written on it.

"Shit, this door connects to my Kingdom of the God of War?"

She didn't want to believe it, but she could feel a very familiar scent from behind the door.

"When was this fixed portal opened? You didn't even say hello to me. Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by the Martial God inside?"

The old wizard followed her line of sight and glanced at the stone door, shook his head and said: "I did not build this door. The Eternal Castle is located in the center of the multiverse and naturally connects all magical dimensions in the multiverse.

Every time a new magical plane is created in the multiverse, a door will appear here.

Even I don't dare to enter at the door.

Just like you said, if I wander in casually, I will definitely be beaten to death by the gods inside.

In fact, these doors are not for human use. They are both space tunnels and energy channels.

Now that the earth has become the energy center of the physical universe, you must understand the wonder of this central position. "

Harry activated his semi-transcendent spiritual sense, carefully perceived it for a moment, and said in surprise: "Although the door is closed, there is magic seeping out from the door.

The magical auras of all heavens and worlds gather and blend in the Eternal Castle. What is the significance of this? "

The old wizard glanced at her in surprise, "Your perception is so keen, you can sense such a weak magic interaction."

Even when he controlled the core power of the Eternal Castle, it was difficult to detect the magic breath flowing out of each door, they were too weak.

"The multiverse is alive, and so is every magical plane. Living people need to breathe, and they will breathe. People breathe oxygen, and they breathe magic.

When a person is thinking, the activity of brain cells increases, more breathing oxygen is transported to the brain, and the oxygen supply to other parts of the body is relatively reduced.

If you perform long-distance running, your legs will exert force, the energy consumption of leg muscle cells will increase, and more oxygen will be transported to the legs.

Each plane is equivalent to a cell, and together they form a living body. Just like humans, they need to adjust their breathing rhythm and balance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients.

The Eternal Castle is located at the center of the multiverse and plays the role of connecting all space dimensions, mediating dimensional magic, and maintaining the overall energy balance of the multiverse.

Those doors are 'regulating valves', and stabilizing energy balance is their core function, and space transmission is only incidental. "

Harry thought thoughtfully, "No wonder you are mediocre in strength, but you can occupy the Eternal Castle, and no one can compete with you."

This eternal castle is obviously also a "load-bearing wall" of the multiverse, shouldering important responsibilities but not many benefits.

"I'm not weak anymore. You are a billionaire, so you think a monthly salary of 10,000 is very small. But in fact, a monthly salary of 10,000 is more than most ordinary people."

After arguing, the old wizard sighed: "Of course, I don't deny that the center of the multiverse is very unique. With my strength, I am not qualified to occupy such a geomantic treasure.

Although I built the Eternal Castle and was its owner, in essence, I just work here.

Now that Billy has taken over my class, I only see relief and will not feel any regrets. "

"Before, you said that after Yuga Khan woke up, the Eternal Castle immediately noticed it, relying on the ability to connect with energy?" Harley asked.

The old wizard nodded and said: "Yuga Khan's identity is very special. His awakening caused violent fluctuations in the origin of the New God, and energy ripples visible to the naked eye even appeared next to the origin wall."

"I'm afraid it wasn't his awakening that caused the New God's origin to fluctuate, but the recent intense fluctuations in the New God's origin that awakened him." Harley sighed.

"Maybe, but we are not new gods, so we don't need to care about such details." The old wizard said.

"Sister Harley? I'm not dreaming, am I? Why do I see you here?" Billy Bassent looked surprised, "Why are you dressed like this and still sitting on the throne?"

His clothes were very simple, a beige Adidas jacket, dark blue sweatpants, and white Jordan shoes.

Harry opposite him was dressed extremely heavily, wearing a gorgeous robe, and a crown made of gold and jade on her head. She was sitting on a majestic throne made of black iron, with an upright figure and a serious expression.

"You are right, you are in a dream now, but it is not your dream. I have pulled your consciousness into my sea of ​​consciousness. Now you see that I am not the usual me, but the 'Martial God King'. If you don't Look around." Harley said.

When Billy heard this, he immediately turned around and looked around.

The first thing that catches the eye is not the majestic and magnificent palace, but the blue sky and white clouds outside the palace.

The main hall is very empty, with no walls. The hemispherical dome is supported by eight black iron pillars. There is a huge space between the pillars, and the outside scenery can be seen at a glance.

It was empty outside, with no trees or buildings, just an endless blue sky with a few leisurely white clouds floating in the air.

"Where is this?" he asked blankly.

"On the top of Mount Valkyrie, do you know your situation? Darkseid died, the multiverse collapsed, your connection with the gods was severed, and now you have lost the power of Shazam."

Harley explained his situation, her own situation, and the situation of mankind's collective ascension.

The confusion disappeared from Billy's eyes, and he suddenly realized: "I understand. I want to sign a magic warrior contract with the new six gods. Sister Harley, you are one of them. The trial has begun at this time."

"Well, I have accepted the wizard's invitation to become H among the 'Six Gods of SHAZAM'. According to the rules, I will test your ability and character. Only if you pass the test can you get my divine power." Harley said.

Billy said excitedly: "Sister Harley, it's my honor to get your magical power. Just test me."

Over the years, he has participated in countless trials for "Thunder Shazam".

For example, during the Final Crisis, after completing the "Final Trial" of the old wizard, he obtained the core authority of the Eternal Castle.

"Do you know the wizard's arrangement for you? He wants you to go to Apokolips to rule the dark gods." Harley said.

Billy nodded and hesitated: "He told me, but I can't make a decision. I plan to discuss it with Superman and you. Sister Harley, do you think I want to be the 'Dark Lord'?"

"This is the trial I have arranged for you - in the matter of controlling the dark gods, you must show the wisdom to recognize your true heart and the courage to follow your true heart," Harley said.

Billy thought for a moment and said: "I understand, but I can't give an answer now. I don't know whether to be the Dark Lord, because I still don't understand the situation of the new god of the earth and mankind.

After leaving the Eternal Castle, I will go to Apokolips in person to check on the situation of the new gods of mankind. "

Harley smiled and said, "You can go meet the next god."

Billy was stunned, "I passed?"

"The hardest thing for people to deceive is actually themselves. I will give you the power of the God of War. The less hesitation you have in your heart, the smoother your thoughts will be, and the stronger your divinity will be.

On the contrary, if you never recognize your heart, or if you recognize it but dare not reject it, your divinity will be weakened or even completely ineffective. " Harley said.

She is willing to lend her divine power to Billy, but will not let her power become Mama Lagun's tool.

If Billy is willing to be a tool without personal will, even if the thick-skinned power is in his body, he will not be able to use it.

Billy was thinking about Harley's words when the scene in front of him suddenly changed, from the Palace of the God of War on the top of the mountain to a forest.

The forest is very beautiful, with bright sunshine, green trees, bright flowers, and the chirping of birds and insects.

There are also spirits that exude hazy brilliance, dotted among the treetops and flowers, mysterious, quiet and beautiful.

"Child, you are here."

The gentle call woke Billy up from his intoxication. When he turned around, he saw a round-faced old woman holding a goat skull crutch and wearing complicated national costumes two steps away, looking at him kindly.

"Am I also in your sea of ​​consciousness? Are you a ray of consciousness now, surrounded by illusions?" Billy murmured.

The old woman shook her head and said: "You are in the Sanjiu Kingdom now, and I am Annabelle, the owner here."

Then she asked curiously: "Whose consciousness were you in before? I only used a ray of consciousness to meet you, and the attitude seemed very perfunctory. Could it be the Witch Harley?"

"Uh, it's Sister Harley, why is she the one with the perfunctory attitude?" Billy asked doubtfully.

"She is the top figure in the multiverse."

Old Shazam most likely begged the Witch Harley to join the Six Gods, but they begged Old Shazam to join the Six Gods.

Their desires and status are different, and their attitude towards Thunder Shazam must be different from hers.

Little grandmother Annabell thought in her heart, but did not say the words directly.

After all, she is a king of the divine system, so she cannot lose any face.

Billy didn't ask further questions, but just explained: "Actually, Sister Harley is not arrogant. Her body is saving the parallel universe, and only a ray of consciousness comes back."

"Well, since she also thinks highly of you, you can go ahead." Annabell nodded lightly.

"You haven't tested me yet." Billy said doubtfully.

——What else is there to test? I have already been tested by the old Shazam. Only after offering 18 artifacts did he reluctantly nod in agreement. He may have to accept the "test" from the Witch Harley later.

The little grandmother murmured in her heart, and the smile on her face became more and more kind, "My test for you is to appease Zonos's emotions. If you get Zonos's approval, you will be considered to have passed my test."

Among the six gods of SHAZAM, Witch Harley is a friend of old Shazam and Thunder Shazam. Accepting the invitation to come to the Eternal Castle has almost shown her attitude.

The other four people are eager to become one of the six gods.

Not to mention that Billy has passed Zeus' multiple tests, even if he is as stupid as a pig, they will accept it with gritted teeth.

Therefore, there is only one real test facing Billy, Yuga Khan!

The next moment, Billy left the Sanjiu Kingdom and came to a meteorite full of golden magic light. The meteorite was in a meteorite belt with many meteorites floating around. Each meteorite sealed a huge spirit: Steel Nail. Pierce the spirit's limbs and nail them to the meteorite.

"Welcome, magic warrior Billy Bassent, I am Shiva, and I give you the power of the first old god."

A golden giant with four arms directly raised the hammer and poured his power into Billy.

"No, please wait, it's not possible now. I haven't completed the trial yet and I can't withstand your power." Billy was frightened.

"Well, you're right, you're still on trial, so I won't delay you any longer."

The golden-skinned giant god waved his hand, and Billy disappeared before his eyes.

"Hey, hey, you're the one who's testing me!" Billy shouted, but there was no response.

Inexplicably, he completed the trial of the third god.

Sports goddess Aite is nearly three meters tall. Although she is very tall, she is very delicate and her figure is so perfect that no flaws can be found.

Billy appeared directly next to her throne.

She was lying on the throne made of human skulls, stretched out her long white legs, hooked Billy's waist with her feet without boots, hooked him to her side, and stretched out her arms to hold him in her arms.

"What are you doing?" Billy didn't want to struggle, but he still resisted the temptation and struggled gently.

"I am the sports goddess Aite. I know that you are about to face Zonos. There will be a good battle to be fought later, so I will help you divert your attention now." Her big hand gently touched his cheek, " With my comfort, it won’t hurt so much when you get spanked.”

Billy swallowed and said with difficulty: "Is this your test? I admit that you are very powerful, and the tests of the previous few people combined are not as good as yours, but my path will never stop here!"

"Ahhh!" He yelled and struggled, desperately staying away from the sports goddess Aite.

There was a look of confusion on Aite's charming face.

She has a fart test, and being able to sneak into the six gods of SHAZAM is already a blessing for her who sacrificed her life to serve the old wizard Shazam in the early years. Now she is ready to accept the "test" of the magic warrior.

"Okay, you passed the test, and I will give you the 'Blessing of Vitality', which will make you energetic and energetic." Although he didn't understand what Billy had misunderstood, Aite still let him go and gave him a two-and-a-half minute Chung’s “kiss of energy.”

After being kissed by Aite, Billy was indeed much more energetic, like someone who had stayed up late and had a full sleep, and his body was full of energy.

But after he left the realm of the Goddess of Sports, he did not see Zonos immediately.

"I am the god of fire, art and death, Horonmir, the god of Mars."

Billy came to the purgatory full of scorching flames and saw a terrifying demon whose whole body was on fire.

"Hronmir? Why you? H already has someone." Billy asked in surprise.

"I know, it's Witch Harley." The God of Mars gritted his teeth, his voice full of resentment and hatred, "Obviously my name is at the front of the 'H' queue, and it's obviously me who will be the 'H'."

Billy said in a strange tone: "I didn't expect you to be so courageous, dare to compete with Sister Harley, and still dare to rob her halfway if you can't compete."

Hronmir stared with scarlet vertical pupils, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Isn't it you who should be afraid?" Billy laughed.

Hronmir was silent for a moment and said dullly: "My hatred and grievance are all directed at Mamalagorn, who did not fulfill his promise to me.

It has nothing to do with Harley, I understand.

I'm not just robbing you halfway. Mamalagang said that the fear radiating from me is comparable to Zonos, so let me give you a 'mock exam'. "

"Simulation?" Billy mused.

"Go ahead."

The God of Mars waved his hand, and Billy disappeared into the flaming purgatory.

Yuga Khan is very strong, but he only has a will at this time, and his will can only exert pressure on Billy's soul.

As a generation of evil god-king, his way of exerting coercion is fear.

As long as Billy has enough courage, he can easily pass this level.

Hronmir is a mock test for Yuga Khan.

Heronmir was a god worshiped by the Martians, but he massacred the entire Martian race, leaving only the Martian Manhunter alive.

This ferocious god can barely simulate the violence of Yuga Khan. After all, Hronmir is the real body, but Yuga Khan at this time is just a will.

After experiencing the test of Hronmir, it was easier when facing Yuga Khan.

In fact, there is no need for old Shazam to help him cheat, and Billy will not be afraid of Yuga Khan.

"Boy, you dare to punch me, the King of Evil and the father of Darkseid. You are very brave. You are barely qualified to borrow my power."

After receiving Yuga Khan's approval, Billy immediately felt an impulse in his heart.

Without hesitation, he raised his head and shouted, "Shazam!"


Silver lightning fell, and the thin young man immediately transformed into a muscular man wearing a tights.

Shiva's strength, Harley's defense, Annabelle's compassion, Zonos's divine power, Aite's endurance and vitality, Mamalagorn's lightning.

New Six Gods, new Shazam.

But Thunder Shazam’s uniform hasn’t changed much.

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