I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1736 The Earth Ascends

"What if you say it, but what if you don't say it? With the frequency of your mother's troubles, sooner or later you will break free from the shackles of the Origin Wall and regain your freedom." Harley said.

Knowing and believing in the existence of gods is the most basic belief, and gods can gain power from belief.

As the mother of creation, Pepatua surpasses the King of Gods and the "Creator" in terms of realm. Of course, she can gain strength from the knowledge of others.

But Pepatua gained power through more than just faith.

Harley felt like her faith was even a small part of the power she gained.

Papetua's consciousness has spread across the multiverse. She doesn't need others to send her stories. She can find strong men by herself and introduce herself to seduce them.

Harley is an example.

At first, she didn't hear about Pappetua's deeds from anyone. It was after she hung herself on the Origin Wall that Pappetua took the initiative to come to her door.

Even beings like Zha Kang were exposed to Pepatua's will after hanging the Origin Wall.

There are countless people in the multiverse who are more valuable than Zha Kang. Have they also been tempted by Pepatua?

What choices did they make when faced with temptation?

"You even know about her crazy troubles? Where did you know it? What did you know?" the anti-supervisory king asked in surprise.

Harley said: "She told me personally that she worked hard to protect the multiverse from being harvested by the judges. And you three unfilial sons colluded with outsiders and betrayed your mother just to monopolize the management of the multiverse."

"Don't listen to her nonsense!" The anti-monitor king said excitedly: "As the mother of creation, she should have fallen into a deep sleep with the birth of the universe, turning her body into the material of the universe, and turning her soul into the origin of the world. will.

It’s just that she is greedy for power and refuses to sleep. We are still loyal to her and help her manage the multiverse, but she... did she tell you that she was sealed five billion years ago (ps)?

At that time, nearly ten billion years had passed since the birth of the universe!

If we are really unfilial sons who covet the management power of the universe, why can we tolerate her for tens of billions of years? Why did he wait until five billion years ago to report her to the Judge of Origin?

Five billion years ago, she went completely crazy. As the mother of creation, she actually stole the origin from the universe she created.

If we did nothing, you would never have a chance to be born, and the multiverse would have been destroyed 5 billion years ago. "

Harley shrugged, "It's useless for you and me to get excited. I'm not a judge and I can't control your family's bad affairs."

Only by entering the Almighty Universe and truly understanding the identity and responsibilities of the Origin Judge, the origin and final outcome of the Mother of Creation, and the true purpose of creation can we make an objective and fair evaluation of this case.

Now even if the anti-monitor is telling the truth, it may be because he lacks knowledge and the truth is wrong.

The anti-monitoring king calmed down and asked: "Besides tempting me to launch the Crisis on Infinite Earths, what else has she done?"

"Aren't you so shameless? You committed the crime yourself, but you shifted the responsibility to your mother?" said Harley.

"I swear, it was she who tricked me into doing this!" The anti-monitoring king said in a solemn and urgent tone: "Whether it was the 'First Crisis on Infinite Earths' in the early years, or the 'Second Crisis on Infinite Earths' as you call it , she is the messenger of the Lord!

That's right, the opportunity for the first Crisis on Infinite Earths was when Dr. Manhattan entered our universe from the omnipotent universe, allowing the multiverse to start a "major upgrade of the law system."

But as the old saying goes, opportunity favors the prepared.

I was able to seize the opportunity because I prepared for it for many years in advance.

During those years, she had been whispering in my ear, tempting me with the secrets of the universe that were 70% true and 30% false, making me imagine that I could transcend the realm of the Creator and become the sole master of the multiverse.

It is possible that Monitor Marnou was also tempted, which was why there were various subsequent crises.

She also often provokes the relationship between our three creators with concerns that hide evil intentions. We used to not say that we were intimate, but at least we had a certain degree of trust and tacit understanding.

Now I, the Watcher, the Forger, have not spoken a normal word in years.

Every time they meet, they will inevitably quarrel or even fight.

During the second Crisis on Infinite Earths, her voice was clearer and her distortion of my will was stronger. Your earth has just experienced the crisis of the Eclipse Lord. You must have a deep understanding of the Eclipse Lord's teasing of the negative emotions of all living beings.

What Eclipse Lord can do is a piece of cake for her.

The effect of the Eclipse Lord on all living beings is increased 100 times, which is the torture I suffered.

Now do you imagine how terrifying her whispers were? "

"Her voice penetrated my mind and said to me: Darkseid humiliated you like that, you shouldn't take revenge? Witch Harley lied to you about your origin and destroyed your destiny to dominate the multiverse. Why didn't you destroy her Life?

With so many evil sounds constantly piercing your ears, who can resist it?

In fact, with your wisdom, if you think about it carefully, you will feel that something is wrong.

For the past tens of billions of years, the multiverse has been peaceful. The biggest disturbance was just the Martus people observing the origin of time, which caused a single universe to split into an infinite multiverse.

Why have crises occurred so frequently in recent years? "

"Whether it's the first Crisis on Infinite Earths, the second Crisis on Infinite Earths, or now, you seem to be very conscious. If you're not brainwashed at all, you're a bit stupid at most, and you've made some mistakes." Harley said.

She believed that the anti-supervisor king was not completely lying, because Papetua's whisper was not just directed at him.

Watcher Wu Tan said something similar, and she herself experienced it many times.

Based on the connection between the three brothers of the Creator and the Mother of Creation, it should be easier for them to receive Pepatua's consciousness waves, and thus be more susceptible to being bewitched.

Maybe Watcher Marnou's "madness" has something to do with Pepatua.

But Harley also believes that as long as the wall of origin does not collapse, the three creators will at most be interfered with, and their wills and thoughts will remain independent, and they will never truly become puppets.

The main reason why they have done a series of bad things and caused various crises directly or indirectly is because of their own character flaws. Like human beings, they cannot resist the temptation of huge benefits.

Anti-surveillance fantasies of dominating the multiverse.

The Watcher longs for transcendence and becomes the Master Watcher.

The Forger. At present, Harley has not come into contact with the Forger and does not know what the "Third Creator" is.

Based on the situation of monitors and counter-monitors, it can be inferred that the casters must be harassed by Pepatua's whispers at all times, and there will probably be one or more major crises in the future.

"Even if my head is clear, it doesn't mean that I am not affected." The anti-monitoring king argued: "First of all, if I resolutely resist her whispers, I will have a splitting headache, be in a trance, and be anxious.

On the contrary, if I obey her and accept her thoughts and suggestions, I will immediately think clearly, be inspired, feel comfortable and energetic.

Even if I am the Creator and can resist this kind of intense emotional torture for a thousand, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand years, how many billions of years can I bear it?

Secondly, people with independent thoughts will definitely have selfish desires, and I am no exception.

Just like the sage kings of your mortal dynasties, no matter how wise and decisive they are, they will be tempted by the slanders of treacherous villains.

But unlike ordinary people who indulge in mistakes without realizing it and unable to extricate themselves, I know that I have been affected by her, and I have been fighting.

Everything I do now is to resist her.

Including killing Darkseid. "

"Don't tell me that Darkseid is her pony." Harley said.

The anti-supervisor nodded repeatedly, "Harley, you are so smart. You hit the nail on the head. Darkseid is her henchman. I killed him to clear out the traitors from the multiverse.

Although I have swallowed up many parallel universes, my essence is to protect the multiverse. "

Harley asked: "What is Darkseid doing?"

With Darkseid's strength, it is really possible to come into contact with Papetua's will.

Even the developing Harley and the mere magic master Zha Kang, Pepatua has the intention of "recruiting". If they come into contact with the Dark Lord, it would be abnormal not to seduce him.

But Harley felt that with Darkseid's character, it was normal for him to use each other, but it was almost impossible for him to be someone else's lackey.

"I will tell you Darkseid's secret, and you must swear to forgive my behavior. How about all the old grudges between you and me disappear?" the anti-monitoring king said shrewdly.

Didn't he say so much just to arouse her curiosity and make her promise not to hunt him down again?

Harley looked at him carefully and asked, "What state are you in now, reinventing yourself?"

The Anti-Monitor King is still wrapped in the hundred-meter-high flame dome condensed from the source of antimatter, and his body is undergoing some unknown changes.

She only stood aside for a while, and then she noticed that his stature had shrunk a lot, from the three-meter-tall macho man before to a normal middle-aged white man about 1.9 meters tall.

"Now I am going back to my roots and returning to my true self. The me you usually see is a metal carapace on the outside and anti-matter energy as scarlet as fire on the inside.

If the outer carapace is torn off, my body will expand uncontrollably.

I also look hateful and ferocious, like a monster, but that’s not my true face.

You have seen Marnou. I was originally in human form like him, with a slender figure and handsome appearance.

At that time, I was obsessed with exploring the secrets of the universe, full of curiosity about everything unknown, and even built a Mobius chair to search for knowledge."

The face of the anti-supervisory king showed complex emotions such as nostalgia, lamentation, and melancholy, and he sighed: "Back then, I was not affected by her whispers. I was just a scholar who was thirsty for knowledge.

Because I was too obsessed with unknown knowledge, I finally violated the Creator's prohibition and came here to find the anti-life equation from the deep well.

The Anti-Life Equation is the most powerful force in the universe and its greatest curse.

It took root in my blood like tarsal maggots, causing me to suffer every moment.

Losing a normal human body and becoming the monster you all know is the most insignificant side effect.

Even if Darkseid took away the equation during Crisis on Infinite Earths, it still couldn't lift the curse on me.

The roots of the equation are still deeply embedded in my soul.

So Darkseid can easily transfer the backlash power to me along with the Anti-Life Equation. "

Harley looked into the dark and cold well, "Since you can use the power of the deep well to completely eradicate the anti-life equation, why didn't you do this before? (ps)"

"This involves Darkseid's secret again. Do you agree?" Anti-Monitor looked at her and asked.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as the secret you tell is of sufficient value, the old grudges between you and me will be wiped out." Harley said.

"What counts as sufficient value? There must be a clear standard." Anti-monitor said.

Harley pointed at her face, "You stare at my face, and as long as I show a bit of shock, it's worth enough."

The corner of Anti-Monitor's mouth twitched, "If you suppress your expression, or refuse to admit that your expression is shock, what can I do?"

"Don't worry, with my current status, I will definitely not play tricks with you."

Harley's body flashed, and she got into the anti-matter energy dome. She stood next to the anti-supervisor and said: "And I am Daozu and you are fish. Here and now, the status between you and me is inherently unequal. You You can only trust me."

Realizing that the source of antimatter around him was out of control and fluctuating violently, the Anti-Monitor King hurriedly shouted: "Stay away from me, don't interfere with my reshaping my body!"

Harley stood still, only putting away the anti-matter defense field, and said: "I'm very pressed for time, please just do it and stop talking nonsense."

The anti-monitor took a deep look at her and said: "Darkseid is the embodiment of the crisis power of the multiverse. He gave up his responsibilities and handed over the crisis power generated by the universe in crisis to that woman.

So she tried every means to create crises and let the multiverse continue to produce crisis forces.

After absorbing the crisis force, her power gradually grew and became more and more active, and she could even speak directly in my ear.

The trick to escape the anti-life equation with the help of a deep well is what she told me.

I wanted to get out of the equation right away, but I also understood that she wasn't telling me this technique to help me, but to further control me.

Now that I have separated from the anti-life equation and reshaped my physical body, this is my weakest moment. If her evil whispers sneak in at this moment, they can easily twist my will and make me completely her puppet.

So I want to kill Darkseid, who is the 'incarnation of crisis', first.

Darkseid died and the crisis power dissipated. She was severely injured and could not whisper directly in my ear for the time being.

Taking this opportunity, I can calmly escape from the anti-life equation and return to my true self.

I killed Darkseid not only for personal revenge. If she continues to absorb the crisis power, she will soon break free from the seal of the Origin Wall, and then the entire multiverse will usher in the final catastrophe.

I protect the entire multiverse, I am the savior - Harley Quinn, there is a look of surprise on your face! "

His already excited expression became even more excited, and his voice rose an octave.

Harry touched his face and said: "It is clear that he is a scourge of the world and has killed hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe, but he shamelessly claims that he is the savior. Even though he is as well-informed as I am, he is still shocked."

"Don't make excuses. You were shocked because of the 'Secret of Darkseid' I revealed!" the anti-monitoring king shouted.

"Don't worry, although your shamelessness surprises me, I don't deny the value of secrets. Of course, the premise is that you don't lie." Harley said.

"I have tried so hard to kill Darkseid, so why do I need to lie?" the anti-monitoring king said.

"What is the crisis force?" Harley asked.

The Anti-Monitor King thought for a while and said: "The simplest explanation is that a very high-level energy was born from the crisis, which is higher than the energy level of the power of creation.

To be honest, I am not very clear about its nature. I can only make rough guesses based on existing research.

Have you ever heard of the saying that our universe was born from a thought?

When human beings are emotionally excited, their bodies will explode with extraordinary strength, and their strength will be greater than usual.

Whether it's adrenaline or something else, in short, extremely excited emotions make the living body produce more energy.

Think of the universe that gave birth to self-thought as a life. Crisis is its excited state, and the stronger energy it bursts out is the crisis force.

And Darkseid is the 'organ' that secretes and digests 'adrenaline'.

All gods, new and old, can be seen as organs of the universe.

Cells are also organs. The ordinary gods who understand the laws are cells, and the god kings are important organs.

Each organ has its own function, and Darkseid assumes the responsibility of absorbing the crisis force, converting the crisis force into other forces, and then giving it to the origin of the universe.

Among the eight divine realms of the universe, only the new dark god of Apokolips can never be idle.

They invade other people's world every day, or prepare for invasion.

To the entire multiverse, the Dark New God is the crisis itself.

Therefore, Darkseid is the embodiment of crisis.

But he betrayed all life in the multiverse. He gave her the crisis power and was a 'traitor'.

I am a hoe warrior, a superhero! "

Harley had a disgusted look on her face, "If you want to talk, just say it nicely. Why do you always add a 'heroic persona' to yourself? Isn't it embarrassing?"

——I’m not worried that you don’t keep your word, break your promise immediately after hearing the secret, and screw me up, so I keep emphasizing that I am a hero and have made many contributions to the multiverse in exchange for your understanding and recognition of me. .

The anti-supervision king murmured in his heart and said seriously: "I am telling the truth."

Harley pondered: "Darkseid once explained the nature of the crisis force to me. He said that the multiverse is like a machine that keeps running, and the crisis force is the heat loss of the machine.

Crisis power comes from crises and can also cause crises. "

At that time, Darkseid's tone was full of superiority, and his expression was one-third proud and one-third disdainful, disdainful of targeting Harley who could not understand the nature of the crisis force.

He also said that she was a nouveau riche whose knowledge of the multiverse was superficial.

Recalling the scene that day, Harley felt that the Anti-Monitor King's inference was probably right. Darkseid was the embodiment of the crisis in the multiverse and was Pepatua's accomplice.

"Well, although it is a little different from my explanation, the difference is not big in essence. They both say that the crisis force comes from a special cosmic operating mechanism." The anti-surveillance king said slowly: "The heat loss of the machine must be a metaphor , he probably wanted to emphasize that crisis power is difficult for ordinary people to use."

"Do you know the evil owl god? He once incarnated in the human world as the Egyptian god 'Set'. Darkseid said that 'Set' was also collecting crisis power. Since he is the incarnation of crisis, he will definitely not be wrong in his judgment." Harley asked road.

The anti-supervisor king shook his head and said: "I don't know much about the gods in the divine realm, but I am sure that she has definitely bewitched me.

I was able to resist her whispers, and even struck back, inflicting a major blow on her and indirectly saving the multiverse. Other gods and demons could only become her slaves, without the power or heart to resist, such as Dark. Said. "

"Set comes from the sixth dimension. Is it possible that he is your old brother the Forger?" Harley asked.

The anti-supervision king didn't even think about it, and immediately shook his head and said: "It can't be him."

"Have you met the Forger recently and talked to him?"

"I haven't contacted him in 3 billion years." The anti-surveillance king said.

Then he added: "But I know him very well, or in other words, I know the 'Creator'. With our pride, we will never be willing to degenerate and become a god in the pantheon of the old gods."

Harley said with a dull face: "I feel like you are caring about me."

On the Creation Star, she was just a teacher. In theory, she was not even considered a god by the Heavenly Father.

In Silver City, the "God of War in Heaven" is completely the god of the "Maharaja".

The King of Anti-Monitors said: "The Creator creates the world, life is born in the world, and the first life grows into a god. The relationship between the gods and us is that of creation and the Creator. There is an essential difference in identity and status.

No matter how strong you are, you are still a human being. The only difference between you and other people is your strength and realm, so you can happily live among the crowd.

You think it's cruel of me to devour the multiverse.

But you humans will also destroy the crops in the fields and knock down the buildings you built. Do you think they are cruel?

The crops in the fields are destroyed to make it easier to plant another crop, and the old buildings are torn down to build new skyscrapers.

You should understand my behavior in this way. "

Harry said calmly: "I can beat you to death. I also beat your brother Marnuo to death. Which farmland can beat a farmer to death for his crops?"

The anti-supervision king was choked to silence.

Harley asked: "After Darkseid's death, will a new 'incarnation of crisis' be born?"

"Regardless of whether it is possible or not, it will be difficult for her to obtain crisis power in a short period of time, and most of the crisis power from Darkseid will be dissipated." The anti-monitoring king said.

"Is the dispersion mostly your imagination, or is it based on some real data that others can access?" Harley asked again.

"Isn't it obvious? Crisis force is also a kind of energy. Darkseid is its master. Now that he is dead, how can it not be that most of the energy is dissipated?" the anti-monitoring king said matter-of-factly.

Harley sneered: "Don't you find that you are inconsistent? She kept whispering in your ear, tempting you to kill Darkseid.

In fact, you were able to enter Wan Tianyi because she plotted against Wu Tan. She also kept whispering to him, disrupting his thinking, affecting his performance, and finally letting you take advantage of the loophole.

It is obvious that she sincerely hopes that you will successfully launch the Darkseid War and kill Darkseid.

She is 100% eager for crisis power and needs crisis power to break free from the seal.

What does this mean? "

The anti-supervision king was stunned, "What does it mean?"

"It shows that Darkseid's death is very beneficial to her. Maybe by killing Darkseid, the 'middleman', she can obtain crisis power more efficiently."

"No, it's not possible, is it?" the anti-supervision king murmured.

Harley said calmly: "Please carefully recall the process of killing Darkseid. Originally, he pushed you to the ground and beat you, but he suddenly became brain-dead. Even though he knew you had the Anti-Life Equation, he still called the black man Barry over. You can make a comeback against the wind for nothing."

The anti-monitor did not want to believe it, and shook his head repeatedly: "No, he did not have the upper hand, the one who had the upper hand was me. I have devoured countless parallel universes, with unlimited energy, and can consume him alive. Only if he realizes this, can I A close call.

If he did it on purpose, why do you think he committed suicide?

Losing your life and letting your soul fall into my hands, isn't it the worst ending? "

"He did lose his life, but his soul was obtained by Greer. How do you think Greer will deal with him?" Harley said.

The Anti-Monitor King immediately said: "Greier's methods will only become more cruel. I can feel her hatred for Darkseid."

"Oh, haven't you ever thought about the possibility that Greer himself is also his pawn? With the wisdom shown by Darkseid in the final crisis, he will be assassinated by an Amazon female assassin? What a joke."

The anti-supervisor king insisted: "As the saying goes, the only solution to hardships is death. Death is like a lamp going out. Why does he want to be killed? What are the benefits of death? If you really want to commit suicide, wouldn't it be nice to wipe your own neck with a knife?"

"How could he, the majestic dark lord and the load-bearing wall of the multiverse, commit suicide just because he wants to? Even if he wiped his neck with a knife, the origin of the universe would not let him die.

As for the purpose of suicide, I can't guess at the moment.

But I'm sure that bastard must be planning something again. " Harley said.

"Harley, I think you are too mythical about Darkseid. After being tricked by him once in Final Crisis, you probably had a psychological shadow on him. No matter what he did, you felt that he had a conspiracy." The anti-surveillance king carefully considered his words. say.

Harley floated to him with an expressionless face and slapped his head hard with her right hand, "There is paste in this. Why don't you smash it into pieces and put it back into the furnace and rebuild it."

The anti-surveillance king screamed: "Harley, you must be honest! You have admitted that the 'Secret of Darkseid' I said is valuable, so you should keep your promise and wipe out the old grudges."

Harley said seriously: "Anti-supervision. Well, now that you are back in human form, can I call you 'Mobius'? To show our closeness, I call you 'Old Mo'."

Old Mo, think about it carefully with your brain as the "first scientist in the universe". You firmly believe that killing Darkseid will severely damage Pepatua, but you are bewitched by her to kill Darkseid. Isn't it contradictory?

Did you really fight back against Papetua, or have your will been twisted by her, and everything you did was arranged by her? "

"This issue can be discussed slowly and seriously later. Now you must keep your promise and let me complete the transformation back to my true self." The anti-monitoring king said.

Harley sighed: "Do you know Wu Tan's past and present lives? He was originally the Creator, but now he has been reincarnated as a human being.

He didn't blame me, but was extremely grateful to me.

Because he was in human form, his resistance to Papetua's whispers was a thousand times stronger. "

"No, how can I, the great Creator, allow mortals to be parents?! Witch Harley, your methods against Wu Tan are ineffective against me.

Don't talk about your reincarnation seal, call Lady Death herself, and don't even think about controlling the soul of a complete creator!

You can kill me, but my soul will return to Kovad. "The anti-supervision king shouted excitedly.

Wu Tan's situation is indeed very special.

First of all, the main consciousness of the monitor Marnou is still there, and the other 51 monitors divide his sub-consciousness equally. Wu Tan is only one-51st of the monitor's sub-consciousness, which is only equivalent to a spiritual clone of Marnou. .

Secondly, the multiverse recognizes each monitor as an independent individual, and Marnou cannot reclaim the authority and power of other monitors. If a monitor dies, their authority and power of creation return to their origin, waiting for the completion of the restart of the fifth world. , and then assigned to other monitors.

In other words, after Wu Tan died, he had lost the power and authority of the monitor, leaving only a blank slate of soul.

After Wu Tan was reincarnated, he lived to be in his thirties, but still hadn't awakened any power.

After all the monitors died, the origin of the universe recognized his identity as the "successor of the monitors".

Anti-Prisoner is a complete body. Even if he only has one soul left, he is still the creator with power and authority.

The power of the Creator is enough to erase the mark of the cycle of life and death, just like burning the mark on Greer's soul before the rebellion.

"Old Mo, calm down, I don't want to harm you."

Harley shouted, and a ray of thick-skinned divine power surged out of her right hand placed on the anti-supervisor's head.

Divine power entered Anti-Monitor's brain and formed a protective force field on the surface of his soul.

"I am a mortal myself. Even if you are reincarnated as a mortal, how can I humiliate you? Humiliating you, who has a mortal body and a father and a mother, is not the same as humiliating myself?

Even if I am a fool and laugh at you by humiliating myself, you are just being laughed at by a fool.

How much loss can you suffer from being laughed at by a stupid person?

But if you were reincarnated as a mortal, you could escape Papetua's whispers.

Not just a whisper, judging from the process of you launching the 'Darkseid War', you are likely to have her will twisted by her - even if there is only one in ten thousand chances, compared with the loss you will suffer from being laughed at by the idiot, it is still greater. Make extra money. "

With Houpi's divine power entering his brain, the Anti-Monitor King's hot brain suddenly cooled down and his thoughts became clearer.

"I admit that what you said makes sense, but I don't want to find a mortal parent. I'm fine now. Even if my mind is distorted by her, it's none of your business."

Although he calmed down, he was still unwilling to accept Harley's kindness.

Harry sighed: "Old Mo, the current situation is that the personal grudge between you and me has been settled.

You forcibly dragged the earth into the hatred of the "Darkseid War", and I can forgive you magnanimously.

But the accounts between you and Wan Tianyi haven’t been settled yet.

Those parallel universes swallowed by you can now only maintain a vibrating shadow.

This is done to ensure that nearby parallel universes do not collide with each other.

But the phantom can only last for a while, and Wu Tan can't just do this one thing for his whole life.

I must take away all the antimatter origins in your body.

After losing those origins, you still have to return to the planet Kovad to wait for resurrection.

Losing power and having no companions to help you, how do you think Pappetua will deal with you? "

The anti-supervisor looked ugly and was silent.

Harley let him think for a while and said again: "Even if you enter reincarnation, you will still retain your original power and authority after resurrection.

If you really feel that calling mortals parents is a humiliation, you can delete that memory after awakening your power.

I swear to you, first of all, your reincarnation process is completely random, and I will not deliberately control the reincarnation process.

Secondly, I am not involved at all in your growth process.

I will leave you in a universe where time flows very fast. For a few months in the main universe, you have lived for decades and successfully awakened your memory and power.

Finally, your experience is only known to you and me, and no third person will know it unless you take the initiative to expose it. "

The anti-monitoring expressions changed several times.

After a full ten minutes, he whispered: "Do you really think my will has been twisted by her?"

Harry looked up at the black void above the deep well and said faintly: "The earth is rising."


Harley sighed: "Before I came to the anti-matter universe to hunt you down, Superman had already obtained Darkseid's power godhead and became the new god of power.

After activating the power of the God of Power, he was finally able to push Apokolips out of the material world.

I felt at that time that things would not be that simple.

I didn't expect that Darkseid was more courageous than I thought, and actually sacrificed himself alive to the earth.

If my guess is correct, there must be other people on earth who have also obtained the dark godhead at this time and become the new main god of Apokolips. "

She turned back, looked at the Anti-Monitor King and said, "Facts have proven that Darkseid's death was a conspiracy.

If you don’t believe it, you can follow me to the earth and take a look.

If I guess wrong, I will send you back to Coward immediately.

If I guess correctly, you will follow my arrangement and reincarnate in the human world. "

"What's his conspiracy?" Anti-Supervisor asked in surprise.

"I don't know his true purpose, but the current state of the earth can prove that he is plotting against me and the Justice League." Harley said.

The anti-monitor hesitated and said: "Are you taking my whole body to the earth, or just my soul?"

"Of course it's just the soul. I made it very clear just now. The personal grudges between you and me can be wiped out, but you owe Wan Tianyi tens of thousands of universes of energy and you have to repay it." Harley said firmly.

"Oh, there's no need to go to Earth. Just arrange for my reincarnation." Anti-supervisor said bitterly.

Harley asked strangely: "Why did you suddenly think about it?"

The anti-supervisor said helplessly: "It's not that I'm overthinking it, I have no choice. If I lose all my origins, even if I'm perfectly resurrected, I won't be able to offend you."

——With your petty mind, you will definitely find opportunities to make me uncomfortable.

"I will reincarnate according to your will, even if there is no gain, even if I waste decades, at least you will be satisfied and will not torment me again in the future."

Harley patted his shoulder and said with a firm tone: "Old Mo, I promise you, you will never say such things again after you are reincarnated."

Sending Mobius to reincarnation is not a simple matter.

Harley first spent a full day and night to extract all the antimatter sources from his body. Even his physical body, which was finally restored to its original state, was decomposed into antimatter energy.

By this point, he was dead.

Then, with the active cooperation of Mobius, all the authority and memory of the Creator were extracted and dissolved in the center of the planet Kovad.

Even if there is only a blank soul left in the end, it will be difficult for Harley's reincarnation mark to be imprinted on it.

If the mark cannot be burned, the effect of reincarnation cannot be exerted.

Harley could only sacrifice a skirt to the second sister through the death godhead given to her by the second sister. Well, it was a real skirt.

She drew her second sister's exclusive sacrificial array, using the god of death as the center of the formation, and sacrificed a "Martial God King's Skirt" that she had collected for tens of thousands of years and had never worn before to her second sister, Death.

The second sister liked it very much and responded to her immediately.

With the blessing of the second sister's law power, Harley finally used her reincarnation seal to send a creator into reincarnation.

After all this hard work, it was already three days later when we returned to the main universe, Earth.

"Harley, you are finally back. There is a big problem on the earth. Nearly 10 million people suddenly awakened their divine power and became the new god of darkness!" Hal Jordan said excitedly.

Harley looked him up and down, "Are you a god too?"

"Yes, everyone has become a god, and I am the God of Light."

(ps: The comic does not clearly say when Papetua was sealed. It can only be analyzed from the plot: the solar system and the earth were created by Papetua, and the age of the solar system is not more than 5 billion years old. Therefore, Papetua A Ding was sealed at most 5 billion years ago, and the universe was born almost 15 billion years ago.)

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