I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1735 The secret of anti-supervision

When Apocalypse slid towards the main universe, Injustice Superman and Da Chao came to the "bottom" of Apocalypse together. They pressed their hands against the earth and turned on the biological force field to increase the force range.

Both of them pushed out a large pit that sunk deeply in the earth.

The crust of Apokolips is very thin, and open-air magma pools can be seen everywhere. Immediately, dark red magma flowed into the pit along the cracks in the ground, submerging the bodies of the two supermen.

When the mutation occurred, the range and intensity of the super creature's force field increased hundreds of times. Not only did the magma in the pit where he was in exploded, but the magma around Injustice Superman and the smaller half of the pit were also blown away by powerful force. Fly away.

Injustice Superman turned around and immediately noticed the change in Superboy, "Clark, what happened to you? Why did you turn black? No, it didn't turn black, you turned white?!"

At first glance, Dachao seemed to have become a black man, and his exposed skin was pitch black.

But when he looked closely, Injustice Superman felt his eyes sting slightly. It wasn't that Superboy had turned black, but that his whole body was emitting an extremely strong white light.

He felt that Dachao was dark, but part of Dachao's skin was less luminous and not as bright as other parts, making it look very dark in comparison.

Just like sunspots, sunspots are not black. The temperature is still several thousand degrees, which is brighter than a 10,000-watt incandescent lamp. If you look closely, it can blind your eyes. However, compared with other areas on the sun's surface, the sunspot temperature is relatively low. , the light is darker, making them "dark spots" in contrast.

In fact, there are not many people who can clearly see Da Chao's true appearance at the moment.

Superheroes near the big pit can't see Superhero.

They felt an endless white light suddenly emerge from the deep pit where Dachao was.

From a distance, it looks like there is a planetary engine installed in the pit, which is a thousand times more powerful than the planetary engine in "The Wandering Earth", ejecting a beam of dazzling white light tens of thousands of kilometers long into outer space.

Dachao continued to push Tianqixing hard and replied: "I seem to have absorbed a powerful solar energy.

I'm not sure if it's solar energy, it's weird and powerful.

I don’t know how it came about, but when I was absorbing the core energy of Apokolips, I suddenly felt hot in my heart, and the ‘Apocalypse Earth Core Solar Energy’ seemed to come alive in my body, nourishing every cell in my body.

My body is full of energy and my strength has increased. My absolute strength seems to be the same, but I feel stronger. "

"Have you noticed that your body is shining like a sun, and part of your skin has become 'sunspots'. I have to turn on my super vision to ensure that my eyes are not burned." Injustice Superman said.

"I don't know, I only know that I'm in a good state now. I can push Apokolips out of the main universe, ah!"

Dachao felt that there was endless strength in his body, gritted his teeth and let out a loud cry.

With a loud cry, his body sunk deeply into the earth's crust again.

"Boom!" The speed of Apokolips falling into the material world is decreasing.

"Superman of Universe 0, what just happened? The Dome has detected an extremely huge amount of energy in you, which seems to be the power of the New God. How can you have such power?" Old Batman stared at the monitoring screen, wondering. Uncertain.

"I can't see Superman clearly. His body is shining like a sun. Oh my god, it's so dazzling!" the old Flash Jay shouted.

Cyborg faced the big pit, his electronic eyes flashed red, and he exclaimed in surprise: "He is like a sun at this time, and his body surface temperature exceeds 7000 degrees, which is even more exaggerated than the sun.

However, spectral analysis showed that the light emitting from his body was not natural light, but a strange pure white light.

Natural light seems colorless, but it is actually composed of a combination of light waves of multiple colors. It is invisible to the naked eye but can be easily detected by instruments.

Da Chao's body is just pure white light, with a single spectrum and extremely pure. "

"Of course it is not natural light, it is the external manifestation of the brilliance of divine power." Beka, the God of Love, said in disbelief: "Superman has become a god?! Heavenly Father, is he still the new god of darkness, the new god at the peak level of the main god?! "

"Heavenly Father, what happened to Superman? What was the meteor in the sky just now?" Bateman said solemnly.

Although he didn't understand what happened, he vaguely felt that Superman's mutation was related to the previous "meteor".

The Heavenly Father looked at Dakeng with a gloomy expression. Before he could do anything, he saw a flash of green light, and Harley appeared silently next to him.

"Fake, why did the Godhead of Power find Superman?!" Her face didn't look good.

All miraculous powers have a price. This law applies to her, and it is even more impossible for Superman to violate it.

After obtaining the godhead, divinity and power of the new god, one must assume the responsibility of the "load-bearing wall of the multiverse".

"Harley?" Seeing her suddenly, Heavenly Father was stunned for a moment before asking, "What's the situation on the battlefield? Who killed Darkseid?"

"Harley, you're back!" The sharp-eyed heroes also saw Harley and shouted happily with smiles on their faces.

Harley is here, and they feel confident.

With Harley here, the overall situation is stable.

"The anti-monitor used the anti-life equation to control the black man Barry, penetrate Darkseid's chest, take away his soul, and kill him completely." Through mental transmission, Harley roughly summarized the battle that took place in the stomach bag dimension. Told it once.

"So Dachao got Darkseid's power godhead and became the God of Power? Is this a good thing, or does it have any side effects that we don't know about?" Bateman asked.

"Being a new god is of course a good thing." After hearing this, Orion immediately said excitedly: "To become the god of power in one step, not only will your strength be greatly improved, but you will also have eternal life. The key is that the great super is still the great super. Without His thoughts were twisted by the remaining will of Darkseid.

If he eventually replaces Darkseid, from now on, Apokolips, Creation Star, and Earth will be able to maintain peace forever. "

It was completely different from the time of Final Crisis. Now he didn't care at all that Da Chao had taken the position of "Dark God King" and was sincerely happy for him.

"Dachao only got the godhead of power, Darkseid has more than one godhead." Beka said.

Heavenly Father looked up at the empty sky and said quietly: "At least after the birth of the new God of Power, the collapse of the multiverse has stopped."

Harley nodded and said: "The falling speed of Apokolips is getting slower and slower. It will not be long before it is pushed away from the main universe. I don't need my help here. I am going to hunt down the anti-monitor. Brother Heavenly Father, you... "

Seeing the slight change in his expression immediately, Harley swallowed back her invitation to hunt down the rebels, and changed her words: "Brother, you are in charge of Apokolips. I don't have to worry about accidents at all, so I should go first?"

Heavenly Father's eyes flashed slightly and asked: "Do you know where the anti-monitor is? Are you sure?"

Harley shook her head and said: "He himself is the Supreme, and Greer's vibration frequency channel is very weird. I couldn't catch up even if I wanted to.

It just quietly left a mark on Greer. Unless he happened to enter the same universe, he wouldn't be able to sense it at all.

Try your luck.

If I do encounter him, I will have a battle with the anti-supervisor. I am not sure whether I can kill him, but this bad breath makes me feel uncomfortable, and I cannot do nothing. "

Of course she wasn't as unsure as she said.

It's just that Heavenly Father doesn't want to be her partner, so she has to be careful about him.

"Be careful, don't get ambushed."

Heavenly Father’s face was full of care and concern, but he didn’t even say “Do you want me to come with you?”

"Thank you for your concern, brother, I will be careful." Harley nodded heavily with emotion.

No matter what they think in their own hearts, outsiders are very moved when they see this scene of "brothers, friends and sisters respectfully".

Greer set the end point of the vibration channel at a small plane in Limbo.

After landing, the anti-monitor said nothing and immediately opened the portal to the anti-matter universe and said: "Our cooperation is almost complete. Now I want to go back to the anti-matter universe. What about you?"

Myrina thought that Darkseid was dead and the cooperation between the two parties was happy, so she planned to part ways.

But before she could speak, her daughter Greer said first: "Killing Darkseid is not the end. You haven't given me what you promised."

The anti-monitor glanced at her deeply, "Are you sure you want it? It's not that I couldn't bear it. In fact, one of the purposes of killing Darkseid was to get rid of it.

When I return to the antimatter universe, the first thing I have to do is cleanse my origins and return to myself.

Well, to be honest, it's not as good as you think.

The cost of using it is too high, look at my face.”

He pointed to his huge cheeks.

On the surface, his skin is silver, with a metallic texture, a bit like Captain Atom's "quantum skin".

"This is not my true face. I'm wearing a mask on my face." He pinched his cheek with his right hand a few times, tore off a metal film from his chin, and pulled it upward. His true face of Lushan was revealed to Milina's mother. In front of women.

"Hera on top!" Myrina covered her mouth and exclaimed.

To simply use one word to describe the face of the anti-supervisor king, it would be "a fart swallow": with the withered mouth as the center, gray-black wrinkles radiate in all directions, like a chrysanthemum.

Not only is it ugly, it's also terrifying and disgusting.

A relieved smile appeared on the anti-monitoring "butt drum face", "After killing Darkseid, I can completely get rid of the curse of hundreds of millions of years and restore the normal form of the creator.

So you understand, I'm not reluctant.

We are allies after all, and even if the alliance ends here, I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. "

"Don't worry, I'm different from you. I'm Darkseid's daughter. I can do what he can do." Greer said confidently.

Milina looked at her daughter in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Greer patted her mother's arm to reassure her that she didn't have to worry, and kept her eyes fixed on the anti-supervisory king.

"I will not break my word. Once I separate it from my body, I will give it to you immediately." Seeing her firm attitude, the anti-supervisor king stopped trying to persuade her.

"I will go to the antimatter universe with you." Greer said.

The anti-supervisor king's scarlet eyes scanned her and Myrina, and said, "I don't mind taking you to my world, but I don't want you to take the witch Harley with you."

Milina frowned and said, "At this time, you still doubt our loyalty?"

"No, I'm not worried about your sincerity at all." The anti-surveillance king stretched out his palm, which was bigger than a basketball court, and pointed at the mother and daughter with a finger as thick as a pillar, "You may have the mark left by Witch Harley on your body. "

"Isn't it possible? Witch Harley was so shocked and angry at the time that she had no time to do anything." Myrina said in surprise.

The anti-supervision king sneered: "If it were someone else, you could get useful information from his expression and language, but if it were Witch Harley, don't you know her reputation and achievements?

No matter what she says, what expression she makes, how shocked or happy she appears, don't take it seriously. "

Greer put his hands on his mother's shoulders, and his body "buzzed" with high-frequency vibrations, and Milina also vibrated into a blurry afterimage.

After a while, the two of them returned to their original positions, and Greer said with certainty: "We are very clean, from body to soul, there are no marks."

"If you really want to go to the antimatter universe with me, you have to let me check it myself." The Anti-Monitor King said calmly.

"What to do?" Greer asked.

The King of Anti-Monitors said: "At present, Witch Harley has only used two positioning techniques, one is the heaven mark on the bad streets of Silver City, and the other is the reincarnation mark she created herself.

Both seals are powerful, but no matter how high their energy level is, they are never higher than the power of creation.

When I wash your souls with antimatter energy, they will have nothing to hide.

Don’t worry, there won’t be any magical influence, it’s just a ‘soul search’. "

Myrina hesitated, turned to look at her daughter, and asked, "Darkseid is dead, what else do you want?"

Greer whispered: "No matter what I want, you don't want us to be hunted down by Witch Harley, right? Letting the anti-surveillance king help with a physical examination will only be good for us."

Milina hesitated for a moment, then nodded helplessly, "I'll go first."

The soul search process was easier than she expected.

It's just that the soul leaves the body and enters the anti-matter source condensed in the palm of the hand to burn.

It hurt more than burning her body, but it was nothing to her.

"Wait a minute!" After her soul returned to her body, Myrina held her daughter's hand and waited for a while to make sure there were no side effects before letting go.

"Ah~~" Unlike Milina, Greer's soul immediately let out a shrill scream as soon as it fell into the flame-like antimatter source. The soul beeped and burned, sending out thick black smoke.

"King of anti-supervision, what are you doing?!"

Milina pulled out the dagger from her waist and was about to rush towards the face of the anti-supervisory king.

"Idiot, isn't it obvious?" the anti-supervision king yelled: "Your daughter was indeed plotted by the Witch Harley."

"Mother, I'm fine!" Greer only screamed.

When the mark on her soul was burned away by the antimatter source and the thick black smoke disappeared, she returned to normal and returned to her body.

"King of Anti-Supervision, what type of mark is it? How was it printed? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

"There are both kinds of marks. Your whole body is in her belly, and it is easy for her to do anything. The mark of heaven is relatively common, and it is not difficult to find it as long as the existence of the main god level checks carefully.

The seal of reincarnation of life and death is more powerful and harder to detect.

When your soul is still in your body, even I can't notice it.

But as long as the soul is pulled out and forced to enter the 'realm of death', the reincarnation seal will detect the suspicion of the soul, naturally start to work, and then immediately reveal its traces. "

The anti-supervision king spoke calmly, and both Greer and Myrina broke out in cold sweat.

"Sending the soul into the realm of death, isn't it death? Just now, my mother and I walked around in front of the gate of hell?" Greer said in a solemn voice.

"Based on my level, if I don't have the idea of ​​killing you, nothing will happen if I send your souls to walk ten thousand times in front of the gate of hell. If I really want to kill you, I don't have to resort to any tricks with you." The anti-supervision king said calmly.

Greer and her daughter were speechless.

The Anti-Monitor King once again opened the space door to the anti-matter universe, "Stop talking nonsense, Witch Harley may have left the Origin Wall by now."

Passing through the space gate, the three anti-monitors came to a desolate planet whose earth was made of dark red rocks.

The bodies of Milina and her daughter are covered with a protective shield of antimatter energy to protect them from living freely in the antimatter universe.

The anti-supervision king shrunk from a height of 100 meters to the size of a normal strong man.

Looking up for a moment, Greer asked in surprise: "Is there still civilization on this planet? I saw satellites in low-Earth orbit."

"The only difference between the antimatter universe and Wantianyi is the composition of matter. Is it weird to have civilization?" Anti-monitor asked.

Greer said: "I know that there are civilizations in the antimatter universe, but I thought that your Majesty would choose an uninhabited and remote planet. By the way, what is the name of this planet and how far is it from the planet Kovad?"

The anti-monitor said in a strange tone: "This is the planet Kovad."

"What, you have returned to the planet Kovad?" Greer was shocked. "Even the homeless people on the earth know your name and know that 'the home of the Creator of the Antimatter Universe is on the planet Kovad'.

If Witch Harley finds the antimatter universe, she will definitely find it here first. "

"My home base is not on the surface of the planet." The anti-surveillance king said.

"I know that there is a small plane in the center of the earth where you were resurrected. Lois Lane did a series of special topics on you." Greer said immediately.

The anti-supervision king twitched his face a few times and asked: "There is Limbo Prison outside Wantianyi. What do you think is 'outside' the antimatter universe?"

Greer thought thoughtfully, "We are going to Limbo on the planet Kovad?"

"Similar to the bottom layer of Limbo, it is the interlayer between the antimatter universe and the void. Witch Harley will never find it there."


Another space door opened in front of the three of them, and Anti-Monitor walked in first, followed closely by Greer and her daughter.

Obviously they were all demigods with a layer of anti-matter energy shield on their bodies, but the moment they passed through the space door, their bodies were still eroded by the extreme cold and they shivered.

Not only was it cold, it was also extremely dark, with no light or temperature, just like Limbo.

Ordinary people entering Limbo will feel the emptiness and coldness of their souls.

But they are down to earth and not in nothingness.

The absence of light does not mean that the eyes cannot see. Even if the eyes cannot see, they still have powerful perceptions.

Greer and her daughter looked around. They seemed to be in a huge circular cave. There were gray stones under their feet and gray stone walls in the distance. But when they looked up, it was so dark that they couldn't see the top.

"Why is the 'bottom' of the antimatter universe a stone cave?" Greer asked strangely.

The anti-supervisor asked instead, "Do you know how the universe was born?"

"I would like to hear the details." Milina said in a respectful tone.

As he walked towards the center of the cave, the anti-monitor said in a complex tone: "Both the positive matter universe and the antimatter universe were born from a thought.

At the beginning of creation, thoughts activated various positive emotions and erupted into colorful light. The light was full of vitality and vitality. The positive material universe was born in the light. The positive emotions gathered together and condensed into the equation of life.

Thoughts also activated an equal amount of negative emotions, erupting into a gray-black storm. The antimatter universe was born in the storm, and the negative emotions gathered together to form the anti-life equation. "

He was walking in front, and Milina and her daughter followed suit, very fast. As his words fell, so did the anti-monitoring steps. Milina and her daughter were surprised to see a huge hole full of darkness and coldness in front of them.

The anti-supervisor pointed at the hole and said: "This deep well is the spring that spews out the black storm, where the antimatter multiverse was born.

You can think of it as the womb of the antimatter universe.

It spews out energy storms to form the antimatter universe, and then the antimatter universe produces the personal will, which is me.

For countless years, it has been a forbidden place for the Creator.

Just like Taixu at the bottom of Limbo, it is also a restricted area for the watchers.

Billions of years ago, in order to explore the secrets of the universe, I went deep into the well and found the anti-life equation deposited at the bottom of the well. "

When Papetua, the mother of creation, was alive, the three brothers did not dare to trespass into the forbidden area no matter how curious they were.

When the old mother is imprisoned, they become the ultimate administrators of the universe and immediately start doing whatever they want.

"I thought the universe originated from the life equation and the anti-life equation, but I didn't expect that they were just side effects of the birth of the universe." Greer walked to the edge of the deep well and murmured.

Sensing deep into the deep well, she could only feel ice and darkness.

"To a certain extent, it is indeed the emotional elements that make up the equation that gave rise to the current universe. Darkseid's theory of using equations to prove that 'everything belongs to Darkseid' is based on this." Anti-monitor said.

"The multiverse is so huge, how could it be born from a small thought? Whose thought can have such power?" Myrina said with a shocked expression.

"Wait until you transcend the multiverse before you consider this kind of problem."

Anti-monitor jumped up and came to the top of the deep well, "I'm going to start, it comes from the deep well, and the deep well will also attract it.

I will use the suction of the deep well to pull it out of my body.

Don't run around.

This seems to be a pit with limited space, but in fact there is no direction at all. The space is infinite and it is easy to get lost.

It took me 30 million years to find this place! "

"What are you going to smoke?" Milina still doesn't know the purpose of her mother, daughter and anti-supervisor coming here.

The Anti-Monitor King ignored her, and the antimatter origin in his body erupted in the form of flames.

The huge scarlet flame forms a 100-meter-high "flame dome".

Through the scarlet flames, you can see the Anti-Monitor King curled up in the center of the dome, like a baby in the embryo.

"Hoo ho ho!" I don't know what the anti-monitor did, or what the anti-matter energy flame dome touched. Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the dark deep well with a diameter of more than 200 meters, and the strong wind blew from the outside into the well.

Affected by the storm, wisps of dark red flames floated out from the surface of the Flame Dome and were sucked into the bottom of the well.

"Eh~~" The anti-monitoring king seemed to have something pulled out of his body by the storm. His whole body twitched and he screamed in pain.

"You, Greer, come here quickly, the deep well is very effective and it's about to come out." He shouted with difficulty.

"how should I do?"

Greer jumped up, resisting the huge suction of the deep well, and came to the edge of the fire egg.

"Go below, below me." Anti-monitor said.

Greer was a little hesitant. At this moment, the fire egg was sucked out by the deep well and a long tongue of fire went straight into the deep well.

If she goes under the fire egg, she will definitely be burned by the tongue of fire.

"There is your antimatter energy flame down there. Can you control it so that it doesn't hurt me?"

"I am now powerless to activate your Omega Effect and use it to resist the burning of antimatter energy, just like your father Darkseid did."

"Ahhhh~~" Even if the Omega effect was stimulated to the limit, like two lakes, covering most of her face, Greer was still burned to pieces by the antimatter energy, and her whole body was covered in smoke.

"Here we come!" The anti-supervisor shouted, and a bright red fireball floated out from his chest, falling down along the suction of the deep well, and just landed on Greer below.

"Ahhhhh!" Greer's cry became more painful and louder.

Dark red lines like flowing magma appeared on the surface of her skin.

The Omega Effect in her eyes was like pouring a bucket of gasoline on the flames, and the power suddenly increased tenfold.

"Boom!" The Anti-Monitor King's anti-matter energy fire eggs were thrown hundreds of meters away by the sudden burst of force.

"As expected of Darkseid's daughter, you are naturally attracted to him."

The anti-monitoring king's tone was filled with unprecedented ease and joy, "I can definitely pull it out with the help of the Deep Well of Creation, but it will definitely not be so easy."

"Greier, what on earth are you doing?"

Looking at her daughter whose aura changed drastically, Milina felt strange to her for the first time.

"This is the last part of my deal with the Anti-Surveillance King, the Anti-Life Equation."

After obtaining the anti-life equation, Greer no longer suspended below the fire egg and slowly floated to the edge of the deep well.

"You didn't tell me before, what do you want it to do?" Myrina said in shock.

"The Anti-Life Equation is the most powerful force in the universe. This is the best reason. Now we don't have to be afraid even if we face the Witch Harley." Greer said with a smile.

A joking voice came from behind her, "Little girl, is there something wrong with you? Your father didn't even dare to say that in his prime. You only got an equation. Where did you get the courage?"

"Witch Harley?!" Myrina exclaimed.

Greer suddenly turned around and saw Harley floating in the air with her hands in her pockets.

She didn't notice any spatial fluctuations and had no idea how she jumped out.

"Witch Harley, when did you come here? Why so fast?" In the fire egg, the Anti-Monitor King lost his temper and shouted.

"Is it quick?" Harley looked down at herself and said, "After you leave, I will go to Limbo first and vomit out all the dregs in my stomach. Then I will walk around Apokolips and meet the Justice League. I decided to hunt you down only after I was able to control the situation.

Before coming here, I went back to the manor to take a shower and change my clothes. You see, my hair is still wet. "

Milina couldn't tell whether her hair was wet, but she did change her clothes.

She was wearing a dress with a white linen upper body and a blue and red plaid skirt on the lower body. She seemed to have a pair of high-heeled leather shoes on her feet?

Now she wears a loose red shirt, a pair of white-washed blue tight jeans, a pair of white coconut shoes, and her hair is tied into a big ponytail, making her look both capable and sassy.

She took her time to change clothes, which shows that she didn't waste much time and experience finding them. It's possible that she took a bath and changed clothes just to wait for their position to completely stabilize.

"The marks on us have been eliminated by the Anti-Monitor King. You can't lock our location. Why can we still find it here?" Milina asked.

Harley looked around and asked, "Grell, who does the Anti-Life Equation you got, the Black Runner, belong to now?"

"Fake, was it the Black Runner who exposed our location?" Greer turned to the Anti-Monitoring King and said with an ugly face: "You already suspected that we have the mark of Witch Harley on us, why didn't you check the Flash?"

"It can't be the Black Runner. The Flash does have the reincarnation mark on his body, but I have discovered it and eliminated it long ago." The Anti-Monitor King shouted.

Greer's expression froze, and she looked even more confused, "Is it a coincidence? Impossible, this is too coincidental."

Harley smiled and said, "Did you forget someone?"

"Who else? Is it the Anti-Monitor King? He is the Creator, can you leave a mark on him?" Greer asked doubtfully.

The anti-monitoring king said with certainty: "Don't talk about a creator like me, any supreme being can detect any mark on his soul. Even magic marks can be seen with the naked eye."

Harry nodded and said: "Yes, any god king or supreme can discover and even study my reincarnation seal, but the prerequisite is that they are alive."

"Shit! Darkseid?"

Greer was the first to react, clutching her chest and her face looked so smelly that it looked like it was covered with a layer of feces.

Harley also looked at her chest.

She could sense that Darkseid's soul was there.

In other words, Darkseid's soul was transferred to Greer by the Anti-Monitor King in the Anti-Life Equation.

"The reincarnation mark of life and death is on Darkseid?" Anti-supervisor was stunned for a moment, and shouted angrily: "Fake, I was careless, I subconsciously thought that the reincarnation mark would not appear on the Supreme body, and forgot that Darkseid is already a dead ghost! "

"There's no need for you to be upset. Even if I can't find you today, what about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Can you hide for the rest of your life?" Harley said with a smile.

"Black Runner, kill her!"

Greer assumed the same holding posture as Darkseid: his hands were clenched into fists, his feet were uneven, his legs were slightly bent, and he made a squatting posture, his chest was raised, and his head was raised to the sky and he shouted. .

The power of the Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation boiled through her body, covering her body like a layer of red and black flames.


Accompanied by fierce law fluctuations, Black Runner Barry jumped directly out of the sea of ​​laws and appeared above Greer's head.

After appearing on the scene, without any delay, Barry the Black Runner immediately turned into a beam of black light and rushed towards Harley.

It was so fast that Harley didn't even have time to open her mouth and give Greer a sarcastic smile.

Well, she had the idea, but she didn't have time to turn the thought into action.

"Pfft!" Black Runner Barry was like a pile of mud thrown on the wall, his whole body sinking deeply into the translucent gold film.

"Impossible!" Anti-Monitor and Greer said in unison.

"The black runner is the law. No matter how strong your thick-skinned power is, you can't block the invisible law."

Harley said disapprovingly: "The Black Runner has merged with the Flash, so what's the law? It's just an 'artificial death' now."

The anti-monitor said excitedly: "It incarnates the 'death' rule while running. No amount of defensive magic can stop the rule from taking effect."

"No matter what the rules or laws are, they must be driven to be effective. When it is effective, it is just a special magic and no longer a pure rule." Harley said lightly.

Not to mention that she had absorbed the origin of the Black Death Emperor and raised her death emotion defense expertise to level nine. Even only the God's Power Defense Field and the Divine Power Defense Field could stop the Black Runner.

"I don't believe you can stop the black runner!" Greer activated the anti-life equation with all his strength. The black runner wrapped in a gold film began to vibrate at high frequencies, and his body gradually became insubstantial.

"Want to escape from my golden film bubble through the vibration channel? Dreaming!"

Harley smiled sarcastically and controlled the Speed ​​Force and the Divine Defense Field to disrupt the Speed ​​Force and the Power of the New Gods in Barry the Dark.

"Buzz~~" The black runner gradually calmed down from the high-frequency vibration.

"Mother, let's go." Before the vibrations in the black running Barry stopped, Greer made a quick decision, pulled her mother, and disappeared into the "well hole" in a flash.

Harry hesitated for a moment, then gave up tracking Milina and her daughter, and turned his attention to the anti-supervisor king in the fire egg.

The anti-monitor noticed her gaze and forced a smile and said: "Harry, with your wisdom, you can definitely see that compared to her father, Greer is completely better than her father. Letting her leave is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

Harry said calmly: "Her father and I are of the same generation, and she is just a junior in front of me. A junior is arrogant and said some stupid things. I have a lot of adults, so I won't care about her for the time being.

You are different. First of all, you are not a junior. Secondly, you are the root cause of this crisis. Your sin is extremely heinous and unforgivable. "

"Am I the source of the crisis?" Anti-supervision was both excited and angry, "You think you know everything, but in fact you are miles away from the truth.

You have no idea how much I have contributed to the multiverse! "

"Avenging Darkseid is a contribution to the multiverse? Don't say you can't notice that the multiverse is collapsing because of his death." Harley said.

The anti-supervisor hesitated for a long time, then said thoughtfully: "Of course I killed Darkseid for personal revenge.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, he plotted against me; after the final crisis, he took advantage of my weakened strength during my resurrection to forcefully transfer the backlash of the Anti-Life Equation to me.

I have countless reasons to take revenge on him.

But these are not all the reasons why I killed him, not even the real reasons.

Do you know the crisis power? Darkseid is—"

"Oh, I can't explain it well." Without waiting for Harley to answer, he sighed again and said seriously: "Harley, please believe me for once. I really killed Darkseid for the multiverse."

"What is Darkseid? Is there anything difficult to explain?"

If he didn't mention the "crisis power", Harley would stop talking nonsense with him and rush straight into the "Fire Egg" to kill him while he was sick.

Crisis power, Darkseid. She remembered that after the era of King Valkyrie ended, when she went to Apokolips to find Darkseid, the guy took the initiative to explain the meaning of crisis power to her, and then said something incomprehensible.

She had a vague feeling that the anti-supervision king might reveal something big this time.

"It's not that I don't want to explain, but I can't say that it involves the darkest and most secret things in the universe -"

"Is it related to Papetua?" Harry interrupted him crisply.

The anti-supervision king was suddenly strangled like a crowing rooster, his eyes widened, his mouth wide open, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"What's the relationship between Darkseid and Pappetua?" Harley asked loudly again.

"Keep your voice down!" The anti-supervision king's face turned pale with fright.

It's really white.

Before the Anti-Life Equation was extracted, his cheeks were dry and wrinkled gray. Now that he is free of the influence of the Anti-Life Equation, he has become the same as Monitor Marnou, with a completely European and American white appearance, thin skin, tender flesh, and a smooth face. Ruddy and shiny.

"Don't speak with your mouth, use your spirit to transmit the message, use your God to descend to earth to wrap your spiritual power, and don't let her hear it." He then added.

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