I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1734 Superman, God of Power

The anti-life equation and the life equation can be used to complete the argument for life, or to carry out the most direct will distortion of life.

Life argumentation is a high-end skill.

When the final crisis broke out, Harley linked her mind to the infected people who said "everything belongs to Darkseid", and realized for the first time that the equation could still be used in this way.

The distortion of will is actually not low. Darkseid studied it for several years before fully mastering this technique.

Also in Final Crisis, he used the power of the equation to create a brainwave virus that patterned his video signals.

Anyone who sees the "Ω" symbol on the electronic screen, whether looking at it directly with their eyes or watching the broadcast, will immediately have their will distorted by the equation. They themselves will become a part of Darkseid, and the emotional elements in their bodies will become all of Darkseid. things.

Darkseid uses emotional elements to combine equations and continues to argue that "everything belongs to Darkseid." The life argument and will distortion are used at the same time, forming a vicious cycle that eventually swallows up the entire multiverse.

Heavenly Father has also used copycat Life Equations.

He plans to use the equation of life to help "lower life forms" complete directed evolution.

Compared with the argument of life and the distortion of will, the evolution of life is too direct and crude. Ordinary life is forcibly evolved to its peak, which is only at the level of a new god. It seems a bit low and not as majestic and domineering as Darkseid.

Life argumentation, will distortion, and life evolution are the functions that the equation has shown so far.

Harley instigated the anti-supervision to use a trick, hoping to see what tricks Mobius, who had held the anti-life equation for billions of years and was DC's number one scientist, could play with the anti-life equation.

Facing the "death" rushing towards him, the Anti-Monitor King finally activated the anti-life equation in his body.

But his trick didn't surprise Harley.

He only used Will Distortion on "Black Runner Barry" and controlled Black Runner Barry in an instant.

Flash Barry is already very fast, and after merging with the anthropomorphic law of death "Black Runner", he becomes even faster.

The distance of several kilometers can be reached almost instantly at the speed of Black Running Barry.

But in such a short period of time, the Anti-Monitor King was able to use the Anti-Life Equation to take control of it from Darkseid.

Regardless of whether Anti-Monitor has developed new tricks or not, at least he is extremely proficient in will-distortion techniques.

"Darkseid, you are really the biggest idiot in the world. You knew I had the Anti-Life Equation, and you let the Black Runner merge with the Speedster, and you were stupid enough to let it get close to me."

After controlling the gangster Barry, the anti-supervision king was so high-spirited that his voice rose an octave.

"Black Runner, kill him!"

However, he only shouted proudly, not as eloquent and eloquent as a traditional big boss.

"Whoosh~~" After receiving the order from the Anti-Monitor King, Black Runner Barry immediately turned into a black light, so fast that Harley had no time to think about how to deal with this sudden change.

She has a level 10 Speed ​​Force defense expertise, and her powerful dynamic vision can see his movements clearly.

His running posture is exactly the same as Barry's, and the golden-red speed lightning flashes on his body, but unlike Barry, who cannot fly and needs to stay on the ground, at this time he controls the void and runs in the air.

Darkseid can capture the Black Runner, so he naturally has a powerful dynamic perspective to see Barry's movement trajectory, and can also counterattack in time.

"Stab~~" His eyes shot out zigzag omega rays, directly hitting the facade of Black Runner Barry.

If he were to simply face the black runner, his omega rays might be able to hit the target.

Omega rays have two basic attributes of being sure to die and being sure to hit. As long as the omega rays are fired at the target, they can track the target like a Scud missile until the energy is consumed.

As long as you hit the target, you can kill the opponent.

Pure black runners cannot avoid omega rays.

But now it has been integrated into the body of Barry the Flash, and its speed has increased by two levels than before.

Just then, Black Runner Barry accelerated and got rid of the first direct attack of the Omega rays. Before the Omega rays could take a zigzag route and turn around, Black Runner Barry had already arrived in front of Darkseid.

"Whoa!" A black sickle appeared out of thin air in Black Bari's right hand.

The handle is only one meter long, and the blade is very narrow and short, like the sickle used by farmer uncles to cut wheat.

Although the sickle is small, it is extremely sharp.

With a single stroke, Darkseid's chest was cut open. Black Runner Barry drilled in along the wound, came out from the back, and completely penetrated Darkseid's body.

It is vaguely visible that there is an ethereal soul on the right hand of Black Runner Barry, the soul of Darkseid!

The whole process was so fast that Harley could see it but had no time to think about questions such as "what should she do", "should she stop it, how to stop it", and "how to save Barry".

Before she could finish her thoughts, Darkseid had already ushered in "death", and she only had time to leave a reincarnation mark on Darkseid's soul.

Well, Harley didn't have any plan, it was purely a reflex, a subconscious action.

The Black Runner was too fast, Darkseid died too simply, without any struggle, and there was no situation in the movie where he was shot in the head and left a few thousand words of last words.

It was quite a fluke to successfully leave a mark on Darkseid's soul.

At this moment, Harley has lost sight of Darkseid's soul and the Black Runner.


After Black Runner Barry passed through Darkseid's body and took away his soul, the body of the God King, filled with divine power and divine essence, immediately began to expand and then exploded.

It was as if Darkseid had originally stored 200 million cubic meters of compressed hydrogen and 100 million cubic meters of compressed oxygen in his body. At this time, his body suddenly became as fragile as a rubber balloon. The compressed gas began to expand, and the body of the God King instantly expanded to a thousand meters high. Then it burst like an inflated balloon, and was ignited by a small flame at the same time.

The divine power of the God King mixed with divine essence was like a mushroom cloud above a detonated nuclear bomb, expanding in the blink of an eye to a size larger than Harley's stomach.

The walls of the stomach were put under extreme pressure and almost burst open in an implosion.

"Huchi——" The Doujie Continent with a radius of 100,000 was like a piece of goose feather in the strong wind, easily blown away by the rapidly expanding storm of divine power, and stuck tightly to the wall of the stomach wall.

The new god of darkness and the demon-like shadow demon who were eating melons nearby were also pushed against the stomach wall by the expanding "magic mushroom cloud".

The divine power revealed after Darkseid's death actually filled 99% of the dimensions of his stomach!

If it were just the essence of divinity and the source of divine power, Harry would happily accept it.

But the divine essence is like a cocoon, wrapped into hundreds of shining divine lights!

When a whale falls, all things come into being.

Darkseid is the largest "whale" in the multiverse. His body not only contains more than half of the divine power of the New God of Darkness, but also the highest-level god-king godhead.

If a whale in the ocean dies, it will not have any impact on the ocean. Even if all the whales die, it will at most affect the marine ecosystem for a period of time.

But the big whales of the multiverse, especially "state-owned enterprises" like New Gods, are themselves the backbone of the multiverse - the supporters of the basic laws, just like the load-bearing walls of high-rise buildings.

The Dark God King died, and the "sky" supported by him collapsed.

Even though Harley's body has turned into a wall, the dimension of the stomach bag is still broken, and the dimensional space is on the verge of destruction.

This is not the scariest thing.

The stomach pouch dimension is only a part of the stomach, and the stomach is only a part of Harley's body. Even if she completely loses her stomach, she will not die.

But if the sky falls, someone taller will have to stand up.

Those dark god kings entangled with divine essence are now quickly crashing into the stomach wall. Harley's soul has a strong reaction: once Darkseid's godhead enters her body, it will not leave, but will stay with her. Integrated into one body, he forcibly put the crown of the "Dark Lord" on her head, making her the leader of the new Apokolips.

"Ah, it's the dark godhead. These are Darkseid's god-king powers!"

Many dark elites also sensed the godhead in the "nuclear explosion mushroom cloud", and they all looked crazy. They struggled to leave the wall of the stomach wall, returned to the divine storm, and swam with difficulty towards the starry godhead.

"Witch Harley. Sister Harley, help me!"

Desaad was weak and was tossed around by the storm of divine power. Seeing that the unparalleled opportunity was about to pass him by, he actually shouted directly to Harley: "I just quietly explained the secret of the black runner to you, please help me." I!

Help me obtain the dark godhead of Darkseid and let me become the new dark monarch. I swear that Apokolips and the earth will always be brothers from now on. You are the sister and I am the brother. "

"Are you worthy of being my 'brother'? If you want to call me 'Sister Harley', you must at least be the Supreme or God King."

Harley was amused by him, and while trying her best to suppress the expansion of the dark divine power and reject the approach of the dark godhead, she made sarcastic remarks.

Unlike them who longed for him, she had no interest in the "Dark Lord" and even felt a deep hatred for him.

All miracles have a price.

The God King of Darkness's divine personality and power are indeed powerful, allowing ordinary people to ascend to the sky in one step and become the strongest God King in the multiverse. However, the new god's divine personality and power are "public", and those who take the benefits of the public must bear corresponding responsibilities.

Even if Harley has various defense expertise, it is difficult to be immune to this restraint.

The multiverse treats the New Gods as load-bearing walls, how can we get rid of the responsibility?

First of all, the load-bearing wall is severely pressed down by the huge weight of the floors above, making it impossible to move and make it difficult to escape by one's own strength.

Secondly, even if Harley's defense expertise is great and she becomes a load-bearing wall, she can still run away. But what if the building collapses if she runs away?

She is also the owner of the building, and her relatives and friends live there.

When the building collapsed, she not only lost her home, but also her relatives and friends had to receive lunch boxes together. This cost was greater than being a restrained load-bearing wall.

Moreover, even Darkseid is trying every possible means to get rid of the fate of the "load-bearing wall of the multiverse". It is impossible for her to be lower than him and take the initiative to repeat his mistakes.

"Sister Harley, when I obtain the godhead of the Dark God King and be crowned the Dark Lord, I will fully meet the conditions to be your brother!" Disad was still shouting.

"Well, what you said makes sense. Don't struggle. I'll help you 'move the universe'."

At this moment, the body of God King Darkseid collapsed, and the scattered godhead wanted to get into her body.

It was already very difficult for her to stop them from approaching the wall of her stomach, so naturally she wanted someone to help her bear the pressure - if the godhead had an owner, they would not forcefully enter her body again.

Although Desaad has a bad heart, he has a sweet mouth and what he says is very pleasing to Harley.


Desaad restrained his own laws and allowed Harley's space laws to work on him. In the next moment, he arrived at the edge of a bright star.

The dark godhead was bigger than his body, and the huge energy inside made his soul tremble slightly.

"Darkseid is above Harley, this is the 'power godhead', one of Darkseid's main godheads!" Desaad was stunned for a moment, then immediately showed ecstasy and shouted excitedly: "Thank you Harley. Sister, long live Sister Harley!"

After shouting, he couldn't wait to rush towards it.

"Sister Harley, I am 'Doctor Chaos'." Another powerful spiritual power transmitted to Harley, "I would like to treat you as my mother, as long as you help me get Darkseid's dark godhead, please Come on, Mother Harley!"

"Fake, your majesty's bones are still cold, and the dignified dark elite actually takes the initiative to call the enemy 'mother'. How can there be such a ridiculous thing in the world? Are you still shameless?"

Disad called "Sister Harley", and the other dark elites only scolded him for being cunning in their hearts.

Now Dr. Chaos directly called "Mom", and they finally couldn't help it and cursed loudly.

"My dear, mother loves you!"

However, Harley immediately recognized this cheap son and used space to move him to a powerful dark godhead.

"Mom, this is the Omega effect, ah ah, I love you, Harley's mother!"

Dr. Chaos was so excited that he yelled gibberish.

"Fake, it turns out to be the Omega effect!"

"Witch Harley doesn't even want the Omega Effect?!"

All the dark elites and new dark gods who are still alive have red eyes and sour throats.

"Grandma Harley, I am the dark elite 'Mantis'. I will call you 'Grandma' now. Grandma loves me."

"Ancestor Harry, I call you ancestor, ancestor help me."

In the face of huge interests, dignity and honor are all in vain, and the dark elites begin to involuntarily become involved. In a short time, Harley has been upgraded from "sister" to "ancestor".

"My dear grandchildren, grandma loves you too!"

Harley refuses no one who comes, and sends the dark elites and even the new dark gods who are interested in replacing Darkseid to the dark godhead.

Of course, Darkseid does not have thousands of godheads, and many new dark gods compete for one godhead.

"Sister Harley, I'm Disad, why did you send Magical Grace to me? Falk, Grace, get out of here!"

"Ancestor Harley is just your 'sister', but she is my ancestor. You are the one who should get out!" Magical Grace scolded.

"Grandma Halli, this dark godhead already belongs to me, why did you send them here?"

Harley's sweet children and grandchildren started to scream.

Harley was also screaming, her cry was helpless, "Grandma, there's nothing I can do. I've put the gods in your mouths, but you can't eat them, but they keep leaning on me, almost reaching the wall of the stomach wall. On the edge."

According to her own feeling, as long as Darkseid's godhead touches her body, it will immediately merge into her soul and become inseparable.

So she thought that if the dark elites were sent to the godhead, they would be able to stop them immediately and surrender to the dark godhead immediately.

The result was quite different from her guess.

People like Desaad and Dr. Chaos can't even get close to the dark godhead.

The divine personality is hidden in the divine essence, and the divine essence emits powerful divine radiance, making them look like brilliant stars.

The dignified dark elite tried their best, but they couldn't even break the divine radiance.

Some weak new gods of darkness even melted and died miserably after touching the divine radiance.

"Sister Harley, don't blame me for being incompetent. It's true that I'm just a clone now and my endurance is limited!" Disad's cry was filled with regret.

If he had known that there was such an opportunity in advance, he would have. Even if he had known that there was such an opportunity in advance, he would most likely not dare to come in person.

Everyone else is a clone, but he is the only real person, standing out from the crowd and conspicuous. Will Witch Harley let him go when she sees him?

If he comes in his true form, he may not live long enough before Darkseid falls apart.

"Grandma Harley, please open your mouth and spit me and the 'ruling godhead' into the material universe. As soon as I leave the stomach bag dimension, my true body will come immediately and I can merge with the godhead in an instant." The dark elite mantis shouted.

Harley was very hesitant and anxious.

Of course she can vomit out the contents of the dimension in her stomach bag, but she doesn't want to let them go. She can let go of those who have obtained the divine power, but the remaining people who dare to provoke her will not have a good life.

Especially the Counter-Monitors.

The anti-surveillance king didn't pay much for killing Darkseid. He is still alive and kicking and his strength remains at its peak.

Once she opens the stomach bag dimension, he will definitely take the opportunity to run away.

The "load-bearing wall" of Ke Seid collapsed, and the entire "DC Multiverse Building" began to collapse. The huge pressure of the collapse pressed on the stomach dimension containing the dark godhead and on Harley.

Even if she hangs herself on the origin wall, even if her body has been petrified, deep cracks will appear on the body of the stone sculpture.

The DC multiverse needs a new god-king who takes on the dark godhead.

The situation she faces now is to either accept the dark godhead, replace Darkseid, and become the new dark monarch - this is also the most anticipated result of the original consciousness of the multiverse. The dark godhead flies unstoppably towards the wall of the stomach wall, wanting to integrate inside her.

Harley didn't want to be bound to the seat of the God King of Apokolips without freedom, and she couldn't find the new god of darkness to top the tank. It seemed that the only way was to spit them out immediately.

"Brother Anti-Prison, don't you hate Darkseid very much? Why not kill his people first, then seize his big house, occupy his land, completely take away everything from him, and erase all traces of his existence."

The dark elite are ambitious, but they can't count on them. Harley finally sets her sights on the anti-monitoring king.

The Creator of the Anti-Japanese War, whose identity and status are higher than the God King of Apokolips.

But everyone is stupid sometimes. Maybe she was persuaded by her to persuade him to be stupid because of his anti-imprisonment policy?

"Now you call me 'brother' again? You are so realistic." The anti-supervisor sneered again and again, unmoved, "It's a pity that you underestimate me. You don't even know that I launched the 'Darkseid War' the real purpose.”

"Isn't your purpose just to take revenge? Take away Darkseid's position as God King and take revenge even more thoroughly." Harley said.

"Stop being naive, I don't even want to be the 'Creator' anymore, and you still want me to be the Lord of God's Domain? There must be something wrong with my brain." There was a strong sarcasm in the anti-monitor's tone.

"You don't want to be the Creator anymore?" Harley was surprised.

She herself did not want to be bound by the position of the Dark God King. Darkseid was already fed up with the current situation. Monitor Marnou desperately wanted to enter Taixu and become the chief supervisor. Michael, the Lord of Silver City, could not wait to leave immediately. In the multiverse, the Anti-Monitor King does not want to be the creator of the antimatter plane.

Now that we have entered the age of awakening, everyone does not love authority but loves freedom more?

“Rumble, click, click~~”

The collapse of the multiverse caused by Darkseid's death cannot be changed by human will. The cracks finally spread from the stone sculpture of Harley on the Origin Wall to the dimension of the stomach bag that she could barely maintain in her body.

"The anti-supervision king is now!"

Greer suddenly shouted, and in a flash, he came to the head of the Anti-Supervisor King.

"Buzz buzz!" Her body vibrated at high frequency and turned into an illusory portal.

"Witch Harley, I am very optimistic about you becoming the next Lord of Apokolips, hahahaha!"

The anti-supervisor made a mocking sound, jumped up, and disappeared into the illusory portal.

The whole process was exactly the same as when Greer summoned counter-monitoring.

"Farke, don't run away, stay and fight me to the end of the universe!" Harley was furious and yelled angrily.

"Hehe, Witch Harley, are you so angry now? I said before that the dimension of your stomach bag cannot trap me. I can come and leave when I want. You don't believe it and you still let me try. Now you see it?

The rebel king and Darkseid must die.

The death of any one of them would cause multiverse-level turmoil.

No matter how strong you are, you cannot rely on the simple small plane in your belly to suppress the turbulence on the level of the multiverse.

As long as there is a slight gap that allows me to sense the vibration frequency of the outside world, the origin wall cannot stop me. "

After sending away the anti-monitoring queen, Greer's own transformed vibration channel also quickly disappeared. Before disappearing, she also mocked Harley with pleasure through a momentary telepathy.

The origin wall will definitely block her vibration channel.

At this time, she took advantage of the dimension of her stomach bag to open a gap leading to the outside world, and opened the vibration channel to escape.

"Idiot, I hope you can still laugh later."

Seeing the two most important big fish running away (Mirina also ran away, but she was not Harley's target), Harley lost her previous anger and had a weird smile on her face as she quickly lifted her petrified state.

"Ah sneeze!"

After her whole body broke away from the wall of origin, she instantly left the material world and entered Limbo, looking up to the sky and sneezing.


Harley used the "Toad Vomiting Stomach" move to vomit the divine storm and divine essence that were still rapidly expanding in the dimension of her stomach bag, as well as the dark godhead surrounded by the new dark god, into Limbo.

In the dimension of her stomach bag, the divine storm was like the mushroom cloud after the detonation of a nuclear bomb, expanding rapidly. However, the size of the stomach bag dimension was limited, and it was suppressed by Harley.

Now being vomited in Limbo, losing his suppression, he immediately exploded and expanded rapidly for the second time like a newly exploded nuclear bomb.


The new dark gods competing for godhood are like grains of wheat in a strong wind, flying in all directions.

More than a hundred dark godheads flickered a few times and turned into bunches of faint light. The goddess scattered the flowers and disappeared into Limbo.

Seeing them disappear by themselves, Harley was stunned for a moment.

She had been wary before, worried that they would not let go and would continue to pursue her to claim her as their master.

"Hey, I have some wishful thinking. I just don't know who will become the last dark lord."

Harley laughed to herself, opened the portal, left Limbo, and went straight back to the solar system.

Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

On the battlefield of Apokolips.

"Darkseid is dead?" Heavenly Father's unbelievable exclamation spread across the battlefield.

"Heavenly Father, are you sure?"

Just as the New Gods of Creation asked in surprise, thunderstorms suddenly broke out over Apokolips.

“Boom, click, click, click~~~”

It was as if the dark sky had turned into a pot lid. At this time, a God of Thunder appeared above the pot lid and shattered the pot lid with a terrifying sea of ​​thunder.

"Ah, the sky is broken, the sky is falling?!" Everyone's heart is filled with inexplicable fear. Many people cannot feel that the sea of ​​laws is rioting and the multiverse is collapsing, but everyone feels that something unknown is coming.

"No, Apokolips is falling!" On the Dome, Old Batman stared at the screen and yelled: "Superman, do something quickly, Apokolips is accelerating into the material world.

It is now above the solar system. If it falls, it will crush the sun and planets like an egg! "

Superboy and Injustice Superman turned into two beams of red light and came to the "bottom" of Apokolips - the center of the sphere facing the material world.

"Ahhh!" The two supermen turned on the biological force field, pressed their hands against the ground, and flew upwards with all their strength.

"It's not enough. Keep pushing. The speed of Apokolips hasn't even slowed down, but its acceleration has decreased. It's still accelerating towards the earth." Old Batman stared at the high-dimensional star map on the screen, with a hint of anxiety in his tone.

"Shazam, you come over too." Main Universe Batman said solemnly.

Shazam is a magical superman who can arm-wrestle with Superman in terms of strength.


Shazam held his head and screamed, and lightning was shooting out from his mouth, eyes, nostrils, and ears.

It was like he had a large capacitor in his head, and the capacitor that now stored a large amount of charge was perforated and began to leak.

"Shazam, Shazam? What's wrong with you?"

Bateman and the heroes around Shazam immediately noticed something was wrong with him.

Shazam held his head and howled miserably, "I, the gods in my body are out of control. They are screaming crazily and quarreling with each other. They want to take over my body and soul. The gods are crazy!"

"How could this happen? Even if Darkseid dies and a vision comes from the sky, what does this have to do with the old gods?" Bateman didn't understand.

Heavenly Father flew over, looked at Shazam who was kneeling on the ground and randomly firing electricity around, and said solemnly: "Darkseid is dead, and the multiverse is rapidly collapsing like a building that has lost its load-bearing walls.

And all gods who understand the laws are the cornerstones supporting the 'building'.

That is to say, the "tall man" in the proverb, "If the sky falls, there will be a tall man to support it."

Now all the gods are feeling tremendous pressure, and some gods cannot bear the pressure and begin to go crazy. "

Bateman made a quick decision and said: "Billy, can you hear me? Release Shazam immediately."

"Shazam!" Thunder Shazam shouted.


A bolt of thunder exploded in the air, but before it fell, it turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared.

Beka said: "Now the Law Sea is in chaos, and Shazam's Law is not working properly. Please shout a few more times."

Shazam shouted eight times in a row and finally successfully released Shazam.

"Becca, how are you feeling?" Cyborg asked.

The God of Love rubbed his heart and said: "Although my heart feels like a weight is weighing down on me, it's heavy and uncomfortable, but I feel okay. There is no need to use the power of laws when facing a mere demon."

"Diana, what about you?" Cyborg asked again.

Diana's expression was very strange, "I, I also feel the pressure, but the thick-skinned power is very strong and is still functioning stably."

Unlike Thunder Shazam, which releases its status and immediately loses its divine power, Harley has lent her divine power to them. Thick-skinned divine power is always in their bodies, and shouting "Hallelujah" only activates the divinity of the divine power.

At this moment, Diana only felt that the divinity of the thick-skinned power was slightly fluctuating, but the rest remained completely unchanged.

She also has the divine power from the Olympus gods in her body. They are, as Billy Bassent said, almost crazy, but their divine power is wrapped in thick-skinned divine power and held tightly, without losing control.

"Heavenly Father, Apokolips is still sliding towards the material world. Superman cannot stop it. Can you move it back to Limbo?" Bateman shouted.

Heavenly Father looked down at the Apokolips star at his feet.

It was like a briquette that had just been taken out of the stove, burning red with traces of flames appearing on the surface.

"The essence of the fall of Apokolips is that the multiverse is collapsing, and the buildings upstairs are collapsing. Unless the collapse of the multiverse is stopped, Harley herself cannot prevent Apokolips from falling into the material world." He sighed helplessly.

Bateman immediately asked: "Where is Harley now? Heavenly Father, do you know?"

"She, she is on the Origin Wall." Heavenly Father said in a strange tone: "After leaving the solar system, she teleported herself directly to the Origin Wall and turned into a stone sculpture.

Darkseid, the Anti-Monitor, and thousands of new gods of darkness in her belly, none of them could escape. They were all hung on the wall or not directly turned into stone sculptures.

I don’t know if Darkseid’s death has anything to do with her. "

"It turns out that Harley went to the Origin Wall." All the heroes suddenly realized.

Bateman had already guessed it and was not too surprised.

"Heavenly Father, you are a being on the same level as Darkseid. Can't you take the place he left and become the new 'load-bearing wall'?" he asked.

Heavenly Father wanted to grab him by the collar and yell: Damn it, the situation is so obvious now, you still ask like this, is it intentional or accidental?

Whenever he could do something, he would scream to the sky, letting everyone in the multiverse hear his voice and know his great achievements.

"It is precisely because Darkseid and I are at the same level that I cannot bear the burden he left behind. If I can be so comfortable, he is no longer worthy of being at the same level as me." He said.

Bateman wanted to say: In the late stages of Final Crisis, when Darkseid beat you to death, it seemed that the world was just raining blood and thunder roaring, and the sky did not collapse. Harley did not say that she felt any pressure. Obviously, Darkseid Xaid took everything on your behalf.

Since you are on the same level as Darkseid, why can he withstand it but you can't even withstand the mere Apokolips?

Although Bateman wisely hid his inner thoughts, Heavenly Father was somewhat supreme and could sense his emotions.

"I can help you move the earth to another star field." He said solemnly.

"What about the solar system and nearby galaxies?" Wonder Woman asked.

Heavenly Father sighed: "I have the ability to capture the stars and the moon, but the universe has its own order. Placing an earth outside the Milky Way will not affect the movement of stars in the universe.

But half of the Milky Way and hundreds of billions of star systems, where should I put them? "

"If Apokolips falls into the solar system, will it destroy most of the galaxy?" All the heroes were shocked.

Old Batman said solemnly: "Heavenly Father is already very conservative. If nothing is done, with the size of Apokolips completely entering the main universe, dozens of surrounding river systems will be affected."

"We can't let Apokolips fall into the material world!" Dachao gritted his teeth and yelled, using his arms harder.

"Crack, click, click!"

The ground held by his hands cracked into cracks, and the ground slowly sunk downwards.

Bright red magma gurgled out of the cracks in the ground. The magma gathered at the bottom of the pit and submerged Dachao's arms.

But he ignored it, his steel body endured the burning of the magma, and continued to exert force, "Ahhhh!"

The pit he was in was getting deeper and deeper, and more and more magma was accumulated. It gradually spread upward from Da Chao's elbows (Da Chao's head and feet), and gradually submerged his entire body inside.

"Chao, I saw you were submerged in lava, are you okay?" Martian Manhunter asked with concern.

"I am very good. My body is full of endless power and I am stronger than ever. I will definitely not let Apokolips destroy the galaxy!"

Superman cannot speak and can only transmit information to everyone through the Martian Manhunter's mental connection.

Heavenly Father frowned and said, "Are you absorbing the energy from the fire of the Apocalypse Star?"

"Well, Harley said that the core of Apokolips is its sun. It's true. There is solar energy in the magma that is so rich that it is almost materialized." Da Chao said excitedly.

"But I feel bad, it's hurting my body." Injustice Superman gasped.

He is right next to Superman, stuck in the pit like Superman, and touching the magma of Apokolips.

As Superman said, magma is rich in "solar energy", but when inhaled, it is like drinking boiling water to keep warm.

Pouring the entire scalding boiling water into the stomach can certainly warm the cold body, but the boiling water itself is more harmful to the body.

"Superman, don't absorb too much magma energy. The center of the earth is the source of dark divine power. Its energy level is very high and will cause irreversible damage to you. It may even change your temperament and degenerate into a new god of darkness." Heavenly Father said seriously.

"I know, Harley told us that the power of the New God of Darkness comes from the center of Apokolips." Da Chao said decisively, "No matter how much it costs, as long as it can prevent Apokolips from sliding into the main universe, it will be worth it. "

Heavenly Father sighed and stopped persuading.

Old Batman said: "Apocalypse is still accelerating. Heavenly Father is right. The fall of Apokolips is just a symptom. The fundamental reason is that the multiverse is collapsing. Tearman, you——"

"Stop talking, I won't give up no matter what."

Dachao increased his absorption, and the magma pit he was in began to boil.

Bateman looked at Heavenly Father and asked: "How to prevent the collapse of the multiverse? If Apokolips falls into the material world, the Genesis Star, which is its twin star, will probably follow closely behind, right?"

Heavenly Father looked sad, "You are right, the Genesis Star is behind the Apokolips Star. To prevent the collapse of the multiverse, there is only one way to resurrect the 'Dark Lord'."

It doesn't have to be Darkseid's resurrection, as long as he gets his godhead - hey! "

As soon as he mentioned the dark godhead, the sky was like a meteor shower, with dozens of "big stars" falling in all directions.

"Creation is above, these are Darkseid's godhead!"

The Heavenly Father subconsciously stretched out his right hand and grabbed the godhead closest to him.

"Buzz!" He touched it, but it was like a shadow. It vibrated slightly, passed through his palm, and fell straight into a large pit of boiling magma.

"Tear Man?!" Heavenly Father turned around and stared at the pit in surprise.

"Boom!" It was like a big earthquake occurred in Apokolips. Centered on Dachao, a huge gap tens of thousands of kilometers long and several kilometers wide opened in the earth.


The magma lake covering Da Chao's body was exploded by the sudden expansion of the biological force field. The magma splashed in all directions, and everyone saw a black-skinned Da Chao.

"Ahhh!" The black-skinned superman roared.

"Oh my God!" Old Batman exclaimed, "Apocalypse is slowing down. Jesus, it is moving away from the main universe!"

Heavenly Father widened his eyes, stared at the black Superman, and said solemnly: "The God of Power."

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