I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1733 Black Runner

Anti-Monitor and Darkseid reacted quickly. They felt something was wrong with the aura of the screaming man, and immediately dodged and left the huge hole that had been dug several hundred meters deep.

When I came to the outside of the stomach wall, I looked around and saw that a layer of the wall that was once as smooth as glass had been dug away.

The crystallized layer of emotional energy was peeled away, and the gastric mucosa was scratched into pits, just like the surface of the moon that had been hit by countless meteor showers.

Of course, both of them knew that this was just a horrible sight. What they dug through was just the cells of Witch Harley. Even if they dug through "a few hundred meters" deep, it was because the stomach bag was a small world of its own.

Due to the laws of space, cells appear particularly huge in front of people in the plane.

Powerful ones like Darkseid and Anti-Monitor can only dig out dozens of cells at most.

For the human body, a layer of skin has more than a few dozen cells.

In other words, many people have not dug through the gastric mucosa until now.

In the large pit dug out, there were already hundreds of thousands of dark new gods stuck to the stomach wall in various frightening postures, turning into gray-black stone sculptures.

"It's really the wall of origin. The wall of Witch Harley's stomach really became the wall of origin? How is this possible?" the anti-monitor murmured.

Darkseid looked ugly and said: "It's just the emotional origin, and it certainly cannot simulate the real origin wall. Her body has now become part of the origin wall."

Anti-supervision is not stupid. He immediately reacted after hearing this and exclaimed: "Are you saying that Witch Harley went to the edge of the universe and hung herself on the Origin Wall?

Then control part of the body to become the origin wall, and use the power of the origin wall to maintain the dimensional stability of the stomach bag?

Fake, no wonder the laws of the stomach bag dimension suddenly became so stable.

The stomach wall was petrified into part of the origin wall, which is equivalent to the origin wall surrounding the stomach bag dimension. Her stomach bag became a real universe at this moment! "

Darkseid was in a bad mood and was too lazy to answer the obvious question of anti-surveillance.

Harley comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, I won't let you stick to the wall. In fact, with your speed and strength, you would have cut through the gastric mucosa long ago and should have touched the petrified stomach wall muscle layer.

But I, Harley Quinn, keep my word.

I promised not to destroy the "Darkseid War" that you, the anti-surveillance boy, have worked so hard to plan, and you will definitely keep your promise.

In order not to disturb your enjoyment, I have deliberately rejuvenated the petrified cells in front of you so that you can enjoy chiseling without them sticking to the wall and becoming a stone sculpture.

How about it, am I considerate or not, gentle or not? Hahaha! "

Harley was in a happy mood and had clear thoughts, but the more she listened to the story, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became.

"Witch Harley, you are so shameless." He couldn't help but yell, "The majestic God King, a famous figure in the multiverse, does not dare to compete with us head-on, and uses such despicable tricks whenever he takes action."

"You still have the nerve to scold me?" Harley sneered: "During Crisis on Infinite Earths, Darkseid secretly killed you and captured your soul to extract the anti-life equation. You screamed in pain and miserable.

After the final crisis, Darkseid was backlashed by the Anti-Life Equation, and the power of the backlash was transferred to you. You screamed in pain and were miserable.

He did such an outrageous thing to you, and the hatred between you is as deep as the sea, but you ended up being mean and making peace with him without dignity. Where is your face?

Why don't you consider your status as the 'dignified creator and the most powerful person in the multiverse'? "

If Harley had scolded her like this before, the anti-supervision king would have only thought that she was incompetent, incompetent and furious. Instead, he felt that he had a sense of accomplishment in forcing the mighty witch Harley to this point.

Now he is also being scolded for being shameless and shameless, but it is because he is so incompetent and feels helpless.

He was in a terrible mood, being scolded until he was speechless, ashamed and angry.

In fact, he also wanted to maintain the dignity and face of the Creator, and single-handedly teach Witch Harley a lesson and make her understand the consequences of offending him, but he couldn't do it!

Now that he has given up his dignity and joined forces with his mortal enemy Darkseid, he is still trapped in an inescapable dilemma.

The bitterness in the anti-supervision king's heart is indescribable.

Darkseid had no expression on his face. He only thought for 0.1 seconds before making a decision in his heart. He turned around and rushed towards the still dazed Anti-Monitor King like lightning. His eyes were facing the big face of Anti-Monitor with his omega rays. Biao shoots, his hands are like iron pliers, tightly hugging the anti-supervisor body.

"Stab la la—" Blood-red Omega energy splashed in all directions.

"Ahhh!" Anti-supervisor struggled hard, howling in pain mixed with shock and anger, "Darkseid, what are you doing?"

"Kill you!" Darkseid said coldly.

"Why, aren't we-"

Anti-monitoring was just a little slow, not stupid. He only shouted in confusion for a while, and then he realized: The situation is now obvious. Witch Harley is hanging on the wall of origin, with victory and no defeat. No matter who it is, as long as they can't break the origin wall, it will be difficult to break her body at this time.

Since we can't take the opportunity to seek revenge on her, we should first deal with the enemies around us.

"I hate, I'm angry, I'm Fake Squid!"

Anti-supervisor figured it out, but felt even more sad and angry.

Fighting with Darkseid to the death, the Witch Harley next to her must have laughed.

If he doesn't fight Darkseid desperately, Darkseid will not let him go in the first place.

If he went through all the trouble to launch the "Darkseid War" and was beaten to death by Darkseid at the last moment, and he was unwilling to do so, Witch Harley would definitely laugh at him even more cheerfully.

But even if Darkseid is beaten to death, how will he escape from the dimension of Witch Harley's stomach?

When the time comes, she will definitely end up personally, humiliating and sarcasticly taunting him, making him mad with shame and anger, but helpless and unable to fight back.

This is a sad dead end.

Witch Harley will laugh no matter what, and she will laugh till the end, it’s so abominable!

How could he, the mighty Creator, have fallen to this level?

"Ahhhh!" The anti-monitor screamed with grief and anger, his arms struggled hard, and his body was like a nuclear bomb, erupting with a terrifying anti-matter energy explosion.


At some point, the defensive force field covering his body had disappeared. This time, the anti-matter energy explosion was fully activated, and Darkseid was thrown away at once.

"Darkseid, I must kill you today!"

Anti-monitoring transferred all negative emotions to Darkseid, the "temporary ally and eternal enemy", and used all his strength to chase him and beat him hard.

Although Darkseid remained silent and did not roar like him, the movements of his hands were always extremely sharp, and his attacks were fast and fierce.

He ignored Harley beside him and focused all his energy on fighting the prison.

Anti-supervision and Darkseid fought hard again. Harley was indeed relieved and her thoughts were clear.

Even though she was hanging on the wall of origin and her body turned into stone, her stone sculpture still had a big smile on its face.

But she didn't mock the two of them out loud.

Or let out a deafening "haha" laugh directly in the stomach bag dimension.

It's not that she's worried about stimulating the two supremes to stop hurting each other and form an alliance again - if the two of them are still hesitant and clingy under this situation, she will laugh at them.

She didn't laugh, mainly because she didn't know how to end it.

Myrina once said that she did not come to her because she was unwilling to kill Darkseid in order to maintain the so-called "balance of good and evil in the multiverse." It was clear that after the War God King Era, she could kill Darkseid and destroy Apokolips, but she gave up because she was too forward-thinking.

Harley does not admit that she cares about balance as much as Metron. Although Heavenly Father is known as the "incarnation of justice and light", he has all five poisons, and his own evil may not be less than justice. He does not need the dark lord Darkseid to counteract him. The excess of justice in the body.

Even if Darkseid dies and only Heavenly Father is left in the world, Harley does not feel that from now on light and justice will completely overwhelm darkness and evil, causing an imbalance between good and evil in the multiverse.

But Harley did have some concerns about Darkseid's death, as Myrina suspected.

What she worried about was not balance, but a feeling of uneasiness.

It's not a sense of crisis, it's just that deep in my heart, I vaguely feel that Darkseid's death is not a good thing.

If the feeling of crisis belongs to the "sixth sense", this vague impression of fate can be regarded as the "seventh sense".

This is not the first time Harley has encountered a similar "seventh sense of destiny".

For example, when Sandman Morpheus warned her that someone was weaving a thread of fate to plot against her, she vaguely felt that the ending of Lao Mo was not good. There might be a tragic fate waiting for him in the future, or in other words, he suffered a backlash from fate and his life Worrying.

For another example, before she became the God King, she secretly made a decision in her heart: when her strength is comparable to that of the Supreme Being and she is no longer afraid of the Supreme Being's personal fate, she will reveal the secret that can help others get rid of the Origin Wall, and remove her cheap teacher Asal from it. Fish it off the origin wall.

When she truly became the God King, she vaguely felt that doing so would bring misfortune to the goddess Asal, so she always remembered Asal but never tried to help her get out of trouble.

As her level gets higher and higher, her cosmic basic power defense expertise becomes more and more perfect, and this "seventh sense" that has nothing to do with herself but is related to the fate of the people she cares about becomes more and more obvious.

Now her "seventh sense of destiny" tells her: if Darkseid dies, the earth will be seriously affected.

Harley didn't know why.

Even if she rooted the God King's law in the sea of ​​law, she could not find the connection between Darkseid's death and the earth.

But Harley trusted her hunch.

In this very unscientific magical world, sometimes the feeling is more real than the reality seen with one's own eyes.

But is she willing to prevent the anti-supervision and kill Darkseid for the unknown "seventh sense of destiny"?

Without thinking, Harley immediately gave the answer: asking her to help Darkseid was even more uncomfortable than eating daddy.

Let Darkseid kill the rebel?

Harley actually doesn't want Darkseid to kill the rebel because she wants to do it herself.

Whether he is dead or alive does not affect her seventh sense of fate. She can decide his life or death based on her mood.

But even if the rebel is killed, Harley will still have to face the problem of how to deal with Darkseid in the end.

Letting him go, she had trouble with her thoughts, and she was worried about the side effects of beating him to death, so she hung up the Origin Wall. Don't look at the fact that the New God of Darkness is now stuck to her petrified stomach wall and has become a stone sculpture. Once she breaks away from the Origin Wall, they will all recover. normal.

They were glued to her body, not directly attached to the Origin Wall.

"Myrina, what is your daughter's ultimate killer skill?" After thinking about it for a while, Harley sent a message to the Amazon female assassin and asked: "Grell is the 'biological weapon' you carefully prepared, why don't you go up at this time? help?"

Now Anti-Japanese and Darkseid were fighting each other, and she was really enjoying watching it.

But she just wanted to watch the fun, Milina and her daughter were also standing on the edge of the fighting world eating melon.

"The Anti-Monitor King can win because he has devoured enough universes and has enough energy in his body." Myrina said with certainty.

"Even if he has enough energy and a good chance of winning, isn't the biological weapon your daughter? You have been planning for thousands of years, so you can't just be responsible for watching the show at the last moment, right?" Harry felt that there was something wrong with Mirina's mother and daughter. .

She does not doubt their determination to kill Darkseid, but is it possible that their plans, and even the planning of the "Darkseid War", are just part of Darkseid's conspiracy?

Based on Darkseid's behavior in the Final Crisis, Harley didn't believe that he would simply be tricked by the trio of Myrina, Greer, and the Anti-Monitor.

Myrina, Greer, and Anti-Prison all don’t look very smart.

"I have been planning for thousands of years just to kill Darkseid. It doesn't matter what method I use." Myrina said.

"But your purpose in conceiving Greer was not to use her as a biological weapon to kill Darkseid? If you just used the power of anti-monitoring, why give birth to her?" Harley asked.

Myrina glanced sideways at Greer and said with a complicated expression: "You have never been a mother, so you don't understand the difference between a mother and an avenger.

As an Avenger, I could be ruthless and calculating, using my own children as tools of revenge.

When I actually gave birth to her, when I held her, she was just my child.

I'd rather give up on killing Darkseid for now if the plan could threaten my child's life.

If Darkseid can be killed without Greer taking action, I will only be happy. I cared about the purpose of getting her pregnant in the first place, but now I don't care at all. "

"Oh, you are a normal mother." Harley said with emotion.

In DC where mental illness is everywhere, it is really rare to find such a normal person.

Myrina pursed her lips and argued: "It's not like Greer did nothing. She used the power of Omega to force Darkseid to come before the Anti-Monitoring King, and she has completed her glorious and great mission. "

Harley said: "Opening the vibration frequency channel is not her exclusive talent. You have used the same technique before to hide in the cracks of the vibration frequency."

When Greer broke into the Zhenglian headquarters alone, he used a very strange invisibility technique. He suddenly disappeared in front of the heroes present, and when he reappeared, he was in the belly of Barry the Flash.

When she first heard Cyborg and the others talking about this matter, Harley thought Greer had used witchcraft.

Similar to Sun Wukong getting into the belly of Princess Iron Fan.

Later, when she saw Myrina hiding in the sky and giving her a warning, and then intuitively experienced the whole process of Greer summoning Darkseid, Harley realized that this was a method of hiding one's own vibration in the vibration of others. Great skill.

There are countless parallel universes in the Wantian Yi. All parallel universes share the same material as the main universe, and the only difference is the vibration frequency.

To a certain extent, all life and matter in the DC multiverse are vibrating at the same frequency.

Humans are a vibrational frequency, and so is the universe.

The mother and daughter Myrina and Greer turned this theory into a real skill. They can turn into frequency and hide in the frequency of another person or an object.

Greer merged her own frequency with Barry's to achieve the effect of hiding in Barry's body.

When Myrina transmitted her voice to Harley, she also hid her own frequency in the air, and Harley could only see a trace that looked like a shadow.

Darkseid was forcibly pulled into the main universe because Greer used the Omega Effect and probably the resonance of his bloodline to forcefully adjust Darkseid's vibration frequency to be consistent with the main universe.

"Controlling the vibration frequency to hide the body is indeed an Amazon. It is my exclusive assassin skill, but only this skill cannot summon Darkseid. Only Greer can do it. She has the same origin as Darkseid. The Omega effect, and the blood relationship of the same origin." Milina said.

"Your vibration skills are very powerful." Harley praised.

"Your concealment skills are even more powerful. You can completely cover your tracks and aura, making it difficult for even the Supreme Being to detect you. The Anti-Monitoring King is already avoiding you, but you frequently rely on the same move to assassinate him," said Myrina.

Harley was a little embarrassed.

Unlike Myrina who relies purely on skills, she can hide her tracks mainly by relying on the wind of nothingness that dissolves existence.

"It's so boring to just keep watching them fight like this. Myrina, Greer, are you bored? How about you help me get rid of the dark elite. Since you are enemies anyway, you have nothing to do." Ha. Leigh shouted.

This time she did not convey the message to Milina alone, but said it in public.

At this time, Anti-Monitor and Darkseid had deviated from the wall of the stomach wall and returned to the fighting world.

Shadow demons and demons were dead.

The Dark Elite suffered heavy casualties, but there were still hundreds of them, and together with the millions of Dark New Gods, they were still a powerful force.

They no longer attack the stomach wall that has merged with the Origin Wall. Like Greer and Myrina, they float near the Doujie and watch the battle between the two supreme beings.

Hearing Harley's cry, they immediately became vigilant, approached each other, and formed a vague array to surround Greer and her daughter.

"Witch Harley, don't think you have control over everything. As long as I want, I can leave your stomach dimension at any time!" Greer said coldly.

"You can try it." Harley smiled.

Greer sneered: "Then keep your eyes open."

The harsh words were spoken loudly, but after she finished speaking, she stood there motionless, staring at the anti-supervisor and Darkseid with her scarlet eyes.

The form of counter-supervision at this time is not good.

Although the "Darkseid War" was initiated by anti-supervisory forces and a lot of preparations were made in advance, they have not taken advantage of it now.

Basically, Darkseid punched him three times, knocking him staggering, and then he could punch Darkseid once, and he had to rely on a huge anti-matter energy explosion.

"Rebel brother, can you do it?" Harley couldn't help it.

Before, she was worried that Anti-Monitor and Greer had a trick that could kill Darkseid quickly.

Now Darkseid seems to be able to beat the rebels to death.

The majestic Creator could not defeat a God King.

"You are so frustrated and you seek revenge from Darkseid. Where do you get the courage and confidence? The majestic Creator has absorbed so many parallel universes and cannot defeat an ordinary God King. The Creator's face has been completely embarrassed by you."

Harley not only ridiculed the anti-supervision, but also used a yellow light energy device to create a camera and hung it above the fighting world to film.

She deliberately let them all see the camera.

"Anti-surveillance boy, you don't want the video of yourself being beaten by Darkseid to be seen by everyone in the multiverse, right? If you have any tricks, please bring them out quickly."

She was not blindly confident in resisting prison. She felt that he must have a decisive trick to turn defeat into victory.

But in addition to anti-matter energy, Anti-Monitor also has the obvious aura of anti-life equation.

Anti-monitor came and went with just one anti-matter energy blast, with no intention of using the equation.

As the original owner of the Anti-Life Equation, Anti-Monitor has owned it for countless billions of years.

Harley wondered how he would use the power of the equation.

But her words failed to inspire anti-supervision fighting spirit, but instead stimulated Darkseid.

He suddenly increased his intensity, "Boom, boom, boom!"

A few punches knocked the anti-supervision king into a rolling gourd, rolling on the ground for several kilometers.

"Mobius, this farce should end. You are not afraid of embarrassment, but I don't want to be watched by Witch Harley."

Darkseid clenched his hands into fists, his feet were in a figure eight, his legs were slightly bent, his body was in a squatting posture, his chest was lifted, and his head was raised to the sky.

"Ahhh, death!"

He screamed, and the muscles in his gray-black face bulged, as if he was holding back his strength.

It's like a game character amplifying the energy accumulated before moving.

Based on what he just said, he should also be holding back his ultimate move, which is also related to "death".

But what does "death" mean?

Milina and Greer didn't know why, so they only looked at him nervously.

The New God of Darkness obviously knows something, and many people have excitement on their faces.

"Darkseid, this is the 'death summons', your majesty has used this trick again!"

"Hahaha, once the black man escapes, he will definitely die. The rebellion is over, and the witch Harley will die too."

Several dark elites even shouted excitedly.

"Hey, Disad, what is your master doing?"

Harley felt strong law fluctuations coming from Darkseid, and guessed that he might have activated the Dark Lord's god-king authority, but she didn't know what he was doing with the "Apocalypse God-King Authority."

Desard pretended to be dead and said nothing.

"Dessade, you are alive because I didn't target you specifically." Harley said coldly.

"I'm a clone, I'm not afraid of you targeting me."

Although Disad's words were harsh, his tone was full of caution.

At the end, he added, "You don't need to ask me, you will understand what His Majesty is doing right away."

Unlike the treacherous Doujie battlefield, the battles on the Apocalypse battlefield were very dull.

Although there are many demonoids, their individual combat power is simply not enough compared to superheroes.

Especially after the incarnation of justice and the new god of the creation star joined in, the victory was as obvious as a fly on the bald man's head.

"Barry, get ready, we are going to retreat." Bateman said.

"Although we have a great advantage, we haven't killed all the demonoids." Barry said doubtfully.

He turned into a streak of golden-red lightning and ran wildly in the Dark King City of Apokolips. When he encountered demonoids, he bumped into them directly, or cut them in half with a high-frequency vibrating hand knife.

Even compared to Superman, his efficiency in killing enemies is not low.

"I know, what I mean is that the heroes who cannot travel through Limbo alone will leave first, leaving the heroes with the ability to travel behind.

No one knows when Darkseid will return or when the vibration channel will be closed.

Although I don’t think accidents will happen, if the worst happens and we lose our advantage and the team is broken up, the heroes who cannot return to Earth immediately may be in danger. ” explained Bateman.

He is also fighting.

The Bat Fighter was destroyed three seconds after it rushed into the demonoid group, but he also had a nano-bat armor that could kill the demonoids faster than Cyborg.

"Are you overthinking it? Although I don't know what's going on with Harley, Heavenly Father has already ended. He and Harley have been practicing together, and can even fight against Darkseid and Anti-Monitor at the same time." Barry said.

——If the worst happens, Heavenly Father cannot be trusted at all.

Bateman sighed inwardly, but he could not speak out on the public channel where the New Gods of the Genesis Star could also hear.

"Safety comes first." He said solemnly.

"All right."

Barry quickly came to the heroes who did not have the ability to travel through Limbo, gathered them in one place, and waited for Cyborg to activate the sonic boom teleportation.

Ten seconds later, Barry connected to Bateman again and said: "Something went wrong. Amanda Waller declared that the Suicide Squad would hold on until the last moment and refused to return to Earth immediately.

But I feel like she's lying.

They did not clean up the demonoids in the war square. Instead, under the leadership of Luthor, they went deep into Darkseid's laboratory, not knowing what they were looking for. "

Bateman hesitated for a moment and said: "Since you refuse to return, then leave them alone."

Although Amanda Waller joined the "Earth Defense War" with the Suicide Squad, she is not a subordinate of Zheng Lian. Zheng Lian can only make suggestions and cannot force her and her Suicide Squad to do anything unless they do evil.

"OK, I'll be right away - ah, Fuck, what the hell is this?!"

"Barry, what's going on?" Bateman asked quickly.

"Someone is chasing me, he is so fast, no - ah ah -"

After a long scream, Barry fell silent and his life beacon disappeared from the radar screen.

"Barry, Barry?"

Bateman called several times but got no response, so he quickly contacted Cyborg again, "Cyborg, Barry——"

Before he could finish speaking, Cyborg shouted excitedly, "Battman, something happened to Barry. A speedster covered in darkness suddenly appeared. Barry and the others were too fast, and my electronic eyes could only capture a blurry afterimage. Not sure exactly what happened.

All that is known is that Barry was entangled by another speedster, and the two of them turned into a beam of black light and disappeared directly on Apokolips. "

"Is Dachao here?" Bateman asked.

"No, he can travel through Limbo and never return to the list." Cyborg said.

"Are there any new gods from the Genesis Star nearby? Do they recognize the speedster who suddenly ran out of Apokolips?" Bateman asked again.

"Hold on."

After a moment, Cyborg said in surprise: "Becca was nearby, and she also saw the speedster. She said it was 'death'."

"What 'death', the God of Death from Apokolips?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

"It can also be said to be the God of Death among the New Gods, but it is not a person, it is the law of death itself." Cyborg said.

Bateman immediately said: "Impossible, the Law of Death itself is the 'Ms. Death' of the Endless Family."

The solemn voice of the God of Love, Beka, joined in and said: "There is no contradiction, Lady Death is the law of death in the multiverse, and the Black Runner is just the law of death in the New Gods.

Only by understanding your own laws can you become a god.

Therefore, there are as many laws of death as there are gods of death in the multiverse.

The law of death understood by the old gods in the heaven belongs to the old gods, and the new gods also have their own laws of death.

However, the new god’s divinity comes from heaven.

The God King bestows divine power on the new gods who have awakened their divinity, allowing them to master the corresponding laws.

The Black Runner appears to be a human being, but is essentially a law of death conquered by Darkseid.

Like Lady Death, it is also somewhat anthropomorphic. "

"Does it belong to Darkseid?" Bateman's expression changed drastically, "Darkseid is also controlling it now? What did it do to Barry?"

Beka said in a serious tone: "Darkseid did not give the power of death to some new dark god.

No 'Death' was born among the New Gods, and Darkseid has always dominated the 'Black Runner'.

This time he summoned it with the authority of the God King and let it possess the Flash, just for fear of——"


The dark sky of Apokolips was suddenly filled with bloody lightning, and the heavy rain fell suddenly without any warning. The space became gray, and the world seemed to have lost its color.

All the heroes on the Apocalypse Star and all the new gods on the Creation Star are filled with inexplicable fear.

Time almost froze at this moment, everyone was motionless and speechless.

"Darkseid, dead?!" Only the horrified cry of Heavenly Father came from the distance.

Origin wall.

Harley was hung on the wall and turned into a huge stone sculpture two thousand meters high. The stone sculpture was smiling, with its hands stretched out and its legs close together, sticking to the wall in a very leisurely posture.

"Whoosh~" A black light suddenly jumped out from the super-light space and came to the mouth of Harley's stone sculpture. Without slowing down, it went straight into her mouth.

"This is -" In the stomach bag dimension, Harley felt someone entering her mouth, but before she could stop it, it had already passed through her throat and entered the stomach bag dimension on its own initiative.

It is like an illusory shadow, and the stomach wall barrier that is petrified by the wall of origin has no effect on it.

"Is this the law of death? Falk, Barry?!"

Where there is no law of death, there is no death.

People in the stomach bag dimension will die because there is a law of death in the stomach bag dimension.

Just like before, the new dark god used his own elemental laws to destroy the elemental laws of the stomach bag dimension.

Now that the black light has just entered, the death law of the stomach bag dimension itself has collapsed.

Harley immediately understood the nature of the black light: a more powerful law of death.

Knowing that its essence is a law, she also understood why the stomach wall that formed the origin wall failed to stop it.

The Origin Wall sticks to all energies and objects, but it does not respond to the basic laws of the multiverse.

But soon she lost her composure.

It is a law of death, but it is in human form, and it still has the breath of Barry and the Speed ​​Force.

From her dynamic perspective, she could even see the lightning bolt logo on his chest.

"Hahaha, this is His Majesty's death call!"

"Darkseid is invincible!"

Seeing the law of death in human form, a group of new dark gods shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, are you dumbfounded? Don't think that you are particularly powerful because you have been blessed by the 'Ms. Death' and have mastered the seal of reincarnation.

Compared to His Majesty, you are nothing!

Your Majesty conquered 'death' forcefully.

He also completely captured that part of 'death' and embodied it into the 'black runner' in the form of a speedster! "

DeSaad laughed heartily and ridiculed Harley, but he spoke in detail, more like explaining.

Anyway, Harley listened to his words and vaguely understood Barry's state at this time.

The essence of magic is to use magic to leverage laws.

Mere law cannot kill, it requires a person or force to drive it.

Barry is directly promoting the operation of the law at this time, and operating the law of death is to bring "death".

"Barry, wake up! You are the Flash, you have your own will, control it, don't be controlled by it."

Understanding Barry's state, Harley immediately projected all defensive force fields onto the "Black Runner".

"Stab la la!"

Bolts of golden and red speed lightning shot out from the black runner, and Barry finally regained some consciousness.

"Harley, I can't control it~~~ it's talking, it has its own will, it's controlling me, it wants to kill the anti-supervisor, and it wants to kill you, that voice, it--ah! ! Shut up, stop screaming, I, I don’t-"

"Mobius, let me kill you again!"

Darkseid did not feel complacent and stood there shouting about his deadly weapon. He did not give "Barry the Dark" a chance to struggle, and waved directly to the anti-surveillance king.

"Whoosh!" The black runner turned into a beam of light and shot towards the anti-surveillance king like a bullet.

Now the New God's Death Law "Black Runner" is already in operation. No matter who it touches, it will immediately bring "death" to him.

"Darkseid, you are so stupid to use the Black Runner against me. You know full well that I have mastered the Anti-Life Equation."

"Stab - BOOOM!" Before Black Runner Barry passed through his body, the anti-life equation force that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly erupted from Anti-Monitor's body.

"Even you can use the anti-life equation to control all sentient beings in the universe. I can only be more skilled than you. Black Run, kill him!" The anti-monitor shouted at Darkseid.

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