I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1737 Robbery of Darkseid

There are endless numbers of demonoids, and they are to the civilization of the planet what a plague of locusts is to the crops in the fields.

But locusts can only fly, but demonoids have "secondary mother boxes".

The secondary mother box is not as fully functional as the new mother box, but the basic communication and sonic boom channels can be used.

After Harley left, although the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance rushed to Apokolips as soon as possible, there were still demonoids who opened sonic boom channels and scattered into various galaxies in the universe in accordance with Darkseid's original instruction to "destroy the earth and destroy the main universe".

The sonic boom channel transmission of demonoids is not random, they have their own strategic goals.

The secondary mother box records the basic situation of the major civilizations and forces in the main universe. They will give priority to attacking the forces that pose the greatest threat, and arrange the number of demonoids according to the strength of the enemy.

Oa, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, is the most valuable and important target identified by the Mother Boxes other than Earth.

Although there are many Green Lanterns, they are distributed in 3600 sectors of the universe according to the two-person team system. The headquarters in Oa only has a few instructors and a group of apprentice Lanterns undergoing training.

"They were very brave, but facing billions of demonoids, Oua's defense system at that time was unable to stop them. I had no choice but to rush back immediately, and then my lamp ring changed."

In the geosynchronous orbit, in the observation tower, Hal Jordan raised his right hand, and the light ring flashed green and turned into a green mother box the size of a rice cooker.

"My green light ring merged with the power of the mother box and became a 'mother ring' that had the functions of both a mother box and a light ring, and my whole body also sublimated into light."

As he spoke, a faint light emitted from his body.

It was the brilliance of divinity, and Harry could feel the huge divine power in his body that surpassed the main god.

And His divinity is light.

Hal looked at the stars outside the window and said: "I am the light itself now, and the light of the stars is also my light. For me, controlling the stars is as simple as stretching out my arms."

Wherever there is light, it is an extension of my will and power.

Now, I am everywhere, no longer limited by time and space.

My personal timeline transcends the river of time. The low-dimensional space makes me feel uncomfortable. I subconsciously want to ascend to a higher dimension. "

Thanks to his having been a time demon before and experiencing the most advanced realm, he was able to adapt so quickly and accurately control his existing power.

Harry looked around and asked, "Where is Heavenly Father?"

Hal didn't expect that she would suddenly ask about Heavenly Father. He was stunned and said, "After the battle ended that day, he led the New God of Creation back."

"Does he know that you have become... Well, even if he didn't know at the time, he definitely knows now." Harley said with a wry smile.

Hal's heart moved, "Will he think that I took away his 'road'?"

Harley sighed: "The full name of Heavenly Father is 'The Incarnation of Light and Justice', which corresponds to Darkseid's 'Incarnation of Darkness and Evil'.

In other words, he is the ‘God of Light’ among the new gods.

But now you have also become the God of Light.

From a divinity point of view, it seems to be more authentic than him. How can he not have a grudge in his heart? "

Orion is the "God of Stars" and can absorb the light of stars and control their movement.

No matter where he goes, he rides the star skateboard, which is an exclusive artifact tailor-made for him by Metron to assist in controlling the power of the stars.

Orion is the son of Darkseid. He was exchanged to the Genesis Star as a proton and became the adopted son of his heavenly father. He was still a child at that time, and had not yet awakened to divinity, nor had he possessed godhood.

His godhead of the Star God comes from the Father.

The Father gave it to him after he awakened to divinity.

The Heavenly Father was able to grant Orion the godhead of the Star God precisely because he had the godhead of light.

Godhead is a crystallization of wisdom.

In the human world, the director of a certain research institute invented Instrument A, and his son, a junior high school student, participated in the "Youth Science Invention Contest". The entry "Instrument B" presented by the son of a junior high school student was more than 90% similar to the "Instrument A" invented by the researcher's father. As a result, the son was still selected as "The Most Promising Young Inventor in the United States" and received a certificate. and special admissions slots at Ivy League universities.

Invention and creation are wisdom, and Godhead is also wisdom.

What the father, the director, can do in the mortal society, the heavenly father in the spirit world can also do.

Orion's star godhead is derived from the light godhead!

This is also the reason why Orion is recognized as the first heir to the Creation Star. He is the "Little God of Light".

All the new gods on Genesis know this common sense, and Harley is no exception.

She also knew that the Father's luminous Godhead had no connection with his righteous will.

If "justice" is a condiment, and the Godhead of Light is a dish, there is no "justice condiment" added to the dishes cooked by the Heavenly Father. The bright divinity exuded by Hal Jordan has a strong "flavor of justice" like a dollop of tahini.

From the frivolity of first obtaining the Lantern Ring, to the madness of the Time Demon, and now as the Lord of the Green Lantern, Hal's spiritual will and concept of justice have become clear, translucent and indestructible under the polish of time and various crises. It is not surprising that he was born with divinity. In fact, when he activated the power of the new god, he immediately had the 'divine nature of justice'.

This is very terrible, almost openly stealing the job of Heavenly Father, the "incarnation of justice and light".

Hal is not stupid either. After Harley reminded him, he immediately understood.

"I have no intention of competing with him for the position of 'God of Light'." He said seriously.

"It's not a question of whether you think about it or not. Now you are the God of Light." Harley said.

Dachao wondered: "Why did Hal become the 'God of Light'? Even if he was selected by Darkseid's godhead like me, he should have become the 'God of Darkness'."

Harley looked at Hal and asked, "Tell me the process of becoming a god in detail."

Hal thought for a while and said: "Some feelings are difficult to describe in words. I will share that memory with you."

Hal's experience is very "Hollywood leading man".

It's not that he has the same bad luck as the protagonist of the movie: he doesn't do anything on weekdays, but he gets lucky at critical moments, and he gets the godhead for nothing and becomes the god of light.

His journey is very Hollywood.

Since the "First Light Crisis" forcibly summoned the Black Death Emperor as a black lamp zombie, Hal's destiny as the "incarnation of the will of the universe" has almost been exhausted.

The strength is still far beyond that of ordinary lanterns, but he no longer has any "supreme attributes".

Surrounded by hundreds of millions of demonoids, he will be overwhelmed and anxious: even if he can kill seven in and seven out of the army of demonoids, he will still be unable to protect the Oua star headquarters and the Green Lantern apprentices who suffered heavy casualties in the headquarters.

Then he fell into memory killing. In just a short moment, he experienced a long spiritual transformation in the world of thinking: Hal's spirit was divided into two parts. The mature Hal found the "child Hal" deep in his heart, and through the "father" , "God" and "Light" to help the child Hal get rid of confusion and fear.

".Then Hal's soul ascended and became a god."

Harley explained the process of Hal becoming a god to the other heroes.

"What do mature Hal and child Hal represent respectively?" Diana asked.

"Adult Hal represents the firm will and mature thoughts in Hal's heart. As long as a human being is human, there is always a soft and fragile part of the heart. The 'child Hal' that Hal met represents the fragile part of the soul.

Helping 'child Hal' get rid of his fragility is equivalent to Hal overcoming the last weakness in his soul and becoming a saint. There is no longer any weakness in his heart and his soul can be sublimated. " Harley said.

Dachao thought thoughtfully, "So that's it. But why did he become the God of Light? Why does mature Hal want to talk about his father, gods, and light?"

Harley looked Hal up and down again and guessed: "It is very likely that he had been selected by the dark godhead at that time, and the godhead was testing him.

Have you read the Celestial Heroes novel?

Similar to the tribulation a monk undergoes when he transforms into a god, the tribulation of inner demons (ps). "

Cyborg looked at Hal and asked curiously: "What did mature Hal say to child Hal? Can you tell us?"

Hal neither felt that his inner thoughts were shameful, nor did he mind if his companions knew the process of the "Inner Demon Tribulation", but he would be very embarrassed if he was asked to speak for himself.

He turned his gaze to Harley.

Harley looked at him and understood what he was thinking, and said: "Mature Hal said that you choose your own path, you create your own world, and God just watches. We go to church not to worship God, but to worship God." Let God worship us. Darkness is not to be feared. The faintest candle can dispel it.”

"This is roughly what it means. Establish faith, firm belief, move forward bravely, conquer the dark divinity in the godhead, and let it transform from the dark godhead into the light godhead."

Dachao looked at Hal with strange eyes, "I didn't expect you to be so rebellious. You go to church to be worshiped by God. In the past two years, you have often gone to the church of the Tiantian Mountain sect to worship the 'God of War in Heaven'. Is it because you want to be worshiped by the God of War?" you?"

Hal glanced at Harry and smiled dryly: "I said the words, but the context is different, and the same words have different meanings.

I'm not a perverted egomaniac who goes to church to be worshiped by gods.

I mean, even if God existed, I would go to church to see Him just to be a witness, to show Him my faith and perseverance, and to let Him marvel at my achievements.

God is just an audience in our lives.

He is watching us, but he will not step in to help us. We live our own lives without their help. "

Then he quickly changed the subject and said: "Harley, are you saying that my light godhead was transformed from the dark godhead?"

"Light and darkness are like the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram, they can transform into each other." Harley said.

"Now Hal has transformed Darkseid's dark godhead into a light godhead. If we want to follow the theory of yin and yang balance, wouldn't Heavenly Father's light godhead have to be transformed into a dark godhead?" Wonder Woman said in a strange tone.

Harry rolled his eyes upward, glanced at the sky, and said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, Heavenly Father is the embodiment of light and justice."

——Originally, he was the God of Light and Justice, but now that he is ridiculed by you, he may turn into the God of Darkness.

"In addition to Hal becoming the God of Light, are there any other main gods?" She looked around and asked.

The Halls of Justice have followed Metropolis as part of the Battlefield battlefield, with the heroes now concentrated in a watchtower in geosynchronous orbit.

There were a lot of people, dozens of top heroes, but except for Da Chao and Hal Jordan, Harley did not see the third dark god.

Oliver pointed to the blue earth outside the window and said: "The new gods among heroes are Hal and Super, but millions of new human gods have been born on the earth.

They have different divinities, with strong and weak powers. The weak ones are not even as good as demons, and the strong ones are comparable to supermen.

If you hadn't come back once and Dachao had given a public speech, they wouldn't know what the chaos would be like. "

"Not only the new human gods, but also the earth has separated from the material world and will enter the Apokolips as a whole." Da Chao added.

Apokolips has been pushed out of the main universe by him, but the connection between Apokolips and the main universe has not been completely severed.

As the energy and material center of the material universe, the earth is almost equivalent to the heart of the universe.

At this time, a big hole opened in the main universe's chest, and its heart was pulled out by Apokolips.

Such a big thing happened on the earth, and millions of ordinary people became gods, but the giant Zhenglian still stayed in the watchtower and did not return to the ground, just because he was flying in the sky at this time, looking down to see the earth, but looking up to see the Apokolips Star.

The earth seems to have become a small satellite of Apokolips.

Demonoids can fly to Earth from all angles.

As long as people on earth enter "outer space", they can also freely land on Apokolips.

The watchtower became a fence between Earth and Apokolips.

Da Chao asked: "Harley, do you want to go back to Earth? Now people on Earth can just look up and see the Apokolips opposite. Everyone is unsure and very panicked.

Even if you can't solve the problem immediately, saying a few words on TV can put everyone at ease.

Alas, it’s no wonder they panic. Those ordinary people who became the New Gods, like Hal, felt an invisible attraction that wanted to suck them to Apokolips. "

"What about you? You are also a New God. Have you sensed your connection with the origin of Apokolips?" Harley asked.

Dachao nodded vigorously, "The feeling is very strong, very kind, and very yearning."

"Why does this happen? In addition to the Dark New God, there are resistance forces and slave camps on Apokolips. Why doesn't the Dark Godhead come to them, but to us earthlings specifically?" Wonder Woman asked.

Harley sighed: "I'm still researching the specific reasons, but now this result must be related to Darkseid."

Oliver was surprised and asked: "He is dead, what else can he do? Or has he made some arrangements before?"

"I think his death was a conspiracy." Harley said.

Dinah was shocked: "Like the final crisis, he is faking his death? By the way, during the few days you disappeared, did you catch up with the rebels?

Could it be that Darkseid is pretending to be dead so that he can sit on the mountain and watch the fight between two tigers, and let you and the anti-supervisory tigers fight. One of them will die, and he will jump out to take advantage? "

Harley asked: "If I really kill the anti-supervisor, what advantage can Darkseid get by jumping out?"

"Anti-supervision is his biggest enemy. If you beat him to death, wouldn't it be considered a big gain?" Dinah said.

"But I can beat anyone who rebels to death, so naturally I can also beat Darkseid to death. Isn't he looking for death when he jumps out?"

Dinah said: "If the anti-supervisor fights with your life, even if you can win, you will definitely be seriously injured."

"Harley's resilience is amazing. It's difficult for others to be her oriole." Hal said.

Dinah said seriously: "Anti-monitor is the Creator. Can the wounds he left behind be recovered immediately?"

Oliver said: "The multiverse collapsed because of Darkseid's death. How could it be possible to fake death?"

Dinah said: "During the final crisis, the law collapsed, and the universe shook violently, showing a tendency of collapse.

The reason why it was not as influential as it is today is because after Orion killed him, he immediately replaced him and became the second generation God King, supporting the position of law vacated by Darkseid. "

"Stop arguing, Darkseid didn't fake his death. Of course, it's probably not a real death. The anti-supervisor is also dead now." Harley said.

Dinah looked at her in surprise. Her face was rosy and she didn't look like she had been severely injured.

"You killed the anti-monitor? Why is the multiverse so peaceful?" Dachao asked in surprise.

Harley said: "I tracked his and Greer's hiding place, that location is very special.

Remember the ‘Limbo Library’ we saw at the entrance to Taixu in the Thinking Superman incident?

In the antimatter universe, between Limbo and Taixu, there is also a place similar to the 'Limbo Library'.

But that's not a library, but a deep, dark well with a diameter of two hundred meters.

According to the anti-supervision account, at the beginning of creation, the energy matter erupted from the deep well formed the antimatter universe.

His Anti-Life Equation was also fished out of the well.

Anti-surveillance is metamorphosing above the deep well”

Harley recounted the situation at the time of the rebellion in detail, and finally said: "So he died peacefully and did not cause much fluctuation."

She kept her promise, only saying that she had taken away the source of antimatter and killed the anti-monitor, but did not say anything about reincarnating the anti-monitor's soul.

"I didn't expect there to be such a wonderful place in the antimatter universe! But, can that kind of place be locked with the reincarnation seal?" Dachao asked curiously.

Harley shook her head and said: "A simple seal of life and death will definitely not find the deep well. Greer thought that she had seized the opportunity of the dimensional rupture of the stomach bag, but in fact, I deliberately sent that opportunity to her.

After discovering that the dark elites were called ‘Elites’ but they were all incompetent and could not even absorb the godhead brought to my mouth, I had already made a decision in my mind to spit out the dimension in my stomach bag immediately. "

Diana asked: "Have you never thought about absorbing all Darkseid's power?"

"All miraculous power has a price. Absorbing his power is easy, but absorbing his power is also equivalent to assuming his responsibility and becoming a 'load-bearing wall' of the multiverse forever. This is not what I want."

The God of Power, Da Chao, and the God of Light, Hal, both frowned slightly, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Harley continued: "Darkseid's godhead tried his best to burrow into my body, and I tried my best to use the law of space to distort the time and space of the stomach bag dimension so that the godhead could not get close to the stomach wall.

But after all, this is not a long-term solution. Darkseid died, the multiverse collapsed, and huge pressure fell on me. I couldn't bear it, and I had to deal with those gods as soon as possible.

As long as I don't want to absorb the godhead, and the Dark New God has no power, I will have to spit them out sooner or later.

The reason why I didn't spit them out immediately was because I was worried that the anti-monitor and Greer would take the opportunity to escape.

When I decided to spit them out, I naturally thought about how to prevent them from escaping. "

"Besides the magic mark, what else have you done?" Diana asked curiously.

"The head breaks away from the wall of origin and invests part of the power and soul to form a shadow hidden on the side."

Diana suddenly realized, "Then you deliberately made the illusion that you could not withstand the force of the universe's collapse. Your body collapsed under the weight, and a gap opened in the dimension of your stomach bag. Greer seized the 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity and left with the anti-monitor." , your projection is behind them. It feels so simple!"

At the end of the sentence, her expression became very strange, "Such a simple trick, but the Anti-Monitor King and Greer used extremely complex ideas to check the soul mark, and they were still complacent."

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "Do you think the spiritual sense of the supreme being is just a decoration? No matter how good the concealment skills are, if it is directly attached to the back, it will definitely make anti-monitors wary."

"What else did you do?" Diana asked curiously.

Harley said: "What the projection tracks is not Anti-Monitor and Greer himself, but the mark on Darkseid's soul.

Moreover, I took three steps to counter the surveillance, and I followed one step, with two steps in between, which was right at the edge of the limit of imprint perception.

I directly sense the mark on the edge of the deep well in the main universe, and I definitely can’t sense anything.

If you follow it to the bottom of the antimatter universe Limbo Hell, near the deep well, you will be able to sense it. "

Dachao said with emotion: "It's very simple to do and very thoughtful. It's worthy of you."

Then he asked doubtfully: "With such an exquisite tracking idea, why don't you show your holiness in front of the anti-monitors and predecessors? This seems not to be in line with your style of doing things?"

Harley said with a proud smile: "Just exposing the mark on Darkseid's soul has already shocked and annoyed them, which is enough for me to pretend.

There is no need to reveal all the trump cards and let them learn from the experience. "

Diana's heart moved, "Is there still your projection behind Greer? She still carries Darkseid's soul with her."

"Harley is indeed very cunning. She has been pretending for a while now, and she can do it again next time." Hal said with emotion.

This time Harley didn't smirk.

"What can we do if we catch up with the mother and daughter? Kill them and lock them up?

Myrina just wants to avenge her sisters, and I even kind of admire her persistence and perseverance.

If Greer is alone, I won't have any psychological burden to kill her, but they have a deep relationship as mother and daughter. Kill one and leave the other. Alas, I will turn a blind eye today, and I will be out of sight and out of mind in the future. bother. "Harry said with a complicated expression.

Myrina is a good Amazon and a good mother. She is not a completely bad Earthling. Before the anti-monitoring came, she took the initiative to warn Harley and wanted her to open the stomach dimension, take away the humans, and leave An empty earth serves as a battlefield for counter-surveillance.

When you encounter bad guys, kill them. Killing the half-good Myrina, Harry had no idea.

But killing Greer alone and leaving Myrina to hate her forever and find ways to seek revenge on her made Harley feel even worse.

"I didn't expect you to let them go on purpose." The heroes were stunned for a moment, with complicated expressions.

Diana sighed and said: "I made a special trip back to Paradise Island last night to ask my mother about Myrina. In the mythical age before the gods left the earth, Apokolips invaded the earth more than once.

Sometimes it was Steppenwolf leading the Shadow Demon to sneak attack on the earth, sometimes it was a large-scale invasion by the Dark Elite, and the last time Darkseid personally ended up. They were all defeated by the joint efforts of gods and mortal heroes.

After the official war ended, small-scale conflicts still occurred from time to time.

Just like after Darkseid failed to invade Earth more than ten years ago, we still have many frictions with Apokolips.

The Amazons are warriors created by the gods of Olympus. They have the responsibility to defend the glory of the gods and protect the safety of the earth. They fought with the dark new gods of Apokolips for millions of years until human civilization replaced the civilization of the gods and the gods evacuated the earth on a large scale. .

The Amazons failed to follow the Greek gods into the celestial realm of Olympus.

If you continue to stay on earth and live among mortals, the Amazon tribe will disappear in the long river of history sooner or later.

In order to protect her people, my mother decided to follow the oracle and lead the Amazons to avoid humans, move the whole family to a paradise island, and formulate strict clan rules to strictly prohibit the Amazons from communicating with the outside world.

Some Amazon warriors believe that we are born to fight, and it is better to die in battle than to live in seclusion.

Myrina is a typical example.

Everyone knows her hatred for Darkseid and her obsession with revenge.

But even my mother never imagined that she would have a child with Darkseid for revenge.

But after the news spread around the island, everyone admired her.

She succeeds, and Darkseid is truly dead. "

Dinah said: "If Milina and her daughter don't come back to Earth to cause trouble, it doesn't matter if they let them go. They have stayed in human society under disguise for thousands of years and have been very quiet and have not done anything harmful to nature."

"It would be best if they were still the same as before, but Greer has integrated the anti-life equation. What will she do? Will the anti-life equation affect her character?" Dachao asked worriedly.

"Harry, what do you think?" Diana was also a little worried.

"Don't think too much. If she doesn't cause trouble, you won't be able to see her. Don't worry. If she does cause trouble, her character will definitely not be sneaky. If she encounters it, she will be beaten to death." Harley said.

"Beat her to death. Maybe she can be rescued and taken to Paradise Island." Diana hesitated.

"It's up to you. Anyway, if she does come out to cause trouble, you will be responsible for handling it." Harley said.

Dachao nodded, ended the conversation between Greer and his daughter, and asked, "You just said that Darkseid was neither a real death nor a fake death. What do you mean?"

"Darkseid's body collapsed, his godhead was scattered, and his soul entered the realm of death. He was completely dead, and it was not a disguise.

But the process and results of his death were very abnormal.

His death was not like a trap set by the anti-monitor for him, but more like a trap set up by Darkseid himself, so that the mother and daughter of Myrina would join forces with the anti-monitor to kill him.

Especially when he controls the Black Runner to kill the Anti-Monitor who possesses the Anti-Life Equation, it is an insult to our and the gods' intelligence.

If Darkseid is so stupid, wouldn't we, the Heavenly Father, the New God of Creation, the Old God, and the Watcher Marnou, who were tricked by him in the final crisis, be even more stupid?

Anyway, I don’t think I’m so stupid that I don’t even know that anti-surveillance can control illegal operations.

Since I know everything, how can Darkseid know? "

The heroes nodded repeatedly, "That makes sense."

"Actually, Bateman also raised this question before you came back." Dachao said.

"In addition to the fact that the death process seems like rushing to die, there are also a lot of doubts about what happened after his death." Harley's eyes swept over Dachao and Hal, and finally landed on the blue planet outside the window, "Do you think becoming Are the new gods a good thing or a bad thing?”

Da Chao and Hal looked at each other, both frowning and lost in thought.

"The aliens are all envious of us. Humans who have not obtained the dark godhead and become the new dark gods are also envious of those lucky ones." Dinah said.

"Besides the responsibilities of the New God, what are the disadvantages of becoming the New God of Darkness?" Diana asked.

Harley sighed: "He's honey, I'm arsenic. Maybe you, or they, don't care about the side effects that I regard as side effects."

I want to go back to Earth now.

The continent of Doujie must be returned, and I also have to find out the reason for the earth’s ascension. "

"Do you need our help?" Dachao asked.

"You can come if you want, there is no need to stay in the watchtower all the time." Harley walked to the window, looked at the magnificent "Apocalypse Starry Sky" outside, smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that the God of Order is really necessary to exist. , even if the earth is forcibly dragged into the divine domain of Apokolips, the gravity and basic laws near the earth remain unchanged.

They can't handle big crises, but they are very professional in solving such tedious little troubles.

With the Tower of Destiny watching over them, no matter the newly minted ‘New God of Earth’ or the demon-like creature, they can’t even think of quietly traveling between the Earth and Apokolips. "

Half a day later, the entire continent that disappeared around the metropolis was re-covered on the earth's surface.

Taking the center of the metropolis as the dot, apart from the sea, the continent with a radius of thousands of miles has been dug away. Gotham is only 400 kilometers away from the metropolis.

In addition to Arkham Island where Harley is located, even Gotham City has disappeared from the map of the United States.

Now, although Harley has returned the continent intact, even the hillsides and rivers have not changed, the buildings and forests on it are gone.

"The losses are too great. Dozens of cities, tens of millions of buildings, and the property in the buildings. How much money will it cost to complete the reconstruction?" Looking at the bare flat land of the metropolis, the commander frowned into an "M" ".

General Lane walked on the loess land and said: "Looking at the losses alone, it is indeed shocking, but considering the intensity of the crisis, the two supreme beings came in their true forms, with tens of billions of shadow demons, hundreds of billions of demons, and tens of millions around them. New Protoss. There has never been such a fierce war in the multiverse.

But in such a huge war, none of us died. Isn’t this something to be thankful for?

You must know that the purpose of Anti-Monitor and Darkseid is not only to destroy the earth, they also want to blow up the main universe.

Compared with the destruction of the entire universe, tens of millions of buildings are nothing to mention. "

The commander-in-chief plucked the white hair from his head and said helplessly: "I know that compared with the crisis, this loss is nothing, but it is the Americans who lost their houses!

People lost their property and businesses lost their companies.

The wealth that the United States has lost this time will not be recouped for hundreds of years.

Maybe we will soon face an unprecedented economic crisis. "

The Secretary of Defense looked around and saw the famous reporter Louise and her photographer Jimmy Olson walking beside him. He deliberately avoided taking a few steps and lowered his voice: "Our arsenal, air force base, military Factories, nuclear bomb silos, and secret laboratories have lost most of our military strength. Let alone the economic crisis, we may lose our hegemony and lose our country!"

Cameron, the second boss, said: "Are you kidding? We have the Galaxy Admiral and the Justice League. Even if we lose all the aircraft carriers and all the troops, who dares to mess with us?"

The Defense Minister said calmly: "Do you expect the Galaxy Admiral and the Justice League to go to Khandak to steal minerals?"

"Ordinary soldiers can't defeat Black Adam! And didn't you hire superpowers to disguise yourself as foreigners and steal the mines?" Cameron Lincoln said.

"Kandak's stealing of minerals is just an example. There are countless similar examples. It is by relying on these examples that we can make our people rich and our country strong and dominate the world!" said the Defense Minister.

General Lane patted his arm, looked at the sky and said, "Stop talking, Harley is down."

Harley was floating in the air before, using the power of the God King to fine-tune the shape of the continent to ensure that it was exactly the same as before.

The commander-in-chief led a group of military and political bosses, social celebrities, and up-and-comers to take an aircraft to the metropolis for on-the-spot inspection before the people migrated back.

"Harley, I heard that you killed the rebels as well?" When Harley landed, General Lane was the first to greet him. Even the commander was half a step behind him. The commander was panting and couldn't outrun him. No one who was too powerful dared to run in front of him, except General Lane.

"The anti-supervision is dead. This crisis is completely over." Harley said.

The commander took a few breaths, and just as he was about to speak, a force suddenly surged from beside him, almost knocking him down.

"Harley, the crisis is not over yet. Apokolips is hanging over our heads. In other words, the earth is still hanging on Apokolips." Louise, the famous reporter, said.

She was the one who pushed the commander just now.

"Darkseid is dead, the dark elite dare not return in person, the new dark gods are in disarray, and 80% of the demonoids have withered away. The current Apokolips can only be regarded as a trouble, not a crisis. " Harley said.

"Mutations on Earth——"

Halfway through her words, Louise was pushed away by the old commander.

"Ahem, Louise, you can do the interview later. I have something to say to Hallie now."

Harry waved his hand and said, "Chief students, everyone, I haven't finished my work yet, please wait a moment."

As she spoke, she flashed and appeared several kilometers away. She opened her mouth and spit out a little yellow light. The yellow light fell on the ground and quickly expanded to a height of a hundred meters.

"Oh my God, it's the Daily Planet Building. Our building is not destroyed." Jimmy Olson exclaimed excitedly (ps).

There was more than one building that Harley spit out, but not all of them.

After another busy afternoon, she returned to the former site of the Metropolitan White House when it got dark.

All the buildings on the ground of the White House were destroyed, leaving only the presidential shelter buried underground.

At the moment there are only campfires, long tables and tents on the old site.

They have prepared wine and food and are waiting for Harley to come back for the celebration party.

Harley didn't refuse everyone's kindness.

"Why are some buildings still there and others missing?" the commander asked.

Harley first explained the Doujie and the supreme battle on the Doujie, and then said: "After the 'Metropolitan Continent' entered the stomach dimension, it was transformed into the Doujie by myself and the goddess Gaia.

During the renovation process, some of the buildings that had not been destroyed by the demonoids sank into the lower levels of the stomach bag dimension and were eventually preserved.

Generally speaking, the further away from a metropolitan area, the sturdier the buildings and the higher the chance of preservation. "

"Even if the remaining buildings and things in the buildings are destroyed, aren't there some things left? For example, gold and silver fighter jets, nuclear bombs, etc." asked the defense minister.

"Even the main universe cannot bear the aftermath of the battle between the Supremes. How can those bits and pieces be preserved?

All were broken into the most basic atoms or molecules under the action of the supreme power, and even atoms were broken. " Harley said.

"Oh, our country has suffered a lot this time!" The commander turned his attention to Lena Luther in an elegant blue dress, "Miss Lena, how much help can the 'Luthor Foundation' provide for urban reconstruction?"

The original purpose of Luther's establishment of the "Luther Charitable Foundation" was to help people injured and affected by crises.

Lina thought for a while and said: "In terms of cash, it will be 200 billion U.S. dollars in a week, which can be increased to 500 billion U.S. dollars in a month."

The loss of the Metropolitan City alone is more than 500 billion, but for a private company to come up with so much cash, it is definitely full of sincerity.

"Thank you!" The Commander-in-Chief expressed his thanks enthusiastically and sincerely, and then turned his hopeful gaze to Harley, "Relying on the government and charities alone is far from enough to make up for the losses of the people."

Harry sighed: "There is nothing we can do about it. The two supreme beings suddenly descended upon us. No one could have imagined it, and they could not stop it."

The commander's eyes flashed and he said tentatively: "Harley, Apokolips has no owner now, but there are still many valuable things on Apokolips. Look."

The surrounding military bosses and military industry bosses looked at Harry expectantly.

Harley asked strangely: "You want to rob Darkseid?"

(PS: In the comics, when Hal became a god, he really experienced a spiritual transformation similar to the inner demon tribulation. After completing the transformation, the godhead surrendered to him and became the god of light.

ps2: The appearance of Jimmy Olsen at this time is not a bug. He did die in the final crisis. However, during the lightning incident, the timeline of the main universe was affected. Harley was just protecting people she knew well from being distorted. Jimmy was there again. Restarted. )

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