I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1727 Darkseid’s Daughter


Dark King City, the highest point of the palace.

Darkseid stood quietly on the rooftop of the tower with his hands behind his back, his head slightly raised, looking expressionlessly into the dark void in the distance.

He was like a statue. He didn't move or say a word for a long time.

He was like this when the Eclipse Lord caused a storm in Limbo.

The Eclipse Lord retired, and the Anti-Monitor once again triggered the "Second Crisis on Infinite Earths." Even though the antimatter tide was already raging in Limbo and was about to affect Apokolips, he remained indifferent.


The Dark Lord suddenly shouted softly.

Disad, who was dozing in the corner with his hands hanging down, raised his head in confusion. The Dark Lord was still standing there like a rock.

He rubbed his eyes, picked his ears, and asked uncertainly: "Your Majesty, you called me?"

Since half a year ago, when the Witch Harley knocked on his door and was forced to huddle in the core of Apokolips and dare not come out, the Dark Lord seemed to have lost his energy and did nothing.

He no longer invades the material universe and parallel universes, squeezes the source of the planet to deliver energy to Apokolips, and he no longer engages in dangerous but wonderful magical research with his favorites.

The Dark Emperor did not look decadent, but acted as if he was lying down.

For this reason, the dark elites had worried and discussed a lot in private, but no one dared to ask or admonish the dark king.

In fact, they don't know how to persuade them, and they don't know where the future of Apokolips will go.

At the moment, their bodies are still hiding in the parallel universe, and they dare not return to Apokolips.

If your life is not guaranteed, what ideals can you talk about?

"Gather the demonoids and dark elites, all of them, and prepare to fight." The Dark Lord said calmly.

"What?" Disad heard clearly this time, but thought he was hallucinating.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time." Darkseid's tone was slightly cold.

"Oh, I know." Disad said quickly.

But before conveying the order, he still couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, who is our enemy? Could it be that Witch Harley can't hold back and finally wants to come to Apokolips to settle accounts with you?"

Darkseid suddenly turned around, his cracked rock face full of anger, "Bastard, you think I'm not her opponent? She wants to settle a score with me?"

DeSaad knelt on the ground and shouted quickly: "Your Majesty, please calm down. What I mean is that Witch Harley went to death and came to Apokolips to seek death."

Darkseid's cheek muscles were very strong, as if he was carefully considering his words, and he said very slowly: "The last time she came to Apokolips, I was suffering from the backlash of the anti-life equation, and I couldn't even exert 30% of my strength."

Desaad nodded repeatedly and echoed loudly: "That's right, Witch Harley just met the weakest Majesty by chance last time. Now that you have recovered your strength, we will counterattack. No, we are invading the earth."

After a pause, he wondered again: "Since we have decided to attack Witch Harley, why was it that the God of Knowledge last time was the Night Owl from the Criminal Syndicate?

Why did you burn him to ashes with a beam of omega rays without even hearing his complete plan when he used his projection to come to Apokolips to form an alliance with you?

At that time, it was the best opportunity to do harm to Witch Harley and the earth, right? "

Darkseid sneered: "I am not an inner dragon, so I will not be reduced to the point where I need to cooperate with that kind of character in order to avenge my enemies."

Disad asked curiously: "What arrangements do you have for Witch Harley, or have you already made arrangements for her?"

He remembered that the Dark Lord had sworn to take revenge on the Witch Harley.

After she left Apokolips, he immediately returned the Anti-Life Equation to the Anti-Monitor, and seemed to have done something to the Anti-Monitor. It didn't take long for the Anti-Monitor to go crazy and rush into Wan Tianyi again, opening the second Infinity Earth Crisis.

——Is the second Crisis on Infinite Earths related to His Majesty?

Disad was shocked and confused.

"Just wait and see, the show is about to begin." Darkseid smiled sinisterly.

"How should I explain to the dark elites? They will definitely ask about the mission objectives and action plan." Desaad said.

"No need to say anything, just let them gather in the War Square according to the old rules. The war will come soon," Darkseid said.

"Do you need them to return in their true form? You are your true form now, right?" Disad asked again.

"Let them do whatever they want. If they are not afraid of death, they will come back in their true form. If they are afraid of death, they will clone themselves. I must be my true form." Darkseid said calmly.

"How many demon-like armies are there? Send them all out, the square can't accommodate them."

"If you can't fit it, pile it up. This time I want Witch Harley to shed a layer of skin even if she doesn't die."

"I see."

Metropolis, in front of the Hall of Justice.

Among the ordinary people, Greer stood out.

She has a weird yin-yang hairstyle with half of her head cut short and half of her head with waist-length hair. Her skin is rock gray, but it is not as rough or even chapped as Darkseid. Her skin color is very strange, but her skin texture is very good and smooth. exquisite.

There is a huge "Ω" symbol printed on the front of the wide gray cloak that reaches to the hips.

Underneath the cloak is a typical Amazon warrior outfit.

"Wow, sister, you look like an Amazon warrior, with hot Thai pants!"

After entering the Square of Justice, Greer immediately attracted the attention of many tourists, and a little girl cosplaying Wonder Woman praised her with envy.

Greer glanced at her indifferently, and the blood-colored eyes flowing with scarlet energy made "Little Wonder Woman" shrink back in fear.

"Your eyes." The girl's parents also noticed something unusual. The young woman dressed as an Amazon female warrior didn't look like a cosplayer. Her eyes were not colored contact lenses, but a real pool of scarlet magma.

They quickly took their daughter and ran outside.

Well, they are natives of the metropolis and have seen so many storms and waves that they have DNA memories of crises.

Greer ignored everyone's reactions and walked straight to the door of the Hall of Justice. He looked up at the "Justice League" sign for a while, and then his two scarlet eyes were like boiling lava lakes, with wisps of mist coming out. Red energy.

"Stab - boom boom boom!" Two beams of omega rays swept over the "Justice League", and the stone seemed to be bombarded and exploded into pieces of rubble the size of a human head.

Fire and gravel were flying everywhere, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Visitors to the Justice League exhibition hall were so frightened that they held their heads and screamed.

"Whoosh!" A beam of red lightning burst out from the hall.

In an instant, from the front hall to the square outside, everything was a golden-red afterimage.

Before the first piece of gravel hit the ground, all the tourists disappeared.

"The Flash?" Greer stretched out his right hand, and a moon-blade hatchet slipped out from under his wide cloak, and the metal ax handle fell right into his hand.

"Whoa!" Before the golden and red lightning approached, Greer suddenly disappeared on the spot.

"Who is she? Where has she gone?" Cyborg, who rushed out immediately, looked around. The vital sign detector of his electronic eye was turned on, but he found nothing unusual.

"I still want to ask you, isn't there any information about her in the 'Superpower Villain Database' in your head? The camera should record her appearance. Search it."

The Flash kept talking without stopping. In just a few words, he ran around the Hall of Justice several times, but there was still no sign of the enemy.

"She is not in the database of superpowers. She is dressed like an Amazon female warrior, and her eyes-" Cyborg's expression changed drastically, "The things that shot out of her eyes were not thermonuclear rays, nor supernatural beams.

Falk, that's the Omega Effect, she's from Darkseid! "

He did not dare to delay and immediately sent an emergency message to the main control room and watchtower of the Hall of Justice.

The next second, the Hall of Justice and the Watchtower sounded red alerts at the same time.

If it were just a mysterious person using the Omega Effect, there might not be a need to sound the highest alarm, but if the other party comes to you on his own initiative, he must be evil and extremely powerful.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Within a few breaths, the Zhenglian giants arrived one after another.

"Diana, do you know her?" The steel-framed electronic eyes projected Greer's dynamic 3D image in mid-air.

Diana looked at it carefully for a while and shook her head: "It looks like someone from Paradise Island, but I have never seen her before."

Dachao asked in confusion: "Why does she have the Omega effect? ​​Orion and Kalibak are Darkseid's biological sons, but they have not inherited any of Darkseid's power."

"The Omega Effect is the original power of Apokolips. It seems that there is no inherited attribute. Only Darkseid has it." Cyborg said.

"Then why does she have the Omega Effect?" Dachao asked.

"Why do you have to waste time on such boring questions?" Greer's voice suddenly sounded.

The heroes turned to look in the direction of the sound, but only saw Barry the Flash, who looked confused.

The sound seemed to come from his stomach?

"Barry, you-"

"Buzz buzz!" Barry stood there vibrating at a high frequency as if having a convulsion. His expression was horrified, his mouth opened wide, and bright golden light spurted out from his throat, followed by two hands!

Two hands stretched out from his mouth, as if Barry had become a python and swallowed a person alive. The person was not dead. He put two hands on Barry's face and crawled out with all his strength.

"Your efficiency and response are really disappointing. My mother's hard work has been wasted by you in vain." She was still talking.

"Boom!" Barry seemed to have taken a laxative and held it in for seven or eight hours. He had diarrhea from his mouth and squirted very powerfully, shooting out a large area of ​​brilliant golden light.

In the center of the light, there was a woman with flowing black hair, a flying cloak, and holding a crescent hatchet.

Surprisingly, it was Greer who had disappeared before.

She actually got into Barry's body and spurted out alive from his stomach!

"Puff!" After the warrior Greel was ejected, Barry fell to the ground with his eyes widened but without a trace of consciousness. His mouth expanded and puffs of green smoke came out.

"You, who are you, what have you done, why are you in Flash's belly?"

This way of appearing was so shocking that Cyborg stuttered in shock.

"Why are you still asking such stupid questions? Shouldn't you call Witch Harley immediately?" Greer said expressionlessly.

Wonder Woman held a shield in her left hand and a Vulcan sword in her right. She strode up to Greer and said coldly: "Harley will only come forward when encountering a cosmic crisis. Do you think you are worthy?"

Cyborg almost said in unison with her, "I have already informed Harley."

Wonder Woman's expression froze, and she turned around with a sullen look on her face, "Why did you call someone before the fight even started? Do you think I can't beat her?"

Cyborg lowered his head and muttered: "The Flash has already fallen before the war officially begins."

Wonder Woman frowned, stopped talking nonsense, jumped up, and raised her shield to hit Greer.

Greer originally planned to have a few perfunctory words with the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance, complete her mother's mission, and then immediately launch the "war plan."

Now seeing Diana rushing over, she felt inexplicably excited and wanted to test the opponent's strength.

As he thought, Greer had already swung the hatchet, and the moon blade was as fast as lightning, striking the shield firmly.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" After one move, the two female warriors kept moving, attacking and defending each other dozens of times in the blink of an eye. Sparks were seen flying from their weapons, and their strength and skills were equally comparable.

"Are you an Amazon?" Although it was a question, Wonder Woman's tone was very certain at this time.

Even if Greer was dressed like an Amazon, even her moves were very familiar to her, so it couldn't be a coincidence.

"We were born on the same day, sisters!" Greer admitted.

Amazon peers often refer to each other as "sisters."

If Greer hadn't been so high-spirited and the two sides were hostile at this time, she should have called Diana "sister" because Diana was born a few minutes earlier than her.

"Why have I never seen you? How come you have the Omega Effect?" Diana continued to fight her with swords, shouting loudly.

"Because your mother is too cowardly! She gave up her mission and castrated the courage and blood of the Amazons."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I know you are talking nonsense." Diana said angrily.

Greer's eyes shot out scarlet Omega rays, and he chuckled: "Little princess, you are more ignorant than I thought.

You don’t know anything about the history of this world and the great mission of the Amazons.

Your mother probably never told you that before the Justice League, there were heroes who fought off the invasion of the dark army. "

Facing the Amazon female warrior who also came from Paradise Island, Diana hoped to have a fair fight with her, so she did not activate the thick-skinned power and only crossed her hands to protect the silver bracelet to block the incoming scarlet rays.

But in addition to having the same high temperature and impact as thermonuclear rays, Omega rays also have the properties of destruction and termination.

The Omega Effect has this name because "Ω" is the last digit of the Greek alphabet, which represents the end.

"Zizzi—click, BOOOM!"

The protective silver bracelet was overwhelmed and shattered into dozens of fragments like glass shot by bullets in the destructive effect.

Diana screamed, and like a football kicked away by a strong kick, it flew hundreds of meters upside down, collapsing the walls along the way, and plowing a half-meter-deep cracked trench on the stone ground.

Before Doctor Manhattan appeared, the Omega Effect was the most powerful conventional force in the DC multiverse, possessing the "certain kill" property that cannot be exempted.

Only the Supreme and those who are protected by the Supreme can resist this "mortal" special effect.

Even if a person as powerful as a god, such as Shazam or the Wizard, is hit by Darkseid's Omega rays, he is no different from a mortal and is burned to ashes by the rays on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, if Diana had endured this blow, even if she was not cold, she would have been seriously injured and unable to fight again in a short period of time.

Now she was just blushing a little.

A transparent golden film covered her body. She cheated and was a little embarrassed.

"Your omega rays are very powerful, almost 70% as powerful as Darkseid." She jumped up and came to Greer again.

Simply take off the shield hanging on your left arm and throw it aside.

"What history and mission did you just say? I can't understand. Hey, forget it, let's fight again. When I defeat you, you will confess everything!"

Diana held the Vulcan Sword with both hands, her thick skin almost boiling with divine power, exuding high fighting spirit.

In this state, she is not even afraid of Darkseid, let alone a mere "female version of Xiaoda"?

"Zizzizi!!" Greer also wanted to test the power of the thick-skinned power to see if it was as powerful as the legend, so he activated the omega rays again towards Diana.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ray as thick as a bowl fell on Diana, splashing water more than ten meters high.

Omega rays also have a strong physical impact. Although Diana was as calm as a mountain, the ground under her feet and the surrounding Hall of Justice buildings felt like they were on a battlefield being washed away by enemy shells, with obvious vibrations.

"Ah!" Diana didn't just get beaten without fighting back. When she saw that the Omega rays were blocked as expected, she shouted, used both hands to swing the Vulcan Sword vigorously.

"Stab--" The sword-like light cut through the omega rays and almost hit Greer with a knife.

Although she moved back quickly, a slap-long gash was still opened on her forehead, and red blood seeped out slowly, leaving a blood line on her face.

"Thick-skinned magical power is well-deserved!" She did not show any timidity, but her expression became more excited. She stretched out her long gray-white tongue to lick the blood that fell to her lips.

She shook her right hand slightly, and the short-handled battle ax in her hand "clicked" to extend in two sections. The steel handle stretched from just over one meter to two meters. The crescent-shaped ax blade bounced up, and a small blade came out of the handle. The short-handled axe Instantly transforms into a long-handled scythe.

"Dingle, Ding, Ding, Ding," the two Amazon female warriors fought together. Except for the hero with a powerful dynamic perspective, everyone else could only see an intertwined gray-red storm.

Greer wore a gray cloak and a gray "Amazon female warrior suit": long combat boots, triangle tight leather pants, a white and greasy bra that could only protect 70% of the chest, and the bracelet was gone.

Diana's "Amazon Suit" is mainly dark red, and the light golden defensive gold film on her body is almost transparent, which mainly shows red in fierce battles.

"Who is she? It's incredible that she can be tied with Wonder Woman in 'Hallelujah' state." Dinah exclaimed.

"Probably Darkseid's daughter."

Dinah turned her head and said in surprise: "Harry, why are you here?"

"It's not the message you sent me, saying that the enemy is coming and is unstoppable. Let me put down my work and rush over to save lives immediately," Harley said.

Dinah raised her chin forward, "Look, Diana was able to stop her alone. If we all attack together, she probably won't be able to survive three attacks."

Cyborg said seriously: "You just came here and didn't see her weirdness, Barry."

He turned around and looked around, wondering: "Where is Barry?"

Da Chao said: "Just now, while the daughter of Darkseid was distracted, I quickly took Barry away and sent him to the medical room. Mr. Excellence is examining his body."

After a pause, he said to Harley again: "The woman came out of Barry's mouth just now. It was really weird. Cyborg, did you record the battle footage? Show it to Harley."

Cyborg immediately played the video in front of everyone.

Many heroes have ugly expressions and goosebumps on their bodies.

Harley shook her head and said: "The video records only sound and light and shadow. Important factors such as power fluctuations, divine power attributes, and law aura are not known. It is difficult to judge her moves."

"Those words she said are somewhat interesting. The mission of the Amazons." There was a look of thought on her face.

"What's the point?" Dachao asked curiously.

"The story is very long. Let's tell it slowly after the battle is over."

"Why do you conclude that she is Darkseid's daughter? I haven't heard that he has a daughter, and she is an Amazon." Animal Man wondered.

"There are already many palace ladies on our planet, so why is it so strange that Darkseid would find an Amazon lover?"

Thinking of Jane Rowling, the beloved concubine of the first generation, and Miraculous Mary, the beloved concubine of the second generation, the heroes were speechless.

"Look, her skin is the same as Darkseid's, it's rock gray, and she looks a lot like Darkseid," Harley continued.

"Forget about skin, she obviously has an angular triangular face, which is completely different from Darkseid's round barrel face, right?" Dinah frowned.

"Darkseid wears a steel helmet shaped like a wine barrel, so his head looks like a wine barrel, and the Omega effect makes his face a little deformed. In fact, his real facial features are very three-dimensional. If you look at Orion, Orion is his biological son. , doesn’t he look handsome?”

"Hey, she and Orion look a bit alike." Dachao said in surprise.

"Harley Quinn, stop judging my daughter, that person is coming soon, and war is about to break out!"

At this moment, an anxious voice came into Harley's mind.

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