I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1726 Two Dark Prophecies of the Amazons

"That's what Shazam Wizard said." Billy Bassant looked at Harley expectantly. "He said this matter should have been handled by you. What did he mean? Can you retrieve Alexander Luthor's soul? "

Harley frowned slightly, but she understood what Wizard Shazam meant. It was not that she had the ability to lift the Shazam contract on Big Luther, nor that she could locate his soul, but that she would step forward and ask what Heaven had to say about Big Luther. What is the arrangement?

"Wait a moment, I'll go to heaven to check the information."

Harry stayed in the manor, and a ray of consciousness floated directly to the gate of heaven through the big cross.

"Lao Zha, have you seen Brother God recently?"

Harley was supposed to enter the Silver City directly and go to the Golden Hall to check information. When she caught a glimpse of the bald Zaulie squatting at the gate of heaven and playing with his mobile phone, he couldn't help but make fun of him.

After Chris was "sanctified", the dog God's royal mount changed from Zauliel to "Saint Chris".

Since the Dog God loves the new and dislikes the old, Zauliel has not seen Him for a long time.

Although Zaulie noticed something was wrong in her tone, he didn't think much about it. He shook his head and said, "I haven't seen the Lord since the last time we said goodbye. Why are you looking for Him? There haven't been any major events on earth recently, right?"


As expected, Harley gloated.

"why are you laughing?"

Feeling her ill intentions, Zaulie vaguely understood something.

"The crisis of the Eclipse Lord has only ended less than two months ago. I haven't seen the Lord for two months. Is it any wonder?"

Harley still laughed, but no longer used this matter to stimulate her.

"Do you know that Alexander Luther's soul was captured by Night Owl?" she asked.

"Go and ask the voice of the sky." Zaulie shook his head.

Harry didn't expect her at first, so he nodded and flew straight into Silver City.

There is no documentation of Alexander Luther in the Golden Hall, indicating that he is indeed not a believer in God.

People who know the existence of God but have other beliefs will only have a few words recorded when they mentioned key words such as "God", "Jesus", "Christ", and "Jehovah". There will be no records from birth to Archives of death.

"Does Brother God have any plans for Alexander Luther?"

Harley found the acting monarch Raphael who hosted the "Voice of Heaven Radio" and asked straight to the point.

"Heaven has no connection with Alexander Luther, and his destiny is not in the Lord's vision." Raphael was also very direct.

"Shazam Wizard doesn't think so. He said Big Luther is a pawn of Heaven." Harley said.

"He is talking nonsense." Raphael said angrily: "If you dare to slander the reputation of Heaven, your Heaven merits will be deducted by 500,000 yuan!"

Harley twitched her lips, "You may take credit for his achievements, but Alexander Luther's Shazam Contract has nothing to do with him."

Raphael's eyes flashed with silver light, his aura suddenly surged, and he had a vague aura similar to that of the Dog God.

Harley understood that he was deeply integrating with the "Voice of Heaven" and did not show any surprise.

After a while, Acting Lord Raphael's momentum dropped back to its original level.

"Alexander Luther was able to become 'Shazam of Thunder' because of his own talent. The 'Shazam Law' that protects divine power and divinity from being stolen was understood by Shazam Wizard, but at first he forcibly borrowed the singularity spell of other people's divine power. , but it is the own law of the multiverse. You can call it a loophole in the law, but it is still essentially a rule.

Shazam the Wizard is just the first discoverer of the ‘Shazam Rules’.

The discoverer is not the inventor and has no ownership rights in it.

Anyone who finds it can use it.

If Shazam the Wizard can discover it, why can't Alexander Luthor be born with it?

If you know the experience of Alexander Luther, you will know that he has never met any "grandpa with white beard" at all, unlike Billy Bassent, who went through many tests and was pulled to the Eternal Castle by the missing person magic. "

Before entering the main universe, Alexander Luthor didn't even know Shazam the Wizard.

Just like the Harleys in the parallel universe, they don't need to see Harley. As long as they have the destiny of "Harley Quinn" and meet several conditions, they can automatically activate the thick-skinned power.

Thinking of Harley from another world, Harley had some guesses about Alexander Luther's status.

Brother God doesn't know, but his methods are so clever that they go beyond Shazam Wizard's imagination.

He has no direct connection with Alexander. Instead, like her, he specifically set up a set of rules that only Alexander Luther conforms to, allowing him to "naturally" awaken the divine power of Xantha.

Seeing Harley's expression, Raphael, who was fused with the Voice of Heaven, immediately understood her thoughts and frowned: "Don't make conspiracy theories about anything that happens. There are not so many conspiracies in the world, it's more destiny.

The multiverse has a will of its own, and it manifests itself in the form of destiny.

You are already the King of Gods. Stop thinking like an ignorant mortal and have more time to realize the original power. "

Harry said coolly: "Acting Lord, your level seems not to be as high as mine."

Raphael sneered: "How powerful is the God King? I have been a high-level God King since I was born!"

"Yes, you have been a high-level God-King since the birth of the universe, but now you are still a high-level God-King. I just became a God-King a year ago, and now I am semi-detached. Do you understand what semi-detached is?

The God King is a piece of shit in front of me, no matter whether he is at the low level or at the peak of the high level. "Harry said calmly.

Raphael's face, which was prettier than the girl's, instantly turned red.

Harley left the "Voice of Heaven Broadcasting Tower" in a happy mood.

"Harley Quinn, you've been a little distracted lately!"

Before leaving Silver City, the voice of the true King Michael suddenly reached her ears.

Harley looked around and saw no sign of him.

"The Lord Erosion Crisis, the Anti-Supervisory Crisis, and all kinds of bad things are coming one after another. What can I do?" She only had one thought, unable to sense the specific location of the Monarch, so she could not communicate with her mind, so she could only speak. say.

"After all these years, you still haven't seen it through? Crisis keeps reincarnating and will never completely stop. The only thing that can stop is your heart.

When you stop, you will find that even if you stop, the world is still moving. "Michael said.

"You want me to imitate you? I can't do it." Harley shook her head and said: "With my current state, even if the multiverse is destroyed a hundred times, it won't hurt me.

But the people and the world I care about still exist. In critical moments, if I take a nap, they will be gone.

Even if it is destroyed in the end, it will have to wait tens of billions of years like you. "

Then she added: "And I have never stopped the 'story output plan'. Hades, the king of Hades, has been undergoing transformation in the dimension of my stomach bag. When the transformation is completed, his consciousness will be launched to the next universe like a satellite."

"When will the transformation be completed?" Michael asked.

Harry said: "Theoretically, it would be best if he cultivates into a thinking being.

But if he really becomes a thinking being, he will no longer be at my mercy.

It is impossible for him to become a thinking being based only on the fragments of the "Thinking Sutra".

After he completes the latest version of the "Thinking Sutra", he will try to improve the 'thinking component' of his soul.

Then I will cut off the "thinking component" in his soul, use it as ink, write it into a story, and use your "power of the king" to project the story. "

Michael pondered: "In other words, some of Hades's souls have completed 'thinking' and are ready for use. You just want to increase the amount of 'ink' before letting him continue to practice?"

"That's pretty much it." Harley said.

Michael said: "The purpose this time is not to project stories, but to use the method of projecting stories to send the consciousness of our universe to another universe. There is no need for too much 'ink'.

You can write a short story first to see if it works. If it works, send me out immediately. "

Harley wants to use the connection between the DC multiverse paradise and the multiverse paradise next door to enhance the effect of story projection; Michael wants to use his thoughts as stories and project them into other worlds, thereby achieving the purpose of "alternative transcendence" of the multiverse. .

The two had different purposes but the same direction, so they formed an alliance.

"'Ink' is not only for writing more stories. The higher the level of thinking, the stronger Hades's self-awareness, the easier it is to awaken after going to another world, and I can get feedback faster." Harley explained.

"What happened in heaven recently? Why are you in such a hurry?" she asked doubtfully.

Michael immediately said calmly: "Why am I in a hurry? I'm not in a hurry."

Before Harley left, he urged, "Hurry up, this anti-supervisory crisis has nothing to do with you, so don't worry too much."

"Perhaps the destiny of 'Zansha Divine Power' is not over yet, the world still needs 'Thunder Shazam'." After the thought returned, Harley said to Thunder Shazam.

"What can Zanza do and why do we need him?" Billy asked doubtfully.

"I don't know. Acting Lord Raphael said that Alexander Luther can become Thunder Xantha only by his personal talent.

Just like Harley Quinn in the parallel universe, she was born with the ability to activate the thick-skinned power, and she doesn’t need to sign a contract with me. " Harley said.

"But Harley's supernatural power from another world comes from you. You made a contract during the multi-dimensional reboot. Who does Alexander Luther's power come from? Shazam the Wizard? But he said he was powerless." Billy said.

"It's the origin! The multiverse is also conscious. Destiny needs Xantha, and destiny chose Alexander Luthor." Harley said.

No matter how much she doubts the Dog God, she will never speak ill of Him in front of outsiders.

Billy's expression was tangled, "Can this still happen?"

Harley said: "Whether this is the case, time will give the answer."

Billy nodded lightly. If Zansha's destiny appears in the future, even if he can't understand it, he can only accept it. If there is no Zansha's destiny in the future, let's talk about it later.

"What should Luther do? If we can't deprive him of the connection with Zanza's divine power through magical means, we can only use technological methods." Billy said.

"Hoarse his voice?" Harley asked.

"Temporarily make his throat swell and unable to speak." Billy said.

"You can do whatever you want, you don't need to tell me."

After that, Harley really stopped paying attention to Luther and focused on the "Story Projection Experiment".

If he wasn't too impatient, Michael would never have urged her. No matter what the reason for his impatience, she couldn't let him wait too long. After all, she had to contact the heaven of another multiverse and she had to provide him with the "power of the king." "No.

If the "Paradise Network" can be borrowed, the efficiency of story projection can be increased tens of millions of times.

She is not afraid of failure and does not need to take risks. The first guinea pig is Hades, and the second guinea pig is Michael. Both of them are bosses among bosses. The opportunity is too rare to miss.

"Harley, are you free now? Can you come to the Hall of Justice?"

On September 1st, Harley received a call from Dachao.

"Is Louise about to give birth?" Harley first thought of the super queen.

"She is indeed about to give birth. She has been admitted to the hospital now. The baby will be born in the next two days tomorrow. But she was protected by us when she gave birth, so there is no need to look for you.

There’s a female Green Lantern on Earth these days, did you know? "Da Chao Dao.

"I have watched the news. Netizens are very excited, saying that our earth has become the 'Land of Green Lanterns.' Counting Alan and his daughter, there are already 8 Green Lanterns on the earth."

Da Chao said: "The new Green Lantern's name is Jessica Cruz. Her light ring is very special. It does not belong to the Green Lantern Corps. It should be the 'power ring' from Universe 3.

I asked the Super Queen that when the Great Luthor Group destroyed the Crime Syndicate, Natanza and the Power Ring escaped from the "Magic World of the Inner Earth".

The magician Natanza disappeared, and the power ring was killed after escaping to the main universe. Big Luther did not take the light ring.

Unexpectedly, it flew to the earth and found another owner.

But there's a big problem with that light ring. "

"Where is Jessica now?" Harley asked.

"It's in the Hall of Justice. It's convenient for you now - buy it now!"

Before Da Chao could finish his words, Harley appeared in front of him without any warning, startling him.

"Others opening the space door will always be accompanied by obvious sound and brilliance special effects, such as a 'buzzing' sound, emitting brilliant magical light. How come you, the majestic divine king, are so silent?"

"If I had opened a space door and it still buzzed, I would have been beaten to death by those god kings."

Jessica Cruz is popular.

A little beauty among ordinary people, an ordinary person's life experience, an ordinary person's courage. All aspects are ordinary.

But just like the previous ordinary person Green Lantern Simon Baz had a layer of "msl black" buff blessing, she also had a layer of very "correct" buff-anxiety-depressive patient.

Three years ago, she and three friends were hiking in the forest on the outskirts of the city. They encountered a murderer digging a hole to bury the body. The four of them faced a gun and did not dare to move. They dug a huge hole at gunpoint. pit, and then knelt on the edge of the pit, and was shot in the head one by one by the murderer from behind.

If it were any one of the "original Three Lanterns" Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and John Stewart, let alone being slaughtered, they would just scream and pounce on the murderer when they see it.

But Jessica was so frightened that she trembled like an ordinary girl and kept repeating words such as "Please, let me go."

Even if her three friends were shot in the head one after another and their bodies fell into the pit, she did not dare to resist.

In the end, the murderer tripped over a tree trunk before blowing her head, and she woke up as if from a dream. She screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and rushed into the forest, narrowly escaping with her life.

For the next three years, she didn't even dare to leave the house. She stayed in a small rental house, closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and huddled in the corner with regret, fear, and silent tears.

If nothing unexpected happened, her life would most likely be over.

The Green Lantern Ring would never find someone so courageous.

But the conditions for the Power Ring to select Lanterns are opposite to those of the Green Lantern Ring: only weaklings dominated by fear can be favored by the Power Ring.

This is different from the yellow light. The yellow light ring requires the owner to have the ability to inflict fear and make others afraid.

The former Ring of Power, Hal Jordan of Earth-3, is the coward in the universe and the opposite of Hal Jordan, the embodiment of courage in the main universe.

"I don't know why it picked me. I didn't want to be a Green Lantern at all, but I couldn't take it off. It stuck to my finger and refused to come off. It kept saying scary things to me."

Jessica's face was pale and her shoulders were hunched. Seeing Harley herself, she didn't feel any excitement or excitement at all. There was only fear, irritability and uneasiness in her eyes.

"What's it saying?" Harley asked.

"I have said a lot. For example, now, it tells me to run quickly, you will take away my soul and use me as a guinea pig for research." Jessica's eyes flashed and said: "You are the Galaxy Admiral, you will not do that, Right?"

"Jessica, what are you thinking about?" Green Jade shouted: "We can only help you, how can we harm you? In terms of research value, I am much 'rare' than you."

She is the daughter of the old Green Lantern Alan Scott. She does not need a light ring and is born with the ability to use the energy of the Green Lantern. The magic of the Green Lantern even turns her skin green. There is only one such case in the entire multiverse, which is considered rare.

Because she is the only female Green Lantern on Earth, it is up to her to guide Jessica.

Harley did not follow Jade's words to comfort Jessica, but after looking her up and down, he said: "Your ring is right, I really want to take out your soul and study it carefully.

Of course, with my method, I can see through your essence without extracting your soul. "

"Isn't Jessica just an ordinary person? What is there to study about the soul?" Jade asked in surprise.

Jessica was shaking violently, "It's talking to me again, very scary words."

"Don't be afraid, Harley is joking with you." Dachao comforted him quickly.

"I'm not kidding, you are of great research value!" Harley stared at Jessica and said, "You were chosen because you have the most fragile mind in the universe. Simply put, you are the number one coward in the universe."

"No, I'm not" Jessica shouted excitedly. She was only excited for a moment and then became depressed.

But she still argued: "I admit that I am timid, but I am not the biggest coward in the universe."

Harley's eyes looked strange, "Interesting, you dare to contradict me. This kind of courage is only normal for a Green Lantern. You are not a traditional Green Lantern.

Green Lantern controls the light ring with courage, but you nourish the light ring with fear. The more fear you have, the stronger you become. "

Dachao frowned and said, "Isn't fear a yellow light?"

"Who said the power ring is a green light ring? Its name is also the 'power ring'." Harley said.

"But it's green."

"The surface color is not important." Harley hesitated: "Jessica, I already understand your situation. Originally, I planned to take off your light ring directly and destroy it. It will be harmful to you."

I don’t know if it was Jessica’s body that was shaking or the light ring itself that was moving, it was shaking violently.

"But I see the potential to become a Green Lantern in you. You actually have courage, but you just failed to develop it.

Now you are the number one coward in the universe. If you continue to wear this power ring, you may grow into the number one female warrior in the galaxy. " Harley said.

Jessica was stunned.

Jade clapped her hands and shouted: "Wow, what a high praise! Jessica, apart from you, Harley has never praised anyone like this before!"

"Since Jessica has the potential to become a Lantern, why not take off the evil power ring and replace it with a green lantern ring?" Dachao asked.

"She is still the number one coward, how can anyone with a green light ring take a fancy to her?"

Harley looked at Jessica and continued: "The power ring is not your partner, it is the enemy that devours your soul, and you will fight it for a long time, a battle of mind and will.

It will constantly harass you, intimidate you, and drain the power of fear out of you.

If you completely compromise, you will be like Hal Jordan of Universe 3, unable to recover from a fall and become the true ‘number one coward in the universe’.

No, you are probably worse than the 'number one coward', because you are not a coward in nature, and you will feel regret and pain.

But if you are unwilling to compromise, its harassment and intimidation will only serve as nourishment to make you stronger.

Eventually, you will transform into who you are - a warrior. "

Jessica's expression changed several times.

"If I help you remove the power ring, you will return to the rental house and return to ordinary life, but you will feel even more uncomfortable than in the past three years, because you know that you personally gave up the opportunity for self-salvation." Harley said quietly.

"I will keep it and then defeat it!" Jessica gritted her teeth.

"I called you here because I hope you can modify the power ring so that it will no longer affect Jessica's mood." Da Chao hesitated and said: "Are you comforting her, or are you telling the truth?"

"What's true? Do I need to tell lies?" Harley said.

"The number one coward, the number one female warrior." Da Chao said.

"Help her integrate into the circle of superheroes, introduce her to more friends, encourage her more on weekdays, take her on tasks, teach her through words and deeds, and let her understand the concept of absolute justice. After three to five months of this, you will naturally know the answer. "

"Well, we will definitely help her." Dachao nodded.

"Hi, Harley!" the two said as they walked down the corridor. When they walked around the corner, they saw Oliver coming towards them.

"You don't know, that big Louise"

Seeing Harley, Oliver was a little excited, but just as he opened his mouth to say something, he caught a glimpse of Chao next to him, and he hesitated.

"What's wrong with Queen Louise?" Dachao asked proactively.

Oliver was a little embarrassed, "Dachao, her name is just 'Louise', but she actually has no connection with Louise."

"I know, just say whatever you want, don't worry about me." Da Chao said.

"I think Bateman is right to be worried. She seems to be teasing me in a subtle way," Oliver said.

Harley glanced at Chao, his expression was slightly stiff.

"What did she do to you?" Dachao's tone was quite natural.

"Just chat with me."

"Language hints, explicit glances?" Hallie asked.

Oliver shook his head, "She is very normal. She has normal expressions and normal clothes. She only talks about family affairs, but I am attracted to her."

Dachao's tone became unnatural, "Is it possible that it's your problem?"

"How is that possible? She is Louise!" Oliver shouted excitedly.

This time Dachao didn't even have a natural expression.

"I mean, she looks exactly the same as Louise. I, alas, I..." The more Oliver explained, the more he tried to cover up, and he was getting a little desperate, "I'm absolutely fine, the problem is her!

What I want to say is, her husband just died, why is this happening? Is there some conspiracy? "

Da Chao said solemnly: "Oli, I think you should suspend your protection mission and reflect at home."

"No, it's a good thing that Oliver has this reaction. What we are worried about now is not that others will seduce Big Louise, but that she will use her skills and divinity to harm others, but the other party knows nothing about it and falls into it unknowingly. .

Even if Oliver is wishful thinking, he will not be tempted by continuing to maintain this vigilance. " Harley said.

"Is that so? To be honest, I'm a little worried that I'll be tricked." Oliver hesitated.

Dachao was silent for a moment and asked: "Where's Arthur, how does he feel?"

"He kept turning on his thick-skin power, wearing headphones and playing games, ignoring Big Louise, and Big Louise didn't like him very much. The two of them barely spoke," Oliver said.

Dachao nodded slightly, "Arthur, this is the best."

Oliver felt a little aggrieved, "I don't want to talk to her either, but when she calls someone, I can't just ignore her, right?"

Harley glanced at Da Chao and said, "Big Louise is about to give birth, what can Oliver do?

When she gives birth to the child and regains her 'Super Queen' strength, you will no longer need your personal protection. "

"She's about to give birth, what are you doing back here?" Dachao looked at Oliver and asked.

Oliver looked around, pulled the two of them to the lounge, closed the door, and then said solemnly: "I'm not here to complain. Although she tried to tease me, she was about to give birth after all, and she couldn't do anything she wanted to do. .

I took the time to come back because during the chat, she accidentally revealed a piece of information related to the child.

She said that her marriage to Alexander Luther was not all about love. She actually admired men who were funny and humorous. "

"She is really teasing you." Harley said.

Oliver's face beamed, "Harry, you also think I'm funny?"

Dachao said with a wooden face: "That's not the point."

Oliver nodded and continued: "Actually, she didn't mean to tease me, at least not in this sentence.

Didn't Shazam Wizard send news a few days ago that Alexander Luthor's soul was captured by Night Owl?

When I sent her to Metropolitan Presbyterian Hospital this morning, in order to comfort her and let her give birth to the baby well, I told her that Alexander Luther's soul has not disappeared, and that they will have a chance to reunite as a family in the future.

Then she said those words with a slightly calm expression.

I'm very curious. She is a member of a criminal syndicate, abandons her criminal philosophy, and secretly has an affair with the "only hero". If not true love, what is it? "

"How can there be true love in Universe 3?" Harley shook her head.

"The day Alexander Luther had her neck broken by little Luther, she acted very painful and sad," Oliver said.

Seeing that Hallie was about to speak again, Dachao said quickly: "Haley, don't interrupt, let him finish the important point."

Harley was indeed a little careless because she didn't think the super queen could reveal any big secrets.

"The combination of Big Louise and Big Luther is more about fulfilling a prophecy." Oliver said.

"What prophecy?"

Oliver shook his head and said: "She didn't make it clear. She only said that her child was the child of prophecy."

Dachao frowned and said, "Is the 'child of prophecy' a metaphor? Every mother feels that her child is a gift from God."

"What do you think, Harley?" Oliver asked.

"I don't think there is any need to argue now. When the child is born, we can just see if there is anything abnormal about him."

At 1 o'clock in the morning on September 3rd, the super queen gave birth to a big fat boy, weighing two pounds, very healthy, but there was no strange fragrance lingering around the room, a golden body, or purple aura, and three breasts on the body.

In the morning, Harley even took a look personally.

The child is very normal. There is no strange soul entering the body, no precocious wisdom like a demon, and no rapid growth like last time.

"It will probably take 18 or 28 years to see whether he has a special destiny."

If she left a message to Zhenglian Hero, she would no longer pay attention to Louise and her son.

"The Super Queen really only cares about children." The heroes also dispersed.

Harley miscalculated this time. She and everyone else did not realize that Lex Luthor's "Whispering Curse" lost its effect the moment Alexander Luthor was born.

Lex couldn't speak at the moment, and he didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Moreover, there really is a dark prophecy on the Paradise Island of Universe 3.

The protagonists of the prophecy are Amazon Queen Hippolyta and her daughter Diana. Of course, the "Diana" of Universe 3 is not called "Diana", but "Lois Lane".

It’s not that the super queen’s father’s surname is “Lane”.

After entering the human world, she followed the Romans and added a surname to herself.

Just like Wonder Woman Diana, the name column on the driver's license reads "Diana Prince", "Prince" is the same as Princess (Princess), and her real name is "Princess Diana of Paradise Island".

Like the Greek gods, the Amazons have no surnames.

All Amazon female warriors in Universe 3 know their dark prophecy: Princess Louise of Paradise Island will give birth to a "son of darkness" with the most powerful man in the world. The son of darkness will be invincible and unstoppable, and his shadow will swallow everything. Change everything, and the entire multiverse will tremble at his feet, and no one will dare to look him in the eye.

Universe No. 3 has opposite values ​​to that of the main universe. If this kind of prophecy appears in the main universe, normal people will consider killing the son of the prophecy to end the dark prophecy in advance.

But Universe 3 advocates crime and evil, and the Son of Darkness is equivalent to the Son of Light on their side. Not only did the Amazon female warriors not prevent the prophecy from becoming a reality, but she has been trying her best to promote the birth of the Son of Darkness.

This dark prophecy determines the divinity of Super Queen Louise to a large extent.

No one knows who the strongest man on earth is.

As the saying goes, each mountain is higher than the other, and the strongest will always have the best.

Even if someone is called "the strongest in the world", he may soon be replaced by another strong person.

Even if there is someone who is truly invincible, he is only the strongest man of an era. The Amazons don't know which era the "strongest man" in the dark prophecy comes from.

Uncertain times, uncertain objects, and the persistence to give birth to children of darkness make the Super Queen keep trying and making mistakes, unwilling to miss one.

Her "scabbard" is like Fairy Zixia's purple-green sword. Only when the "sword" of the destined person is inserted into it can she react - conceive a baby and give birth to a child.

So she wants to test the sword world.

From ancient times to the advent of the Criminal Syndicate era, she tried for thousands of years and tried thousands of great swords.

When the heroes of the main universe arrive in universe 3, their personalities will be reversed. Whether it is Louise or Diana, they may be loyal to love, but they have no chance of being extremely chaste.

Dachao is not an honest taker, but Louise didn't fall in love with him for the first time after meeting him.

Since Louise and Diana are not labeled as having different loyalties, their composite counterparts in Universe 3 should not be the opposite of loyalties - promiscuity.

However, the divinity of Super Queen Louise is related to messing around, and even her thorn lasso is so heavy-handed.

Her character is entirely acquired.

It can be said that the "Dark Prophecy of the Amazons" in Universe 3 created Big Louise at this time.

In fact, there is also an unknown dark prophecy among the Amazons in the main universe.

Thousands of years ago, on a rainy night, on the stone floor in front of the "Temple of the Gods" in the center of Paradise Island, amidst the protection and blessings of a group of Amazon female warriors, Amazon Queen Hippolyta gave birth to a baby girl. That is the later Wonder Woman Diana.

At the same time, in a cave on the seaside cliff at the edge of Paradise Island, an Amazon female warrior was giving birth.

Her name is Myrina, and she is the most powerful assassin among the Amazons.

Different from Hippolyta's treatment, Myrina hides alone in a dark and cold cliff cave, without the protection and help of her compatriots, nor the witness or blessing of the gods.

She was afraid to even light a fire for fear of being discovered by other Amazons on the island.

But she was still discovered by Hippolyta's royal prophet, who came with a female warrior.

The prophet realized through prophecy that more than one pregnant woman was going to give birth tonight, and he also accurately pinpointed the location of Myrina.

At the moment Myrina gave birth to the child, the prophet Menanibo twitched like an epilepsy, his eyes were all white, and shouted a prophecy: The daughter of the Dark God will eventually find her father, triggering a war that will destroy the multiverse. In the war, Hippolyta's daughter and her friends will face a catastrophe, and the world will be swallowed by endless darkness.

In fact, the prophet saw much more than she had the opportunity to tell.

Hippolyta's daughter is Diana, and her friends are the superheroes of the Justice League.

On the night Diana was born, the prophet Menanibo saw some battle scenes of Green Lantern, Batman, Superman and other heroes.

But she had no chance to tell everything she saw.

This is not the first time Menanibo has predicted. She has predicted the battle between Heracles and the Amazons (one of the twelve trials of Heracles), the Trojan War, and the Amazons' imminent departure from the material world. Enter a small plane called "Paradise Island".

Her prophecies have been verified countless times, the Amazon Queen trusts her, and the two Amazon female warriors in the cave also believe in her prophecies at this time.

The assassin Myrina, who had just given birth to a daughter, killed the compatriots who wanted to kill her daughter, and also strangled the prophet alive who was still suffering the backlash of the prophetic magic.

This dark prophecy was neither fully told nor known to anyone.

Myrina heard it, but she didn't think that her daughter would destroy everything.

On the contrary, she firmly believed that her daughter would bring hope and redemption to the world.

She will spend her whole life training her to become the greatest Amazon female warrior and eventually kill Darkseid!

How could a female warrior who was destined to kill Darkseid be the villain who destroyed the world?

September 3rd, noon, over the Metropolis.

"Greier, you will eventually prove your greatness to the world."

Myrina rode a winged lion and said excitedly to her daughter flying in the sky next to her.

"Mother, I don't care what they think, I just want Darkseid to die!" Greer said coldly.

"Darkseid must die today, but the battlefield must be on Earth?" Myrina hesitated.

Greer said helplessly: "This is his request. He wants to take revenge on the Witch Harley."

Myrina was silent for a while and said: "Give the Justice League a revelation and give them a chance to relocate innocent people in the city."

Greer frowned and said, "In order to kill Darkseid, the necessary sacrifices are worth it."

"The necessary sacrifices are worth it, but these sacrifices are unnecessary." Myrina said.

"Mother, you know exactly what he wants." Greer said in a deep voice.

"I know, but we are not his slaves." Myrina insisted.

"Okay, I'll give them a chance." Greer's figure flashed and disappeared into the sky.

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