"I am different from you superheroes who rely on ideas to support their spiritual will. Ideas are your bones and your soul.

To break the idea of ​​a superhero is to break bones and shatter faith.

The body has broken bones and the body has fallen; the spirit has lost faith and the soul has fallen.

Therefore, for us superheroes, the bottom line is very important.

The bottom line must be clear and clear, without any ambiguity. "

Harry drank up all the milk in the cup and wiped his mouth with a napkin before continuing: "For most ordinary people, life is a blur, so how can there be any clear bottom line?

Being able to live a transparent life without any regrets is already very rare and worthy of admiration. "

"You are not an ordinary person." Bruce said.

"Yes, I convey the secrets of the Bible to you mortals, and I myself become the belief of others. At my level, it is definitely nonsense to say that there are no mortal desires, just like the Holy Spirit exiled from the mortal world, but mortals can understand The truth and the truth that cannot be understood must be understood.

Thoughts and personality are pretty much fixed.

What is left can only be self-enlightenment and self-sublimation. It is difficult for others to influence you, and it is even more difficult for outsiders to interfere. "

"After Night Owl bombarded the earth with magic fission cannon, why did you disband the Seven Lanterns main team? What backup plan did you leave behind?" Bruce asked.

"Can't you guess?" Harley asked.

Bruce was silent for a moment, "Heavenly Father?"

Harry nodded and said: "Metron, the God of Knowledge, is the new god of the Creation Star. Now he died in an unknown way, and the God of Knowledge was also taken away.

As the God-King, Heavenly Father should have immediately gone to the culprit, the Anti-Monitor, to demand an explanation.

But he couldn't defeat the rebels, and he didn't even dare to say a harsh word. He was very embarrassed on his face and felt very aggrieved in his heart. Now that he saw a soft persimmon, he didn't need me to take the initiative to ask for help. He asked to stay on earth and stay vigilant.

Now that I'm back on Earth, I haven't concealed my aura, and I don't dare to fight back even if I kill the Night Owl. My Heavenly Father must have left the main universe by now. "

Bruce said: "Based on your attitude towards Alexander Luthor Jr., I think you don't like 'Big Luthor' as much as Lex Luthor."

Harley said: "I really don't like him, to be honest, I'm very happy to see his current ending.

Especially satisfied that Luther got his 'evidence of attempted crime'.

The other person is not a purely good person, so I can be happy with peace of mind.

So I was even happier. "

Bruce and Selina both had distorted expressions.

Harley continued: “But that doesn’t mean I had any motivation to be involved.

Some things are bound to happen naturally. There is no need to waste time and energy and make yourself dirty.

Just like you love to be clean, you will feel unhappy when you see the garbage thrown in the corner, but you will never waste time picking it up and throwing it into the trash can outside Wayne Manor.

Because you know Selena will clean up for you, you don't have to do anything and the trash will be picked up. "

Bruce frowned and said, "Without your reminder, Lex Luthor might not have had the courage to experiment with the 'Voice Curse' on Big Luther, nor would he have known that Big Luther had super hearing."

"The 'Selena' who helps me clean up the trash is not Lex Luthor." Harley stared at him and smiled a little weirdly.

Bruce pursed his lips, "Who is it?"

"You, hahaha!" Harley laughed happily.

Bruce was stunned for a moment, and then his heart moved, "You mean Night Owl?"

Harley smiled and nodded, "Your peer has the Möbius Chair, which can see the future, influence the timeline to a certain extent, and control the future.

Big Luther and Big Louise teamed up to trick him, deceive him about his feelings, let him help them raise their baby, and even intended to murder him.

Will he arrange a happy ending for the Luthers?

There is no need for me to do anything. If you and Lex Luthor join forces, their family is destined to die badly. "

"Nite Owl is not Bruce Wayne." Selina said.

"It's the same destiny."

Bruce frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I still think you are not without any action, and what you said to Luther is not entirely a coincidence."

"Do you know Robert Trudeau?" Hallie asked.

"Who is he?" Bruce asked confused.

"Your daughter's classmate was in the sixth grade. When he was bullying other classmates, Helena broke his leg bone. The pain was so painful that he even gushed out.

Then Helena was called a parent by the principal.

If you have time to spare, you might as well go to Gotham Martial Arts Elementary School in person. "

Gotham Valkyrie Elementary School is a private elementary school built in the upscale community of Arkham Island.

It was originally supposed to be called "Arkham Private Elementary School" based on its geographical location. Because Arkham was so closely related to "Arkham Asylum", the name was named after Arkham's biggest celebrity.

Helena, who was born in early 2013, is already 11 years old and in fifth grade.

Bruce glanced at Selina, saw her nodding slightly, and said with twinkling eyes: "When are you going to meet the parents? I'm a little busy these two days, Selina, or let Ah Fu go?"

Bateman didn't mean to shirk it. If he had enough time, he would be happy to go to the school to attend the parent-teacher meeting. Well, this time the parents were invited not for the parent-teacher meeting. He didn't resist, but he would feel uncomfortable if he actually went there.

After leaving Quinn Manor, he immediately flew to Metropolis in a stealth bat fighter to find Super Queen Louise in person.

"I'm sorry to hear about your husband's death, but the crisis you and your children face now is not over."

Big Louise was in better shape than he expected.

She had just gotten up when he came over, her eyes were bleary, wearing a simple and loose maternity cotton skirt, and she was eating breakfast slowly.

He thought she would be in agony, stay up all night, tossing and turning, crying, unable to eat, with red, swollen, bloodshot eyes, her face pale as paper, in a daze, with broken sadness on her face.

"As long as Lex Luthor doesn't die, my child will never be safe." Her expression and tone were calm, with a touch of indifference.

"Lex Luthor will be tried and punished, and Amanda Waller has made a promise that he will not escape from prison again, and we will help you track him down.

But the danger I'm talking about now has nothing to do with him.

Night Owl is not dead. He is the God of Knowledge. He can foresee the future and even control the timeline to guide the future in the direction he wants.

Your husband's death seems to be a murder led by Lex Luthor alone, but in fact Night Owl is the real culprit. "

Louise's face changed slightly and she looked around nervously, "Will the Night Owl enter the earth?"

"No, I forgot to tell you something, Harley is back."

Bateman recounted the disappearance of the Anti-Monitor.

"Harley has returned. Night Owl will never dare to approach the main universe again."

Louise looked strange and said, "Harley Quinn. Will she help me?"

"It depends on what kind of help. If it's just to let her keep an eye on Night Owl to prevent him from entering the main universe and harming you, it goes without saying that Harley will do it. But that's all she can do. She is not a superhero and does not participate in super villains. 'Everyday crises' caused by it," said Bateman.

"You said that Night Owl manipulated the timeline and arranged the fate of Alexander and me to be murdered. Can Harley Quinn check the timeline and help me and my children change the future?" Louise asked.

Bateman pondered: "I will ask for you, but as far as I know, Harley is not good at magical arts such as prophecy and destiny, and the 'God of Knowledge' is an expert."

"I am still a newcomer in this world, and Night Owl and Lex Luthor have no other enemies. If Harley Quinn can track Night Owl, you will ensure that Luthor cannot escape from prison." Big Louise couldn't bear it, "You don't The death penalty?

Lex Luthor killed a hero and murdered him in public in the most brutal way. He still refused to repent and threatened to kill the child in my belly. Shouldn't this kind of person be sentenced to death? "

Bateman hesitated for a moment and played the video that Sinestro had recorded for Luther.

Big Louise was stunned.

"It is not that the United States does not have the death penalty. The situation in each state is different. In metropolitan areas, there is indeed no death penalty. Based on this video, the judge will not sentence Luther to death.

Luther's lawyer will definitely defend him - Luther's life was threatened at the time and he lost control of his emotions in panic."

"This is murder, the murder of my husband by Sinestro and Lex Luthor!" Big Lois said excitedly.

Bateman sighed: "The video shows that Alexander also wanted to murder Lex Luthor. They alas, the right and wrong in this can no longer be judged by simple right and wrong.

I am not a judge. I can only arrest Lex Luthor, but I have no role in his trial.

I came to you today mainly for your safety in the days to come.

Night Owl hates you and your family. Alexander's death is definitely not the end. Although he cannot enter the main universe, who knows whether he will arrange a second or third 'Luthor'?

For your safety, I suggest that you move to the Hall of Justice before the child is born.

Or, we can arrange one or two powerful female heroes as bodyguards for you. "

The Super Queen herself is a powerful superpower. Under normal circumstances, except for Superman, Wonder Woman and a few others, no one can beat her, let alone assassinate her silently.

As long as Zhenglian's security measures are maintained until the child is born, that's pretty much it.

The Super Queen said: "Let Green Arrow protect me. Yesterday he faced Lex Luthor and Sinestro with one against two. I believe in his strength."

If she didn't take the initiative, Bateman really planned to give the task to Oliver.

Now the super queen has lost her husband and asks Oliver to protect her.

With her history of "conquering" strong men in the criminal syndicate

"Actually, Starfire, Raven, and Wonder Girl are also very strong. They are women, which makes it more convenient. And Wonder Woman should be back today, so you should be able to chat easily." Bateman said.

The Super Queen glanced at him and said calmly: "Can you talk to Ye Xiao?"

Bateman thought for a moment and said, "I'll let Green Arrow and Aquaman protect you."

The Super Queen frowned, but after all, she did not brush off Neptune, who had neither the best strength nor the best intelligence in the world, and was also very humorless.

A moment later, the Hall of Justice.

"Even if Night Owl comes personally, Oliver is enough. Why call me? What's more, she didn't want me at all. It was you who forced me in." Arthur, the King of the Sea, complained.

He is different from the idle Oliver.

He has a "Neptune Fan Club", a huge family, royal affairs and many things to be busy with.

"You have thick-skinned powers. Oliver was named by the Super Queen. He is strong but young and energetic, and cannot withstand temptation." Bateman said cryptically.

Oliver understood his subtext and said unhappily: "Are you looking down on me too much? I'm at least better than Arthur."

"Oliver, we all know what kind of person you are. Now you are not as slutty as before, but the Super Queen is not an ordinary woman." Bateman said.

In a world where there is no time traveler Harley, he is not qualified to say such things.

The "first gun king of Gotham" refers to him.

Even his adopted son Dick inherited his mantle and became the "second generation gun king".

In some timelines, even Oliver's wife Dinah and Orion's wife Becca had an affair with him.

However, there are only two women in this world, Bruce, and now he is married to Selena and has become a good gentleman like Da Chao.

Oliver was not affected by Harley's time travel and was still a playboy in this life, even worse than Bruce the Gun King.

"I admit that I was a prodigal before, but I have turned around a long time ago. If nothing else, I have been single since the 60,000th year of the War God King's era and have never touched a woman." Oliver held his head high and looked down upon all his male teammates. "Ask yourselves, who has my determination?"

Bateman patted him on the shoulder, "I believe you, but the Super Queen is not an ordinary person, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen Arthur."

Oliver shouted: "It's useless even if she uses the 'submission chain' on me. Seeing that face that is exactly the same as Louise. I'm not saying that Louise is not good-looking, but when I see her, I think of Da Chao. When I see her Her face gradually overlapped with Dachao’s iron fist.”

——Thinking of Da Chao’s Iron Fist, even if Louise was naked, he didn’t dare to feel it.

Bateman's cheek muscles twitched slightly, "Then are you going or not? She saw your heroic appearance yesterday when you overpowered Luther and shot Sinestro with an arrow. She thought you were the strongest hero in the Zhenglian, so she specifically named you. "

Oliver frowned and said, "It's okay to protect her and the child in her belly, but do we need to be so solemn?"

"Ye Xiao will not let go of their mother and son, that's for sure. But no one knows how Ye Xiao will arrange their ending. No matter how solemn it is before the child is born," Bateman said.

Neptune looked disgusted, "One of them is the Criminal Syndicate, and the other is little Alexander Luthor. It's really not worth wasting time and energy on them."

Bateman said solemnly: "No matter what the Super Queen did in Universe 3, now she is just a mother expecting to give birth. No matter what little Alexander Luthor has done to us, the child in the Super Queen's belly now is not him. "

"Having said that, oh, forget it, Oliver and I will go there right away."

After arranging bodyguards for the Super Queen, the Justice League Dark's "Mystery Cabin" appeared above the Hall of Justice.

"Hey, this curse." As soon as he met Luther, Zha Kang noticed something strange.

After examining Luther carefully, he said with certainty: "This is my curse."

"You mean 'Acoustic Curse'?" Bateman asked.

Zha Kang nodded and said: "The magic spell I developed alone has not been used yet, so no one should know about it."

"Luthor, is this curse really given to you by Nick?" Bateman looked at Luther and asked.

Luther glanced at the mages and felt a little nervous, "Why do you bother? My becoming a magic warrior is good for the entire earth. Aren't the Anti-Monitors coming to the earth soon?

I am willing to join the Justice League and fight to the end for all mankind.

Don't waste your time removing my divine power. "

"I ask you a question, and you answer it honestly immediately, otherwise we will call the Super Queen, and her lasso of submission will make you tell the truth." Bateman said solemnly.

Zha Kang waved his hand and said: "The curse was imprinted on his soul by Nick. I am very familiar with the breath and techniques."

Bateman said: "I want to know the source of the curse, not who cast it on Luther.

Since you have never made the curse public and you are very sure that this curse is yours, there is only one possibility: someone stole your curse. Nick has this ability? Or the man behind Nick, or Night Owl, the god of knowledge? "

Luther said helplessly: "No matter what the possibility is, I don't know! The only two people I saw were Nick and Faust."

A strange magic light flashed in Zha Kang's eyes, "It's Ye Xiao, the God of Knowledge. I have a feeling that he once peeked into my timeline and stole my magic spell."

Thunder Shazam asked in confusion: "Why did you develop this kind of magic spell?"

"No need to ask, of course it's to steal your divine power." Luther sneered.

The faces of the Shazams of the Shazam family changed slightly, and they stared at Zha Kang alertly and sternly.

Zha Kang's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "You are using the stupidity of Muggles to speculate on the wisdom of the mage.

Mages are seekers of knowledge, and all unknowns and questions are the goals of our research.

What is Shazam's Law?

I also researched Harley's thick-skinned powers and even created an entire set of magical spells that borrowed from her powers.

According to your humble opinion, is it possible that I want to steal the power of "Witch Harley"? I'm mentally retarded! "

"If you were just doing research, how would you become so specialized in the 'Voice Curse'?" Luther asked.

"It wasn't originally specialized. Nick may also be the God of Knowledge. They improved it. Compared with my original spell, it has changed beyond recognition. I almost didn't recognize it." Zha Kang said.

Luther's eyes lit up, "So you can't lift it?"

Zha Kang said calmly: "It is too easy to remove it. It will destroy your voice from the soul level and completely lose your ability to speak."

Luther shouted angrily: "You are superheroes. What you say is worthy of the absolute justice you insist on?"

Zha Kang glanced sideways at Zatanna, "Xiao Zha, our Justice League Dark needs to adhere to the concept of absolute justice?

Many of us have studied black magic. Black magic has nothing to do with absolute justice, right? "

Zatanna said seriously: "Even if we study black magic, we have never actively harmed humans. As long as we don't harm people, black magic is purely a skill and has nothing to do with ideas."

Luther looked happy.

Zatanna glanced at Luther's right leg wrapped in a plaster, and then looked at Bateman, "But destroying the voice is similar to breaking the leg, and it does not violate the concept of justice."

"No, it's completely different. There is still time to heal when a broken leg is broken, and there is still time to speak when the voice is lost." Luther said quickly.

Bateman frowned and said: "Abolition of the ability to speak can only be used as a last resort option, and it must be approved by the judge."

Luther breathed a sigh of relief.

With the Luthor family's money-making ability and Lex Luthor's reputation as the "number one villain", no judge would agree.

"Actually, you don't have to look for us at all." Zha Kang raised his chin towards the Shazam family, "Just let them find the old wizard Shazam and cut off his connection with Shazam's divine power."

"Can Shazam the Wizard do it? Why can Black Adam still retain his divine power?" Bateman asked in confusion.

Zha Kang said: "Luthor is different from Black Adam. First of all, Black Adam has the support of gods behind him. They lend him divine power and hope that he will be Shazam.

To put it bluntly, although Black Adam is also called "Shazam" at this time, his essence is no different from those favored by gods such as Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Dove.

Alexander Luthor is the orthodox Shazam.

Secondly, Black Adam signed the ‘Shazam Contract’, just like Shazam other than Captain Marvel. When they were approved by Captain Marvel, their names were also printed on the contract.

You can think of the contract as a real business contract.

Luther is a complete thief. He has no contract with Party A or Party B. He only stole some property from Party A from Party B's factory.

He can now use the property, but there are no legal provisions to ensure that the property in his hands will not be taken back. "

Bateman looked at the Shazam family, "Can you find Shazam the Wizard?"

"We haven't seen him for a long time." Billy was a little embarrassed.

Then he added: "Sister Harley seems to have met Shazam Wizard last time. How about you ask her?"

"Why must I be deprived of my divine power? Black Adam is also a super villain, why not deprive him of his power? And Leopard Girl, she is the favored one of the evil Leopard God, and the Charming Witch is the favored one of the shaman ancestor god. There are many The super villains who commit crimes are all favored by God, why only target me? This is unfair!" Luther shouted excitedly.

Bateman said calmly: "You think I don't want to deprive them of their divine power? But they are all serious followers of God. Their divine power comes from the blessing of the gods and cannot be taken away."

In the afternoon, the Qiongji approached the main universe, and the superheroes of the main universe returned.

"Hey, Superman, why haven't you come home yet?"

On the bridge of the Dome, Harley unexpectedly saw that Bu Yichao was still on the ship.

"I decided to officially join the Incarnation of Justice." Buyi Chaodao.

"Have you been back?" Harley asked.

Buyichao was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "No, but I have observed the situation on Earth in Universe 22. It is a bit chaotic, but Bateman and the others are working hard to restore order.

It is not about reestablishing the old order.

Based on the concept of absolute justice, they designed a brand new system that will definitely make the world a better place.

If I go back now, it will only cause them trouble.

But I will always pay attention to them and Universe 22. If anyone threatens it, I will take action! "

Harley nodded slightly, "That's fine, the Dome needs permanent personnel."

"I'm not going back either." A clear and sweet female voice suddenly came from the corner, the voice was a bit muffled.

Harley turned around and looked, but it was the former "Darkseid's beloved concubine" Miraculous Mary.

"Mary, you can join the Incarnation of Justice, but it's best to go back and make it clear to Billy and the others in person," she said.

——The magical Mary who made a big mistake, the old Batman who killed all the super villains, and the unjust Superman who rules the world have to change their name from "Justice Incarnate" to "The Redeemer Team".

Harley complained in her mind.

Magical Mary finally joins the Incarnation of Justice.

The magical family understands her and supports her choice.

Not to mention the Miraculous Family, the heroes in the Hall of Justice felt much more relaxed after learning that she would be permanently stationed on the Dome.

Miraculous Mary is embarrassed when they meet each other on weekdays, and they will also be embarrassed when they think of her past.

"Harley, can you contact Shazam the Wizard?" Bateman stopped Harley and explained Zha Kang's analysis.

Harley didn't say anything about Shazam's current situation, but just sent his mobile phone number to Thunder Shazam.

"The Super Queen wants to know if you can protect her and her children's timeline so that Night Owl cannot curse them." Bateman added.

"This involves predicting the future and rewriting destiny. I can't do anything about it." Harley shook her head.

"I told her the same." Bateman nodded and asked, "Can we follow the timeline to see if her future timeline has been rewritten by Night Owl?"

"First of all, the Super Queen's timeline is foggy and unclear." Harley glanced at Diana chatting with Dinah in the distance and said: "Not only the Super Queen, Diana's timeline is also in Olympus. I cannot see within the protective circle of the divine system.

Secondly, the past has been determined, there is only one timeline, but there are countless possibilities in the future. I don’t understand prophecy. Looking at the future along the timeline, I can see countless pictures, and I can’t determine which picture is the real future.

Finally, even the God of Knowledge cannot rewrite the Super Queen's timeline.

She doesn’t have that ability at all. The Super Queen is the daughter of Zeus, and the three goddesses of destiny are all Zeus’s people! "

"You also said this morning that Night Owl would not let the Super Queen and her son live a good life." Bateman said.

"Is the only way for Ye Xiao to retaliate against them is to twist the fate of the Super Queen? If you want to take revenge on someone, you can only rush to him with a gun and blow his head off?

You won't set up an ambush secretly, you won't bribe the killer, you won't instigate his enemies, and you won't provide assistance to his enemies? "

Thinking of how Alexander was killed by Luther, Bateman looked thoughtful, "The focus is still on Luther. The Super Queen's only enemy in this world is him."

"If the future Super Queen's son follows Alexander Luthor's old path again, will you regret that you spent all your efforts to protect him today?" Harley looked at him and asked.

"I don't regret it, and I don't have to regret it," Bateman said firmly.

No one is destined to be a bad guy. The Super Queen's son may inherit the name "Little Alexander Luther", but his experience is completely different from Little Luther.

There is no monitor with ulterior motives this time. He will not grow up quickly in a few days and will not be controlled by others.

He will receive the right guidance like a normal child.

Even if you cannot become a saint, you will certainly not be a very evil person. "

Harley asked curiously: "Where do you have your confidence? To be honest, I really want to see his future, but his future is even more unclear than his mother's. I have an ominous feeling that that kid is another troublemaker."

"My confidence comes from the new world we are trying to create now!" Bateman's eyes seemed to be shining, "I know the life experience of every super villain in Arkham Asylum.

They were also ordinary people in the beginning.

Their unfortunate experiences and bad environment have created the crazy and sinful people they are now.

They didn't create Gotham, Gotham created them.

My purpose in transforming Gotham is to hope that the next generation will not have 'them' anymore.

Now that the world has the Justice League, a group of heroes who work hard and fight with their lives for justice and light, the world is becoming better every day.

And little Alexander Luther was born into this world full of hope and light. "

"No matter how beautiful the world is, flowers of sin may be born." Harley said.

Bateman said: "No matter how bright the world is, there will always be shadows, and the flower of sin will only be born in the darkness where there is no light.

I'm not sure about others, but little Luther will definitely live in the 'sunshine'.

Superman will be watching, and we will all be watching. "

"Hearing what you said so impassionedly made me look forward to the birth of little Luther." Harley said.

"When will Super Queen give birth?" Da Chao asked.

He has super hearing, and when he was chatting with Dinah and Cyborg, he kept his ears open to listen to their conversation.

Bateman said: "The due date is in early September. Today is the 28th. It's only a few days away. Do you want to go and see her? She looks exactly like Louise. Maybe she will let you be the godfather of the child."

"No, no, I can't be his godfather!"

Dachao seemed to be frightened, his expression changed slightly, and he waved his hands repeatedly.

Bateman asked in confusion: "Why are you so excited?"

Harley laughed and said, "Did you do it on purpose or accidentally? Isn't the last little Luther the adopted son of him and Louise?"

Bateman was stunned and said with a wry smile: "I really forgot. I just felt that with the good environment of the Kent family, the child would not grow crooked."

"Not counting the previous one, little Luther was controlled by Marnou." He then added.

Dachao hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it about the godfather. When the child is born, I will visit them frequently."

"By the way, has Alexander Luther's soul gone to Heaven Mountain? The guidance of his biological father is more important." He looked at Harley and said.

Harley said strangely: "It seems that you are the only one who cares about Alexander Luther's soul. Even Louise has never asked this question."

Bateman said: "Didn't you say that the souls of Universe 3 will decompose in hell? I thought Alexander Luther had turned into basic particles like 'Outsider' Alfred, wasn't that right?"

"It's not surprising that the Criminal Syndicate fell into hell, but Alexander Luther is a hero, the 'only hero' of the entire universe!" Dachao said excitedly.

Harley reminded: "You have to understand one thing. There is a very important prerequisite for entering heaven or hell."

Both of them were moved in their hearts and said in unison: "Believe in God."

"Does Alexander Luther believe in God?" Dachao asked immediately.

"There is no God in Universe 3, so where can I believe in him?"

"Isn't there an "Original Sin Bible"? Isn't the "Original Sin Bible" God's?" Dachao shut his mouth, any further words would be blasphemy.

"Alexander Luther is Shazam's favored one. If you want to know the whereabouts of his soul, ask him." Harley said.

After Harley left the Hall of Justice, Thunder Shazam quickly called Shazam the Wizard.

No one answered.

Thunder Shazam trusts Sister Harley very much and keeps broadcasting it.

Half an hour later, the call was not connected, and the voice of Shazam the Wizard appeared directly in Billy's mind.

"Are you stupid? My refusal to answer the phone was so obvious - I don't want to pay attention to you, so why are you repeating it?" Facing Billy, Zanza did not suppress his bad temper.

Once upon a time, when Harley faced him, she was yelled at and bossed around by him.

Now facing Harley, his tone was so gentle that he almost called himself "Xiao Sha".

"Wizard, I miss you so much. Where are you? I haven't seen you for several years!"

Billy was just excited and didn't feel dissatisfied or unwilling at all.

"Oh, I have retired. Now you are Shazam. The Eternal Castle is given to you. You are also an adult. You can make your own decisions about anything."

Shazam was touched by Billy's sincere and pure emotions, and his tone became much softer and more sincere.

"I know, but I have to find you this time."

Billy quickly explained what happened to Luther.

Wizard Shazam sighed: "Actually, Harley should handle this matter."

It is true that Alexander Luthor is his God's favorite, but he was not the one who chose Alexander Luthor to be Thunder Xanax.

He has neither the ability nor the desire to get involved in this matter.

"Can Sister Harley control Shazam Contract?" Billy asked confused.

"She can't, but alas, forget it, let me tell you directly, Alexander Luthor's soul was captured by someone, probably Night Owl. If Night Owl doesn't take action"

If Night Owl hadn't intervened, Shazam the Wizard wouldn't know what would have happened to Alexander Luthor's soul.

It stands to reason that with Alexander Luthor's hard work in the "Eternal Evil" incident and his own heroic career, he can get a ticket to the bottom of heaven.

But Heaven will never admit that Universe 3 is related to them.

Alexander Luthor also had no contract of any kind with Heaven.

Heaven never breaks a contract, nor does it succumb to the consequences. It has a very good reputation in the circle of mages, and many gods and wizards are willing to serve Heaven.

But there is a premise: you must get a commitment before doing anything.

"If Alexander Luther's soul dissipates in Limbo or goes to any divine realm, Shazam Contract will naturally end. Now I can't end his Shazam Contract." Wizard Shazam sighed.

This is a lie.

Shazam's Law belongs to him, and the main authority of the contract is also in his hands.

As long as he wants to, not to mention Alexander Luthor, even Black Adam can "shut down" immediately.

He didn't do that just because the boss above didn't say anything.

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