I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1728 Darkseid War

Harry looked up at the sky. The blue sky was dotted with a few leisurely white clouds. There were no human figures and no magic fluctuations.

"Who is he, Darkseid? Whose war?"

The other party used very clever concealment skills. Even with Harley's semi-detached spiritual power, he could only "see" a faint trace, just like the water marks on the white wall, which could not be seen at all if you didn't pay attention.

Although she can't see clearly, if she takes action, she can catch the opponent.

But if she could say something like this, she probably wasn't a super villain, so Harley didn't do anything.

"I can't say. All I can do is warn you. You are a very smart person and you should know what is more important now." Myrina said.

"You want me to immediately transfer the people on earth to the stomach dimension? But your daughter destroyed the Flash as soon as she took action. Did she do it on purpose or accidentally? You mother and daughter seem to have different ideas?" Harley said.

"I've said what needs to be said." With this sentence left, Milina disappeared completely.

"No more playing."

Probably sensing her mother's little movement, Greer flashed and disappeared into the center of the battlefield at almost the same time, leaving Diana to strike the empty space with her sword.

When she appeared again, she was already suspended at an altitude of 200 meters.

"Buzz buzz!"

She vibrated at a high frequency like the Flash operating the Speed ​​Force at full power, and her body turned into a gray shadow.


The main universe was like an inflated balloon that suddenly burst a hole, and a huge lump of scarlet energy shot in along the hole and landed on top of Greer.

"Anti-monitor!!" Dachao exclaimed.

In the center of the scarlet energy, stood an armored giant over a hundred meters tall—the complete Anti-Monitor.

"How is it possible? Without any space fluctuations, how did the anti-monitor teleport into the main universe?!" Cyborg and Dinah looked shocked.

"Harry, what's going on? Did you notice his arrival?"

Harley didn't have time to answer, the anti-monitoring voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the earth, "Witch Harley, your retribution has come!"

"Woooooooo!!!" Black shadows flew out of him one after another. The shadows were very long and thin, as small as a fishing line.

But there were too many black shadows, billions, tens of billions, and in just an instant, they covered the entire sunny September sky.

It was like a huge pot lid falling from the sky.

"It's the Shadow Demon!" All the heroes exclaimed in shock.

Anti-surveillance can defeat all the invincible opponents in the world during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, forcing the eight major divine realms to close their doors to avoid disasters. They rely on the two unique tricks of anti-matter energy tide and shadow demon.

Shadow Demons are somewhat similar to Orange Lantern Ghosts. They essentially imbue their souls with high-level energy, turning them into combat puppets that can be driven by their masters.

It's just that the shadow demons have a higher technological content, are almost immune to all energy damage, and are completely immune to physical damage. However, they themselves are like shadows, coming and going without a trace.

From the super-time flow to the material world, they can come and go freely in any dimension within the multiverse.

Don't look at the Shadow Golem's shadow. The "shadow" can penetrate the body, causing both physical and energy damage.

As if being penetrated by a physical object, the body is injured and bleeding, and at the same time, life force and magic power are taken away.

Now, the anti-monitoring entity suddenly arrives, bringing with it tens of billions of shadow demons.

And he didn't hesitate at all, he didn't talk to Harley, and he used his full strength as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, do you regret it now?" After the shadow demon was released for most of the time, he looked down at Harley below and said with a smile: "I didn't even want to launch the second Crisis on Infinite Earths, nor did I want to find You are in trouble with the main universe.

After all, you did me some favor during the darkest night.

After all, I'm not as ungrateful as you.

Even if your kindness is so insignificant, I will repay you with a spring of water, but you——"

"Wait a moment, the shadow demon is about to spread around the world, I have to save the world." Harley raised her hand to interrupt his triumph, and flashed her body, appearing in the outer orbit of the earth.

True Martial God King, level 9 space defense expertise, level 9 time defense expertise, and the authority of the god king are all activated.

Harley is sitting cross-legged in space, with her arms stretched out flat, facing the earth in a hug, and her arms slowly closing together.

All the people on earth who stood outside and looked up at the sky saw a familiar scene: Saint Halle's face was bigger than the sky. Saint Halle pressed down her hands, covering almost all the space in her field of vision.

Harley had used this trick when the Eclipse Lord raided the earth with billions of original sin monsters.

She herself did not grow larger, but used space magic to shrink the space near the earth.

Harley is still the same size, and the Earth has not changed, but the space where the Earth is located has shrunk to the size of an apple.

Before the era of the King of Martial Gods, even if Harley had level nine space defense expertise, she would not be able to do this because she did not master the laws of space at that time.

Compressing the time and space around the earth relies on her understanding of the laws of space and time over tens of thousands of years.

The two defense specialties of time and space are just to ensure that her time and space magic is not interfered by others.

For example, right now, when Harley's face covered the sky, the Anti-Monitor King immediately reacted and roared loudly, and the antimatter energy around him tidally expanded, like a tsunami sweeping through the time and space near the earth.

Antimatter energy can even swallow the universe, let alone this space and time?

Under normal circumstances, Harley's space magic would be broken immediately, and she would also encounter a high-level magical backlash.

Harley is not a normal person, she has space defense expertise!

The space defense force field cannot cover the entire earth, but it is more than enough to cover and counter surveillance.

Within the defensive force field, counter-monitoring any behavior that undermines the stability of the space will ultimately be in vain.

"Brother, anti-supervision brother, what do you want to say? You continue, I am free now."

Harley held the Earth in her hands. Within the triple defense field of time, space, and antimatter, the space and time of the Earth were almost frozen. The Shadow Golem, which swung its teeth and claws towards the Earthlings, was like a fly falling into glue. It could still move, but every movement All extremely difficult.

Anti-surveillance is also frozen in time and space.

But he is the Creator, and his understanding of the laws of time and space far exceeds Harley's.

The time and space near the earth are solidified, and he can use the authority of the Creator and his understanding of the laws of time and space to create his own space and time.

He just seemed to be falling into the water, and he could feel obvious resistance during his movements, but the resistance was not enough to stop him from moving.

"Witch Harley, do you think this is the end? You are so naive, the show hasn't even begun yet!" The anti-surveillance king is still floating in the mid-air of the earth, and has not left the scope of the "space collapse circle" and has not entered outer space and Harley. Great war.

"I want you and everyone on earth to understand that you would not have suffered such a disaster today. Because of your arrogance and stupidity, the entire main universe will be destroyed! Greer, start!"

Greer stood in the front hall of the Zhenglian headquarters that had been reduced to ruins, with broken stones and ruined furniture beneath his feet.

She stuck the long-handled scythe on the ground and quickly drew a huge "Ω" image, then raised her hands above her head and looked to the sky with a face full of enthusiasm, "I shout to the darkness, offering the evil thoughts of all living beings as sacrifices!"

She stamped her feet vigorously, and the ground jumped slightly. The scythe jumped up from the ground and fell into her hand again. The gravel, broken bricks and other debris under her feet were pushed away by the strong force, revealing the flat soil. The "Ω" image becomes more pronounced.

"Offer the blood of the old gods!"

Greer shouted again, and at the same time he cut his left hand with a sickle, and blood dripped from his palm onto the "Ω" pattern.

"Offer the blood of the new god!"

She changed her left hand to hold the sickle, and the cut palm of her right hand was spilled with blood on the "Ω" image, staining the soil.

Her mother Myrina is an Amazon, so she has the blood of the old gods.

As the daughter of Darkseid, she has the blood of the New Gods.

Therefore, she alone can sacrifice the blood of the new and old gods at the same time.


The "Ω" image on the ground lit up with golden divine power, and the light rose into the sky, dyeing the sky golden.

"Buzzing!" The golden "Ω" array is vibrating at high frequency, the earth is vibrating with the high frequency, the golden light emitted by the Ω array is vibrating at high frequency, and the air dyed golden by the divine power is also vibrating at high frequency.

"Buzz!" A huge dark red shadow gradually appeared in the high-frequency vibrating air.

Just like the Anti-Monitor suddenly entered the main universe, there were high-dimensional beings who were forcibly pulled into the main universe by Greer.

"Fake, Apokolips?!" Looking at the huge dark red in the sky, the heroes on the ground looked shocked.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Wonder Woman shouted angrily at Greer, and she slashed hard with the sword in her hand.

Greer's process of summoning Apokolips didn't take long. He just drew a simple "Ω" symbol, cut his palm and spilled a handful of blood, and shouted two spells that didn't look like spells at all, and Apokolips arrived.

Although the process was short, the heroes were not stupid. They could sense that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and they all wanted to stop her.

Naihe Anti-Monitor stood above her and used the powerful power of creation to form a force field wall similar to a defensive golden film to keep out the heroes.

"This is Darkseid's war, and our target is Darkseid!"

Greer glanced at Harley's giant palm covering the sky and said with a smile: "I helped the anti-monitoring king enter the Ten Thousand Sky Instruments, and I also helped him find parallel universes to devour.

We didn't want to direct a second Crisis on Infinite Earths, though.

That doesn't make sense.

Devouring parallel universes is just to help the Anti-Monitor King accumulate enough power to restore his strength to its peak, and then have a fair fight with Darkseid. "

"You want to kill Darkseid?" Diana said blankly: "You invaded the earth to kill Darkseid?"

Greer flicked her finger, "Anywhere can be a battlefield, and it doesn't have to be on Earth in the main universe.

As the King said, this is revenge for Witch Harley's arrogance and stupidity. She should not interfere in our affairs.

The anti-supervisor king warned her, but she didn't listen, so she had this retribution. Do you all understand?

Don't blame us, we are a natural disaster, and natural disasters are ruthless.

She can only be blamed for causing natural disasters. "

Dachao said solemnly: "If what you mean by arrogance and stupidity is to prevent you from devouring parallel universes, then you don't need to target Harley.

All of us, all right-minded people, are as arrogant and stupid as Harley.

‘Arrogance’ and ‘foolishness’ will also become the greatest honors and compliments. "

"What's the use of being tough?" Greer raised her chin toward the sky, "They are here, and the 'Darkseid Final Battle' has begun.

No matter how sophisticated Witch Harley's laws of time and space are, it is impossible to prevent the world from being reduced to ashes in the battle between the two supreme beings. "

She opened the channel between the Earth and Apokolips, and there is no longer any physical barrier between the two planets.

Even ordinary people flying a plane can travel freely between the two planets.

At this time, Darkseid was slowly falling towards the earth. As he fell, his body gradually expanded and became as huge as the Anti-Monitor.

He is also the real body!

Behind Darkseid are thousands of dark elites, tens of millions of new dark gods, and hundreds of billions of demons driving war weapons.

There are too many demonoids, crowded together, like the river water of the Nine Heavens Galaxy, spilling towards the earth.

"Hello, Daddy, do you like the gift I gave you? Are you surprised?"

Seeing Darkseid coming, Greer ignored the Zhenglian hero, bent down and saluted like a lady, and greeted him with a sweet smile.

"Is he the gift?" Darkseid looked at the anti-supervisor with an angry face and scarlet flames coming out of his fists.

"No, the gift is 'death'. The Anti-Monitor King and I will give you complete death." Greer held the scythe and laughed.

Sorry, the updates have been late these days. I didn't adjust the time well. It shouldn't be like this tomorrow.

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