I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1715 Cooperation with the Monitor

"Whoosh~~" A yellow light came from far to near in the blink of an eye and came to everyone.

"Harry, I've almost found out everything."

It's the old Flash Jay, and he's finally back.

"Batman didn't lie, Superman really--"

Before he could finish his excited words, he was interrupted by Harley waving his hand, "Okay, we already know Superman's situation, and things in this world are over, so get ready to leave."

"What do you know?" Old Jay was stunned and puzzled: "I just helped you collect information. What do you mean it's over?"

Harley pointed at Injustice Superman and said, "He left Universe 22 with us, and like us, he wants to join the Incarnation of Justice to save the parallel world."

Old Jay looked at the faces of several people, and vaguely understood something in his heart, but he also had more doubts in his heart, "What happened when I was no longer there?"

"Harley has taken care of everything. The dispute between Batman and Superman is over." Ivy said.

Old Jay looked confused, "But I left less than an hour ago. According to the information I learned, the resistance army led by Bateman and Superman were incompatible and had a four-year struggle, and"

Moreover, during the confrontation, both Superman and Bateman lost their teammates. The hatred between the two sides is as deep as a mine, as dark as midnight, and is almost difficult to resolve.

He had been thinking in his mind before: If he had to stay in World No. 22 for ten days and a half this time, he would not even be able to sort out the relationship between Superman and Bateman in a short period of time.

"Let's go." Harley didn't want to explain more.

She explains how awesome she is in front of Bateman and Superman, and makes them realize, wake up, and repent with just one move. She not only looks low, but also embarrasses them.

"The Dome may have arrived, but even if it hasn't, we can still take the time to save the universe next door."

She reached out and grabbed it, and a golden film brought Ivy and Jay to her.

Injustice Superman was already standing next to her, and Bateman was lowered to the ground.

"I'll take Superman away first, but he will come back at least once. I guess it won't be too long after this crisis is over. Take care, you guys." She said to the people below with complicated expressions.

"Sister, please take me with you. I am also willing to contribute to the multiverse." Can Lianha shouted loudly.

"Your world needs you too, Erha, goodbye. Remember to change your ways and be a good person."

Seeing the figures of Harley and others gradually disappearing, Canmianha suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted, "Hallelujah!"

"Buzz!" A beam of bright golden holy light fell from the sky, landed on top of her head, and enveloped her whole body.

The divine power in the light penetrated into her body along her pores, making her so comfortable that she screamed.

Gradually, a layer of pale golden light film loomed over her body.

"Hahahaha, I finally awakened the power of the Martial God King."

After digesting the information about the use of divine power that suddenly appeared in his mind, Can Lian laughed excitedly.

"I feel like you suddenly look a few years younger, and your skin has improved a lot." Zatanna No. 22 asked curiously: "What are the effects of the God of War's power?"

Can Lian Ha touched his face and said proudly: "It can keep the body healthy, exorcise evil spirits and prevent injuries, and strengthen the body. It can do everything. Long live Sister Tou!"

"Hahaha, now that I have awakened, Superman has left, and no one in the world can be my opponent. The era of my number two Harley has come!" She double-killed with her hands on her hips and looked around.

"She told you to be a good person," Batman reminded.

"Yes, I want to be a hero, I want to be the hope of mankind." Erha raised his head and laughed.

"Harley, Harley"

When Harley, Ivy, Jay, and Injustice had just left the material world and were about to enter the blood realm, a voice suddenly came from her mind, and the voice was a bit familiar.

"Wu Tan? Are you on the monitor satellite of the hyper-time stream?"

Harley recalled it in her mind for a moment before transmitting mental fluctuations to the "above time (hypertemporal flow)" coming from the voice.

"It's me, my body has been divided into thousands of parts, each stationed in a Wantianyi area to prevent the energy of the anti-monitor from spreading wantonly.

What is speaking to you now is only the mental projection of the stationed Watcher satellite.

I was the one who contacted Qiongji before.

This spiritual projection does not have much power or combat effectiveness. It is dedicated to guarding the satellite console and is responsible for collecting intelligence and checking the damage of Wantianyi. "Wu Tan said.

As he spoke, he connected a special signal wave to Harley's consciousness.

The connection between the two is easier, does not require much mental energy, and the speech is clearer.

Just like cell phone communication.

It's just that when you reach the realm of the Creator, you no longer need physical communication equipment.

"I just entered Wantianyi, and you found me. Have you been following me before?" Harley asked.

"If I stared at you, wouldn't you feel it?" Wu Tan asked.

Then he explained: "You cut the timeline of Universe 22 into a mess. Thousands of new timelines appear in a short period of time. It's like setting off fireworks in super time. I don't think you can even notice it."

Regardless of the "Joker's neck-twisting and killing" timeline that Batman experienced, or the dozens of endings Superman saw from all walks of life in the "Unjust Superman Reign", or Erha being abandoned by the Joker more than three thousand times, all are The real timeline.

If Harley is willing to pay a certain price, one of them can replace the existing timeline and become the reality of the universe.

Everything the three of them experienced was as real as the life of the 31st World Superhero Legion in their own world.

And because it was not an illusion, their feelings were particularly deep.

Since it is a real timeline world, thousands of tributaries branching off from the river of time will inevitably create turbulent waves on the originally peaceful river.

Each parallel universe and magic plane has its own timeline, and the sum of all timelines in DC forms a "super-time flow" like a galaxy.

The Monitor Satellite is just above the hypertime stream and can monitor the entire world within the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments.

Now more than three thousand new timelines are generated out of thin air, immediately alerting Wu Tan's clone in the monitor satellite.

"Well, that's it." Harley thought about it, "There are countless timelines in the hyper-time flow, and new timelines are born every minute and every second. Thousands more are nothing, right?"

"The birth of each new timeline has its destiny. You create thousands of them at once, just like a joke. It will have a great impact on Wan Tianyi, especially Universe 22." Wu Tan said seriously.

"I'm already a God King, so I'm not qualified to be someone else's destiny?" Harley said disapprovingly: "As long as I enter Universe 22, it will inevitably have a huge impact on its timeline."

Wu Tan said: "Your entry into Universe 22 will only affect the timeline now.

And the thousands of timelines you create will forever affect Universe 22.

You know the situation of the multiverse in recent years better than anyone else, and you often encounter restarts.

Even the final crisis has affected the material world to some extent.

Before Final Crisis, Shazam and Doctor Destiny only existed in the main universe.

Nowadays, many parallel universes also have God-favored ones that are only found in the main universe.

If the timeline of Universe 22 is restarted next time, it is likely that the timeline you separated from will take the lead. "

"Will the timeline I created become a reality in the reboot?" Harley smiled: "Of the thousands of timelines I created, any one of them is better than the current Universe 22. This is a good thing!"

"If you think it's a good thing, why don't you just replace the current reality with your favorite timeline?" Wu Tan asked.

"I really don't like the reality of Universe 22. This is a reality where the clown wins again."

On the surface, Universe 22 is "Superman VS Bateman", a duel between two male protagonists and two heroes.

But the real protagonist is actually the clown, and the clown wins from the beginning.

The birth of Injustice Superman and Injustice Superman VS Justice Bat were all scripts arranged by him in advance.

Injustice Superman is the Joker's test of Bateman's justice, and his torture of Bateman's righteous heart.

Not only did the plot between the unjust Superman and the righteous Bat play out according to his script, Harley-Davidson remained loyal to him until death.

Although the clown in Universe 22 died long ago, he has achieved both love and career. He is a rare "winning clown" in the multiverse.

Harley didn't like the result.

“But the current reality has created the Bateman and Superman I met.

If reality is rewritten, the Superman and Bateman in the new timeline will no longer be the current Superman and Bateman.

They have gone through many hardships, from friends to antagonism, and then from antagonism to mutual understanding, and their emotions will disappear.

For anyone, emotions and memories are the most precious things in life.

If I really had to rewrite the timeline, it would be because I was moved by their stories and attracted by their personal charm.

But once I rewrite the timeline, it will be like personally erasing the stories and people that moved me. So what is the meaning of my actions? "

"If they have not reconciled now and are still at odds with each other and fighting each other, will you rewrite this timeline full of pain and darkness?" Wu Tan asked.

Harley still shook her head, "If they are stubborn, irrational, and unwilling to think and understand, I will feel disgusted when I see them, and will not pay attention to them at all. If I drive away the anti-monitors, I will leave Universe 22."

Wu Tan said speechlessly: "So no matter what, you refuse to rewrite reality? Are you reluctant to pay the price for them?"

All miracles have a price.

Overwriting the old timeline with a new timeline will definitely require paying a huge price.

It may cost several hundred points of mana.

Harley really couldn't bear to waste so much magic power on people from other worlds.

"Would I be reluctant to give it up? Humph, now the anti-monitors are raging across the multiverse and have plundered a large amount of antimatter origin. Isn't his origin my treasure?" She spoke very hard, and the reasons she gave were very convincing.

"Hali, I was about to tell you." Wu Tan's tone suddenly became very serious, "The energy for anti-supervision is extracted from Wan Tianyi.

Energy does not increase out of thin air, it only moves from one place to another.

The cost of the Anti-Monitor's feast is the depletion of the origins of a large number of parallel universes.

Therefore, after you steal the source of antimatter from the Anti-Monitor, don't keep it for yourself.

Give them all to me and I will use them to repair the broken parallel universe. "

Harley was not very happy and said, "I haven't even grabbed an antimatter energy particle yet."

"I believe you. Your methods will definitely cause heavy losses to the anti-monitors." Wu Tan said.

Thoughts were racing through Harry's mind, how to refuse? If you can't refuse, how can you maximize your benefits?

Suddenly something moved in her heart and she asked: "What I am searching for is only antimatter energy. I have to convert it into positive matter energy before it can be used in Wantianyi, right?"

Antimatter energy and the origin of the Monitor are both the power of creation, but the power of creation also has attributes.

Wantianyi is the domain of the monitor, and the antimatter universe is the domain of the anti-monitor.

Their powers can only function as creation within their respective realms.

"Of course, the Anti-Monitor can transform the origin of the material universe into anti-matter energy, and I can also transform the origin of anti-matter into the power of creation that benefits Wan Tian Yi." Wu Tan said.

"Temporarily lend me this authority, and I can donate the stolen antimatter energy to all living beings, but the merits of repairing the universe and the gratitude and faith of the people in the parallel universe must belong to me," Harley said.

Merit and belief in all living beings are empty, what she wants is the origin of the monitor!

Wu Tan said speechlessly: "You are already a god king, what meaning does the gratitude of mortals mean to you? Even if I repair the parallel universe, I will do it in secret and will not let all living beings know. Naturally, they will not be grateful to me."

"I am different from you. You are a monitor, and it is your responsibility to protect them. In fact, you have failed in your duty. You did not prevent the anti-monitors from entering Wantianyi. You are not qualified to enjoy cheers and praise." Harley said rudely. explain.

"The failure to stop the anti-monitors from wreaking havoc on Wan Tianyi is not a dereliction of duty on my part, nor is it a lack of ability on my part."

Wu Tan was a little excited at first, but at the end he became hesitant.

Harley waited for a while but didn't hear him speak again, so she took the initiative to ask: "Why did the Anti-Monitor leave the anti-matter universe? I don't believe that he wanted to turn the material universe into an anti-matter universe like Crisis on Infinite Earths, and then he Become the sole overseer of the multiverse.”

"I don't know the specific purpose of the counter-monitor. I can only be sure that his behavior is very abnormal." Wu Tan said.

"Tell me more specifically, what's wrong?" Harley asked.

Wu Tan fell into silence as before.

"What are you struggling with? You need my help, but you refuse to tell the truth. Do you think I'm easy to fool?" Harley said displeased.

"I don't want to fool you. Some words and some secrets can only be known by the monitors themselves. If they are leaked, it will only harm you and the whole world." Wu Tan's voice was very serious, and there was a bit of bitterness in the seriousness.

"Xiao Wu, you are not facing a junior who has just debuted. I am your senior, more knowledgeable and able to handle things better than you." Harley said calmly.

She called "Xiao Wu" in Chinese, which made Wu Tan feel a little dazed, as if he had gone back to the time when he was called "Xiao Wu" by his parents, school teachers, and neighborhood elders for a moment.

"Harley, listen carefully, I am going to tell you the biggest, deepest, and most terrifying secret of the multiverse." Wu Tan's tone was unprecedentedly solemn, "You'd better turn on God to come down to earth, and after listening to this After keeping the secret, keep it rotten in your stomach forever, let alone rumors, it is best not to even think about it——"

Harry interrupted his serious matter and said calmly: "Is it Pappetua?"


Wu Tan was like a crowing rooster whose neck was suddenly pinched.

After a while of silence, he lowered his voice as low as a mosquito buzzing, "What did you just say?"

"Papetua, the mother of creation, your old mother." Harley said loudly.

"Omaika, you, what are you doing?" Wu Tan lost his composure and exclaimed twice. He seemed to be scared, and immediately lowered his voice, "How did you know?"

Just after asking, he added: "She is not my mother. My mother's surname is 'Zhao' and she is from the Celestial Dynasty. You can call her 'Aunt Zhao'."

The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, "Even if she is your mother, she can't bear the sound of 'aunt' from me. When I sent you to be reincarnated, she was still 'Classmate Xiao Zhao' who was driving screws in the factory."

"That's not the point." Wu Tan was a little embarrassed.

"The important thing is that you said it first." Harley said.

"Okay, let's not mention my mother. Well, I still have to thank you for sending me to my mother's belly. If I hadn't been reincarnated as an adult, I'm afraid I would have made the same mistakes as the monitors and counter-monitors. Don't If you want to prevent the counter-monitors from entering Wantianyi, it is very likely that I will become a new source of crisis." Wu Tan said with emotion.

"What's going on?" Harley asked curiously.

"First tell me how you know that woman and how much you know about her." Wu Tan said.

"Didn't I hang myself on the origin wall? In the process of breaking free from the origin wall, his consciousness found me through the cracks in the origin wall and wanted me to help him get out of trouble.

He said that He not only created the universe, but the present earth is also His creation.

All people on earth are His children.

And the reason why He created the earth and life on earth was to deal with the brutal enemies from outside the universe."

Halli skipped the part of stealing the power of connection and selectively told the story of how she met Papetua.

"In the era of the King of Martial Gods, I met him again, and his consciousness was hidden in a meteor and fell to the earth.

Just by receiving the energy field radiation from the meteorite, Vandal Savage transformed from a primitive Zenit into an immortal.

Even though I tried my best, I couldn't kill him completely.

He seemed to be deprived of the concept of 'death', later."

Harley was a little annoyed, "Later, when I encountered the Ocean of Entropy, I forgot about that bastard Savage and left him in the 'Mountainside Stone Prison' at the foot of Wushen Mountain.

After he dug through the stone wall and escaped, he seemed to have left the earth. Well, sorry, I'm going off topic. How much do you know about Pappetua? What is the significance of the meteorite that hides His consciousness? "

Wu Tan said: "I don't know. I am a human monitor raised by my mother and father, not a 'Creator Monitor' born in the Sea of ​​Laws.

Compared with the original Watcher, I am missing some of the Watcher's memory and authority.

But it was a blessing in disguise, and because of my human body, Pappetua contaminates my mind much less. "

"Pollution refers to Papetua's consciousness in the blood realm?" Harley asked.

"Do you still know that the blood domain contains Papetua's consciousness?" Wu Tan said in surprise.

Then he said thoughtfully: "With your greed, you will definitely try to devour the blood after discovering it. Then you heard Papetua's whisper, isn't that right?"

"No, I never thought about swallowing the heavenly blood." Harley said seriously: "Not long after entering the blood realm, I analyzed that the essence of the heavenly blood is the menstrual blood from Papetuala.

I didn't even have time to feel sick, how could I possibly swallow it? "

"Menstrual Blood" Wu Tan was also grossed out.

"Actually, the blood of Heaven is just Papetua's blood, not menstrual blood. After the creation of the world, He should have sacrificed himself and made his body a part of the universe.

Just like Pangu in Eastern mythology, his eyes turned into the sun and moon, his skin became the earth, and his breath became the wind and clouds.

The sun, moon, earth, wind and clouds among them are not simply physical objects, but also have corresponding rules.

Under normal circumstances, Papetua would fall into a deep sleep after the creation of the world. His body has been integrated into the universe, and his blood has become the lubricant and buffer between parallel universes.

But He didn't want to die, so He extracted the origin from the universe and condensed the body again.

This is the reason why the three monitors reported him to the Judge of Origin.

His actions greatly harmed the newborn world. "

"You mean, Papetua doesn't have a physical body now, only a remnant soul?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Do you think that at that level, His body will still be fleshy?" Wu Tan asked.

Harley asked curiously: "Is He a thinking life, or what kind of existence?"

"The three creators, including the Monitor, have never left the multiverse, and their understanding of thinking life is not as good as yours. Well, not as good as your current one." Wu Tan said.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Do you know the "Thinking Sutra"?"

If he hadn't known that she was creating the "Thinking Sutra", he wouldn't have had to stress that he was not as good as she is now.

"I know that the cultivation method you created has affected the Origin, but I don't know the specific content of the Sutra of Thinking." Wu Tan said.

"It's such an exaggeration, does it affect the 'origin'?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Since you have experienced the emergence of Mandrake and Thinking Superman, why do you still doubt the sensitivity of the universe to 'thinking life'?

If the Watcher could understand thinking life like you do, he would certainly not have drank the blood of heaven and become a Mandrake. "Wu Tan said with emotion.

"How is the origin affected? Why don't I feel anything?" Harley asked.

“Similar to the saying in the ancient novels of the Celestial Dynasty, ‘the scriptures come out, the heaven and the earth are shocked, the ghosts and gods cry’, if you can finally succeed, there will definitely be abnormal celestial phenomena coming to the main universe.

If a person who practices the "Thinking Sutra" affects the balance of 'good and evil thoughts', there may be an immune mechanism similar to a 'Thinking Superman' to 'immunize' you. "Wu Tan said seriously.

"Well, you seem to be a good person. If you become a thinking being, your 'righteous thoughts' will change the ideology of the multiverse, causing justice to prevail over evil.

Eighty percent of those who will come by then will not be Thinking Superman, but Mandrake, or 'Thinking Clown' or 'Thinking Luthor'? I'm curious. " he said with interest.

"I'm just studying the "Thinking Sutra". There are other practitioners. Even if the 'Thinking Superman' comes, he will not be 'immune' to me." Harley's expression was natural and her tone was relaxed.

"Can you practice your "Thinking Sutra" for me?" Wu Tan asked tentatively.

Harley asked doubtfully: "Aren't you afraid that the 'Thinking Superman' will come to your door?"

"Well, compared to the Thinking Superman, Papetua is ten times more terrifying, and his threat is ten times more urgent.

There is His fallen consciousness in the Heavenly Blood, but as long as you don't drink the Heavenly Blood, you won't be affected.

The problem is, His corruption of the Creator does not require the help of Heavenly Blood at all.

Now He can whisper in my ear anytime He wants.

I guess the previous fall of the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor were related to his evil temptation. "

Harry was surprised and asked: "You are above the super-time stream, but you can't isolate Papetua's whispers?"

"No, our three creators were all created by Him, and our relationship with Him is closer than the relationship between God's favored ones and gods." Wu Tan said.

"So, the Anti-Monitor's trouble this time is really related to Papetua?"

Wu Tan was not sure: "I tried to communicate with the anti-monitor and asked him if he was influenced by Pappetua.

When facing him and the Forger, I no longer have to be careful to avoid the topic of Pappetua.

His mind was very clear, and he made it clear that entering the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments this time had nothing to do with me, nor did it have anything to do with Papetua.

He has other purposes.

But when the counter-monitors first broke into Wan Tianyi, I immediately noticed the intrusion and launched a counterattack immediately.

Theoretically, Wan Tian Yi is my domain, and I am stronger than him in Wan Tian Yi.

But then Pepatua's voice came into my mind, trying to pollute my thinking.

If the rebellion against prison had nothing to do with Papetua, why did he secretly help him?

Faced with Papetua's whispers, I must go all out.

When fighting anti-monitoring forces, they were unable to do what they expected, and the defense line was full of loopholes, which eventually collapsed.

Fortunately, my body is human, and my soul is reincarnated according to the law of reincarnation, so I am also very 'human'.

My resistance to Papetua's Whispers is at least a thousand times stronger than that of the previous Watcher.

I can even further reduce His mental contamination on me through meditation.

If not, I was afraid that I would have been beaten to death by the anti-supervisory police.

Then, just like Crisis on Infinite Earths, it is up to you mortal heroes to face this anti-surveillance crisis.

It is also because meditation is effective for me that I want to learn your "Thinking Sutra" to improve my spiritual realm and soul strength, and to be completely immune to Papetua's thinking pollution. "

""Thinking Sutra" has great side effects"

Hallie explained all the contents and sequelae of the fragments of "The Sutra of Thought".

"I don't need to become a thinking life. The monitor is restricted and cannot become a thinking life. As long as the meditation method of "Thinking Sutra" can strengthen my human will." Wu Tan said.

Harley looked ahead, and the huge body of the Qiongji spacecraft, which was hundreds of kilometers long, was already looming.

She was communicating with Wu Tan in her consciousness, but her body had been waiting in the blood field with Injustice Superman, Jay, and Ivy for more than half an hour.

At the beginning of leaving Universe 22, she also planned to go to the next universe to have a big fight before the arrival of Domeji. Because of Wu Tan's thought link, she changed her mind and stayed in a "daze" in the blood realm.

In the eyes of the people around her, she looked expressionless, silent, and a little dazed.

"The spaceship Dome has returned, and I'm about to go rescue the parallel universe. Do you agree with the previous suggestions?" Harley asked.

"What suggestions?" The nonsense was too far, and Wu Tan didn't react for a while.

"Lend me the power of the monitor to transform the origin of anti-monitoring, and let me accept the cheers and faith of the people of the invaded universe." Harley said.

"Power cannot be transferred, it is my innate ability." Wu Tan said.

"Just think of yourself as a mindless energy conversion machine. I will pour the antimatter origin into your body. You will give me the transformed power of creation, and I will use it to repair the world that has been robbed of its origin." Harley said .

Wu Tan was stunned for a moment and said in confusion: "What conspiracy do you have?"

"What kind of conspiracy can I, the incarnation of justice, have?" Harley said unhappily: "I have made it very clear that I need the faith of all people, and I enjoy the pleasure of appearing holy in front of people."

"I don't believe your purpose is so simple. With your cunning and greedy character, you must be planning something." Wu Tan said.

"Then tell me, what's my conspiracy?" Harley said calmly.

"I don't know yet, but—"

Harley interrupted him and shouted: "You have to understand that the origin of antimatter I snatched from the anti-supervisor with my own skills belongs to me! I selflessly contributed my own things to save the world, which is righteousness and kindness!"

"Okay. But I'll keep an eye on you."

Wu Tan's tone was very reluctant, he still felt that Hallie had a conspiracy.

A moment later, on the Qiongji Blood Territory Mothership.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to a new companion, Superman from Universe 22." Harley pointed at the Injustice Superman and introduced him to everyone.

"Why is he a yellow light?" The heroes were a little surprised.

Harley glanced at the light ring on Injustice Superman's hand and said, "You are no longer the 'Super Emperor', and you still plan to use it to control the fear of all living beings?"

The Injustice Superman shook his head, took off the yellow light ring, and crushed it in public.

"Actually, Superman should be simpler. Pure ideas plus pure power equals 'Superman can transcend infinity.'" Seeing the confusion on Buyi Chao's face, Harley smiled and pointed to Da Chao and said: "Da Chao, Please introduce to him the theory of 'Pure Superman'."

"Hello, my name is Clark, I come from the main universe." Dachao stretched out his right hand and smiled with big white teeth.

Looking at Dachao with such a friendly and innocent smile, Buyichao looked a little dazed. Once upon a time, he was also like this.

When Superboy brought Injustice to the side to teach the theory of "Pure Superman", Harley also called Old Batman to the empty corridor outside the bridge.

"This Superman's situation is somewhat special."

Through mental transmission, she stuffed all the information about Bu Yichao into Old Batman's brain.

"Does it feel a little familiar? Your experiences are almost exactly the same." Harley said.

"I'm different from him." The old Batman looked a little complicated.

"It's no different. You all had your loved ones killed by the Joker and finally gave up on the idea of ​​absolute justice. It's just that your ability is limited and you can only eliminate the super villain. He is more powerful and wants more." Harley said.

"I will not take action against my companions no matter what." Old Batman's tone was a bit cold.

Even if he gave up the principle of not killing and killed all the super villains, and his Zhenglian companions kept obstructing him, he never harmed them.

Not even an idea occurred.

Harley sighed: "When you give up the principle of not killing, your opponent is a superman who has a kind heart and no ruthless means.

What he faced was Bateman who was going all out.

You are the party involved and can experience the difference between the two for yourself.

Many times he was pushed into the abyss. "

Old Batman pursed his lips and said, "I understand why you are looking for me. You want me to help him integrate into the Incarnation of Justice.

I will do as you say, but I will also stare at him for a split second. "

"How do you know that I don't want you to stare at him for a moment? With you watching, he will definitely not go astray again, which makes me feel more at ease." Harley smiled.

Old Batman stared at her eyes for a while and sighed softly: "You surprise me. I always thought you were a bit cold. I didn't expect you to invest so much in a 'stranger' who I only met once." Hard work."

Harley turned to look at the vast blood field.

From a high-dimensional perspective, countless parallel universes are like stars, looming at the end of the blood domain.

"He is not a stranger, he is the other side of my friend, another possibility."

——Do I think so in your eyes?

Old Bateman fell silent and said no more.

Harley turned back, high-spirited and energetic, and said, "Let's go, let's go rescue the next universe."

Half a day later, universe 298.

"Ants, your struggles are useless in the face of the Creator!"

Over Metropolis, the anti-surveillance king roared loudly, grabbed Superman's head and feet with both hands, and slammed his back into his knees.

"Crack!" Superman was almost broken into a "V" shape.

"Crack!" Almost at the same time, a white fist hit the back of the anti-supervisor's neck. The fist was not big, but the force was surprisingly strong. It broke the anti-supervisor king's neck with just one punch.

"Who, who dares to sneak attack - it's you, Witch Harley!"

The rebel king was frightened and frightened.

It wasn't until he was hit by a fist that he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Until her body appeared completely from nothingness, and he felt the aura on her body.

"You are so shameless. The majestic God King actually imitated an assassin and attacked me invisibly."

Harley entered the "True Martial God King" state, punched his vital parts one after another, and cursed: "If I didn't sneak attack, I wouldn't be able to hit you at all.

You are dignified and supreme, yet you run away every time you meet me.

Farke, I have saved eight worlds and only now have I taken first blood. "

"You're talking nonsense. How could I, the majestic Creator, just run away?" the anti-supervision king roared.

"You can't escape now, of course you would say so."

Harley punched him hundreds of times and finally blew his head off.

Without hesitation, she quickly opened her mouth and sucked the corpse into the stomach dimension along with the scarlet antimatter tide that filled the sky.

In just ten minutes, she had more than 500 points of antimatter in her stomach.

"This clone must have swallowed more than one universe." Wu Tan said.

He is also in the stomach pouch dimension, just a clone, specifically helping to convert antimatter energy.

The anti-supervision source purified by Harley immediately flowed into his body.

Wait until it is transformed into the power of creation, and then return to the dimension of Harley's stomach bag.

"This universe also seems to need its origin to be repaired."

While purifying the origin of antimatter, Harley also activated the authority of the God King and sensed the situation in Universe 298 through the Sea of ​​Laws.

"Can you use the power of creation? How about I do it?" Wu Tan asked.

"I am the God King."

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