I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1714 Reconciliation and Letting Go

Harley looked at Bateman and said speechlessly: "You mean, let me take Superman away and never let him come back? Or even die on the battlefield directly. He atones for his sins, you lose the burden, and the people of the other world are saved. Three The best of everything?”

The Yellow Lantern Superman immediately said: "If the multiverse really needs me, I am obligated to leave this universe with you at any time and go to the parallel universe to fight against the Anti-Monitor.

But I will definitely come back alive. This is my world, my home, and no one has the right to exile me! "

Bateman stared at Harley, "You are neither willing to imprison Superman nor take him away, and you can't come up with any convincing solution, so how can you be the middleman and how can you judge?"

Harley said: “Other people’s judgments are just other people’s subjective views on your conflict.

You were once the most intimate of friends, but you didn't even accept each other's opinions. How could you possibly accept the opinions of a third party?

I am very powerful, and I may be able to temporarily subdue you with force, but if I give a direct verdict, none of you will be convinced.

Unless I comply with your ideas and don't tell my true thoughts, one of you will agree with me.

But like you, I have a strong personality, am stubborn, and don't like to wrong myself.

I am here to save your world, but I still feel wronged after doing good things. How wronged it is!

Therefore, I only provide you with opportunities and conditions to resolve conflicts. How you ultimately resolve conflicts of ideas is up to you.

Only by following the decision you make from your heart will you not feel wronged or regret it. "

Harley, who had a broken face on No. 22, muttered to Ivy next to her: "I thought that the old bat was already very good at talking, but I didn't expect that the eldest sister is even more powerful, and she always speaks beautiful words one after another.

Just like the old bat, what he said sounded beautiful, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he didn't say anything, at least it was of no use. "

Harley had already slapped her with a protective golden mask before, but now she had another strong impulse and whispered bad things about Harley's sister from below. She spoke so loudly that everyone heard it.

Harry was naturally unhappy, but he didn't repeat his old tricks and continued to slap her in the face.

Of course, she will not tolerate the disrespect of the "little sister candidate".

"I'll give you a chance too." She reached down and grabbed Harley with the broken face in the air, standing on the golden film platform with Bateman and Yellow Lantern Superman.

"As the saying goes, time is like running water and will never come back, but as long as your hands are fast enough, you can catch the running water and reverse the time."

"Sister, do you want to reverse time?" Can Lianha asked in surprise.

Harley said: "I can reverse time, but it consumes too much and I can't afford it."

——It’s not worth it for you few familiar strangers.

"So, I can only take you on a journey through the river of time and help you understand this great conflict from a different perspective."

As Harley spoke, the blue sky above them was covered with billowing dark clouds.

"Boom—Crack!" Lightning roared in the dark clouds, slowly rotating with Harley as the center, and a huge vortex composed of dark clouds and thunder and lightning appeared in the sky.

Bateman, Superman, and Broken Face subconsciously raised their heads to look at the funnel-like vortex in the sky. They intuitively sensed that their eyes were spinning uncontrollably with it, and their heads gradually became dizzy. As soon as their consciousness darkened, the next moment, they suddenly Come to your senses.

"Superman, listen to me, don't believe what you see, feel it with your heart. The person you pushed into outer space is Lois, your wife!"

In 2016, Bateman shouted at the Bat watch at the Metropolitan Pier.

Next to him, Green Lantern pushed the Joker to the ground, and Wonder Woman strangled him with a lasso of truth.

The Flash shackles Harley Quinn.

There was a speedboat in the sea next to the pier. As soon as the Joker and Harley Quinn landed from the speedboat, they were stopped by Bateman and his team who came over.

Through the Lasso of Truth, several regular heroes finally learned the Joker's true plan: to have Superman accidentally kill the pregnant Lois.

Bateman immediately turned on the Batwatch and sent an emergency message to Superman through the Zhenglian communication channel.

His hoarse shouting soon had an effect.

Superman, who has flown to the edge of the stratosphere, is still affected by the clown's improved fear gas.

In his vision, he was carrying the ferocious-looking Doomsday.

He remembers his purpose: to leave Earth with Doomsday.

Just two months ago, Doomsday crashed into a metropolitan neighborhood, destroying large tracts of streets and buildings and killing thousands of citizens. In the battle with it, several Zhenglian heroes were torn apart.

He cannot allow the same tragedy to happen again.

So after seeing Doomsday, I immediately planned to take it away from the earth.

Now he still has the Doomsday in front of him, and the thoughts in his heart have not changed, but Bateman's screams can be heard vaguely in his ears. His screams are so urgent, and even a little scary, Superman.

Superman stopped and shook his head vigorously, trying to hear better.

When he thought like this, it also meant that his brain gradually regained its calmness, and then the scene in front of him blurred, and the ferocious and huge Doomsday Sun turned into a slender woman.

"Oh, No~~~"

Superman howled in despair, hurriedly tore off the cloak behind him, and wrapped Lois, whose body surface had already condensed with fine frost.

He held her in his arms, protected her within the biological force field, and fell to the earth like a bolide.

In just two seconds, he took her back to the Metropolis Pier, but Louise lay motionless on the red cloak, with no body temperature or heartbeat.


Bateman lowered his head, clenched his hands into fists, and then relaxed helplessly.

The Flash's eyes were moist, and he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped.

Lois looked at Superman with sadness and worry in her eyes.

"Hehe, she's dead." The Joker, who was pinned to the ground by Green Lantern Hal Jordan with his knee on his back, turned his head and glanced at Louise, who was also lying on the ground, with a strange smile on his face, and there was something unspeakable in his laughter. Cover your pride.

Bateman couldn't bear it anymore, and his hands that were unable to loosen clenched into powerful fists again, pushed Hal Jordan away, and beat the clown's head hard.

In just a moment, a small pool of blood appeared on the concrete floor.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The clown laughed crazily. There was no pain in the laughter, only increasing joy.

"That's enough, Bateman!" Hal Jordan first used the green light energy device to tie up Bateman in chains, then quickly walked to Superman who was holding Lois in his arms and was choked with tears, and said urgently: “Even if we have to despair, we have to be completely disappointed and now there is still hope.”

He quickly used the green light energy tool to reveal the pacemaker and oxygen ventilator, and struck Louise's plump chest several times.

"Cough~~~" Without letting them wait too long, Louise's frozen black lips opened and she coughed. Everyone seemed to come alive in an instant, with fire of surprise burning in their faces and eyes.

"Lois!" Superman finally cried.

He shouted with a cry, tears falling down his cheeks and forming a stream.

Hal put the stethoscope with green light energy on Louise's lower abdomen and listened for a while, then said: "The child is very healthy, and the heartbeat is gradually becoming stronger and stronger.

However, I am not a professional doctor. Please send her to the hospital quickly. In fact, you should go to the hospital as soon as you land. "

"How could this happen?" The clown stopped smiling, and his mouth that was cracked to his ears changed from a lower bracket to a frustrated upper bracket, "Forget it, I lost this time, I will keep working hard next time."

"Do you want another time?"

Superman turned his head sharply, his eyes flashing with anger, "You almost killed them!"

"Them? Have you already seen that your wife has a daughter in her belly?" The clown showed an exaggerated expression of envy on his face. "It's good to have super eyesight. You don't need to go to the hospital for examination. You can know immediately when your wife gives birth to a baby."

"You beast, do you really want to die?"

Superman let go of Lois and strode up to the Joker, exuding a rare murderous aura.

"Boy Scout, I believe you won't lie, but you will regret it if you do." The clown said with a smile.

Superman said coldly: "In order not to regret it in the future, I must now——"

"Calm down, Superman!" Bateman stopped him and said solemnly: "I know you are angry now, but you definitely don't want the Joker to get what he wants, right?

Diana, you tied up the Joker with the truth lasso, I have a question for him. "

Diana took back the Lasso of Truth after Superman landed, and was now supporting Lois to check her body.

"Yes, there are nuclear bombs. The nuclear bomb on the nuclear submarine is missing. Let him tell us the location of the nuclear bomb." Wonder Woman threw the lasso again.

"No, what I want to ask about is not the nuclear bomb, but you can ask about the location of the nuclear bomb first." Bateman said.

Wonder Woman did as she was told.

"Hey, you guys are so naive! I left a timing device on the nuclear bomb, and then randomly threw it into a container at the dock. As the container was transported away, no one knew where it was." The clown laughed. .

"Flash, Hal, you go find the container." Bateman said calmly.

Then he looked at the Joker and said coldly: "Why do you want to attack Superman?"

The clown's face twisted a few times, and he struggled and said: "For you, Bruce, I want to play one last game with you, a game that you can never win."

Bateman was not surprised. Hearing this, he turned his head and glanced at Dachao.

"What game?" Diana asked confused.

"Superman vs. Bateman, Superman who gives up his principles or Bateman who insists on hypocritical justice, who will have the last laugh? Well, anyway, I laughed from the beginning to the end. Both of them are losers, hahahaha." The clown laughed. .

"Superman will never give up his principles." Wonder Woman said.

The clown chuckled and said: "He will! When he kills his wife and daughter with his own hands, and when the metropolis is destroyed by nuclear bombs, he will be so angry that he loses his mind and then kills me.

Killing me is just the beginning. He will hate you who refused to kill me before. "

He turned to Bateman, “And your no-kill rule.

Eventually he will completely give up on the idea of ​​absolute justice that he has adhered to for many years.

What did adhering to the concept of absolute justice bring him?

His love is gone, his child is gone, the city he protects is gone, and he has nothing.

In this case, why are you still insisting on absolute justice that is false, hypocritical, and disgusting?

It would be better for him to formulate a set of 'direct justice' rules for the world.

Little Bat, you will definitely object. Then this hypocritical world will no longer be able to tolerate him, and then a good show will begin! "

Superman looked dull.

Wonder Woman asked in surprise: "So, your target is not actually Superman?"

"Of course, Superman is just a boring boy scout. I can't even look at him." The clown, who was bound by the lasso of truth, could only tell the truth. Even if he didn't want to say it in his heart, he always said what was on his mind.

"He was just a tool for me to deal with Bateman, just like when I shot Bateman with a submachine gun, the submachine gun was the tool in my hand.

But the Superman would be the best tool, more durable and better quality than any tool I have ever used in my life.

The key is to be very obedient. He will do whatever I want him to do, and he can persist for a lifetime, hehehe. "

"You're talking nonsense, I won't be manipulated by you." Superman said angrily.

"You will, because your identity has been exposed. I know who you are. I don't have your super eyesight, but my eyes are also very good. I can see the 'puppet string' above your head."

The clown spread his fingers and beat rapidly, as if he was controlling an invisible puppet.

“Everyone has their own behavioral logic. If you master your thinking and behavioral logic, you can control you like a puppet.

Don't you want to kill me?

Do you think this is your idea? Hehe, this is what I hope you have thought.

‘Kill the clown’ is the thought I put into your head!

But I don’t want you to kill me now, because if you kill me now, you will definitely regret it. If you regret it, you will definitely not fight to the death with the little bat again.

That's why I teased you and created the illusion that I provoked you to kill me.

You are not too smart, but your companions can see my purpose and will definitely stop you.

What I hope is that you will not regret killing me, but only regret killing me too late.

Only decisive killing can truly change you and make you fall. Well, ‘degeneration’ is not appropriate. I think it should be called ‘awakening’.

I want you to awaken to your true colors - you may be sunny, handsome, and have a righteous face, but you are by no means the saint with a mind as clear as crystal that your companions expect.

You are just a little boy scout (ps), an ordinary person who is completely hypocritical and pretends to be a sacred and inviolable saint.

In fact, you are very aggressive.

Strengthening your mind is like strengthening the eyes of your steel body. It seems difficult, but it is actually very easy.

Well, easy for a smart guy like me. "

Superman was trembling with rage, and his eyes were as scarlet as two erupting volcanoes.

But this time there was no need for Bateman to dissuade him. He quickly calmed down and did not attack the clown.

"The reason why a madman is a madman is because his cognition is different from common sense. For example, a madman will say that the earth is a giant galloping elephant, and we all live on the back of the elephant. It sounds interesting, but in fact it is nonsense that goes against the truth. "Baitman comforted him tactfully.

Superman gritted his teeth and said, "Leave him to me. I don't care what he says, but I can't tolerate him threatening Lois again."

Bateman put his hand on Superman's shoulder, with sincere eyes and sincere tone, and said: "This kind of person does not deserve your attention! You go take care of Lois and leave the rest to me."

"How many times has he fallen into your hands? As a result, he always escapes." Superman said excitedly.

"I promise you, he will never hurt you and your family again." Bateman said solemnly.

Superman stared into his eyes for a while, then turned around and flew to the hospital with Lois in his arms.

"Bring Harley Quinn to the Metropolitan Police Department and let her face legal justice. I will take the clown away."

Bateman said something to his companions, then put the Joker into the Batplane and flew straight to Gotham.

"Oops, it's just the two of us now."

The clown who was tied to the co-pilot twisted his butt and said with a smile to Bateman who was concentrating on flying the plane.

Bateman stared straight ahead and ignored him.

"This kind of opportunity is really rare. We live in a small space together." The clown laughed ambiguously.

Bateman remained silent.

The Joker frowned and said dissatisfied: "It takes more than half an hour to fly from Metropolis to Gotham. Do you plan to ignore me for such a long time?"

Bateman responded with indifference.

"Aren't you worried about a nuclear bomb exploding? BOOOM!" The clown raised his handcuffed hands and made an explosion gesture. "Millions of people in the entire metropolis will be reduced to ashes."

Bateman pursed his lips and still ignored him.

"Don't be like this, this half-hour journey may be the only time we have left alone, and it is more precious than gold." The clown winked at him, "You understand me very well, just like I understand you very well.

Your boy scout friends thought I was targeting him, and the other heroes were surprised that I took action against Superman. Only you, you understand deeply that everything I did was for you.

I need you!

You are the object of my performance, the reason why I can laugh all the time, and the meaning of my perseverance. "

Feeling the strange atmosphere surging in the narrow cabin, the clown licked his lips, his eyes became more excited and his tone became more wanton, "So, I will eventually find him again.

Well, based on my past prison escape times, his baby has probably been born, a cute little Kryptonian girl? Do you think the way she screams is different from that of a little girl from Earth? Will it be louder?

Alas, when that time comes, we shall say goodbye forever.

Therefore, we still cherish this period——"

Bateman, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let go of the steering wheel, hugged the clown's head like lightning, and twisted hard.

The whole action is crisper than the raccoon's crispy noodles.

"Crack!" The expression of surprise and pride froze on the clown's face. He tilted his head on his shoulders and exhaled hard, "You finally took action and I won."

"No, you lose. Keep your eyes open." Bateman finally spoke, but he only said one sentence before continuing to operate the aircraft at an even faster speed, breaking through three and four times the speed of sound one after another.

Ten seconds later, Gotham came into view.

Three more seconds passed, and the Batfighter hovered over the Gotham Police Department.

Bateman put the automatic gear on and let it fall slowly. He pulled the cable first and quickly fell to the ground.

While in mid-air, he suddenly lifted the bat hood on his head, exposing Bruce Wayne's face to the broad daylight.

"I am Bateman and I am Bruce Wayne. I surrender. I kill people."

He shouted to the surprised GCPD at the door of the police station.

"Fuck~~" The clown who kept his eyes wide open and prepared to watch the show reluctantly breathed his last breath.

Four months later, Louise gave birth to a healthy daughter, whom she named Leila Lane Kent.

The baby inherited his father's blue eyes and black hair.

Clark Kent held her and was only excited, unable to say a word for a long time.

Finally, he put the child back in his mother's arms, tore his white shirt to reveal the Superman uniform underneath, and flew into the sky to Gotham's Blackgate Prison.

When Superman visits the prison, the prison guards dare not stop him.

Two minutes later, Superman saw Bruce Wayne wearing an orange prison uniform and a stubble on his face through a glass wall.

"The baby was born?" Bruce smiled.

"How do you know?" Superman asked in surprise.

"'I'm a father' is clearly written on your face."

Seeing the sincere smile on his old friend's face, Superman was silent for a long time, and finally asked the question he had been holding in his heart for four months, "Why did you do that?"

Bruce sighed softly: "He will not hurt you and your family again, I promised."

"You killed someone, which goes against the principle of not killing that you have always adhered to." Superman clenched his fists, feeling a little emotional, "I know you did it for me! Although the Joker is not a human being, it must be very, very difficult for you to kill him."

Bruce nodded slightly, "For you and for myself."

"The clown is looking for my family, you should let me do it."

"No, only I can kill him. You are the leader of heroes and the representative of justice and hope. The clown is my responsibility. It is your responsibility to show the people of the world and all heroes how noble a leader can be. "Bruce said softly.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Superman lowered his head and whispered: "At least, you should discuss it with me, and we will bear the psychological burden of killing him together."

"Do you think I have a psychological burden? To be honest, no!" Bruce shook his head gently, "His target has always been me. On the way back to Gotham, I kept struggling in my mind whether to kill him or not.

When I promised you that he would never threaten you and your family again, I already had murderous intentions.

You didn't see it, but the Joker felt it.

He said the half hour flight back to Gotham was the last time he and I were alone together.

This sentence is a double entendre. Either I kill him then, or he continues to attack you and eventually forces you to kill him.

I chose to end his life on the spot, which was what he had always wanted.

He's right, he knows me well.

But I also know him very well.

I have been thinking a long time ago, if one day in the future I have to kill him with my own hands, what will I do to avoid being defeated by him. "

The expression on Superman's face was a little distorted, and he looked at Bruce like he was looking at a pervert.

Bruce sighed: "The dispute between me and him is not about who wins or who loses, but whether the justice and law in the world are hypocritical and boring.

I regard the law as an inviolable standard, put on uniform and punish evil in the name of justice.

If I kill him, it will prove that his ridicule and contempt for justice are right.

This is why I never killed him.

Later I figured it out, as long as Batman is never above the law, he is not incapable of killing.

I had already realized this, so when I actually killed him, I didn’t have much psychological burden. "

"I understand, but the price is too high." Superman said harshly.

Even if many government officials know who the person under Bateman's uniform is, Bruce can still be Bateman as long as he doesn't reveal his identity.

Now that Bateman has surrendered, and everyone knows his identity and that he has killed people, "Batman" can only withdraw from the Justice League and disappear completely.

It is equivalent to saying that "Baitman" and Joker are exchanged for one, canceling each other out.

Bruce looked confused for a while, "I don't know why, but I always feel that this is the smallest price."

Two years later, Bruce was released on bail and out of jail.

He never wore the Batsuit again for the rest of his life, but he never stopped serving a just cause for the rest of his life.

At the last moment of his life, he felt satisfied and relieved.

He didn't even feel the slightest regret.

Superman swore in his heart that he would take on the responsibility of "Battman". From that day on, he was no longer "Battman", but "Battman + Tearman".

He demands himself more strictly in all aspects and works harder to protect the world.

He appears in Metropolis and Gotham at the same time, and policing Gotham has also become his task.

No matter how cruel the villains he faced, he never wavered in his absolute principle of justice not to kill anyone.

Although the work is busier, Superman is very satisfied.

Daughter Leila grew up healthily and joined the Justice League at the age of 16 and became a superhero.

Later, Superman retired due to old age, and she officially replaced him and became the new hope of mankind.

And she did even better than her father.

The world is truly a better place because of Superman and Lyla.

"That's great." Before Bruce died, there was contentment and peace on his face.

"That's great." Universe No. 22 Batman opened his eyes, looking a little confused.

"Well, that's great." Harley nodded in agreement.

"Just now." Bateman rubbed his head hard and looked up at the sky. The swirl of dark clouds had disappeared, and the sunshine and blue sky had returned.

"Did I have a dream? But it was so real. I can even recall the feeling of smelling the fragrance of flowers in my dream. Every scene is like my own memory."

"It was originally true, and it really happened on another timeline." Harley explained softly: "You have studied the theory of parallel universes, and you should know that parallel universes actually come from different choices at critical moments.

The timeline you just experienced is the result of choosing 'Louis was rescued at that time'.

But it’s not a truly natural ‘parallel world timeline’.

The you in the timeline is the you in the real timeline, which is the you now. "

"But I didn't remember everything on the real timeline at that time." Bateman said.

Harley said: "If you remember, it's not a parallel timeline, but a rebirth and return."

"Then what's the difference between me and me on the 'natural timeline'?" Bateman asked.

"The memory is gone, but the most instinctive emotions and the most primitive impulses are something you don't have on the 'natural timeline'.

In that complete timeline, didn't you notice any abnormalities in your emotions?

For example, feeling complete, finally redeemed, the best feeling, etc.? " Harley said.

In fact, there is no need to ask, his previous "really good" has already explained everything.

Bateman said sadly: "But that timeline was simulated by you after all. It's fake. What's the point?"

"You think it's meaningless?" Harley asked.

Bateman was silent.

"Do you think it makes sense?" Harley turned to look at Superman.

Superman looked at Bateman with a complicated expression, and the emotions in his eyes puzzled Bateman.

"Are you on that timeline too?" He couldn't help but ask.

Superman shook his head slightly, "I stood 'above' and watched everything you went through.

From your perspective, it’s like I’m possessed by you, everything you think, see and hear is mine.”

"Wow~~~" The broken-faced Harley next to her suddenly opened her big mouth and howled loudly. Tears flowed through the thick powder on her face, leaving two deep grooves.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? It's all fake and an illusion. I don't believe it!"

"What have you experienced?" Superman and Bateman asked at the same time.

"I" Harry with a broken face was very excited and opened her mouth to speak quickly, but after opening her mouth, she fell into a daze and confusion again, "What did I just experience?"

"You were also on a parallel timeline just now." Harley glanced at Superman and Bateman, "Batman only experienced one timeline, and Superman didn't have a timeline at all. He just watched dozens of big movies.

Harley Quinn, you have experienced 3092 parallel timelines under different choices. "

"3092, so many?" Superman, Bateman, and the audience below all exclaimed, looking at the broken-faced Harley with strange eyes, "What have you experienced?"

"I, let me think about it." Harry with a broken face slapped his head hard and murmured: "Me and J first."

She paused, her expression became angry, and she gritted her teeth and said: "I declare that he is no longer my 'Mr. J', and the clown is a bastard.

He took me to plant a bomb on the passenger plane heading to Gotham, but Bateman chased me and the plane was about to explode. There were only two parachutes, mine and the Joker's.

Seeing that Bateman was about to be blown up, the clown stabbed me in the waist and took away my parachute, allowing Bateman to survive. I died miserably!


She kept talking, the faster she talked, the angrier she became, but the content was similar, it was all about the Joker abandoning her for Bateman.

"The Joker doesn't love me at all, he loves Bateman!" Harley with a broken face finally concluded.

"Nonsense, he just wants to defeat me. Or he doesn't have love at all. The so-called 'love' is just your imagination." Bateman said displeased.

Harry with a broken face did not argue, but was filled with sadness. He squatted on the golden film platform again and cried loudly, "I'm so stupid, I'm a lowlife with no self-will!"

My cousin, who has a PhD in psychology from Gotham University, didn't notice the Joker's inferior PUA methods. How could I be so stupid?

Woohoo, the Joker's love for me is not as good as that of Bateman, even Superman and The Flash. "

Superman never expected that he would be involved in "Gotham's Three Lovers". He was stunned for a moment and then said angrily: "Harley Quinn, if you want to go crazy, go crazy yourself. Don't talk nonsense here!"

Harley frowned, forget it when he scolded Zanfian, but "Harley Quinn" included her.

"I'm not talking nonsense. I don't know how many scenes I've experienced. Ninety-nine percent of them were the Joker choosing Bateman and giving up on me. But at least ten times, he let me die for you." Harley with a broken face said. Howling, wiping away tears, "The clown is an emotionless bastard. I love him so much, but he has never given up on you for me."

Superman shouted: "Harley Quinn——"

"Ahem, Superman, and all of you." Harley interrupted him, then looked around at everyone and said, "My name is also 'Harley Quinn'. In order to distinguish me from the Harley Quinn in your universe, you can Call me 'Sister Harley', or call her 'Hua Lian Ha' or 'Buyi Ha'."

"Don't call me 'Hua Lian Ha'." Can Lian Ha wiped the powder off his face hard and touched himself like a big cat, "I hereby declare that from now on, I will no longer be 'Harley Quinn'. I don’t want to wear clown makeup, I want to be as confident and self-reliant as my eldest sister, and face the world with a beautiful face.”

——Your face is almost broken. If you still want to look beautiful, just put on a little makeup to cover it up.

Harley complained in her heart and said, "Then I'll call you 'Unjust'."

"I am affectionate and righteous, how can I be 'unjust'?" Can Lianha said unhappily.

"The protagonist of this world is Superman. Superman gave up absolute justice, so he is the 'Injustice Superman'. People in this world also named him after the Injustice Superman, 'Injustice Batman' and 'Injustice Harley'." Harley said.

"No, Unjust Hallie is too ugly." Can Lianha thought for a while, his eyes lit up and said, "You are the eldest sister, and I am the second child. You can call me 'Hallie No. 2'."

"Okay, I'll call you 'Erha'."

Harley suppressed her laughter and turned to Superman again, saying, "What did you want to say to Erha just now? You can continue."

——You and Erha are talking about a lot of things. You two have mixed up all the emotions. What else are you talking about?

Injustice Superman shook his head, "Forget it, no need to say it."

After a pause, he said with a complicated expression: "You can call me 'Injustice Superman', but I don't want to be 'Injustice Superman' anymore. Harley Quinn, I want to leave this universe with you."

Erha asked in surprise: "Will you come back after you leave?"

"Let's talk about it then." Buyichao said in a low voice.

Bateman looked complicated. He opened his mouth several times to try to stay, but finally closed his mouth, letting out a long sigh in his heart.

Erha asked curiously: "The eldest sister said that I have experienced thousands of worlds, and you have also seen dozens of worlds. What have you seen?"

"I don't want to talk to you." Buyi said coldly.

Erha picked his head and said dejectedly: "I know, you still hate me, the clown and I killed Louise.

I apologize to you. I always owe you an apology, but I understand that just apologizing is useless.

How about I leave this world with you and go to the parallel universe to save the world and atone for myself? "

"No, it's the greatest atonement for you not to appear in front of me again."

Injustice Superman's tone was still cold, but his expression was a little better than before.

Erha didn't hesitate and turned to Harley with a smile, "Sister, what did he see?"

Harley glanced at Bu Yichao. He didn't object, but everyone around him looked curious.

She explained: "In addition to watching the timeline of 'Lois is not dead and the Joker is killed by a twist of the neck' from Bateman's perspective, Superman was also forced into the perspective of people from all walks of life to watch Nine-Nine-Eight. A complete timeline of the eleven times 'Injustice Superman' ruled the world.

It wasn't just four years, from the time Louise was killed and the unjust Superman poisoned her, until the world came to an end.

From homeless people on the street, to school students, factory workers, housewives, to small businessmen, big capitalists, ordinary civil servants, congressmen, presidents and other big shots.

I gave him a complete picture of the real lives and real thoughts of the people under his rule. "

Erha said excitedly: "All strata of society are opposed to his poisonous rule from the bottom of their hearts. He is desperate and awakened, right? Sister, you are so powerful."

Harley shook her head and said: "More than half of the people support Superman's rule, including some government officials who were deposed by him.

Although Superman's reign is a poisonous one, he is really doing something practical.

He solved many old social ills. "

Erha glanced at Superman in surprise, wondering: "Then why is he..."

Harley sighed: "Some people support him, and some people oppose him. In the end, his rule will be destroyed.

Power can only last for a while, because the strong will eventually grow old and die.

When Superman is gone, all the order he established will disappear, and the world will return to its original state, or even worse than before.

Among the ninety-nine and eighty-one endings, more than ten times, human civilization was completely destroyed in the war. "

The purpose of Superman's rule is not to enjoy poisonous vegetables, but to use force to make the world truly beautiful.

When he found that his persistence could not achieve what he wanted, he chose to let go in despair.

(ps: The person who likes to call Superman "Boy Scout" the most is actually Luthor. Of course, Superman himself often proudly calls himself "Boy Scout", and Lois will also use the title "Boy Scout" to joke with him.

This is related to the Boy Scout culture in the United States.

Our Chinese Young Pioneers and Children's Palace are a bit like the Boy Scouts in the United States. Their core purpose is to cultivate outstanding successors with comprehensive moral, intellectual and physical development for the country and society in advance. The only difference lies in the kind of ideological people they want to cultivate.

But now that the Boy Scouts have gained a bad reputation due to the "temperament case", it seems that they are really rotten internally.

But when Superman comics first came out (the golden age of America), Boy Scouts had very noble and glorious attributes, just like "experts", "professors" and "teachers".

Superman participated in the Boy Scouts when he was a child, and was proud that he had received the glorious ideological education of American citizens.

Luthor and the Joker disdain this mainstream value. Calling Superman, the representative of the American citizen spirit, a "Boy Scout" is more of a mockery.

Well, judging from the reality in the United States, it seems that Luther and the Joker had the last laugh. )

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