Earth 298.

The earth that has been ravaged by counter-surveillance is terrible. Traces of battles that have spread thousands of miles can be seen on the eastern continent of America. The cities affected by the battle did not even leave ruins in the anti-matter tide, only deep yellow-brown ravines, like carved... A scar on the face of the earth.

After the antimatter tide was "eaten" by Harley, the scorched and scorching land was still steaming white. Except for a handful of super-powered heroes, not a single living person could be seen.

It is also because this earth is so damaged that it needs to replenish the power of creation to restore its severely damaged origin.

"Are you okay?" Harley folded Superman's back, which was broken into a "V" shape, into a flat "one" shape, causing the unconscious Superman to let out a long, miserable howl of pain.

After howling miserably, he regained consciousness and stood up with force.

Harley not only flattened the bent body, but also injected a large amount of holy light power into the broken bones and torn muscles in the process.

As the God of War in Heaven and the garrison commander of Silver City, Silver City will give her a salary every month, which is about 0.00001 points of God's power.

0.00001 may seem like a small amount, but in fact, in the DC magic world, Harley is definitely considered a high-income earner.

The lifespan of a god can easily be tens of millions of years. In just 100,000 years, Harley has the magic power equivalent to the Duke of Hell, and the Marquis of Hell is already equivalent to a wizard.

Of course, Harley cannot grow indefinitely, and the "salary" in Silver City will only last until her total income is equal to her own rank in heaven.

If the Duke's average magic power is 1 point, the Demon Lord's is 10, and the Demon King's is 100 points.

As the God of War, Harley's authority in heaven is roughly equal to that of the Devil, and her status is second only to "Satan".

After tens of millions of years, heaven will stop paying her "wages".

As long as Harley does not convert the power of heaven into the power of blood, even if she uses holy power of heaven to use holy healing to heal the injured, the power of heaven will not be reduced. Because the essence of magic is to use magic power to leverage laws, rather than treating magic power as a one-time consumable like gasoline.

The magic power consumed during spell casting can be recovered into the body through meditation. What the mage really loses is time, mental power and soul - the more and more frequently the magic power is used, the deeper the magic mark is on the soul, and the greater the future cost.

Harley was not worried about the loss at all, and poured the power of the Holy Light into Superman's wound. As the God King and the "godhead" of the God of War, she used the holy healing technique with all her strength, which was almost equivalent to a healing forbidden spell. The dying Superman took a few breaths. The ability to move will be restored.

"I come from the main universe."

Before Brokeback Superman asked questions, Harley took the initiative to stuff a lot of information into his mind through mental connection.


Broken Back Superman held his head and groaned, and it took him a while to recover, "Thank you, my companions."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a golden lightning flashing quickly in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten heroes covered in blood appeared in front of him, standing or lying down.

In addition to the living people, the old Flash also brought back dozens of corpses.

Harley glanced at the heroes who died on the battlefield and sighed: "You are all real heroes, everyone fought until the last moment.

But unfortunately, you failed to protect this world.

Pure casualties will not have much impact on your world.

But the core of the universe, the earth, has been riddled with holes by antimatter energy.

Fortunately, you have met me, and I will repair your world in the name of God.

Now you are faced with two choices, either I follow the current timeline to replenish the origin of this universe, and the reality that heroes narrowly escape death and hundreds of millions of Americans die tragically can be preserved.

Or I can put in more effort and help you rebuild the timeline, which is almost equivalent to a soft restart.

In the new timeline, those of you who are alive will retain your original memories, and the dead will also return. "

"Which one do you choose?" Harley stared at Superman.

"This eldest sister, do we know each other?"

Before Superman could speak, half of the rescued hero crawled over, raised his head high, and looked at Harley curiously.

Harley glanced at her, the corners of her eyes twitching slightly.

Although the other party did not announce her name, there was a difference between her round baby face and her mature heart-shaped face. She had lost half of her body. Starting from the waist and abdomen, her lower body was gone, and two pieces of intestines were dragged out of her chest. Several wires, engine oil and blood were flowing on the ground.

The upper body is also incomplete, the right arm is broken at the elbow, and only the left arm is still intact.

But Harley recognized her identity immediately, the Harley Quinn of this universe.

Because she has the power of thick skin inside her body.

She can survive until now thanks to the thick-skinned divine power that keeps her alive.

"You don't know me, why do you call me 'big sister'?" Harley asked.

Baby-faced Harley looked confused, "I don't know, I was supposed to call you 'Hey', but somehow, I think you are very powerful and should not be messed with, so I have to fawn over you."

Harry said strangely: "You are so smart, no wonder you awakened the 'power of the God of War in Heaven' at a young age."

"How do you know - ah, you are the big sister who gave me power? You are indeed the 'big sister'!" Baby-faced Harley woke up and shouted excitedly.

After awakening "Hallelujah", in addition to the divine power entering the body, there is also a piece of information entering the minds of "Hallelujah" along the Shazam Law, introducing the origin and basic use of the divine power.

Harleys don’t know Harley’s specific situation. They only know that there is a very powerful “Harley” who has become the God of War in Heaven and the King of Martial Gods on earth. They only need to abide by a few basic rules and shout “Hallelujah” or “Hallelujah”. By using the mantra "Praise Harley", you can become a favored one by God.

So with just a little nudge from Harley, baby-faced Harley figured out who she was.

"How old are you and how did you become a cyborg?" Harley asked.

"I was 17 years old. I was admitted to Gotham University this summer. After enrolling, I met a social scumbag named 'Joker'. After falling out of love, I suddenly awakened to my supernatural powers.

But before I could show off my new powers, step on clowns, punch bats, and dominate Gotham, the monster arrived.

Because I am not affected by energy fire (antimatter tide), the stinky bat tricked me into fighting for the earth, saying that the life and death of the people in the world depended on me. It made me dizzy and confused, and I joined the Zhenglian Death Squadron.

I should still be the vanguard, standing at the front and creating output opportunities for those behind me.

The monster seemed to hate me very much, and didn't even bother me to express hatred. As soon as they met, he immediately ignored me and chased me. He grabbed my body with two big hands and tore me into two pieces. It hurt so much!

Fortunately, the Stinky Bat finally had some conscience and picked up my upper body from the energy fire, but he only found my upper body, and the lower body was lost somewhere and was transformed into this. "

"Sister, your name is Harley Quinn, right? How did you come to our world?" After introducing herself, Cyber ​​Harley asked curiously.

Harley forced another load of information into her head.

The information given to Superman is a bit different, but the information given to Sebhar is more like the "Biography of Harley", adding the story of Harley's debut at the age of 13, dominating Gotham as soon as she debuted, and finally becoming the God King.

"Wow, eldest sister is indeed a eldest sister, you are so awesome!"

Saiboha's face was full of admiration, and his two big eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars.

Harley smiled slightly, enjoying her admiration in her heart.

"Sister, although you are very powerful, your brain seems to be not very good." Seboha continued.

"What did you say?" The smile on Harley's face froze, and she made a serious note to Sai Boha in her heart.

No matter what reason she has, if she dares to openly insult "Sister Harley", she will definitely be punished!

"You said there are two options for us to choose, and you asked us which one to choose. Why do you still need to ask such a simple question?

As long as their brains are not bad, they are willing to let the dead come back to life and make the disaster that lasted for more than a month become non-existent history. "

Cyborg spat out blood foam that smelled like machine oil and said, "If the timeline can be rewritten, I won't have to become a Cyborg. Anyway, as you said, we can keep our original memories."

Harley said lightly: "Ignorance, ignorance! All miracles have a price. It is cruel to maintain the current reality, but the origin of your universe will be stronger.

If part of the origin is wasted on modifying the timeline, your life will be saved, but the universe will be weaker than before. "

"What happens when the universe weakens?" Superman asked.

Harley said: "The lifespan is reduced and the ability to resist risks is reduced. The next time we encounter a multiverse-level crisis, it will collapse faster.

Just like this time, if I had come two days later, not even the shell of your universe would be left, it would all be swallowed up by the anti-monitors.

If you modify the timeline by deducting part of the origin, and encounter the same crisis next time, your universe will have exhausted its vitality a few days ago and will not be able to wait for me to come to the rescue. "

"Sister, don't be so stingy. Replenish the origin of our universe so that it has enough energy and can rebuild the timeline." Saiboha said matter-of-factly.

He dared to say that she was stingy and disrespectful. Did this Seboha do it on purpose or accidentally?

Hallie made another mental note of Sai Boha and decided to teach her a lesson if there was a chance.

"Energy cannot be generated out of thin air. Your universe has suffered a disaster and needs to be repaired. Are other universes ignoring it? Or tearing down other people's east walls and repairing your west walls?" She said solemnly.

"If the source is less, just be less." Superman said helplessly: "Without the sacrifices of hundreds of heroes, we simply wouldn't be able to hold on for so long.

If only a few of us survive and encounter a crisis of the same level next time, no matter how strong the source of the universe is, we will be taken away by a wave, and what is the use of leaving an empty earth? "

——The consciousness of the universe has the instinct of self-protection. If the source is strong, you will give birth to many superpowers, and various second- and third-generation heroes will emerge in endlessly.

Harley hesitated for a few seconds, but finally did not say this.

"Now that you have made your choice, let me get started."


Superman only felt the dazzling white light coming towards his face, and he subconsciously raised his hand to block his eyes.

The white light came and went quickly, seeming to last only a second or two.

But when he put down his arms, the scene in front of him changed. But it seemed like it hadn't changed.

He was still standing in the ruins of the ruins of the metropolis. The scenery was no different from before, but the corpses lying on the ground before were now standing beside him alive.

"I didn't expect the King of Martial Arts to be real. Oh my god, she is so strong. She defeated the Anti-Monitor with just one move!" Green Arrow Oliver looked at the sky and exclaimed.

"Is she really an angel?" Atom also raised his head.

"What does it matter whether it is a human god of war or an angel in the sky? She has angel wings, and when the angel wings flap, she sheds divine light. Even a real angel cannot be more sacred and beautiful than her." Mr. Zhuo Zhuo looked on. Confused.

"You are not dead, are you alive? What happened, am I in a dream?" Superman was very excited. These companions had all died tragically in antimatter energy explosions before.

Some people even had no bones left like Saiboha's lower body, burned into antimatter energy.

Now that they are alive, what do they mean?

He also looked up to the sky, but saw nothing even with his super vision.

"Superman, what are you talking about? What do you mean we are dead and we are alive." Oliver asked strangely.

"What are you looking at?" Superman asked in confusion, and a memory suddenly appeared in his mind: The Anti-Monitor "just" invaded the earth today. They responded quickly. He, Wonder Woman and several other powerful heroes arrived first. Block his arrival in low-Earth orbit.

The Flash and Green Lantern quickly moved the citizens of Metropolis to the center.

By the time the anti-monitors broke through the obstruction and arrived above the metropolis, there was no one in the city.

But they were no match for him.

Swept by the aftermath of the antimatter energy, the entire city was reduced to rubble.

Seeing that the counter-insurgency was about to use the anti-matter energy explosion that "had" caused heavy casualties to them and melted most of the American continent, a pair of white angel wings accompanied by ethereal holy sounds and faint holy light were like mother's arms, protecting the earth in their wings. middle.

The angel wings that are enough to wrap the entire earth belong to the legendary King of Martial God. Uh, how come there is a legend of King of Martial God?

Superman didn't remember. Doubts just arose in his mind, and more memories flooded into his mind.

How could he doubt the history of King Wushen?

This is common knowledge in the United States and around the world.

Everyone knows the story of King Wushen, just like every Christian knows about Jesus.

No, this is not his original memory.

Superman shook his head vigorously.

"Ah, why am I still a cyborg!"

A high-pitched scream came from the side. Superman turned around and saw Harley Quinn jumping around and howling.

He quickly asked: "Harley Quinn, do you know what happened?"

"What else can happen? After a long wait, we finally followed the timeline and completed the restart. But my body is the same as my memory, there is no change at all. I don't want to be a cyborg! Sister, where are you? Talk to me Yeah!" Saiboha made a trumpet with his hands in front of his mouth and shouted in all directions.

——You dare to speak ill of my eldest sister, and if you still want to be a cyborg, just go ahead and dream!

Harley, who was far away from the material universe, could hear Saiboha's wailing, but she ignored it completely with a smile on her lips and a happy mood.

"What are you crazy about? Aren't you the one who envied Cyborg's cybernetic body, thought it was cool, and took the initiative to ask for body modification?" Green Arrow frowned.

"I didn't. I asked for my memory, but it's not me, it's not the real me. Your memories come from the new timeline, and you were resurrected from the dead." Saiboha seemed to be speaking incoherently.


Others looked at her like she was crazy.

"You said it took a long time to wait?" Superman took Sebohar's arm and asked, "Why do I only feel that a moment has passed?"

"Me too, I just saw the white light suddenly appear and then disappear, and the people in front of me and the memories in my mind changed." More than a dozen heroes who were alive before nodded.

"What are you talking about, what white light? That must be the Holy Light of the King of Martial Gods. After she eliminated the Anti-Monitor, she flew into the sky with the Holy Light and left the material world in the farewell of mankind on Earth." Atom Man wondered. road.

"Yes, we said goodbye to her just now and watched her fly into the sky and disappear." More heroes agreed.

"You are broken. I have the divine power of the God of War to protect my body. I did not lose consciousness in the light of time. I saw my eldest sister's head looks like she is knitting a sweater, and her hands are like this."

Saiboha stretched out his hand and gestured in the air, "Halfway through her knitting, the Anti-Monitor suddenly came over and roared loudly - Witch Harley, you are so brave, you should modify my reality."

She pinched her throat and imitated the rough and resonant voice of the anti-supervisory king.

"It turns out that the eldest sister is 'Witch Harley'. You will also call me 'Witch Harley' from now on. Well, I have grown up and am not young anymore. You might as well call me 'Little Witch Harley'."

"Then, the Anti-Monitor comes again?" Superman asked.

"With only one consciousness, the eldest sister mocked him and called him a coward, and she distorted his reality at will. What could he do? He wanted her to pay the price. Is he capable of this?

He could do nothing but bark impotently like a cowardly dog.

The anti-monitor was very angry when he heard this, shouted even louder, and even blasted the 'time magic' with his eldest sister through the super-time stream.

You have no idea how powerful the eldest sister is.

The torrent of time set off by the anti-monitor fell on the eldest sister, like rain hitting the banana trees, and there was only a little sound.

However, the eldest sister madly pursued him along the river of time, killing him until he howled and lost several clones in a row. "

Speaking of the excitement, Cyberha had forgotten his cyber body, and seemed to have become "Witch Harley", dancing and shouting forgetfully.

"In the end, the Anti-Monitor was completely killed?" Superman asked in anticipation.

"Didn't I say that he always only had one consciousness and didn't dare to show up in his true form. The eldest sister scolded her until her mouth was dry, and he didn't even dare to say a harsh word.

As long as he dares to send a message to the eldest sister, the eldest sister will follow the clues and find the owner of the consciousness, who is also the clone.

In desperation, the eldest sister can only return to the river of time in our universe, transform it into a new timeline where no tragedy occurs, and then she leaves."

Cyberha was stunned, and suddenly howled again, "Sister, you can't leave, my personal timeline is still a tragedy! I don't want a cyber body, I want--uh"

"What's wrong?" Superman asked curiously.

"Hey!" Saiboha clapped his hands and said with bright eyes: "The eldest sister really did not abandon me. She even said something to me in the new timeline - the soul becomes a god and the limbs regenerate.

Wow, there’s also the ‘Immortal Diamond Body’ curse tailor-made for me, which can injure the enemy as long as I’m hit. "

"Hahaha, it turns out that the eldest sister has such great expectations for me!" She threw her head back and laughed.

The most essential difference between parallel universes is the vibrational frequency.

In the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instrument, the number of the universe is not all related to the vibration frequency.

Just like choosing a name, there is a huge subjective element.

The order in which the main universe observes the parallel universes determines the number of each universe.

The frequency is closer to the main universe, the higher the similarity with the main universe, and the larger the size, the easier it is to be observed by people in the main universe, and thus the number is higher.

For example, a 52-node universe.

Divide the vibration frequency into 51 equal parts from the lowest to the highest, with a total of 52 nodes, each of which is a node universe, and the main universe vibration frequency is at the center.

The greater the difference in number between the node universes, the greater the difference in vibration frequency. The 52 nodes jointly support the entire "vibration spectrum" of Wantianyi.

The reason why node universes are numbered higher is that they contain more origins and are larger in size.

The difference between the vibration frequency and the main universe, the similarity with the timeline of the main universe, and its own body weight. These three factors determine how difficult it is for the parallel universe to be observed by the main universe, among which the body size has the greatest impact.

The division of "regions" is entirely determined by vibration frequency. The vibration frequencies of parallel universes in a region are within the same narrow range.

After Harley left universe 298, she went to universe 15654 next door.

The numbers of the two universes are very different, but their vibration frequencies are very close, and they are neighbors.

Well, the vibration frequency is an objective fact, and the number is a subjective view of the main universe. The easier it is to see the universe number, the higher it is.

That's why there is a very large number difference between neighboring universes in an area.

"Hey, why is there no one in universe 15654? Where are the anti-supervisors?" Old Jay asked doubtfully.

After arriving in the next universe, they did not see the Anti-Monitor, but there were fresh traces of battle on the earth.

"We made too much noise in Universe 298, and the anti-monitoring will of the nearby universe noticed it and ran away in advance. Perhaps the anti-monitoring will we encountered on the river of time came from the universe next door."

If you notice her arrival and run away in advance, you can at least preserve the power of creation you already have.

Anyway, my face has been completely lost, so if I don’t lose my face, I will try my best to seize the benefits.

Normal people would think so, so Harley was just upset and angry, not very surprised.

"Let's go. The universes in this 'community' probably have no anti-monitoring. We may go to the next area." She took Ivy and Old Lightning and left universe 15654.

"Aren't you going to fix it?" Ivy asked.

"Its origin is still intact, its timeline is stable, and it will not collapse on its own." Harley said.

Jay frowned and said: "But many of them died. I saw that the Pentagon and the White House were reduced to ashes. Why not help them reconstruct a timeline without sorrow and death like in the previous universe?"

Harley said calmly: "Universe 298 is about to collapse, and the river of time will also be destroyed, and destruction is the starting point of new life.

The river of time that is about to end has the destiny to restart. I obey the destiny and do it conveniently, getting twice the result with half the effort.

This timeline is now stable, with no signs of restarting. If I force a restart, not only will it be half the effort and a waste of energy, but I will also replace the will of all sentient beings in the universe with my own opinions.

Only people on earth experience grief and death, and only some of them.

Most people on earth, and everyone on other planets, definitely don’t want their timelines to be changed at will. "

Jay sighed and fell silent.

Ivy said: "I thought you would at least show up and show off in front of others, letting them all know that it was you who scared away the rebels and saved the world.

You had a lot of trouble in the last universe.

As soon as you appear, you will see angel wings covering the entire world, accompanied by music and holy light, allowing all living beings to 'remember' the history of the Martial God King. Ordinary people cheer for you, and believers kneel down to you devoutly. "

"Ahem, why bother? It looks gorgeous and complicated, but in fact, there is only one sentence in the 'Timeline Script'. It doesn't require much effort, and it doesn't even consume much power." Harley was a little proud, but also a little embarrassed.

"Now that you've written the script, why don't you test the effect yourself? The cyborg Harley of that world is still calling you," Ivy said.

Harley said disapprovingly: "What else is there to test? I love to show off, but there are levels of showing off.

If you care too much about showing off, you will look a little low. It's better to get over it and go away, leaving only your great name to be passed down forever. "

Several people were talking and had arrived in the third universe.

As Harley expected, the Anti-Monitor disappeared, leaving the earth devastated.

"What a crime!" Harley sighed, passing through the Sea of ​​Laws again and instilling the origin into the core of the universe.

This earth is a bit miserable. If we don't care about it, it may gradually collapse.

But this time she didn't change the timeline.

"I haven't found the counter-insurgent, but I have to save the many universes he left behind. The energy in my hand will be exhausted soon, so I have to use it sparingly now."

After that, she saved 15 universes one after another, and the anti-supervision source she had previously extracted was exhausted.

"The parallel universes in this area have not been checked yet. What should we do next? We cannot leave them alone. There are billions of lives in any universe." Jay said anxiously.

"Let's go to the next area immediately. After I kill a few counter-insurgents, there will be extra sources. Then I will come back to repair this area." Harley said.

"The origin of the anti-monitor in the anti-monitor body comes from Wan Tianyi, how can there be excess energy?" Jay worried.

"If a normal universe has 100 origin points, if the origin is less than 50, the structure will collapse and gradually move toward destruction.

Now it has been drained of 70 points of energy by anti-monitoring, leaving 30 points and is about to be destroyed.

I killed the anti-monitor and got no less than 70 energy points. I only had to use 21 energy points to replenish its origin to 51 points, barely maintaining its stability.

There are at least 49 points left that can be used to repair other universes.

Although these patched universes are crumblier than before, they can at least continue to exist.

When the anti-monitoring body is finally solved, the missing energy can be returned. " Harley explained.

"Oh, so it can be like this." Jay was relieved.

After all, Wan Tianyi is the territory of the monitor.

Wu Tan could not stop the tide of antimatter energy, but it was easy to find areas where antimatter energy was spreading.

Relying on Wu Tan's guidance, Harley completely broke away from the Dome and flickered alone in many parallel universes invaded by anti-surveillance.

Three days later, Wu Tan, who acted as an energy converter in the stomach bag dimension, stopped working and questioned: "Harley Quinn, are you stealing my power of creation?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm as busy as a dog. How can I have time to steal your power of creation?" Harley said angrily.

"I know exactly how much antimatter origin you have obtained. The power of creation you put into the parallel universe can also be clearly observed by the monitor satellite. As a result, there is now a 1% gap between the two data." Wu Tan said seriously.

——Fake, even if the energy is only 1% less, it can be detected. Why is your monitor satellite so awesome?

Harley was both surprised and grumpy at the same time.

Of course she has the power to steal creations.

Let Wu Tan be her own energy converter, and she will control the power of creation to repair the parallel universe, just to take the opportunity to embezzle some of the power of creation.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths more than ten years ago, her antimatter defense expertise had been raised to level 9.

But until today, well, the power of creation that was corrupted in the past three days has allowed the positive matter defense expertise to be upgraded by one level, and it is now level eight.

Over the years, she has been trying to find the Monitor to get some Power of Creation upgrade expertise, but she has never been able to find the opportunity.

After the Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, the Anti-Monitor died, and the Monitor also entered the stage of loading and resurrecting.

It wasn't until the Multiversal Reboot Crisis a few years later that the Monitor finally returned with the parallel universe.

But after rebirth, there were 51 monitors. Attacking one of them would inevitably alert the others, and they had been avoiding her, leaving her with no chance.

Waiting for the final crisis, Harley seized the opportunity in the "Monitor-Emperor Battle" on Earth 51, absorbed part of the power of creation from the dead Monitor, and raised her expertise level to level 7.

After that came the era of Wu Tan.

Wu Tan had a good relationship with her in his previous life, and she later helped him get reincarnated. The relationship between the two parties became even more friendly.

She couldn't take action against Wu Tan, which almost eliminated the possibility of improving her expertise.

This anti-surveillance crisis is a big crisis for the multiverse, and it is also a big trouble for Harley personally.

However, she had a flash of inspiration in her communication with Wu Tan, and found a big opportunity to turn danger into benefit: she snatched the source of anti-supervision, Wu Tan transformed it into the source of real matter, she embezzled part of it, and used the rest to repair the parallel universe.

It’s still the same theory as before: the standard universe has an origin of 100 points, and it will collapse when it falls below 50 points. She helped them make up for it to 99.5, leaving 0.5 as her reward. It was reasonable and everyone was happy.

She is not greedy either. If the resources are sufficient, she will take more. If the resources are insufficient, she will take less or nothing. On average, the rebate is about 1% each time.

Harley thought that her method was clever and she did it without anyone noticing.

Unexpectedly, it has only been three days. The three-day expertise has been upgraded from level seven to level eight. The total energy consumed is indeed a bit too much, but the 1% ratio has not changed.

"Doesn't an error of 1% mean there is no error? I can't even remember how many anti-surveillance clones I killed, how much energy I gained, and how many universes I saved. Can you figure it out?" Harley shouted.

"Don't say 1%, I can accurately calculate even a gap of one ten thousandth or one millionth. This is the power of the monitor." Wu Tan said solemnly.

"I don't know what the power of the monitor is. I'm just 100% sure that I don't have a particle of the power of creation in my body." Harley's tone was firmer than his, and there was a hint of grievance in her firmness.

After a pause, she continued: "Aren't you a master of actuarial science? You have always been in my body, and you can clearly see how much and how you use the power of creation.

If I stole the power of creation, why didn't you notice? I stole so much of the power of creation, where is it hidden? "

Wu Tan couldn't answer her question.

In fact, he noticed something was wrong on the first day, but as Harley said, every time she used the power of creation, she was under his supervision, and there was no chance to steal it, and there was no trace of the power of creation on her body.

Even if she is the witch Harley, an expert in stealing magic power, she cannot hide the aura of the power of creation on her body, because she is the master of the power of creation.

Well, I don’t blame Wu Tan for being ignorant, I can only say that Harley’s evolutionary treasure is too advanced.

"If you didn't steal, how did the 1% gap come about?" he asked.

"I don't know. I don't think there is any gap at all. In university physics experiments, errors below 5% are within the tolerance range. It is just 1%, which is almost no physical difference from 0%." Harley said.

"I have also studied in college and know about physical errors, but a 1% gap is not an error. The military expenditure of some countries is less than 1% of the total budget. Can it be approximately equal to 0?

When we increased spending by 0.1%, you Americans jumped up and down with excitement. Why didn't you ignore it then? "Wu Tan said excitedly.

Harley had a strange expression, "You are a monitor, not a member of the Celestial Empire."

——And you, a crooked nut, said to me, "You Americans," do you know how strange it is?

"I am a monitor and a human being. As a human being, I am a Chinese from Universe 51!" Wu Tan said.

"Alas, you are indeed a Chinese. Only qualified Chinese have such a strong sense of national identity. Even if they become 'gods', they will not deny their bloodline." Harley said with emotion.

Even now, she has never recognized her identity as a "American", even though her skin has become whiter, her eyes have become blue, and her hair has turned yellow.

"Don't change the topic." Wu Tan said.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. There are countless universes waiting for me to save. You can keep an eye on me to see if I stole your shit or you almost got in."

Although you transformed the power of creation, its ownership belongs to me!

If I want my own things, I can just take them freely. Why do I need to steal them? "

Harley was very excited, as if she was really wronged.

Wu Tan was silent for a moment and said: "Next time you use the power of creation to repair the universe, don't turn on God to come down to earth. Let me feel the whole process of using the power of creation."


Another half day later.

"Why is this happening?" Wu Tan was confused.

He was 100% sure that there was indeed no increase or residual power of creation in Harley's body.

She canceled "God's descent to earth", and his spiritual power could swim in her blood without any abnormality.

But after the power of creation is used by her, it will always be reduced by about 1%, and the power disappears out of thin air?

"Will there be losses in the process of repairing the universe? Every middle school student knows that heat energy cannot be converted into kinetic energy 100%, and there must be heat losses in the process of doing work." Harley asked.

"Every magic apprentice knows that power cannot be lost out of thin air." Wu Tan said.

"I'm talking about loss, and loss does not mean disappearance. In the process of repairing the universe, part of the power of creation is converted into a substance that you cannot detect.

Your Monitor satellite is man-made after all, and man-made machines always have their limitations. " Harley said.

"What substance will it be converted into? Only brand-new substances that have never appeared before can escape the detection of satellites." Wu Tan murmured.

"Well, even magic apprentices know that power will not be lost out of thin air. Since you are 100% sure that I do not have the power to intercept creation, it means that it is still in Wantianyi. The meat is always rotten in the pot, what are you worried about? "

Harry said with a hint of dissatisfaction, "The focus is now on fighting against surveillance, and we don't have time and energy to waste on such trivial matters."

"This is no small matter! Next, let me repair the universe. You are not a professional creator after all. Maybe the 'energy consumption' is a bit high." Wu Tan reluctantly agreed with the "energy consumption" statement.

"High energy consumption is a trivial matter! Spreading the 'historical facts of the King of Martial God' is a big deal." Harley's expression was serious, her voice was sonorous and powerful, full of momentum, "Everyone in the multiverse knows what kind of person I am.

I can't afford to get up early if it's not beneficial, but I can't get up early if it's beneficial.

In just three or four days, I was able to transform into the 'Wantianyi Flash' without resting for even a second. I even split into several clones and traveled back and forth across thousands of parallel universes. I relied on my merits of salvation, merits in heaven and 'God's power'. Love's practical benefits.

Without these benefits, where would I get the motivation?

Without motivation, my efficiency will be reduced by more than half, which is equivalent to saving hundreds of thousands of universes every day. Isn’t the life and death of hundreds of millions of human beings much more important than the inexplicable energy consumption? "

Wu Tan was speechless.

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